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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by nica_florin Jun 21st, '12, 20:26

    cam ce salariu anual are un receptioner? cei de la reception academy au zis ca minim 17.000 de lire pe an dar nu prea cred.



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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by gin Jun 23rd, '12, 20:39

    nica_florin wrote:Da am fost astazi si m-am inscris, m-am inscris la cursul de la 4:30 pe data de 9 iulie, vezi ca daca te

    duci acolo o sa cauti ceva, eu am stat 2 ore pana am gasit locatia. Ai blue card?

    Eu m-am inscris la cel de la 7.30 in speranta ca voi gasi si un part time job dupa 12 :)

    Blue card "fizic" nu am, insa am 12 luni muncite legal ca au pair si pot face dovada ca nu mai am restrictii pe piata muncii :) Ar dura vreo 6 luni pana primesc blue

    cardul iar pe site ul UKBA zice ca putem aplica pentru registration certificate dupa 12 luni desi nu e neaparat nevoie, deci..

    Cu engleza cum stai? Am inteles ca e bine sa iti dai interesul la curs si sa obtii note bune la examene. Conteaza foarte mult pentru angajatori.

    Sper sa fie bine, abia astept un job si niste bani :)

    Despre salariu nu stiu, am vazut pe site uri ca undeva la 8-10lire/ora. Pentru inceput este perfect si asa :)


  • 18.5.2014 Forum - Romani in UK - Hotel Receptionist - pagina 30 - Page 2 of 2 2/13

    Keep in touch :)

    PS Ma bucur ca mai e cineva la curs sa mai schimb 2-3 cuvinte :)



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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by nica_florin Jun 24th, '12, 18:05

    Si eu m-am inscris prima oara la cel de la 7:30 dar am schimbat dupa pentru ca nu mai aveam timp sa ma duc la servici, terminam cursul la 11 30 pana ajungeam in

    Colindale se facea 1 30 pana ajungeam la servici se facea 2 si la 5 plecam, asa muncesc pana la 3 si sper sa ajung la cursuri pana la 4:30, ai o harta cum sa ajungi

    acolo de la liverpool station? eu prima oara cand m-am dus am facut 1 ora si 30 de minute pe jos pana am gasit locatia.



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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by Adi PC Jun 25th, '12, 16:34

    nica_florin wrote:Da am fost astazi si m-am inscris, m-am inscris la cursul de la 4:30 pe data de 9 iulie, vezi ca daca te

    duci acolo o sa cauti ceva, eu am stat 2 ore pana am gasit locatia. Ai blue card?

    Te rog sa ne spui.

    Cand ai platit, zice ca primesti ceva chestionar ce treb sa il duci la ei si ceva "balcony disclaimer"...ce e asta ultimul ? Ce te intreaba in chestionar?

    Tapatalk/Galaxy S2

    Adi PC


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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

  • 18.5.2014 Forum - Romani in UK - Hotel Receptionist - pagina 30 - Page 2 of 2 3/13

    by nica_florin Jun 25th, '12, 19:32

    Balcony Disclaimer


    I, ................................................................................................. ( student full name ) hereby declare that I have read and understood the terms and conditions set out for the

    usage of the balcony in training room 502, Coppergate House, 16 Brune Street, London, E1 7NJ.

    Violation of any of the below rules and regulations might result in the above student being ex-spelled without the right of refund of any course fees paid.

    The balcony forms part of the recreational part of the facility and may be shared by various students at one time. It is therefore imperative that the area is kept clean and

    all rubbish must be placed in bins provided at all times.

    1.) The entire building Coppergate House is a Non Smoking area and this includes the balcony

    2.) Fighting of any kind is not permitted

    3.) Please use the chairs provided to sit. Never sit on the wall.

    4.) Do not throw any form of rubbish, glass or other objects over the balcony as it could potentially harm and hurt passer bys

    5.) The balconies to the right and left of our Reception Academy balcony can be seen by employees of the neighbouring companies and you therefore represent

    Reception Academy whenever outside. Please ensure you represent Reception Academy in a friendly and professional manner at all times. Do not attempt to disturb,

    distract, upset or insult employees of neighbouring companies.

    6.) Lower your voice and avoid loud laughing when outside

    7.) Reception Academy reserves the right to close access to the balcony at any time.

    By signing this document you also accept that Reception Academy cannot be held liable for any claims brought forward as a result of your negligence.

    __________________________________________ ________________________________________________

    Student Signature Location & Date




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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by Adi PC Jun 25th, '12, 19:53

    Mersi Florin. Chestionarul e tot asa ceva? Nesemnificativ?

