Folder 2 Palestine Certificates (Folder 2 of 3)

Post on 03-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Folder 2 Palestine Certificates (Folder 2 of 3)


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LONDON 55 New Cavendish St., W 1

GENEVA 37 Qnai Wilson

BUENOS AIRES Corrientes 1979

JERUSALEM Vaad Leumi P. 0. B. 471

MONTREAL 1121 St. Catherine St. W

MEXICO CITY Sonora 1744


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NEW YORK, · 23, N. Y. " : -·-'

In reply refer to No. 233

Hon. John w. Pehle War Refugee Board Treasury Building Washington, D. o. Dear Mr. Pehle:

CAnL1<sf CoN'G~iiss, NBw.Yoa;;( fiLEPHOi'<B: ClncLB 6.·1900

September. 5;1944

I am enclosing one original and three copies of List No. 15 of persons now residing in Hungary~whom we recommend for the granting of Palestine"certificates as well as a letter dated August 28th to Mr. Ohalm Barlae, Pera Palace, Istanbul.

May I ask you to be kind enough to have the list and the letter forward to Mr. Barlas through the fa.cili ties of the State Departm.ent.

ALK:bm Enc.


I. 1.,,,r.j\, (.AAll-W ,/

~Leon, / .... scue Dep rtmen.t




LIS! #16 IVe reoonunend :for gl'ent1ng Palestine oel'

tallowing persons now l'estdtng in HUnga17.

Abraham I:raat, 56 year•e, eon Gyol'gy, 2?, sistel' DeutBOh Gisella, 57, father1nlaw Jozset, 86, bl'other1nlaw Deutsch Al'thUl', 61, nephew Deutsch faul, 20, Budapest Nagyetad1 Szabo utca 20, Hungtuty

Adorjen Mihaly Dr. 1 69 yeal'e, Budapest Va:roamaJor utca 571


Adle:r Jozser, 61 years, wife Lily, 37, daughto:r Susy, 16, Zombor,ID.tngal'y

Altman Jeno 47 yeo:re, w1te Julia 441 daughte!' Susan, 171 motherdn•law WU.:rm.t"eld Mary, 77, .Kel'lllend Vas megye, HUng8.l"J

Balasa M1kaa, 60 yenrs, w1te Paule, 59, eon Janos, 22, Nagyval'ad Densunsianu Strada 7, Runeeri: . ·

Bazas1 Andor, 47 yea:re, Budapest Eredel1i utca 17, H\thgai-y, wile Gizella 4.6, Rezbanya Biha:r lTl8gye, HUnga.17

Benedek Samuel, 59 years, Otzella, 46 & a eons, Negrvariad G11•1nyl utca 4, HUngaray ·

Berger Ma:rton, wife &: 2 children, Bekea Szowe.s, Hunga17

Berger LaJoene, 62, Ny'1regyhaza, Selyem utca 2e, Hunga17

Berger Mojse Mor, 50, wite Anna & 2 llh1ldren, Borger Al'on Ber, 25, Wite & child, Bel'ger Samuel & 4 Biete:re, Be:rgeit Saruu, Wife .Mnt.ilda• & 3 children, Nagyszollos, HUngal'J

Bevger Marton zombor, 48 }'ee:rs, wife Magda, 441

daugh•ei- Nyrtam 19·, eon David, 16, Munkaca, HUnge.%7

Bel'ger Lot ti, eon Berge:r Dr. I. I tam117, daUghtel' Bei-geP Do:ra DI'. , 8c · Child, MerQ1lla:roa Sziset, IN.Dgel'J'


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Be:rnateiri -Emil, wite Elizabeth &,:f d~Ught~rti~ aresaalkovioa utca 338, HUnge:ry · - . ·.

Bel'netein Mikaa, 39 1eal's, wire t.uiy,- Nagyleta 13iharo

Birnbaum David, 80 1ears, wite & f'ain1lyj s~olyv6l·>airt~ ........... YV'•· .J~'4•~t!!''"3 Birnbaum su, wife & 4 children, Szolyva, Hung~ ·

Biro Beitta, 66 years, son Paul, 40, daughtf):r ... tn-law Renata, child Antonia, 3, Budapest Kutvolgy1 ut 34, liUng$l'J',

Blumenstock Sandor, 34 years, wife Ella, 30,. daughter .Klara, 9, • _ b brother Jozset, 24, brother Dezso, 30, Budapest .KiscelU u.t.c(l 201

™~8J.'IY .

Blumenthal Emanuelne, 66 7ears, son Jozset Bence, 4&1

son BlW!lenth-1 Paul 42, Godollo Rudolt u 11, Hunger7

lodnaJ.'I Ladislaw, 45 yenrs, wite EVa, 39, Budapest u 51


Bosen Istvan, 44 years, wife Lilia, 22, daughter Dasy, 2, .Budapest Sziget utca 29, Hungary

Bramer Frigyea 1 45 years, Wife ela:re., 41, dr,ughter Eva, 16 I Budapest Szemelynok u 16, Hunga:ry ·

BUl'g Mihaly, 43 years, Budapest Szent Istvan Tel' 31


Buzasi Laszlo, 48 years, wife szeven, 47, Budapest Benozur utoa '11 Hungary

Oit:ron Jeno, 35 yeavs, wite Jenone, 29, daughter Marika a. & son 41 Nyi:regyhnza Selyem utca 28

1 Hungary

Citron Miklos, 36 years, wife Miklosne, 30, son Gyorgy, 4, Bokony saab~los megye, Hunga17

Oeillas Julius, 48 years, wife Berta, 49, son Endre, ~o, Dereosk,1 Hungar1

Czon1ozer Dr.· 49, Budapest Ferencz Jozsef Rakpa:rt 22, Hungary

Deuta ch Gunsbe:rg, Munkaos, Hungwy

Domany- Ernest, 48 y-elU's, wife Maria, 36, son John, 13, son Steven, 11, Hat.van, HUngary

Domany- Emery, 45 years, wire Anna, 36, Budapes.t Bathory ut,12, llungal'y

Dl"'eimen Jonas, 30 yea-:··s, wife Bila, 29, O.k;qrmeJi10, HUtlgaJ>f

Ebert ·ohru"lotte, 51 years, Budapest Rakoczi ut. 40, oouein Pick Sandor, 46, oouein Pick Sando:rne, 40, aunt Kozma sandot>ne, 66

1 cousin

ti Kozma Gyorgy, 35, Budapest Nepszinhaz utca 161




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Eckstein Uona,. 52 years,. son ~o, 31. '.· d~ug····· btor.· ... •.1111~1~ .••.... ·.1• ... •~.-• .. ~~.•./2···8····~.·.··.·· .. ·. · .. · .. : ':,1 < · ..•. · •..•. ::,f .. ;··'~·j·~·.•.·.· grandchild .Evy-, 3, .Munkacs Kolcaey Ferenozutca l b,:,~y. ;;. t '·<:!, jy• Blter Markusne, ao years, son .. in•law Wohl .renot 58, df!~l1~•l' ·w~~l .i~~ne, :. . ,:;} . i'L

54, daughter Elter Flora, 50, gr$ndoh.1ld Eli'er;L-22;•}Sudape•\ :·; · . F f Szekely Bertalan utca o, Hungaey . : .. :.> ' !I.'.

Feig David, 54 years, wife Aranka, 52 & their ohildr~n, S:tatniar 14•re~i1 H Strada 12, Hungsry l-· .

Fendrioh Joseph, 68 year•s, wife necil, 64, son- Miklos, 39i son ~itol~.f · # 42, daughter Olga, 35, BUdapest Baross utoa 109 1 lilmgar1 · J·

Flaoher Lajoa Dr., 60 years, Fischer Edith 381 Eger, Iiungal")'

Fleischman Beno, 42 years, wife .Eva, 38, daughter Magda, 19,, Keoalceme.t.; Nagykoros1 utca lO, Hungary

Fleishman Alexanderne Dr., 70 years, daughter Szabolosi, Lajoene, 46, grandson szabolcsi Miklos 23, grandson szabolcsi Peter, .30, Budapest Kaplar u 7, Hungary .,..

i'oldi Ede, 38 years, wif'e HaJnalka, 34, son Fel'enoz, 2 .. eon Peter, l, brother Friedman Laszlo, 43, Budapest Sashalom Bela u 52

1 Hungory

B'l"ankl 'L'heodorne, 79, son-in-law Berkovit.s Rate.el Dr,, 55, duughtex­Be:rkovits Ilona, 62, grandson Peter, 19 1 grand-daughteX' Thea, 16

1 .Budapest Arens. ut 80, Hungary, nephew Dach Geza, 52, niece MU.113''"; 39, grand-nephew Gyo~y, ll, Budapest Klotild utca 4, Hunga:ry, npphew Kovac~ Armin, 45, niece "!illa, 42, g:ttand-nephew Thlit.maa, 14, Budapest Podmanicky utca 18, Hungary

Fl'eidenberg ·Albert, 70 years, wife Eugenia, 67, son Armin, 41, Budapest Devai Biro Matyas Ter 3, Hu~gary

Friedman Simon, 55 years, wife Bertha, 50, Kozepacsa, Ilungax-y

.l"renkel Moritz Dr., 50 yeavs, wife Ida, 441

son Peter Paul 20, son Gabriel, 18, sieter-1n-1aw Israel Magda, 32, brother-in-law Israel Erwin, Szamosujvar, Hungary

Fried Risa, 65 years, c/o Arthur Deutsch, Budapest Hortby Miklos ·utca · 10, Hungary·

Fried Oszkar, wife & 4 children, Fried Abraham, wire & 3 children, Munkaos, Hungary

Fucks L1pot, wife Frida & 6 children, Behar, Mezokerentes, Hungary

liUoah Adoltne & her 7 Children, Beregszasz, Ii'Ut'lgary

i'ulop Alexander, 61 years, wife Iren, 57, brother Jozse'6,. 53, Miskolo Arany Janos u 29, Hungary ----

Fu.rth Morie, wif'e Margit, son Lajos, daughter Judith, Budapest ~~nnonia utca 30, HungDry

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GEtger Moritz, ·50, wi.fe Helen. 50• megye, Hung!U'Y

Geiger Samuel, wife :t.seni, da.ughtE)r lfelene; son son Endre, son Ando:r, Na.gylete Bihar ruegye, HQ.1rigErcy

Geiger Erne, w:lfe Baha, son Gyorgy, Debreosen, Hunga1'f

Geiger Datid, 77, wife Esther, 77, tebl"ecen Hatve:n Q.taa

Glu ok Mor, 45 years, w1.fe MOl'ne, 47, Bokony Szabolos megye ;· Jiiu~g~ey >.

Gluckman Herman, 44 years, wife Zali, 42, da.ughter Lea!. 18, daughte~ Roze a, 16, son Jeno, 14, Mihalovcs Hadrabna ut os 61 Aungai-r

. .

Gluolanan Smauel, 57 years, Wife Etel, 55, daughter Klal'a 30& Soniniaw Budapest asenger ut a, Hungazt'f

Gluckman Ignatz, 60 yea rs, w1fe Etelka, 46, son Sangov, 281 SQn&~no,

25, son Samuel 23, son Nandor, 20, & l daughter llyrs., Mandok Szabocs megye, Hungary

Gluckman Rudolf, 52 years, wife Gizella, 51, daughter Iren,·25, Nagy Debes Szaboloa magye, Hungary

Gluckman Jozset, 55 years, son Erno, 31, daughter Rozei, 22i son J:l\lg~ 241 eon l:>nmuel 21, daUghter .1.\.18.l'e, 18, son Nando:r, 19, Se.tol'aljaujhaly

szecenyi 'I'er 1, }funga:ey

Goldberger Rabbi, wife & 8 children, Szolyva, Hung~:ey

Goldstein Rose, 46 yenrs, b:rother-in•law Weisz Marton Pr., 491

siste:r Weisz Ida 44, sistev Goldstein Eszter, 34, Budapest .Pozson71 ut. 53•55 Hungary

Gottlieb hindre, 00 years, wire .Margaret, 47, daughter Aatal1n, 22, ooudn Elizabeth, Budapest Merleg utca 12, Hungary

Griffel Hermann, 60 years, wife Zall1, 50 & their children, Szatmar, Matyas Kiraly utcca, I:lunga:ry

Grit'fel Jozsef, 48 years & his wite, Szatmar .Mareet1 Strada_ 12, liungaey

9-:roaberg Frida & 4 ah1ldren, Budapest, HUngary'

Oroez Abjoa Dr. 32 Jears, wire Livia, 33, father Ferenc, '75, mother' Zs·otia, 68, Budapest. Sznla.y utce. 4, Hungatty

Gl'unwald Jeanette, 76 ye~rs '·· son1nlaw Vas Al'min 60, da.Ughte:r Vas Sze:ren, 5,, grand-daughter Vas ~usy 22 & her husband, son-1n•law Le1tersd019t Julius, 52 ,- daughtez> Le1te1•sdorf, Helen, 39, Sl'andson l.eite:rsdort .John, 10, Budapest B1mot ut 10, Hung~vy · ·

Guttman Emanuel 76 ;rears, wife & childre9, Nagyezollos tJgooaa megye,Hungel"y


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Hantbr Armin Dr., 65 J"ears, wife .Gizelle, 65, son Endre, 30, :a~shi[~da.r~~·'i. Magda, 28, soninlaw Gara (}ywgy, 34, Budapest .Srzsebet Korµ,i ~J:t ~!3gil~;

Hal'i 1'"'elix, wife & family, Budapest Olasz Fasor 57; .~u~g~~Y· . , . . . . '/ . . J BaV.:~ M1Uoa, i8 Y•IU'•• •ife Me~git, 39, Samuel aolilia, ~u~aJ.-.{,U.t;~j(_> ,' J

38, Hungary · • ·· - · · .. 1

Heinrich Dezao, 42 years, wife.Dezsona, 46, dQughter Edith, 12; Szekesteh­ervar, Hungary

Heller Jeno, 46 years, wi.fe Sa:ri, 42, son Robert, 16, aon Amko, 15; Jlu.dap~~ Ilosva7 u 46, Hungary

Heller Marika, Szolyva, HUngary

Herskovits ll'abian Dr., 40 yeers, b:rother l'l>cmz, 39, Budapest Nagyat.adi Szabo 43, Hungn:ry

He:rz Sandor, 50 years, wife Rose, 48, Budapest Baross utcn 78, Hungary

Hirsh Datid Rabbi, wife & 4 ohildren, Beregszaaz, Hungary


Hold Fereno, 59 years, wife Berte, 58, son Le.szlo-Ervia, 24, da-Shter Erzsebet, 33 1 her husband & child, c/o Schlinger ~andor, Budapest Vaci utoa 8, lfungai"y

Holzer Adela, 88 years, son Marko, 51, daughter Anna, 53, daughter Be:rta,· 47, Szentpeterfa ve.s megye, HUngery

Israel Mariska, 58 years, Kolozsve:r Arped utoa b61


Janov1tz Teresa, 48 year:;;, Budapest Kleh Istvan u 4, Hungary, uncle .i.i\~lop. Adolf, 58 years, Hunkocz ung inegye, HUngnry

Jul'J8reisz Andor, 60 years, Wife Margaret, 57, son Erno, 35, a is tel" Bartmann Emilne, M1skmlo Mindszent utce. 20, Hungary.

Kahan b"ra.nklin, wife Frida & 2 children, Budapest lifotvos utca 19, liunga1'7

Kelen ftarolina, 58 years, ~e.ughter Terebesi Ida, 27, sor:iinlaw Terepesi .Pal, 34, eon 'l'erabesi Miklos 2, Budapest Tetra utoa 4, Hunga17, ·S()n ~len

. Kornel, 31, daughter-in-law Kelen Martha, 28, gl'and•daUghter Ke~en Gyorgyi, 3, Budapest Gyongyhnz ut ca 6, Hungary . -· ,

KelllQny Andorne, 51 years, sister revai M1halyne, 481

ai•ce n.vai Gyorgy1 141 brother Schlinger Jeno, 59 years, sistel'•in•law Sohlinser Elvi~a1 47•,

niece Schlinger Eva. 16, Budapest Horthy Miklos ut 1, tfungat>y

Kirschenbaum Irma, 73 years, daughter Bodor Gizella, 48 years, son•1n-law Bodor Emil, 54, Kaposvar, Kossuth Lajos utca 6, Huqg.el'J

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~:t~~~~g=f~.¥w,1r;£1;t~,~:'~t!l11i Klein Sal!lleJ., w~f'e Lora & 4 Ch:ilaren,

Klein Isidor Rabbi, wife Gitele & 6 ollildre!.'11'

Klein Samuel, wi.fe & 6 ahild1,en, Ele(ld, Hungaey

.Kleitl Bertalan, wife & 6 ollildx•en, Hnlm1, Hun$a?7

Klein Jacob Rabbi & 2 children, Halmi, Hunga:ry

Klein oaer, wire Rose & 6 children, Budapest Eotvos ut<.'a 26,

Klein Benje.min, wife Rozsl & 4 children, Vasaros Rameny, HUngery

Klein Michael, 45 years, wife Elsa, U, son Ando:r, 20, daUghhr Iran, la, son Emil, 15, daUghter Magda, 12, ~so:rna, Hungazty .

Kohn Sandor, 42 years, Wif'e Sandorne, 43, son Miklos, 10, nephew Kl"•WI, Imre, 13, Budapest Nagymezo utca a, Hungary, brother1nlaw Kraus Bela; Ungvnr Resinovn 72, Hungazty

Kornhauser Samuel, 70 years, daughter Pick Margit, 43, soninlaw Pick Steven, 45, grandson Pick Gyorgy, 10, son Kornhauser Lasala, 38, daughter­in-law Kornhauser Laszlone, 36, grand-daughter K.ol'nha.user Kle.ra, 2~, Budapest Erzaebet Kiralyne ut 11, HUngaz>y

Kraus Aranka, 29, father, J. Ml'lnsber8, 60, mother Mansberg Mollie; 57, Budapest Vis! Imre utca 7, Hungary

Lefkovits Roza!, 34 years, sister Irene, 30, sister Ilona. 28, brother Herman Hershel, 26, ~zatma:r Nemet1, Hungary

Lefkovits ~ugen, 57 years, wife Rose, 55, son Herman, 22, daughter Helen, 19, Nyirbator, Hungary ·

Leval Salamon Dr, 68 yenrs, wife Rosa,, '72, son Jozset & his wife, Kunbaja, Hungat>;r

Lichtman Simon, 66 years, wife Ella, 45 1 daughter Vera, 10, daughter Judith, son aoltan, daughter Kleri, daUghter Edith, son Andol', 'Jon Arthur, son Erwin, Debre~en Jozsef lli:raly Herceg u.toa 65t ijunga.ry

'Ligeti Hugo, 60 years, Wife Hugone, 58, Budapest Taller utca 2~, ijung€:t"J

Lil!twan lgnaoy, 35 years, wife Wisia, 30, Budapest Sze11t lstva.n Ko1'ut. 22, Hung a:ry

Lowy Guszt<V 1 63,years, Wit'e Melane, 57, d~ughter Ilte, 26, son jibo~, 24, eon-in-law Fleishman Ivan, 32, Szombathel7 '1'otolyi Imre ~tea, Hunga:ry ·



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.Mermelstein Moses, wife Rozai .§! fl children, Szofyva~ Hung~ ·

Mermelstein Zise, 62 years 1 wife & fan Uy

Ostreioher Jeno, 28 yeal'a, bl'other Gyula, 26, father Abraham, 651 moth~r Regina, 60, Kia va:rda Szaboloa megye Ho:rthy Miklos utoa l~; lith1E!aJ7 . .,

Pasztor Erzaebet, 46 years, Budapest Rozsa utoa a•, Hunga17

.Perlmutter Fa1a Fulop, w1.fe &: 9 children, .Mako, Hungarr

Peterdi Andor, 63 years, wife EU.genie., 54, daughter Mari Ve1•on:l.oa, 25,· Budapest Vilmoa rysaszar ut 53, Hungary

Pinter Mor, 81 years, wife Regina, 67, daughter Al'anka,. 33, son Jeno,· 29, Bakes megye, Magyar ut 18 1 Hungary

Pollal! Jozser, 38, wi.t'e Jozsefne, 35, daughter 71

mother Rose, 65, s11i1t.:e:r Sari, 3', ·rolosva <:;emplen megye, Hungary ·

Prager &rioh, 68 years, wife Paula, 58, c/o Mela Deutsch, szombatbely Malom utoa 9, Hungary

Presaburger Geza Dz>., Budapest Damfan1oh utca 391


Preiss Aladar, 50 years, w.tre Ilona_, 41, son ~bomas, 17, bi--other-1n ... 1aw Hartunann Jeno, 47, sister•in•law ~onnenfeld Rela, 57, Kassa Bercsenyi utca 22, HungaJ:>y

Rado Robert, 69 years, Wife Ida, 59, Kotor Zala.megye, Hungary

Reidlinger Rezsone, 61 years, dnughter C7sev1, 24, daughte1• ToncSi; 22, son Rubele, 21, BJ:>atislava J'Udnegasse 57, ~. Slovakia

Reisz Ludwig, 49 years, wife Margit, 46, Budapest Alsoerdos<)t8.,Hungary

Heitmann Sandor, 40 years, wife·G:rete, 38, daughter Eva, 14, lieva, lt11hgary

Revesz Jozsef', 49 years, Budapest Horansky ut~a 4, Hungary·

·Rosenbaum Rabbi, his mother, wife & children, ~alya, Hungary

Rosenbaum ~hie.f Rabbi Samqel, wife Lank& ! 6 childt>en, Kisvarda, Hu~gary Rosenberg Mendel, wife , son David & family, Szolyva Haz•ste., .Hungary

Rosenberg Leibis, 38 years, wife Gizi & 2 children, Rosenbe:rg Jonas,· 3~1 Rosenba:rg Izsa, 30, wire & child, ,Abaul Sin11j) Hungal'y · ·.

Rosenfeld Sanuel, 45 years, Erion, 17, da~btev EI'v1n,

ftosenf'eld Sanaori, 58 years, wife .G1z1, 51, aunt ~lij: ~O~ \iaijiq~p,e~9~:,\.:< Hunga:ry ··· '. /./:

Rothmann AJ»thu:J> Dr., 15 years, wife Lilly, 44, daughter k$t~l~nI 2i~L ~·•· Bua apest '!'erez Ko:rut 18, HUnga:tsy . < > ··. . ..

Rothmann lgnac, 54 years, WifeE1'.zs1, 45, l)eb:re CZ9tl simonty :11, l'l; :a.~ng~b· . . . -

Rothmann Jeno, 52 years, wife Ilonkn, 40 & the11" son, ~olosva, Hu~ga~y Rothman Lilly, 38 yee.:cs, sister Frida, 46, s1ste:r Serena, 44, si•te:r

~lara 42, sister Irene, 40, Ueter Elise.beth, 36, e1s*e:r Valerh, 34, Bude.peat Nadol:' utca 13 1 HUngary , · ·

Salamon Ferencz, 37 yen:rs, wife Matilda, 35, motha:r-in-law Glucknian G1zella, 60, Ny1radany, Hungal'y

Samuel Hel'man, 29 years, wire Fany, 34 son Zalmen I41b, 5, daughter ct.haje Firmet, 3, Oko:rmezo, Hungary

~ohillinger M1ksa, 71 yea»s, niece Heller Jenone, o/o Helle:zo Jenone, Buaepeat Ilosvay utca 46, Hunga:ry

Schlesinger Mikloa, 38 years, wife Ethel, 34, son Peter, 6, ststev-irr ... law flliilag •\ozs1, 39 years, sister--in-lsw 1'h11ag I:ren, 36, Budapest .ia»g . G:rof Ziohy Jeni utoa 29, Hungary

Sohlinge:r LaJos, 68 years, eon Sandor, 37, son Laszlo, 35, Sudapest liozrakte.:r utoe 10 1 Hungn7

Bohlinger Sandor, 56 rears, wife Sandorne, 44, Budapest Vaci utoa a, Hungary

Schonfeld Rabbi, & 9 ohild1'Eln, Tisze UJlek, Hunget>y

Schufteld Jakab, 52 years, Wife Berta, 48, daughte:r Alice. 21. oaughter ~lice, 21, daughtel" Violette, 18 1 Budapest Kirdy utoa 34, Hunga17

Sohuffeld Izsak, 54 Years, wife Juette, 54, Bu(lapest Nngyatadt Szabo 43, Hung,·ry

Schweitzer Rabbi Chief, wife & 8 children, Ahaul ~inaj; HUngal'J

Siklosi Henirk, 54 years, wire Hermina, 49, Bude.peat Kaz1·ncy Gyogyazertttl' Dob utoo, Hungary

Simon Endre, 56 years, wire Rose, 49, .Bude pest Vilmos oaasza:r ut 19,,Hunga:r2

BL.on Sandor, 48 yeal's, wife Margue:rette, 48, daughter Rose, 21, d,o.ughte:r Knte, 19, mother Spiegel 'Metilde, 78, Kapuvar Sopron memre For ter>,Hunge1

'114 .. Spitz. Jozse,fne,>39 &: 3 daughters, sieter:..1n-law

zemplen megye, Hunge:ry

Spitz Marton, 58 years, wife Margit, 67, daughter Magda, Erika, 18, .Kessa to ut CLI 62, Hungery

Spitz ss.muelne, wife Rozsi & 6 ohiloren, Nagy i'a:rna, li"ngery

s'PitBer Lajos, 71, Qife Eszt~r, 69, Jozaef, wife & ahild, Biro Sandor. 44, 'risze. r:sege Iiajdu megye, I:Iungary

Spitzer Gizella, 78 years, daughter Roth Greta, 47, Bzombathely Bren~er Janos utca a, Hungary

Spi tzar Paul Dr. 1 49 years, Budapest Eotvos ut ca 27, Hungaey

Sreter Morne, 60 years, ~on Dezao Dr., 35 1 daughter-in-law Juci 30 & l child, son Armin Dr., 44, daughter-in-law Mfll'g:lt 40 & 2 daugbte:t> 1 son­in-la\1 8ohwartz Jeno lir., 30, daughter Schw9.l"tz Iren, 29 & 1· child, · Hajdunanes, Hungary

~tandier Herman, 55 years, wife Hermanne, 48, son Laszlo, 21, son fibob, 16, l;)storalj a Ujhely Horth}' Miklos 11, Hunge.ry

Steinberg Moses, 38 years, w1.t'e ~aeni, 36, son Herzel, 12 1 eon Hershel, 10, son Anshel, 8, daughter ~haje Frimet, 6, son Mendel, •4, Okormezo, Hungary

Steinberg V11mos, 36 years, wife Peg!, 26, Oko:rmezo, Hungary

i;iteinberge:r David, wii'e & 3 married sons & one married daughter, Nagy­szollos, Hungary

