Fowode annual report 2012

Post on 08-May-2015

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2012 was another great year for us at FOWODE as we continued to grow both programmatically and financially. We continued to strategically position ourselves at the centre stage of political and economic debates with the aim of ensuring that women’s needs were integrated into policies, laws and budgets both at local and at national levels.

Transcript of Fowode annual report 2012


Annual Report 2012


Forum for Women in Democracy [FOWODE] is a women’s rights national non-partisan organisation which was established in 1995. FOWODE grew out of the Women’s Caucus of the 1994-1995 Constituent Assembly which debated and passed the 1995 Constitution. After the enactment of the Constitution, the Gender Working Group of the Caucus formed FOWODE with the aim of mobilising women to take advantage of the gender sensitive Constitution.

FOWODE envisions a just and fair society where women and men equally participate in and benefit from decision making processes.


I am proud to have been part of the growth of Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE) during 2012. The organisation continued to demonstrate her commitment to the promotion of the rights of women and of gender equality in all areas of decision making in Uganda. Overall we sustained our advocacy and creation of space for women to effectively engage and debate critical issues of concern so as to engender political and economic development in this country.

The FOWODE Board continued to play a critical leadership role based on the principles of corporate governance and through its oversight role has ensured excellent performance of the work of FOWODE. We improved the policy environment through the revision of the Finance and Accounting Policy and embarked on the review of the Human Resource Policy. We also initiated the processes of the development of an HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy and a Gender Policy.

This year FOWODE achieved a great milestone, the launch of our radio, 89.5 SPEAK FM ‘Voices Unlimited’ in Gulu. The radio is the first women’s radio in the northern region and the second in Uganda. It was officially launched by Rt. Honorable Rebecca Kadaga, the Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda. The radio will apart from making a contribution to the reconstruction of northern Uganda, amplify our work and provide space for our continued advocacy for gender equality and equity. We are also hopeful that the radio will be able to generate sufficient resources starting next year to be able to support its own operations although FOWODE will continue to oversee it and offer support in fundraising.

As a reflection of our growth we have developed a robust strategic plan for the period 2013 – 2017 whose strategic vision is ‘Women with Voice, Power and Resources Engaging Effectively in Governance’. We call upon all of you to work with us as we implement this plan.

I wish to thank the Executive Director, Management Team and the staff for the work well done over the past year. The staff members have been able to transform our Goals and Strategic Plan into reality, and have dedicated enormous energy and commitment to the work of the FOWODE. Finally, I would like to thank our development partners for all the support they have given us.

Solome Nakaweesi KimbugweChairperson, FOWODE

Foreword by FOWODE Chairperson


Foreword by FOWODE Executive Director

2012 was another great year for us at FOWODE as we continued to grow both programmatically and financially. We continued to strategically position ourselves at the centre stage of political and economic debates with the aim of ensuring that women’s needs were integrated into policies, laws and budgets both at local and at national levels.

At the national level, we sustained the nurturing of relationships that we have built over the years with policy makers both in Parliament and in our key sectors of focus. On the other hand, we made inroads in our advocacy work by getting on board more gender champions in Parliament. One key milestone was the initiation of the discussion between ourselves and the Office of the Speaker of Parliament and the gender champions in Parliament on the possible introduction of a certificate of compliance on Gender and Equity. This would go a very long way in ensuring that gender is mainstreamed in laws, policies and budgets and we are hopeful that the discussion will bear fruit.

Our expansion into 11 more districts during the year enabled us to further build that critical mass that is vital to holding leaders accountable to the citizens. Our work with the communities has continued to confirm to us that once citizens are mobilized, organized and empowered with knowledge and skills to demand accountability, corruption is harder to sustain and service delivery improves. Our increased focus at the local level was further legitimized by the consensus reached by civil society leaders at the end of the year that in all the work we do as civil society the citizen should be central. We will therefore endeavor to ensure that the citizen is central in all we do.

Our greater focus and determination is reflected in our new robust strategic plan 2013 – 2017 whose theme is “Empowered Women, Transformed Societies”. Over the next 5 years, we will strengthen women’s voice and promote gender justice in the political and economic arena; build the leadership of young people to advance women’s rights and foster accountable institutions; and will influence economic policy from a women’s rights perspective. We hope that over the next 5 years our primary beneficiaries, who are the women, will have voice, power and resources to engage effectively in governance.

