For those who honestly want to know Meles Zenawi’s ...

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Transcript of For those who honestly want to know Meles Zenawi’s ...

For those who honestly want to know Meles Zenawi’s Genocides and atrocities: Please see the picture and click the links bellow for your further understanding!

Where are these Amhara children taken to?

The November 2005 unbelievable Massacre in Ethiopia The shocking atrocities of Meles Zenawi and his henchmen Photos complied by Yared Hailemariam For presentation to the European Parliament on May 15, 2006 These are some of the Addis Ababa residents who were gunned down in November 2005 under the direct orders of Ethiopia's dictator Meles Zenawi. As the photos indicate, the victims where hit with heavy caliber bullets using sniper rifles and tortured. The photos were taken by the Federal Police and Addis Ababa Police Evidence Collection and Documentation Department. The police officers who sneaked out these photos have expressed willingness to testify against the Meles regime, according to Yared's testimony to the European Parliament. An inquire commission, including two Supreme Court judges, ruled that the Meles regime is responsible for the massacre.

The shocking atrocities of Meles Zenawi and his henchmen

Genocide Watch calls on UN to initiate action against Meles Posted in March 31st, 2009 by Editor in Human Rights

Posted 31st March 2009

Genocide Watch, the international campaign to end genocide, has called on United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Justice Navanathem, to initiate an investigation against the government of Meles Zenawi. Genocide Watch cited the atrocities committed in Gambela against the Anuaks and ethnic Somalis in the Ogaden as examples of the crimes that have not been seriously investigated by the UN body.

In an open letter Genocide Watch President Dr Gregory Stanton wrote to the Commissioner, he commended the International Criminal Court for indicting the Sudanese President, Omar Hassan Al Bashir, but noted that “one of the first leaders to defend Omar al-Bashir and condemn the warrant was Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia, whose government has also been implicated in a pattern of widespread perpetration of serious human rights atrocities in Ethiopia and in Somalia.” (must fully watch)! (must Watch) Human rights abuses in ethiopia! (must watch) Genocide by Dr. Gregory Stanton President of Genocide (must watch the link below )!