Stern Zsigmondne, 57 years, daughtec-in-la\Y Gabriella, 40, ·grandson .Michael, 15, grandson, 9, Budapest ~Tagy Sandor utca 3, Hungary

Ste~n Mendel, 40 years, wife Ethel, 40, son ~erczel, 12, eon Wolf, 10, son ·samuel, 2, Okormezo, Hungary·

Steue:rmann Lajoa (Leopold) 61, Kolozsvar Muaaalin ut 33, liungary

Szanto Pal, 35 years, wife Palne, 30, & their children, Budapest Szent 4stvan Kcn"Ut 14, Hungary

Szegedin Adolf, 43 years wife ffilarlotte 1 40, daughter Eva, .121 da'tlghtGr Agnes-' 11; mother-in-law asillag, Ilona t 6'7, ~un4le Ria ch ~min{ 63, aunt 1tie oh Margeu•et, 51, Hat van, Meszaros Lazar utca 26, · Hunge.vy

Szekely Imre, Dr., 6'7 years, wife Margaret, 57, mother-in-law Oz1gler, 82, Duda pest Benozub ut oa 39 .B. Hungury, brothe1• Skekely Alexandel", 47,, sister-in-law Szekely Margaret, 41, niece Szekely Eva, 20, Andre.say ut 72, Hungary

Szirtes ~'ulop, 62 year•s, w1.f'e Hegins, 59, daughter-1n .. 1aw Renne:r, .i..ivia, _ 32, Budapes~ Rakoczi u 42, Hunga:ry


'l'elegdi Ilona, 60 years, broth~n' Dozoner L!jos, 66p• 7 1 Hung ffl'Y

Tenger Kaline.n, 44, sister Riza, 47, daughter Mitb, 17, szent. Ilovai ut ae 3, H\:tngary

T1egerman Rabbi, wife & 6 children, Bekes, Hungal'y

Tusohak 'rivadar, 52 years, wife Irene, 501 son 'fonuny,, 1'7, son Janos; 131 Budapest Peleoerdosor u 8, pungory

Ullman Tauber, wife & 4 children, Budapest, Hunga~y

Ullman Istvan, wife & children, Nagyvared, Hungary

v Rler fe.l Dr. , 32 years, wife Magda, Budapest JQ!g Margit Hakpert, 26 ,liunga17

We1ngerger Erno, 56 years, wife G1zella, 52, daughter SFzbet, 35, son-in• law & children, Weinberger Arpad, Dr., 44, wife Anna, 38 & son, Budapest Lonyei utca 19, Hungary

Weinberger Ferenc, 58 years, wife Ferenone, 53, son Borheg Gy'orgy, 30, son Borhegyi Pal, 22. Oudapest Wesaeleny1 utca 8•10, Hungary

Weinberger Aron, wife Berta, 68 years, son Bela, 40, daughter-in-law ftozat, 33, srand-daughter Vero, 10, grandson 5, Kir&lyhelmeo Zemplen megye, Hungary ·

Weinberger Erno, wife & 7 children, Munkaos, Hungel'y

~einstein Moritz, 46 years, wife Rifke Regina, &5, daughter Helena, 20, son Bela, 17, daughter Vera, 12, daRShter Agnes, 10, son Imre, 7, ~1raly Helmecz, HungPry

WHf.s »amuel Dr. , 68 years, Margit., 56, Budapest liunge.l"y

Weiss Harman, 56 years, wife Rezai, 51, don Jeno, 28, daughter llora1

22, daughter borolta, 20, son Adolf, 19, son Salamon, 18, aon Jozeet, 16, son Bernath, 14, son utto, 10, Munkaos Latoroe ut 40, Hungary

Weisz Karoly, 2g years, BBPJt-step-father Laszlo Bela, 67 1 sieter U•zlo JU11a, 34, sister Laszlo Margit, 30 1 Budapest Rottenbil+ar utoa o, Hungary

. ,

Weisz Samuel, 54 years, wife & family, Weisz Elias; 501

wife Sarah & children, Ne.gyezollos Ugoosa megye, Hunee.ry

Weisz Lajos Rabbi, 46 years, wife Aranka, 42, Mor, Febel" megye, Denk Ferencz utoe 1, Hung$ry

Vlitt Fulop, 38 yeeI's, wif'e Ida, 36, daughter Maria, 9, Budapest Laj_os utea 166 , Hungary


September lt 1944



LIST 1/16 We recommend t~ grent.1ng Palestine oert1t1cete1

following pe:reona now :residing 1n Hunge:t'y'.

Abraham Ireat1 66 ye~va, eon Qyorgy, 27, e1ster Deutaoh G1zella, 57, tatherinlaw Jozsot, 86 1 b:rother1nlan Deutaoh Artm.u-, 61, nephew Deutsch Ha.Ill, 20, Budapest Nagyatad1 Szabo utca 20, Hl.lflgQJ

Adorjan Mihaly tir., 69 yeAre, audapest Va:roemajor utca 57, HUngat7

Adler Jozset, 51 years, •1te Lily, 37, draugbte:r suay, 16, zombor,Hung~

Altman Jeno 47 yanre, ws.t•e Julia 441 daugbte!' SUllEi.n, 171 motber•in•law wu:rmreld. Mary, 77, .K.el'ID8nd Vea megye, Hunga17

Balazs Mikea, 60 years, w1to Paula, 58 1 eon Jnnoe, 22, Nagyvar«d penaunaienu Strada v, HuQS&J't . ·

Bazaa1 Andor, 4? years, Bu.depest Eredelyi utan 17, Hungavy, ~i.f'e Oizelle 46, Rezbaeya Bihal" megye, Hufl8s1'1

Benedek Samuel, 59 rears, wire Gizell•, 46 & 2 aona1 WeaTVartt4 Oilainyt utca 41 aungarr

.ae~ger MaJ"ton, wife & 2 children, Bekes azorraa, R'1nasey

Berger Lajosna, 62 years, N)"ireg1haza, 5elyem ut.oa 2e, Hl.mgavi

BeJ"ger MOJIG MoF, 60 1 Wife Anna & 2 .oh1ldren1 B•rger APon .atr, $fi1

W1te. & child, Bel'ger Samual & 4 sbtere, Bel"gel' Snimt, w1.t'a lbt.ilda, ·& 3 ohUC!ren, Negyaaollos; .. HUngal'J' · ·

llel"gel" MtU'ton zomhor,. 48, wife Ma$dn, 44,\er N1ioiam 19, aon David, 16, Munkact1, HUngnry

. . Bergel' Lotti; eon Berge~ Dr.. l• I tamil;v, daUghtel" eerse:r 1lOtt«i Dl'., & .

1Jh1ld, .fldtamllt'aa S&iset, n.11ngt1ry

---------.--- -~---:.__-::------~-. -·--~~----

... _. '


sernate1.n Emil, tdte ll!lizabeth & .. 2 daughters, .Kd, Grsaaalkovioe utoa 338• -HUr>sfll"Y · .. ·.- ··.·

Bernstein .Mlkaa, 39 7eara; W1fe Lilly, N$gyleta .. , .·

B11'nbau.111 David, 80 years, dte & t111mU:y, S~ol1vac Ber1s·

B1rnbawn S111 w1i'e & 4 cb1lcWen, S~ol.yva, Ht.tngall'1

Biro aeitta, 66 years, eon Pnul, 40 1 daugbte:r•1n,,.la1f Renata, · child Antonia, 3, Dudapest Kutvolgyi ut 34

1 HUtlgtll'J

.Blumenstock Sandor, 34 :rears, Wife Ella, 30t dn. .. ht&l' .Klaro,, fl; .- -.. -. , ; b brother Jozaef' 1 24, bl'Other Deaso, 30, BU.Gapes\ 1(1ecel,J.1 U.t.Ca 20;~: atr>gery

BlW118nt.hal Elllanuelne, 66 7eer1, eon Joasot aenoe, 41, son BlWlltnthal Paul 421 Godollo Rudolt u 11, HUngfU7

lodnal' Lad1&law, 45 years, wif'e EVa, 39, Budapeat. Te.t.:ra 1.l51


Bosen Istvan, 44 ,-ears, w1te ~ilia, 22, daught.el" Dasy, 21

Blldapest. Sziget utca 29, nunga17 --

Bramer Fl'igyes, 46 years, wife ~lara, 411 d~ughter JSVa, 16; BUdapoot. Szemelynok u 16, Hunga17

BUl'g Mihaly, 43 years, Budapest Szent Istvan TeP 31


B\lsaai Laszlo, ~ :veara, Wife Szeren, 47, .BUdnpe_st Benozu utoa 7, H11ngar1

~1tron Jeno, 36 years, w1te Jenone, 29, daushter Marika o, &: eon <&1 ~1l'eg7hnzn Selyem utoa 98 1 Hunge.17 .

O"it.ron MJ.kloe, 36 yee.r·s, wife ·M1klosne, 30, son G1or-sy, 4, Bokoilf saabolca megye, Hu.ngatty

Oeillag Julius, 48 years, •1.fe Bert.a, '9, son Encb••, 20; Del'$eaai.c.j:. HunsaPJ

~zontoaer Dr. 49 1 iludapest .Ferencz Jozeet Rakpar~ 22,. Jf.UnsaPJ

Deutaohaunilberg, MUnkaoa, HUng~y

DomaDJ' Erneet, 4S 7ea:rs, wire Maria, 36, eon John, 1$1

son Steven, ll, Hat.van, HU.ngary

D.omany Rnts:ry, 45 yea:t>s •.- wife Anna, 36, Budapest .Bathory u.t, 12, Hung a

Dreimen JontJ.s, 30 yen "S, Bila, 29, Oko:rmHo; Hungar

Ebert. 1'hwlotte, 51 yee:rs, Bu.4apest Rakoce1 ut 40, cou.ein . .Pick Sandol', 46, aousin E1ok Sandorne, 40, aunt Kozma sandorne, 66

1 oouain

.U Kozma Gyo:rgy, 351 .Btuia,peet. Hepsztnhaz utca 16, ™Jlgal"J'

- ·:. - ·_. ·.··"'~ ' : -·~-:>:- -___ .:.·>

--·--~·"-"-' _.·. ·-··""'"''"~ . • ; ". -<· .. -/, "- .,, :,.,,,.+";/i:'t':i·:·fr\''-~~~~-·-2_:_,_f)f9"'•_.¥-.. ···.~-.--.•. •_:_~: .. '~.•,_-.. ~ .. :.~-:.·._·,:.~_ .. · ...• ;-• . •.·. ).. • . •· .. ;':L· <<.~; ..... - - -· , 'l" . . ·: . .:'- :~i ,. ·-- - ' .. :> ... · .... /'." . : ' ,;·· .•.• H;i(;;~;\:.·· • --·-·--· • ·· . ::rx~ .. ·- -~·<;>:_--~.)/[ ·•.:1:;:fa;~'.'.Ni·>·:y·;::~;::;.;.;1cli ·

Boka\•i• Il01'0•6a yeD••· ••• l!UgO,:;.-~~~~;~,.;..~~. v-~~~~i , •. _c:'-•.Gf ~· grandonUd Evy, 3, }4U.nkaos Kolcsey FIP.'•n~-utcs•l/b,~nga0"·<-; > ;,•n•· ;y.

Blter Markusne • 80 yeal."s, son•in-law Wob~. Jen~, -50, d~ugli~!~ -w~b.i~l,~•~i) / t .-· · . · ;:> · · ~::~~i1~!~i.~~·:\:o:;· ... ~~.gon4ol>1ld BlHr;.f~l. 22, "114aia~' <. ·. ···~·· ; .. ~!

Feig I>av1d, 54 years, wit'e /U'anka, 52 & their children, S~S.t,mar~6l~ia~i_ ~~ _. -3trada 12 , Hungary ·) j

Fendr1oh Joseph, 68 yee.r<s, wife ,,ec1l, 64, aon M:lkl.os, 39 1 son :Ai'nol4, ·· · ;j · 42, daughter Olga, 35, nude.pest saross utcn 109 1 liunge1'7 ;

F1Scher LaJOB Dr., 60 years, B'J.echer Edith 381 Eg&l', Hungarf

i'leisehman Beno• 42 7eare, wlt'e Evn, 38, Mogda, l9t K•.P•keme\; Nagykoroai utea 10, Hungary

Fleishman t..lexanderne Lr., 70 yea,re, Szabolosi, Lajoane, 46-, grandson. szebolosi r41kloa 2~, g:ranclson Szebolcsi Peter, 30 1 "Bu.da:pest. Kepler u 7, ~ngary

1old1 Ede, ae, wire Hejnalka, 34, son FeNnP, 2, son; 11

brother Friedman Laszlo, 43, BUdapeet Saabalom Bela u 52• li1.mgcry.

Frankl l'heodorne, 79, son-in-law aerkovit.s Rafael DJ.?., 55, serkovits Ilona, 52, gr&ndaon Peter, 19, g:rand• thea, 16, Budapest Arena ut 60 1 Hungfll'11 nephew Dach oeza, 52, niece U\.\lly, 39, grand-nephew fr</OJ:8Y, ll, Buda pest Klot1-ld \ 4, Hung_ar7, npphew KOva cs Armin, 45, niece "'il la, 42,. grond•nephtw 'fbamaa, 14, Budapest Podmnn1oky utca lB, Hungary ·

Pl'eldenberg Albert, '70 yea~a, w1te Eugenia, 67, ~on AX1m1n, 41 1 Budapest Devai Biro Matyas 'fer 3 1 Hungary

.Friedman Simon, 55 yesrs, Wife Bertha, 50 1 Kozepacsn, Hunga17

!l'X'enkel Moritz Dr., 50 years, wife Ida, 44, son .Pet.ev P(l\ll 20, son . Gabriel, 18,. eister•in-lew Israel Magda, 32, bl"otbett•in•la.w Erwin, S,ze.mosujvel' 1 Hungnry

Fried Risa, 65 years, o/o Arthur Deutsch,. Budapest aortby Miklos u.tca 10, Hungary

,rr1ed oaakatt, wire & 4 children, 11.ri.ed Abraham, .wife & -3 ~ildrl)n, . Munkaos, Hunger,

FU.eke L1pot., wif'e .t"rida & 6 _children, Behal', Mezokerentes,- H~ngarr

li\loeh Adoltne & her 7 children, Beregszasz, H.\lngarJ

iUlop Alexandel', 61 J'•ars, w1te Iren, 5'7, brot.he:r Jozae:t 1 53-1 lU.lkol.o Are.ny Je.nos u 29·, Hungal';y

li'\lrt.h ttorio, wife .Margit, son Laj_oa, daughter Judith, ·;'auaapeat. :t'annonie · utoa &o, Hung~py


.. ·-~~'_, ~

-------·~~~--~-~· ·~-----'\""~o~""':,~~;:;_~-.


GEigox- MotiU.z, 60 years, Helen, 50, n~gye, Rungt\l'y ·

Geiger Samu.el, wife 4sen1, da~ghter Helem•, 80,µ Vilnioa, Of\llA8"l'-ti son Endt>e, son Andor, Nagyleta Bihar megy~, ,fl'1ng~.

Geiger Erne, wife Baha, son Gyorgy, Debreo11.1en, HUngnry

Geiger Datid, 77 years, wife Esther, 77, l»btf~tcen Hat.'Ynh uto!l C$l,, ..Htingai't Gluok Mor, 46 years, wife MOl"ne, 47, Bokony Sz!).bol~e magye, .liufl$ttl'Y

Oluoklllan Harman, 44 years, wife Zeli, 42, daugbtmr Lea_t ia. daugh\ttl!' Rozsa, 16, son Jeno, 14, Mlhalovaa Had~abna utee 5, aungaJ'1. _

Oluokman Smauel, 57 years, wif'e l~tel, 65, daughtel' Klara 30 & Son1nle.w Budnpest nsenge:r ut 8, liunge17

o lu okraan Igna tz, 50 ye a rs , Wife Ete lka, 48, a on Sqndo1•, 28, eon .B::rno, :.::5, son Samuel 23,. son N'andor, 20, & l daughter llyrs., Mandok szaboos megye, Hungs:ry

Gluckman Rudolf, 52 years, wife Gisella, bl, daughte:r l1'-en, 25, Nagy Debes l:lzabolos megye, Hunga17

Gluckman Jozset, 55 yee.:rs, eon Erno, 31, dau.ght0:r Rozsi, 221

son uuso ::111~ son ~omual 21, daughte:r .l\lal'e, 18, son Nandw, 19

1 Satol'aljaujhaly szecenyi Ter 1, Hungary

·· Goldberger Rabbi, w1.fe & 8 children, $Zolyva1


Golde te 1n hose, 46 yeo rs, b:rot.he:r•in-lo.w we 1ez Ma:rtQn Dr. , 49 • ebter We1as Idn 44, siate:r Gqldat.ein Eezte:r, 34, Budapest .Pozacm7i u.t 53-65 Hungaey

Gottlieb J:Omlra, 50 yea.Pa, w1te Ms:rgaret, 4ll, da\lghte:r Katals,n, 22, oouain Elizabeth, Budapest Me:rleg utcs 12, Hungal"f

Grlttel lle:rmann, 60 yen:rs, wire zalu, 50 & tl1ei:v Cll1ldren1 ~~atmar,

Maty•s Kiraly utoca, .liungn!'y ·

. Griffel Jozset, 48 yen re & hia ·w1.te, Szatmnr Mareatj, Strada 12, JiJ.l,?Jgf\17

' Gl908berg tl'.ride & 4 children, .Budnpest, HUngary

G~otz Alnjos Dr. 32 7ea~s, wire Livi~, 3~, Cather Fereno, 751

.mother· zaot1a, 68, Budapest Sz!U&y utce 4, Hungh:ry

Gitunwald Jennette, 76 yenre, son1nlaw Vas Armin 601 Vii.a 521e:ren, 5-t, grand-daughtel" Va& Susy 22 & her husband, aon.o.1n-1a.w Le1tQl'aclort . Julius 1 52, dl\Ughte:r teitem.1do:rl, Halen, 3$ ~ granttson l.ettoredor.t John, 10, Budapest BJ.mot ut 10, HUngiil"J' ·. ·

,,~~;' ..

·-'~ '_~f

" ..,,,

. 21

\;f.berfeld Pe.ul, 3B years, brother Emm.er1 oh 37, ,.· Master utcat 2a 1 Hungo17

a~mo:r Armin DI>., 65 yea1·s, Wife Gizella, 5fh son Endre, 30, · G•r• · Mngaa, 28, aoninlnw Garn Gyorigy, 34, Budapest .l!.;rHebet. KOrut. 5.~iflllqgal'1

· Ha:r1 Felix, wife & family, Budepest Olasz ll'aSO).t 57; Hunge:tty"

Havas M1tmos, 48 yeaI's, Margit, 39, semuel l'!alilia, ~ud.f!pest ut.aa 38 , Hungary ·

He1n:r1ch Dezso, 42 years, w1te Dezeona, 46 1 daughter Edith, 12, 61ekesfeh­ervw, Hungary

Heller Jeno, 46 years, wife 881'1, 42, son Robert, le, son Amko; 15, ~dapest. Iloavay u 46, Hungary

Heller Mnrike, szolyve, HUngary

Herskovit.z Fabian Dr., 40 yevrs, brother .iirnnz, 39, Budapest Wag;vatadi Szabo Q, Hungary

Herz Sandor, 50 yeers, wife Rose, 48, Budapest .Baross utca '78, Hungary

Hirsh Datid Rabbi, wife & 4 ab1ld:ren, Beregazasz, Hungary

Hold Fa:reno, 59 years, Wife Berta, 68, son Laszlo•Evvta, 24, dawghter ~rzaebet, 33, he:r husband & child, c/o 8chl1nger ~andor, Budapest vaoi utoa a, Hungary

Ho;Lze:r Adela, 88 year·e, son Mtirko, ol, daughter Anna, 631

daughter liel"ta., 47, Szentpet.erta vaa megye, Hun~B:ry

Israel Ma:rieka, 58 years, Kolozsvar Arpaf.'l utoa 661


Janovitz Teresa, 48 years, Budapest Klah Istvan u 41 Hung~:ry, unole Vulo;

Adolf, 58 years, Hunkocz ung megre, HUngsl'y

Ju~rei&z Andor, 60 years, wife Mv.rp.;nret, 5'7 1 son Erno; 35, sister Hnttt.m1U1n ~milne, Miskmlo Mindezent utce 20, Hungary

Kahan ~anklin, wife Frida & 2 children, B\tdapest illotvos l~ _.,liu.ngeey

.li:elen.llarolina, 58 years, daughter '1.'arebesi Ida, 27, eo:n1niaw Terabed .Pal, 34, son 'l'erebesi Miklos 2, Bu.dapest 'l'tltl'a U\Qa 4

1 HUU8ary, s5>n l\elen

_Kornel,31, daughter-in-law Kalen Mnr,hn, 28, grand-daughter. '"4len Gyo:rgy1, 3, Budapest Oyon{Ql'.bnz ut ca 6, Hung9:ey· . · ·

Kemeny Andorne, 51 years, alster I:-ava_1 M:lhalyne 1

481 a~ece D$Vf;l~ Qy-ox>gri 14,

brothel" Schlinger Jeno1 59 ;rears, siate:r-in•law S®linge:r .&:lv.t~a, 47, niece Schlinger Jilva. 16, Budapest Horthy ld.klos ut l, Hungary

Ktrs ohenbaum Irma, 73 years, r Bodw Gi~ella, 48 yee.ra, ;':on-:1n-law. . Bodor .Emil, 64, Kapoavar; Kossuth Lajos u.tca 6, llttrlgery


-. ·: . .

'.·;." . .o··

Klein .Mtkeo., 60 y e11:ros, wire i.tavgit 57, utca 8•10, Hungaey

Klein . snnnel, wife Lora & 4 ch_ildren, Bel'egsz1u1.'Q, lit.lngiaity

Klein Isidor Rabbi; wit'e Git.ele & 6 0111ld:ren, · Nagfszollos, Klein Samuel, wire & 6 children, Elosd, Hungat"y

Klein Bert.Han, wife & 6 childr-en, Hnlmi, Hungary

Klein Jaoob Habb1 & 2 children, lialm1, Hungaey

Klein oser, wife Rose & 6 children, .sudapest. Eot.voe utca 261 Bunge~y

llein Benjamin, wife Roza1 & 4 cbildtten, Vasaroa Ralll9QJ; ~hgarr

Klein Michael, 45 years, w1te Rlsn, 18, son Andor, 20, doughter Iren, la, son Emil, 16, daughter Magda, 12, ~sorna, Hu.ngn17

Kohn sando:r, 42 years, wi.t'e Sandorne, 43, son Miklos, 10, nephew Kt>au, Im1•e, 13, Budapas t Nngymezo ut oa 8, Hungary, bltothertnla• ~aue Bela, Ungvar Reainovn 72, ttungsry

Kornhauser Samuel, 70 years, daughter fiok Margit, 43, soninlaw Piok Steven, 45, grand.eon Pick Gyorgy, 10, son .Kornhauser Laszlo, 38, daughte:r-1n-law Kornhauser Laszlone, 35, grand-daughter Kornhauser Klara, 2~, Budapest IWzaehet .Kirdyne ut 11, HQng917

Kraus Aranka1 29, father, J. ~~nsbe~; 60 1 mother Mansberg Mollie, 57, · Budapest, Vis! Imre utoa 7, Hung1n:•y

Le.fkovits Rozs1! 34 years, sister Ir•ene, 30, sister Ilona, :aa, bx>other Herman He_rshe , 26, tizatmar Nemot.1, H~ng ary . ·

Lefkovita l!.Ugan, 57 yea:rs, Hose, 551 son Harmen, 22, daughter ~len, 19, Nrirbato:r, HUnga17

Leval Salamon Di-, 68 ye~re, wite Rosa, 72, son Jozse~ & his wife, ~nbsJn, Hungary ·

Liahtman Simon, 66 years, wife Ella, 45, daughter Vera, 10, daughter · JwUth, son lloltan, daughter Klari, daughter Edit,hj son AndOl'j;· s<:>n

Arthur, son E:rwin, Debl'ecen Jozee£ Kiraly Heroeg u.toa 65, HUngary

L1get1 Hugo, 60 years, wife Hugone, 68, Budapest Tnlle:r utoa 2e, HungQt"7

Liatwan lgnncy, 36 yesra, wire W1s1a, 30 1 Budapest Szent Istvan Ko~ut 22, Hung a?'y

Lowy Ouszt r v I 63 ,years I Wife' 57, daughter Iltfll • 26, •on iibor I 24., son-in-law FlelShman Iven, ia, Szombathely Totolyi Imra utan, Hung~17


Pasztol' El'zaebet., 46 Jeara, Budnpeat. Rozaa Utos. 8•1


Pe.t'lrnutte:r !i'eis ~lop, wife & 9 ohiJ;dren, .Lfnko, Hungaey

Petordi Andol', 63 fears,; w1te EUgenin, 54, ~e\&gll\$1" Mari VEn·Onica; 25~ Budapest V1lmos f'l,easzar ut. 6\:S, HungPl"y

Pinter Mor, 81 years, w1te Regina, 67, dnughter Al'a.ntta, 33, Gon Jeno, 2~, Bekes n1$gye; Magyazo ut. 18, HUngnry · · .

.PollaJ{ Jozsai', 38, wit'e Josserne, 35, daughter 7, mothe:r nose 1

65, aiitel' ·1 Sari, :s&, Tolcsva zemplen megye, Hunga17 · ·

Pl'eger Et'ioh, 68 yev:rs, wife f'au1·11, 58, o/o Mela Deutsch, saombathe~ Malom utoa 9, Hunse17

.Preaaburge:r Gezn Dl'., Budapest Dal11\Jen1oh utca 39; BungtU'.r

P:reiea Aladar, 50 rears, wire Ilona., 41, son T.boms.s, 17:. bl"otb.$:r•in-law lie:rtmiann Jeno, 4tl, s1ater•1n•,\aw sonnenfelQ. Rala1 5'1, · KaHa BEi:rc,,any1 · ut ca 22, Hungo:ry · -· · .

Rado Robert, 69 yeu:t•s, Wife Ida, 6~, Kot.or Zala. 1lWS'fG, liqet'y:

Reidlinger Rezsone, 5~ yee.:rs, dnughte:r nsevt, 241 _dau_.s _lit.'111 TOl;lOQ11

~a, eon Rubele, 21, B:rat! Judnegaese 57, tJ~ Slovakia . · ·.·

Reisz Ludwig, 4-9 years, wlte Margit_, 46, Bud,pest A.110eJ."dOsOl'~i'l1~ngary Rei t.mnnn Sandor, 40 7eax•s, Wife Grete, 3S, daught.ev Rn, '1·~t Ll\lva, ~tigal'f Revesz Jozaef', 49 yen:rs, .Budapest Bor.anaky ut.oa 4

1 Htuiga~ ·

1'osenba\Ull Rabbi, his mother, Wife & children,. Taira, tlung8t'y .

