FOREWORD - Greenville County School District Student... · FOREWORD Each year Bryson ... Our school...

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Transcript of FOREWORD - Greenville County School District Student... · FOREWORD Each year Bryson ... Our school...


Each year Bryson Elementary compiles a handbook to provide students and

t heir parents a guide to understanding it s policies, rules, and procedures.

This informat ion is important in communicat ing school act ivit ies, academic

and behavioral ex pectat ions, and responsibilit ies of students and parents.

Please take t ime to become familiar with the contents of t his manual. In

updat ing the handbook yearly, we welcome your suggest ions and



Principal’ s M essage

Facult y and Staff

Daily Schedule

Drop Off/ Pick Up

School Bus Safety

Visit or Procedures


PTA/ SIC and Board

Home/ School Communicat ion

Progress Report s/ Report Cards

Dress Code

Lost and Found

Propert y Dest ruct ion

At tendance


Health Room


Field Trips

Tex tbooks


Computer Lab

M edia Center

Physical Educat ion

Challenge Program.

Transfers/ Withdrawals


Dist r ibut ion of M aterials on School Campus by

Non-School Personnel

Student Agendas

School Safety Plan

Student Acceptable Use Policy Agreement

Internet Safety Policy

School Discipline/ Bully Policy

Hi Bryson Bears,

I hope that you are all ready for an excit ing year. Our school slogan/

t heme this year, “ Here We Grow" capt ures what we do every day at

Bryson Elementary; we ' grow' young minds both intellectually

and emot ionally.

I oft en hear many say, “ You can be anything you want t o be if you

work hard enough.” Sorry, but I do not believe that to be a t rue

statement . For example, as a child, if I had wanted to be a center in t he

NBA - no mat ter how hard I worked, I was never going to be 7 feet tall with


sk il l set necessary to be the nex t Bill Russell, t he Hall of Fame center

of t he Boston Celt ics. M y vision would have eliminated any considerat ion for

t he ast ronaut / space program. Though I was always a pret t y st rong math

student , I was not st rong enough to be a nuclear physicist . What I did discover

while I was a student was that I had gif t s in music, writ ing,

organizing, humor, communicat ing – well, according to

my fourth grade teacher - t alk ing a lot , mult iple sport s and doing many dif ferent

t hings well. M y gif t s and abilit ies led me into educat ion as a career

and even today I use my creat ive sk ills t o wri t e songs and perform


As a 5 to 10 year old, it is often dif f icult t o know with certaint y what

a child wants to be “ when they grow up.” What we do know is t hat

every child is l ike a budding plant wait ing to unfold or a sealed

envelope being opened to discover t he contents. Will t hey be st rong

in math, an excellent writ er, have a keen interest in science, have

musical or art ist ic gif t s, be a future O lympian? Our challenge as

educators and parents is t o nurture, encourage, guide, and challenge

each young learner to help them develop “ what is inside of t heir

envelope” or to blossom into the unique person they are gif t ed and

sk il led to be.

Each year is unique and always excit ing as we watch our children

grow. We look forward to this being another wonderful school year

and hope that you will join us in work ing together for your child

during this important stage of t heir life.


M r. Chambers


M eet t he Bryson Facult y and Staff

Our Teacher of the Year - Pam Gray, Fourth Grade

Front Office

Thomas Chambers, Principal

Leda Young, Assistant Principal

Kelli Coons , Inst ruct ional Coach

Cindy Blake, Secretary

Karen Spain, At tendance Clerk

Daralyn Bake, Records/ Off ice Clerk


Carrie Basset t

Cathy Carter, Teaching Assistant

M argaret Johnson

Kathy Bramlet t , Teaching Assistant

Beverly Neal

Carolyn Buie, Teaching Assistant

Katherine Pate

Shonta Drake, Teaching Assistant

Renee Stanislaw

Kelli But ler, Teaching Assistant

Priscilla Westbrook

Renee Carbaugh, Teaching Assistant

First Grade

Christ ine Bart ram

Laney DeLong

Brenda Hilbert

Erin Hoffman

Sarah Limbaugh

Darlene M iller

Kathy Sanders

Second Grade

Curry Brainard

Stephanie Bruce

Karen Connor

Ann Huggins

Shannon Luzadder

Ashley M urrell

Krist i M it ros

Third Grade

M elinda Berry

Kat ie Best

Lisa Hoffman

N ichole Wagner

Stacie Wentzky

Paula Williams

Fourth Grade

Tracy Abney

Lisa Bolin

Pamela Dunlap

Pam Gray

M ary Russell

M organ Smith

Fifth Grade

Lisa Barrow

M ark Best

Pam Bit t ner

Kat ie Cheshire

Linda Johnson

Rachel Richards

Related Arts

Jennifer Boukather, Art

Ruthanne Coggins, M usic

Anne Duncan, P.E.

Sarah M iller, M usic

Tammi Trammell, P.E.

Teri Wallace, Art

Special Education

Karen Vargo, LD Resource

Joan Fifer, LD Resource

Kevin Ester, EM DSC K-2

Tamara Czynik iwwicz, Aide

N icole Shart zer, EM DSC K3-5

Sarah M organ, Aide

Lisa Wade, Aide

ESOL Teacher

Ann Hardigree

Challenge Teacher

Heather Turner

M edia Specialist

Debbie Wolfe

Christ ine M orley, M edia Clerk

Speech Teachers

Jodi Kirchner

Ashley Vickery

Guidance Counselors

Teri Chasteen

Amy Holcombe

Support Staff

Tara Rice, School Nurse

Custodial Staff

Desmond M aragh, Plant M anager

Rick Douglas

M it chell Loperena

Susan M iller

M elisa Nunez

Earl Phillips


Debbie Brunn, M anager

Duryea, Christ ine

Grace M asters

M cCleskey, Karen

Frank lin, Angel

Paula Wells

RTI Specialist

Teri Chasteen


CAUTION: For t he safety of our children - DO NOT DROP OFF AND LEAVE


Students will not be allowed to enter t he cafeteria unt il supervisory personnel

arrive at 7:15.

7:15-7:50 Break fast or M orning Holding

Students who arrive early by bus or vans have a choice to report direct ly t o

break fast in

t he cafeteria or go st raight t o grade level hallways for holding. M orning holding

t ime

will be a t ime for reading or f inishing up needed work . Staff supervision will be


t o maintain a safe and quiet set t ing.

7:50 am End of break fast .

No student will be served unless the bus is late. All students arriving after 7:50

and up unt il 8:00 should report t o t heir

classrooms. Students arriving after 8:00 must report t o t he Front Off ice for a

Late Pass.

8:00 The school day begins with morning act ivit ies/ review work .

At tendance is t aken at 8:05. Students arriving after 8:05 am will be marked

tardy. They will be given a permit t o enter class f rom the front off ice.

2:00 pm End of early dismissals.

Teachers and students will f inish the school day with f inal inst ruct ions regarding

class work , homework and any addit ional assignments. All visit ors, parents and

parent volunteers are expected to ex it t he building at t his t ime.

2:30 pm The school day ends.

All students are dismissed. Bus riders and van riders are to report t o t he

breezeway. Car r iders, bike riders, and walkers are to report to t he front of t he

school for pick up. Be very mindful of t he teachers and safety pat rols t hat are on

duty to assist us in safely moving students to their respect ive areas ( please refer

t o t he Bryson Elementary Discipline Framework informat ion in t he Discipline

Code sect ion)

3:00 pm All students should be picked up by this t ime or students will be sent

t o t he Bryson Afterschool Program and a fee will be charged for supervision.


