Forces in real life © epiSTEMe 2009/10. Forces on objects (1) On which objects are forces acting?...

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Transcript of Forces in real life © epiSTEMe 2009/10. Forces on objects (1) On which objects are forces acting?...

Forces in real life

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Forces on objects (1)

On which objects are forces acting?

Are they pulls or pushes?

Are they contact or non-contact forces?

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Forces on objects (2)

On which objects are forces acting?

Are they pulls or pushes?

Are they contact or non-contact forces?

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Action Pushing Pulling Twisting/turningA carrier bag hanging on your armA digger lifting earth in a scoopKicking a footballUndoing the lid of a honey jarThrowing a baseballA van towing a broken down carA food processor chopping an applePedalling a bicycleTowing a water skier


© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Are the forces involved in each action•a pushing force?•a pulling force?•a twisting / turning force?Use ticks to complete the table.

Can you think of other situations in which forces are acting?

Cup on the table

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

B The only force on the cup is the force of gravity pulling it down.

A The cup is not moving. There are no forces on it.

D There are two forces on the cup – the force of gravity and the push of the table upwards, which balances it.

C A table cannot push. It is just in the way of the cup and stops it falling.

Read through each statement. On your own mark each of the statements or according to whether it is right or wrong.

Consider each of the statements together, and provide reasons why you think each is right or wrong.

Come to a group decision about which statement is true and write down the letter in the box.

Weight of cup pulling down

Table pushing up

Balanced forces

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Forces are balanced when they are equal in strength but opposite in direction.

Balanced forces do not make any difference to the shape, speed or the direction in which an object is moving.

Apples hanging on a tree

A car driving at a constant speed of 55 mph

A person lying in bed

A person holding weights up

A parachutist descending at a constant speed

Tug of war with equally strong partners

Forces in action (1)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

What forces are acting?

In which direction are they acting?

Are the forces balanced? Explain.

Accelerating car

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Read through each statement. On your own mark each of the statements or according to whether it is right or wrong.

Consider each of the statements together, and provide reasons why you think each is right or wrong.

Come to a group decision about which statement is true and write down the letter in the box.

A There is only one force – the thrust from the engine. That’s why the car is accelerating.

C The air cannot push. It is just there and does not affect the speed of the car.

B The thrust from the engine is bigger than the friction and the air resistance together. That’s why the car is accelerating.

Unbalanced forces

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Air resistance


Thrust (of engine)

Forces are unbalanced when the forces are not equal in strength or direction, or both.

Unbalanced forces cause an object to change its shape, speed or direction.

Knuckling under a stronger person in arm wrestling

Kicking a football

Squeezing paper

Apple falling from tree

Reducing speed of car


Situation What are the forces acting in these situations?

In which direction are the forces acting?

Are the forces balanced? Why? Explain.






Forces in action (2)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Think about the forces which are acting in these situations.Then, complete the table below.

Making balanced forces unbalanced

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Look at these situations, where the forces are balanced. What will happen when one force increases or decreases?

What forces are acting?Are the forces balanced or unbalanced?

A car is moving at a constant speed of 30 mph A person is floating on an air bed in waterA rocket is accelerating skywardsA person is coming to a halt at a red traffic light

Flowers are standing in a vase

A skydiver is descending at a slow constant speed

A ship with a leak is sinking

A car is hanging on a magnet crane

Forces in action (3)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Which forces are acting in the following situations?

Are they balanced or unbalanced?

ObjectPredicted Force needed to lift the object in Newtons (N)

Actual Force measured in Newtons (N)

Measuring forces

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Your group will be provided with a number of objects.

For each object write down

•What the object is

•Your prediction for the strength of the force needed to lift it

•The actual force using a Newton meter to measure it

Difference between mass and weight

© epiSTEMe 2009/10Newton meter picture from

Weight is a force, which is caused by the action of gravity on objects and is measured in Newtons.

Mass is a measure of the amount of an object’s matter and is measured in grams and kilograms.