Rosenbaum flhiat Rabbi SallDlel, wire Lenke ! e OJ).1ldren; ~•vaJWda1 ·HungaX'J ;

· Roaenbor>g Mendel, w1f$ , son David & .fs.nt11y-, SioJ.y\ra li!ilt'S!'avliu.r1giiJ.'7 ·

ftosenbel'g, 38 :vea:rs • rtite Gh:L & 2 ehildr$n, Rf)senbeJ>s, J~11~•; ~~;, Rosenberg l$:'1GS.; 30, wife ·& child, Abaul S1nnj

1 llithgQ.y · • . .

. '·


Rosenf'eld senuel, 45 yenra, wire· sait0Ua1 Erica, ,1'7, daughter E;l:'vin, 11, Budapest

Rosenfeld Sandor, 58 y&tirs, w1f'e G1z1, 51, · nungel'J" . - . . . . . .

·. _, ,. ;."_·_.

Rothmann Al'thur Dl"., 16 :rears, wif'o L1lJ.y, 44, da\ Katalin; Budapest Terez Kot>ut 18, Hungary

.kothmann Ignact 54 yea:ra, w1£elil1Ws1, 45, Pab~eozen l:iiimonf'y 1l, 171 liungE1l':Y:

Rothmann Jeno, 62 years, wife Ilonkn, 40 & their son• <J:olcsV6\ 1 Runga~

U.otbman Lilly 38 J'&, siat,er ?l'ida, 46, deter Serena, 44, ebtel' · · ttlara 42, s!ster Irene, 40 1 &lifJabeth• 36 1 s1e~er Valeria~ 3~t Budnpeet Nedor ut~a 13, Hungaro1

Selnmon .(1erencz 1_ 37 years, w1fe Matild!l, &5, mother .. tn•law Oluokm11.n . Gtzella, 60, Nyiradany, Hungary

Ssmuel Harmen, 29 years, w1ta Feny, 34 son Zalmen L61b, 6 1 daughte1" Ohnje li'trmet, 3, Okorme.zo, HungerJ ·

Sohillinger Miksa, 71 yee.>'s, nieoe Helle:r Jenone, o/o Belbl' Jenone, Budnpest Ilosvoy utca 46, Hung~rr

Schlesinger Miklos, 38 yeava, wife Et.hel, 34, son Pet.e:r, 6,; l'lllilag uozsi, 39 years, S1ster ... 1n•law l'Jhilag Iran, 86, Budepest i.-. Orot Ziohy Jeni utoa 29, Hunglll'J · .

Schlinger Ls.Joa, 68 years. son Sandor, 3'1 1 eon Laszlo, 35, .6\adapeet Ac>zraktar ut, oei 10, Hungary

Solll1nger oandor, 56 yeQrs, wif~ Sendo~ne, 441 Budapest vac1 utca a, · Hungary

liohonfald Rabbi, & 9 children, Tiaaa UJlsk, .HungQ17

Sobufteld Jo.knh, 62 7~0.:t:'s, n1.fe Ber>ta, 48, daughter Aliet, 21, 4e\a8.hter Al1oo, 21, daughtel' Violette, 18 1 Bu.d~post Kiraly ut.oa 3_., Hungary

5ohuffeld Izsiik, 54 yea1•s, wife Jutltte • 541 iludapest NagyetacU Sau~bo 4'3 ' Hung r' ry

Schweitzer Rabbi On.te~, wifo & 8 ehildren; Ah@.Ul winaj, Hungary

S1klos1 Hen1rk, 54 years, wife Hel'minn, 49, Budnpost. Kazirioy Gyogyaaertal" Dob utan, Hungery . ·

.li1mon Endre, 56 yeara 1 w1te Rose, 49, Bud1>.peat Vilmos esaszaro u:t- 19 ,.fli.lr1gaey

SS,•,ion Sandol' • 48 years, wife Me:rgueret te, 48 • d( aos~ • 21, 4ausb.t.ero Kate,· 19, mother Spiegel Matilde , 78, Kapuvw Sop:ron ntegye ~for 1H~nge~

. .

i '!

. f· ,. .. -:


Spitz Jozsef'ne, 39 & 3 daughter&, dstei>•in .. law Spitz zemplon megye, liunge.17

f>pltz Mart on, 58 years , wif'e Margit, 57, daughter Magda, 21; .El'ikl!., 18, Keese to utoo 62 1 Hungary

Spitz semuelne, wife Roze1 & 6 ohil,oren, Nagy Tarna, Hungary

Spitzer Lnjoa, 71 yea1•a, wife Eazter, 69, .rozse!', wif'e & oh1ld1 nepl,1.ew Biro se.ndor, .44, 'fisze. "sage Unjdu megye,

Spitzer Gizelln, 78 yeel"S, daughter Roth Greta, 47, Szombethely erenne~ Janos. utce a, Hungary '

Spitzer Peul Dr,, 49 years, Budapest Eotvos utoa 27 1 Hungf.ll"y

sroter Morna, 60 yaex•s, aon Dezso Dr. 1 35, de.ugbter•in-lew Juci 30 & l child, son Armin Dr., 44, daughter-in-le• Margit 40 & 2 dnUghte>?1 son• in-law tiohwartz Jeno, 30, deughter Schwartz lren, 29 & l child, He.jdunnnas, HunQ'ary -

::>tEl.naler Herman, 55 years, wife Hermanne, ·48, son Laszlo, 21, son 'J!iboit, 16, Satorelja Ujhely liorthy Miklos U, Hungary

Steinberg 'Moses, 38, wii'e ,;.aen1, 36, son Herzol, 12, son Hel'Shel, 10, son Arishel, 8, dHu.ghter l'lhsje Frimet, 6, son Mendel, &41 Okottrnezo;-liungory

Steinberg Vumos, il6 y-enrs, wife rogi, 26, Okormezo, Hungary

~teinberger Dtlvid, w:U'e & 3 married sons_ & one marPied daughter, Hagy .. szolloa, Hungery

stern zsigmondne, 5? years, daughte ~· Gabriella, 40; grandson Miclle.el, 15, grandson, 9, Budapest r:regy Sandor utoa 3, Hungary

Stern Mendel, 40 yentta, wife Et.hel, 40·, son U.ercsel, 12, son \Volt, 101

son asmuel, 2, okormezo, hungary

SteuermAnn Lajos (Leopold) 61, Kolozsviw M.usllalin ut 33 1 liungat'Y

Szanto Pe.l, 35 years, wife .Pdne, 30, &. their children, Budapest Szent ~stven Ko1'Ut 14, Hungal'y'

Szegedin Adolf; 43 years w1t'e l'!i:lerlotte, 40 1 daughter gva, ·12 1 daught.i.!r Agnes~ 11 1 mother.,.in-law OOilleg, IlOnat 67, u.n4le Riech Armin, 53 1

nunt l\ieoh Margeret, 51, Hntvan, Masaaroa utca 26, Hungary t

Szekely ImZ>e, D:r. • 67 yea1•a, wife Margaret, 57, mother•in~law l'!zigler., 82, .Budapest Benczu ut oa 39 :a. liunga ry, brother Skf)ke~y Alexander, 47, sister-in-law Szekely Margaret, 41, niece Szekely Eve,, 20, Andttnss7 •· ut 72, Hungary ·.. ·

Szirtes 41ulop, 62 years 1 wife Haginfl, 59, daughter .. 1n-laVI. Renner, ;&.ii via·, r 32, BudnpQst Rakoozi u 42 1 Hung~t'y

.. ::

-- ' :

lfelegdi Ilona, 00 yeere 1 brOthEH' Dorner LajOSt 68. i>eca '7 1 Hungary . . . . ...

'l'enger Kalman, 44, sister R1aa, 47, daughter Mith, l'l; daugb\el";ij.01Jlj., ~npa szent Ilova1 utca 3, H\.tngat'y

Tiege:rman Rabbi, wire & 6 children, Bekes ".'!saba, Hungary

Tusol1e.k 'l'hedar, 52 years, wife Irene, 50, son '.ConU11f, 1'7; son Janos, l,31 Bude pest Felsoerdosor u 8. i1ung..,ry , Ullman T~uber, wife & 4 ah!ldl:'en, BUde:pest, Hungn~y

Ullman Istvan, wife & ahildren, Nagyvar~d, HungaJ.T

Valer hl fJr., 32 yenrs, wife Magda, Budapest JQ!g Margit Rekpert, 26,liung~"l"J

Weingerger ll;rno, 56 yoars, wife Oizella, 52, de.ttghter BI:zbet, 361

son•1n• law & children, Vie1nborger At>pad, Dr., 44 1 wS;fe Anna, 38 & son, iiluciepest. Lonye1.utca 19, Hungory

«einberger Ferenc, 58 yesro, li'<n·enone, 53 1 son Borheg ~o:rgy, 30, son borhegy1 Pnl, 22, "udapeat Wesselenyi utoe 8·10, Hunga17

Weinberger Aron, wife Berta, 68 years, son Bela, 401 daughier·1~·law rlozs1,

33 1 grend-dnUghter Vere, 10, grandson 5, Kiralyhelmec "emplen meS'fe, Hungn:ry ·

Weinberger Er>nD, wife & 7 children, Munka os, Hung!'Jl"Y'

11eini.;te1n Moritz, 46 yenre, Wife H!fke Regina, '61 daughter Helena, 201 eon Bela, 17, daughter Vera, 12, da13hte• Agnee, 10, son Imre, '7

1 Kiraly Helmeoz, HungP:ry ·

;j•1ss ~amuel Dr. , 66 yen rs, wi:·e Jaattgit., 56, Btldapest Hunga.ey

i'le1ss .Herman, 56 ·, Wife Rezsi, 61, don Jeno, 281 daughter. k'lora1

221 daughter bo.roltn, 20, aon A°'olf, 19, son 8al11m0n1 18, son Jozeet, 16,

son B<, 14, son utt.o, 10, Munkacs Latoroe ut. 401 Hung~ry

Weiaa Knroly, 29 years, 8.Qis--step•fether Lanlo Bala, 6"1, si_stal' Uazlo . JUlia, 34, sister Laulo Margit, 30, Budapest Rot.tenb1ller utea 5, f.lungsiy

Weiez Samuel, 54 yenrsi Wife Jol,~m & family, Weisz JUiaa, 501 w1i'e oareb &: Childven, Negyszol os Ugoosa megya, llunge:t'y'

Weisz Lejos Reh bi, 46 years, wife .Are.nka, 42, Mor, b'eher nJ.egye, Denk terenoz utoa 1, Hungi"ey ·

1'11tt J.l\llop, 38, wife Ion, 36, dsughter Marie, 9, Budapest LaJos uto~ 166, Hungwy

J ~-, ·~

" \

·' \,'


September 2, 1944·

I Toa Nr. Warrea

rro•1 J. w. Pehl•

It will be appreciated it you vlll arraage for the 1111111ed1ate despatch by courter of the attached messll8'9 from the War Betucee Board to the Amerlcaa Ooasulate General at Istanbul, 1'urq7.

9/l/44 ?jll\·.·


MU. 2--:3205


DR. HARRY FRJEDENWALD lion, Vice·Pruident










Chairman. Nar'l Admin. Count:il




Executive Director

























Mr. John \Y. Pehle Executi"Ve Director \'lbr Refugee Board Treasury Bui ld1 ng \Yashington DO.

Dear Mr • Pehle :


August 31, 1944.

./ Enclosed I am sending you one original and three copies of

List I 9. of people now residing in Hungary and Slovalcia whom we

recommend for the granting of Pa.le-;;'tine Certificates and Tur'

transit visas.

May I ask you to be kind enough to forward this list to Mr.

Chaim Bar ~s in Is tambnl, Turkey, through the faci 11 ties of the

States Department.

Dr. S rd-i "'"J~' , .. ,.,

Di ator. /


I . ! ... ~

\' --~

PALESTlNE' . Zionist Organlwtlon of

41 R ~211~ ~" !'>I. Y.

1Fe here1fi th ai.u to ,.. .a;. appllcaUoa tor ialt.-t.• Out,ltl..,_ .. .._ lllrkith traJW.t vi•• for the followbg perttu DOW HtUl»g I•~· 1 · ·

S>UWJ 1BA.t1urm wife Itel

(nee MUt1J10nt•)

JQIZ$0 J'tiJOH&IR 'WU'• ..... w (nee $sold)

1'"'9 l.o)Ht•

.A.R'fHUii ZO»IL wife J~lan (u• l•old)

······--·-· _... ............. d.aqh~ ........

51 51

10 lt

40 JS.


hd.apq\ "1-ro uoca 2.

JllWLpep, . ucoa a.


. r

. i· ..1..


IBJIO lXJROQOB:LMl Wife C•oU1a (nee MartinoVita)


Jlladr• .

.10Z.SJlll' WliLER Wife Laura (nee Martinovite)

mtllU Jlt.U:m>nu (nee Gl'O•IUlalUl)

J!l8MA.i UlWJil$KA11 wif• ....... (•e ClrOHllaU.)

.l>PU IWlTlll)VlU W:t:te ._

}6 35 10 8

i.i JI

AppltGM.t f()Jt "°'" i• : Mn. Jou Isola 611 ,,. i7fth $\t'M ••• T•*· w.t.

Mi cbabyoe, Spitalna. ulica. 20 Slo-1de.

14cha1ovca, Spitai.DI& ao. SloTald.tL

$sen. ·

!t1-h"b .. , ltlll:l:'l•a...,_


14~•.q:auPS> W1fit ·-~ •'1l t&b.S:•U.

Molt .... Jela

8UDORQ:tlT.Ylll'lDL1> Wit• ...,.,

.rontt 33 30 -7

lCf'lslW!t•. .1 · ra;oc1r Ut:ie.a ~·

o/o ltriti1 141-11'

.t.ppUcant 11 : William Gree:nteld o/o iabbo llOtteabttrg 1151 :Longfellow A.venue B:rou • .N. Y.

DlVID CJ.H>U (widower) ~ Salamon 22 Tubi 20 lgn&c ~ Jalm,b 16

and eil: mre miner cb11dJ'A

.Allll41Wil CIROSJ WS.te Ha (nee GNnfeld)

li,aflo ~b lalldor Uir1U

4~ ~ 20 16 18 10 l.y • feto:f'i ucQt. Sl!i truar meae

Jfaobrol:r . J$flof1 UQC& asatnar megre

Q. Appltc&Qt !1# above 11.: '4'• J-.. .. l.'IU 224 Jialt 164'11 .Street ..... •·l'•

.. '· -


llRIJOJl S1'1JDa Wife .JUita (au Gal}


60 43


JIQda ... *"· X•han lrorut 1.

Ap_pltcaat tor &bo'fe its Kl'J 1otal• .. ., 194 Ii TtHide Drt w lft tork 01 t7

' i

t ;i· I r·· 1 i

.... ·-.

- -· -

....... hint -· ............... o.-... u.- 0.# ... ..,. ... iti~;~ .... . · .I -~fl0t •..

It .... OMla IUlaft 010 ,._. ~, l•-~, ~- . C;,:;; ' .. ;, -~'. . .

re--• •lrlllt to )"Oil csn;.appliaUoa. tw l'At.•U~ Cttriil'loa\• W 'IUldth tnus• Yl.MI fv the tollollllq JfJ'ltU MW 1fff.dlllg b ......, I

.......... }(f$ An•

~Htbt~r ii.pd

i»t/MJt :SJN!M:&P WU• "•l (mte *lbr,f;U1)

,._.8ZUD wtt• ...

•• nsoaa .,. ..... .... (Mt Suiit)

HO IJ'MJ'\ vu ...

,1 51

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JAJQU l!O~ Wit• , .... (M• Mt;.l'tlnolit•) , ... a.11A .... ~ ..... u..

.~ Wii'OH$C1UM­

.ite Clffltta (nH•n••>

"" %114n

dOZSSI' J.tfUiSR Yllf't .b°ll\X(\

(nttfl ~arit.JtO'tlt•)

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td.t• Mn-

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USA.HIM O!OSZ 'life Ida ( twe Gnnf•14)

J{il.\I) Jakab· ih>lldOl' Mb1ura

':i Ap»Ucant t~i· •1-•• tlff '"'. l•~· <ll'tlli e~4 **'•' 16ilth a-. • .---· i.t. .


- •. !.____:_·::_ __

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SA!IOOR ST'llll m8 Wf.t• Jttlt.a (n~ aal)


..._ ........... .._ ______ .....,..,... __ ._. __________ ...,. ______ ,__.....,_.., ..... .._~ /i.ppltoont for' e.l)ow ht

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G E N S V E 92. llll'I! DBS PAQll'JS ADR. TtL.1 RELICO GENl!VE TEL.l!PHO.NE1 No. 2.81,24


1 HARLEY ST. Wl L 0 N D ON 6 8 9 I i Y · B :~ .·:· L911D911E; g, 2

· cori~~<:,.~1>10 MUNnx.lif , • t<:>IlaiEt.!Tks 'ioi,dX:

B U.E N 0 S Jl,,l;R.:E.:$ 2211 cCdl'9 -:--··H_dti\t-1-'tf·/

~ ~1_1·-~-•.·c:o~~f$>'v ·ais·a._·. ~Qlj' 'r&l.Ui, ·~ {~g;¥g) ,ilii~

h1r, "'h2.i1a =-2_rlBS r·er> relf ce I::tsnbul, L'urv.ey

E N G L A" .N n··

or: June :·th, we llr>ve C8hled for cert.ificetes to r<:>.Lcstine (::il' tl1e following oersons:

_o,,,rtK0 .. 11',;,, rHJ0A :Sl , uL,,_,fa.J.c ;.D: ... l "~, uncle n.-J'."\i •• AI,'. .LI:''.A, :not.her

.,e l!f'Ve heen informed todny trirt the address of tn:ls :-,un;::-2rien f 0 rnily hes heen charif«:Jd in the ;;,e·.0 r:time to

i\..,.£.u;:;A 0;:.i,J~ ... Lnl GYORGY lJ L""L 4·,)

rle"ae n~ke tne neceEs 0 ry corrections en( l~t us '.·1,oi. if :· ou h":ve fulfilled our rec·uest.

very sincerely yours

Ad.: he

r· ·_;.-

-·1 ·--.

Toa Mr. Varna

•rOf& J. W. Pebl.e

It will be appreoia\ecl if 70~ will &l"1&JIC9 for the iuedtate 4eepatoh bT oovler of \he aUaohed ... .,. troa th• War Blfqee loard \o the Alallrloan Ooaeula\e O.aeral! a\ ls\aahl. ~1·

AHaohunt: Lht #14

f.>.~: !Aklin: e.i:


~\ ~J

/\, \{/ ,~. '( "




NEW YORK, 23, N. Y. : .. - - ..

55 New Cavendish Sr., W 1 CABLESi CoNca&ss; NEW ·YoilB: TELEP.HP NE: CIBci:i! 6 :~ l900

GENEVA 37 Quai Wilson

BUENOS AIRES Corrienles 1979

JERUSALEM Vaad Leumi P. 0. B. 471

MONTREAL 1121 St. Catherine St. W

MEXICO CITY Sonora 1744


In reply refer to No. 223 25, 1944

Hon. John W, Pehle, Executive Director War Refugee Board Treasury :Building Washington, D, C.

Dear Mr. Pehle:

I am enclosing one original and three copies of List No. 14 of persons now residing in Hungary whom we recommend for the granting of Palestine certificates,

May I ask you to be kind enough to have the list forwarded to Mr. Barlas through the facilities of the State Department.

ALK:bm Enc. Head



LIST flt We reoommend IOI' granting .PBleatin• oertilf loat••

tollawtng penona now ~aiding in Hungary.

Bader Adolf• 68, wUe l.talv1ne, 65• brother-in•l6W ledoe ZOltan, 69, d!llte~ in•law Bedoe Iral, 63, nephew lledoe s..oicent, .22, nuoe DHOI Mal'IJM, 19, uQilcolo1 HUHer utoa 1, Hungary

Bardo• 1ta.ll!Ql, 66 ye&ra, wU'e Kargt.t, &o, <taughil•a' Vere, 17, Budapest Oor't'ln tvr 1, fi\UlfS!A ry

Book PIH\1 1 60 years, wt.fe Klara, &a, mo'flhOr•f.a•lUJ Ro1lb111AD Olga ?111 B\Wapost Podmaniolky utca 17, Hung~ ··

Borger Aron, (Hat.Uan ot.Uaen) wife Dorota, lblea)'n8Jd, Leon, LUI., Vit'ffl Departmenti Dee Vogeo, Frarloe

Blum Pinkaa & famU:y, Budapest, l'l\tQgary, Blwn Rabbi & t•m1ly1 H!.l&YV'-\'4d 1 Hungary

Bret.ea.oh Edward, '16 yeara, wU'e Doru, 691 ciaughtef MaSll>lt 47, Budape11t- Lend~l utoa 18, Bmg~ry

Burf&tn' Ltor1 VO years• wlte Ethel, aa, ton J.R•Ue, 31l, aon•lll<!l~ Si!~ Al\dra11, &'11 daughter stroke,BUaabt11h, H, grandson stroke Thoma1;1• 11 Buda~ot (Jtof t'fl•IJ Pal utoa 16, ~ungary

DaVld Karoly; 68 year&; wU'e Iron, ®• daughtOl' Wal·bller AM11it~I gr!:!ncl'-daUghtet catherlne. 19. daughter lto&M HUen, 30, gran41toa Xo•• Fetqr;; 9, Budn.P'•t Wesaelenyi. u 8; IIullgar:y .

Dloker Benalan, 11 ~ra., wife Banal.anne, 76, nophtw Karqlyt 28, btO'b11'r JliiQtl., Dioktr LaJot, ea, nleot ~pr Etlitht 29, nl•o• Agota, i7, 1.11ot•r-ift,"'l• ~·· i.a3o1ne 64 nl•H Dioker Karolyne, ao, nleoe pt,nkee• •tlld; ~. nepl)ew J?lbke .. Mlkloe, a, nep~ Putakl Ptokesa Mor, 19 & hl1 ohildren, nleq• t'*takl Pinke•• liOrne, .... #6, rd.tM ~ .. MiklOllrte 26 & ehtldHn; Budapea'fl ~at11le'1tt.r-u11bet J;ca'bflla 7 • lit.mgHf .

Domllny Antalne, 78, deter Abelea Elieaoeth, 00, BudapGeia Kiraly uto.!t 91,· .11Unguy

.. :,,·_ '.



. ' --!

··-·-~~-.-· ..


El::d::::e a.!: ~~:; ;::t~::ilW~r.·:ru::::;r, 12, •l~ttr~~.-j_ ... }fa~~,, j~~OJ~;· .

8'bo .. ohuta , .... , 30 ....... wire .,,., lo, daughter ~.... G; , ~lip01 '~••rihiit'. I.\.., 51, HU.ngary ·· .· ... ·. .• .. / _ .·.•·. •

E!bensohuta O~ilia. 68 years, daughter Katia 30,, Budapest Nl!tl'alnhlla ut~:lf.l, l.!u.agtiey.J

.- - ··- ·-1 Eisler Geaa, 58 yeara,, Wii'e i1uua, 4'1, Debraozen, S&e,llt Alt?la utaa, 10 .. 1,3. liuilgal'y

Eisner Gyula, 6' years, wife Marta. 47, • Tainat, 27. •on Jano1, .22, daughter Nagy Mariette, 259 aon•in•law Nagy Gyor8Y 30 & a bc;y, BudElpest !re1-ea Ko.rut 86, HUnga,r,y

Erdo1, Jeno I>& 66 yoara, son Jano11 Dr. 31, •on Gyorgy, 30• Kolouva., fordau u\ .1i,. Hungary

Farka1 Sandor, t7 years, 'trite Erui, 41, son LIA•llo 22, daughter Ara$• 201 son ·4, father Jeno, 71, mothor Lid, 66, brother Uilcloe, 38, aister .. in-la• He>.'lllin.a, 30, Matesaalka Saatmar rneg;ye, Hungary ·

Feher Armin, 56 yeara, Wife Aramza, SO. daughter Julia,, 26 •. Bqdapest GJ,'of !l'doky f\ll utoa 15,. Hungary

Follner Laura, 72 years, sister Buohman Nina 10, siater Tultt:lmiki Eugene, 78, Dudapee·t Szekely Bertalan utoa 5, Hungary

Flaoh Ellll!la, 73 years, JU.•kunfelegyhaza, lluagary

FiBoh Hikea, 52 years, wlte Olga• 42, daughter Eva, 12, daughter Zausu, 1; U.•Jnut•, Hungary

Fisoher Las.1110, Budapest Weuelonyi utoa 75, Hwigary, i"!1ohH ..ru1._, .Bu<lo.J>est Eraaebeil Korut 20, Hungary, Fisoher Eraai, ~a~azenterzsebet Loo•• utoa 7, Hungary

Fleaoh zaigmond. wife Ilona, 58., son Imre 36 & W:f..t'o, daughter Bara & IJOne Le.joa, 1'lul & George, Bud11paat1


lt'rank Al£red, 44 yt11ra, Budtlpe11t Krees Geea u 29, lll.qgary

Frank Sandor, 88 yeara, wife Evn, 35, aon Gyor11, 611 Bqdapeat Uollan utoa lEiAt lfuagal'7• sister Fruak Katheline, 40, brother~:tn-law Zoltan, 43• riepbmr Peter, -14• Bo~hacl · . Tolna megya. Ihngary ·

·Friedman Is:ldor Dr., 69 yee.ra, wife OomeUa,, 138.t Bttdanat Na~t&.ui u SO* llungary, 111Ster-:f.n~law Barkany Roae, 631 Na.gyatad! Sgabo utoa 60• lhUlgary .·

Friedman Sandor,, 47 years. so.n Ilnl-e, 16, son Bela, 10. Mateaaalka Saa•r m•s.v-111unga .. ,

Friedrioh ta11a10, 39 years. Vfite Olar,.., 34, •on lvan. 14, J!;to•komet Ve.le.- Botfl,all, utoa 17, Hungary

Frowner Istvan. 46 yearst wife Vilma, 43, son Thomaa, 11, ~ol't Edgar,. H. r.zioth,r Leonia, 691 unolt Kor.lli'eld M<tdta,, 51~, ~Wl'fl Korntdd Fdi!tdn,1 59• Bu<iap1;ttir. '·­Alma utoa 6, Huuga..-;v

. '

--··~· ~,- ·-,·;~-.. ~'.,-.-;·_-;• ---~:;··~.-;:!,.

