Free Download: How to know your most cherished consumers on a much deeper level

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Transcript of Free Download: How to know your most cherished consumers on a much deeper level


How to know your most cherished consumers on a much deeper level

Brands need to build a passionate and lasting love with their consumers. How can brand leaders replicate Apple's brand lovers lined up in the rain to buy the latest iPhone before they even know the phone’s features, the Ferrari

fans who paint their faces red every week, even though they know they will likely never drive a Ferrari in their lifetime, the ‘Little Monsters’ who believe they are nearly best friends with Lady Gaga, the 400,000 outspoken Tesla brand advocates who put $1,000 down for a car that does not even exist yet or the devoted fans of In-N-Out

Burger who order animal-style burgers off the ‘secret menu' no one else knows about? Every brand should want this type of passion and power with their consumers. It takes a smart strategy to balance the rational and

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emotional management of the brand-to-consumer relationship. Yes, these brands are all special. What makes them

so special is how well they treat their consumers, and make them feel loved.

The consumers of today must be cherished and ‘won-over’. Consumers are surrounded by a clutter of 5,000 brand messages a day that fight for a glimpse of their attention. That is 1.8 Million per year, or one message every

11 waking seconds. Consumers are constantly distracted—walking, talking, texting, searching, watching, replying—most times at the same time. They glance past most brand messages all day long. Their brain quickly rejects boring, irrelevant or unnecessary messages. Brands must capture the consumer’s imagination right away, with a big idea that is simple, unique, inspiring and creates as much excitement as a first-time encounter.

Consumers are tired of being burned by faulty brand promises. Once lied to, their well-guarded instincts begin to doubt first, test second, and at any point, they will cast aside any brand that does not live up to the original promise that captured them on the first encounter. A brand must be worthy of love. The best brands of today have

a soul that exists deep within the culture of the brand organization. The brand’s purpose must be able to explain why the people who work behind the scenes of the brand come to work everyday so energized and

ready to over-deliver on the brand’s behalf. This purpose becomes an immovable

conviction, with inner motivations, beliefs and values that influences and inspires every employee to want to be part of

the brand. This brand conviction must be so strong; the brand would never make a choice that is in direct contradiction with their inner belief system. Consumers start to see,

understand and appreciate the level of conviction with the brand. Consumers become willing to open up, they identify with the brand and they trust the brand. The integrity behind the brand helps tighten the consumer’s unshakable bond with the brand.

Brands must listen, observe and start to know the thoughts of their consumer before they even think it. Not only

does the brand meet their needs, the brand must heroically beat down the consumer’s ‘enemy’ that torments their life, every day. The brand must show up consistent at every consumer touch-point, whether it is the promise they make, the stories they tell, the innovation designed to surprise consumers, the easy purchase moments or the

delightful consumer experiences that make consumers want to tell their friends about. The consumer keeps track in the back of their mind to make sure it all adds up before they commit. Only then, will the consumer trust the brand. Brands have to do the little things that matter, to show they love their consumer. Every time the brand over-delivers on their promise, it adds a little fuel to the romance each and every time. Over time, the brand must

weave itself into the most important moments of the consumer’s lives, and become part of the most cherished stories and memories they have within their heart.

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A good target not only decides who is in your target but who is not in

your target.


Everything starts with a focused customer target

Instead of figuring out who you want, focus on who wants you by picking the target that is most motivated by what you do.

Who is your consumer target? The 7 key questions to define the consumer target:

1. What is the description of the consumer target? 2. What are the consumer’s main needs? 3. Who is the consumer’s enemy that torments them everyday? 4. What are the insights we know about the consumer? 5. What does the consumer think now? 6. How does the consumer buy? 7. What do we want them to see, think, do, feel or whisper to their friends?

One of the biggest mistakes I see Marketers make is when they pick too big of a target market. A smart target market not only decides who is in the target but who is not in the target. There is this myth that a bigger target will make the brand bigger, so the scared Marketer targets ‘everyone’. There seems to be an irrational fear of leaving someone out. Spreading your brand’s limited resources across an entire population is completely cost-prohibitive. While targeting everyone “just in case” might feel safe at first, it is actually riskier because you are spreading your resources so broadly, that you never see the full impact you want to see. This gives your brand a lower return on investment and eventually will drain your brand’s limited resources. Please focus.

