Fragments And Runons

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Transcript of Fragments And Runons

Fragments & Run-On Sentences

ENG 093 – Fall 2009QVCC


• Fragments are incomplete sentences

• Usually pieces of sentences that have become removed from the main clause

“A good candidate for president.”

No main verb

A story with deep thoughts and emotions.

She told a story with deep thoughts and emotions.

No subject

For doing freelance work for a competitor got Phil fired.

Phil got fired for doing freelancework for a competitor.

PunctuationCoach Dietz exemplified this behavior by

walking off the field in the middle of a game. Leaving her team at a time when we needed her.

Coach Dietz exemplified this behavior by walking off the field in the middle

of a game, leaving her team at a time when we needed her.

• Then I attended Morris Junior High. A junior high that was a bad experience.

• The scene was filled with beauty. Such as the sun sending its brilliant rays to the earth and the leaves of various shades of red, yellow, and brown moving slowly in the wind.

• He talked for fifty minutes without taking his eyes off his notes. Like other teachers in that department, he did not encourage students' questions.

• Within each group, a wide range of features to choose from. It was difficult to distinguish between them.

• A few of the less serious fellows would go into a bar for a steak dinner and a few glasses of beer. After this meal, they were ready for anything.

• It can be really embarrassing to be so emotional. Especially when you are on your first date, you feel that you should be in control.

• The magazine has a reputation for a sophisticated, prestigious, and elite group

of readers. Although that is a value judgment and in circumstances not a true premise.

• In the seventh grade every young boy goes out for football. To prove to himself and his parents that he is a man.

Work with a partner and complete the worksheet on fragments.

Run-On Sentences

• Run-ons, comma splices, and fused sentences are all names given to compound sentences that are not punctuated correctly.

Join the two independent clauses with one of the coordinating conjunctions (and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet), and use a comma before the connecting word.

________________, and __________________.

He enjoys walking through thecountry, and he often goesbackpacking on his vacations.

When you do not have a connecting word (or when you use a connecting word other than and, but, for, or nor, so, or yet between the two independent clauses) use a semicolon (;).


He often watched TV when there were only reruns; she preferred to read instead.


___________________; however,__________________.He often watched TV when there were only

reruns; however, she preferred to read instead.

• Incorrect: They weren't dangerous criminals they were detectives in disguise.

• Correct: They weren't dangerous criminals; they were detectives in disguise.

• Incorrect: I didn't know which job I wanted I was too confused to decide.

• Correct: I didn't know which job I wanted, and I was too confused to decide.