    Tapatalk/Galaxy S2

    Adi PC


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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by Adi PC Jun 25th, '12, 19:57

    In afara de acest curs, mai e nevoie de ceva hartii gen licenta, autorizatie, sau membru in ceva organizatie nationala obligatoriu pt a te putea angaja sau lucra ca


    Nu ma refer la Nino, Blue/Yellow. Altceva e nevoie?

    Tapatalk/Galaxy S2

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    Adi PC


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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by nica_florin Jun 25th, '12, 20:13

    Nu mai ai nevoie de nimic, decat de yellow card s-au blue card

    Pre-Course Material & Joining instructions


    Pre-Course Material

    Our training is specifically designed to reduce pre-course home work. However, in order to get as much out

    of the training as possible, we like you to complete the following points listed below and bring them with you

    on your first day.

    1.0 List 5 reasons why you would like to work in the hospitality industry

    1.1 What is your motivation to become a Hotel Receptionist

    1.2 What makes you unique as an employee; list as many points as you can think of

    1.3 Find out two interesting facts about Conrad Hilton, founder of Hilton Hotels International

    1.4 List 2 London exhibitions related to the hospitality industry

    1.5 List 2 magazines related to the hospitality industry

    1.6 Describe what your dream hotel looks like i.e. number of rooms, location, interior, etc.

    1.7 Find out what the story is behind Kaspar the cat, a famous London hotel cat.

    1.8 Where do you see yourself in 5 years time in terms of job title, salary and hotel type?

    1.9 How will you ensure that you get the most out of your training with Reception Academy?

    Joining instructions

    Please ensure that you are on time for your training. Should you, for some reason, be unable to make it on

    time, please call the Reception Academy admin team on 020 7953 7796 or alternatively 079 5801 4856 to

    inform us about your situation.

    All material required will be provided by Reception Academy


    Reception Academy is a fully registered company of Hospitality Training & Recruitment Ltd.

    Registered Office: Coppergate House, 16



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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by Adi PC Jun 25th, '12, 20:38

    La 1.4.....zoo, aquarium, galeria nationala, .....astea sunt?

    Iar la ala cu pisica, ce i trebuie mai exact? Adica despre ce e vorba in story?

    Tapatalk/Galaxy S2

    Adi PC


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  • 18.5.2014 Forum - Romani in UK - Hotel Receptionist - pagina 30 - Page 2 of 2 5/13

    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by nica_florin Jun 25th, '12, 21:07

    Nustiu de reviste dar o sa ma duc la un magazin sa vad ce reviste sunt, povestea cu pisica tocmai ce am citit-o pe net, se pare ca 13 oameni au dat o petrecere si au

    zis ca 13 este numar cu ghinion asa ca au adus o posica neagra din lemn si au pus-o la masa sa fie al 14-lea invitat, ea servea masa cu invitati, poate stie altcineva




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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by Adi PC Jun 25th, '12, 23:11

    Ce reviste vorbesti?

    Eu ziceam ...exhibitions .....expozitii.

    Tapatalk/Galaxy S2

    Adi PC


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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by gin Jun 26th, '12, 15:40

    Adi PC wrote:Ce reviste vorbesti?

    Eu ziceam ...exhibitions .....expozitii.

    Tapatalk/Galaxy S2

    Adi PC, nu prea esti informat cu privire la cursul de la Poti intra pe site si gasesti acolo absolut orice informatie vrei.

    Nici nu e nevoie sa suni sa vb cu ei.

    Nica_Florin spune despre niste documente pe care le primesti de la ei atunci cand te inscrii la curs si faci plata, pentru a le completa si a le aduce cu tine in prima zi

    de curs.

    Printre acele foi, este un chestionar pe care trebuie sa l completezi, care a si fost postat, iar acolo sunt intrebarile cu Conrad Hilton, Exhibitions and magazines related

    to hospitality,povestea cu pisica..etc..

    Tu te-ai inscris, sau doar te informezi?

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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by gin Jun 26th, '12, 15:42

    nica_florin wrote:Si eu m-am inscris prima oara la cel de la 7:30 dar am schimbat dupa pentru ca nu mai aveam timp sa

    ma duc la servici, terminam cursul la 11 30 pana ajungeam in Colindale se facea 1 30 pana ajungeam la servici se facea 2

    si la 5 plecam, asa muncesc pana la 3 si sper sa ajung la cursuri pana la 4:30, ai o harta cum sa ajungi acolo de la

    liverpool station? eu prima oara cand m-am dus am facut 1 ora si 30 de minute pe jos pana am gasit locatia.