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Whatyour brand does best

Match Upthe consumer wants to your brand assets

Consumer Target ProfileTarget Name Pro-Active Preventers

Target Description

• Suburban working women, 35-40, who are willing to do whatever it takes to stay healthy. They run, workout and eat right. For many, Food can be a bit of a stress-reliever and escape.

Their needs • Great tasting food, satisfy craving, healthy choices, maintain weight.Their enemy • Guilt, failure, out of control diet, temptation.

Insights that tell their story

• “I have tremendous will-power. I work out 3x a week, watch what I eat to maintain my figure. But we all have weaknesses and cookies are mine. I just wish they were less bad for you”

• “I read labels of everything I eat. I stick to 1500 calories per day, and will find my own ways to achieve that balance.”

What do they think now?

• I have only recently heard of Gray’s Cookies. I’ve tried them a few times and did like them. I wouldn’t say I use them all the time.

How are they buying?

• Most have been influenced by friends who have tried. Those who are buying, still do so less frequently than their normal favorite cookies. The household has yet to adopt the product. The mom uses it when she’s trying to diet.

We want them to think/feel/do

• See: Get noticed so consumers are aware of Gray’s, see it on shelf, see actual product.• Think: Gray’s might be a healthy alternative to my favorite cookies. • Do: Try Grays to see if they like the great taste.• Feel: Feel more in control with Gray’s as part of their routine, feeling less guilt. • Whisper: Tell their friends they love Gray’s, and share the success they are having.

Every time I go to the Airport, I see the shoe-shine person looking down at people’s feet, looking for people wearing leather shoes, I am reminded how simple it is to target those consumers who are the most motivated by what you do. Sure, they could be missing out on the very few people who have leather shoes in their suitcase. However, profiling consumers is a smart way to maximize your return on effort. If a shoe-shine person can narrow the focus of their target to people wearing leather shoes, why is it so difficult for you to narrow down your target to those who care the most about what your brand does?

Who wants you?

Instead of going after who you want, go after those consumers who want you. To illustrate this point, we look at types of potential target markets: 1. Selling Target: This is pretty much everyone,

selling to anyone who comes in the door and wants to buy, regardless if they fit your ideal target. This should never be a Marketing target. You should never spend your limited dollars against this large of a target, when you have not seen any signs that everyone will respond enough to the brand’s message to provide an efficient pay back.

2. Marketing Target: The smartest Brand Leaders know their ideal consumer target. With increased access to data, you know more about potential consumers. Just like the shoe-shine person, you should focus your limited resources on those consumers you know will respond to the advertising and your new product offering. This provides the fastest and highest return on investment.

3. Program Target: When working on a specific campaign, narrow the target even further. These are the people you want to stimulate to see if you can get them to see, think, feel or do. A specific program target is smart when launching a new product, or lining up to a specific time of year (Back to School).

The case of the crazy bank who wanted to target everyone

I was working with a bank who told me their target market for a first time mortgage (home loan) was 18-65, new customers, current customers and employees. Sarcastically, I said, “You have forgotten tourists and prisoners”. As I pressed to help them narrow their consumer target, they pushed back saying they did not want to alienate anyone “just in case”. I cringed at the word ‘alienate’ and the idea of ‘just in case’. Sure, the odd 64-year-old might be tired of renting for the past 40 years, but they would not be offended having a 32-year-old in the advertising. The age target that is the most motivated by a mortgage ad would be 28-33. I narrowed their target to 1% of the population with one simple phrase, “Looking to buy a house”. This is equal to wearing leather shoes for the shoe shine person. No one buys a house on impulse and no one ever wanted a mortgage, without buying a house. Consumers usually spend 6-12 months looking for a house. This is complete common sense, but why was it lost on the bank? Think about the difference the focused target makes on the Marketing.

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Selling Target

Marketing Target

Program Target

Instead of randomly advertising to everyone on mass media, the brand can focus their limited resources where the consumer would be most open to your message. Advertise on real estate websites, use billboards outside new housing developments and use radio ads on Saturday afternoon when people are looking at new homes. I persuaded the bank to narrow the target to: “28-33, looking to buying a house within the next 6 months and nervous about their debt load.” You will be much more successful convincing a focused and motivated segment of the population to choose your brand because the promise matches up perfectly to what they want.

