Free Thinking

Post on 31-May-2015

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An overview of Free Thinking in society. The presentation explains the drawbacks and advantages of Free Thinking using materials from many resources/sources. It is a visual essay

Transcript of Free Thinking




What Is Free Thinking

Liberation of the mind

Liberation of the soul

Unbiased mind

Unburdened mind


Tolerance of ideas




Free Thinking Does Not Mean

Ignoring the laws

Joining a counterculture

Peeing on holy pix and icons

Desecrating other people’s holy symbols

Making fun of other people’s religions

Burning flags

Vandalizing and terrorizing society

Destroying the fabric of society



Even if one does not agree with what society and people think, say, and do, it is best to invoke change the civilized way, not the revolutionary way that causes anguish, agony, embarrassment, harm and pain

Laertis 5

Free Thinking Does Not Mean

Becoming an atheist, agnostic or skeptic to just prove that everything can and should be explained with rational/logical thinking and must be proven scientifically. Free Thinking does not mean ignoring the metaphysical, spiritual and unworldly aspects of our existence. Free Thinking is about accepting it all … saying “Yes” to all. Remember that all options and solutions are available to us


But it also does not mean

Accepting the totally idiotic, ridiculous, absurd, unwise, and bizarre nonsense because then there is no progress

Stupid ideas , views, perspectives and opinions are as damaging as a bad dogma. One must somehow know what to espouse and accept and what to reject. And that is exactly where the rub is because people have different experiences, knowledge and other filters to make such decisions


Free Means Free

No lenses or restrictions from science, logic, reason, proven body of theory or knowledge, or dogma


Believe It Or Not

Most people cannot let go of the beliefs that they were taught by their parents, schools, churches and society. There is an innate fear that something bad will happen if they “let go” of their original and basic beliefs. The fear of being rejected by society (= not being accepted, not seen as normal, and not belonging) is extremely strong. This is the number one reason for “staying inside the box”

Laertis 9

“It Ain’t Easy Being Me”

Laertis 10

Being Different Is Not Being Wrong

Laertis 11

Don’t try to be a duckling if you are born to be a swan

However, Being Different Is Not Always Good Or Smart

Laertis 12

Being different does not necessarily denote brilliance

What Society Thinks

Laertis 13

Their ways are tried, tested and proven. Doing something

different is stupid and naive

The Very Invention Of Hell Is All About Not Fitting In

Laertis 14

Recognize That People and Society Are Not Always Sane

Laertis 15

They create their own Hell

Today’s Version Of Hell

Laertis 16

Remember That …

People make their beliefs their way of life and the basis for their attitude, viewpoints and actions. Changing one’s basic beliefs is very hard and even painful

Laertis 17

It Takes Courage To Change And Try Something Different

Laertis 18

It Takes Courage to Change The World

Laertis 19

Sometimes It Helps To Be Ignorant. Ignorance Is Bliss

Laertis 20

Formal (and partially wrong) Definition of Free Thinking “Free-think-er (n). A person who forms opinions

about religion on the basis of reason, independently of tradition, authority, or established belief

Freethinkers include atheists, agnostics and rationalists. No one can be a freethinker who demands conformity to a bible, creed, or messiah. To the freethinker, revelation and faith are invalid, and orthodoxy is no guarantee of truth.” –Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc.


Another Incomplete Definition “The concept of free thought refers to the process of

making decisions and arriving at beliefs without relying solely upon tradition, dogma, or the opinions of authorities. Usually the context of this is only in religion, although a person can be a freethinker in other areas as well. In place of tradition or dogma, freethinkers insist upon using reason, logic, and evidence as the bases for forming reasonable and justified beliefs. Superstition is rejected in favor of science. Most freethinkers are also atheists, although that is not required. It is possible to be an atheist without also being a freethinker, or to be a freethinker without also being an atheist.” – Austin Cline, Glossary of Religion & Philosophy at


Why Is Free Thinking Feared?

Because it insults most people’s faiths, values and beliefs


No words are required. Even

people that do not know anything

about Free Thinking realize that the

message on the sign is dead wrong


The Penalty Of Killing Free Thinking


However, this chart is not perfect. It is not Science alone that advances scientific ideas and expands

Cosmic Consciousness. There is a continuation of the Enlightenment

Age that impacts everything!

Does Free Thinking Promote Revolution?


It could

Consider This:


What They All Have in Common?


What Does It Take to Think Outside The Box

Laertis 31

No, Not This

First, Find The Right Environment

Laertis 32

Get Rid Of All Your Fears

Laertis 33

Know What “Your Box” Is

Laertis 34

Learn or Develop An Approach To Get Out Of The Box

Laertis 35

Examine Your Life. What Is Your Box?

Laertis 37

How Did You Get In The Box?Is The Box Worth It To You?

Laertis 38

Know Thy Self

Laertis 39

You cannot improve if you don’t know who or what you are

Some People Don’t Know That They Are In A Deep Box

Laertis 40

Laertis 41

Laertis 42

Laertis 43

Know Thy Self includes knowing your thoughts, dreams and aspirations

Change Values And Beliefs, if necessary

Laertis 44

Leave Reckless Ideals Behind

Laertis 45

Change You, If Necessary

Laertis 46

Best Time To Change

Laertis 47

(Organized Religion)

Then, Let Your Mind Roam Outside The Box

Laertis 48


Allow Your Mind To Roam

Laertis 49

Give yourself permission to think whatever it wants w/o being bashful, shamed, or embarrassed. It’s OK to dream and to think

Remove Remaining Obstacles

Laertis 50


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Laertis 54

Remember That:

Laertis 55

Laertis 56

It’s not this easy

Knowledge Is An Ecosystem

Laertis 57

Allow Gnosis to Transform You

Laertis 58

Remember that Gnosis Can Cause Trouble

Laertis 59

One can be ostracized from his/her own family, friends and society.

Mean spirited people will assign all kind of labels to the people that their ideas do not fit with their own. They may even kill them

Seek The Truth

Laertis 60

A life full of lies is not worth living because it loses its meaning, its purpose and its destiny. Such a life is worthless and meaningless

The Truth About Most People

Laertis 61

They live lives full of lies and falsehoods in a make-believe world. They expire without ever knowing the

truth about themselves, life, Oneness, or The (Life)Force. They are happy to just fit in society and survive life.

Seek The Wizard

Laertis 62

Some people are wise. Seek their

opinion and views. It makes the

journey “home” so much shorter

Seek Enlightenment

Laertis 63

There is no ultimate truth and no ultimate knowledge. It is an endless journey

Laertis 64

Seek Higher Levels Of Consciousness

Laertis 65

Samples Of Free Thinking

Why is it when Government takes something that isn’t theirs against the will of the owner it’s called Taxation, but when I do it’s called Theft?

Why is it when the Government takes a life without the persons consent it’s called War, but when I do it’s called Murder?


Samples Of Free Thinking

Why is it against the law to run a ponzi scheme, but it is OK for the Government to run ponzi schemes, such as Social Security and Medicare?

Why is it that some people are called Royals and have the right to rule a country without being elected? Why was ‘blue blood’ granted to the strongest or most cunning man?


Samples Of Free Thinking

Society and Government are nothing more than a key mechanism to survival. Some people do not need such a mechanism to survive or thrive. It is forced on all of us as our gift from God. We all have to fit and conform. The alternative is to be incarcerated or killed. They call this freedom!

Governments used to be nothing more than a leader and his cohorts/gang that took over by force and then held onto power by brainwashing the masses into blindly following them