Parents are asked to please remain in t heir vehicles during morning drop off and

afternoon pick -up. There are two designated lanes for pick -up and drop-off: t he

inside lane nex t t o t he sidewalk and the outside lane nex t t o the f lagpole.


Parents of car r iders should remain in t heir cars in t he morning and drive

through the drop-off lines. Please pull forward as far as possible. Safety pat rols

and staff members are available to ensure students get to t heir classroom safely.

Children should not be dropped off in t he park ing lot or on the side of t he road.

I f it is necessary for a parent to park , will be required to ex it their car and

escort t heir child t o the staff member on duty at t he Cross-Walk / Flag Pole.

Students should enter t he building wit hout an adult / parent escort . Some

k indergarten children and students new to Bryson may require the parent t o

init ially walk them to class.

This is perfect ly f ine for t he f irst few days of school. After September 7th,

children are expected to walk without t heir parents into the building. Staff

members as well as Safety Pat rols will ensure that all students get t o t heir

classroom safely. Children do gain a sense of pride and confidence when they

walk themselves to class.











Parents of car r iders should remain in t heir cars in t he afternoon and drive

through the pick -up lines. For t he safety of all of our students, adult s must not

gather under the covered area in front of t he school t o meet their child at

dismissal t ime.

I t is dif f icult for staff members to ensure students are leaving with the correct

person when adult s are among the children in our dismissal area. All students

r iding home in a car must be picked up in t he car line.

Students will be escorted to the cafeter ia for dismissal. The students’ names will

be called over t he PA system as their car approached the loading area.

Parents living in t he immediate area that are walk ing their child t o and from

school should obtain a " Car Tag" for ident if icat ion purposes. While an except ion

is made to allow these parents to meet t heir child at t he dismissal ent rance with

their t ag, we reserve the right t o discont inue this if t he number grows too large.

Parents must have a sign that Bryson will provide in t he windshield ident ifying

the student being picked up. I f you misplace or forget your sign then you will

need to park and bring ident if icat ion to the off ice for another sign. The car line

moves quick ly and clears most days by 2:50.

Vehicles must park in designated park ing areas when visit ing the building. Do

not park on the lawn or in front of t he school. Please remember to cross at t he

crosswalks. The Greenville County Sherif f ’ s Department may begin to hand out

citat ions for il legal park ing and disobeying t raff ic signs.

Smok ing is prohibit ed on all Greenville County School Dist r ict propert y. This

includes in your vehicle while on school propert y.

Using cell phones in t he drop-off and pick -up lines is discouraged. Our focus

should be on operat ing our vehicles safely.

Drive slowly while on the school premises. We cannot compromise the

safety of our children and adult s simply because we are in hurry or

running late.

Pull forward as far as possible when dropping off and pick ing up your child t o

accommodate the f low of t raff ic. Do not stop on the crosswalk . Please follow

the direct ions of t he teachers and safety pat rols on duty. Everyone has been

t rained in t he proper arrival and dismissal procedures.

Students need to be ready to ex it t heir cars during the morning drop-off. Too

many cars are delayed when last minute act ivit ies take place in cars while going

through the drop-off area. Having your child/ children prepared will expedite

drop-off and assist in reducing the number of t ardy students.

Focus on having your child t o school by 7 :45 so that your child has suff icient

t ime to get t o t he classroom and take care of morning act ivit ies such as

unpack ing backpacks, choosing lunch, t urning in homework , et c. This will give

your child an unrushed and organized start t o each school day.

Safety Pat rols will help unload cars in t he right car lane – t he lane closest t o t he

school – beginning at 7:25. The second lane – t he lane to the left of t he f lag

pole – will open at 7:30. Remember do not off drop students in t he car lane on

the left of t he f lag pole unless teachers are available to assist students.

Cars ex it ing the Bryson park ing area onto Bryson Heights must t urn right at t he

stop sign located at the intersect ion of Bryson Heights and Bryson Drive

between the hours of 7:30 -- 8:00 and 2:30 – 3:00.

* I f t here is a change in t ransportat ion, we require advance not ice in writ ing

regarding the way your child will get home. I f no not if icat ion is received, your

child will follow his regular method of get t ing home.


The School Dist r ict of Greenville County must ensure that t he bus ride to and

from school is a safe one. All bus r iders are required to follow bus safety rules at

all t imes. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary sanct ions, possibly including

exclusion from the bus. Usual school disciplinary sanct ions, such as suspension

and expulsion, may also be imposed.

Each bus rider is expected to:

• follow the driver’ s direct ions;

• sit in t he assigned seat ;

• keep hands, arms, legs, and objects to himself and inside the

• bus

• refrain from cursing, name calling, gestures, or loud talk ing;

• refrain from pushing, shoving, or annoying other students;

• refrain from eat ing, drink ing, chewing gum, or lit t ering;

• obey all point s of the Student Behavior Code.

A complete copy of Bus Rider Guidelines

can be found on the dist r ict ’ s website under the Transportat ion Department at

ht tp:/ / gcsd/ depts/ t rans/ index .asp.

Bryson Elementary will follow all t ransportat ion guidelines for bus riders.

1st Referral= Parent Not if icat ion and warning to change behavior

2nd Referral= Parent not if icat ion and bus suspension for up to 5 days.

3rd Bus Referral= Parent Conference and suspension for up to 10 days.

4th Bus Referral= Removal of Bus Riding Privileges.


At Bryson, we are very proud of our school and our program. We urge st rong

parental involvement . Our school is open for you to volunteer, eat lunch with

your child, or simply come in for a brief visit . ALWAYS stop by the front off ice

upon entering to pick up on a visit or’ s pass. Each year, pre-arrange a meet ing

with him/ her. No person or persons will be allowed to go direct ly t o a classroom

and interrupt inst ruct ion. Driver’ s License Ident if icat ion will be scanned before

visit ors enter t he school building.


Bryson has an act ive volunteer program. Yet with the growth in populat ion, we

f ind that we need you even more. We invit e you to become a partner in t he

educat ional development of your child. We solicit your presence at and

part icipat ion in mak ing this year of volunteering at Bryson the best ever!

To further enhance safety measures to protect students, staff and families GCS

conducts annual background checks of parents/ guardians and others wishing to

volunteer in schools and during school events.

Those wishing to volunteer must complete a writ t en applicat ion. Once approved

through the GCS Volunteer Applicat ion Process, a person is eligible to volunteer

t hrough the school, PTA, and other school organizat ions. The GCS Volunteer

Applicat ion Process is in addit ion to any volunteer procedures used by schools,

PTAs, and other school organizat ions.


Bryson is also proud to have st rong parental support in it s organizat ions. The

PTA and SIC cont inue to plan object ives in giving guidance, physical, and

f inancial support t o t he school. PTA has numerous opportunit ies to get involved

and everyone is welcome. The 2014-2015 members are listed below.



Dale M cM inn

Lori Larobidere

Ways and M eans


Volunteers Coordinator

M embership


Recreation Improvement & Holiday Shoppe

Bear Fair Chair

Terrific Kids Coordinator




Community Relations

Beartracks Editor

Box Tops Coordinator


Newslet ters: Each teacher sends home week ly updates to the parents of his/ her

students to inform them of upcoming assignments and events. In addit ion, at

least four t imes a year, t he school publishes a newslet ter which list s honors and

awards and other informat ion that is useful t o t he Bryson family and communit y.