Realizing not everyone can like you is the first step to focusing all your attention on those few who can love your brand. Who can love your brand the most? There are various ways to divide up the market to identify the most motivated possible audience. Here are three main ways to segment the market: • Consumer profiling: Demographics are the easiest way to segment. While some resist demographics, you

will eventually have to put someone in the ad and likely buy media using age. Then add in socio-economic, geographic, and how they shop. Make the choice to focus on either current or new customers, never both. Trying to drive penetration and usage at the same time will drain your resources. These are two dramatically different targets needing different messaging, media and potentially different product offerings.

• Consumer Behavior: Divide the market based on consumer need states, purchase occasions, life stages or life moments. Divide the market based on purchase behavior, perceptions or beliefs.

• Consumer Psychographics: Psychographics look at shared common behaviors such as the consumer’s shared lifestyle, personality, values or attitudes.

Segmentation should force focus. Do not spend tons of money on a segmentation study and then try to figure out how to go after each segment with a completely different brand message. I have seen Marketer do this and it is borderline crazy. That is not the right way to use these studies. A brand can only ever have one reputation.

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Consumer Segmentation

Consumer Profiling




Consumer Behavior




Consumer Psychographics

Attitudes Current or New customers

Benefit need states

Purchase occasion

Purchase behavior

Perceptions and beliefs

What are the needs of your consumer? If you can make consumers buy, then you will never have to sell. The best brands do not go after consumers, they get consumers to crave the brand and come after the brand. The process I will take you through is to look at matching up the needs of what your consumers want and need, with what your brand does best. The first thing you need to understand is what your consumers are looking for.

I have mapped out 9 functional consumer need states to help you understand the potential spaces your brand can play in:

The possible functional needs

I have also mapped out 8 emotional consumer need states to help you understand the various emotional spaces your brand can play in:

The possible emotional needs

These need states mean something different for each category, but should be a good starting point for you to brainstorm specific words that fit your own brand situation.

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Functional and Emotional Need States

FunctionalNeed States

EmotionalNeed States

Makes you smarterWorks Better

Helps your


Helps you be healthier

Sensory Appeal

Simplifies your life

Saves you money


Curious for knowledge

Sense of optimism

Stay in control

Feel comfortable

Feel myself

Feel liked

Feel free

Get noticed

Stay Connected

Functional and Emotional Need States

FunctionalNeed States

EmotionalNeed States

Makes you smarterWorks Better

Helps your


Helps you be healthier

Sensory Appeal

Simplifies your life

Saves you money


Curious for knowledge

Sense of optimism

Stay in control

Feel comfortable

Feel myself

Feel liked

Feel free

Get noticed

Stay Connected

Who is your consumer’s enemy? While products solve small problems, the best brands beat down the enemies that torment their consumers every day. Put yourself in the shoes of your consumer and find their biggest frustration pain point they feel no one is even noticing or addressing.

Put yourself in the shoes of the Starbucks consumer, a 38-year-old mom with two kids. She wakes up at 6:15am, not only to get ready for work, but to get everyone in the house ready for their day. She drops off one kid at daycare at 7:30am, the other at public school at 7:45 and then rushes into the office by 8:30 am. She drives a van, not because she wants to, but because it is great for carrying equipment for after-school activities, including soccer, dance, tutoring and ice hockey. Her only appreciations are hugs at the end of a long day. Just after getting both to bed, she slinks into her bed exhausted. Her enemy is her hectic life. The Starbucks brand fights her enemy, by providing a 15-minute moment of escape between work and home. No play land, just nice leather seats. No loud screams, just soft acoustic music. The cool 21-year-old college student not only knows her name, but her favorite drink.

If you want to understand your consumer’s pain points, think of how you would project their enemy and express how your brand fights that enemy on their behalf. Shifting from solving a rational consumer problem to beating down an emotional consumer enemy is the starting point to reaching into the emotional need state of your consumer. Disney fights off the consumer enemy of ‘growing up’. Nike fights the consumer enemy of ‘giving up’. Apple fight off the consumer enemy of ‘frustration’.

Who is the enemy of your consumer?

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While products solve regular problems, the most beloved brands beat down the enemies that torment us every day.