I highly value the board for their unreserved support and critical leadership provided during the year particularly as we worked on the strategic plan and on our control environment. I appreciate the staff who worked tirelessly throughout the year to ensure that we delivered on our targets. Lastly, I thank all our development and other partners who had faith in the work that we do and provided moral, financial and technical support.

Patricia Munabi Babiiha Executive Director


VisionA just and fair society where women and men equally participate in and benefit from decision making processes.

Mission To promote gender equality in all areas of decision making through advocacy, training, research and publications.

Operated in 17 districtsKampala, Wakiso, Busia, Kabale, Mityana, Amuria, Amuru, Napak, Kibuku, Kibaale, Luwero, Gulu, Kotido, Abim, Kitgum, Masindi and Rukungiri


Creating a society where women and men equally participate in and benefit from decision making processes

Enhancing women’s participation in leadership

Gender Budget Advocacy for equitable resource allocation

Grassroots activism for gender responsive service delivery and accountable leadership

Conciousness raising on civic and women’s rights

Strengthening stakeholders’ capacities in gender budgeting and resource tracking

Passageway to Achieving Our Goal


External Operating ContextGender profile boosted: the appointment of the Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga as Chair of the IPU, and the election of Rt. Hon Margret Zziwa as the Speaker of the East African Legislative Assembly raised the profile of women in politics in Uganda. These are opportunities created for FOWODE to continue engaging on issues of gender equality.

Separation of powers, the ninth Parliament continued its battling for control and autonomy from the Executive throughout the year. The country witnessed increased incidences where the President’s actions were deemed to be undermining the authority and power of Parliament as an independent pillar of the state.

Youth unemployment in Uganda continued to affect the youth we are engaging with as young women were less focused on taking on community initiatives, their focus was centered mainly on finding employment. Additionally, the continued dissatisfaction and disenfranchisement of Uganda’s large youth population has contributed to an atmosphere of insecurity as evidenced by the continued violent strikes and riots to voice their grievances.

The jubilee of Uganda’s independence: In 2012, Uganda marked 50 years of independence; Uganda is regarded as one of the more politically stable countries in Africa in the last 26 years giving many Ugandans reason to celebrate the jubilee. The celebrations presented women with a unique opportunity to reflect and review 50 years of women’s participation in democracy and of their contribution to the country’s development. It was also a time to celebrate our achievements and acknowledge areas where we need to galvanize our efforts in order to transform the lives of all women.


Repressive response of government to opposing views continued to affect all Ugandan citizens in 2012, particularly those who advocate around accountability issues. This was particularly evident during the violent arrest of opposition politician Ingrid Turinawe-a bewildering spectacle that shocked and appalled all who witnessed it bringing to light the risks women engaged in politics are subjected to .This incident provided FOWODE an opportunity to call for respect to women’s dignity.

Increased activism on theft of public resources: Four major donors including Britain, Denmark, Ireland and Norway suspended aid to Uganda after it emerged that $13 million, as reported in the Uganda’s Auditor General report, intended to help develop areas left devastated by the war against the Lord’s Resistance Army rebels had been stolen. Civil society heightened its advocacy against theft of publi cresources and gave birth to the black Monday movement.

Oil management: Oil revenues are expected to increase over the next five years and bring with them a high degree of autonomy to the country. The key message from government is that the revenue from oil will be used in a frugal manner that lays a firm foundation for future growth and prosperity. This imminent oil revenue that is likely to significantly alter the financial landscape of the country calls for tighter discipline. Accountability for the oil resources continued to raise concern among the populace and particularly the vehemence of the Executive in narrowing the space for possible engagement and enhanced transparency in its management. The year saw passing of a controversial clause in the Oil and Gas Management Bill which gives the minister overwhelming power.

Decentralization Policy: The extent to which decentralization has delivered on its expectations has remained a subject of debate mainly due to the deficiency of the national budget. There is growing concern that increasing the number of districts, before addressing the capacity challenges in existing districts, negates the core function of service delivery. The sustainability of very many small districts is dubious just as their ability to attract and retain the required personnel, and generate counterpart local revenues.


Internal Operating Context

Expansion of FOWODE’s Reach; Over the past year FOWODE acquired funding to implement additional activities in 11 more districts which increased our district operations to 17. This had implications on our work with more staff out in the field than at any other time. This also led to a change in our operational method of work leading to more activities implemented by field staff within the districts.