Mass Weight

Balance measuring mass

Newton meter measuring weight

MassWeight on

EarthWeight on

UranusWeight on

MarsWeight on the Moon

Weight in deep space

1 kg 10 N 9 N 4 N 1.6 N 0 N

2 kg 18 N 8 N 3.2 N

3 kg 30 N 27 N 4.8 N 0 N

5 kg 50 N 20 N 8 N 0 N

10 kg 100 N 90 N 40 N 0 N

Relationship between mass and weight

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

What is the weight of the following masses on Earth, Uranus, Mars, and Moon and in deep space? Fill in the missing numbers in the table.

Force diagrams

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

One can show the forces acting on an object through using arrows.

In a force diagram, each force is shown using a force arrow. The arrow shows the size of the force (longer arrows for bigger forces) and the direction in which the force is acting.

Peter Sue Debbie

Practising force diagrams (1)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Peter, Sue and Debbie are skating on very smooth ice. In the formation

below, Peter is pulling Sue to the left with a force of 300N. At the same

time, Debbie is pulling Sue to the right with a force of 250N.

Draw a force diagram to show the forces acting on Sue.

Describe what happens to Sue.

Practising force diagrams (2)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

A horse and wagon are stationary. The horse then begins to move

forward pulling the wagon with a force of 700N. The force of friction on

the wagon’s wheels is 500N.

Draw a force diagram to show the forces acting on the wagon.

Describe what happens to the wagon.

Practising force diagrams (3)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Draw a force diagram to show the forces acting on the cart.

Hannah starts pushing her stationary cart with a force of

350 N. The force of friction on the cart’s wheels is 200N.

Describe what happens to the cart.


© epiSTEMe 2009/10

When have you experienced stretching?

Bungee jumping

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

How does body weight (a light person or a heavy person) and number of sheathed cords affect the stretching of the bungee rope?

Which combination is the safest scenario?

What other factors are important for safety?

One of the cords used for

bungee jumps is a sheathed

cord, in which several bungee

cords are bundled together.

“Depending on their weight an

individual jumps on three to six,

5/8" diameter cords bundled

together [...] With the correct

number of cords for a specific

body weight, the cords stretch to

approximately 2.1 times their

resting length while jumping and

have a strength that is ten times

greater that the forces exerted

on them during jumping.”(

Hooke’s Law Practical (Part 1)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Your group will be provided with 1 spring and different loads.

1) Measure the length of the spring before you hang any load onto it

2) Measure the extension (amount of stretch) of the spring(s) when you put a load on the spring

Extension = length of stretched spring MINUS length of original unstretched spring

3) Write your measurement into the table

4) Repeat measurement with other loads

1 spring

Mass (g)

Load (N)

Length of unstretched spring (mm)

Length of stretched

spring (mm)

Extension or stretch(mm)

100g 1N

Diagram adapted from

Hooke’s Law Practical (Part 1) (continued)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

On the graph paper below, plot Load (N) along the x-axis and Stretch (mm) along the y-axis for 1 spring.

In your own words, describe the results of this experiment.

Direct proportionality between stretch and load

For a given number of springs,

the stretch is directly

proportional to the load.

© epiSTEMe 2009/10


100g 100g

Stretch with 1 spring

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

The graph below shows the stretch of a spring when a load of 200g (2N)

and 400g (4N) is attached to it.

Calculate the missing numbers in the table for the other loads.

Load 0.4N 2N 3N 4N 6N 9N 10NStretch 30mm 60mm

Remember that for a given number of springs, the stretch is directly proportional to the load.

Stretch with 1 spring (recap)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

For a given number of springs,

the stretch is directly proportional to the load.

Hooke’s Law Practical (Part 2)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Your group will be provided with a 100g (1N) load and 1, 2 and 4 springs.

1) Measure the length of the 1 spring before you hang any load onto it

2) Measure the extension (amount of stretch) of the 1 spring when you put the 100g (1N) load on the spring

Extension = length of stretched spring MINUS length of original unstretched spring

3) Write your measurement into the table

4) Repeat measurement with other numbers of springs

Diagram adapted from

100g load

Number of springs

Length of unstretched

spring(s) (mm)

Length of stretched

spring(s) (mm)

Extension or stretch(mm)


Hooke’s Law Practical (Part 2) (continued)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

On the graph paper below, plot Number of springs along the x-axis and Stretch (mm) along the y-axis for 1 load.

In your own words, describe the results of this experiment.

