formation and origin of basal lamina and anchoring fibrils in adult ...

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From the Division of Dermatology and Department of Pathology, University of North CarolinaSchool of Medicine, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514


The purpose of this investigation was to study the formation and origin of basal lamina andanchoring fibrils in adult human skin . Epidermis and dermis were separated by "coldtrypsinization ." Viable epidermis and viable, inverted dermis were recombined and graftedto the chorioallantoic membrane of embryonated chicken eggs for varying periods up to 10days. Basal lamina and anchoring fibrils were absent from the freshly trypsinized epidermisbefore grafting although hemidesmosomes and tonofilaments of the basal cells remainedintact. Basal lamina and anchoring fibrils were absent from freshly cut, inverted surface ofthe dermis. Beginning 3 days after grafting, basal lamina was noted to form immediatelysubjacent to hemidesmosomes of epidermal basal cells at the epidermal-dermal interface .From the fifth to the seventh day after grafting, basal lamina became progressively moredense and extended to become continuous in many areas at the epidermal-dermal interface .Anchoring fibrils appeared first in grafts consisting of epidermis and viable dermis at five daycultivation and became progressively more numerous thereafter . In order to determine theepidermal versus dermal origin of basal lamina and anchoring fibrils, dermis was renderednonviable by repeated freezing and thawing 10 times followed by recombination with viableepidermis. Formation of basal lamina occurred as readily in these recombinants of epidermiswith freeze-thawed, nonviable dermis as with viable dermis, indicating that dermal viabilitywas not essential for synthesis of basal lamina . This observation supports the concept ofepidermal origin for basal lamina . Anchoring fibrils did not form in recombinants con-taining freeze-thawed dermis, indicating that dermal viability was required for anchoringfibrils formation . This observation supports the concept of dermal origin of anchoringfibrils .


Until recently, the belief was generally held thatbasal lamina (basement membrane) betweenepithelium and its underlying connective tissuearose exclusively from connective tissue (1, 2, 3) .Although others have questioned this concept(4, 5, 6) Hay and Revel (7, 8) and Pierce and hisassociates (9, 10) provided the first direct evidencethat basal lamina arose, in part or exclusively,

from epithelium. Since then, evidence in support ofthe epithelial origin of basal lamina has advancedalong two lines : (a) basal lamina forms in theabsence of connective tissue elements and (b)precursors of basal lamina are found in epithelialcells before incorporation into basal lamina .

Pierce et al . (9, 11), using light microscopy,showed that basement membrane formed around


THE JOURNAL OF CELL BIOLOGY • VOLUME 51, 1971 • pages 384-395

on March 27, Downloaded from Online: 1 November, 1971 | Supp Info:

isolated neoplastic cells which were derived fromseveral different organs of mice grown in vitro inthe absence of connective tissue elements. Pierce(12) further showed that basement membranedeveloped between embryonic mouse ectodermand endoderm at a stage before the differentiationof mesenchymal cells, indicating that mesenchymeplayed no role in the development of basementmembrane. By light microscopy, Dodson (13)demonstrated the formation of basement mem-brane underneath isolated chick embryo epidermisgrown on collagen gel and on freeze-thawed dermisin the absence of viable fibroblasts or other con-nective tissue cells .

Using electron microscope radioautography,Hay and Revel (7) demonstrated proline-richprecursors of basal lamina in amphibian epidermisand associated fibroblasts and followed theirsequential incorporation into basal lamina . Pierceet al . (14) performed similar experiments, usingimmunohistochemical methods, to show thatisolated neoplastic mouse cells syntheize pre-cursors of basal lamina and excrete the materialextracellularly where it accumulates around thecells.

Formation of basal lamina in adult mammaliantissue has been demonstrated electron micro-scopically by Odland and Ross (15) and Croftand Tarin (16) . These authors showed that basallamina formed under epidermal basal cells inhealing cutaneous wounds. The newly formedbasal lamina was thought by these authors to arisefrom epidermis, although this issue could not besettled conclusively because viable dermal cellswhich might have contributed to basal laminaformation were present in the vicinity of the heal-ing wound .