Policy Development: During the year, the organization began the development of some key policies that it lacked including the Gender policy and an HIV/AIDS workplace policy. FOWODE also reviewed her Financial and Accounting and Human Resource policies to ensure that they capture key emerging issues and are able to respond to critical issues affecting staff. Whereas the gender policy provides a clear framework that governs FOWODE’s approach to gender issues in the workplace and in her day to day work, the HIV/AIDS policy is aimed at addressing the HIV / AIDS issue in FOWODE’s work place to ensure promotion of suitable working conditions for people living with and those affected by HIV/AIDS.

Development of a new strategic plan. FOWODE finalized the development of her strategic plan for the period 2013-2017. The new plan FOWODE’s redefined priorities including strengthening women’s voice and promoting gender justice in the political and economic arena; building the leadership of young people to advance women’s rights as well as foster accountable institutions and influencing economic policy from a women’s rights perspective.


Activities Implemented in 2012


89.5 SPEAK FM, FOWODEs radio was launched in Gulu by Rt. Hon Speaker, Rebecca Kadaga. The launch served as a marketing drive for the radio and provided publicity for increased listenership. FOWODE members and staff engaged in town cleaning and marching around Gulu town as part of the launch event which was attended by close to 500 people

Launch of FOWODE




20 Gender Responsive Budget champions in gender budgeting in analysis

16 Parliamentary Gender Responsive Budget champions facilitated to monitor Lira, Kabale, Busia and Lyantonde local governments’ adherence to the BCC directive on gender budgeting

20 new women Members of Parliament trained in gender responsive policy analysis and influencing

230 legislators in 11 districts trained in gender budget analysis and resource tracking

Enhancing capacity of legislators


Enhancing grassroots communities capacities

360 women in Kabale and Rukungiri trained in life skills, leadership, advocacy and gender budgeting .The women harnessed the power of the collective voice to lobby for their causes

15 public awareness meetings on food security held for 750 farmers in Amuru, Amuria and Napak


60 local government technocrats,

96 Civil Society Organisations trained in gender budget analysis and resource tracking

30 CSO members trained in Gender and economic policy .These formed a pool of resource persons knowledgeable in gender responsive policy and budget analysis. They analyzed different policies and plans that will be used for gender budget advocacy.

Enhancing capacity of technical staff and civil society


Enhancing capacity of technical staff and Enhancing

capacity of technical staff and civil society

703 women councilors from Kitgum, Abim, Kitido, Napak, Amuru, Amuria, Lyantonde, Mityana, Masindi, Wakiso, Busia, Pallisa, Kitgum, Lira, Nebbi, Gulu, Kween, Mbarara and Masaka trained in Effective Legislative Engagement and they formed caucuses

60 young women from over 30 districts of Uganda trained in transformative leadership.


2 Executive Committee Meetings. A FOWODE Young Leaders Alumni Association (FYLAA) logo and Constitution were designed which marked FLYAA’s legibility as an association.

3 additional Village Budget Clubsa s formed in each of the 11 districts. Their capacity was built in gender budgeting and service delivery tracking techniques which enabled them to monitor service delivery in their respective localities and hold dialogues and interface meetings with their leaders.

5 districts supported to develop Gender Budget Awaren plans Kabale, Kibuku, Kibale, Gulu and Luwero.

Capacity Development

Kitgum, Abim and Kotido, Kabale, Kibaale, Kibuku, Gulu Napak, Amuru, Amuria and Mityana.


Knowledge generation

The FOWODE knowledge generation component involved developing and sharing of information which in turn contributed to the body of knowledge on gender equality. FOWODE commissioned studies and gender audits to provide up to date policy information for her advocacy. These continue to be referenced by our partners in their advocacy work and many used this information as resource materials in their organizational planning and academic work. Additionally, FOWODE produced issue briefs, posters, stickers and documentaries for shared learning and advocacy.Some of the publications produced this year are listed below:

FOWODE developed and disseminated gender budget talking points which equipped parliamentary GRB Champions with information to effectively engage sectors on women and gender issues when reviewing the indicative planning figures of the FY 2012/13.

FOWODE in partnership with CSBAG developed alternative budget proposals that were presented to different parliamentary committees highlighting key recommendations for improving the FY 2012/13 budget to meet the needs of the poor women and men .