Number of springs

Inverse proportionality between stretch and number of springs

For a given load,

the stretch is inversely proportional

to the number of springs.

© epiSTEMe 2009/10



Stretch with several springs

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

The graph below shows the stretch for 1, 2 and 3 springs when a load of

100g (1N) is attached to them.

Calculate the missing numbers in the table for the other springs.

Remember that for a given load, the stretch is inversely proportional to the number of springs.

Number of springs 1 2 3 4 5 10

Stretch 120mm 60mm 40mm

Bungee jumping and Hooke’s Law

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

What has bungee jumping in common with the last practical?

How do the results from the two practicals help to explain how the weight of a person and the number of sheathed cords influence the stretch of the bungee rope?

‘ceiiinosssttuv’: ‘ut tensio sic vis’

Hooke used this anagram to

publish his law. At that time it was

common to use anagrams to

claim priority of discovery without

revealing details.

Hooke’s Law

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Robert Hooke was born 18

July 1635 in Freshwater, Isle of

Wight. He died 3 March 1703

in London. He was a

Mathematician and had heated

disputes with Sir Isaac Newton

and other scientists of that time

about priority of discoveries.

As a result Hooke's Royal

Society portrait went missing

when Newton took over the

role of the Society's president

after Hooke died. The picture

on the right might actually

rather be Jan Baptist van

Helmont, a Flemish chemist,

physiologist, and physician.

F = -kxF = restoring force exerted by the material

k = spring constant (minus because F always acts in

the opposite direction of the x displacement, i.e.

when a spring is stretched to the left, it pulls back to

the right)

x = size of displacement from the equilibrium

position (where the spring would naturally come to

rest) in meters

1 spring 2 springs 4 springs

‘Constant’ (calculated from Hooke’s Law practical Part 1)

Gradient (from Line Graphs in calculated from Hooke’s Law practical Part 1)

Extension work on Hooke’s Law

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Discuss in your group how you can find the ‘constant’ for 1 spring. What is this constant for 1 spring?

Using your Line Graph for 1 spring, find the gradient (slope) of the line. What is the gradient?

What do you notice when you compare this gradient with the value you found for the ‘constant’? What can you conclude from this?

Repeat this for 2 springs and 4 springs. Complete the table below.

Sketch a graph to show what you think will happen if a load greater than the elastic limit for a spring is added to it.

Read through the following statements in an online chat room about bungee jumps. Decide which answers seem right and which answers seem wrong. Explain why.

Bungee jumping forum (1)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10


Tom: I will jump from a crane that is 80 meters high. How long should

my bungee cord be?

Jacob: For safety reasons the bungee cord needs to be somewhat

shorter than the height of the crane. So, I guess it will be around 75

meters long so that you don’t touch the ground when jumping.

Is Jacob right or wrong?



Explain your answer.

Bungee jumping forum (2)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10


Tom: I will jump from a crane that is 80 meters high. How long should

my bungee cord be?

Paul: That all depends on your weight. Let’s say they use cords that are

15 metres long. If you’re a light person they will probably use 2 cords

and bundle them together, which makes a bungee rope of 30 metres

length. But if you’re a bit heavier they will have to use 3 cords together

and your bungee cord will be 45 meters long.

Is Paul right or wrong?



Explain your answer.

Bungee jumping forum (3)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10


Tom: I will jump from a crane that is 80 meters high. How long should

my bungee cord be?

Amber: I always thought that normal bungee ropes stretch to

approximately 2 times their normal length. So, I guess to be on the safe

side, you will use a bungee cord that is approximately 20 meters long

from the beginning.

Is Amber right or wrong?



Explain your answer.

Bungee jumping forum (4)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10


Tom: My brother Cliff also wants to do a bungee jump. But he is much

taller than me and weighs 15 kg more than I do. Who will get closer to

the ground if we use the same cord?

Cathy: Cliff will be exactly 15 meters closer to the ground than you

because he weighs 15 kg more than you.

Is Cathy right or wrong?



Explain your answer.

Bungee jumping forum (5)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10


Tom: My brother Cliff also wants to do a bungee jump. But he is much

taller than me and weighs 15 kg more than I do. Who will get closer to

the ground if we use the same cord?