    Norocul tau ca ai un job la care sa ajungi, eu inca mai caut un part time :)

    Cat despre locatie,am gasit-o usor, 5 min cu navigatorul de pe telefon :)

    Keep in touch :)



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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by Adi PC Jun 26th, '12, 17:58

    Adi PC wrote:Ce reviste vorbesti?

    Eu ziceam ...exhibitions .....expozitii.

    Tapatalk/Galaxy S2

  • 18.5.2014 Forum - Romani in UK - Hotel Receptionist - pagina 30 - Page 2 of 2 7/13

    Da OK, am observat si punctul cu revistele . Mersi.

    Da, ma informez. Oricum, ar fi cam greu sa demonstrezi angajatorului, faptul ca nu am nevoie de Blue card, dupa un an de Yellow student mai precis dupa un an

    neintrerupt de munca al sotiei si ca acum eu sunt dependentul ei. Si chiar daca aplic pt Blue definitiv, postal, sase luni +, sunt cam multe....

    Tapatalk/Galaxy S2

    Adi PC


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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by gin Jun 26th, '12, 20:07

    Adi PC wrote:

    Adi PC wrote:Ce reviste vorbesti?

    Eu ziceam ...exhibitions .....expozitii.

    Tapatalk/Galaxy S2

    Da OK, am observat si punctul cu revistele . Mersi.

    Da, ma informez. Oricum, ar fi cam greu sa demonstrezi angajatorului, faptul ca nu am nevoie de Blue card, dupa un an

    de Yellow student mai precis dupa un an neintrerupt de munca al sotiei si ca acum eu sunt dependentul ei. Si chiar daca

    aplic pt Blue definitiv, postal, sase luni +, sunt cam multe....

    Tapatalk/Galaxy S2

    Daca tu practic ai dreptul de munca obtinut, nu e neaparat nevoie sa ai blue cardul in mana..gasesti partea legislativa, o printezi, iei celelalte acte cu tine si ii explici

    angajatorului. E ca si cum ai avea drept si permis de conducere insa nu-l ai la tine :)

    Parerea mea.

    Succes oricum.



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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by nica_florin Jul 9th, '12, 12:34

    Gin ce poti sa ne spui despre prima ta zi la curs? eu incep astazi cursul la 4:30.



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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by adrian.d Aug 18th, '12, 03:27

    Salutare. Ca nou venit pe forum, remarc ca discutia de mai sus a omis posibilitatea unui contract direct din romania - pentru industria hoteliera. Costurile sunt

    aceleasi iar siguranta locului de munca e cu totul alta. O solutie pentru cei care se indreapta catre domeniul hotelier sau de asistenta sociala - pentru entry level

    evident - sunt firmele din tara care lucreaza de ceva vreme cu partenerii englezi. Chiar daca suma la plecare pare mare - e o garantie. De aceea pentru oricine ar citi

    aceste randuri, e util sa inteleaga ca e mai usor sa pleci direct din romania cu un contract si cu yellow garantat - decat sa te gasesti in UK, fara drept de munca. Toate

    cele bune!



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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by Adi PC Aug 18th, '12, 09:18

    adrian.d wrote:Salutare. Ca nou venit pe forum, remarc ca discutia de mai sus a omis posibilitatea unui contract direct

    din romania - pentru industria hoteliera. Costurile sunt aceleasi iar siguranta locului de munca e cu totul alta. O solutie

    pentru cei care se indreapta catre domeniul hotelier sau de asistenta sociala - pentru entry level evident - sunt firmele din

    tara care lucreaza de ceva vreme cu partenerii englezi. Chiar daca suma la plecare pare mare - e o garantie. De aceea

    pentru oricine ar citi aceste randuri, e util sa inteleaga ca e mai usor sa pleci direct din romania cu un contract si cu

    yellow garantat - decat sa te gasesti in UK, fara drept de munca. Toate cele bune!

    Pacat ca nu se aude pe forum, de tare am ras de aceasta.....aberatie. Contract Garantat??? Yellow card garantat??!?

    Da. Bun venit. Buna dimineata. Trezeste-te. mai citeste in jurul tau.

    Tapatalk / Galaxy S2

    Adi PC


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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by albea Aug 18th, '12, 23:15

    Cuvintele GARANTAT sau SIGURANTA suna al dreacului de prost legate de agentiile romanesti. Bravo Adi!!!

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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by just_s Sep 5th, '12, 16:44

    Vreau sa ii intreb pe cei care au inceput deja cursurile, pentru care dintre ele au optat adica cel de 4 sapt. sau cel de 1 sapt.? Daca sunteti multumiti de curs si daca se

    merita sa faci acest curs. Intreb deoarece nu locuiest in Londra sau aproape de Londra si nu vreau sa fac cursul numai ca sa fie facut. Multumesc!!!!



