Franciscan Parish of the Immaculate Conception

Post on 25-Jan-2022

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Transcript of Franciscan Parish of the Immaculate Conception

Visual Carol Service - this Sunday 20 Dec 2–5pm: Displays around the church will represent Christmas Carols; giving us space to reflect and pray for our world, especially at this time. For our young people, see if you can spot ‘Angelica Angel’ who will be hiding in each display! Come and visit the church, using the West door (Narthex-end) between 2pm and 5pm. Your visit should take about 20 minutes. Covid-19 guidelines apply: —please bring a face mask (unless exempted) —please sanitise hands on entry —please keep a 2m away from people not in your bubble —please keep to the one way system —please respect one another at all times and be patient Ages 7 or below—please send in A4 pictures of donkeys & young people aged 7 & above - A4 pictures of Jesus in a manger. Pictures to be quarantined in the Narthex ‘Carol Service’ box until being displayed. Many thanks.


Christmas Eve: Vigil Mass: 630pm in Clevedon Church

Night Mass: 10pm in Clevedon Church

Christmas Day: Day Mass: 830am at Yatton Chapel

945am at Yatton Chapel

10am in Clevedon Church

All Christmas Masses have limited space to adhere to Covid-19 restrictions. Please book places for you or others on 01275 873205 or for Yatton, call 01934 832786 and only attend this Mass. Bishop Declan reminds us that the Feast of Christmas lasts for a whole eight days, the Christmas Octave (25th Dec - 1st Jan). If you do not feel comfortable coming to a full church on Christmas Eve or Day, why not come on another day during the Octave? You will be most welcome in the church at any time over Christmastide. AS these Masses may be busy why not come 5/10 minutes early to the Mass booked in at to help with finding a parking space and to allow time to wait for others; thus observing social distance guidelines.

Private Prayer: the church will be open for private prayer from 9am until 1pm everyday. Please be guided by signs.

Franciscan Parish of the Immaculate Conception

Telephone: 01275 873205 Parish Office: or Parish Priest: (for personal matters) Website Facebook Search ‘Immaculate Conception Clevedon ‘ on

The Friary, 7 Marine Hill, Clevedon. North Somerset. BS21 7PP Clifton Diocese Registered Charity. No. 1170168 Franciscan website: Diocesan website:

Fourth Sunday of Advent Week 4—Year B 20th December 2020

Readings at Mass

First Reading: from 2 Sam 7: 1—5, 8—12,14,16

Ps 88: I will sing forever of your love, O Lord.

“Mary [said] ‘let what you have said be done to me.’” Second reading: from Romans 16: 25—27

The Gospel according to Luke 1: 26—38 In a painting of the Annunciation by Henry Ossawa Tanner there is no angel evident. Instead, Mary’s gaze is fixed on a tall, thin pillar of white cloud at the end of her bed. She is attetive and focused as if something is stirring within her and she is discerning what this might be. Advent is such a time for all of us – to be attentive to the stirrings in our own hearts. Being at-tentive in what is generally a very busy time, is not easy. However, given the pandemic, perhaps this year our focus could be a little different. Perhaps this year is an opportunity to be more attentive to the things which really need our attention. What are those things? Can we pause and listen to God inviting us into a deeper relationship with him? Is it possible we are being asked to give new life to something special and can we respond to that invitation as Mary did, with that enormous ‘Yes’?”

Virtual Christmas Raffle: last call for anyone wishing to enter this raffle; raising a little festive cheer as well as raising much needed funds for

our church, whilst reconnecting as parishioners. £10 a ticket with 60% going to the church and 40% to the winner. To register, please do one of the following:

A) send in £10 cash/cheque into the Parish Office in an envelope marked WITH YOUR NAME and number of tickets plus your email address on it if you would like to receive an emailed raffle ticket

B) Pay the £10 for a ticket using PayPal and your credit/card card by following the yellow button on the parish homepage or by clicking here. If paying by PayPal please reference ’Raffle’ in the process and let us know you have paid by emailing:

With both methods of entering, we can email you a Virtual Raffle Ticket if you sent your email address above. The deadline for entries is end of day on Sun-day 20th December. The draw will be taken after the 10am Mass on Christmas Eve morning.

Diocesan Newsletter: gives us an opportunity to see what’s happening online across our Diocese. Whilst viewing online click here to access.

Parish Diaries 2021: have arrived and are available in the Narthex priced at £1 each

Prayer for Refugees: Dear Lord, I wonder how many refugees across our world found something to rejoice about on Gaudete Sunday. Perhaps someone stopped for a word, or even to present them with a cup of warming tea. Many simply suffered another cold, hungry, homeless day. Lord help them to find some comfort this Christmas and help us to provide it. Amen.

Diocesan Prayer Link: we pray for Our Lady & St Alphege, Bath and St Joseph, Peasedown St John.

Christmas Charity Donation and Volunteering Opportunities—Andrew House: this charity supports people recovering from alcohol addiction. They would appreciate donations of toiletries, sweets, chocolates & coffee shop vouchers for their residents for Christmas. Plus, there is an opening for 2 people to train Life Skills at Andrew House in the New Year. If this is something you are interested in or you would like to make a donation, please contact or call 01275 870707/07990 814581. More info on Narthex poster.