Brian: You will get closer to the ground. The cord will pull you back later

than Cliff since you are much lighter.

Is Brian right or wrong?



Explain your answer.

Bungee jumping forum (6)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10


Tom: My brother Cliff also wants to do a bungee jump. But he is much

taller than me and weighs 15 kg more than I do. Who will get closer to

the ground if we use the same cord?

Susan: Both of you will be pulled up at the same point because it is the

same cord and therefore the same spring constant.

Is Susan right or wrong?



Explain your answer.

Bungee jumping forum (7)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10


Tom: My brother Cliff also wants to do a bungee jump. But he is much

taller than me and weighs 15 kg more than I do. Who will get closer to

the ground if we use the same cord?

Albert: Your brother Cliff will get closer to the ground because he is

heavier than you.

Is Albert right or wrong?



Explain your answer.

Floating (a poem)

I flattened out my plasticine

And set it in the tank

And do you know the cheeky thing

Turned round and slowly sank.

But when I took it out again

And shaped it like a boat

It wasn’t cheeky any more

For it began to float.

(Albert Crawford)

Floating poem

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

What forces are acting on the plasticine?

What makes the plasticine pancake sink?

Why doesn’t the boat-shaped plasticine sink?

Density in real-life situations

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

What does

density mean

(in a number

of different


Density in a scientific context

© epiSTEMe 2009/10


Density is defined as

mass per unit of volume.

Density = Mass / Volume

ρ = m / v

CopperOlive Oil Styrofoam

Density in a scientific context (continued)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Density is defined as

mass per unit of volume.

Density = Mass / Volume

ρ = m / v

Gold19,300 kg/m3

Copper11,300 kg/m3

Water1,000 kg/m3 or 1 kg/l

Olive Oil800-920 kg/m3

Styrofoam30-100 kg/m3

Floating/Sinking Practical

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Your group will be provided with several objects and a beaker with water.

1) On your own inspect each of the objects and make predictions about whether the object will float or sink if it is placed in water.

2) Discuss your predictions in your group. Come to a group agreement.

3) Place each object into water and record the result.

ObjectFloat or Sink?My prediction

Float or Sink?Group prediction

Float or Sink?Observation

Is it possible for this person to walk on water? If so, why?

Walking on water

© epiSTEMe 2009/10




© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Check out who Archimedes was (using internet or library).

What is Archimedes’ Principle? Write out a statement here.

Floating (a poem)

I flattened out my plasticine

And set it in the tank

And do you know the cheeky thing

Turned round and slowly sank.

But when I took it out again

And shaped it like a boat

It wasn’t cheeky any more

For it began to float.

(Albert Crawford)

Floating poem (recap)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Why did the plasticine pancake sink, and why did the plasticine boat float?

Use concepts of density, mass and volume to explain your answer.

Density of solutions Practical

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Your group will be provided with one object, a beaker with water and a beaker with salt.

1) Place the object into the water and observe whether the object floats or sinks.

2) Dissolve the salt in the water.

3) Place the object in the solution and record whether the object floats or sinks.


Volume of tap water


Mass of tap water


Mass of added salt (g)

Mass of solution (g)(mass of tap water PLUS

mass of added salt)

Density of solution (g/ml)

Density of object(g/ml)

Does object

float/sink?Solution of

Group 1250 ml 250 g

Solution of Group 2

250 ml 250 g

Solution of Group 3

250 ml 250 g

Solution of Group 4

250 ml 250 g

Solution of Group 5

250 ml 250 g

Solution of Group 6

250 ml 250 g

How does the density of water (here saltiness) affect whether an object floats or sinks?

Floating in the Dead Sea

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Why do people float in the Dead Sea?

Plimsoll line

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Samual Plimsoll was born 10

February 1824 in Bristol, England.

He died 3 June 1898. Plimsoll

was a British politician and social

reformer. He fought against "coffin

ships“, which were unseaworthy

and overloaded vessels. In 1876

the United Kingdom Merchant

Shipping Act made the load line

mark compulsory on ships.

How does loading/unloading cargo ships affect the Plimsoll line of ships?

Why do ships need ballast when they have no cargo?