Starbucks “Hectic Life”

Disney “growing up”

Nike “Losing”

Special K “Jeans are too tight”


Staples“Business is complicated”

FedEx “Hate to wait”

Facebook “Fear of Losing touch”

Volvo“Other drivers”

Consumer Insights Consumer Insights are little secrets hidden beneath the surface, that explain the underlying behaviors, motivations, pain points and emotions of your consumers. Brands should think of consumer insights as a potential competitive advantage, equal in importance to intellectual property. Insights enable brands to connect with their consumers on a deeper emotional level, showing ‘we get you’. Done right, smart consumer insights get consumers to stop and listen to your brand’s promise or brand story, engage in the latest innovation and believe the consumer experiences fits perfect with their life.

The dictionary definition of the word Insight is “seeing below the surface”. Too many Marketers think that data, trends and facts are insights. Keep looking, listening and digging to get beneath the facts. Ask yourself, “So what does that mean for the consumer?” until you see the ‘Why’ that explains the cause of the consumer’s behavior. Ask questions that force you deeper, avoiding the cliches that keep you stuck at the surface level and stop you from getting to the deep, rich, and meaningful consumer insights.

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Consumer Insights are little secrets hidden beneath the surface, that explain the underlying behaviors,

motivations, pain points and emotions of your consumers.

360-degree mining for Consumer Insights Build a complete picture of the consumer by looking at multiple sources to help find consumer insights. Start with market data, then add observations, voice of the consumer, emotional needs and life moments:

1. What we can read: A lot of Brand Managers get stuck here, using facts only as their insight. But it is not very insightful as it adds nothing about what is in the consumer’s mind. It keeps you stuck at the surface level. Using available data such as market share results, tracking studies or category trends, look for underlying explanations of the data breaks, drivers, inhibitors, as well as new trends happening with consumers, channels and competitors. Tell the story behind the data.

2. What we see: Use observations of the consumer reactions, coming from focus groups, product tests, ad testing and direct consumer engagements that can add to the insights. Watch the way they respond.

3. What we hear: Listen to the Voice of Consumer (VOC), assessing consumer comments on social media, brand reviews, market research. Listen for specific word choices in the consumer’s language.

4. What we sense: Use the emotional need states to understand the consumer’s potential emotional moods. 5. Day in the Life Moments: Map out the consumer’s life with explanations of underlying behaviors,

motivations, pain points and emotions at any point of the day. Draw conclusions on how their life impacts their path to purchase.

Once you have completed all 5 areas of the 360-degree mining, get in the consumer’s shoes, observe, listen and understand how they think, act, feel and behave. Understand their fears, motivations, frustrations and desires. Learn their language and their voice. Learn their secrets, that only they know, even if they cannot explain.

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5 stages of mining for Consumer Insights

Consumer Insights in ‘Quit-Smoking’ business Quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do. Here’s how I used the 360-degree mining for consumer insights. The starting data point was, “Studies show smokers will try to quit cold turkey over 7 times before reaching for a smoking aid to help them quit.” Adding observations from focus groups, I could sense how

smokers become very agitated, talking about ‘how frustrated they are with their failed attempts to quit smoking’. When I listened further, I heard them say, “I feel guilty that I can’t quit. I know it’s expensive. But whenever I quit, I’m really not myself. I get so irritable that I give up”. Using the emotional need states, I gravitated to the consumer’s lack of confidence to quit, and how smokers feel out of control whenever they try to quit. Observing how quitting smoking fits into their lives, I could see how they take their misery from trying to quit out on those around them. Their friends would rather they keep smoking, than have to deal with the terrible version of themselves.

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Case Study

We make brands stronger. We make brand leaders smarter.

Explanations of data breaks, drivers,

inhibitors, trends with consumers, channels,


Observe consumer reactions in focus groups, product tests, ad

testing, direct consumer engagements to add to insights.

Listen to Voice of Consumer (VOC) with comments on

social media, brand reviews, market

research. Look for word choices.

Use our emotional need state cheat

sheet to understand potential emotional


Map out your consumer’s life,

understanding the underlying behaviors,

motivations, pain points and emotions on the

path to purchase.