Using Wipes: thank you to the very large majority of people who have been tidy with your wipes and placed them in the bins provided after wiping down your area since July. Would it be possible to be especially diligent by placing used wipes in the bin? Many thanks for your consideration for cleanliness.

Foodbank Appeal: in Clevedon, Knowles Road, BS21 7XS, is experiencing huge demands from people who cannot feed their families or provide Christmas presents (children & adults). Opening times for donations are Mon & Fri mornings - 930am-1130am.

Friary Shop: Christmas Cards are available (£5 a pack for charitable causes) ) in the shop this year however, no-one is able to tend the shop so please post your money in the Narthex wall-safe. Thanks.

Diocesan Directories and Diaries: are available from Friary Shop. Diary: £6.50 and Directory: £5.00. Please leave your money in the Narthex safe and record the sale in the book

Franciscan Missionary Union: please send in your yellow boxes to the Parish Office before the end of the year the FMU would much appreciate these so they plan missionary work for 2021 with the funds

200 Club Winners for November: Congratulations to: 1st—£50: no69: Mr P Keenan, 2nd—£20: no1: Mrs B Tullberg, 3rd—£10: no160: Mrs C Tucker.

Parish Auditing: the Parish is seeking the voluntary services of an accountant or bookkeeper to carry out an end of year audit of Parish accounts in late Jan/early Feb 2021. Please contact the Parish Office for details.

Standing Orders and Gift Aid: Thank you for your continued support and generosity in donating to the parish. Please return completed GAD and SO forms to the parish office marked FAO: Mary Bradley. If you wish to gift aid your donation, you must still be a taxpayer. Please let Mary know if you no longer pay tax; we can no longer claim gift aid on your donation. Contact Mary - 07855 238657 or email:

Christmas Masses Collections: for the Friars and upkeep of the Friary. Red envelopes are available.

Offertory Collection: 13 Dec: £47.50, Brown GA envelopes: £120.00 Monthly Standing Orders: £620

Second Collections:

13th Dec: Home Mission Appeal: £45.55 Thank you.

20th December: Stella Maris (Apostleship of the Sea)

N/L items: it would be really appreciated if you could send newsletter items to Tom by 10am on Friday mornings to give time for insertion. Thanks.

Choir: after the sad departure of Cath Hanley and the stepping down of Chris Oplocky we are looking to restart the choir. If you are a musician, singer or can vaguely hold a tune and would like to join the choir or indeed lead the choir please contact Vincent McLaughlin at or call him: 01275 543959.

Covid-19 Precautions at Mass: welcome back to Mass in person. It is so good to see and speak with people in body. Of course, we must remember HANDS-FACE-SPACE. Following government guidance, we can only interact with our household before & after Mass.

Track and Trace: if you have the NHS COVID-19 App on your phone, please scan the QR code as you enter the church. Otherwise, we would ask you please to leave your name and number with Ushers for Track and Trace purposes.

Livestreamed Masses: online Masses can be viewed on Saturday evenings 630pm and Sunday morning 10am. Viewable on livestream at ofmclevedon on YouTube. You can to join the parish via YouTube and pray this prayer at Communion time:

Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there, and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separate from you. Amen

Messages of Hope: Action by Christian Against Torture (ACAT) asks you to join their Christmas campaign to send message of hope to prisoners, victims and human rights workers. Please go to their website for more details.

Online Community Emails: these fortnightly Updates continue to provide inspiration and support prayer at home with resources from our clergy, our own congregation and the faithful all around the world. Please contact the team for further information on

RIP Brian Vickery: it is with sadness that we learnt Brian was killed by the Avonmouth explosion last week. His funeral will be held at Bristol South Crematorium on Tuesday 29 December at 3pm.

RIP Bernard Green: again with sadness we heard of Bernard’s death. His funeral will be held at Weston Crematorium on Weds 30th December at 3.30pm.

Both funerals have limited spaces due to Covid-19 risk. Please do remember both families in your prayers.

Greyfriars Prayer Group Prayer Intentions: If you would like the group to include a prayer of yours during this Covid-19 time, please send a brief note to Greyfriars Prayer Group.

Your prayers are requested: Terese Martin, Fran Bainbridge, Pat Boucousis, Rosemary Tozer, Margaret Norris, Norah Gorman, Christina Jane Rolls, Pam Dingley, Peter Shelley, Ryan Rees, Dominic Shelley,

Colin Hall, Jo Hickey, Maureen Youde, Christopher Browne, Pepita Golledge, Carmelo Scuncio, Janet Mages, Christopher Harris, Christopher Simpson, Audrey Thistlethwaite, Katerina Nash, Denise and Gordon Brooks , Sheila Wakefield, John and Carole Howe, Richard Catterall, Maureen Custance, Fred Youde, Fr Isidore F. OFM, Sheila Walsh, Mary Jones

Also, please remember the recently deceased in your prayers.