- -,-_ :· ),_;_:'::.~/\t ·.:f,.>>-~,J~~---···: .. :- ---.-·:,.-.-· ._-.- ~~r-

~!:!" .:~~:!~· .~ :;=- ;:!:.!;"~~~~~-:: ::=·~1!:~·-=~:';;:·!f,~~ .. 1:"~{.I · · Antalnet 31, niee Fiaohltr Olga, 25; brothel' Popper Sandor~ Dr.,, m;, .,t.:ste:r.-1,il.;..~ : :~ ' .T

P9pper Sandorne, 7 2, nephew Popper Jozsef, 36, nieff PopP41i' Joaaetn•• :~.& oht,14, .· 1

nieoe Porper Sari, 46 1 nephew Popper neaao, 2~, niece PoPpar 141lrdt; ~, Bobl,il

Guaztavne, 76, brother-in .. law Guubav• 60, niece Dolml. ~rg~t; 43. 4: ~.r C\augh\•r. 211 •·

nephew BohJn Zsigmond, 43, nieoe Bohm Zsigmonde, 41 & h&r oll,ildioe~ Bucl"~~.t Dt1Jgt!lt

u. 7, Jiungary · · ··· .. · · ·· ···

Glazner Ohief Rabbi, Kolozovar, lfungary

QOlda nugo, 59 yeara, wife l!aisnbeth 48, Budupest Filler utoa 51, Hungary, da~ht;er .Geiger

Susanne 26, son Stephen 3, daughterts mother Doozi Jolan, 66, Budapest Attila utoa 63t


.Oreoafeld Armtn. wife Olga 26, daughter lJa.gdo., Saatmar Bematy JozHt lU.raly Heroeg u 10•


Grun La,1ai ne, 72, J.ludapest Legt·ady Ka•oly utoa ll, &mga.-y, gra,ndaon oforgy ~ll,

Budapoat ielekypalya utou 19, Hungary, aon Gyorgy llugo, Oto, B11dnpost Vlloi uil Qi,

Hungary, son Gyo~~ Vtktor, 48, Kispeat flolbeaz utoa 21, Hungary, son Gyorgy Simon

60, wife & 2 ohildren, Buclapoat B.akooi utca 67 • Itungary, unole Krerruu.• Os11kal' Dl'••

63, wife & son, Buda past Rakooi utoa ?7, Hungary, aunt 1''rank La.joa:ne fSe ~ hn

daughters & aon-in•luw, Iludupeat Legrady Karoly utoa ll, Hungary

Jl&laa Frigyea, 42 years• mother h'volyn, 70, wife F1•igyesne, 34, brother .. f.n .. law iomlo•

· Aladur, 54, sister Aladarne, 50, nephew Komlos Tibor, 30, nephew Gunth11r Sklarek, 40

nieoo Sklnrek l!,ley, 36, niooe ~as Cluadinc, 13, grand-nepJNw Sklarek llerberia 4•

Nngyvarad Blt1tky Endro u 13, Hu,ngary

Hartman Adel, 31-.l, Har husband & aon, HIJ.rtman Jeno, 36, hi• wife & eon; Har\nlan Jllkloa,

38, hia wife & son, lhrtnnal:l Henrik, 69, vrife Jolan, 60, daughter H9len, 40, Oroshaia

Deak Ferenoz utoa 13, Hungary

Hauer Ignaone, 76 yoara, daughter 8ohitfer Martonne, 62; aon•in•law, Sehifter Marton, 66,

Nag1koro11 Rakooy ut 24, Hungary, daughter Xldn Arenka 52, Bon .. in.,.l'i'W K,iein Jeno• 661

grandson· Klein Szanto Zaoltan, 36, daughter Waldtllf,ln Irent H, II h'r huabarid & child,

daughter SHnde Bltlane 33 & her huabancl, grand.eon Klein Sandor'"; 20, Geg~4!d Kaaliloay

utoa 3, nungary ·

Hirschfeld Hrs. Olga, 70 years, Budapest Phonix utoa 5, Rungary, daugb.ttr Dana Mrh

Elisabeth, 60, Budapest 'larta 14 utoa, Rwtgary

Hoft.n Arp&.d, 46 years, wii'e Magda, tlaughter Jwlith, 2o. son Ivan, 41. Budape1.1t1 H\Ulgary

Hoff~n Bela, 66 ;years, wife Sara, son Istvan, 20, Budapest, Hungary

Jaaovios Al'pad, 52 years, wife ~erri, 481 Budapest Kleh Iltvan utoa 4, Hungary ·

Jwohim Jozoef, 48 yeara, wU'e Berta, H, daughter Li bi• 'r, mother. Jobann•• 72, datel'

Fria Ilonka, 36,. brother-in .. law J.''ria I.ajo•. 48, Budapest ~o Pt..ta utoa 20,Wngar

.Joaohlm oaaka"'• 60 years, wife Frideri.k•• 44, daughter, 18, oou"in· Wit'omtln Elio..

62, oouBin WS.ttll\lln Sandor, H, nictoe Wittl!IAD Roaai, 28, .8ud11,pe1t Saeldab9ly utoa ,.2;l!Wl

. ~· I

xa~ Nandor, 43 yeera. wife Olga, 39, & their children; J&.# 14, & lG, Q,r081-J~. · ,, JSitak i'ereno& utoa us. IrungaWy

ICoalhyi Antior, 57 years, son Gyorgy, 26, Eger lifffs m•QV Plat tin·, iluQg"JY

K<Sinbs Ge1a, 63 ye11r1, ws.te llona, 51, Rudnposi.J J!Jgyetem u~oa ~. Hungary

Konrad Wilhelm, 84. yta1•s,, wife Dol'll1 81, aon•!n,..Uw .Ha"' n.11to• fJO, d•1J&~~r na_, llt.$f 6., aon Konrad Sandor, 6'1, son•f.n•law Sohoa~berg Kavoel 69, do.ugh•r Sohosebu11g Janka, 65, .Budapest n.mblnsky t 4.7, Hungary · .. ·.

lleiu Oh1e.f Rabbi, Saelegyohch, Hungary

Lampel Olga, Budapest Hotel HUllgaria, Hungary

La.l:lger Maria, ~olivian Oit!aen}lrlte .Anita, eon Jerzy, interned at tetnant 6, ~larflnau1, Geniany

Laa.Blo Tibo1• Dr., 38 yearn, YT:!.i'e Eva, as. Goll. 2, father Oyt.tla Ur., 76, mother .Mil.J>~ha. 68, Budupast Anke1•kos 2, H~ary

Ul\lfer Bula, 63 years, Wit'Q Ilona, to, brother Jo~aet, as, a1ater-in•lnwMargit, 63, ttieoe li:Vn• 22, niece 11.gne~, 20, Budape1Jt Grof l'<fl•ky t'lll ufloa 16. Hungary

Lot't:elho& Mlkl.oa, 38 ;» his wife, Ilu< Nurnb0r15 ut 28, Hungary- brothar J..ot'i.'elhola Geaa, 36, Kaacu1 Saatn;ar Gyorgy u 12, Hungary ·

LoUe.1 Joaae£, 61 yeare, wlto EU.tiabeth, 44• daughtttio Ann!t~ 18, br'otlUJr ta<U.daa~ 61i; Budapest Berto•ur utoa 39, Hungal'y

Lorber Izsf.\k, 69 yet>ra, w1fe Julia, 69, su Leo Di:., 46, son Jeno, 45~ Budapest Wesaelenyi utoa 24, Hungary

Lul'big La1rnr, GO yeuri>, w:lfe 1''rida, 45,, daughter Annie, 17, StGnoa l'oJao.ny nwse.,Hungtiry

Dlhrer Simonne, 70 years, d«ughte.r Alioe, 34, son·ht~l•w Fi•hB Jano. 43, daught~r FA.ahoi' Lilly,40i; BUik pest Gro~ Teleky Ptl.l utolil. 15• !fungary

~1 RudoU', wife Reg;I.•• 62• son JCnlmnn. hio wii'e -& ob:Ud• son Lajos• his wife & cl1ild, clnughter Ilona. her hturbt>.nd & 2 ohildreu, f.lon•in•law llitnea Paul, wife ~ ollild, .. Budapest Te rea Ko rut 29 • Hungttr;y · ·

-~Unger Morw.- 58 yoara, ws.t'e :Ma1•git 64 • .Budepevt fo• l.l~oa l.ii1 ~&aey •. l>rl.ftmtr""iil"'law J)re.ohaler Ignata, 50 yeara; ••phew l'\lul,. 21~ rti•o• Xato l,S• ~apeet f.J17 utoa }t - _ llungary


akovite Emil. 69, wife Gf.a•lla,64,•on I"flla, 141 son-in•llllt R•a•o, 44,.daugh1!ftr, Magda, 36, grand-daughter Agne• Veronlka. 16, Budap1rat Grot ·Tel•~ Pal utM 161 Hungary

MUller Joaka, 43 years, wife Halvlna., 34, daughter lb!)lya.• 7; lit91fhai'"'ih~lf\lf ... ·. Kerekes Arpaci, 65, aut•r Bet'\a, 65, l)rothel" UU1let- Kal~,tl; 6,61 dt1"1;•~-iQ...1aw· uuller Gicella, 65, 1:1ephew Muller Oaoar, 26, niece J.{uller ):(l:Lth. 23t Los9ntJ• Hungary · ·· · ·

NeuJDP.DD Zoltan. 45 yea;·a • wife Giaella, 42, C.aughter ben, 22, Nagyvatad, Bec>th¥ Odon utaa a, Hungary

Neumann LUZ;y,, husband Zoltan, 43, lludape11t Szemelynok utoa 2B, Hunga>,-y

Oroazlan Geza. 60, w:l.£e Helen, 44, daughter Eva, 17, Keciakemet Nakoozi ut l.S1 Hungaq.

Palo• Andrea•, 48 years, wife. Lilly, 46. daughter Luoy, 181 Kobanya Budapest; Sertoule, Hungary

Pasztor Jeno. 66 years, wife Jenone, 46, son Istvan, 16, daughter Zauzsa, lS, Satoralja Ujhely Arpad utoa 1. Hungary

P1nkan Freidiger Obudai & i'ainily, Budapest, Hungary

Rats Gyulla, wii'e Jolnn, 40, daughter Anna, 16, Budapest 4aiboi u 4, Hungary

Ringler Elbe.beth, 46 years, daughter Maria Jud 1th, 10, Budapest Szokely Betrbulan u. 9 , Hungary

Rosenbaum. Ohief Rabbi & family, falya, Hungary

Rosenfeld Davidne, 78 years. daughter Alioe, 40, son Mor, 3S1 Mad, Zemplen megye, lbngary, oon•in~law Hartman Sandor, 50, daughter Hartman Vilman, 48, Sajouaentpeter, Hungary

Roaenfeld Lajos, 5t8, wii'e Rozel 48, & ·3 ohildren, Szilagysomlo, Hungary, b1•other•in" law Sohnartz Miklos, 64, s iater~ill-law Sohwurtz ¥i Lenke. 60, Teme11var Str. 1 vaoareou 33, Houmnnia

Rubin Hel'Dllln, 66 years, wife !Aura, 60, daughter .Paula, 34, son Simon, 3~, daught•r Dorah, 301 eon Abraham,· 28, son Jeno, 26, daughter Ella, 241 niece Te~ez, 14, Meaolaboroz, Hungary, all the res•, Ungini.r Drugeth Ter 12, Hungary

Sohllar Alexander, wife Vilma, 61, daughter Katalina,, 23, daughter EVa, 21, Bdda!)(lst Kisfuvaros utoa 4, Hungary ·

Schoenberger Adolf, 76 years, wife Helen, Ga, daughter Friedrioh .Mllria, 36, Keoskemet. Kaszap utaa 7, Hungary

Sohoeni'eld Sandor, 64 yeara, wU'e Fanny, 59, daughter Ilona, 35, son ~oltan. 33, daughter Kato, 22, eon Lasslo, 21, aon•in-law Geiger Stephen; 40, Jlunke.os Kertnlja. U.toa 23, Ihngary

Sohillinger Julius, 66 yeara, wii'e Josefa, 66; grandaon Telll!ner Paul, 6, grandson Temmer Peter, 6, Budapest Bem ut 41 Hungary

Sohleii'er Nathan, 78 years, wife .Pepi. 66• daughter Mina. 46, son•in"'law Ste~ta Fisohl, 47, daughter Giaa, grandson Izaak-11, grandaon.Her•hl, 13, gra.n~-daughter Fanny, 10, & 4 more.grand•ohildren, Romuly aeaateroae Naaaod megyo• Hungar.y

i !

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Sohwart• JO&Gll!lfn•, GI yoarne 11 wti& daught•r Kramer ,Lat1$10'1e; 27¥ •q» Jiert;I. Jen()j· 3411 dl.\ughter .. in•law He1'.'flz JQI;10Ue;, 26, son Soh»tatt• tiilrtt• iS2_, da'Ughto.,..::ti_t.-.i~-.o Sohwllfi;a Iinren9, 24,. 11on Soliwarilz Lasdo,. 41 llQ?l ):t•tfl• SandO.r,. ~!); <ia'1ghfieri :i.n-law Hertz Sandor110, 24, gl'!lnd-duught<n· Gi·un !C~taUn.- ~o, graM"'~i\ught•r .•. ·.·. · Grun Anna, 16, son-in•lnw Grwi Igna-la~, 42, Budr:1pe~t :Oopo.d, lite~ 2~a;)iµngar~

Sohwur\a tauzlo, 38 years, Wiffl Jwlith, 36, daughter, Agnd, 6, Poatis~~n~J,.<i~i,~d~ lionath Lajos u 59, RUngal"y

Sohwarta Ir:i1·e, 4.-8 years, wife Irma, 45, ·aon ivan, 61 fath~l""'ill•lf!.W .11rllnk ~€$~ae, 79, cousin llokor William 46, Donyhad Tolna rnegye, Hungary

Siklo11 Dr., d3 yeara, wife Iren, 43, son Jozsaf, 23, Dudupost Bnl.vany utoa, liungary

singer Notti, 57 years, daughter Lenke, 37, [!;tartd•on Herman ll, I.adamlrova Sa~ilka.; ;.;upa oaeolioslovakS.11, mother·in~lllW L1tber Hanle 80• Tokaj• Hunga.t.•y . .

Singer Karoly. 38 Y"are, wife Evo., H. fathol'-in•law Andor Jeno, 63 years., 111Q'bher'" in•law Ii.ndor Erzsebet, GG, l3udupeat Po.11&011yi ut 32 1 Huni.;ary

Somjen Lr>.ozlo, 49 ye~rs, wii'e Margit, 44, son Gyorgy, 16, Budnptat Raday utoa, 22, lhulgary

.'lteg ;Jenyhort, 60 ye«rs, vrifo Ka1•olina, 66, Budapest Saent Lasalo utoa 93, Hwigaey

steiner A., u years. wil'a I daughter Susanne. 18' Buda peat Batthiany utOJ\ 18,Hllngtil'V

Steinfeld asralia, 6G yoara, sou ioltan, 44, eon Lu11alo, ta, Wife Bela, 40 & child• d«ugh'ber Iren, 38, . Budapest Florian Tar a, Hwl&ft1'7

sva.b Olga, 46ye.,ra, brother-in-law Kaufman Nanci.or, 53, 11ister Kaufman Heltm, 411

Duo~poav Kasar utoa 3 1 Hungary

f.ianlai J\nna, 30 years. daughter Vtn•a,, 5, Ringler Alad(\r1 r:lu, wife Sarolta, 69, Dudc..peet o:&okely Dartalan ii u. 9, :Uungary·. .

BHgo Andrat 1 44, wlto Ett4l, 36, daughter Judith, 11, mother Herlll1na, 76, lhtd~J>eat Pozeony1 ut 24, Hungary.

szegoe Janoe Dx-., 64 years, wife Anna, 60, brother Fer•noa Dr •• 12. nepOOIV Jouet; 23, sister-in-law Margit. 47, Szabadke. Goring 3, Burtgary · ·

Tabak Sholom Leib, 34 ye11;a, wi:Ce Judisz, 30, son l'ri.\yer ~Vid, a, daughter Rau Al·ha, 8, brother•tn-law Malek Samuel, 28, Iza Sllloosal Haramaros Mgye, Ifungatf

tamaeay Ladialaus, 48 yei•rs. wife Maria, 42, son Pete1·, 12. Bud&peflt Hold utoa 10, Ifltng<.< ry

Tuauk l*lroillne, 37 years, son· Pal~ 181 daughter Maria, 10, Dude.peat Podlll&llt.o•Jq utoa 30, Hung1~ry


-J :..·_.

~i .

Varno• Ff:lre.noz, 42 years, wii'e Eiaa. 39, eon Robf:ln, u. ui;oa ~4, ·Hungary ·

Veres Armin, 58 years, wife Berta, 63, son Thomas, 21 ni410• Wohl.11teJX\ 11.olf•h ~apest Dorottya utoa 1, Hungary

Volgyesi Armin, 66 1 wire Iran, 53, Budap!tst Erzatbet Koru·b 36, Hungaey .

. Wagner Gyorgy, Of., Wife Aranka, 32, daughter Anna Marla, 3, Budapest (Jsanady ut 18, auigarylV

Wagner Soma, 68 years, wife Natalia, 64, Budaput Grof Tdek:y p,11 utoa l51H~ur;y Weinberger Moritz, 58 years, Wife Bella, 50, son Herman, 22, sou I&iatz. ao;

son Martin, 18, Ungwr Rakooz 1 utoa 18, Hungaey

Weinberger Jolan, 70 years, daughter Fanny, 46, daughter Rosie, 40, MatAlll!lroa Sziget, liungury

Weiss Ilona, 48 years, Kiskuntelegyhaza, Hungary, son U:lksa Weiss, 22, Hajduhatha•a Hungary, dll.ghter ffnbl; Guella Weiea, Kiskuntelegyha.a, Hungary

Weisz Sandor, 60 yeara, wife Iren, 60, nephew Kiraohner Bela, 25, Loaono at. Miklos. utoa 27, Hungary


1eisz Simo.ll, 66 yeara, wife Sionne, 55, daughter Elrzsebet, 2o, son Sund.or. 16, Debreozen Jokai utoa 42, Hungary

Weitzner Osoar, 60 years, ivife Olga, 44, son Tollllly, 20, Papa 'l'amae utoa 4,Hungary

MSSS/\tJE i'ROM DR. KUJ.Kml'li'.Kl, WORLD JBWlSli OOWRIBB, 181, BROADWAY , DR Y()mt 28 u. r.. 10 ML 8AJUJUJ, P8RA PALAOD, l5'1'Mfl3UL1 TURKEY•

Ll6i #14 We roo011111end to~ granting .Paleotw oonUloatH

following ponona now real.ding in Himgary.-

&adtt&' Adolf, 68 years, Mlllvtno, 66, bNthe,...ltt"'l«tf Bad® Zoltan, 88, eiater­ln-law Bedee Irma, 631 nephew llecloe Lo1t1nt, aa, nieet- Dodot anha, l9, UUlb1n llllla•r u1oa 1, riungt\17

- Bardot 1al11Qi • 66 year1, wli'e Margit, 60, do.ughtn Vtu1e, 17, l'ludnpe111 Ootrib 'IW• 11 B\Ulgary

Beok Paul, 60 para, wife Klare, 6&, moilller--1Jt .. law Rofahan 01. 71• 8"daptat Podnanluky utoa 1 '1, HtmgQy -· .

B<n:ger Aron, (Bat.Uan OS.Uaen) wlt'e Dorota, M'aae)'Mki Ltoa. 'l'llf• LtU, Vltt.1 llepe,1'111111tnil Des Voges, 1..-r&o

Blum.Pinkae & family, Budapest, Bwz&&.'71 Blum Rabbi & feldl7• M1tgyval'M, ~r7

nrdaaob E4ftrd, '1i yef.ll'lt1 wUe Dol'Q, 68, d•Q&hter Magda,- 4'11 Dlldapoat 1An4vat. u'oa us, amg..ry

BUl'ger Hol', '10 pa..-, wife -Ethel• ae. eon lReU.e, H, • .,n-ln<olaw Sil_. ~raa, ~7. daughter stroke,BUeatinh, 8611 grn~rum Stroke 'lholt!aa 11 7, lludape1t GQf ft1•ly Pa~ utca 16. Jnmgary '

D&vtd Karoly, 68 ;vesra, wUe Inn, ®• daugh1Jer Walthtl' Anna• '°• g~JJ.4 .. daugh•t G•12horlue, 19, de.ughtor loaa Btlen, 38, grancllion ~- M•I'• t, BudaPfU11 Wesaelenyl \l 8 1 li\Jngary

DtOk•I' Dertialan, 111 ,.ar1, Wife Dertalatuw, '16, up• Rattly_. 28t brotll4!f t.lig,yar Dtok•• La,101• ea, nteoe ~.-» Edith, 20. nbo• Agota, "• aitt(.lr .. f.n .. 1mt ~Qi\ .. Wotmi ~ nt••• Dio~r Karolyne, aa, nteoe Pink••• *tildt 481 _ ilGPll\lw ~1.1 Hlkloe, 8-' nephaw ibUkl PU'lkera Mor, 18 lo ht• oh11dftA, oltt• l\lilald Pinke•• Uorn•• .._ ae.. GlH• Plake" 11.lklotlll 86 41 obUliftn, Dud"*' F*•t••ent•tu_ebot Iaabella 1, HWtga17

DOllll\\U1 J\ntalne, '12, ll•i•r 4btles EU.aabeth, tiO, Budapee"t U"81Y utqa in, 1lmgaff

·- .· . EllMtnsohutl Jo..eet 36 yea.-s, wt.le Bart• 80, dal.l~r Vt.,_, 61 0Hi>9J· ao•i¥•g1lN \t~ ·11, tlllngnrr. · ·· · .· · · .·· · .· · . ·.· ··

l!llbeneohut& UQ> :l.lia, 68 yen~s, daugh'll•I' Kuti, 30, · lJUClaptJat Uepaalbha1 UfiCt\ 16• Hubgan' lf!elol' Geaa,. 68 years, wUe i1una, 4'1, Debreo&ellt S&Gll1J Anne. utoa 10-U, BUllgtlq

Blaner "3u1a, 6' years, wife Ma.l'!a, 47, aon Tamai, 117t Hn. Jeno., 221 da~~r llaSf Marieilto. 25, aon•in--law Bagy Gyorv;y 30 & a boy, Bv.clt4Pt111 ferei Koru11 26• ltu.atgaq l!lrdoa • .Jeno Dllt 66 19ara, eon JanM Dr• 11, aon ctyorgv, 33, Kol04•var 'lo•u \di 11;. Hungal'y


Parkae Sandor, 47 yeare, wUe Eioad, 41, eon Ln•dct 22; 4augbtu a~, 20, aon . 4, failheJ' Jeno, 71, moilhn Lid, oe, brother Ylklo11 85, dt1tei-• Retlllina;- 80,. Mateeaalka Saatmar megye, HUngary

i'oher Armin, 68 yeura, wlfe i\ranka, 60, daughter Julia, 86, Budapest Grof feleky Pal utoll 16, Hungary

JF•llner Laura, 72 years, ehter Buohl!Mn Nina 70, auhr 'lul'f;llinlki Bugoue, 'UJ. Budapest Saekely Benalan utoa 6, Ii'ungaey

Fllloh Emma, 7& yenrs •'unfeltgybo.aa. llungacy

i'itloh lf:lkaa. 62 years• wUe Olp, 42, daughter iva, U, d•ug~er t•~111, 1 • Ki•kwl<­telegyhaza, Hungary

Fhoher l.flaalo, Buda.peat W•a .. lonyt utca 7o, !Il.1ngary, i'laoher, BudapeG1J irutbeil Kol"l.l'b 201 Hungal'Y• flitoher Etaai, Iesteaentel'atebot Loose utoa 7, lfun,gal')'

Fleaob zu1gmond, wife Ilona, 68,. •on .lml'e 36 & w1n, daughter ~ara 8i •• tG.108, l\iul & Geoioge. Budl\pe1rt;, Hungary

J'•nlc .Alt..-11 4' yean, Blldapeut Xreaa Geaa 11 29, ~aq

rranJc Sandor, 88 yMll, wUo Eva, 35, aon Clyor&f 1 611 BUdapeot Hollan 1.1'104 161 ~17• slater f'®k Kathelil:te, '-011 bro'flht,....itt•l~ 4oltan; 48, r«tpbW PetH1. 141 ~ll.M\ . · Tolna megye, Ilungary

i'l'ledJWl I•ldor Dr., 69 Nftra, wUe OerneUa, es, Dud~peat Na~'IU\di u 601 1'usgary, atate..-1.n•law Barkany Bose, 68, Nagyata41 aaabo utoa 60, mmgarv ·

Friedman Sandor, 4.? years, son :tiue, 16, eo.a Bftla, 1011 l'latesaalb S.catmal' mtgve .. Jiimpry i'rledrloh taaalo, 39 year•• wlt'e Olar.-, M1 ion l'Vh• U.1 Xeoltk-1;. ~. Dot')U; utoa 17, Hmlg4\J7

Frommer Iaban, 46 yaan, wlto Vil•, 411 aon tbotna•• 11• ion Mgar, .1•• · l4f1il.h«l' LeontA, 091 unol• Korm'el4 Morita, 69• auii Kontel.4 111"1.fP, 59• Budapest' Alma utoa 8, ~

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-·- · 2.'i. 'Tr ~L . .>f·' GOIJ)ote"! ~ri1olil, •• ...... , wj<e AmQldno, .. , d•-•• •••&•• .......... , Hi .l:[ll:.< r '., '•f Berger &lndor, a~ nephft' Fleoher Gyula, 30, neph"' i'fJlolltl' Amidi s+, ni•o• i'uoh•r •··-• •.-~.: . f: Antdno, &l, niee Fuohn Olsa, 26, brothn PoPR•rSl\ndor, Dr•:t '7&1 •11Jte_i~1n .. 1.,:. /' i. Popper Sandomu, 1 2, nephew Popper Jouet, 38, nt.•oe l'OP1J91' '10•••.tu•• ~ & oh,1>-4•· 1

1:_.,_: nieoe Popper Sari, 45, nephew Popper Reaeo,_ ~61 nitto• POPP'll'. tli\rgf.11; 4Qj·Bqhln. , .. ··•, 78, brothe1••in•law GQatav, 80, n2,eoe Bohm Uilrgit 4:3 & !ifl'.dfi\lghtfth• 21,, ··.. !" . nephew Bohm Z.sigm:ond; 40, nieoe Bohm Zaigmonde• 41 & her oh1l~re~ 13udut>f•t .l)1'gdy J u. 7, !lU.ngary · · "J

Gla1ner Ohief I'albbi, Koloaavar, lli.mgary

GoAda Hugo, 59 yearn, wife 1liaabeth 46, lludape~t Fillor 1d1ca 51, m.tngary, dauahter l;leig''° Susanne 25, eon S'liephen 3, daughter's mother JJooai Jolan, 66, Budapent Attila ut;QS, 83; ~ey .