What we see (observations)


What we read (Facts/Data)

What we hear (Consumer Voice)


The Functional and Emotional Need States

EmotionalNeed States

Curious for knowledge

Sense of optimism

Stay in control

Feel comfortable

Feel myself

Feel liked

Feel free

Get noticed

What we sense (Emotional Needs)Life Moments

(Day in the life)


The 360 mining for consumer insights

360-degree mining for Consumer Insights among smokers

The consumer insight (Connection point) I drew out was: “I know I should quit. I’ve tried to quit so many times, it’s ridiculous. I’m not myself, I’m grouchy, irritable and feel out of control. Quitting smoking sucks!” When I shared this secret back to smokers who want to quit, they say, “Yup, that’s exactly how I feel”.

The consumer enemy (Pain Point) I came up with was: “I fear quitting smoking will bring out the monster in me, tuning me into the worst version of myself.”

How to write meaningful Consumer Insights Force yourself to get in the shoes of your consumer and use their voice. Every consumer insight should start with the word “I” to get into the shoes of the consumer and then put the insight in quotes to use their voice. Here are some examples of good and bad consumer insights:

Lousy, boring insights end up flat Good insights inspire creativity• Quit Smoking: Studies show smokers will

try to quit cold turkey 7 times before reaching for a smoking aid to help quit.

• Quit Smoking: “I know I should quit. I’ve tried to quit so many times, it’s ridiculous. I’m not myself, I’m grouchy, irritable and feel out of control. Quitting Smoking Sucks!”

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Consumers lack the confidence to quit, and they feel out of control when they

make an attempt to quit.

What we sense (Emotional Zones)


“I feel guilty that I can’t quit. I know it’s expensive. But when I do, I’m really

not myself. I get so irritable that I give up”

What we hear (Consumer Voice)


Consumers will attempt to quit smoking on their own 7.2 times, before reaching

for a quit smoking aid.

What we read (Facts/Data)


Each time I quit, I’m miserable. I take it out on those around me,

my friends, my wife. I think they’d almost rather I smoke than have to deal with me.

Insight Statement (Connection Point)“I know I should quit. I’ve tried to quit so

many times, it’s ridiculous. I’m not myself, I’m grouchy, irritable, out of control.

Quitting smoking sucks.”

Life Moments (Day in the life)


Smokers become agitated when talking about quitting smoking.

You can see how frustrated they are with their failed attempts.

What we see (observations)


Case Study: 360 mining for consumer insights among smokers

Consumer Enemy (Pain Point)“I fear quitting smoking will bring out the monster in me, tuning me into the worst

version of my personality.”

Consumer Insights must show up at every consumer touch-point As brands are looking for that quick entry into the consumers mind, consumer insights should show up in all five consumer touch-points including the brand promise, brand story, innovation, purchase moment and consumer experience.

Harness those secrets to inspire, educate and challenge everyone who works on the brand to find ways to quickly connect with consumers, accurately reflecting how the consumer feels. Use insights to inspire your creative agencies, product development teams, and shopper marketing teams. The operations team who deliver the consumer experience should leverage the insights everyday. Bring the consumer insights into the forefront of the organizational purpose, values and expected behaviors.

Knowing the secrets of your consumers can be a very powerful asset. The best brand communication should be like whispering an inside-joke to your consumers, that only you and your friend get. When the Consumer Insight connects, it makes consumers stop and say, “That’s exactly how I feel. I thought I was the only one who felt like that.” When portrayed with the brand’s message, whether through packaging, advertising or at the purchase moment, the consumer will think the brand is just for them.

• For a Bank: Recent research shows customers would use the bank 3.4x/month and spend $56 more/month if our Bank were open till 8pm.

• For a Bank: “I am so busy driving my kids around, I can never get to the bank during banking hours. I wish there was a bank that worked around my life, rather than me working around the banks’ life”.

• Cookie: I love cookies and would love to eat a low calorie cookie that tastes great. I would buy that brand.

• Cookie: “I have tremendous will-power. I work out 3x a week, watch what I eat to maintain my figure. But we all have weaknesses and cookies are mine. I just wish they were less bad for you. I feel guilty.”

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Promise Brand Story Innovation Purchase Moment Experience

Brand Positioning

Advertising and Communication


Selling and Retail

Operationsand Culture

Consumer Insights come to life when they are told in such a captivating way that makes consumers stop and say “Hmmm, that’s exactly how I feel. I

thought I was the only one who felt like that.”

Consumer insights should show up in every planning tool you use, to provide an anchor to writing brand concepts for new products, for finding the big ideas, at the start of all creative briefs and as the inspiration for media plans.