The purpose of our investigation was to studythe formation and origin of basal lamina in adulthuman skin. A model was used in which basal




lamina forms at the interface between epidermisand dermis when recombinations of separatedepidermis and dermis are cultured on the chickchorioallantoic membrane (CAM) . The specialadvantage of this system is that the dermal com-ponent can be rendered nonviable by repeatedfreezing and thawing, thereby eliminating anactive dermal contribution to basal lamina forma-tion. Other advantages of this system are thatnormal, nonneoplastic adult tissue can be used asthe starting material and that both light and elec-tron microscopy can be performed on the tissueduring the course of the experiment .

Using this model, we have obtained evidencethat the basal lamina is of epidermal origin inadult human skin. In addition, we have obtainedevidence consistent with the view that anchoringfibrils (special fibrils of the dermis) are of dermalorigin. We believe that this is the first study deal-ing with the origin of anchoring fibrils .


Preparation and Cultivation ofRecombinant Grafts

The techniques used in this study have been de-scribed in detail previously (17) . Normal adulthuman skin was used in all studies . The procedurefor the preparation and cultivation of recombinantgrafts is diagrammed in Fig . 1 . Skin was cut into thinsheets with a Castroviejo keratotome set at a depth of0.4 mm. The sheets of skin were then placed in 0.4%trypsin (Difco Laboratories, Inc., Detroit, Mich . ;1 :250) solution at 4 °C for 1-2 hr until the skincould be easily separated into isolated epidermis anddermis. Epidermal-dermal recombinants were pre-pared by inverting the separated dermis from itsnormal position and applying isolated epidermis tothe inverted, freshly cut surface of the dermis . Thedermis was inverted in order to eliminate contami-nation of the new epidermal-dermal interface of the




FIGURE 1 Procedure for the preparation and cultivation of recombinant grafts . Whole skin (WS),epidermis (E), dermis (D), and chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) .

BRIGGAMAN ET AL. Basal Lamina and Anchoring Fibrils in Human Skin


recombinant with residual basal lamina and an-choring fibrils from the previous epidermal-dermalinterface . Recombinants were then grafted on thechorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of seven- to nine-day embryonated chicken eggs .

Recombinants of Epiderims andViable Dermis

In one series of grafts, recombinants consisting ofisolated epidermis and dermis, which had been sub-jected to no other manipulations than the separa-tion and recombination procedure, were constructedas indicated above .

Recombinants of Epidermis and Nonviable(Freeze-Thawed) Dermis

In another series of grafts, recombinants were madeusing epidermis and nonviable dermis . In order torender the dermis nonviable, isolated dermis wasalternately frozen at -40 °C and thawed at 36 °C 10times. As a check on dermal viability, cultivation offibroblasts was done on freeze-thawed dermis and

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control pieces of untreated dermis . For each culture,six pieces of dermis measuring 0 .5 mm in diameterwere placed under a glass cover slip in a Leightontube, and medium 199 with 33% fetal calf serum andantibiotics (penicillin 100 units/ml and streptomycin100 .sg/ml) was added . Tubes were gassed with 5%C02 in air, incubated at 36 °C, and examined forfibroblastic outgrowth over a 4 wk period . Six fibro-blast cultures of freeze-thawed dermis were com-pared with six control untreated dermal culturesduring five separate experiments involving freeze-thawed dermis. Fibroblast outgrowth occurred in all30 control cultures but in none of the 30 freeze-thawed dermal cultures. This supports the non-viability of freeze-thawed dermis .

18 samples of freeze-thawed dermis obtained fromfive separate experiments were examined by electronmicroscopy in order to determine the degree of celldamage produced by the freeze-thawing procedure .In all of these freeze-thawed dermal samples, severecell degeneration of all dermal cells was noted (Fig .2) . Rupture of plasma membranes was manifest inmost dermal cells, and nuclear and cytoplasmicdegeneration was evident in all dermal cells . Col-

FIGURE 2 Freeze-thawed dermis showing severe cell degeneration of the dermal cells . Paraformaldehydefixation. Calibration bar = 1 E.s . X 5400 .


lagen fibers appeared to be unaltered by the freeze-thawing procedure .

