France2013parents meeting sept13

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Transcript of France2013parents meeting sept13

  • 1. Parents Information Evening 11th September 2013
  • 2. Staffing The itinerary Travel Information Chateau Layout Groups and room Allocations Clothing and Equipment Medical forms & medicines Spending money & gadgets Communication Consent forms Behaviour expectations
  • 3. Before we start we would like to say a big THANK YOU for keeping to the payment schedule. All payments have now been made.
  • 4. Mr Livesey ( Trip Leader) Mrs Randles ( Deputy Trip Leader) Mrs Davidson Mrs Turner At the castle There will be staff on duty 24hr a day . Specific staff will be allocated to look after our group throughout our visit. Currently we are the only group on site during this week. during Outdoor and Adventure activities each group will not exceed 12 and each will have a specifically trained member of staff for that activity.
  • 5. All those who said their children had a UK passport will have to use them. I will collect them in on the morning of departure. Whilst travelling I will look after each passport. Upon arrival at the castle they will be stored in a secure location. Those that applied for and filled in the forms for the collective passport. I have received confirmation from the passport office. Only the following children are covered on the Collective passport.
  • 6. Likewise I will need to collect everyone's EHIC card on the morning of departure.
  • 7. School Has travel insurance for children when on school trips which includes cover for Medical expenses, Death and permanent disablement Possessions and travel documents Personal liability However if you wish you are more than welcome to purchase your own additional insurance.
  • 8. Sharpes of Nottingham will be the coach company which will take us to France. They will be with us throughout the week for the various visits. They will pick us up outside the front of School Sunday 20th October arriving at the castle by 16.00ish! On Friday 26 October , we aim to be back at school for We will keep you informed as to our journey progress via text service. 23.45!!!!! 22.00!!!
  • 9. We will also be using P&O ferry from Dover to Calais. Outward bound journey leaving at 08.30 Return journey leaving 14.00 If your child suffers from travel sickness Please ensure appropriate medication is taken before travel and is available during travel. If you would like this medication to be given on the return journey please enclose details on the medical form.
  • 10. All meals at the castle are included in the cost of the trip. However your children will need to bring with them a disposable packed Breakfast and lunch ( named bags please) for the Monday An evening meal will be provided on the Friday on the way back. If your child has any food requirements please ensure these are detailed on the medical questionnaire.
  • 11. Date Morning Afternoon Evening Monday 22/10/12 Travel Wheat farm visit Chateau Olympics Tuesday 23/10/12 Visit town of Rue Onsite Activity Scavenger Hunt Wednesday 24/10/12 Paris Paris Paris Thursday 25/10/12 Onsite Activity Onsite Activity French Cuisine & Disco Friday 26/10/12 Etaples Market Travel Travel Activities will include - orienteering, fencing, Initiative games, obstacle courses, crows nest, rifles, archery and abseiling.
  • 12. Last week all children were asked for the names of friends they would like to share groups and rooms with. I have tried to make sure all children have at least one friend in both their bedroom and day group. Ill share group details with the children closer to the time.
  • 13. Children will share the ensuite rooms The children will need their own sleeping bag, pillow case and towels for their own personal use. Between the pupils rooms there are staff rooms and castle supervisor rooms. These rooms are clearly labelled
  • 14. Hawes Side Educational Activities France Trip 2012 RECOMMENDED CLOTHING AND KIT LIST Luggage: Please restrict this to one case plus one piece of hand luggage. Metal framed rucksacks should be avoided as they are difficult to fit into the coach. Spending Money: This is not essential, but children may wish to have some money to spend on souvenirs (i.e. T-shirts or postcards) or sweets, drinks. No more than E30 to be handed in on Monday morning. Torch: The children may find this useful. Bedding: Children only require a sleeping bag & pillowcase. Towels: All children require their own towels for personal use. Clothing: Please ensure all clothes; shoes, bags etc are named, so that if they do get lost, we can forward them to the owner. For children doing activities they require old clothing. The children will require long sleeve tops and long trousers for a number of activities even in the summer months. They will not be able to take part in certain activities if they do not have these. On an activity day the children would require a number of outfits. Clothing that dry easier would be helpful. Clothing List: 2 pairs of old trainers Adventure Groups 3 pairs of old tracksuit bottoms 3 (at least) long sleeve tops/ sweatshirts 1 fleece or 2 woollen jumpers 1 waterproof/splash proof/rain jacket (ideally waterproof/splash proof trousers also) 1 towel Woollen Socks Woolly/fleece hat/gloves Hair ties for students with long hair A carrier for any medication Footwear: All children doing activities require a pair of trainers (Open toe shoes are not allowed for safety reasons. (children without suitable footwear will not be able to take part in the activities). Items Discouraged: Radios, stereos, CD/mp3 players, mobile phones & game consoles. Please note these items are not allowed to be taken to activities and the centre accepts no responsibility for loss, breakage or misuse of this equipment. Other useful items: Water bottle for use during activities.
  • 15. Children are NOT allowed to bring mobile phones on the trip. Children will be able to communicate to home via the blog which is already up and running. Before departure we will ensure you have contact details for a member of staff in case of emergency. Like wise please ensure the details you provide on the consent form are accurate.
  • 16. It is a very long journey so we will allow children to bring a small toy, games console or MP3 Player for the journey BUT STAFF WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE TO THE SAID ITEMS.
  • 17. Parental Consent form in your pack MUST be filled for all children attending and be returned by Wednesday 18th September.
  • 18. Medical questionnaire MUST be filled for all children attending and again returned by Wednesday 18th September.
  • 19. Hawes Side Educational Activities Year 5 & 6 Residential week in France Monday 22nd October 2012 to Friday 26th October 2012 Administering of medicines If your child has to take prescribed medication during the visit the following actions have to be undertaken: The parent must give explicit consent in a letter to the group leader for a teacher to supervise a pupil taking medication. The letter needs to specify the name of the drug, dosage, frequency and state when the end of a course of prescribed medication ends. All medication should be clearly marked with the pupils name and details of dosage. A year 5/6 in line with school policy is in charge of his /her own inhaler If a child needs to use an inhaler for asthma a spare inhaler needs to be taken in case one becomes damaged or lost. For the visit a named teacher will oversee any medication which has to be given to the child. This will be recorded in a log book showing date, time and dosage given.
  • 20. Pupil Code of Conduct The visit to France is an educational experience which requires your active participation in conducted tours or visits to places of interest; It is necessary that you maintain the high standards of behaviour at all times; I therefore agree that I will: Immediately respond to instructions given by teachers and supervisors. Co-operate with the staff and with other pupils to make this visit enjoyable, trouble free and educationally rewarding for all; Keep a record, of visits and activities arranged during the trip; Dress appropriately and with sensible shoes suitable for walking ; Be punctual at all times, for meals etc; Behave quietly and sensibly in the accommodation to avoid inconvenience to the centre management and other visitors; Remain in my room until the next morning after lights out unless in an emergency; Remain attentive and act sensibly at all times; Clearly label all my clothing and my baggage; I am aware that my parents/guardians will be contacted in the event of misconduct or persistence misbehaviour and if this continues, I may be sent home early, or my parents may be asked to collect me.
  • 21. PUPIL CODE OF CONDUCT Having studied the schools Pupil Code of Conduct for the France Residential Week, I am able to sign the following: I have read and understood the Code of Conduct for the Year 5/6 visit to France taking place from Monday 22nd October to Friday 26th October 2012 and accept the rules set out. Signed ( Parent ) . Please print your name . Signed ( Pupil ) Please print your name .. Date: .. Telephone number Home.. Mobile This also needs to be returned by Wednesday 18th September .