Greenfeld Arrdn, wife Olga 26, daughter Ma~a, SaatMr Bomet;;r Jos••t Kiraly Httotg u lOt ~rye

Grun Lajai ne, 72, llUdapeat Logr.ady Kaeoly utoa ll, Hungary, ·grandaon Oyore;y Imrell, Buda.poat '.i!elek;ypalya utoft 19, Hungary, son Gyorgy Hugo, 64, Budapoat Ullol uii 62; Hungary, eon Oyor~ Viktor, 48, K1epeat Holben utioa 21, Hungary, eon Gyorgy Simon 50, wife & 2 ohilaren, Budapest Rakool utoa 57 1 Hungary, unole KNll!lfr QsaJcar llr•• 53, wi.t'e & son, Hudupeat Rakooi utca 67, fiu.ngary, aun'b Frank t.ajoan' 86 & her do.ughtera & son-in•h•w, Budapest Legrndy Karoly utoa ll, Ilungal'f

Hila& Frigyee, •2 years, mother Evelyn, 70, wife Frlgyoane, 34, brothei•-in .. lmr Xomloa Aladar, H, sister i·ladarne, 501 nephew Komlos Tibor, 30, nephew 1-tunther atlarek., 40 niooo Sklo.rek blu~ 36, niooe Haaa Oluadlne, la, grancl•nephew Sklarek llerbart •• Nagyvarad Hbtky Endre u 13, Hungary

Ha1·tman Adel, 32, Har huband & aon, Har'llman Jeno, 36, hi• wife ID son, Hartman W.kloa, 38, his wife & aon, lmrtman Henrik, 69, w1te Jolan, 60, da\lghter Heltn. 40, Oroabasa Jl9ak Fe renoa u~Qe. l3, Hungary

Ha•er J:gnaone, 76 yenra, daughter Bohiffer Martonne •. 52, aon•ln•law, Bohitter Marfioh, 66; Nagytoroe R.qooy uti 24, Hungary, daughter Klein Arent& 62, ROn.,in•law Klein Jono~ 66• grand11on Klein Saanto Znoltnn, 30, dl)ughter Wal<lman Ir.n, 34, ai her hWlband &: ohild• daughter Saend• B•lane 33 & her huabaud, g rlll14aon Klein Sandor"; 20, C•&lft Katboay utoo. 3, Bungary

Hiraohteld Mrs• Olga, 70 years, Iludapeat Phoni& utoa 6, Iblngary, daughttJr flartn ·Mrs. EU.sabeuh, 60, Budapest Tart;a 14. utoa, Hungary

Hof.i'm,lln Arpad, 46 years, wife Magda, daughter Judith, 20, son ivan,. 41 B1.uiupesil_• liw.'lg~ey

Hoffman Dela, 65 YQars. wife Sara, son Iamn, IQ, Budapest, liw:lgai-T

Jqovioa A~pad. 52 ,ears, wife Terri, 48. Kleh I8tVt\n uha 4, HungaJ.'y ..

J.-ohim Jozsei', 48 yeara, wife Bena, a4, daughter Litli, 7, •her Joham:ta.· 12 1 dater Pris Ilonka, 36 .. brother-in-law Frie L!t.Joa, 481 Blldll.pttBt Danko PJ.eta utoa 20 .. llurig8t

Joaohlm Ouka1•, 60 years, wife Friderlke, 441 daughter Lltd,. 10, oouin Wittmaa Elaa• 62, oouflin l1it-bman Sandor, 6,, niece Wittman Road, 28, Budapest 81:t1rd•hely utoa l21HUnga17 ....

·t ., .;

., '.


,,:~ -c". \ ::



.1Ca!:!e~1 IA=~~· 48 years, wii'e lh.\l'ia, 06, daitghto AW\•11• 12.- \f~t.~~lrqi•l Kalman JJozoo, 41 )'VE&' e, :ilii'o Bertha, 39, .tather-111 .. law Uorgim~tern Jak<ib, 67,, .llll:iithei....,;h\­

luw uorgonatoru liermi11n, Gli, Nagyvarad LUkaou Gyoll"gy utca 1, "l:htugary

Kurdoe Stophon, 40 years, wife Bara, 301 son .andrb, 21

Nagyvarad UZQllt i!ung1.11·y

Kaufman Na.ndor, 43 years, wife Olga, 39, & their ohildr<zn, JG-, 14, & 16, Orouha~a Deak Forenoz utoa 13, Htmgi;;ry _____ .

Kamanyi Aurior, 57 ~re~rs, son Gyorgy, 26, f1~er Revoa megyo Piao ter, itun~ry

Komlos Ge.11a, 63 yenrs, \'Tit0 Ilona, 51, BUdapvst Egyetem utoa 3, ltungury

Kon1'fld Wilhelm, 84 years, wife uoru, 6l, aon-1n-law Rana lloaso. 60; daughter HflRIJ IlQna, 54, son Konrad .:l«nclor, 67, aon-1n-law Sohossherg lluroel 69, daughter So}loaab~rg Janka, 6u, Budupeat l:1ombi.n11ky lit 47, Hungary

I.anger Murin, ~olivb:: :;itfaen)':rifo _,.nitn, :rnn Jeny, Interned at Tetnu.nt 6, Olart\hauo, Germany

Ltiazlo Tibor D1·., 35 ,vui:1r11, wife, ZB, eon, <::, fathor \lyula Dr., 76, mother Marl:fha, 68, Iludhpt1at irnlrerko¥ a, Hunc;ary

··Lo.ui'er Bela, 63 ~·01;1.n, wifo Uona, 60, b1·other Jozoci', 68, a:l.atar-in•law }-:fnrgit, 63, niooe !'Va, zi. nieoo "i.71Sto 1 ZO. !Jud&pe«t Grof £eloky ftil ut::a 15, l!ungnry

I.ofi'olhoz M:Lkloa, 38 & hia wito, .i:iu<.lapeat Hurnburg trt ~a. Htmgury, bNilh<tr Lof!elholz Geaa, 36, Kann SzatL-,ar Qyorgy· u 12, i:!unght'Y

Lollkai Jouot _ 61 ye<lra, wife Elisabo lih, 44, <lnughtcr .l\nnie • 18, brothor Ladi11bs, 63, Budupeut Benozur ut1m 39, i'h1t1gory

Lorber Iz1rnk, 69 yeura, wife Julia, 69, au Leo J.Jii., 46, son Jetto, 46, Jiudupest Weaaelenyi utoa. 24, Hungary

Lustig La.rmr, 60 yenrli, wit.: Fx·ida, 45, · daughtai- Annie, 17 • Sa•u1oa P~11ony_ meae,ftungt\ry

J!\hrer Simor.we, 70 years, 4iaughter Alioe, 34, 11on ... in-law I"ishl) Jano, '~• daughter H.ahof Lilly,40, B\ldl peut Grof Tdeky Pal utoa 16• !iu,neary

tltly Rudolf, wife Hogitfl, 62, son Kalman, his wH'e & ohild, son Lajou, hlt wii'o & ohUd; dnughter Ilona, her huaound & 2 ohUdren, son .. in-law Ilen(t(I flm1, wife & oh1lf.l. Budtipeat TEH'(U: Ko1·ut 29, Hun31;ry

Mellinger Mora 68 yoan, wti'a MA1•glt 64• Iludupent folllpa uton lo, l'Iung~ry, 'prothtJr~in .. l~w -Dreoh&ller Ignatz, 50 years, ••phew Paul, 2lvnieoe Kato 16, lludnpeat Feny u'fjon ~. Hungary



~.~.::~.,''.~11~~1, I '" , ,_, . ,_, fl l "'' ,{{.·· .t• fi r ~ i


·'-Yoa k ovl t • Emil. 69, rite Gllf11&1M.•on J:vaa, u, ••-in•law :aeil•oi 4'~ daugh~ri llagda, 36, g1'2l.nd-daughter Agnee Vt1ronlka, lG, Jludapa•il 6~:~1~ Pl-\J utoil .· · 15, R\Ulgary · · ·. · · ·· . ·

... ,·~

Muller Jotka. 43 yean, wf.te H'Alvtna,. 34, daughter lbol~, '111 btothe:.-in~law . Kefake& Arpau, 65, et.tor Berta, 66t 'brotbe .. ~lt)I' Xfllllli\~• ®• dater-.iiJl•l.a• lfuller Gisella. 66, nephew UUller oaoar, 26, nltoe Muller P.dl~h, .2~; tt)so~f, lilmgary

lfeuJllll.l:ln Zoltan, 4.6 years, nite ll!Jsttll.11, 42. daughtn Ir@tt, 22 1 ltas~;!l4, lltio\I\}" Odon utioa 8, Hungary

Neumann Luey, 29yoare. husband Zoltan, 43, huda~st S&4'lllelynok utoa 2Bt Hungary

Oroadan <Jose,, GO,, wii'e liclen, 44, daughter Eva, 11, KeOeke~t Rukoo.'d ut 16,Iluni,ia~

Palo• ,i.ndreas, 48 years, wU'o Lilly, '6, daughter Luoy, 18, loblnya BUdapes'b sed'oad•• Hungti.q

Faszto1• Jeno, 65 yo1u•a, wUe Jenone, 46, son Iatvan, 16, da\qlht•r Zouzaa, lS, Satoralja Ujholy Arpnd utca 1, Hungary

Pinkan Freidigor Obudal & fa•, liudapeat, li\lng<>ry

ruits Gyulla, wife Jolan., 40, daughter .mna, ltl, Bud11pest .t:dbol u 4• ~f\1'Y

Rlngl.GI' Ellaab<lth, 46 yenra, daughter Mo.ria Judiflh, 10,. Lluunpeet Saokel;y llit"alf!.n 1i. 9, Hungary

loHnteld, 78 yoal'S, daughter 11lioe, 40, eon Mor, 38, Had., ZOl'lplon niegyo, llmgnry, son•ln,.ln & Sundor, 50, da11ghter H1:1.rt11nan Vilman, 48, 8a,:Joe111ttntpeter, Hungary

Iioaenfold Lujoa, 6 IB, w:J.te i{olilifi o\161 ' & 3 ohil<trlln1 Sdlaoaomlo, HUngnry, broth01-in­law Sohwe.M;i; rdJtloa, 64, d•ter•lll•luw ~•Glm•rtz d l..enke, 60, Tlim1JaVtlr Jtr. l vaoareou 33, noumania

Rubin E.erinan1 oo yuars,_ wife Laura, 60, daughter .f\\ula, 311., aon Simon, 82, daughter Do1't\h, 30, son Abraham, 281 aon Jeno, 26, duughter 1&11a, 241 n_1eoe i'eMa, 14 •. Meaola.boroa. Hungary. all the roe•. Ungvar Drugeth Tor 12, nu.ll&~Q'

SOhaar Alexandor, wife Villl'A, 51, daughter Kntalina, 23, daughiler Eva, 21, Blklape~t KJ.etuvaros utoa 4, Hungaey

Sohoenborger Adolf, 76 yeara, wli'u Holen,_ Ga. daughter Fdedrioh MA..ria, 36.t Kooakellllilt, lfaaaap utcu 7, Kunge.ey

sohoentold Sandor, 64 yeara; wii'e Funny~ 59, d~ughte~ IlQ?ta1 85• Gon ioltan, 33, qaughter Kato, 22, aon 14sdo, 21, son-bl-law Geiger Stephen, 40s JlWSkeca Kertalja utcm ~3, lhngary

Sohllli.Qger Julius, 86 yeara, wlte Jo.eta, 65, grand•on ftl!lllWJ' 1\iul, B,.grandson Temmer retei:, ti, Dudapost Btm ut 4, Hungary c

Sohlelfer Nathnn, 78, wife Pepi, 661 da~er Mina, 46, aon•ift-law ste·~ F1sohl, 47, daugliter Giat\1 grandson Iaaaktll, pandton ~Ph)., 13 .. g~nd-dauglrliu , Fanny, 10, & 4 mo" grand•ohildren, Romuly ReaatfrOH-Nauod mit~, Uungf;lq · "

"j .-.

Sohwartz Jotaetne, 61 yeal'nt1 9 dfa duugh'tltl"lfQ!Mir triszl()Jili,.l!'f_f eon·Ue"aJ.1tno~. 34• d'1.ughter-in•la.w Jfflrt21 Jonoml• 26, aon Soltvml't• Imr!J• 32• daumhtQr+in .. lJtit(·· sohwartz Im1•ene, 24, aon Sohwartz Laulof 41 ·son ll~rh SM~o~, 20~ 4atlghte~~< { in· law uorl:lz Samlorne. u,, grand-duughtor Grun Kat¥\lin, 20; gracl,d..;(}.t\tig~,ar •.. •• .·. Ci1·un :mnn, 16, aon.,-indlaw Grtm J:gnstz, 42. Hudapeat Dobo:d utoa ~6• lfµngart. ·.

Sohwarta IPsslo. 38 year:i, wife Judith, 36, d1.1ughter, Agl!ll\B; 6, ?otitsil.~ntlotinct~ llol' Lajos u 39, Hungui·y

nohl>fartz Imrc, 48 yeere, viif.e lrtuv., 45. aon tvant 61 fe.thel""in•ll!.W Fro!$: Ignao1

79, oowiin Oolcor 11illiui;t 46, Bonyhad Tolna megye~ Hunt;el~'Y

Sil.dos Pr., 63 yeurf;, wife Iran, 43, son Jozaef, 23, llud( Bu).vuny utot1. 1 Jiuugary

Ginger Netti, 57 year:;, dtiut;htor Lenke• 37, grandson ilernu.<n ll, lAdmnii'OV!:t. Sadak&., ::upn osoohoslOVllkia, raothGr•in'!llnW Ueber Hani, GO, 'roknj, Uungnry ..

Siug•H' Karol/, 38 years, wifo ~vu. 34, father-in-law Andor JenQ, 63 years~ iaother"' in•le.w i,ndor :';rz1rnt1.;t, 5:i, ln1dope3t For.sonyi ut 32, lhlll!_;ary

Somjon uu;zlo, 49 ye· .. r::i, wii:o iitlrgi'J1 1 44, oon Uyo1•gy, lu, Dudapeet Radti.y uto~, ·22,


:.tag 1.1enyhert, 60 ya,•r<', wlfo f..urolinn, 65, fiudupeut Bllent i.ur.alo uilon 93,

::;teinor .\., "l:l yte·•r-·. ;-rHo, d -ti<;;hii<3r :3usf.lnne, 13, Budapeet Batth!any utan 18,liU:ngnry

Stein.fold ,i.Jf~ll:\.L, cc "rourc, oon ;-,oltan, 44, aou J.,,,ezlo, 421 wifo Bela, '10 & ohild, d"ughtor li'lrn, 38, :'th··".?Cat 1"1ori...>n Te;· ;;. hUUif.t>.ry

svab Olga, 4tlyaq·s, brother•ln-law Jtdufll'l>n tl"ndor1 £i3, sis'l;er Ko.ufm1u1 Helen. 4711

Dud'-'pcot Kr,zar utohl 3, ;tunc;Eiry

Lzalui I.nnt,, ::>O youro, daughter .Vor"• 5, Ringler 111adar, 6\i 1 wifo Sl.\l.'oli.;a, 691 llud. peat 0.1\CkOly !lori;tllau Ii 11• 9, llut1,2.;"Xj'

szego Andra9, 44, -\' c:ttu, :58, dausi;htor Judith, 11, :;iothar liet•mina., 76, Bude.peat

Por.sonyi ut 24, llungary

szegoe Jnnoe ur., 54 1--eo\l'll I >11.f'u 'ill!IB, 60. brother Fe reno& fJr •• 62' neplKm JOl'UIQf .. 23, Gister•in-luw iM>.rt<;it, 4'1, Saalwdkt\ Goring wl;on 5, Eungary

Tabllk Sholom },!Jib, 34 yeu1·a, wi!'e, 30, 11on Mayer IAAVid, 61 daug.htial.• Ratz Alt•1, 8, brother-in-law l.~lek Sl>muel, 28, Lzu flzocnal Mar~i:laros megya, Hungary

Tama11sy !..adblnua, 48 ye"'t'll, wifo 1lt.rit•.• 42, son Peter, 12, ~da.peat 1!Qld uuoa 101


Tusok ~rotllne, 37 yctLlr•, son Pal, Uh duughiier Maria, 10, Budo.pe11t Pod~nioz:ky utca

30, liung>J.ry

Ullman Istvan & family, Nagyvarud, HungQrJ

. ,. ..

'flf-';'~~l,,. i::c·

vamos Fere!loa, 42 Yflliffll wU'e ~la"'• 59, eon Roban. uvoa 24, Hungary

Verea Armin, 68, \'lf.te .Berta. 53, •on Thot4ae, 21 ntooe 'i'fohlatoin Roni• 401 Budapest Domtya utoa 11 llungary

Volgyosi Al".nin, 3(.1• wi.eo Iren, !i3, Uu<Japest ~r.uutbot Xorut 3131 Hungal'y

fft1gn~r Gyorgy, 3., wife A&'8Dka. 32• duugMer Anna Ilaria. a, Budapest 011Uteldy ut 18, aangar,W

Wagner ~oma, 68 years, wife Nutalia, 64. llud!ipiast Grof 'leleky P«l utioa 16;Jiung.,ry

ta:tnberger Morl111, 68 years, WU'e Bella, 50, IOD Berman, 22, son lgnatl!it 80, 1Jon ~rtirl, ia, Ungvar liakooli utoa 18, aunguq

1<oinbergor clolan, 70 year1J, c.iaughter Fanny, .4.6, daughtru:Jlodo, 40, Ml.\l'&lllllfell :~i:: i15et, llungury

• etss Ilona.. 48 yeaH, Kiskwlfdegyhaaa, t!Wagary, son Mltla Wdu, 22., Iie.jdubathqa liulgo.ry, cl»ghuer •h•W Gisella Welaa, lU.sJmntel•amaa, 1JW3gar;v

Woiaz -.iQndor, 60 yoar'•, wife I:ren, tJO, nephew Bela, 2!i, I.ntono I)'• 1.1:!.klos utoa 27, IiwJgacy

••eiaa Simon, 66 yeurra, Wi:!.'o Sionm;, 56, d11ugh1ier Er11ebet, 2ti6

son [lundor, 181 fob~'<JO&en Jokai utoa 42, Hungary

. t .



-- ~,;01;

:.JG!iii.&oo!i mi. KUOO..YlfJKI, wom.o J1w1en aowa1ss. 1884 DBQi~maY • m wrut 23 a. t.. to !Ai, ahlU.AS. m5aA °Pal.J...(.IB1 l&'i'llrfflUl.1 'fUDlt.ftl•

L1U ~14 We NOQllbtlm\ tu ir&Dtia; ·1~1~ia'lltno Glftlfhll\tU ~Pou.# 11ow tedd ln£ ln lfW'Jga".J•

fi*dff Adolf, 63 ~ar11 wUl!I !&!tl'i', ii, bl'®!'i~f•k\•law Btldoe !tl'>Utli\_, 01, fill#~,_ ki-ln 6Clei«» :tnii, 611 WIPhlnf ~09 LOtnnil, Ba, nt. .. 1*\0I 1*\tbhu, 1$t YSiblfJI ii\UtllOI'- !Ac&. l• Hungary

Ba"101 Ktll~, ii ,__.., wtte Mnrt:t.'tl, 60, uaugh"'" ·"'•~'<1• u·, t1UC1nptt1t oorv&n to• l, film&'·'1'

llfOk Pnul1 60 ~n, wUe Klllflllt 681 Moiiher-Alt-ltA't RGO~ Olp 'tlt ~ftl't Podr.AlliO#k;y utoa 1'1, Hwp.,

E9l'g011" Aeon, (ffnS.Un ot.H.nn) Wlf!<I ilOJO'to, ~IJM}Gl t.etm, YIU. ttu. Vlfrlltl Depun•nt lioe V'ogea, i'l"llMO ·

SlW4 v~ & · taaUy, ilUda,ont, Thmg.,f1• Blmis &:ibb:l & i'4tdly, ilu.~ruu. Hun~~,

HffUliOh ~-. Ti YQll~. Wife f.,~f'·. C'8, dailijnttl' Uaglill, .,., • lludlltl"t4fi ~-.. u•~ 11, &ul&<>~

st.1q9r 110.r, to ,._.,., wite B'htit, uo, ton, .aa. •on•U-1- ll•~ ~fN* "'• aaup\u ~~mo,flU.enbe•h. 84, g1'&rutaim ~'tulnJ t~ii; 1. ~P.Ut Grot l:9l~ ::'IAl 1.ttcm 151 ~11' ·

l.l\\'ll'ltl ~rol;.r, 6n Jl!Jara, 'dtfe tr.on. oo, d•--tnr \imltMl' Amiki1 t1>. ,~ .. ~~-¥' G~tmr:lne. 1e, da""h"" Xea• ao1011. aa. grsolfifou -- Mer. '11 l$Ud&Mft 'tifHl@8len,vl V Sit ~$')' . .

nt.Okea- u..-1au, n ~,.. • .ue tfenlllanu• 10. MP•. Memy. at. bmtiet ~~" D~r ~·· ea, eltc• ·~ Mltht ao. U8• A~. av. •!•~~~'.tb'\V ~~"" taJolne U4 n1ffft U!okltr it~H.<<tlyr•fi• ea, ntvo. Pl,.UI ikUldt 48" M1'l~ ~· MW.Ht 84 MJhtlil l\).\IJll. PIUVU ~'°* U • bll (Jhfldf'tJI• »Ifft l\\~t Pl.Qkt.1.& li)tuO; ....... ol•• ~H Ui.klOlUlt 20 & ci1U1hi111, ~~-- '"tt,aotnueliQ 'I• l_...,. · · · ··· ~ Antalmt, "• •lft•a· AlJUt• 1!11-l:Hftlt. ••· iudaPIJO\ i.~18 ~ 9? • . .t!\t..., ..

! .

- .-. -.~ - . :

Blu Bela•· 6' pa' ... bJ'OtM' ~ iftagdl'. B•••· "· '""~-Wa•· s~,~. •. ~; l\lllapeat OIOf t.1_, l\ll •toa 16~ ~~ · . . , · ·. • . ·.. · ·· · . ·- - - . - \ - - - - : - -- .- : - -. - ; : ~' . :_ SO.Uohuw tl•••t ae ,. •• wu. aa,. .. ao, a~1> ._,., '• t1J•~1 ko~lgt\q u\t& 81.t llUAPW.V ' ''' ·'· '

1d.btli1otat:t1 a.o Uta. GS yttf4n, daughnr K"ti• 301 ~ape•iJ NtPUln~ ·.~ · lfJ, ~fnJl&ltW' xa.1 .. a.aa. 68 pan, •th Ji.a®• 4ll • ve-woaen. S.a8ll• ~· uttu\ 10-12. l~ BltJlGI' Gpla, 66 yG&l"lt WitG itl.l'l&,. 4'1, ton famlJ, l.'I• illGR lam.Hit ••• (11:1\tghtfl' }Ja&il' bN'lotte, ~. ~itt-lu lklfW G')f0"3 10 & a boy, MnSJt•• ~id ltort,dl #<if, ~·~ Bl'dN, J9110 VII. Gu yeaat HD Janoa Dr• Ile aon t.lyff[W, 3G, KOlOIOV'IQt .~ ..... \'lt U.1 l'lllllg81'7

Fal'kell ~at.Ktor, .., ycmro, WU'e RrHi, 41, aon 1J.11alo 81, ®ugh"• "-*• SO, 8011 · 4, tn•her Jeno, '11, mother Llaf., 651 brotaher lWdN, 881 •ln•~law Rtilll!Jba, 80• Mntesaallta Saa'1rAr •&l'•• ~.V Full$&' AJ'!!liA1 till yoal'Ot w1t11 Aranki11 SO, d&Q&bUr Julia1 II• Budapva\ \&NI ielftJq Pl'.11 utoa 1611 Uungaf.V

Fell.nor l.11ura, T2 319ara, suter Buolullw Bina 701 dit'Hr Tulteiuld. ~11g1ue, 78• Duclat>fft Sseltely Bol'talan utcm I.le Etuagaq

fieoh 8tillnat 13 :P'IAN t lbkuftfe1-17h&aa, flultgal'y

i'llloh Lfikla, 52 yee..-e, ..Ue Ol&ae 4Jl" daughtur ho1 U!, daughter &IUHlt 1 • lU8kun-felegyh!'ll\\, nuar;ury -

Fllohor t.aoalo, Budi.>.peat un .. 1•.vl U'lleo H, til1Qpq1 fleoh•• Mla1 &uda1'ff1J Br.t••betl Kortn 80, lll.lngary, li'!Alollel' Enel., )l$eteaentienatbut I.GOit? ut® 'I, tbJ.l!lga13 · Flt>aoh . zo'lOtki, wtte Uona, 881 aon ~ , 86 & wit., clauehtef' ~ 6 tftl f.a.jM• 1\\111 & O<to•ge• &!dnpes•, ~WJ'

i'IUie Altlred14' JG41'8t Bwlapt111t Kron <ieaa U 29, IfAQgary '""* 1'1udor, 18 yea. n, •Uc .&va, 3&, .aon tyoq,y, "• Bu®pett BtUan ._ 10 .. ~q, attt4tl' FP!lk &athellct, ..,, brotblf ...... luw ~l~o. 48• nephGW Pehl'• 14, ~ 'lo1Qll '!10&718• UutJgl~V)' . .

i1rltdMA .t.tlAlor IIF•e 69 yearo, wife Cornelio., 681 !Ndnpuat iGIJPtAdl 11 601 ~­al8'41,...1n-kw &.\J'kUllj'' ~. 631 ~Q'fAtadl SpbO uW4 iOt ~ rriedman Swador, 41 ye11ea, ow Xmre, 16, aoa aeia. 10, **aalkft. an•• J!llfs.vtt••~ i'rteddoh•lot 30 ~Mt Wire Oierv., Mt •GD illtiQ• Ht lt"8...n Wk, 1.~t aoa 11, 1Inragnl'f . ll'ro&Mll' latWAa, 46 ~fll'at wU• Vlls, ~- ... tm.a. u ... ~CA•• 1411•-·-· Lffftf.a, 09, unol• Xffnf•W Mod._, 61.l, liiUlltl £onte14 Frf.tlla,,fit• ~-~ < £.1• µtc:> &. ~1'7 · · ·. · ·

! .. ·


GOLDato!n .uonolcl• 64 ,.an. wtfe ttrnoldne, ill• ®ug~e• !k~g(fi' a~.t~~. ~,.~IH\-tQ.)llwt ~~f' fJ&DUOI'• ~ Mphew lff.toho~ (lyu-lit, ·30, tli,l,PnfVI Fhob•r iiniUi,-:$.t n••oe tl.tth•~ AlltlfllM~ a1, nilt• ftAoJat• Olgl'41 -~. brttthlll". f'oP,!iOl' 3&.ntlQ~~ Ill"•, vu. tt$tjer·~~~ . Pop~r ;ii,ndornfl, 7 a, rwpi:ev PO.Pi-->Vi' _ Ju$"'d• a&, nt.QW ~)pt' 4¢llf~A•• ~ ~- o~i~41 niooo POIJPQt' i'Jad, 411 1:iopl:fiw Papper 11e.aoo, .86, 11f.•q1> lfOPtxt' Miltiltj.· iWi ~hi!i ·:.· G>J11~titl.Wce, 7th btofJhti-1u-law GuHt11Vt a!J, ul4U)t Bol$J~q·t 4' & b(lF-' ~U;\;hWV: 2lt­lttfphow Bohm z&ipond, 451 nloeo &!?ill! Zdtw..o®t!J• 61 &-- hov ohi~cll'ttJl Il~_upo~fl _ »rq~J.y Ua ?,. ··unr.;l\l''.•'

Cla)d& Hligo, 69 yean, wlttt UhGibeth 16, D1«l<>.pl!1Jt FUbgi U\<Clt &l, ~17, <Hl\lghft;e <l'!ige&' 8Ullfi1Un9 H, eon o\i;ephflJl ~. cl&11:14lbto~··~ m.O'lihel' .l>oo.d Jolun, 60, l'i~ttper.t1 Attila UU\m ~. ilull:&'• l'";J .

