FP6 Thematic Priority 2: Information Society Technologies Dr. Neil T. M. Hamilton Executive...

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Transcript of FP6 Thematic Priority 2: Information Society Technologies Dr. Neil T. M. Hamilton Executive...

FP6 Thematic Priority 2:Information Society Technologies

Dr. Neil T. M. HamiltonExecutive Director


• Areas of focus in this Thematic Priority

• What’s left in FP6

• Why you should be involved

• How to get involved

• http://www.cordis.lu/ist/home.html

6th Framework Programme: IST6th Framework Programme: IST

• Applied IST research addressing major societal and economic challenges

• Communication, computing and software technologies

• Components and microsystems

• Knowledge and interface technologies

• Future and Emerging Technologies

• Budget: 3984 Billion Euros……..

IST 2005-06 Work Programme

• Puts more emphasis on:

• mastering complexity by pioneering new approaches to cope with the infinitely small as well as the very large. System on Chip in nanoelectronics, complexity in software development, broadband communications and Grids;

• exploring multidisciplinary fields combining ICT with other science and technology fields: in micro and nanosystems, in ICT for Health, in Cognitive systems and in Future and Emerging Technologies (FET),

• promoting innovation from ICT use by bringing services and technology developments closer together: mobile communications and for micro and nano systems.

Strategic Objectives in Call 5Strategic Objectives in Call 5

2.5.1 Photonic components

2.5.2 Micro/nano based sub-systems

2.5.3 Embedded Systems

2.5.4 Advanced Grid Technologies, Systems and Services

2.5.5 Software and services

2.5.6 Research networking testbeds

2.5.7 Multimodal Interfaces

2.5.8 ICT for Networked Businesses

2.5.9 Collaborative Working Environments

2.5.10 Access to and preservation of cultural and scientific resources

2.5.11 eInclusion2.5.12 ICT for Environmental Risk Management

International co-operation

• “Proactive initiatives will build on international activities in basic and long term research in the relevant fields involving in particular the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, China, S. Korea, India and Russia. They may also evolve to include other countries where there is complementarity of basic research interests and balanced benefits.

• Proactive initiatives to be called in 2005 – 06• FET Proactive Initiatives – Call 5• 2.3.4 (xi) Simulating Emergent Properties in Complex


Specific Support Actions

• Significant emphasis has been placed on Support Actions:– to promote and facilitate the dissemination, transfer,

exploitation, assessment and/or take-up of past and present programme results;

– to contribute to strategic objectives, (e.g. pilot initiatives on benchmarking, mapping, networking, etc.);

– to prepare future community RTD activities, (e.g. via prospective studies, exploratory measures, pilot actions etc.);

What is left in FP6 ?

• 638 million Euros in IST research funding;

• 2005 / 06 Work Programme;

• 5th (and Final) Call for Proposals, + FET;

• 21st September 2005; 16th November

• Significant opportunities for international collaboration / co-operation

5th Call details

Why get involved?

• The Research World is changing

• Europe is (trying to) take on the USA

• Australia has acknowledged strengths

• Students, funding, engagement…..

• You need to think about, and prepare for, participation in future: FP7

The European Research System

• Total research spend is 1.8% of GDP

• “European” and intergovernmental

investment in R&D: 17% of total

• European Commission (FPs) investment is

on 5% of total

• Member state investment DOMINATES

FP6 Instruments

• Specific Targeted Research Projects– Support research & demonstration activities– 3+ participants– 300k – 4 million Euros, usually 50% of costs

• Integrated Projects– objective-driven research to generate new

knowledge– 5 – 25 participants, with SMEs– 2 million – 20 million Euros, 50%+ of costs

FP6 Instruments (cont)

• Networks of Excellence– Joint Programme of Activities: – Integrating activities: sharing facilities, IP, planning – Jointly executed research– Activities for spreading excellence: training,

communication, innovation, networking– Management– 15-50 participants– 3 million – 30 million Euros, up to 100% of costs

FP6 Instruments (cont)

• Specific Support Actions– Support implementation of FP, prepare for future

Community research– 1+ participant– 100k – 3 million Euros, 100% of costs

• Co-ordination Actions– Promote and support networking, joint initiatives,

training, exchange, expert groups– 1+ participants– 100k – 3 million Euros, 100% of costs

How to get Involved

• 5th Call, 21st September, 16th Nov (FET)

• Very specific topics: read the Work Programme

• Join a consortium, talk to colleagues, NCPs

• Specific Support Actions: all areas

– “Actions should aim at networking scientists for stimulating the creation of research consortia, and the identification of priorities of common interest”

Australian support for Collaboration

• International Science Linkages (DEST)• ARC• NH&MRC European Union Health

Research Collaboration Fund• Academies• European embassies• Many other opportunities• Remember: we already spend ~$50 million!

7th Framework Programme

S i x M a j o r O b j e c t i v e s

E x c e l l e n c e t h r o u g h

c o l l a b o r a t i o n

B a s i c r e s e a r c ht h r o u g h c o m p e t i t i o n

T e c h n o l o g yi n i t i a t i v e s

H u m a nr e s o u r c e s

R e s e a r c hi n f r a s t r u c t u r e s

C o o r d i n a t i o n o fn a t i o n a l

p r o g r a m m e s

6 a x e s

COST Actions – what is supported

• Science management meetings

• Scientific workshops and seminars

• Short Term Scientific Missions

• Training Schools and Research Conferences

• Evaluations and Studies

• Dissemination

• http://cost.cordis.lu/src/home.cfm


• Neil.Hamilton@anu.edu.au

• 02 6125 7690

• www.feast.org

• www.cordis.lu

• www.europa.eu.int

• http://cost.cordis.lu/