Issue briefs on Agriculture, health, education , Water, works and transport were printed and disseminated. These y briefs analyze the gender dynamics within the sectors and proposes recommendations for improvements in the 5 sectors

Gender Audit of Agriculture, Education Health Sector and Pallisa Local Government were printed and disseminated. This provides an assessment of the extent to which Health, Education and Agriculture as well as Pallisa Local government comply with Ministry of Finance’s Budget call circular directive on gender budgeting

A citizen report card in Gulu, Luwero, Amuru, Napak, Busia, Masindi and Wakiso The study measured citizens’ satisfaction with Family Planning (FP) services. It details qualitative and quantitative information about prevailing standards and gaps in the delivery of Family Planning services and also measures the level of community awareness about the availability of Family Planning services.


Joint FY 2012/13 Budget Analysis FOWODE as the chair of the Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) mobilised civil society members, donors and the private sector to jointly listen and critique the 2012/13 budget Speech by the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

On spot analysis of the budget speech was done and critical issues identified to achieve equitable resource allocation.

Knowledge Generation cont…

Key issues highlighted in this meeting Members questioned the re- introduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) on water,

Called for the increase of budget allocation towards the Youth Capital Venture fund

Appreciated the zoning approach in agriculture with emphasis on 11 crops.

The speech was silent on the contentious issue of oil management and controlling inflation,

The trend of supplementary budget requests that steadily increased from 4 % in 2008/09 to 7.2 % in 2009/10 and to 27.7 % in 2010/11

The Budget speech did not cater for the neediest sectors like agriculture yet over 80 %of the population thrives on it


Knowledge Generation cont…

1. Social and Public Expenditure Audits on Family Planning .

FOWODE commissioned a Citizen’s Report Card and Community Score Card in two health centers in Kampala [Kawaala HC III and Kisugu Health Center III] to assess the level of utilization and access to family planning services in Uganda

2. Agriculture performance study

FOWODE on behalf of CSBAG conducted a study to track the performance of the agriculture sector. The study focuses on the performance of 4 government loans including Vegetable Oil Development Project, Creation of tsetse and trypareas, Agricultural Improved rice production (NERICA project) and Farm Income Enhancement Project – the Agricultural Component.


4. Gender Audit of the Oil Bills A gender analysis of the 2 Oil Bills the Petroleum

(Exploration, Development and Production) Bill, 2012 and the Petroleum (Refining, Gas Processing, Conversion, Transportation and Storage) Bill, 2012 was undertaken. Key recommendations for inclusion of gender issues were highlighted and disseminated

Knowledge Generation cont…

3. The Public Finance Bill, 2012 FOWODE spearheaded CSBAG to review the

Public Finance Bill 2012 that intends to make reforms to public financial management. Key advocacy issues identified included: among others

a call for the issuance of a certificate of gender equity to MDAs complying with the budget call circular directive on gender and maintaining the Budget Office and Parliamentary Budget Committee. CSBAG presented its position paper to Parliament and held regional dialogues to increase awareness and provide a space for citizens to discuss and submit their concerns on this bill.


Advocacy for increased financing for family planning FOWODE implemented an advocacy and awareness raising campaign on gaps identified in the public expenditure tracking survey for family planning to demand for improved financing for family planning through community dialogues in Kabale, Luwero, Gulu, Kibaale and Kibuku , TV spots and IEC materials production

Advocacy for increased resource allocation to the agriculture sectorRadio and TV talk shows, a video documentary, IEC materials including posters, stickers were disseminated to support our advocacy on key gender priorities for the 2012/13 national budget.

Advocacy towards elimination of GBV Radio messages, Radio talk shows and community dialogues were organized in Napak, Amuru and Amuria

Investigative JournalismPartnered with Daily Monitor and commissioned investigative journalism on FOWODE’s grassroots accountability work. 4 articles were published

Media advocacy 4.


Grassroots community members were empowered to know their rights and responsibilities through civic education village meetings. These continue to be a space through which FOWODE advocates for the increased participation of women in decision making at all levels. Civic education has proven effective in creating a sense of ownership of government programs

9,249 Women and men enlightened on their civic rights through civic education in Mityana, Masindi,Busia, Wakiso, Lyantonde, Napak, Amuru and Amuria

Raising civic consciousness



Uganda Feminist Forum


The Uganda Feminist Forum (UFF) celebrated its 5th year of existence. As the first national forum of the African Feminist Forum to reach its 5th year of successful organizing, members celebrated and renewed their commitment to feminist movement building in Uganda.