Urocnteld ''n"lia, wit• Olga U, d•vgh'Ml' u.a~a, li"'b•r &eW1t7 '•dtl &i1'1ly Htnts u to, .ttm.r• ry

Grun J ... '\ja; 1111, 'lit, IMdepee<t J..agrady Kt1ll'Oly uton 11, IiUllljl.\l'V• g~•oll IJ;fore ~u, 1'!..1d<..·_1h1ut 1elukyp<.!l~ ut<.11• 19, Eunr;i.•'Ys 11<.m GftJJ.'Bf;op 3', BudallCI•_ t; Ullo! u• 62, H«m;x&l'y, aon ayor!Y Viktol", 4e, KiGp:;iut tiOlO.oa 1.ttoa 11, liWIP"lt ron Gyotif,'I Slf;'!(tn so, •fii'oJ d' B ohilllN.m1 ifud,.,pe•t &\koo.l ut~a G'l, nun~, t.m0le KntAtr Ouat ... }c.,,,, vi,. wii'e & son, !J\!(1tApQllt Rnkoot utoa 6?, llung&ry, &Un' ll'J'IUtlt 1Aj04ft• at~ be.Ir di:un;hteru ~' 11011•S.n•l""• Dudt.\fl66't j~gl'lldy Kar4'ly utoa 11, lil.ittgtu7 Hal\u Fr1{Q'Un, 42 ~f•fl!J • ~ott.ber tvol~, 10, wUo ll'dgpane, ~. broth~r-111-law Koaltl«IM.', ~. dator i..lrulflwne, so, nephew Komloa 'l'lbor, 30, llelilhv-11 ~the .. b'kl«!l'Vk, 40 nieoo tlklt\rek hlttMJ 861 n1t0$ iitl<>a GlWlld1no, la. t;~•neplww likl!.u•ek ll:orberfl 41 t.:ti~l't\d al.ntky Emil'!» u u. mme;.ry Bl\rtmun Adl.'),l, :i.11. ~-wr h\wbi:utu <k scm, illl'tmM Jcn1041 36, httf wUe 6 eou, ~l"b1.a1 Mlltlffi 39, i..h wife & 11ont U...rimfan Hvtu•tk, 69, ·flife, 60, dau1ht1et> IIO!en. 40, OMhe.lC. Deak \tCJl'C>nGa uton Ul, littnga'V

Rottl'lr lttna<»W, 16 ycwrn, tiui~ttftl' BohUte~ ~ODDO• Ga, flon-h-' ijefhf.tto.- !JnflQJt• 611. HllQ'kOftlt lWlooy 11IJ 114, l'~ry, d1mshht !U•Sa Al'Ankn 61, son•in ... latff Ue-1.{J Jrmo, Qa, g&'6rillton lilem 8•€1.ntlo Za!)ltM, &a, dau&11toJ' ltfllmaau ll'Oa,. at1 A 11'1~ huab• A oJlUdt d•ush~ir sa.ooe !fol~ aa <ii hcv h1"oi:ioo. g ro!.141oa l1•£n Sando.-, ao_. o.g'htd JC••ID•1 utet'I 3 , 1'llU!igaey

Hll'!,Oh1'dd Jk'O~ ill~, 1Q JOAN, itltanp!fei; ;>t;oniK UfJIJQ s, H!.Ulgnry, dalll;h~H Barta t.fl•h i:.1uaMte. oo. ,;uoor.ost fi!tm 14 utWl, lb.mytity ..

Hot'.tl';'i}.n Arpnd, 46 r~ro. wff• ~a.da, d"1ttght.e~ Jwt:i.ilh, 20, -~ lvuu, •· llijd~~fJ{)I ~aq r;offriwn :>-r;te., 00 YG$.Vfl, wUo t;tl~U· won l«t ... -&n., ao, lhtUttl,)Ol?tt lh:UtgbJ."y

Janov1u5 ,\t<pw1, 32 ~an, 'lord, 48• !mtlll.1-"0•ii Kl•h lfftw~ ute« 4, l~ll'.Y Je.Ghin1 Jr;~fUJt, 46 jllll>H';;>• lfife 80$, "' dU'Clgbttftl' Liilai, "i, ®Vhitr Jall!Um&\• n, dfi~t" Frta Xlonka, SO, br-aU•nr ... !n ... lO!iJ fttio !l'»1jos, 4.11 ~apc13t i•nko 1)1fltu u.t~ 20,t1Un&'al Joaohlm °''~"• 60 y~ara• wU(i Fd«e?"!ke, 44<1 dau.r,ht1n• Mt!l11 :to, ~ouo1.n r11t1i•ra ~laaj 62 1 ootu'liu vH:tt1mn lim:ld..:.r, 8'.t 111'1<U1 "*it\mian '1oa11i,, Its, •l\Rit<t·•:ust Baewuhl'tly ~oa l2;HWIP1'7

... -:


·' ) I ~


...... Kaltcaildn !Mrenoo. 48 Jttar1.1, wtto MrA1rP., 3f.l• dli\UPtltl' Aglle111 u. ~t ~-·· 1Jtoa 1$1 ~q · · · · · · ·. · .. ··... · ·

KillllllUl Deato1 47 )'81'1' a, •Ue lltnhA, at, fv.tfh$r-in.-1aw Uur$t"*'•m ~CJPI ·.GJ·~ ~~ .. ~~· . lmr MOJl'itlll1iora Hermina, 65• lf4~nd LUkaos ll~J'S)f ufJ® ·11 ~q .· ·. ·

Kti.l'doe Stephu.n, .«I yea..,,, 11tlte llara, ao, aon t\m.lfia, 2, 1f' llU"' ~tev ut~ D; ~gllll'f . . . . .

xautnian llfuldor, Q ynar1, wUo Olga, 39, & thttb ohilEl,...ll1 », H. & 1$• Oroahllu, Deell: Verena& uta~ 13, Hu.ttw>l'1 ·

Kemnyt Andor, 57 yean, ion Gyorgy, 25• Egor Hews megyv Piao tu. i~ey

KomlGI a.aa, G3 )leal"I, wlto Ilona, 61, 5Udlipt11'11 KO-Ma~ 31 ~q

Konrad Wtlhelm, Bt 19Al"8, WU'O Dora, 81, OOll•ln•l6\W l{Qfl8 llll801 !JO, du~f .i!Ma llOT.tat 54, aon Kon...U 3findor, 67, r.ion•S.n•law Stthoa!iberg llllrool 6t, dtlugl\'9v llohotsbul'g JanJro, uii. Duda peat f>nblnsky • 47, li'Ung&ey

tonger Wirl.l.\, ~liv~n QUslaen)wU• P..nit;i•, non Jtir&;,, Intuvaea <>t '1'otni;wt i, Ql.anllwm1, aol'!Mlny

Lnsalo Tibor fl1'·, Sf.l }'9~r&, \'11.fG Eva, ;.m, eon, 2, tatht.u.• a,uia D.r., 10, motfieJ." Mt•1'ha1 . t38• '1uQupitnt n.nkerkos 2, Hungaey .

Laufer fl<tl(!. 63 yea:ra, wife nomi, oo. ln·oth<ot' Joaut)£. as, lduter-itt·l~f .Me.rg1t, 63, niooe EVn, 22, niece 11.gnea, 20, !ltx:h•pe.ot Grof' '.f"1leky Pttl utca 115• llung.tey

Loftelhe& Mf.kl!l31 Oi8 & ht.a wlfo 1 .Budiipeat l'IUl'lliw:rg UV iB, µ.Ull!jt\ry11 b'oflhclr Lottelbola Ge••· H, IUIB S&O.tll'Ar ~I'§ \l 12 • .dulll&"ry

tonkai.Jouo.t, 51, wlto lUill&boilb, «, dm,lghtoy Mmte• 181 bi>OtlwJt LrulS,flu, (13, Budnpeat Renc11ur uiloa 39, riuuge.ry ,

Lorbor Iaaak, 61> Y\illP• wUe Jull.a, 69, aa Leo Dr., 46, aon Jenv,. .w, lhtd2,,est Wfu;eeleny1 utoa 1!4• Htmg<iq

t.u11'lg>~, e>o yea r11, wli'(< l'rldf:\• 451 daugh1sel' limllo • lf, SHJ\Oi Poa11ony Ml1i9,Htmgaey

*hter :a.~onne, '70 yenn1 daup•r au.oe, &4, nun-bt•lft Ftal'il Jeno • .i4...31 uaughtn · ri.ahof Lilly.40, BUd.\ pH1J ilY-of '411•7q Pal utca 151 ~.ey

•1 Ru4oU'. wlte Heg•• 62• ton 1Alllliln1 hf·• wU'e & ohl.ld1 •oh lAJoa, hie wlf" & ohtla, clnughtttr Ilona, hu huut"!l.u4 a; a ohU4J'en1 OoJi'!'in•lmr illlltl l\1~1, wtte 4t Qhtltl• Bud•}Xfet :ra ,,., :tol'llt 29, ~·•1

. . lfell.lngor JAW; 68 yeawa. wife llal-gitr "• Dud•1,pftst ~pa \tfiQt) 16•, ~~ry, b~iWPiq•~

Dnobeler ?.gnat.a, ® ye&i-tt;1 Mph.ft Puul, 21, nl•oo Kato 181 .lh14ap11ilt D'"'7' u~ l• ~17 "

-. ~·

j !

I f I·



+ _,_:_~~J,,_:....,,.;.

'• '•• :• ''C~~'"'"'' ~-~,L:':;'r( .. p;••s«-:..•~,' _,,· .. '":.••:- • .- " • , • -- ~ ~ •• •

~o• .. -;·~:<~- :_: . ,·-~----.~~'. ·_:. ~~ , . --;: -~ -_- ~ ~:-.:r·. -·-


UOekovtts &mu. 6Q. wU<1 c:t;0Ua,G4.aon lvli>na u. tttjlQ ... ln•l• nt~~o; ~if ~liU4~,~tirf > < l. !lagdu, ae. grand-d.CUJ,ShtU ~· V•l'c>Ui'{Ol, 10. ~l)tnf: G"f<~19)i:y>~1 ~<ta''> .·· .• < l 10, ht.uagn~y · · · · · · · · .· .. ·· · .. ·· .· . · . . " ·~ .... , J

llll11e.- Joeka, 41> yeMQ 1 dSo ~lv!aa, 34, d!\\\Shf"1l" 1JJ<tl~"• 'f1

h~(l~tie~·<.ki ... 1.. < · 19.rekee <\l'ptl\; ,- Bit 11$$'149~ Jlertiu, 66, broflhtnl' !~ll<t~ KGl~)lt 6111 alt!r+i~~~lU'tJ Huller at.;.uUlll, 5tl, !l•Phfw lfuller 0.10&&>. tu, nie~e UUl.1~~ llcl:Lth. il31 tit)il~¥it!Jt

-I ____ \

~·1 .

~nn ZoliJIH'ltt 4G )'0Ul"fll 1 vtU~ 1.ti»eUu, 41!, daQ{1hJ19r lt"Ot'11 22, Hll~ra.d, htJ~Jw' Odon ut'3a &, !~aey · · ·

tfeullltlnn Wily, 29,yo"·tO, hu11tmm! .foJ:tiuu, ~, l:'11dr1pe~t Slttt7.el~k \Wea 2B, Htmeui•y

Oll'OU!&n :mH. 00, <tito '"e 1011, Mt,\Ui;ht~:r &;v&, 171 Kt?~$ .ffnkooai llt llJ;u'mtiti~7

Paloa «n<lrcme, l\fl yeo.r.11 • '1U"e LI.Uy, '6, dia~tl' Lucy, 18• Kol.lanJ& Dudt\poet ii1trfo"1•t H'Jrte!\f"'/

i'l•a&toi· Jeno, 56 yeE>1·rs, wtfe1 Jan..,ne. ~v.; son Iutvnn. 16, dflugbter 4t1ttz1Ja, i.Q• Sato~l.jti. \Yjhely A1rp<tt1 uhn. 1. ;l\mg1tr,y

Pin.ltAn l"J.>eidigor \)bui.lai &, la•:.Uy, "1ttl:laii11ht. ilun.g,1ry

fitlt» '';.-"''*'• Ylifu Jul~n, 401 daughtul' ·une., i'JUdupeat -'•lbCJl \l 4, Uu.u~<\ry

Ri.nis!.:11' ;,:u,1An0-1th, .W ywura, d!i~htier Judl.,,, lo, Buun9Ht S<&•F-dy iknalf'.u 'A• 9 1 H\mge.ey

Roaenfttld D(1vidno, '16 y.taJ>a, da1.tg1;t;ol' .. u..:io, to, eoa Mor• 68• ~d, l.•~pl'ftu mugye, ;~l!'!gl'ry. t1ol1""in•lni1 H11l"tmn iinmloi', .:H), dac.te;hter H"rt;!MQ Viltllll~, 48

1 '-ia,jooaq\pat-011,


llos•nfeld Li.,joa • 1.i 18, wife 6t)1 '<i: ~ ohil<li'<m, 8t;i.ltlgf80lillo1

11\miUflft brotht1r-in• lmv '.Qlmurh cik:fon, t\.f,t aielieMJl•l.&w ;;(l}Nr><d;jl .Id: Ll'Ulke• 60, '.f\;p-;.\ftf~l' Jtr. 1 va1un·~cu 33, 'ourmum nerr-...un, do ycnv11, w1.ff1 fAul'4, ao, <.l~uahtel" Pffula, af. eoq 61••• 81

U.o.ughter r-01"t>h,, 30, 1aon Ahi.•u!<-.v.;.'• 2a, uoo J•11.e, ;~ti, dnusllte~ K.;U{i• M, Q"'ff fti<tlil, 14,

. r.{eaotaboroa, l'iunp17, e.11 tho, Ung~!' t>N,ge~h ffl!' 1211


Sobrutr «J41Xt1tndor, ~;1.f'o H.l.lilA• ul,. du0&lr1>•,n· t..ate.U1ta1 281

daQf",..htfl'°. Sva1

JU, Eddapta• !t!atuve.rot 1tt;cn 4, 1.lungQry

Sohoenbi}J"~r ;.~ult, 'To ;v<nu·•· wif'ti li4ltm, ill). dtt1.tghtev Pl'ifdFioh Maria, 301

n'eoabiilOti, laeae.p uiJOB 7, lfmtga;r1 · ·

lJOl•ool'!.feld snndoir, U4 yGQ1•a, uU@ flH'lriy 11 69, <t«ugM61r tiOllEl, 8611

con &oltttrtti 33, dt\14e:hter Keto, &2, aon Lftsalo, ill,, ~on-1.n~lttw lkf1gn fitepho.n, 41.l, !ftulkioa go.L'taljn utoo .Si.i, i~nguq

i.lohUU.ri,r;-0r .hal1uo, 66 1ean, w-tte J(!lnrfg, 66• &1"aadnon Tlltl1t''M' !\1111, 8,, $f'1nd~0u iemmor r-.ter. 6, Dndll.pqut f:.ot.~ ~t 4.1,rv ·

Sohle!tu Nathan, 113 ~an, wUo Pepi, 66, du\i4ht1cu.- Ulnt\1

u, •on-:m.i. tlwliultu Fioohl, 41, qaugh\el" Gian, ~ndnn lUQk,11, 4ftlll4•on &tt.1hl,_ l8

1 l$l"1M~ugllffr

Fann,y, 10, & • more. gtand•otiU1lnn, ROlliuly Ml~ateroae ttr.uoct mtt~,, ' .

... _.

+ aohmri;• t1osi1fJl.e, ea NfiurM• ~ tt~ujhWll' ~--!At• i.a1,1omt •. ai,•1)1; U0~•"'.Jtio;

Ht dr;iugh1i•~in•law J!Ona Jonono, iau,. •oa. ~,~l'Ar•. lnlff• ~t t{fl.u~htl'!J.~~·~:.>··· sobWana lm,wa•• _a4, #on SohWllrti• IAmsl~ •. 41 •• U.rll• ·~ott/llt• ~iPWl"'!t : .. ··.· in .. 1• liRrta Gan.dono, !4, grand:"'()i!Q$hter Gtl.ln k~tfl;:U*'• ~o* ,,.._1\'41\\~tJ. .. \fr~ iln!Ul, 1$, Ha-11l ... 1n Grmn r-.1;1, 42, ~udu~s' l}ob\'J~l ~-tt~ ·2~, llµ*~ .

. . .. -· ·•. ·- '--

sommna uu~ato. 18 ~,.,, wue Judith, ae, daught•r; 1i-•fe, r6~t#.~~t\i;lo~f.it9. llonath l..t\Joa u an. lil.mpl"1' . . . .

:Jolifn.i,n1 ~rq, te ~·r•, ldt'• xua, ..iu. aon l'hnt a., ta.-h9~il:i•~w Vrci~ .Igna,, 79,, aoudu llokor \' 46• · J;onyhad Tolnn m4JgyQ1 Jilmplry

Slklff vr., f.!3 yvu1·« • wuci Ifftn, 1s. don Joaaet, 211 DW111poeti tkllv~Dy i.itoa, Jhtng<1iq .·

a1f.l&ll" lintl, 6? yous, drtuKflter lnnito• 37, 15ra.nd1ton H4itl"...!.in 11, ltmt\QlW.VA Ua\'Db., 'upa a .. oheelovnS., mofltior-wln illeoer llfaal• oo. foJmj, llltligtlfl' -

IH.nsoi- X41roly, 38 yeiAea, wift1 hll, 84, flilthOzr-ID-bw Andot Jono,.. tJ& yea~·•· ttdlwl°'i' in•lEiW Andor r>raub911, 651 Budapeatl Poaeonyl llt 32, Utm~e.17

Soajen t.ualo, 49 ye.;i1111, wU't lmrgl~, 44, son !Jyo11gy, 161 Dudaptttl ltada.y utiU\, 22, Zllng•ry .

... tt& iJ9nyl111n, 60 yo"ra, Xo.roU.P1 &G, lStallal'fiGt Sant IA&fllo \Otim 9$, ii®safJ

steiner A., 41 yer.r;;, wife, d~~U&hter uuaa.nut1, U, awtapo11t I.!tltthlllity uiJoa i81~ary

S11oin.t.'o1d >"~lie., G'S yean, HQ Zoltan, M, H!J Ltiotlo, 42. wi:Co Belll., 40 as ohll4, daugl1ter- Iwn, 38, ' Vlol'lar1 ftu• 31 ~~

S<eab Ill~, 46 y "" n, brcni.r-t.,.law l{a\ltMn flo\ndor, Si, a 1-'HI' Kaiatisui a.len. •1, lludupHt Kn.aal' utJo;;. 3, Ruugat"y

&anJ..&1i AnnQ, ao yeara, daugbtQr VGI''-'• 5 1 Ringler il.ladar, Gtl, Viito $.11.l'Olta, 89-. Dud. past St.okely Dol't»\lt1n A ''• f3, Hlme;ury

aaogo An<llftft 4.4., wifo I~t'tu, 3G, dtlllikhH JUdiilh, lltt l'M)tber Hlltnd.M, 16, ~npett F'O.UOD11 ut H, 1!WlJ.!;6ry

Ba•aoe Jano• Dr., 64 para,• so, brotl•r t•reac• v..-., 62, npMl!r Jo•HI• 23, doter-la-law !tartSl1, 41, Saabatt.ti ao•lq utea 8, ~r1 ·

l'Abak Sholom L•1b, &4 yQt>l'$t 11tth JudiAst au, lilM MlilY'f 1Jt>rtd1 6, daugt.tia&l" Rab Alta 1 81 bl'Other•!n-law UalOi.: $1i.lriUd, 2th liW SllOOOal l&a~.1'1)8 m«Qe:, ~

f811oaaoy 1.adt.Blll\Ut, '8 ~"• wtt11 Mlids, 42. aon htn, 12, iw:hlpea11 &ld IAOfll 10• iittnJ.><l l'y . .

'l.\18ok 111rotllnti, 3'1 19~r;>, G4ln l-iill• is. f..l<l.~o-• ~rta, 10, BudRPG*' 1'1'd•nluaq utoa 301 Hungii.&"y


.. ·:

v~ l?i'il'Cn\t.r.1 1~ ~az11, wU'e ~J.&a.i.. 39• acm RO"bltri• U, !iwlo;iftq~ Wo!f!>ftllltTIY .. · ~Ct\ 2~1 H~')i.try · .

V•reis i\r,;iifl• so yeara .. •~U'e .nu·~, tt:J, amt TM~•• 21 nfM(.lt!tWohl•iiO~n rt<n&Ji~ lfuda1~11'11 flat~'t!Ja utoa 11 1lQl'Jt;!l"Y

VtJlt;;~si i4rtdn, !Ju• wi.i.'e l~n, ua,; Z;\liltt.Ptf•- llil:'l#Cll>ot KO#\lfi all, ~1'1 Wngrurr <iyor&y. z4. w!to l>rAJ.lkt>• a4, t.h.•UfiUVf),t Aqa ~ .. , ... ;s, BQdt\p!Jt.i'iJ Caa~d)'

\\ii 10, fiana;al"?f

'~v~r a,,me., ·SS ya;ura, 11il'1t .(!!.;t;<1Ua, ~4, ~CiPIJI' Gl'Ot hl,ek)" P•'l utoa 16,Ht\llgi!Jf

.;el.'lb").'W'*' tirnt·ll:., 06 yae. .. "'• <Ji.i:..i helli;., tJO, aon U.rmriUlt 2H, 110!1 l~'t!lt i)()f · non !Aftftin, lS, IJng\'111' hnkood uto& :u.~. Run&'l'N . ·

·<Otnborger .101an, 'IO :lflBl'tJ, ..,uu.)1t11r ~'t\My, •1-fi, daughte>t ll.odia, 40, llQ'{iW\l'CO '.lzd.;:;q'liw 1i\.t1tg1. r"


' 0iu rl.onn. 46 ~,,ro,\ultfflflgyll&ai.i., ~~l'y, oon Mllcla •~elu! 22, Jli.\jduba11~, fftm(~ry. 11\1ghWr .._... illHlbi ~•Visa, &Ulmut•l•IVhaaa, HQgujy

,;e1a. ·M4.r,•uir, ao ~~ar:•, wife Lrv.n, uQ, a•pliow !Llnohn•• Dela, 2t., l~OIW "'tie· .:lldoll Q\® 2'.i, '~~··ry

~iaa :Ltr;11Jtt, &O yoap, wit o '• i<>ive,. ol> • <l r,i.uJ!;h1ier l~ne•i>Gt • Id• •cm i;aMQI", lf:it L11b1"80H!l Jok11i utiea 4£, tiung""Y

f' j .

Jr .•

. i

~ " ·~~ELS:~~NE

MU. 2:3205




Hon. Vice·PruidMt







DR. STEPHEN S. WISE Vict·Pruidenl&


Chairman, Nat' I Admin. Council




E.wrutiur Dirrclor


























Mr· John w. Pehle Executive Director war Refugee Board Treasury Building Washington DC.

August 30, 1944.

Dear Mr. Pehle

Enclosed I am sending you one original and three copies ·of

List I 8. of people now residing in Hungary whom we recommend ~ ~-

for the granting of Palestine Certificates and Turkish transit


May I ask you to be good enough to forward this list to ,., Ur. Chaim Barlas in Istambul, Turkey, though the facilities of

the States Department •

Ii ncerely yours

... 2b.d Director

""1/ .J





=·' . 'No~~tJT

CONTR6t COPY '.fr-.

J ./

)"". SUBJECT: ,.ckrowlec!gine :(eceipt of Bleven Lists

2-106> of HungJrL. .. n '::.t lzens Recoramended for •P:.ilefJtine C&rt ific~te.s by Jewish Hescue OrP-unizations ir. the ~lnlted Stw.tElfJ,





1 liuv,,, i-1.e r;cr.c.r -t,o :re:'er to •he :1"'~··D:--tmer.t's t;.:>:.r 1 1c~.::.on cf ~!~l~.' 25 f lQL.1...., r...n~: i rev_iO!J.!1 ins~ruct­icr:·~; l'!lC-lC!;p· !~_ir1-:1 .1.i·~ ... ~ ()~' ::~L[l~'"·.1.i'i.ur. r.~ltlzens re('ol'"J.:: --~r j~~.-1 !'or ·-·u :(! _,f.: l!i~ e•:-!'tifi ~~Ei~f~·-~~ u.v t.11t~ ~·1orld ;-f!1V:...:·:~ r: · ,·;··t:~t'~: :r::·~:. ;-.... ~rir._t~\-rdy, l:1~)·, ::·c:~k :~i, I. .. Y.