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. We believe that consumer insights are one of the most important intellectual properties a brand can own. Everyone has access to similar data. It is what you do with it that makes the difference for the brand.

If you need any help with training or workshops on consumer centricity, feel free to reach out to me.

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Consumer insights are the starting point for

the brand’s Consumer

Benefits Ladder

Consumer insights help consumers to

connect quickly with Concepts

Consumer insights allows us to build a

BIG IDEA that creates a bond between

brand and consumersConsumer

insights in the Creative Brief

inspires Agency to make great


Build Media Plans around Consumer

insights at each stage of the buying system

Consumer Insights should anchor every planning toolBenefits Ladder

Consumer Target

Product features

Functional benefits

Emotional benefits

We make brands stronger and brand leaders smarter. Our role is to challenge you to think differently about your future, so that you can realize your full potential.

We will unleash the full potential of your brand. We will lead a 360-degree assessment of your business, help you define your Brand Positioning, create a Big Idea that will transform your brand’s soul into a winning brand reputation and help you build a strategic Brand Plan everyone who works on the brand can follow. Here’s how we can help your brand:

• We lead a 360-degree assessment of your business, looking at the marketplace, consumers, channels, competitors and the brand.

• We help you define your brand, with a simple, unique, inspiring, motivating and own-able Brand Positioning Statement.

• We will create a Big Idea that will transform your brand’s soul into a winning brand reputation. • We help you build a strategic Brand Plan that everyone who works on the brand can follow• We coach on Marketing execution, helping to tighten the bond with your consumers and drive brand

growth• We will make your team of Brand Leaders smarter so they produce exceptional work that drives

stronger brand results. We offer brand training on strategic thinking, brand analytics, brand planning, brand positioning, creative briefs and marketing execution.

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We make brands stronger. We make brand leaders smarter.

Graham spent 20 years in Brand Management leading some of the world’s most beloved brands at Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, General Mills and Coke, rising up to VP Marketing. In his career, he has won numerous Advertising and Innovation awards. Graham played a major role in helping Pfizer win Marketing Magazine’s “Marketer of the Year” award.

Graham started Beloved Brands believing he could make brands stronger and brand leaders smarter. Graham will challenge you and your team to think differently and strategically. He leads workshops that will help define your Brand Positioning Statement, create a Big Idea for your brand, and write Brand Plans to motivate and focus everyone that works on the brand. He will build Brand Management training programs that will help unleash the full potential of your team, so your team can produce exceptionally smart work that drives stronger brand results.

The Beloved Brands robust client roster has included the NFL Players Association, Reebok. Acura, Shell, Jack Link’s, 3M, Melitta, Capital One and Pfizer.

Graham Robertson at Beloved Brands One of the voices of today’s Brand Leaders.

Beloved Brands Training program At Beloved Brands, we can build a Brand Management Training Program, to unleash the full potential of your Marketing team

1. How to think strategically: Strategic Thinking is an essential foundation for Brand Leaders, so they ask big questions that challenge and focus their decisions. We teach Brand Leaders how to think strategically, to ask the right questions before reaching for solutions, mapping out a range of decision trees that intersect and connect by imagining how events will play out. We take Brand Leaders through the 7 elements of good strategy: vision, opportunity, focus, speed, early win, leverage and gateway. We introduce a forced choice to help Marketers make focused decisions. We teach the value of asking good questions, using five interruptive questions to help frame your brand’s strategy. This helps to look at the brand’s core strength, consumer involvement, competitive position, the brand’s connectivity with the consumers and the internal situation the brand faces. We show how to build strategic statements to set up a smart strategic brand plan.

2. Write smarter Brand Plans: A good Brand Plan helps make decisions to deploy the resources and provides a road map for everyone who works on the brand. We demonstrate how to write each component of the Brand Plan, looking at brand vision, purpose, values, goals, key Issues, strategies and tactics. We provide definitions and examples to inspire Marketers on how to write each component. We provide a full mock brand plan, with a framework for you to use on your own brand. We offer a workshop that allows Marketers to try out the concept on their own brand with hands on coaching with feedback to challenge them. At each step, we provide the ideal format presentation to management. We offer unique formats for a Plan on a Page and long-range Strategic Road Maps. We show how to build Marketing Execution plans as part of the overall brand plan, looking at a Brand Communications Plan, Innovation Plan, In-store plan and Experiential plan. This gives the strategic direction to everyone in the organization.