Selection of Recombinant Grafts for Electron

Microscope Examination

The recombinant grafts were first examined bylight microscopy after 1-10 days of cultivation on theCAM. Only recombinants which were well main-tained were selected for electron microscope evalua-tion . The light microscopic criteria for epidermalmaintenance during cultivation were the presence ofintact basal, Malpighian, and granular cell layers,and an acellular, compact stratum corneum . 80recombinants of epidermis and viable dermis and 30recombinants of epidermis and freeze-thawed dermismeet these criteria and serve as the basis for thisultrastructural study .

Basal lamina was noted subjacent to the CAMepithelium during the course of early observations .In order to avoid confusing basal lamina from CAMepithelium with basal lamina from human epidermis,only sections with stratum corneum and kerato-hyalin granules as seen by electron microscopy wereconsidered in this study. The epithelium of the CAMlacks these structures which are characteristic forhuman epidermis.

Electron Microscopy

Specimens for electron microscopy were fixed im-mediately in either 2% solution of acetate/Veronal-buffered osmium tetroxide (18) for 60 min or in s-collidine-buffered paraformaldehyde solution (19)for 4-24 hr followed by postfixation in 2% osmiumsolution for 60 min . Tissues were dehydrated ingraded alcohols and embedded in Epon 812 . Sec-tions were cut in a Porter-Blum ultramicrotome witha diamond knife, stained with uranyl acetate and leadhydroxide, and examined with a JEM T7 electronmicroscope.


Epidermal-Dermal Junction in NormalHuman Skin

The ultrastructure of the epidermal-dermaljunction has been described previously (20-24) .The epidermal-dermal junction in adult humanskin before any manipulations or cultivation isshown in Fig. 3 . The basal portion of the epidermalbasal cell is convoluted in most areas . The plasmamembrane forms the more superficial portion ofthe epidermal-dermal junction. Along the plasmamembrane are seen focal electron-opaque thicken-ings termed hemidesmosomes which consist of

intracellular and extracellular portions . Tono-filaments of the basal cells converge into thecellular portion of the hemidesmosomes . On thedermal side of the plasma membrane is the elec-tron-lucent intermembranous space of uniformthickness . The intermembranous space separatesthe plasma membrane from the basal lamina . Thebasal lamina is a continuous, electron-opaquelayer approximately 300-350 A in thickness .Subjacent to the basal lamina, a new system offibrils has recently been described in the dermis(24-29). These fibrils have been termed anchor-ing fibrils (25) (special fibrils of the dermis andanchoring filament bundles) . Anchoring fibrilshave a characteristic morphology consisting of anasymmetric, transverse-banded central area withfilamentous or branched portions at either endextending superficially to the basal lamina anddeep into the dermis .

Epidermal-Dermal Junction after

Trypsinization-Isolated Epidermis and

Isolated Dermis

Separation of epidermis and dermis occurredsharply and uniformly at the intermembranousspace between the plasma membrane and basallamina. The basal surface of the isolated epidermiswas composed of the plasma membrane alongwhich were seen intact hemidesmosomes with theiraccompanying tonofilaments (Fig . 4) . Basal laminaand anchoring fibrils were absent from the basalsurface of all isolated epidermal specimens . Neithercollagen fibrils nor contaminating dermis wasnoted . Membrane-bounded blebs were seen pro-jecting from the basal surface of some of the epi-dermal basal cells . The cytoplasm of the bleb wasfinely granular and lacked cellular organellesand tonofilaments .

Basal lamina comprised the adepidermal surfaceof the isolated dermis (Fig . 5) . Anchoring fibrilswere noted subjacent to the basal lamina . Struc-tural alterations of the basal lamina and anchoringfibrils were not seen .

Epidermal-Dermal Junctions after

Recombining Viable Epidermis and Dermis

The following description is based on the elec-tron microscope observation of 80 recombinantsof epidermis and viable dermis . Attention will bedirected to the epidermal-dermal interface of therecombinants . At the time of grafting, the epi-

BRXGGAMAN ET AL . Basal Lamina and Anchoring Fibrils in Human Skin


FIGURE 3 Epidermal-dermal junction in normal human skin . Hemidesmosomes (H) are present along theplasma membrane which is separated from the basal lamina (BL) by the intermembranous space. Anchor-ing fibrils (AF) and collagen fibers are seen in the dermis below the basal lamina. Paraformaldehyde fix-ation. Calibration bar = 1 /.t . X 22,000.