The principal will also send out communicat ions as well as report news and

informat ion to the local media.

Conferences: Parents are encouraged to at tend regularly scheduled conferences.

The purpose of t hese conferences is t o keep parents informed of t he student ’ s

progress and to help make the parents part icipants in t heir child’ s educat ion.

Parent -teacher conferences may be requested by eit her t he teacher or t he parent .

Somet imes, a problem or concern may come up that cannot be handled

sat isfactorily t hrough a parent -teacher conference. The parent may then call

and/ or request a meet ing with an administ rator.

Parents are urged to communicate with teachers by phone or notes whenever

there is informat ion the teacher needs to know or when the parent has a

quest ion concerning the child’ s educat ional progress. Generally, t eachers are

unavailable to talk on the phone during the school day, but t hey will return

phone calls after classes are over for t he day.

Interim Progress Reports: Interim progress report s may be sent home between

regular report cards. Some teachers send them to show that t he student is NOT

progressing sat isfactorily. However, many teachers use interim progress report s

for ALL of t heir students in an effort t o keep parents informed.

Report Cards: report cards indicate a student ’ s academic progress, cit izenship,

and at tendance each nine weeks. The following grading system is used

throughout The School Dist r ict of Greenville County.

The School Dist r ict of Greenville County has changed it s grading scale effect ive


t he 2000-01 school years to comply with new statewide requirements.


A = 93-100

B = 85-92

C = 77-84

D = 70-76

U= 69 or Below

* Student cumulat ive records are confident ial and are therefore protected by

specif ic r ights including access, disclosure, and t ransfer. I f you want more

informat ion on your r ights in t his mat ter, please contact t he school.


Greenville County School Dist r ict students are expected to dress and be groomed

in such a way as to not dist ract or cause disrupt ion in t he educat ional program

or orderly operat ion of t he school. Personal appearance of students should

promote health and safety, cont ribute to a climate conducive to teaching and

learning and project a posit ive image of the Dist r ict t o t he communit y. Students

should dress for t he educat ional set t ing and not t he recreat ional one.

Greenville County School Dist r ict establishes the following requirements for

school dress code policies for students:

Clothing and/ or hair should not be so ex t reme or inappropriate to the school

set t ing as to disrupt t he educat ion process. Therefore, clothing deemed

dist ract ing, revealing, overly suggest ive or otherwise disrupt ive will not be

permit t ed. . Wearing accessories or clothing that could pose a safety threat t o

oneself or others is not allowed. . Hats and sunglasses may not be worn in t he

building, unless allowed for a “ spirit day” event .

.At t ire must not evidence membership or aff iliat ion with a " gang" in any

negat ive sense of t he term. Proper shoes must be worn at all t imes. Thong –

Style shoes or f l ip f lops are not allowed during the inst ruct ional day.

At t ire must not be immodest , obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, indecent or

offensive. . Clothing that inappropriately exposes the body is not permit ted.

Students shall not expose undergarments.

Pants must be worn at t he natural waist line and undergarments are not t o be

visible. Pants and slacks must not bag, sag, or drag. No clothing, jewelry, or

t at toos are permit t ed that display profanit y, suggest ive phrases, or dvert isements

for, or messages or pictures depict ing or suggest ing alcohol, t obacco, drugs, or

sex .

Rolling book bags are discouraged; however in cases of need, please consult with

the teacher.

The administ rat ion will make the f inal judgment on the appropriateness of

clothing and/ or appearance and reserves the right t o prohibit students from

wearing any art icles of clothing or other it ems which lead to or may result in t he

disrupt ion of or interference with the school environment .

In t he event t he administ rat ion determines a student ’ s dress is inappropriate f or

school in accordance with this policy, t he administ rat ion will eit her require the

student t o change or will inform the student not t o wear the garment t o school

again. Repeated violat ions of t he dress code will be t reated as disrupt ive

behavior in violat ion of t he Dist r ict ' s Behavior Code.


Each year we f ind that t here is quite a large amount of clothing and other it ems

that are unclaimed. Please encourage your child t o t ry t o keep up with coats and

other personal belongings. I f an it em is lost , quick ly check with the school. The

school is not responsible for t he loss of personal it ems. Unclaimed it ems are

discarded or donated to local agencies periodically.


Bryson is very proud of it s beaut iful facilit ies. We would certainly l ike to keep

the building look ing fresh and clean for future Bryson Bears. St udents who

deface or dest roy school propert y or t he propert y of others in the school

communit y, eit her intent ionally or accidentally, shall be required to pay for t he

damage. Intent ional damage will warrant disciplinary act ion.


The State of South Carolina has adopted a uniform at tendance policy to assure

that students at tend school regular ly. A correlat ion showing that at tendance

direct ly affects academics led to the statewide adopt ion of t his policy. Each day

students are not in school, t hey miss hours of valuable inst ruct ion and

opportunit ies that may never be experienced again.

All children are required to at tend a public or private school or k indergart en

beginning at age f ive and cont inuing unt il t heir seventeenth birt hday. I f parents

choose not t o send their children to k indergarten, t hey must sign a waiver,

which may be obtained at t he local school.

Students are counted present only when they are act ually in school, on

homebound inst ruct ion, or are present at t he act ivit y authorized by the school


The school year consist s of 180 school days. To receive credit , students must

at tend at least 85 days of each 90 -day semester course and at least 170 days of

t he 180-day year course, as well as meet all minimum requirements for each

course. Accrued student absences, eit her lawful or unlawful, or a combinat ion

thereof, may not exceed ten ( 10) days during the school year. Any absence in

excess of ten ( 10) days may cause the student t o lose credit for t he year. A

medical excuse is required for all absences in excess of 10 ( ten) days.

All absences shall be approved or disapproved by the principal ( or his designee)

in accordance with the following guidelines:


1. Personal il lness of a child shall be verif ied by a statement from the parent or

a physician within two ( 2) days of t he student ’ s return to school. Absences for

chronic or ex tended il lness will be approved only when verif ied by a physician’ s

statement .

2. Serious il lness or death of an immediate family member shall be verif ied by a

statement from the parent within two ( 2) days of t he student ’ s return t o school.

3. Absences for religious holidays shall be requested in advance. Such requests

must be made to the principal in writ ing.

4. Absence for ex t reme hardships may be approved by the principal. Such

approval should be prearranged when possible.


Any student absence, with or without t he knowledge of t he parent , which does

not meet t he condit ions for a lawful absence, shall be counted as unlawful.

Procedure for M akeup Work

1. Provision for makeup of school work missed during the lawful absences shall

be worked out with the teacher( s) concerned at t he earliest t ime possible, but

t he t ime should not exceed f ive ( 5) days after t he student returns to school.

2. Provision for makeup of school work missed during unlawful absences may be

approved only with permission of t he principal after consultat ion w ith the

teacher( s) concerned.

3. Students who are suspended must make up missed work .

These rules apply to all schools within the dist r ict .

Quest ions regarding at tendance rules should be directed to the principal of t he

student ’ s school.