3. Create winning Brand Positioning Statements: A winning brand positioning statement sets up the brand’s external communication and internally with employees who deliver that promise. We show how to write a classic Brand Positioning statement with four key elements: target market, competitive set, main benefit and reason to believe (RTBs). We introduce the Consumer Benefit ladder, that starts with the consumer target, with insights and enemies. We layer in the brand features. Then, get in the consumers shoes and ask “what do i get” to find the functional benefits and ask “how does this make me feel” to find the emotional benefits. We introduce a unique tool that provide the top 50 potential functional and top 40 emotional benefits to help Marketers stretch their minds yet narrow in on those that are most motivating and own-able for the brand. We then show how to build an Organizing Big Idea that leads every aspect of your brand, including promise, story, innovation, purchase moment and experience.

4. Write smarter Creative Briefs: The Creative Brief frames the strategy and positioning so your Agency can creatively express the brand promise through communication. Marketing Execution must impact the brand’s consumers in a way that puts your brand in a stronger business position. The Creative Brief is the bridge between the brand strategy and the execution. Through our Brand Positioning workshop, you will have all the homework on the brand needed to set up the transformation into a succinct 1-page Creative Brief that will focus, inspire and challenge a creative team to make great work. The hands-on Creative Brief workshop explores best in class methods for writing the brief’s objective, target market, consumer insights,

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main message stimulus and the desired consumer response. Brand Leaders walk away from the session with a ready-to-execute Creative Brief.

5. Be smarter at Brand Analytics: We show how to build a deep-dive business review on the brand, looking at the category, consumers, competitors, channels and brand. We start with the smart analytical principles that will challenge your thinking and help you gain more support by telling analytical stories through data. We teach you the steps to complete a deep-dive Business Review that will help assess the health and wealth of the brand, looking at the category, consumer, competitors, channels and brand. We show key formulas you need to know for financial analysis. We teach how to turn your analysis into a presentation for management, showing the ideal presentation slide format. We provide a full mock business review, with a framework and examples of every type of analysis, for you to use on your own brand. We show you how to turn your analytical thinking into making projections by extrapolating data into the future.

6. Get better Marketing Execution: We show Brand Leaders to judge and decide on execution options that break through to consumers and motivates them to take action. We provide Brand Leaders with tools and techniques for judging communication concepts from your agencies, as well as processes for making decisions and providing effective feedback. We talk about the crucial role of the brand leader in getting amazing marketing execution for your brand. We teach how to make marketing decisions with the ABC’S, so you can choose great ads and reject bad ads looking at tools such as Attention (A), Branding (B), Communication (C) and Stickiness (S). We teach how to provide copy direction that inspires and challenges the agency to deliver great execution. We also talk about how to be a better client so you can motivate and inspire your agency.

7. How to generate Brand Love: Why does Brand Love Matter? We believe the more loved a brand is by your consumers, the more powerful and profitable that brand will be. We challenge Brand Leaders to find brand love through the by creating a Big Idea to rally around, strategically focusing all their resources and instilling passion in the work to exceed the consumer’s expectations:

• Build an organizing Big Idea that connects consumers at every touchpoint, tightening the bond, reflecting the inner Brand Soul and desired external reputation.

• Need strategic focus in deploying the brand’s limited resources to breakthrough points, moving consumers along the brand love curve to enable your brand vision.

• Put all your passion into the execution creates breakthrough ideas that surprise and exceed consumer expectations, becoming a favorite brand of the consumers.

8. Winning the Purchase Moment: Brand Leaders need to know how to move consumers on the path to purchase, helping consumers to test, decide and then experience the brand so that they try, repeat and become loyal brand fans. We provide brand leaders with analytics, planning and decision making tools to help their instincts and judgement for moving consumers to purchase. Complete in-store business review, looking at categories, consumer shopping behavior, competitors, customers and the overall brand performance. We teach the basics of customer marketing planning, identifying the target consumer, in-store messages, strategies, tactics and project management. We look at the available tools for customer marketing including pricing, promotions, retail shelf management, merchandising and operational execution.

Beloved Brands �16 We make brand leaders smarter