The Plimsoll line on a ship's hull

indicates the safe limit to which a

ship may be loaded. Different

ships have different load limits,

and there are different lines for

different waters.


Why ships float

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Friction and emergency stops

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

What role does friction play in emergency stops?

hair strawberry

baize (billiard cover) snowflake

Roughness of a range of surfaces

© epiSTEMe 2009/10


© epiSTEMe 2009/10

What is Curling?

Curling (continued)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

What is Curling?

Curling is a team sport similar to bowls. The game

had its origins in Scotland in the 1500s, where

men would play it on frozen ponds or lochs.

Today, curling is an Olympic sport and is popular

in North America.

Teams take turns to push (or slide) special

‘curling stones’ along an iced surface, while all the

time aiming for a target (called the ‘house’). A

curling ‘broom’ is used to sweep the surface of the

ice just in front of the stone. Aggressive sweeping

momentarily melts the ice, which lessens friction,

and so lessens the deceleration of the stone

(while straightening its trajectory).

Curling – Bonspiel in Scotland

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Mass of curling stone (kg)Constant force required to balance friction and

keep curling stone moving at a constant speed (N)3.0 0.66.0 1.29.0 1.812.0 2.418.0 3.6

Curling stones (1)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Commercially manufactured Curling Stones, produced in accordance with the World

Curling Federation’s rules, must have a mass of between 17 and 20 kg. Stones can cost

anything from £300 to £1000 and such stones are far too expensive for families who like

to play the game just for fun. Hoping to cater for this new market, companies have

begun producing curling stones of varying masses which would be appropriate for all

age groups.

The table below summarises the results of tests done on a number of curling stones of

different masses showing the constant force that is required to balance the friction

between the stone and the iced surface and keep the stone moving at a constant speed.

Mass of curling stone (kg)

Weight of curling stone (N)

Constant force required to balance friction and keep curling stone moving at a constant speed (N)

3.0 30 0.6

6.0 60 1.2

9.0 90 1.8

12.0 120 2.4


18.0 180 3.6


Curling stones (2)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Complete the table below.

Remember that a mass of 1kg has a weight of 10N.

Plot a graph of the results using graph paper.

What can you say about the graph?

Curling stones (3)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

STATEMENT True / False

1. Cars need friction so as to start moving

2. Buses need friction to be able to stop

3. A person would not be able to walk without friction

4. Gymnasts find friction useful

5. Friction causes a match to light

6. There is more friction on wet roads than on dry roads

7. Zips keep jackets done up because of friction

8. You wouldn’t be able to pick up a mug of coffee without friction

9. Pencils do not need friction to be able to write

10.There is no friction when you are ice skating

Friction - true or false?

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Read through the statements below. In your group, sort out the statements into two piles (True / False) and explain why.

Air resistance

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

What do you know about air resistance?

In what situations is air resistance beneficial and in what situations not?

Objects falling

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Your group will be provided with plasticine and cotton wool.

1) Roll up a piece of plasticine and a piece of cotton wool so that they are little balls (as compact as possible) of approximately the same size.

2) Record the mass (in g) of each ball.

3) Drop the balls from exactly the same height (above your head) at the same time. Repeat several times to provide a fair test.

What happened? Explain why the two balls fell the way they did.

4) Drop a rolled up ball of cotton wool and a fluffed up ball of cotton wool (of approximately the same weight) from exactly the same height at the same time. Repeat several times to provide a fair test.

What happened? Explain why the two balls fell the way they did.

Three parachutes

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

What will happen?

What happened?

How would you explain it?

What forces are involved?

Air Resistance of a toy car

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Your group will be provided with• a slope with facilities to prop it up to a set height• a toy car• a pre-cut rectangular piece of card – to be attached to the front of the car (using blu-tack) in order to alter the level of air resistance.

In your group, set up a hypothesis about which level of air resistance will make the car travel FARTHEST . . . and WHY.

Set out your findings in the space provided – design your own way (e.g. table, etc.) of showing the results of your test.

Our findings:

Our hypothesis:

Our conclusions:


© epiSTEMe 2009/10

What do you know about speed?