Notes Required

Please send a note to the teacher if your child:

1. Is absent due to illness, death in t he family, or in advance or a religious


2. Is t ardy.

3. Needs to be picked up early. ( Please designate specif ic t ime.)

4. Needs to take medicine during the day.

5. Needs to be excused from recess or physical educat ion.

6. Has a change ( temporary or permanent ) in t ransportat ion


I t is very important that students begin their day on a posit ive note. They are

expected to be in t heir classes at 8:00. I f t hey frequent ly arrive late to school,

t heir academic progress is affected. I t also interrupts other students who are

act ively part icipat ing in t he morning act ivit ies. Late arrivals may also require a

change in the daily lunch count .

I f your child arr ives late, he/ she is t o go to the front off ice and get a permit t o

enter class.

After t he f if t h t ardy, an administ rator will contact t he parents. After t he tenth

tardy, an administ rator will conduct an intervent ion conference with the parent .

I f t he tardies persist , t he tardies will be turned over t o a t ruant off icer.


I t is important t hat students complete the full school day. Yet , t here are

circumstances that may require your child t o leave early. We ask that you limit

requests for dismissals t o emergencies and schedule medical appointments after

school whenever possible. I f your child needs an early dismissal, please send a

note stat ing the reason for t he dismissal, as well as the name of t he person who

will be pick ing up your child at t he beginning of t he day. Please note there will

be no early dismissals after 2:00. Be sure to include the t ime of t he dismissal. At

t he t ime of dismissal, please come to the front off ice and sign your child out .

You will be required to show a picture ID when signing out your child. Parents

are not allowed to go to a classroom for a child.

Students are expected to leave the school grounds soon after 2:30 dismissal.

Please caut ion your child about accept ing rides from st rangers.

Before leaving home in the morning, please tell your child how she/ he will be

going home that day. I f t here has to be a change in t ransportat ion, you must

come by the off ice or send a note to the school. We cannot accept change of

t ransportat ion over the telephone. I f you cannot come to the school t o inform

the off ice of a change, you may fax us at 355 -3696.


A perfect at tendance award is given to students who have been present at school

each day. To get credit for a full day of at tendance, t he student should be

present at least four hours. Though a student may have been at school every

day, students with 5 or more unexcused tardies or early dismissals will not

qualify for t he perfect at tendance award.


During the f irst weeks of school your child’ s t eacher will be sending home many

informat ion forms. Please complete them and prompt ly return them. M ake sure

telephone numbers and addresses are accurate and clearly writ t en. Remember to

put t he name and telephone number of a person who can be contacted in t he

event t hat you cannot be reached. Please not ify t he school if you change

addresses or of any other changes that occur during the year. I t is very

important t hat our records are always kept up to date.


Bryson Elementary serves wholesome and nut rit ious lunches to both students

and adult s. Students may purchase lunch t ickets by the day or on a week ly basis.

M oney will not be refunded if t he child is absent , but may be used when the

child returns to school.

We encourage the children to drink milk with their meals, but if a child is

allergic t o diary products, t he student may bring fruit juice or purchase a can of

fruit juice from the cafeteria for $.50. No canned drinks and glass-bot t led drinks

are allowed, and we discourage fast foods for lunch. Also, please do not sent red

or grape Kool-Aid, Hi-C,

grape juice, or st rawberry or cherry dr inks. Students are not allowed to purchase

iced tea or paper cups from the cafeteria. There are no facilit ies for children who

bring lunches to eit her warm them up or refr igerate them.

Below is a pr ice list used in t he cafeteria.

Type of Service Price per Day Price / per week

Student , Full Pay Lunch 2.20/ 11.00

Student , Reduced Lunch .40 / 2.00

Adult Lunch 3.50

Student , Full Pay Break fast 1.00/ 5.00

Student , Reduced Break fast .30 1.50

Adult Break fast 2.05

Ex t ra M ilk .65

M eal prices are subject t o change pending not ice from the State Department .


Any child who is not feeling well or has been hurt on the playground will be sent

t o t he health room by his t eacher. We have a registered nurse at t he school on a

full t ime basis. When the nurse is unavailable, parent volunteers or t he off ice

staff will at t end to the immediate needs of t he students. The person in char ge of

t he health room will log the student ’ s t ime in, t ake his t emperature, or perform

any minor f irst aid necessary depending upon his symptoms. We are equipped to

administer f irst aid only. I f t he sit uat ion is serious or t he child is uncomfortable,

a parent is called. In all cases of accident or il lness, every effort is made to

contact t he parents. The school will follow your direct ions on the enrollment and

consent forms if we are unsuccessful in reaching you and the child needs more

than f irst aid.

IM PORTANT NOTE: No t reatment other t han f irst aid will be given by school

personnel. This is why it is important t hat you keep the school informed with

the most up-to-date informat ion about :

Changes in your name, phone number, address, and family doctor

Names of persons ( and phone numbers) to contact in case either parent cannot

be reached

I f emergency care is needed, t he local EMS will be called. The health room has a

limited amount of space and cannot be used as a place to keep children for more

than a very short t ime. Parents are asked to cooperate by coming to get t heir

children as soon as t he nurse or other qualif ied person in t he health room calls.

No medicine can be dispensed in the health room unless it is accompanied by

signed inst ruct ions from the parents. When sending M edicat ions, please note

special inst ruct ions, e.g., if t he medicine requires refr igerat ion, et c. A special

form must be completed and left in t he off ice for any medicat ion. We do not

provide any medicat ion other t han ant isept ics for superf icial cuts and abrasions.

I f your child suffers an injury at home, do not depend upon the nurse the

volunteers to at tend to the injury. The parents have f irst line responsibilit y for

t ending to injuries. I f your child is sick in t he morning, please do not send him

to school for a diagnosis of t he problem. We do not have a resident physician on

staff .


All students are encouraged to take the school accident insurance protect ion

offered at t he beginning of t he school year. Accidents should be reported

immediately and all claims must be f illed prompt ly. The school’ s only

responsibilit y for t his insurance is one of service. The school will provide claim

forms and complete the school port ion. All other mat ters relat ing to claims are

the responsibil it y of t he family and the insurance company.


Field t r ips are encouraged when they supplement t he classroom curriculum.

Parents will be not if ied of t he t r ip ahead of t ime and will be asked to sign a

permission form. All students must return a Dist r ict Field Trip form in order t o

at tend an off -campus event . Parental notes or phone calls will not be accepted as

off icial f ield t r ip permission. Teachers somet imes arrange special t r ips for which

ex t ra costs may be involved, such as special t ransport at ion. You may be

approached to accompany the students as a volunteer chaperone. Please support

your children and their classes by part icipat ing in such learning experiences.

Some f ield t r ips may return after usual school hours. Teachers will t ell you

before the t r ip what t ime the buses will return to the school. Please be prompt

in pick ing up your child. The children are t ired, t he teachers are t ired, and

everybody needs to get home. I f a child is not picked up in a t imely manner and

if we have no contact with the parent , t he child may be taken to the Sherif f ’ s

Department in downtown Greenville.


The state provides 1 set of free tex tbooks for all students in elementary school.

I f a tex tbook is lost or damaged by a student , t he student must pay the assessed

amount before another t ex tbook is issued.


The telephones in t he school are for calls related to school business. Students are

not allowed to use the phones except in case of an emergency and with the

permission of t heir t eachers or other staff members.

