FREE Kindy Program - Logan City

Post on 27-Apr-2022

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Transcript of FREE Kindy Program - Logan City

FREE Kindy Program

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The Watch Out Waste Program has been helping schools and Early Learning Centres

(ELCs) in Logan reach their Waste Minimisation Goals since 1998.

This year, we’re asking ELCs to take their waste journey to the next level, and to share

their experiences along the way.

How can your centre level up?

Really good waste management doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult to achieve!

Here’s some examples of what it might look like for your ELC:

¢ Fruit scraps feed a compost bin; ¢ All paper is recycled; ¢ Nude Food Days are celebrated once a term; or ¢ There is no Styrofoam in your catering packaging.

What do you need?

A small team of staff that are willing to motivate their peers to steadily introduce new

habits into the centre. This team will help gather information about waste at your centre

and to identify opportunities for improvement.

What does the program offer?

Access to:

¢ Lesson for your pre-prep age group; ¢ Ongoing support from an experienced waste educator; ¢ Staff professional development workshops (virtual); ¢ News and story sharing.

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Dear Directors and Centre staff,

In 2020, Logan City Council launched an exclusive waste education program for Early Learning Centres and

Kindergartens. This program provided an opportunity to access in-class presentations on waste minimisation

topics, as well as professional development (PD) training modules. This year, we are very excited to expand into the

new Logan Watch Out Waste Kindy Program.

We are asking ELCs to take a bigger step into achieving waste minimisation! Across the Council area, centres like

C&K Flagstone, Canterbury College Kindergarten, Rochedale Community Child Care Centre, and of course many

others, have taken big steps towards reducing their waste, and their waste bill. We want to assist other centres who

may be at various stages of this journey as much as we can. We are offering Logan's Watch Out Waste Kindys:

¢ A goal oriented, Waste Management Plan developed in collaboration with the Watch Out Waste team; ¢ Three (3) online staff development training modules, focussing on how waste and recycling works, and

how to achieve waste minimisation; ¢ Access to a monthly digest of schools and kindys in Logan who are achieving waste management, and an

opportunity to feature in these; ¢ Access to activity packs with videos and activities on waste minimisation in Logan; ¢ On-going support and follow-ups from one of our waste educators; and ¢ Access to one in-class presentation on a topic of your choice for your pre-prep age group.

This program will provide support to centres to meet their sustainability accreditation requirements as outlined in

the National Quality Standards. The Logan Watch Out Waste Kindy Program will be available to all Early Learning

Centres, Childcare Centres and Kindergartens within the Logan Region.

In order to participate, we ask that you please complete the attached Expression of Interest Form. This will tell us a

little bit about the waste at your centre and where to start thinking about goals. Once you have registered your

centre, we encourage you to distribute the training modules to your teaching staff so they may increase their

knowledge on the topics.

We look forward to working with your centre on your waste minimisation journey!

Kind Regards,

Alix Baltais Program Co-ordinator Watch Out Waste Team

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Centre Waste Planning The National Quality Framework, in line with Queensland Regulation, is committed to the reduction of waste in

centres. Centres are encouraged to reduce waste and exploring waste management solutions. Here’s how the

Watch Out Waste (WOW) Education Program can help.

Register and Fact Find Complete the registration form, including as much information as possible

about your waste collection and minimisation journey so far

Pick Your Team! Select a group of staff and some children including:

Ÿ Children (e.g. pre-prep group) Ÿ Senior leadership (e.g. Director) Ÿ Support staff (e.g. cleaning, caterers, administration) Ÿ Educators (e.g. from any roles within the centre) Ÿ Any other champions of sustainability

Initial Consultation Conduct a walk-through consultation with a Watch Out Waste Educator

Planning and Brainstorming Session After the walk-through consultation, the Waste Educator will

meet with your team. The group will discuss ways to avoid,

minimise, and redirect waste, and establish some focus areas

Waste Management Plan Once the session is complete, our Waste Educator

will prepare a skeleton plan that is tailored to

your centre, incorporating solutions from the

Initial Consultation and Planning Brainstorming

Session. Your team can adapt the plan as desired

Implement Your centre and the chosen representatives will now be

responsible for the delivery of the actions outlined in the

Waste Management Plan

Continue to Learn Educators and staff in your team are invited to participate in online staff

development sessions on waste minimisation topics (approx. 6 x 45mins)

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Terms & Conditions 1. EnviroCom is launching the Logan Watch Out Waste Kindy program, which provides online professional

development and training on behalf of Logan City Council to recognise Early Learning Centres, Childcares and

Kindergartens in Logan who are actively taking steps to reduce their waste to landfill.

2. The Watch Out Waste (WOW) Kindy program will be open to staff in Early Learning Centres, Childcares and

Kindergartens in Logan (Centres) who have: a. previously participated in the professional development workshops or demonstrated a willingness for

active engagement; and b. completed both an expression of interest form and a registration form.

3. The first stage of the WOW Kindy program will proceed as follows: a. Centre registers for WOW Kindy Program by providing waste service information via online survey; b. Centre receives an education package from EnviroCom including three (3) pdf training modules to be

completed by Centre staff; and c. Individual Centre staff members enrol in WOW Kindies and complete three (3) online quizzes

(composting, worm farming and waste management) to assess their understanding of the training


4. Once 75% of Centre staff have adequately passed the three (3) online quizzes the Centre will beeligible to complete the second stage of the WOW Kindy program.

5. Only 15 eligible Centres will be invited to proceed to the second stage of the WOW Kindy program.

6. The second stage of the WOW Kindy program will proceed as follows: a. A waste consultant from EnviroCom attends the Centre, meeting with the Director and any 'waste

champions' to discuss waste management in the Centre; b. The EnviroCom consultant provides the Centre with a suite of educational resources including posters,

waste audit data sheets, videos, bin inspection data sheets and a waste generation calculator; c. Centre receives a follow up email from the waste consultant with three (3) actionable items requiring

completion within a three (3) month timeframe; d. Centre works on actionable items over the following three (3) months; and e. Centre provides evidence (e.g. photos) to EnviroCom to demonstrate actions completed along with

updated waste generation and servicing information.

7. Centres that complete the second stage of the WOW Kindy program are rewarded with: a. Recognition as a 'Logan Watch Out Waste Kindy’ as well as public acknowledgement of this achievement

on the Logan City Council Website; b. 1 x framed certificate; and c. 1 x 30 minute incursion for children at the centre (for pre-prep age group only).

To express your interest in the Logan Watch Out Waste Kindy Program, please complete the

form below. Please provide as much detail as possible for all questions in order to get the

most out of the program for your school’s students and staff.

Centre name

Expression of Interest Form

Centre address

Est. number of all staff

Est. number of children

Contact name(s)

Email address(es)

Phone number

Centre hours

To accurately calculate the waste collection capacity at your Centre, what waste services do you

currently have in place? Please give quantity, volume / measurements, and waste collection type. e.g.

1x general waste wheelie bin (240L), 1x compost bin, 1x worm farm, 1x recycling wheelie bin (240L).

Why do you want to participate in the Watch Out Waste KindyProgram?

Do you have any existing waste minimisation initiatives at your Centre? e.g. Nude Food, 10c collection

What are the top three things you would like to implement within your Centre to reduce waste?

What topic(s) would your staff be most interested to learn about during the six (6) online webinars?

Composting The Recycling Process The Waste Hierarchy

Worm Farming Circular Economy Other:

Landfill Management Conducting a Waste Audit

Every effort will be made to accommodate interested centres, however spaces are limited. To avoid disappointment, please return your completed form as soon as possible.

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