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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by Adi PC Sep 5th, '12, 23:37

    just_s wrote:Vreau sa ii intreb pe cei care au inceput deja cursurile, pentru care dintre ele au optat adica cel de 4 sapt.

    sau cel de 1 sapt.? Daca sunteti multumiti de curs si daca se merita sa faci acest curs. Intreb deoarece nu locuiest in

    Londra sau aproape de Londra si nu vreau sa fac cursul numai ca sa fie facut. Multumesc!!!!

    Cursul de 4 saptamani neaparat. E mai detaliat, mai multa practica si ti-l pune si pe CV ca vechime.

    Cursul e general valabil oriunde in lume. Se lucreaza pt invatarea programului Opera PMS, folosit de circa 80% din hotelurile lumii.

    Am avut colegi veniti special pt curs, (care apoi au mers sa practice ka ei) din Italia, Spania, Portugalia, Franta.

    Se prelucreaza standarde si proceduri de lucru combinate, incluzand cele ale marilor brand-uri Hilton, Marriott, Park Plaza, Guoman, Jumeirah (de ex a lor e cel din

    Dubai ca si o barca....imi scapa acu numele lui....), Accor, etc.

    Deci daca nu ai deloc experienta receptie, cel de 4 sapt....f util si garantat vei fi bagat in seana pt joburi.....a....permisul de munca Blue card, e necesar la orice

    hotel....exclus Self pt receptie.


    Pe 074

    Adi PC


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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by just_s Sep 6th, '12, 07:56

  • 18.5.2014 Forum - Romani in UK - Hotel Receptionist - pagina 30 - Page 2 of 2 10/13

    @Adi PC Multumesc frumos pentru raspuns, eu am Blue Card-ul de peste 3 ani deci nu este cazul unui permis de munca, am intrebat deoarece in momentul de fata

    lucrez in Retail, si vreau sa imi schim domeniul de activitate:). Deci urmatorul pas ii mutatul in Londra pentru o luna. Multumesc inca o data.



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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by ady_azzuro Sep 14th, '12, 03:38

    Adi PC wrote:...permisul de munca Blue card, e necesar la orice hotel....exclus Self pt receptie.

    merge si cu yellow card, prin nvq.

    Opera nu e asa raspandita cum zic ei, foarte multe hoteluri folosesc alte sisteme pentru ca sunt mai ieftine.



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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by antuaneta Sep 28th, '12, 19:04

    ady_azzuro wrote:eu am facut cursul de receptioner la reception academy, si mi-am gasit foarte usor job, in mai putin de

    o luna dupa terminarea cursului.

    nu mai indemnati lumea aiurea sa inceapa ca housekeeper, waiter, sau altceva, ca nu e deloc usor sa te transferi dintr-un

    departament in altul...

    Ooo, in sfarsit! Total de acord! Eu am muncit in Italia ca front office manager si as dori sa muncesc in continuare pe aceeasi pozitie. Ma poti sfatui ce curs as putea

    face aici?




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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by Adi PC Sep 28th, '12, 19:32

    antuaneta wrote:

    ady_azzuro wrote:eu am facut cursul de receptioner la reception academy, si mi-am gasit foarte usor job, in mai

    putin de o luna dupa terminarea cursului.

  • 18.5.2014 Forum - Romani in UK - Hotel Receptionist - pagina 30 - Page 2 of 2 11/13

    nu mai indemnati lumea aiurea sa inceapa ca housekeeper, waiter, sau altceva, ca nu e deloc usor sa te transferi

    dintr-un departament in altul...

    Ooo, in sfarsit! Total de acord! Eu am muncit in Italia ca front office manager si as dori sa muncesc in continuare pe

    aceeasi pozitie. Ma poti sfatui ce curs as putea face aici?


    Pai scrie exact in textul pe care l-ai citat. ..... RECEPTION ACADEMY..cursul de 1 luna.

    Pe 074

    Adi PC


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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by ady_azzuro Sep 29th, '12, 10:43

    reception academy e in mare parte pentru cei care n-au lucrat niciodata in hoteluri si vor sa-si creeze o punte catre marile hoteluri din Londra. Daca ai experienta de

    front office manager iti va fi mai usor sa gasesti ceva. Intra pe ca sunt o gramada de joburi.