Greenville County Schools has issued st r ict guidelines for cell phone use. I f a

student carries a cell phone to school, it must be turned off and place inside a

backpack during the school day. I f a cell phone is found in usage, it will be

confiscated and removed to the off ice. The parent or guardian will be called to

pick up the cell phone. This will also apply to elect ronic games and I pods unless

prior approval is given for a lesson or incent ive based act ivit y.


* * Computer Lab

Bryson Elementary has three computer labs to include both desk top and laptop

labs. Students in grades one through f ive are scheduled to go to the lab for at

least one period per week . I f a parent should desire, students can bring an

individual set of headphones to be kept at school for use during computer lab

t ime. Headphones need to be labeled and kept in a zip lock bag.

* * M edia Center

The Library and it s materials are for t he use of all students. Procedures are

planned to encourage the use of materials as the need arises. Students learn how

to use the library for studies and for t heir own enjoyment . Books are checked

out for one week and can be renewed. There are no overdue f ines, but parents

are asked to help in seeing that t heir children return all material checked out in

t heir names. The library must be compensated for all damaged or lost materials.

* * Physical Educat ion

Physical educat ion is a planned program that enhances the child’ s physical

development . Every student is expected to part icipate in t he school physical

educat ion program. A student needs a medical excuse to be excused from

part icipat ion.

* * Challenge Program

The School Dist r ict of Greenville County provides for Gift ed and Talented

Students to challenge them with r igorous, complex class work and research.

Gift ed students may demonst rate high performance abilit y or potent ial in

academic and/ or art ist ic areas. Administ rators, parents, t eachers, and students

may make referrals for students to be screened.

Ident if icat ion in academic areas will be made using mult iple cr it eria. Students

who meet t he crit eria in two of t he three dimensions are eligible for placement .

All students current ly in t he program will cont inue to be served. I f a student

withdraws from the program, he/ she must meet current crit eria t o re-qualify.

Students may qualify automat ically with an ex t remely high apt it ude or IQ score

at 96th percent ile composite or higher for t heir age group. I f students do not

qualify solely on apt it ude, t hey will be screened by this process:

In Dimension A - Reasoning Abilit ies:

Students must demonst rate high apt it ude ( 90th nat ional percent ile or above) in

one or more of t hese areas; verbal, non-verbal, quant it at ive and/ or a composite

of t he three.

In Dimension B - Academic Achievement :

Students must demonst rate high achievement ( 94th nat ional percent ile and

above or advanced status) in reading and/ or math as measured on a nat ionally

norm scale or South Carolina statewide assessment inst ruments.

In Dimension C - Intellectual/ Academic Performance:

Students must demonst rate a high degree of interest in and commitment t o

academic and/ or intellectual pursuit s, or demonst rate intellectual characterist ics

such as curiosit y/ inquiry, ref lect ion, persistence/ tenacit y in t he face of challenge

and creat ive, product ive think ing. An elementary student must earn four point s

on a f ive-point scale that contains specif ic performance crit eria. Beginning with

grade 5, students must have a 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale to meet t he crit eria.

Result s of private test ing will not be accepted for placing students in t he

Challenge program.

Transfers/ Withdrawals

Should it become necessary to withdraw or t ransfer your child from Bryson

Elementary School, please not ify t he off ice as soon as possible so that records

can be forwarded to the new school. A Transfer/ Withdrawal form will be

completed by the school and must be signed by the parent . I f you should choose

to keep your child at Bryson after you move from our at tendance area, you must

apply to the principal for special permission. I f you have moved from Greenville

County, you will be charged tuit ion. Please note that all t ex tbooks and library

materials must be returned to Bryson. Do not bring these it ems to another



In t he case of inclement weather, parents are asked to tune in t o a local radio or

t elevision stat ion. School dist r ict off icials advise and provide updates to the

media regarding the status of delayed openings, early dismissals, or school


Distribution of M aterials on School Campus by Non-School Personnel

Any materials dist r ibuted on Bryson Elementary School campus must receive

prior approval from the school administ rat ion. Any materials t hat are approved

for dist r ibut ion must be delivered prior t o t he beginning of t he inst ruct ional day

- 8:00 A.M .

Student Agendas

Students in grades 3-5 will have an opt ion to purchase a student agenda for

$3.00 at t he beginning of t he school year. This agenda can be used daily t o

record assignments, projects, and any special informat ion from the teacher.

Student Agendas are recommended as a st rong organizat ional t ool for

intermediate age students.


In conjunct ion with the School Dist r ict of Greenville County, Bryson Elementary

has developed a School Safety Plan that will go into effect in the event of a crisis

sit uat ion. Components of t his plan include procedures, student accountabilit y,

emergency medical procedures, evacuat ion procedures, and communicat ion with

the public. Copies of t his plan are located in our media center and administ rat ive

off ices for anyone who would like to read it .

Bryson Elementary School- A Safe Place to Learn

* * Lock Down

In the event t hat a safe environment becomes an unsafe environment ( i.e.

campus int ruder or other potent ial t hreat ) t he school administ rat ion will make a

decision to go to a “ lock down” posit ion. The announcement will be made over

t he intercom to alert all facult y, staff , and visit ors to take act ion. The following

guidelines are in place to prepare for lock down.

Teachers have been asked to keep their classroom door locks in t he locked

posit ion. In event of a lock down, t his eliminates searching for keys.

To bet ter prepare for a lock down drill t he school will have scheduled dril ls

during the school year.

.After t he lock down announcement , every student , facult y/ staff member, and

campus visit or f inds a secure place behind a locked door. They will remain in

place unt il t he “ all clear” is given.

Depending on the emergency, facult y and staff members may contact t he off ice if

t hey have vit al informat ion about campus safety or health of a student . School

administ rat ion will call 911 if campus safety reaches a level where students,

staff , and visit ors are in direct danger.

Campus visit ors, facult y, and staff members are not t o use cell phones or other

communicat ion devices ( without administ rat ion clearance) t o contact t he outside

during a lock down. School emergency informat ion must come from designated

school off icials.

* Please be advised due to the rise and concern regarding securit y measures we

cannot disclose our full safet y plan. Fire, Tornado, Hurricane, Hazardous

M aterials, and Earthquake Did you know that Bryson prepares for each of t hese

emergencies with scheduled dril ls?

You may have not iced maps posted in each classroom indicat ing where teachers

and students are to go. There will always be an announcement or a tone on the

intercom not ifying the campus of an emergency sit uat ion. Students have done

very well with these dril ls over t he years.

Bomb Threat

The phone rings and a caller says there is a bomb in the school. What do we do?

Fortunately for Bryson and it s families, t here are specif ic steps in place. Off ice

workers and others who answer the phones have been t rained to handle such

calls. Upon receiving the bomb threat , 911 is called and the Crisis Response

Team is act ivated. The campus then takes evasive act ion.

Off Campus Emergencies

Even on a t r ip t o t he zoo, t eachers must be ready for any emergency. In t he

event of an off -campus emergency, both teachers and bus drivers have step by

step inst ruct ions to follow.

Depending on the t ype of crisis, 911 is called and f irst responders will oversee

all medical and safety needs necessary.

Phone calls are then made to the school principal and dist r ict t ransit ion

department . Contacts to families will follow. Student safety is always a top

prior it y even when off campus.

* Parent Do’s and Don’ts

The goal of t his newslet ter is t o raise the awareness of Bryson families to the

importance of school safety and to equip them with valuable informat ion about

t heir role. While space does not allow for an exhaust ive explanat ion of every

school emergency, it is hoped that Bryson parents will be bet ter prepared in a

crisis. To help in t his process, here are the top ten school safety t ips for parents.