UFF also organized an Adisi ku Kyoto (fireside chat) an informal space to discuss and understand feminist theory and practice, under the theme “Raising Feminist Children”.

Several organizations and members committed to hosting interim activities like the Director’s Forum and Adisi ku Kyoto over the course of the next year.


In 2012 FOWODE together with 4 other organizations including NAWOU, ACFODE, CEWIGO and UWONET developed an Advocacy Strategy and Communication Guide for the Uganda Women’s Agenda so as to have a clear plan for its implementation.

FOWODE participated in the following joint events among others:

• Women’s week – to show case, reflect and re strategise on women’s effective participation in democratic processes

• 2nd Edition of the anti corruption convention

• 2nd edition of the national CSO fair

• National Farmers Forum

• Anti corruption campaign that culminated into the Black Monday movement

Networking and collaborations with organizations that share our common interest in securing women’s rights was high on the agenda this year for shared expertise, learning and joint advocacy. We are active in a number of spaces including the Uganda Feminist Forum, Women and Governance Group, The Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group among others.

Networks and Collaborations



Organizational Development

A 5 year strategic plan (2013-2017) was developed. Members, Founder members, stakeholders and staff were consulted

FOWODE Staff were trained in participatory monitoring and evaluation and an M&E plan and data collection tools are currently under review

Monitoring of project activities has regularly been done and board members were involved .

New staff were recruited including- 1 Administrative Manager, 2 Program Officers (Women and Leadership Program and Gender Budgeting Program), 7 Field Officers, 1 Administrative Secretary and 1 new Intern




District caucuses were supported to monitor gender responsive service delivery. Using the information generated from the monitoring the women were more effective in their councils as they lobbied for inclusion of gender/women specific needs in their district budgets and plans as well as in legislation. Below are some examples`

Making Women’s Concerns Central

Amuria caucus organized and mobilised other councillors to support a victim of domestic violence to report her case and followed up with the police to ensure that the culprit was punished by law.

Monitored health facilities in their district and presented their findings of understaffing and poor infrastructure to the sectoral committee for social service

Organized themselves and provided basic needs including soap and clothing to women in detention during the commemoration of Women’s Day

Organized a peaceful demonstration against domestic violence. An innocent woman was amputated by her husband and police did not take action. It is after this demonstration that the man was arrested.

The women district councillors in 6 districts (Amuru, Amuria, Napak, Abim, Gulu and Kitgum) formed the Greater North Women’s Caucus. The caucus provides an opportunity to scale up local level advocacy through collective voice.

Amuria caucus

The Kibuku caucus

Kabale caucus

Mityana caucus

Greater North Women’s Caucus


One of the most significant change stories comes from the women trained in Amuru district.

Influencing policy, legislation and


Hon. Atim Josephine a district woman councilor LC V representing Atiak Sub-county stood up during the passing of the Amuru District budget 2012-2013 financial year and requested the Speaker to suspend the passing of the budget until the report of the District Public Account Committees enquiry was released. This would have been the second time that the District passed the budget without declaring the District PAC report. The passing of the District budget was brought to a halt by the Speaker and a later date was proposed to allow the PAC report to be released.


Our budget advocacy at the National Level contributed to increasing pressure on government which eventually made revisions to the FY 2012/13 National Budget as highlighted below:

Increase of the health sector budget by 6% to cater for salary increment of health workers.

Increase of payee threshold to Ug shs 235,000

Ministry of public service allowing FOWODE to re-print 1000 gender mainstreaming guidelines and disseminate them to stakeholders. This also gives us space for future engagement.

Ministry of education recruiting a gender focal person to ensure gender mainstreaming in the sector and planning for gender mainstreamed schools

Budgetary allocation to agriculture increased to 585.3bn as opposed to 336bn proposed in the Budget Framework paper 2012/13

Government removed the proposal to put VAT on water.

Trained district councilors have increasingly influenced policy and budgets in their respective districts e.g In Kibaale the councilors engaged strongly on NAADS and as a new development, in FY 2012/13 the NAADS programme is to distribute goats but among the beneficiaries’ 80 are women

Influencing policy, legislation and budgets cont…


FOWODE supported 5 districts to develop Gender Aware Budget Plans including all the departments of• Management Support Services• Finance• Statutory Bodies• Production And Marketing • Health• Education And Sports• Works And Technical Services• Natural Resources• Community Based Services• Planning Unit• Internal Audit

As a result of the development of Gender Aware Budget Plans (GABPS) 2012/13, different departments in Kibale and Kibuku have integrated gender specific needs in their work plans to address the gender specific needs. e.g.