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    Re: Hotel Receptionist

    by Cat_Cip Jan 22nd, '14, 00:49

    Am intrat si eu in legatura cu Reception Academy si am primit emailul de mai jos:

    "Thank you for contacting Reception Academy. Please find information below regarding our company and our courses. I hope that the following will answer all your

    questions, but if you still need further details I suggest you make an appointment to visit us and we can show you around and answer any remaining questions.

    Alternatively you can simply book your preferred course online and start the path to your future.

    Why Reception Academy?

    Reception Academy is a UK registered learning provider and the leading training school for classroom based Practical Hotel Training.

    Many of the hotels we work with are well known and much respected in the industry. Through our connections with Hotels, we have taken great effort in learning their

    specific requirements and what they look for when hiring Hotel staff. Our unique concept provides a platform which connects fully trained students with hotels looking to

    recruit staff.

    Our successful record of converting 90% of our inexperienced students into employed Hotel Receptionists, speaks in volume about why people chose us. Here are

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    other reasons:

    Trainers with years of experience in the industry

    Close and strong network with Hotels

    Caring and helpful staff

    Bright airy training rooms with natural day light

    Maximum of 16 students per class

    Hands on training using a dedicated laptop per student

    Practical training using props and equipment

    Fun interactive group activities

    We only use the latest technology

    Hotel and Reception Academy CV which stand out from other CVs

    Handy central London locations

    Help and support along the way and after completion of the training

    Hotels we work with

    Since opening our doors to potential and very passionate students wanting to learn Hospitality, we have started to work closely with a number of Hotels, including big

    brand names such as Hilton, Marriott, Radisson Edwardian, Park Plaza, Hyatt just to name a few. Click here to find out about hotels you could work for.

    Will Reception Academy help me find work?

    Reception Academy not only offers training on relevant skills which hotels look for, we give guidance and experience in finding work with hotels. With thousands of

    hotels in London alone, there are plenty of employment opportunities in one of these Hotels, after completing our tailor made four week course.

    Once this course is completed, a profile is created for each graduate on our website. This profile will consist of their professional photograph; personal contact details

    as well as a brand new professional, hotel specified CV which we help create. All of this is included in the course rates*.

    After graduating our four week Hotel Receptionist Course, Hotels have access to these profiles and can ask graduates to come in for an interview. We currently work

    with over 500 Hotels and have numerous Hotels which hire our graduates. Our programme has been designed towards getting this result. Over 90% of our graduates

    are successfully employed by hotels. We have graduates working in many positions including Hotel Receptionists in major Hotels such as Hilton, Hyatt and Four


    Who can take the course?

    Anyone from any nationality or any age can take part in any of our courses. The fee would be exactly the same for all nationalities and you are not required to provide the

    Academy with any previous qualifications. There are some courses that are recommended for people with some experience but this is just a recommendation, not a


    How well do I need to speak English?

    You need to have just a basic knowledge of the English language to do the course. You are NOT required to have a degree or a certificate to prove your level of English

    or to be eligible to do the course. The Hospitality industry hires people from all backgrounds and ages as long as you have a valid UK work permit and the right attitude

    and passion.

    What are the courses we offer?

    Reception Academy offers a number of courses relating to the Hospitality industry with view to employment by major Hotels. Press on each course below to find full

    details for the specific course...... "

    .... Am decis sa ma duc sa ii vizitez pentru ca parea prea tare ca sa fie adevarat.

    Oameni sunt foarte de treaba si dupa ce am citit feedbackuri pe Facebook si dupa ce am vazut si aici pe forum m-am hotarat sa fac cursul!

    Nu am reusit sa fac bookingul pentru luna in care vroiam initial pentru ca toate locurile erau ocupate, dar am asteptat pana la cursul urmator.

    Cand am inceput cursul, nu-mi venea sa cred cat de fun putea sa fie! Amandoi trainerii, Pierre si Deena erau super funny si foarte bine pregatiti. M-au ajutat sa am mai

    multa incredere in mine si m-au invata cum sa incep o noua cariera in industria hoteliera.

    Inainte de curs am incercat sa aplic la joburi pentru Front of House, dar CV-ul meu era refuzat mereu. Cu Reception Academy aproape de terminarea cursului m-am

    angajat imediat la un hotel de 4 stele, ei m-au recomandat.

    Ei chiar lucreaza cu o multime de hoteluri in Londra si hotelurile prefera candidatii lor fara de alte persoane fara training. Este o experienta unica, te formezi profesional

    si intalnesti foarte multe persoane interesante. Fac si ceremonie de inmanare a diplomei :)

    Vroiam sa impartasesc experienta asta aici pe forum cu dorinta de a inspira si alti oameni sa aleaga aceste cursuri.

    Va multumesc la randul meu pentru posturi si commenturi :)



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