1. Sign in at t he front off ice and wear a nametag while on campus. This includes

small children.

2. Help avoid interrupt ions to classroom inst ruct ion by st ick ing with your stated


3. Always complete field t r ip forms in their ent iret y. Each form requires two

signatures, insurance company and policy number.

4. M ake sure your address and phone numbers are current at t he school off ice.

5. I f hearing on the radio or t elevision that t here is an emergency at Bryson,

DON’ T DRIVE TO THE CAM PUS. Chances are your children will be on their

way to an evacuat ion sit e.

6. Always send a note to the teacher if your child is changing t ransportat ion to

or from school.

7. Follow all t raff ic rules when driving to and from the school campus. Pay

part icular at tent ion to direct ional signage.

8. Remember, t he campus will be under the command of law enforcement or t he

f ire department during certain t ypes of emergencies. School off icials will yield to

their leadership.

9. Know the school rules. Read Bryson’ s Student -Parent Handbook cover t o


10. I f on campus during an emergency, follow closely t he direct ions given by

facult y and staff . They have been t rained to handle most emergencies and will

need your cooperat ion during a st ressful t ime.


The School Dist r ict of Greenville County provides computer, network , email, and

Internet access to students as part of t he learning environment . While these

systems have the power t o deliver a huge number of resources to our

classrooms, t heir abil it y t o serve students depends on the responsible and ethical

use of t hem by every student .

“ Acceptable use” of t hese systems is use that is consistent with the inst ruct ional

goals of t he Dist rict . I f you break “ acceptable use” rules, you may lose the

privilege to use both classroom computers and/ or t he Internet . Further

disciplinary and/ or legal act ion may be taken at t he discret ion of school

administ rat ion.

The Dist r ict t akes reasonable precaut ions by using f ilt ering software to keep

inappropriate Internet sit es and email out of t he classroom. The Dist r ict does not

supervise individual email accounts, a Parent Portal is available that permit s t he

supervision of your child’ s email account .

Please note that parents may choose for t heir child not t o have access to the

internet at school; however, students who do not have access to the internet will

not be able to access email or web based programs that t eachers may be using in

class. Your child has agreed to the terms and condit ions of t his document upon

acceptance of t he school dist r ict handbook . Violat ion of any of t he terms or

condit ions will result in disciplinary act ion and/ or involvement of law

enforcement . Treat computer equipment with care and respect – Willful

dest ruct ion of any computer equipment or software will be considered

vandalism, and may warrant t he involvement of local law off icials. Any writ t en

tex t , graphics or executable f iles created, downloaded, displayed, or exchanged

with another student or t eacher must be for educat ion-related purposes only.

Do not use school computers for illegal act ivit ies such as plant ing viruses,

hack ing, or at tempted unauthorized access to any system.

Do not bypass or at tempt to bypass any of t he Dist r ict ’ s securit y or content

f ilt ering safeguards.

Do not use school computers for commercial purposes

Follow copyright laws at all t imes – See Dist r ict copyright policies for more

informat ion. I f you have quest ions about the legalit y of using softwar e, tex t ,

graphics, or music you f ind online, ask your t eacher or media specialist for


Keep your password secret – You will be held responsible for all computer

act ivit ies associated with your password. For example, if you share your

password wit h your f r iend and he/ she signs on as you and breaks one of t he

rules out lined above, you may be held responsible.

All online communicat ion must be polit e and not t hreatening or offensive in any

way – A ll students in grades 3 -12 are issued email accounts. The Dist r ict has the

right t o review any email sent or received using Dist r ict equipment and email

accounts. Email accounts should be used for educat ional and dist r ict purposes


Do not give out personal informat ion on the Internet . Never give out your

phone number, social securit y number, full name, age, home address, or any

other personal informat ion.

Home directories are provided to students for educat ional related work . Students

should not store personal or non-school related work in home director ies. The

Dist r ict reserves the right t o review the contents of a student ’ s home directory.

Please contact your school if you do not want your child t o have access to the

Internet and email.


This rule includes provisions to address access by minors to inappropriate mat ter

on the Internet and World Wide Web; t he safety and securit y of minors when

using elect ronic mail, chat rooms, and other forms of direct elect ronic

communicat ion; unauthorized access, including so-called “ hack ing” and other

unlawful act ivit ies by minors online; unauthorized disclosure, use, and

disseminat ion of personal ident if icat ions regarding minors; and measures

designed to rest rict minors’ access to materials harmful t o minors.

A. General Access

The smooth operat ion of t he network , Internet , and e-mail services relies on the

proper conduct of t he end users who must adhere to st r ict guidelines. These

guidelines are provided so that students and staff are aware of t heir

responsibilit ies when using these technologies. In general, t his requires eff icient ,

ethical, and legal ut il izat ion of t he network resources. Because access to the

network provides connect ions to other computer systems located all over t he

world, users ( and parents of students who are users) must understand that

neither t he Dist r ict nor any Dist r ict employee cont rols t he content of t he

informat ion available on the systems. Every effort will be made by the Dist r ict t o

monitor and rest rict ready access to known object ionable sit es; however, t he

Dist r ict does not condone the use of cont roversial of offensive materials and

cannot be held responsible for such use.

B. Technology Protect ion M easures

In compliance with the Children’ s Internet Protect ion Act ( “ CIPA” ) , 47 U.S.C.

§ 254 ( h) , t he Dist r ict uses t echnological devices designed to f ilt er and block

t he use of any of t he Dist r ict ’ s computers with Internet access to ret r ieve or

t ransmit any visual depict ions that are obscene, child pornography, or “ harmful

t o minors” as defined in t he CIPA. Adult users of a Dist r ict computer with

Internet access may request t hat t he “ technology protect ion measures” be

t emporarily disabled by the chief building administ rator of t he building in which

the computer is located for bona f ide research purposes or other lawful purposes

not otherwise inconsistent with this administ rat ive rule.

C. Annual Responsibilit ies

Prior t o accessing the network , Internet , or e-mail services, st udents and staff

will receive inst ruct ion on the appropriate use of t hese services. Students and

staff members must sign

a form annually acknowledging that t hey have read and understand this

Administ rat ive Rule, t hat t hey will comply with the guidelines set forth herein,

and that t hey understand the consequences for violat ing these guidelines.

D. Terms and Condit ions of Use

Acceptable Use

The purpose of t he Dist r ict ’ s educat ional network is t o support research and

educat ion by providing access to unique resources and the opportunit y for

collaborat ive work . All use of t he network , Internet , and e-mail services must be

in support of educat ion and research and consistent with the educat ional

object ives of t he Dist r ict . Use of other networks or comput ing resources must

comply with the guidelines governing those networks.

Transmission of any material in violat ion of any federal or state laws or

regulat ions is prohibit ed; t his includes, but is not limited to, copyrighted

material, t hreatening or obscene material, or material protected by t rade secret .

Access to computer systems and networks owned or operat ed by the Dist r ict

impose certain responsibilit ies and obligat ions on users and is subject t o Dist r ict

policies and local, state, and federal laws. Acceptable use is always ethical,

ref lect s honesty, and shows rest raint in t he consumpt ion of shared resources. I t

demonst rates respect for intellectual propert y, ownership of informat ion, system

securit y mechanisms, and the individual’ s r ights to privacy and freedom from

int imidat ion, harassment , and unwarranted annoyance.

