Foods That Whiten Teeth by A&B Dental Laboratory

Post on 10-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Foods That Whiten Teeth by A&B Dental Laboratory

Foods That Whiten Teethby A&B Dental Laboratory

From Nat King Cole’s hit in 1954 up to the present

plenty of songs have been written about smile.

Do you want to have one that inspires poets and songwriters,


A dental implant in Melbourne, or including the following sustenance in your diet can give you the perfectly beautiful smile.

Strawberries• Those enticing

red little berries are packed with mallic acid, an enzyme known as effective enamel whitener.

Onions• Onions are chock

full of vitamins that will strengthen your bones and teeth, and they won’t stain your pearly white set of teeth and will keep bacteria away from it.

Apples• Apples help clean your teeth due

to their slightly acidic nature.

Broccoli• There was a

research that says that broccoli contains iron that forms a shield, acid-resistant film on teeth.

Celery and Carrots• Like pears and apples, celery and carrots are among

crunchy fruits and vegetables that take a lot of chewing, and therefore increase saliva production that helps prevent plaque build-up.

Cheese• Cheese helps

increase your mouth’s PH level, saliva production, and it also contains teeth-strengthening casein phosphate.

Do any of these nourishment appeal to you?

Start eating your way to whiter, healthier teeth!

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