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FIGÜRE 4 Isolated epidermis showing the former epidermal-dermal junction . Hemidesmosomes withaccompanying tonofilaments are seen along the plasma membrane . No basal lamina or anchoring fibrilsare seen . Membrane-bounded blebs are present (arrow) . Osmium fixation . Calibration bar = 1,u . X 21,000 .

FIGURE 5 Isolated dermis showing intact basal lamina and anchoring fibrils at the former epidermal-der-mal junction. Paraformaldehyde fixation. Calibration bar = 0.5y. X 33,000 .

ermal component of the interface was com-posed of the plasma membrane of epidermalbasal cells, intact hemidesmosomes along theplasma membrane, and tonofilaments radiatingfrom the hemidesmosomes. The epidermal com-ponent was apposed to inverted dermis whichwas completely devoid of basal lamina or anchoringfibrils .

No basal lamina was noted during the first 2days of cultivation . Beginning on the third day,focal areas of faint electron-opaque materialwere noted to accumulate immediately subjacentto hemidesmosomes (Fig . 6) . Subsequent develop-ments lead us to interpret this as the earliest indi-cation of basal lamina formation . From the thirdto fifth day of cultivation, the focal areas of basallamina became progressively more dense andextended laterally beyond the area subjacent tothe hemidesmosomes (Fig . 7) . The basal laminawas separated from the hemidesmosomes and theplasma membrane by a characteristic electron-lucent intermembranous space . By the sixth tothe seventh days, focal areas of basal lamina fusedto become continuous in some areas although thebasal lamina was still most dense subjacent tohemidesmosomes (Fig . 8). Formation of basallamina progressed through the ninth to 10th dayof cultivation .

The previously described membrane-boundedblebs remained prominent during the first severaldays of cultivation and gradually involuted there-after . Hemidesmosomes were absent on the plasmamembrane of the blebs . Basal lamina failed toreform in the region of the blebs .

Anchoring fibrils first appeared during the fifthday of cultivation. Newly formed fibrils wereseen underlying the basal lamina in the region ofhemidesmosomes (Fig . 7-9) . On longitudinalsection, the fibrils were composed of an asymmet-rical, transverse-banded central region withfilamentous or branched regions radiating fromeither end (Fig . 10) . Although initially sparse,


their numbers increased during cultivation until,by the ninth day, anchoring fibrils were numerousin many recombinants . Occasionally, the numberappeared to be greater than seen in normal skin,in which case they were present not only attachedto the basal lamina but randomly distributed inthe dermis immediately under the basal lamina.Anchoring fibril formation was always precededby basal lamina formation . Anchoring fibrils werenot found in the absence of basal lamina .

Epidermal-Dermal Junctions afterRecombining Viable Epidermis andNonviable Freeze- Thawed Dermis

30 recombinants of viable epidermis and dermisrendered nonviable by repeated freezing andthawing were examined electron microscopicallyfor basal lamina and anchoring fibril formationafter varying periods of cultivation on the CAM .Formation of basal lamina followed the same timesequence as in recombinant grafts of epidermisand viable dermis. Basal lamina appeared first atthree day cultivation subjacent to hemidesmo-somes, after which it became progressively moredense and extended laterally to become continuousin some areas (Fig . 11) . No differences were notedin the density or abundance of basal lamina be-tween recombinants containing viable and non-viable dermis .

Anchoring fibrils were not found in any of the30 recombinants of epidermis and freeze-thawed,nonviable dermis examined for periods up to 10day cultivation on the CAM .


Basal lamina formed in recombinants of viableepidermis with both viable and nonviable dermis,indicating that basal lamina formation is notdependent upon the viability of dermis . Sinceepidermis is the only tissue capable of activesynthesis in both situations, we conclude that

FIGURE 6 Epidermal-dermal junction in recombinant of viable epidermis and dermis at 3 days of cul-tivation on CAM . Focal areas of electron-opaque material are seen subjacent to hemidesmosomes (arrow) .Osmium fixation. Calibration bar = 0 .5 .. X 57,000.