Procedures for Use

1. Administ rators and teachers may access the Internet or e-mail for educat ional

or work -related purposes at any t ime, which is not disrupt ive and does not

interfere with the performance of other responsibilit ies by the employee.

2. The Dist r ict will not ify parents/ guardians about t he Dist r ict network , related

safety issues, and issues governing it s Internet t hrough a general let t er t o all

parents. Parental permission is not required for use of t he Internet , but parents

will be not if ied they have the right t o f ile a Parent / Guardian Denial Form

available from the school principal if t hey do not want t heir child t o have access

to Internet resources.

3. A student ’ s parent of guardian must sign a Student E-mail Account Agreement

in order for t hat student t o be granted an individual e-mail account . The

parent / guardian may withdraw approval at any t ime through a writ t en request

directed to the student ’ s t eacher or principal.

4. All computer, Internet usage and e-mail usage by Dist r ict employees and

students must be consistent with the Greenville County School Dist r ict mission

and policies.

3. Rules Governing Use

Permit ted Uses of Internet and E-mail

Users will ut il ize the system for educat ional and professional or career

development act ivit ies only, except as permit t ed in Art icle I I I ( F) . Users may

download tex t and other non-executable f iles at tached to e-mail messages or

from the Internet for school-related business only. Users will check their e-mail

frequent ly, delete unwanted messages prompt ly, and stay within their e-mail

quota. Be aware that t he system administ rator may delete e-mail at any t ime.

Users will subscribe only t o high qualit y discussion group mail list s t hat are

relevant t o t heir educat ional or professional/ career development .

General Prohibit ions

Users may not use the Dist r ict system for commercial purposes, defined as

offering or providing goods or services or purchasing goods or services for

personal use. Greenville County School Dist r ict will not be responsible for any

obligat ions result ing from any unauthorized use of t he system. Users may not

use the system for polit ical act ivit ies. Users will not post chain let t ers or engage

in spamming. Spamming is sending an unnecessary message to a large number of


Personal Safety

Students will not post or e-mail personal contact informat ion about t hemselves

or other people unless it is in conjunct ion with a specif ic t eacher -approved

assignment or approved college/ career communicat ion. Personal contact

informat ion includes address, t elephone number, school address, et c. Students

will not agree to meet with someone they have met online without t heir

parent / guardian’ s approval. Students will prompt ly disclose to an administ rator,

t eacher, or other school employee any message they receive that is inappropriate

or makes them feel uncomfortable.

I llegal Act ivit ies

Users will not at tempt to gain unauthorized access to the e-mail system, the

Dist r ict Web pages, or any other computer systems through Greenville County

School Dist r ict e-mail and/ or Internet and/ or network access. Users will not

at tempt to perform funct ions that exceed their authorized access. This includes

at tempt ing to log in t hrough another person’ s account or access another person’ s

f iles. These act ions are illegal. Users will not make deliberate at tempts to disrupt

t he computer system performance or dest roy data by spreading computer viruses

or by any other means. These act ions are illegal. Users will not use the Dist r ict

system to engage in any other illegal act , such as arranging for a drug sale or t he

purchase of alcohol, engaging in cr iminal gang act ivit y, t hreatening the safety of

another person, or any other act ivit y t hat violates ex ist ing Dist r ict policies or

procedures. Reference to such act ivit ies will not even be made in a jok ing

manner or as a prank . The Dist r ict will not ify law enforcement should illegal

act ivit ies take place.

System Securit y

Users will not share their account informat ion ( User ID and/ or password) or

at tempt t o log in t o another user’ s account . Any sharing of User ID or password

will result in immediate rest rict ion or removal of account privileges. The only

potent ial except ion is t he sharing of informat ion with IT staff if requested for

t roubleshoot ing purposes. Users will immediately not ify t he IT staff if t hey have

ident if ied a possible securit y problem ( students should not ify a teacher and/ or

principal) . Do not act ively seek securit y problems but immediately report any

potent ial issues that are found. Users will not download or install any

unauthorized software or install any unauthorized hardware. Users will not run

any executable f iles at tached to an e-mail message. Users will not knowingly use

portable data storage devices, which contain viruses or in any other way

knowingly spread computer viruses.

Use of Appropriate Language - Rest rict ions against inappropriate language may

apply to public messages, private messages, and material posted on Web pages.

Users will not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inf lammatory,

t hreatening, disrespect ful, or gang related language or symbols.

Users will not post or e-mail informat ion, which could cause damage or a danger

of disrupt ion. Users will not engage in personal at tacks, including prejudicial or

discr iminatory remarks.

Users will not harass another person. Harassment is persistent ly act ing in a

manner that dist resses or annoys another person. I f a user is t old by a person to

stop sending messages, he/ she must stop. Users will not use any language in an

e-mail t hat t hreatens another person, whether it is t he recipient of t he message

or a third part y. Users will not knowingly or reck lessly post false or defamatory

informat ion about a person or organizat ion.

Access to Inappropriate Material

Users will not use the Dist r ict system to access or send material t hat is profane,

lewd, vulgar, indecent , libelous, or obscene, e.g., pornography, t hat advocates

il legal acts, or t hat advocates violence or discr iminat ion towards other people,

e.g., hate lit erature. Adult Users who mistakenly access inappropriate

informat ion or images should immediately report t his t o ETS. This will init iate

proceedings to have the materials blocked. Students who mistakenly access

inappropriate informat ion or images should immediately report t his t o t he

at tending teacher. ETS should be not if ied if it is deemed warranted. This will

protect t he users against an allegat ion that t hey have intent ionally violated the

Acceptable Use Policy. Students are expected to follow parental guidance

regarding limitat ion of access to addit ional t ypes of inappropriate materials.

Respect for Privacy

Users will not repost or e-mail a message that was sent t o t hem privately without

permission from the person who originally sent t he message.

Users will not post or e-mail private informat ion about another person.

E. Penalt ies for Improper Use

An employee who violates the terms of this administ rat ive rule or otherwise

misuses e-mail or t he Internet t o access or send inappropriate material will be

subject t o disciplinary act ion, up to and including discharge. In addit ion, t he

privilege of accessing the Internet and e-mail services also will be subject to

cancellat ion. Students who violate the terms of t his administ rat ive rule or who

otherwise misuses their access to e-mail or t he Internet also will be subject t o

disciplinary act ion in accordance with the Dist r ict Student Behavior Code.

Internet and e-mail access privileges also may be cancelled. Violat ions of t he laws

of t he United States or t he State of South Carolina also may subject student or

employee users to criminal prosecut ion. I f a user incurs unauthorized costs, t he

user, as well as the user’ s parents if t he user is a student , will be responsible for

all such costs.

F. Warranty

The Dist r ict makes no warrant ies of any k ind, whether expressed or implied, for

t he service it is providing. The Dist r ict will not be responsible for any damages

suffered by any user. This includes loss of data result ing from delays, non-

deliveries, misdirected deliveries, or service interrupt ions caused by the system’ s

negligence, user errors, or omissions. Use of any informat ion obtained via the

Internet is at t he user’ s own r isk . The Dist rict specif ically denies any

responsibilit y for t he accuracy or qualit y of informat ion obtained through it s


G. Securit y

Securit y on any computer system is a high prior it y, especially when the system

involves many users. I f a student or employee believes he/ she has ident if ied a

securit y problem on the network , he/ she must not ify t he administ rator for t he

school or ETS. Do not demonst rate the problem to other users. At tempts to log

on to any network as a system administ rator will result in cancellat ion of user

privileges. Any user ident if ied as a securit y r isk or having a history of problems

with other computer systems may be subject t o severe rest rict ions, cancellat ion

of privileges, or other disciplinary and/ or legal act ion.

