Frankenstein vocabulary 2. Woe syn.- sorrow, burden, anguish ant.- joy grievous distress,...

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Transcript of Frankenstein vocabulary 2. Woe syn.- sorrow, burden, anguish ant.- joy grievous distress,...

Frankenstein vocabulary 2


syn.- sorrow, burden, anguish ant.- joy

grievous distress, affliction, or trouble

Her woe at the loss of her parents was distressful to see.

Ravingsirrational speech; talking wildly; remarkable or extraordinary; to give approval

His ravings scared the other people in the room because he did not make any sense.

The show won rave reviews on its remarkable photography.

syn. frenzied, rant, rage; applaud; superbant. Reason, calm; criticize; poor

Caressto touch someone with affection; to affect someone in a soothing way; a gentle touch

syn. embrace, cuddle, hugant. ignore, push away

Studies show that all babies need to be caressed to feel loved and if they aren’t held they can not relate well to others.


to come back to life, full strength or consciousness; to become active or accepted once more

syn. renew, revitalize, restore, recover, resuscitateant. destroy, kill, deaden, lull

In CPR class, we learned how to revive someone who is not breathing.Frank Sinatra was able to revive his career with the film “From Here to Eternity.”

Wretchsomeone who is pitied by others; someone who is viewed with contempt or disapproval

The beggar looks dirty and miserable; he is truly a wretch of society. Dorian Grey was a wretch who committed every conceivable sin because he knew it only affected his picture

syn. outcast, beggar, derelict, lowlife, delinquent, pariahant. favorite, idol, goody-two-shoes

Writheto make violent twisting and rolling movements with the body, especially as a result of severe pain; to feel a strong emotion, especially embarrassment or shame.

The stomach pains came so quickly it made me writhe and thrash in bed.My supervisor’s reprimand in front of my colleagues caused me to writhe in embarrassment.

syn. squirm, struggle, thrash, twist, flailant. still, smooth, calm

Fiendishcunning and malicious; resembling a devil or demon

The Evil Queen takes fiendish delight in torturing people.

syn. evil, malevolent, crafty, devilish ant. pleasant, inept

Loatheto hate or despise someone or something

I loathe mayonnaise and will not even have it in my house.

syn. detest, abhorant. adore, like

Confront to challenge somebody face to face; to encounter difficulty

The manager has to confront the employee that stole the office supplies. The constant flow of information is just one of the difficulties that society has to confront in today’s world.

syn. provoke, threaten; tackle, contendant. avoid

Resolveto decide to do something; to find a solution to a problem (syn. undertake; settle) (ant. waver, prevaricate; indecisive) strong belief in an idea or cause (syn. tenacity, purpose) (ant. indecision, doubt)

He resolved to reform the nation's laws.

Mary resolved the disagreement between her sisters by giving each of them something to be happy about.

The new president of the company began to make changes to the products with great resolve.

Sensation a physical feeling; excitement about something, great interest

After eating the hot pepper, I had a burning sensation in the mouth and throat. The new Hunger Games movie is causing a huge sensation.

syn. perception; ruckus, commotionant. numbness; lull, calmness


an idea or feeling that completely occupies the mind.

The stalker had an obsession with the movie star and was arrested when they tried to break into their house.

syn. fixation, preoccupation ant. indifference

Churn to mix or move violently; to produce in large amounts; to beat cream until it becomes butter

The rapids churn the water and it tosses our raft. The reporter churns out many stories, but doesn’t care about accuracy.

syn. agitate, whipant. calm, still

Fulfillto perform a task or complete something; to satisfy or fulfill a dream/desire

He can fulfill his obligation to his mother by cleaning out the attic. Diane fulfilled her dream of becoming a surgeon.

syn. accomplish, discharge; realize, achieve ant. neglect, renege; fail

Mournto feel sad at somebody’s death; express sadness at something that is lost

We mourn the loss of our sister every winter because she died right around the holidays. Because she mourns her looks and youth, she constantly has plastic surgery to keep her appearance as young as possible.

syn. grieve; lamentant. rejoice, celebrate