FIGURE 7 Epidermal-dermal junction in recombinant of viable epidermis and dermis at 5 days of culti-vation on CAM . Basal lamina has become progressively more dense and spread out from the area subjacentto hemidesmosomes . Anchoring fibrils are seen under the basal lamina . Osmium fixation . Calibrationbar = 0.5 ,u . X 25,500 .

BRIGGAMAN ET AL. Ba9al Lamina and Anchoring Fibrils in Human Skin


FIGURE 8 Epidermal-dermal junction in recombinant of viable epidermis and dermis at 5 days of culti-vation on CAM . Anchoring fibrils are seen under the basal lamina (arrow) . Osmium fixation . Calibrationbar = 0.5 p X 78,000 .

FIGURE 9 Epidermal-dermal junction in recombinant of viable epidermis and dermis at 7 days of culti-vation on CAM . Basal lamina . Osmium fixation. Calibration bar = 0.5 IC . X 40,800.

FIGURE 10 Epidermal-dermal junction in recombinant of viable epidermis and dermis at 9 days of cul-tivation. Anchoring fibrils are evident on the dermal side of the basal lamina and in the dermis . Para-formaldehyde fixation . Calibration bar = 0 .5,u. X 51,200 .

FIGURE 11 Epidermal-dermal junction in recombinant of viable of epidermis and freeze-thawed (non-viable) dermis at 7 days of cultivation on CAM . Basal lamina is present although anchoring fibrils areabsent . Paraformaldehyde fixation. Calibration bar = 0.5,u . X 33,700.

basal lamina is primarily derived from the epi-dermis. The possibility that dermis makes a passivecontribution to basal lamina formation is notexcluded by this study . The finding that basallamina formation is consistently initiated directlysubjacent to hemidesmosomes further substantiatesthe intimate relationship of the epidermis to basallamina formation . The conclusion reached in ourstudy on adult human skin is in accord withprevious studies which utilized neoplastic andembryonic tissues (7-16) .

Anchoring fibrils form in recombinants ofviable epidermis and viable dermis but not inrecombinants containing nonviable dermis .Anchoring fibril formation, therefore, is dependentupon dermal viability . This observation supportsthe contention that anchoring fibrils are derivedfrom the dermis . This is the first evidence, to ourknowledge, regarding the origin of anchoringfibrils.

In order that these data can be interpreted assupporting the epidermal origin of basal laminaand the dermal origin of anchoring fibrils, it isessential that two conditions be met : (a) contami-nation of the new epidermal-dermal interface ofthe recombinant with residual basal lamina andanchoring fibrils from the previous epidermal-dermal interface must be excluded, and (b) freeze-thawed dermis must be nonviable and incapable ofactive synthesis .

Neither residual basal lamina nor anchoringfibrils were found in samples of isolated epidermisexamined by electron microscopy. Separationinduced by the "cold trypsinization" procedureused in this study occurred uniformly at the inter-membranous space, leaving apparently un-damaged basal lamina and anchoring fibrilsattached to the dermis . If contamination of isolatedepidermis with basal lamina or anchoring fibrilsdoes occur in the separation procedure, it must berare and does not account for the observationsreported in this study . Contamination from theisolated dermis is excluded by inversion of thedermis so that a freshly cut dermal surface wherebasal lamina and anchoring fibrils are normallyabsent is presented to the new epidermal-dermalinterface . The absence of basal lamina before thethird day and anchoring fibrils before the fifthday of cultivation as well as the sequential for-mation of these structures provide further evidencefor the new formation of basal lamina and anchor-

ing fibrils as opposed to residuals from epidermisor dermis before cultivation .The observation that fibroblasts uniformly

fail to grow out from the freeze-thawed dermis intissue culture, whereas fibroblasts consistentlygrow out from viable dermis, provides evidencethat the freeze-thawed dermis is nonviable . Furtherevidence of the nonviability of freeze-thaweddermis is the severe cellular degeneration noted onelectron microscopy. It is inconceivable that suchsevere degeneration is compatible with cellularviability or active cellular synthetic activity .

Dr. Briggaman is a recipient of Special Fellowship5-F3-AM-35, 608 .

This investigation was supported in part by Re-search Grant 2 RO1 AM10546 and DermatologyTraining Grant 5 TO1 AM05298 from the NationalInstitutes of Health .Received for publication 18 February 1971, and in revisedform 4 June 1971 .


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