H. User Privacy

E-mail messages sent or received via a Dist r ict -issued e-mail account and all other

elect ronic f iles created using Dist r ict resources or stored with Dist r ict resources

are propert y of t he Dist r ict . The Dist r ict reserves the right t o examine, rest rict ,

or remove any material t hat is on or passes through it s network , just as it does

any other work or material generated or brought t o school by staff or students.

Access to elect ronic informat ion related to any student or staff member will be

governed by the same policies that would apply to that informat ion if it were

not in elect ronic format .

* * Please cont inue below for Student / School Behavioral Expectat ions. All rules

and behaviors will be explained at t he onset of t he school year with a cont inuous

review. In an effort for posit ive school and home relat ions, we ask that each

parent and guardian review school expectat ions at home with their student and

submit a signed copy to show understanding and awareness of school rules.

Your effort s t o support a qualit y learning environment are appreciated.

Bryson Bear Paw Expectat ions

“ Paws” To Think about Good Behavior


Walk single f i le on the third t ile

Keep hands and feet t o self

Quiet Zone

Walk ing only, no sk ipping or running


Respect t he privacy of others

Feet on the f loor at all t imes….no climbing or standing in stalls

Wash hands

Quiet Zone

Keep walls clean and free of graff it i


.Take turns

Follow direct ions of adult

.No Name calling or profanit y

No physical aggression or play f ight ing

Remain clear of wet areas


Follow the direct ions of t he teacher

Show respect at all t imes

No Bully Behavior-

Everyone has the right t o learn

Do your BEST

Come prepared to learn

Follow the rules stated in t he classroom


Enter quiet ly in line

Have passcode ready to move quick ly t hrough check out

Wait t o eat unt il all are seated

Clean up and keep food/ Trash off t he f loor

Red Cup = Silence

.Green Cup= Quiet Conversat ion

Bus/ Car Holding

Sit in assigned area

No laying on the f loor

Follow direct ions of adult s

Read or wait silent ly unt il you are called.

Bus Riders

M ove to Buses only when called

Enter Bus Quiet ly and sit in assigned seat

No M ovement on the bus

Respect t he bus driver

No food on bus. Seat facing forward

Related Arts

Follow the behavior guidelines of t eacher

Respect materials

Respect others

.Do Your Best


Bryson Elementary will adhere to the rules and recommendat ions of Greenville

County Schools in reference to the Student Conduct Code. Students are expected

to come to school prepared to do their best and always bring a k ind and

respect ful demeanor. The Bryson Elementary School Guidance Department , along

with classroom teachers and school staff , will t each and implement , The 7 Trait s

of Happy Kids based on the book by Stephen Covey. Character t rait s will be

taught monthly and students will be encouraged to pract ice t rait s in daily

interact ions. Bryson Elementary will also pract ice “ Bucket Filling” where

individuals are encouraged to follow Bryson Expectat ions with posit ive behavior

and incent ives.

Please note: Fight ing, Profanit y, Excessive disrupt ions, Physical Aggression,

Drug or Alcohol Use, Weapons, Cell Phone Violat ions, and Acts of Bullying will

result in immediate off ice referral.

For Behavioral Disrupt ions, incidents will fall into two levels. They are:

1.Classroom Intervent ions which may include but are not limited to:


Time out or Behavior Adjustment Time

Loss of play at recess result ing in walk ing the t rack

Silent Lunch

Parent Contact

Parent Conference

Behavior / Reflect ion sheet

Referral t o Guidance

Off ice Referral

2 .Off ice Intervent ions which may include but are not limited to:

Student conference

Parent Phone Call

Parent Conference

Behavioral Cont ract

Detent ion

Work Detail

M odif ied Day ( Half day set t ing)

Removal from act ivit y

Suspension ( Fight ing or being included in an act of physical aggression will result

in suspension. Weapons or play t ype weapons brought t o school will result in


ALL Off ice Referrals will be entered into the Greenville County Schools Incident

M anagement System which t racks student behavior and can be linked to student

informat ion.

POLICY JCDAG: Reporting Bullying, Discrimination, Harassment and


The Dist r ict is commit ted to fostering an environment t hat both promotes

learning and prevents disrupt ions in t he educat ional process. Accordingly,

t heDist r ict prohibit s all forms of bullying, discr iminat ion, harassment , or

int imidat ion. As provided in Board Policy and Administ rat ive Rule JCDAG,

students and parents may f ile a report of bullying, discriminat ion, harassment or

int imidat ion by other students, employees of t he Dist r ict , or t hird part ies

involved in t he school set t ing. All report s should be f iled with the principal or

his or her designee. Report s may also be f iled by a student ’ s parent . I f t he

allegat ion is against t he school’ s administ rat ion, t he student or parent should f ile

a report direct ly with the Dist rict ’ s Parent Resource Representat ive. ( See Policy

JA for contact informat ion) . Anonymous report s may be made, but t hose

report s must provide the Dist r ict with adequate informat ion in order t o begin an

invest igat ion.

Investigations and Consequences

All report s will be invest igated prompt ly, t horoughly, and confident ially. The

invest igat ion shall include appropriate steps to determine what occurred and to

take act ions reasonably calculated to end the harassment , int imidat ion or

bullying, and prevent such misconduct from occurring again. The student and

his/ her parent shall be informed of t he result s of t he invest igat ion and shall be

advised how to report any subsequent problems. However, any discipline of

students or staff shall remain confident ial. I f t he invest igat ion determines that

inappropriate conduct has occurred, t he administ rat ion shall t ake reasonable,

t imely, age-appropriate, and effect ive correct ive act ion. Examples of correct ive

act ion include, but are not limited to, disciplinary act ion against t he aggressor,

up to and including terminat ion of an employee or expulsion of a student . The

Dist r ict prohibit s retaliat ion or reprisal in any form against a student or

employee who has f iled a report . The Dist r ict also prohibit s any person from

falsely accusing another person.


Not if icat ion of t he outcome of t he invest igat ion will be issued in writ ing to

thecomplainant and the complainant will be informed of t he right t o appeal. An

appeal related to disabilit y discr iminat ion or harassment should be made to the

Dist r ict ’ s 504 Coordinator. An appeal regarding color, race, or nat ional origin

should be made to the Dist r ict ’ s Tit le VI Coordinator. An appeal regarding

sexual harassment , or gender discr iminat ion should be made to the Dist r ict ’ s

Tit le IX Coordinator. ( See Policy JA for contact informat ion) . A complainant

may then appeal t he decision of t he coordinator t o t he Superintendent or his or

her designee.

For a complete copy of t he Dist r ict ’ s Policy, Administ rat ive Rule, and report

form, referenced above, please see the online link below to the

Greenville County Schools Board Policies and Administrative Rules.

* * You may also receive a copy of Policy JCDAG, Administrative Rule

JCDAG, or the report form from your school upon request.

http:/ / sc/ greenville/ Board.nsf/ Public#