!1:. ~~~ :-~ ~·t1 i.·, t:_•~ in:)t :·11ct iur;~. t1:-1c.1-2r r£-Jference 1 1nc' li::L; '.:.eve b<ce11 de~'-Vt~rr•,; 'o !,·.'."'. Cii:d.m Bar1b.s,

r<~; r'1~Je1~tst:ve or t.~~e ! d{'"~!'"'~f_".V in r~.-:.t.anbul .. L":·-. ~?.iJrlus ~:c..i.s l.ickr:o\,:b-:~ 1.~ed. !"'c·i:t~i; -r- 1-'>f-~ 1_Lf: li.Jta ...:r_·-:.;.. ."" r''~f, renci;, t:.r,d ~l&.J rt"'._:r, 1.t(:S~P-t .. tL.:t1 c-onfirr~1-~.1~ ir_ •' '~!' 'J,·;J.iver~' 1-.~ :-·O!""\\'·~irded tu 1Jr., i:ub.cwit?.}~i of

,3 • r:J' 1 -~ .' e\·1 i .~!:. Cori ,r~re s tJ •

.... :-...:cl:~ :r::"!dl J.j~~:~, ~n.-JrSr'.;.i·1_1ec to the Cons~L1vte ~;2:jc:1· .... 1 ~. t :,.;~ .Juru.rt~_,i..::r:t • ~~ LJirt:!·r-'m ho~,.,,,,.55, cf_ .~ ..... _J_ !: .. L;, l,.,_ ~:"l],, L~Ut--l ctlRa bt.:en delive:::eu to hir~ l5:Jr·}_;-3 • .-.cL..--!OW1fH1{1':)~1er:t ot' tbe recei1,t of thiB list JfjGUlc_ h~ :.1uue ~.o ::ir .. rerr .. stein of ti~e Zior_ist Orc:..i 'li Z-:J t j cin of . .i:.el' i cu, 1._l ~'--'st 42nd :...>treet , Ilew ·yor1'~ l7. ;; • Y •

.• .f"1J.rt1;er lint of nunes unc ::i.r:dresses, transrn:i t-• t eri s·:; un ur.closure to •lie '.)t>.rti.rtiacnt' s instruction

c1:" .'u::.y ls;, FJ41., has bef'lr: neiivered to ~11'. Leor: De:: o,c :.•t> rp;, r8 r. re ~le n tat~ 11 e of t 1w l n t t' rnei t ionu l !"lef; ci . .:e l.l~H~ :-tel:ief Co:mi t tee in 1:3tanbul. Conf.j rr:iation of deli '/er:; o:' tid.::o list shoulri be r.;ado to the lntt"3r-m.~ i orn1l !<escue and ~~i;l:;.ef Corn1riictteo:, Hew York.


L'e pa r~.:::!~·c~·~·l o rigi na J _, ;<· , .. · · ... ·"e'lcc•.;!iJ..

""'rectJ/tJ)) .. " Hurt Qt: /!. ~ ©ff!FJr;;JfJQ\,l

: , r~. er i c £l n S o !l~'4:li lt\tif)1. f11' a l

. t; ~·


una he'E'·&ph

J}.i." ~.-_,.,!

.. · --

l', .:.

. r----.. I - .


'.~ . \\


'°' ............ ni..a 1. •· Jtllllt

........... ,., ... ff, '· io. u. u, 111 i•. u .... , ••

~ .·

BAkzin:ar 8/26/44 ~

-. :_.




Hon. Vice-President










Executive Director
























NEW YORK 17, N. Y.

Mr. John Vi. Pehle Executive Director War Refugee Board Treasury Building \',ashington, D.C.

•·••···NATi6Nit.•.fiEAci~~ARTiiR$ ·.·.· .. · •. ·\,,$.,~~~~~~J~~~~-~:w.····.·

·~~Mf~~l~('N."4480.< .. ~.

August 24, 1944,

I am enclosing one orie;inal and three copies of Lists

f'5, 6, 10, 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16. of persons nov: residing in /

Hun;c;nry whom we recommend for the granting of Palestine Immigration


Me.y I ask you to lie kind enough to fo:11ward these lists to ,;

Mr. Chaim Barlas in Istambul, 'l'urkey, through the facilities of

the State De1Jartment.

Dr. S, Director

·~ :


Toi M:r. Wanea

It wlll be appreciated 1f you wlll arraage tor th• 1rnmed1ate despatch by courter of the attached meAf'lagtB froa the War Refugee Board to the Amerioaa OonRulate General at IRtaabul, Turkey.

Attaobmentsc Add1t1oa to Llet f'J, ~lets '17, 20, 21, and 22.

-. -:

-;-------------;. : ~ .

/,~ ·-- ----'-----~-~ _ _:._·--:"'":'eo.-.,....,._,,.,_ . ...,"""' ,. ~·_,_-.~-_,,,.._.,,;,_:',_....,_. __ ,..,.,.:,._,,~.._.~,,;,_~~~<;,;i_;;;,,,',i~~"'-';i'(~!:fT..l.-;j:,'.-?:t'-'~>;''.-~ - > •• «·~ ·:_ .. ,;: •• ;'~- _: .;.-;;. __ :' •.-"

; d'/ ,.~~£;1~2~~::.~ .. ,..-~'



Hon. Vice-President






DR. JAMES G. HELLER Chairman, Nat'l Admin. Council



SIMON SHETZER Executive Director











J\ \_f




Mr. John w. Pehl.a E1ecutive Director War Refugee Board Treasury Building Washington, E.c.

Dear Mr. Pehle

.. WASHINGTON·g·; o:·c: . . c-:_.-:::> -· M1cHtGAN 4480 :·:--,..~:;


QR. S. BERNE?TEl~~-01ftEcT~R:·

August 22, 1944'.

11 I am enclosing 1 original and 3 copies of Lists # 20, 21 and 22

" of persons now residing in Hungary whom we recommend for the grant-

ing of Palestine Certificates.

May I ask you to be kind enough to have the lists forwarded to

Mr. Barlas in Istambul, Turkey, through the facilities of the States


Sincergl y.ours. · .. j ... <

Dr. s. nstein, Director-__

.. :

l l I

·~· Jt::. - ._,] -~-

·•· ~'YP.HONE MU. 2-3205



Hon. Vice-President







OR. JAMES G. HELLER Chairman, Nat' I Admin. Council



SIMON SHETZER Executive Director
















Mr. J"o hn W. Pehle Executive Director War Refugee Board Treasury Building Washington, D.C.

Dear Mr. Pehle

August 22, 1944.

I am enclosing 1 original and 3 copies of List # 4. of persons

now residing in Hungary whom we recommend for the granting of

Palestine Certificates.

May I ask you to be'kind enough to have the list forwarded

to Mr. Barlas, in Istembul, Turkey through the facilities Of

the States Department.

!e: Mr. Warna

1rtal J. W. Pehl•

It will be appreciated 11' yo~ will arraage tor the lllllttdlate deBpa\ch by oo~r1er ot the attached message troa the War Jtetuce• :Board te the Amer1caa Oon.Blllate Geaeral at letaabul, lurke7.

Attaobaen.t& Lht 14

lWcda1ar 8/24/44 p..zr' .__.,

.. :

J;..-· .. -.


Keasea• t1'Clll1 Dr. s. Bera$tei•t .Zio~at Orpzaiz.atioa ~t ••11oa ·. . . Q. llut 42Jt4 li!\),'fft, Hew.Yo~, ••Y:• <

'1'0 Mr. Berl••• o/o Poft Palu•• Iat8d~t 'l\U.itfl. LISTI 4

Augwtt 22, l.94'.· . .

we henb1 ltin«Uy request you to seo~e Pal.aatl.M IldniSl'atf.oll ••r­t1t1oatea and 'l'llrkbh tnN1 t "fiau tor the :JGS'IOM JIOW re114• 1Dg iD ~I .·

Oaou bhbert, aged 63. Dezao J'rie\le:M, age4 11&, wit• Annie& ~s. d,lpaah~r l:atal.b. 81.. ZOltan hiebert, ag-4 42, Ydfe Gidlla 11, .on Jotla 2&. Address& '.aldapeat, Xoro11g u.ooa 20.

Sandor Gorog, aged 57, wife m.ea 53, son J'oaeph 22, Ilona Webs• 47. Addrass1 llu.dapest 1 Barosa1 uooa 7.

ll'r1SYes l!'riobert, aged 49, wif'e, 37 • .A4dnarn Budapest• ltol•W.e uooa 47.

Jm, Oscar 81melt, ngod 47, Rose Simek 42, Irene Slmek 491 Mugit 81mek 45, Leo Simek Dl, Amin Simek 65, his wife and son. Atldi'eaa Blde.:peeta :lak:Ooey ut 76. · Applioant for those above ia a Mr. Lealie lriebert, 4 tbil'd *'-' .Bethlehem, Pa. "

Miohael Hott.mmm, aged 52, wit'• 1olu 49 and five oh1ldr•n. Addftae' · ·szambathely 1 Tokoly Imr11 u.t 30 · •

Josue. Hof:tmum.1 51, w1te 50 8.lld one oh1ld. M.drese1 Pa-pa, Kornn uooa.

David H0d11menn, aged 56, wife Regina 54 U4 .U Uildffn. AddHHt Naa-J4egyel.', Hungur · .

Porgea J'eial.1 aged '6, wife 43, and five obildrn. N'egy-Me~• lt\Ulg1n7

llarkus Klein, aged 551 wite luolta IS, IUl4 six obildrea. ~eo.-r;Hwag•

Fneao Adler, aged 561 wife 11..vira 54 and five ahildren. A4drftll1t SzQmbathely1 Xoazesi uooa ·

aged 18 Jira • .Taoob Deutaoh, widow,. and fioe ohildi'en. A44reea1 8z0ni.bathaly• .Belsilcator.

El.ohonon Deutaoh• aged 641 wife 54 and ti ve ohildMa. · Adueesa 'kb; Samoa mqye.

, ...

. ,_ ~· . ·. . .. ~·

J'e:reD.O Habel-1'e14, aged 60 d4 eb: ohild:rea. ~••• IZ(llD"tjl.917,. · .. · 13ela1kator · . · <: : ··•• . •

David Gansl•• aged 50, wot'e ~c;ra 48, dlp.tghtn- U.gdo. is • 1~ ~~:r. · ohild:ren. Addreaet Oaagud, lfograd 111.egye. · · · · ·

Simon Ganal 1 aged 51, wite SilJ'a 60 Ud tU.e QhU~Ji. . .Addl"eUl&l Nogracl-lleroel, llograd mea• ..

138llluel Lowy, ~ed 60, wife 48, sona Pal 17 and J.iilc:l.oa 151 Addl"e•at Yaoz, Althau uooa l.

Solomon Gl'l.UlZWeig, qed 50, wife Margit 4S U4 eight ohil~ .A44".,, Vaoz, Al thau uooa l.

lakob Bl.• un1 egad 581 wif'e Lea 56 Ul.d eleven children. Addnis1u Ven, Rakooey ut 17

David ll':i.anhor, ugod 60, wif'e Oha'e 60 and three children. Addreees Vuz, Zrinyi ucca 10.

Igaao Nagel, aged 501 wife Jolan 44, daughter Kato 10 end t'WO bo11 • .U.dree~s Ilu.dapeet, Wekerle Sandor uooa 20 Applicant tor the abon 1e Mr • ..,. JlllahiDger, 133 Keap Street, New Yol.fs


Eathu Guttman, widow, aged 671 eon a Jem 381 daughters Su.zamte 45 and A:ranlca 35. Simeon Blzdo:rter, ag-1 50, Yd.ta Etelke. (ne!il Raps.po~) 381 daughtGI' Vera 13. Addreee ot all ' Gegeny, 8-zabolcs ·meg•

1 mu1ga:ry

Applicant 1s Jhoa • .Roae Gold. c/o SOlOJllon Bel"lllJtiD, 1016 OOth Street Brooklyn, New York.


In reply refer· to Lisi I 4:.

Message trom Dr. s. BeJ.'JlSteb, Zionist O~g!J.Dization ot .Aiie:rioa · 4.1 Xut 421'11, •u.~t, Jltew ~Oiokf ~;;Y• . •

To 11r. Ohaim :eai-lu, o/o Pera Palao•• btamln&l• :Turket . ·


we hereby kindly request you to seoure Palestine Immigratioa ••i"­tifioatea and Turkish traJlSit visas tor the t0Uow111g p~aolU JliOw :r.ea1ci.,. illg in JmDgary I

Osoer J'riebert, aged 53. Dezao J'riebeiot, aged 56, wife .Aruta 53, ~te:r Katalin 21. Zoltan Yriebel't, aged 42, wife 51, ao.n Bela 25. · Address1 Budapest, Ko:rong uooa 20. ·

Sandor Gorog, aged 57, wife :Ilsa 53, son Joseph a2, Ilona Weiss, 47. Addresss Budapest• Bal.'osai uooa 7.

Frigyes Friebert, aged 49, wife Alic•, 37. Addreast Budapest* Ko1Qil1bua uooa 47.

D:r. Osoar Simek, aged 47, Rose Simek 42, Irene Simek 49t Kegit Simek 4'1

Leo Simek 61, .Al'min Simek 55, his wife end soL Addl!ess B1ldape1t, Jlakoozy ut 76 • .A.pplioant for those above is 1 llr. Leslie J'riebeiot1 4 East 'third·~ Bethlehem, Pa. -.

Miohaal Hoffmann, aged 52, wife Jolan 49 and five ohildJieai. Addltes11~ Szombathely, Tokoly Imre ut 3Q '

J'osua Hoffmann, 51, wife 50 and one ohild. Addresru Pa:pa, Korvin uooa.

David Hoddmann, aged 56 1 wife aegilla 54 aDI aix llhildren. A4dre81!1; Nagy-Megyer 1 Hungary

Porges J'eisl, aged 46, wife 43, and five children. Jl'agy-M:egye:r, mmsary 0--. .

)larkus Kl.ein, aged 56, wife Sarolta 13, and six ohildrell. ],fagy-Megyer1HUDg.

Ferenc Adler, aged 56 1 wife Jllvira 54 and five ohildren. Ad@essl Szombathely, Koszagi uooa

. aged 18 Jira • .Taoob Deutsoh, 1Q,4ow1 and fioe ohildpen. Adaresat 8zombath9ly, Belsikator.

El.ohOnon Deutsoh, aged 541 wife 54 and ti ve children. Address: Tab, Somogy megye.

J'ereno Haberfeld, aged 60 8Dd six ohildre~ ~d:rHsJ Bzombath~i.> .Belsikator · · · ·

David GaDsl, aged 501 wo:te J'lore. 481 qughter Jle:gda is &lla two !niliOr ohildren. Addresss Osagard; Nograd megye. · · · ··. · ·

Simon Gansl, aged 51, wi:te Sa:ra. 50 and three children. Ad~esst Nograd-Beroel, No grad megye · ·

Samuel Lowy, aged 50 1 wife 48, soDS Pal. l'l and Miklos 15, Aiidress1 Vacz 1 Al thau uoca l.

Solomon Grunzweig 1 aged l50, trl.fe Karg1 t 48 aD4 eight ohildrea. .Addl'eeaa Vaoz, A1thau uoca l •

.Takob Br 11n1 aged 581 wite Lea ~6 and eleven Adlh'•HS Taoz, Rakoczy ut 27

David Fischer, aged 60, wife Dhaje 60 and three children. Addreaa1 Vaoz, Zri~i ucoa 10.

Ignao Nagel, aged 50, wi:te J"olan 44., daughter Kato 10 &lid two boys. Address: ~dapest 1 Wekerle Sandor uooa 20 Applicant for the aboye is Mr. -.. Bu.ohinger, 133 lteap Suee•, •••Yo$

EBther Guttman, widow, aged 67, son I: 1em 38, daughters Suzamte 45 and .banka 35. Simeon Eizdorfer, aged 50 1 wife Etelke. (nee Rapaport) 38 1 daughter Vera 13. Address ot all t Gegeny, Szabolaa megye, IfJU!g817 Applicant is Mrs. Rose Gold c/o Solomon Bernstili, 1016 OOth Street Brooklyn, New York.


. ,

'l'e: Mr. Warrea

rrea: J. W. Pehl•

lt wlll be appreciated it you wlll arraRge for the immediate deepatob b7 oeurler of the attached messages from tbe War Refuaee loard to the Allerlcaa Coaeulate General at 4atubl&l. hrlm7.

AUaohme••a1 L11ta loa. 18 and 19

lWcsh:ar 8/23/44

' :

.__· _:________-=-.



DR. HARRY FR!EDENWALD Hon. Vir:e-Prnidtnt







DR. JAMES G. HELLER Chairman, Nar'l Admin. Council


SIMON SHETZER Execurive Director











Mr. John W. Pehle Executive Director Wa.r Refugee :Board Treasury Building lashington, D c.

Dea.r Mr. Pehle : 21, 1944.

I a.m enclosing one original a.nd three copies of List I 18 amd

List I 19 of persons now residing in Hungary whom we recommend for

the granting of Palestine Certificates.

May I ask you to be kind enough to have the lists forwarded to

Mr. Chaim in Istambul, Turkey through the facilities of

the States Department.

Dr. s. :Bernstein, Director


we hel' kindly nqum 10ll te> ... ,. hl•• llllll\lgratlon OerUfioatee au Tuldah haul t '911&• tor the tollowt,*'C ,.,,i., reel dlng ln BllngaQ' 1

Kl'•· Joa~ I41'k, wldow • age4 75, Ml' .Jllsgo Poli.k ,., , -Wit• llHttl'RI i J9 , dau&ht•• Lea 11, toa D&'fld 9 and one ad.Ml" oht14.

Ignah l!aU.1cb Jun • ._d 60 and ht.• wt.I• Lia (nee raJ.hoh) • 58

hldor ha.-nn, aged 52 • •lte a.a (nee DU•oh), ~. •on -..n 20 daughter Edith 18.

Salamon Jtall•oh, ace4 4), wtf• Ilona)), •one JhlllP 11, .Me.~t.n 9, 'llll'DO 7, ht.a brothera leu J4, Rago •T and bf.e elater -.... 25. All four tamt.U.ea 1'91l41ag ln Gal.ant•, lftmaa1'1

Jeno Goldaohmldt, Ai8d J5, •tt• lb'• (nee KaUeob) ,32, a.qbttrl · .._ IS, and two •J•• ahlldren, retta!ng ln I.apron, a&nguy

Semel Bonrhadl, 8114 TO • wtte .Janka (•• PaH1alQl11) 65. eon lolten 4.3, "1£• tiar41U 4o, and two m&llOr oblldln - •tn ~. 41, wtte Rozel JS (nae Paaoblme~) and* chUdrea, A&treea of alJ.1 Smenos, ~l'Y•

VU.moa llo~, aged 1!5~ wlfe 0Uoa" (a .. Splt .. r) ana two mtnor ohlldren • .t.ddMHa Somor_,.., hllOllJ'e Runear7

Jakab Qro11, aged 70, wife .-._, (ue \feltt•n) 60, •on lolt•n 28 • .Ad&>eH1 &ato:ral.tau~el;or, Jli:ul&e.17

aeea Ullman, aged 41, wife 11'.ato (11ee :Bernteld) ''• tn eon• anct one daQBhter • .A.d41Ht: ialrf'&Jad, Mac t•r 8. B~l7 . Mafl91'. aged ;~. hie and ~ chlldre~ • .Addre••t Eomarom, Ssfthetql uooa 7. IW.JJ&al"V


.. :

·--= f-~1 ' '

we her•Uh klndl7 n1UM'1. YW to .. .,. hl••U• lllllll@:lfltlo._ Oel'\l.floates aad hl'Jd.eb trauU "*'•• tor the follo1Jlaw Jl•Pl•• red4lng S.n llln&&J'J' 1 ·

Ml'a• .Yo•epbl• Unk,•,._{'• Ml' ton...ln.lur JtQge Jol'iak "5. Wife iHte11n JI J9 , daq'lltn Lta 1, Ha :oe:ttd 9 an4 U. mlW ob.Uc\.

lgnah Jralt•ob aun. '8t4 60 All hl• 'flt• LIA (nee raU.1eh). 58

ld4ol' 8o.HD.aM1 aged 51, Wf.fe 8ua (Me Kalf.9oh) t 541 IOD llmoa 20 daqhter 14Uh 18.

salalllon lallHh, apt 4J, w:lt• Ilda .n. sou pbtU:p 11, Manta 9, 1ll'nO 7, ht.a 'brothne leao 34, HIJgo Jr7 and hl• el•te• ~. 25. · All fO\U" famttt .. Wddlltg tn Gata.ta, ~17

lene Goldtel'm44t, 84'4 35, •lt• ~ (nee lalhob) ,31. •Pt../, llM 6, and h'o lll,jnol' ohl14ffn, ntt.atna ln sePfOn, ~

~1 DoD,Jha41, 8(le4 70 , wt.fe IAMa (nee Pa--=••) 65, 1ta toltea 43, wtt• u.rot lto, A4 two llllner obl141'n - •on.,.., 41, wt.I• Rosel 31 (ue RaeOblm.11) anA I ~bllbefte A&bee•- of al>.t 1Mlli11 ..,...,.

vtlmo• Donpa4l, 8&'111 "'• tilt• aa.. )9 (•• lpltat) and two Mao• cht. ldJ'tJh Add.HHa ...... , foll01i1' t lflulall.17

lallab Gl'O••• ._.a to, wt.fe Janay (Me Weletman) 60, eon fioltaa •· Addl'Hlt &a\ol'lllJauJbely, Jbltge-:woy

Geaa t.rllmaa, aged 161, wlf• Wo (Qee lltmteld) ;9. two •@9 &M OBI aauchte:r. A.d4NH1 1~a.. aao t•r a. BuNal7

..,.,, "'1¥fW, ace4 5i., w1'b bl• wtfe/.. and It chlldnn• Addre111 Koaf:\nm, 8tstfM1ql. u.ooa T. lllJa&aq

' . --·'-........ ---·--~-_.:....:._-.· -·-----=----~--

Me•eap fra Dr. 8. BerutM•, llonlo Oqanl•\loa ot .AlliNle&f): · • 41 •n lt2u 8'....t. » .T •. · .· .. · , ...

to ui-. Clbal• arlaea, o/o I'.,. ..iaoe. J•t .. llll, tu~7 ; ~ -::.-

!J.11· f 11

\Jo herewl th kindly request .;vou to ao~re 1'ale1tt.11.e Il!lldpatlon Oertlftcatea and Tuldth baneU 'Wleae for the tollo'Wlng P•l'llon9 nc;w rHldlng ln ~17 I

Bll'ger laao• • 39 wtf e JJ IOD Pitta 5 Btldapeat, • •*''I""" ft.l•• oaaasar ut 15/4

Sllego lrar• • )1 wlt• 27 Bl1da peet , Deak J'enno uooa 6

'M.h.aDJi laeslo, JO Da.da peat , And1&aa7 ut 88

Plkler llndl'e, 47 Dlldapeat , Arena ut 11/a

Braun Bobertne, 62 daughter lll'fa. 37 DQ.dap11t, Ssa'boq u.ooa 35

Rosenthal Gyulane, 60 daughter Klara. 39 Dldapeet , l"elmrle Sandor ueca 22

'l'orH Jeno, 57 daughhr lllY&, 30 brother TOH• Sandor, 53 . BlldapHt , S1emel1Jl0k uctoa 9-11

laa•lo Iran, 55 •l •ter Plroua, 45 brother Pal, 50 Bite laaslo Palu, lfo Ju.daptat. llohos uoea 21

llM PA •''• '61•

Sell~ a. •• "2 111.~e ll'eia. 39 eon oll&no•, 16 Jbdapeat , AWMJb• ueoa J

l&n•cmburg G10ra, 43 wife rato, 40 motbar in law Djal"lu, 59 father Banaohllug GuHtaY, 76 motMI' llal'ie, 68 lb4ape•t, X-U7 uooa 17

Bogardy I•nne, lf.2 :Bogardl Jlal, 22 :&a.dapeet , 'lllmo• o ... sar ut 37

Belch Robert. 38 Wife Bekka JO eon Plata 6 Mielrolc

lelH J;mre, )4 111.te Piri • 30 Bi.dape•t, nze.l:r uooa

Stern Erno • 35 wife Manet, JO eon ', 6 O&lanta

follMr Sandor, 40 •lf• Adel, 36 4aughten Alice, 10

l!, 8 11anllfl1 t MJ'l, b


Gel'eb Armin, 48 wife Obal'lot\e, 42 mother 1n law fe14mp Jlit.DDJ', 70 daughter llldlth, 20 eon ft. 'bor, 19 1111.dapeet , BellOll\U' u.cca 9

Werner Monos, 57 wife aoea, 48 kdapeet, 0••~1'1' uoca· 61

htdman •..tecll'loh1 53 wtte U.1'61.t • 4J . Mn Alt4Joa•• -~ dauglit•r ,AgM•, 20 .aapellt , O•enge17 uoca 1 •

•• , Bela, 58 wife none.. 54 daughter .Apl1 2a ... ••..U ..... 18 JM4ape1t. !Us& I1han uooa 22.

Havas Jeno, 58 daughter .Agna1, 15 Budapeet, Bqt. Po1ta ucoa 5

BaJne.l Jeno, 51 wife 45 Budapeet, Poseonn ut 23.

80~1111 M1kla , 53 1dt• • 114 lll4apeat, Lon,ai uoa 14

Welnlnger Bela, 53 Wife Itta, I.lo aona Peter, 6

pal 4 B.idapeet. Sflilaut UCCl!L 3-5

Spl h Gabol'. 19 brother !'al, 12 1!11dape1t • ll1'118bet koltlt 34.

Keged\11 I1han, 51 wtte 43 . daughter oabnella, 26 111.dapeet , .Anbr ko11 2.

Dr• Aborvi 1.oltan, JS wt.t• ,a Budapeatm ftlmo• oeaamar ut

8pt h l>e1•0, 62 1dfe Margit ~ daugb, ......... 29, .. 25 aidapeet , ftgrte uoca 51

~, .. ;

......... -···-

HeHf.11&91" Jeno, )4 wue .Tl tt1 )2 dauglltel' ,bl• .7 *" ucoa 5, Vital'cl

lla:rbtein Salamon, 70 wt:re iltel , 70 tons Ando:r, 1lo, Jet» , }8 CJalant• .

Uarktlteln laol 64 wlfe Johanna, 64 oa:tanta

Marketeh. Ida, Wf.4ow, 70 eon ltugo, 50 daughten 01&& 42 , Jlll'sd , 1lo son Sandor 3~ CJalanU.

Ya:rketein Danine, widow, (leontiD•) 75 11on VUmoe · 50, Gal ant a

Menoser Leo, 52 wtfe Aranlca 46 dauptel'I Qbl, 2), Selma 20 Qalanta

Dr. Beller Bertalan, 68 Wife Itel 65 · •on• VUl • lJo, Odon )8, 1-eslo )6 Obllda, hdape•t

. '· -

"" .... , .... »r .................... 0.-. ......... t~•i· .. / .. •· . to *'· Obd• aaaoJats.

