Food Security - Social Justice (3)

Post on 09-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Food Security - Social Justice (3)

Global vs. Local Food Security

Social Justice 12Mr. Schofield

Lesson 3

Shape of the Class Check-In and Attendance

Current Events: Global versus Local

Hook: TED Talk “Guerrilla Gardening”

Vocabulary & Context: Socratic method

Discussion: Global/Local Food Security

Activity: Unit End Project Brainstorm

Exit Slip: Outline Contribution to Project

Closing: Check for understanding

Next Class: “Grassroots vs Foreign Aid”

Food Security Jeopardy

Vocabulary & Context



Developed Country

Developing Country

Third World

First World



What are some local issues related to Food Security?

What are some global issues?

How and why is Food Security different throughout the world?

Stuffed and Starved, and geography of privilege

Discuss with a neighbour how some of these factors might play a role (transportation, distribution, soil, climate, war, trade, economy, media

Unit End Project Brainstorming

‘Zine or Blog …

Ask questions about project

Take time to brainstorm and work on your contribution (may be with a partner)

The medium that you use is up to you!

Fill-out form in detail

Turn form in for assessment

Assessment Rubric

Exit Slip

Unit End Project contribution selection form

Fill-out form in detail

Turn form in for assessment


Use your hand to demonstrate how well you understand the following today:

Global versus Local Food Security

Process for class collaborative project

Next Class

“Grassroots movements vs Foreign Aid”

Ethics related to Food Security


Is there anything that we can do to improve Food Security?