Speed and distance

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Estimate the distances for the following and order them from shortest to longest.

walking pace

cruising speed of aeroplanes

running speed of a sprinter

speed limit in town areas

speeds reached by racing car drivers (such as Lewis Hamilton)

distance from front to back of classroom

length of a lorry

length of a cricket pitch

distance between the two posts of a goal on a football ground

length of a car

Estimate the speeds for the following and order them from slowest to fastest.

Speed and the forces involved

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What has happened to the relation when something speeds up or slows down?

What happens to the relation between forces when speed is constant?

Speed and stopping distance

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

What is the relationship between speed and overall stopping distance?




mphThinkingdistance (metres)

6 9 12

Brakingdistance (metres)

6 14 24

Stoppingdistance (metres)

12 23 36

Stopping distance components

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Stopping distance is made up of the two parts thinking distance and braking distance.

Thinking distance is the distance covered between deciding to stop and pushing the brakes.

Braking distance is the distance covered between pushing the brakes and stopping.

Draw three line graphs for the results of the table below.

Direct proportionality between speed and thinking distance

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Thinking distance is directly proportional to speed.

Doubling the speed of 20mph to 40mph means that the thinking distance doubles from 6metres to 12metres.

Explain this relationship with 20mph and 30mph.

Speed 20 mph 25 mph 30 mph 35 mph 40 mph 45 mph

Thinking distance (metres)

6 9 12

Braking Distance (metres)

6 14 24

Stopping distance (metres)

12 17 23 29 36 44

Stopping distances for several speeds

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Calculate the thinking distance and braking distance for the speeds in the table.

Remember that thinking distance is directly proportional to speed.

Remember that stopping distance is the sum of thinking distance and braking distance.

Add the calculated numbers to your line graph.

Do the results compare with your line graph?

Stopping distances for several speeds (continued)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Speed 20 mph 25 mph 30 mph 35 mph 40 mph 45 mph

Thinking distance (metres)

6 9 12

Braking Distance (metres)

6 14 24

Stopping distance (metres)

12 17 23 29 36 44

How have you calculated the missing data in the table?

CountryUK UK Norway Cyprus Denmark Spain Austria

Where?Built-up areas

Motor ways

Motor ways

Motor ways

Motor ways

Motor ways

Motor ways

Speed limit

50 km/h 112 km/h 90 km/h 100 km/h110 km/h

120 km/h 130 km/h

Thinking distance

9 m 18 m

Speed limits in Europe

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Calculate the thinking distances for the following European countries if a driver was driving at the maximum speed limit there and had to stop quickly.

Speed and thinking distance (recap)

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

What is thinking distance?

What is the proportional relationship between speed and thinking distance?

The government is thinking of reducing the legal speed limit in inner cities

from 30 mph to 20 mph. If the law is passed, the overall stopping distance

will be ________ (longer/the same/shorter) under the new scheme. The

thinking distance under the 20 mph scheme will be _____ (use a fraction)

of the thinking distance under the 30 mph scheme.

Speed reduction

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

Fill out the gaps.

Speed limits

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

The Department for Transport has undertaken tests how

certain speed limits would affect the overall stopping distance.

Speed 20 mph 50 mph 70 mph 100 mph

Thinking distance (metres) 6

Braking distance (metres) 6

Stopping distance (metres) 12 52.5 94.5 180

From the numbers in the table above, calculate the proportions of the stopping distance that come from thinking distance and braking distance.

Calculate the missing values.

Speed 20 mph 50 mph 70 mph 100 mph

Thinking distance makes ...% of the stopping distance

Braking distance makes ...% of the stopping distance

Do thinking distance and braking distance equally influence the stopping distance? Explain.

How do thinking distance and braking distance influence the stopping distance at low and high speeds?

Factors influencing stopping distance

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

What other factors than speed influence stopping distance?

Are these factors that influence the thinking distance or the braking distance?

Paula and Peter participate in a road safety test. The table below shows their

thinking distances during the day and during the night at a speed of 40 mph.

Thinking distance 25 mph 40 mph 65 mph

Paula Day 13 m

Night 19 m

Peter Day 14 m

Night 17 m

Road safety day and night

© epiSTEMe 2009/10

What would their thinking distances have been for the other two speeds listed in the table, assuming that all other factors influencing thinking distance had been held constant (e.g. alertness of driver etc.)?