• In Kibuku 16 women farmers were targeted for a training and the district educational department went ahead to plan for strengthening the monitoring and supervision of schools in a gender sensitive way.

• In Kibaale one of the targets of the Finance Department is capacity building of 2 female staff in the Finance Department to undertake professional training (ACCA).

FOWODE will monitor implementation of these plans for this financial year and support Kabale, Gulu and Luwero to finalise the GABPs

Influencing budgets


In Obalanga, Sub County , the district leadership committed to allocating funds for a bathroom for the female patients, a placenta pit and procurement of solar for Obalanga health center III before the end of 2013. Amuria District In Lotome HCIII the maternity ward is used as a General Ward shared by both men and women. VBCs presented the issue to the district authorities who are working on a possible intervention. Napak District

VBCs have managed to lobby for improved budgets and service delivery in health, agriculture and education.

Influencing policy and budgets at the

local level


Influencing policy and budgets at the local level... continued

In Lunyo Health Center III, 10 mackintosh covers were bought and a placenta pit is to be constructed by World vision. Delivery beds are yet to be delivered from the District. In addition, the in charge was alcoholic with a bad attitude, the sub county leadership cautioned her and her attitude has changed. Deliveries are reported to have increased . Busia District

Districts report improvements as highlighted below:Increasing number of girls in school. E.g about 25 girls in Kijenga Village, in Masindi district who had dropped out of school reported back to school in 2012. In Kinuuka PS in Lyantonde 333 girls were reported to be attending school in 3rd term compared to 175 in 2nd term.

Parental responsibility is improving e.g in Banda Umea P/S in Mityana. VBC’s and the parents petitioned the DEO over teacher absenteeism, Parents in Lyantonde mobilised and constructed classroom blocks for Kinuka Primary school.

Many schools are reported to have revived /elected new Senior Management Committees with the aim of improving performance of schools e.g Lapainat Primary school and Kinuuka PS.


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Press coverage [Print] Radio and TV Talk show

Radio and TV Spots Investigative Journalism

Increasing Visibility through MEDIA2011 2012

FOWODE used the media as a key tool in her advocacy to promote and raise awareness on gender equality and women’s empowerment including Radio and TV Talk shows, Community Radio Dialogues, Press coverage on radio , television and in newspapers. We received coverage in New vision, Bukedde, Uganda Radio Network, Monitor, Red pepper, Eddoboozi and other local papers.

Increasing Visibility throughMedia Engagement


The FOWODE website was modified and FOWODE continued disseminating information through her website, which is fully fledged with a blog and face book account for information sharing and discussions

A FOWODE online public access catalogue was established . It currently has 550 books uploaded on the area of Gender, Governance, Democracy, and Human rights.

Increasing Visibility …..


Some of the News generated by

VBC work


Voices gathered from the rights holders targeted show that they have a better understanding of the responsibilities duty bearers have to them. They are also more aware of their own role in demanding accountability and better service delivery:

“Our local leaders have not been calling the community for meetings to discuss the problems affecting us, now we have learnt that when we have a problem facing us, we need to raise it so that the government gets to know that we have a problem of clean water for drinking in our community” Dengel Mariam, Lotome subcounty, Napak district

“as a requirement the Sub County is supposed to do supervision on the health center, schools etc, does it do it, and if it does when was the last supervision?” A community member discusses the latrines in Obalanga health center III, Amuria district, which is 300meters from the Sub County offices and surrounded by bush.

Increased civic competence

Civic education has proven effective in creating a sense of ownership of government programs



2012 was another great year for FOWODE

We continued to grow both financially and programmatically

Our profile continued to grow not only at national level but at international level too

We applaud the staff , board and partners all of who have enables our continued growth and achievement of set targets

We have developed a robust strategic plan and look forward to even greater things in 2013.


FOWODE share of Sources

of Income FY 2012

FOWODE Program

Allocations FY 2012

FOWODE 2012 Expenditure


Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE)P O BOX 7176, Kampala • Tel: + (256) 041 4 286063 • Email: fowode@ • Email: •Web:

Our VisionA just and fair society where women and men equally participate in andbenefit from decision making processes.

Our MissionTo promote gender equality in all areas of decision making through advocacy, training and research and publication.