4!1:"~~:!:rJ:,!i;~t, ~~·;_r: >·: . ·

J.ISI t 11

We hel'eWlth lctndly requeat 10ll to •ealln 11&1e1Une 1-lll"tltn Oent.fteat.1 and hfttth tzaneU 'Vita• for the following p•l'llOl\t llQw n1t.4lng ln Kmif&al'1 I

JleJ'gel' ..... 39 wtf e )) eon fl.ta 5 )Qilapelt, t•f'*HJ 1+l1ll ftlllOI ClllHAI' ut lfj/4

Sllego lmn, )1 trlt• 27 BJ.4a pe1t , Deak renno uoca 6

'llbanJl ~ .. io. )0 Jbda peat , AndlBHJ ut 81

ftkler Endffe 47 ~dapeet , .Arena ut 11/a

DPIWl Robertne, 62 daughhr ••. 31 :atdapett • Ssabeq uea )5

Rosenthal CJyulau, 60 daughter Klara, .39 DldaJJ•et, Wekerle Sandor ucca 22

Tone Jeno, 57 daqhter mva, 30 brotber '1'01'11 Sandor, 5) Ba.dapHt. laeelpok uooa ,_11

~ .. 10 ian. 55 doter Pl.ro111a, 45 brother Pal, ;o wt.I• i.aslo J'alu, 140 Dtldape1t, BotTO• uaea 28

llll11nnaa1 .. 1c!tlx


.. ugman a..a, u · wife I .. , 39 aon·.-....., 16 ;aad&pe1t t A~• uo• )

BauoblJlirg 0191'81', 43 wlfe Jrato. ~ mother ln la• Ila.Sall•, 5' lathe• Bantobbug Gusta•, 76 aotu:r llll't•. 68 Dw!apeat , ba.,,. ucoa 17

BofPLrq x~. 42 Bogardl 1al1 22 Jbdape•t. ftmo• ........ ut 37

Balch Robert, JS wtfe &tkka JO eon Mata 6 Mtel!:olo

.. Wei•• lmre, 34 wlfe .flrl , JO JMdapeet, nral:r uoaa

stern Emo, 35 wlte Manet, JO eon Tlbl, 6 O&lanta

Gel'eb Andn, 48 wUe Obarlotte, ~2 mother ln law l'elctmtn Jann¥, 10 ~ughteir, 20 aoa ft bol' • 19 lMdAJNlll\ • Boenr uooa 9

Wene• Mollo•• 57 wife Ko•, 48 IQ.4ape1t, 01-.q u.coa 61

J-I. l

HaJnal Jeno, 51 wit• 45 Dudapeet, Poaeonn ut 23. ·

Sohultel•e Mlk9a • 5J wt:re , ~ Du.dapeet, Lo»1&1 ueca 14

Wetnlnger Bela, 53 Wife Etta, 4o •one Pett>P, 6

Pal 4 lb!apeat. ssna1111 uooa 3-5

lplh Oabor, 19 brother Pal, 12 , 1!11dapeat • ll'l'Hbet koru.t J4.

Dr. Abo1"1 Zctltan, )8 wlf• Ji Blldapeetm VU.mo1 0•1eaz. ut


i i


' .. :. '\;

Keealngn Jeno, 34 •lie Ji.tty 32 ~te:r Jlb1, 7 Mal'f uou. 5, V41N'4

Marksteb &alamon. 70 wife Itel, 70 IOntl AndOJI" 1 !«>, , )8 Oalanta

Mal'kateln Bao! 64 wife Johanna, 64 Oalanta

Marketeln Ida, wt&nr, 70 eon ltllgo, 50 d.Aughten Olga 42, ICnd , 40 eon Bandor 34 Galante.

Marketein Danlne, widow, ( 75 •on VU.mos 50, Oalanta

Meneser Leo, 52 wlt• .Aian1ra lJ6 dou4ht•l'e Obi , 2}, Zelma 20 Q&lanta





NEW YORK, 23, N. Y.

55 New Cavendish St., W l

GENEVA 37 Quai Wilson

BUENOS AJRES Corrientes 1979

JERUSALEM Vaad Leumi P. 0. B. 471

MONTREAL ll21 St. Catherine St, W

MEXICO CITY Sonora 1744


In reply ref er to No. 216

August 17, 1944

Hon. John W. Pehle, Executive Director War Refugee :Soard Treasury :Building Washington , D. C.

Dear Mr. Pehle:

I am enclosing one original and three copies of List No. 13 of persons now residing in Hungary, whom we recommend for the granting of Pales­tine certificates.

May I ask you to be kind enough to have the list forwarded to Mr. Barlas through the facili• ties of the State Department.

ALK:bm. Enc.

ly yours,

~~ • Leon witzki, Head

Rescue n:•rtment

. j ...

~,p.._-.- .

. 1118$.AGB IROM DR. J.VBOIXtUJ:, •GILD ,, ••• ttowo1urss. iaa• BftOM>WAYL NBI YOB& 21, N•X•t fO llltt B.AILAS, . .PIR.l fALAQ. i:i!ABBUL, waur.

LDT I U wo noam11•1A,..,. paa\Snc ral••''- oer,ltlta\e1

tollowlag per10ll8 now .... 1ttng in 8.\lng...,1

Babooaai Tlvada•t 88 7ea.,., •lte ~a, 60, 11a\e~ln•la• Ib~l ... ya, ~51 Niece ZliUllla, 01 JllO\ller l'allftf; ,9, Kaposvw K&N4n 81 H\lng..,.

Balint Katona J)p.; 51 7ear11 wlte Stetft, 45, ca\13h'e.. .NU.a, dll1fCh•W Ka\1i rather•1n~law G\rel ngep. S•11itel V81 ae\b.ex-+1Dlaw St .. lillgel' Glae la, '12, Budapest. B81''1!j' illkloa ut. II, !IUbgUJ'

Balaaa id.nllnd, & w1te, ira..,.encl Flae t.e:r 6'11 11\llge.l."J

BllftftJ' llikaa, 53 rears, wit•. lrHebet., '61 ion !lbw 1'11 . < 3-•ttr, 19, feos szerat. Vlnoe utoa 9i B.Wasair, bilother Saral'lf aa1uon t7, 8'1dap$8t K081Uth Lajol TV 91 HUllgdJ . .

Bataer Ja'\van .t>I'.,, 4S 1eara, irlte iEll't, ae, aon Thomae, 12• eon La1110, 9, Budapest. Revay utoa u,, Hunge17

Bel'gel' Bllille KN., 51, Oiaft1 89, B\ldapot• D••Ma 11. ll.2, lIUnpit)

Be~n•teia 1z10, 60 1•a~s, •&te Either, 60; da\tgh\•l' l~, Ion La1a10, llalom .. ,, una. mege, HWllUT . .

.. Blndel' .il'ede1· 51 Jean, wltl.• iaula1 41, aon Alea,.:161 . IOil fOlll!17

1 l&;

· daqh\o Ir ll1an, 7, .Buda19 at. Bal.vaDJ' ut.oa 81tt 1'•,ll'I'

B11'1nge:r .Momo, 65 yeua, KOllll .. oaNadOt. ut.oa 12, a..aga17

BlWlbe,l'g Sandoi-, '10 J•u•a, aon Alld.Ol"t 381 da\ICh\V JirHebet1 $0, . lajoeeent,pe\el', Hllftgsl'J' ·~ ·

BOS Jotepll, 07 Jt•.rst wt.f4tt .. {if .a eon Al•llRdelt ·q_. ' .. '.t-" 41'ffl.; ' lift.ti. .1. JNaga,., llli\htl'•lll•la.w J>auaoa weza, '2, 1u.is1u -~•DJ'• 1llt . , Jl\lggQT .

Bnua aema\111 '8 Joel"s, wJ.te Matilda, '¥1 fl 6 oh114"n, Otd.e•t,o1 -c _ Saabolea mege, Hungaxi;. .

* -- --..::;.

Bl.laaa LaJoa( 56, •lte Hann7, so, aon1, LaHlo, Jo11tt and l'9\v-.n, Wea Salon a, m.~817 ·

Jln4l"Od1 .reno Dr., 48 J"ean, •1.te, u, daUgh\el' Heda, 21, BUdape•\ Va.POll•Jol' ut.oa f."I, HU.nga17

.Bl'4el7i iSnacen, 50 JHX"s,"~4 Agn•e, lT, ve1zprem Ho$J 11.lklo• itt oa 24, HUDg&l'J

.ll'4J La&Blo, 66 rears, w1te Blla, 60, sister Klein Ilo1ua, 4i1

Budapes\ BaPoH utca 98, ikngal"'J

BNe EYa, 82, ~dapest. Lava u l, HU?l8&1"J

J'al'kae Zoltan, 40 7ea:ru, Helen, 401 Blldapest l'Yaakt utee 6SJ.U:Ungary

Pal'kaa, DP., 62 7eal'8, •1te Adele, 5&, •on-ln•iaw iinnep iela, 42 1 daughter Zinner Bdtth, a11 8'ldapeet. .Kelet1 ltal'Ol7 \\~ 30

1 ~•l'J

B'elcet.e Jllkloe, 65 7eara 1 wite Kata, 60, son Sande~, l91

•on Laszlo, 18, bl'ot.hel' soma, ea, Bgel' Reves meae nao a, Hungal"J

ft•oReP La3oane Dr., 72 years, eon Laas10, ae, ~1, 20, & grand ahildNn, .Bger Bevea meae, HUngaPJ'

Fiaobaan Samu.•lllN •, 50 yeare, •oa h\ll1 211 IOil•il'l•law S•~• Ivan, II, dall8htel' Sel"ea lh'a, 2'1, .BUdaPf•t. Bo•b•Oh uta.. 1 'b• , B\t.Dgai'f

Podor lat.van, 46 years 11.. w1te Mari•, 45 ' .. ei1t.9r .. 1n.· law S.ab.• ... ,. Xatat1a Jilts,, '°' · SUaapeat. 1'~va7 La.Joa 1l\ca, HUagaJ7 ..

. i'Ogel David~ se 1'.•. ars, wire Hendel, . 53, •o. n. Xzaalc.· '.·· 31. * .. d~u .. ·.f. ·b. t.e~. ·.Ad. · · .. •. J.e.'· 25 1 eon Peaaoh.1 29 1 da\ Oel'oet, 201 dtuagh:t.;ia. ftftJ'f 71 da~\ttJt

DeboPa, 16, dauaht.e:r- RUCb.el, 11, aoa Abi'aham, 11, Beu~er-oe ?faa•o megye, Bllft8•l"J' atrgaese 9; . . · · .

i'Ol4ea Alc•Pt., 60 JGf:U"ls, •9epest. Legzoad¥ Karol7 utca 54, Bu.nga17 .

l'o~!! Bela, 1ff,.Yeaps,1. •.it• ~.z••b•t., as.,hdaUAiitel' Juau,f. i• ..... brot.ber ..........,, "t • -..•r.-1n ... aw IMPene, 421 ratp ew Fertncz, 2, B\i<Yepett; DohaDJ' 11 ea a•, Hurager, ·. . ·

- __ -:._____~·--

-- -:_

. ·-. ·,~~~-,~::.::~::::;-;-- .- :--~-- : ·. -- .·. ·:: :;_'_:·~~ ~ ~--_-~::_~c-' ;J "-"--'·; ~r;1<» '1)-~.s,u.o .i;;.'l. . . '''"'''

~~ i.•.·i.\ ... 1.·,; .•. ·i.•.lij, - ~ .. . .~~... ' '" ~ <,ti . ·.~:;: ~ ;g· a l';: ~ !; ld•e Gyule Dr. • o7 7eara·t ~d~p41st. LqradJ' • ~affJ.r U\~°" ,~#~; '~*~ejj::.


MJlt ;i;i;t~ . vo~:.,:!~: !:;~!f" .:,.~:!'7~'a:!":::;!;;1•w •·-·~ .... ~4, ';'".t.;.f,~,i~'(> l'oldes. r:e111, 69 7esl"6, d.ugh~• Mal'llS.\, ·~at. •or. LlHl·~~. d•Usll'1J~~~ 1 .. · in""law Ilorika .a. lia'8r•1tt•la1f ttl••ll u1u., Vl1 IM"-•Jl.~il\ ~lf• > j

Bl'4080l"' u. 3, HWlg•l'J' ' ,. ', ' ' ' ' ' ;

Fol4es•, 55, i'Oldes ortl;v, 561 Blldapeat ltc>1lan \t\oa l b• . • HungtJFF

B'Nnkl. olge.1 21 years, Budapest. Wag;yatadi Szabo \t9 l'• Hun«•J;l'f

li'rankel Daniel, wife Adele, @, IOn r.&-lgr•1, $, Bu.claptat. DOhi1'1J lltca 28, ll'lllgeJ.7

B'l'eud Mikse, '', ••in•law Il"llla, 601 ~., • .,_., Bc>ll• u.\oa 19, HUng8l'J'

ftt1eci Istvan, 36, •1.te JilU..sabet.h~ a:ttapeat, Barcaa1 \\toe 14, JlU.J:lg07

Fl'ie4 Robert, 40 yeare, •th.el"'git, 66, atat&zt Anna, ;u, S••halom BN.aoi ut.oa a, Peet. mege, BlUlg!U'J

r.t-iedman Herman, ltiS 7eara, w1te ID ab.1l<iren, Me•k Szat~ meg7e,ltunga~

F\J.oha li'elia, 60 7eel"S, •lte, 50, •tra, a1, da\lght.el'$a, 12, Ujvidek, H\lllg8J111 · ·

Gal Laealo, 40 years, •1te, H, t'atihel" Bela, '1•1 mo\~e-', 66, B\l<lapt8\ Rakou1 ut 2fJ 1• HUnge:ry, brother Gal JUli\\a 1 Mt, a11teJ!"itin-1aw 44, niece Manaa, s, Blldapeet oaaky utoa, H\lngal'J

Geroe Imre, iO, w1te ~area, 28, deuagbt.e:i;t Eva, 2, mo\her ... J.nilaw Rosenberg J'anka M1'a.' .Bu.dapes t Ma okeneen ut a .. , .H.llnge17 .. '

Oolde11trt GaaatODJJ..Salamon, '2 7eara, wlte, a1ater fto1&t, 42, J3u.dapeet. Vaal ut.oa 28, B.qgU'J

Oorog Nand0l'1 48 7earf, •lte Saeren, le, Bt'zt•bet, 86• lht«• apeat, l>ohallJ' ut ce, Jlu.nga17

Greenwa1• M1:P.al7, IB 1eal'8, 111te Homtua, 681 son Im.n, :so, N•gnaPad. CHrldJ'el" ut. 21, lillllg81"1 .'. .

Greenwald Jeno, 68 7ean, w1te & children• •• SziltJlle.Xt megre; liung917

Greenwald David, ~ yea.a, Wi.f'e & ctlildl"en, l'lq7 K~roly Xon7ok U.\oa e, IN.nga17 · · ·

Gut.t11W1 Emil, '!',.Tea~a, .. ~other Bl"n!·a..·· ~·bl'o\i:.el' Arpad,.~7; dat·ei>. aoas1, aa1_ s..a .. eJ"«-1n.-.-.w El'none, ,.phew ft.boJt; io, n11a see.t.l'1mal7 G01"9'8'j ll 29 1 llW'lgal't · .

• j . .JOHet, 80 J'8tl:l'8 1 Wlte Mit'lflt 51, aort Andor, 20, BUd.apeSt SlOVe\atg ut.oa ae, 11Wl,gfl17 . .

;~~';'ti · ·;; ;.;;;;; ·~-rm tU.••ll~ -~., 48 .fears, ••n itqber\1. fK•. •ola lll~~tt~•:(

. G701'8~; 1.,, K.oW.•• .. ~Hd. \l\Ca 10;.._.., ..... ·.• .···.·••· .·······) Yo .. Bauner Kal'Ol.J:1 'O, Kagd!l, Jl,\•~••~••.'.'t.•·:~dllJ'tt•~;;:v~fij•• ·. Palnt utoa 11, HU.'nglll"f · . · . < :< • ·· Hauser Al'\hul', 1'1, wite, &fh Slldape1'\ Poa1on,l· )(\ :261 ll1ll'f$ ... ;. ·

Havas Jmte, 4B yean, wlte JUlt.a, aon .T••oa, 10~ Bltdapest;:;.Jl\\nsarr . Havaa serulor, a• .,ears, wlte Rermlna1 01, cta\lght.•r Xl'ft! .fOlti: Mtbl•7 ~J:· &qh"er llel'git., 60, •011. u7oao '6; .B\ldapes~·~•1bo1 u.\1 •• .. ·

He11111ioh ld.klo1, .a• 7ea11s, wite & ebildren, ald.llfHt.'e.47 lt .. i-o~ 15, 1Dm8d7

IHe.k Izao, 60 7eaJ111.1 w1te Hermin1 58, daught.&1.- Bs••J.*"4 IOlaW., i1,. srandton Ifle•lt.n4 aoloaon, I; BU4ap .. t. !tlarcttot• u\u 18, Bllns"'1

Jakabov1ta :r.a301, w1te Helen 44, re \heir ohlldl'en, B•Hg11eaa ..... BUngal'7

Javor Laurence, 83 yee.ra. , wite Kliae.beth, 5', de.ugh.· Viol.e. ~, 321. ~auahtel' Man41 Jlargare,, 86, aon~tn-la• JlaHl Alea, 36; s..-n••• Kanill fhomaa, 5 1 Bl.U!apest JIU'la1l7l \lt.Oll ltlt li\mgfll'J .

lal'do• Laaslouel i4 7eare, eon lat.van, 11:1 dallgh,•r t.!•'Opt, e,. dl\W.· Hol'tobat7t Ia v•me, a, Hger Hevea nt911e Ds•k \ 101 lltlngdJ

1.anlan Ill's. llor Rose, 57 yeniis, son Iativan 19; moth$lt P'in'kae J•nna, 89, t>rohter J.d.hal7, 69, 8'ulapest .Pe\of'i SalliOI' utoa i•• lil.ngai-\J

Katz Jozaet~ 56 years, ttt., Lina, 61, & 3 ahlldren, Kil"tl.J. ut.oa 86, li'll"8U'J' , . ·

Kautth111l AbnUnt Bel'aoh, s• 1eu•a, w1te Agnea, 80, son 1'e1b, 14, Beaztal'ce Pote• lfa1ao4 11881•, HU.nga17

Ke.Ut\bell DaV1d1 4.8 J9al"S I Wite ftO.&a, '5, •Oil t1olf. 1'11 JJel.Hl'M Jla u, lfaazod meg7e, IUDgal'f · ·

Xauttheil lakab, 52 )'Euirs, wife llatilda, , 48;· .. 4· •ugh. .. t•.·. P.. al.fl .. ••.;.· 2 .. '.•.·. _ son David. Iseak.; Sl,. s~ ao10 .. mo?J. •.le .• da1NJ)I.··.·.·.•.••.·. a.< *·.,.f,.nat.•. l .. ·Mtl···.'M ... ' .. '"' daughter Adele, 131 df,l\lghter Ea · ·~. 9, da~,.~ aa-.e1 aid, •.. j: '1

1 son Aron, 5, :eeazte~ot Mag)'al' ut.oa Waasol •a•, Blt."8111'7 •·.· ,

Jtallftb.•il .rozaet, .a 1•Eirs, wite Rlf'k•, aa,,. dal10.\•• ,Q;l~nteJ .12• ·. daut+•. Wl&nJ•u!01alr"or'meltj:•a~Ag~~t.e.- lihein~l Lea. 5• Be••~~~·,~~~~~~,m'.

xallftb.2. . . tMghil~'tt.oo 1'•1.u-!t w1.r• ld.Q4e • 6'. c, ........ ~·. J•, . ._, .·. •0,n ltt••s; 2•, v vtlt G a, 2; Ji59Ut.iJ:tCA au-gaa•w, !f1lt•04...,.., ltillgti17

-s~ -

Kau.tth. •.1 ... 1 Rl1.. b .... ln, :45··· vea·r.•• .... 1· t•.•. •.-.... t 46 .... _i·'·(j~., .... b.~ .. \•~-.atA······-.·_·•.·lH. -------.-.•~---~.: da\tgli.\a· fel'l, it1· &Ort Al\l.t .ie, •• ._,..~, '' ••·-~~~*' "'~h . ~.o.J.tghter A4ele1 l , da1,lgil,•:l' .. ---~•:\Jl&l't µ., ·d ... ~qJ;,.~_-.-_.-_ •.·-'.·--.. ~~.--_ .1.)1·9·11 ... -_ .. w·,····.*.·._•.--.-.. . ·r g 1 eon Herah; .1.3, •on Ab_.alWt & 2 .. _.. dllldJli4!!n•· ~·••'~ .. ..,. l

K•:~a:8m~~a;~.tful~8U! _ ~~=~iI~-=\i~fm'f~• ••H-!; : lt)'li-egb.aza LUtheP Hila, ll\lilgal'J · ·· · · -· . _ - _ .

KeHt.enbawa llOJ:t1tz1 II ·Jean, wJ.t• ~da1 '°' eon )Jrrlo fl q\ht:i' · oh1ldren, B&NgHaH Bereg ntegye, KUlf6Bl'J'

&eazt.enballll OtalUla. 4la ye ax-a • w1to Mathe· & Clh1lcStten1 .Bel'lla .. a•. • Bel'eg megye, -INQsH7 · -- · -·.·.

1teeat.enhau seia' 62 .,-.aP_e, 11u•ua., •o• \;lao\her Sa•,· &o, . •l•ter-ln•law t~ir ClU.ldr•n, lajd\a'bGa•ol'll•DJ", atnga17

Klein Lipot.1 5(1 1eal'1, wlte Bani, 681 &Ml14l"en, ~ahua' Rako csl Ut. 18, Jl\lnld'1 ·

Klein Hermann, 41 1ean, daugh\811 Xlou., l4i_-. d•.-".-.. \'tr lbolfa; 12) .· aon Sandor 10 & 2 o\MI' ohlldl'en, mo\hei- Klib AcJoltne, · · ·. · · Nyil'beltek sze.boloa megye, R\lngal'7 · · · _

Kl!!•1A4o1{, • .!4 Y••.~ "• wlt. e, 60, so~ Pal, 3_·~1 4•ucb_. · '•iwln•l.•1'. ~ • n l'a -.·s •, se, aora-ln•law la\lmel' zo:nala• • •• d•\\P\el' lilallt.h1't81" Mrs., ae, graJ'l4-daught.el' ..., •• 1,, ··~nclaon !<>••· 11, liat.ex--in-• Klelil Xal4or IN•, 62, suetaptst. 88Jlllt•t; 1•• H.\lDg8J7

Klein sandol', 54 rears, wa.te Mal'git, so, 801' tt1gre1, 20, daugl\t.•zw llanha, a., Budapest. It•nde utca 14, KWlgel'J'

Ueln. Dtlcy.' Klein Lillian, Kl. ttin Sela; JU.tin • ..._,!.-• ; S.n_ Boa111 Klein V~ra & Ot.hH• chilCren, mothel" Klein lllrtlJ uv. B\lch1P••t Bal'l:'OI•, HUDgd'f

Kleln Dezao, 65 JeaX'a, wU•-e HGl•na, :SU.4•p•e\ Bal"OIB utoa, ll\lnga17

Klein 'fer•• 06 7ear1, Bl"H~lvar Saecmtllfl \l,\ca ,.61, 8J.1'8d"J .-'.,,

Konigabe'l'g DeHoe. es years, •1te Ma~1• 5&; npowv- B8•t.•l'h•*'1 U\ 22 1 BU.flg8l"T

Konq1berg L11- ¥l'•• ~ pal'•• •9? ~ ,p,,_ '' 1•,~it 1 if-9!1•111• law we!gl Andor, 401 .de.ugbt.eJ.'i wt1sl As*~• i&1 liPff•N' B1•terhaz1 ut. l, mtnsdJ

Kl'lUlllUl' Morita, •ir re.~sl wit'e. Komelia; 40; .•. QJi _G.JV..-i J.•, ~~teat Vel"a U 1 •on l&te:r s, rfl~ttl'lnlaW Bh8•1 J•no; W'(2 1 aotheitiJU•W Engel ROie, f21 SQ.Clap••\ Pacsita ••• u\-; KWlgfWJ

Laosko Laszlo l>l'•, .f.9 7eara; BUchlpes\ IGZ8et KON\ 21 ._.~n.ldf

Ladaftfl .T•no Dr•; &0 J•U'lt aon (JJOl'IJl:t 9~! 4aUgb.\ .. l' .PalUlJ.,· 10,. a «iinle.w & ahi;a.4• aa.4aptst tel'e• ~ow\ u • auag~. . ·


•.. .r •

,,,_. h~~.:~~- -~ ,_ ~~., -~ ~. ~}~::/::~<_.~·~~:~-~-· ~-~~~---~­

--~-~~-, '.-:~.- ~- -;·::'/.' '~::~:~~-~~/:~: -:·._ ~ · ;~~;i~}~ _:;~_;f~:-.~-;;\0=- ::

: _; <-.'.: __ ._i;~·-··.·.· .. ·.~.·.: ___ .. _-_ ~:.x_:.;-_~r .•. .-~ ~_ .. _:.:---· :_-c_;. ·:.:.: __ :,,;_,_. .-- •. , •. ·:·.-, •. ;_; .• _·

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Le~_::.~!::'C: :~· &t_~·t;i: .:~~.~--"'·;:~_.!r_~_'._'.i.-~. ;1_·,_:_L ;~-· )~> -.err . . .. · < •·• ··.-r

La·~~r:~t:~:r-i~t~~=~-m~tMt.1'.-~f···· ··\, .. · Jozaet, 82, BUdapest. VilSI!e:tJ! utoa l•; ~llll'T · ·· · '-. :· ·. _.·. .°: •

Lazar samel, 60 rears, •1te & ald.ldren, •~k i:sz•tmar ~gJe;. ~~U'J ·· Letkowl\a i..3oa, 62 1oars a w1te sari 51h a 4•'*8hM"•; '••8oQ$\; .

Ir-en., Olga, Clont,oa ung megJt; JlU.ngal'f · · ·.

Lev~d. Xmra. 11.ra. 70 JtU"et •on La3•L .f.8, <h•\lgh\ti-... in•iaw llagd,_, •o, szaabat.bel.J' llilo• •• 11 ltunga..,

btss\tg GyUla,. 4ll 7e1u••.t wlte Inn•, '''·"~_-_YMt\"llotb.•~·. "~.!-iS•.f.a•on.4 IWS, '10, lllOe•tt-ln-law ll•n.dl•• :to e~ D'Dll 111'•.t, lfte'P •C.118 \l\J.. 10, RUDSOJ .

Loe'Q" Rtgina, 44 ., .... , •1•\•r Sehl.a Jer\•• 4.0, B\ldap,a\ -"'lioa utea 3. HU.Dgd'J .

LOWJ Sandosa, 42 years, Wife »lUh A, BQclapeat. ~ung.~y \l'lfoa 66,llunge1

Mar\.on Sando•, ao ~~1'• 1 •1t•, ao, unole autr•n l•••t, 52, ~\llt\. ou+.tman MN., ". , •_u .. J!al'aa !Ol'tk I&tat.z lltta_,lf• il\l_ .. ns•l7 ... _•_· Pl'h4 »Tida, ~. a1llli .ftlt.\fd. Janka, ,,., , a•Qt *" !4a•g1u•ett1 ao, unole Pl'ied i'a_11dor, 161 ..._peat. Lalldoa ut,c,o •• Hungar;r

llermelst.ein LaJoa, 45 Jean, wUe Melvin -40, Bs-•aaea U&~ m•n-e~ HUnge17 . - -- ~ -0 ~., .. ff.

J49Z!i .Jozaet,. 60 yeera, Wife irHebet, '81 80!1 , ..... 90 1· · Bootal"la• .. "JtiO, Jl\iftg_, . · #' . . . •

Konol'l La1e1e, eo,_ wit•• 5,, 4augb\e,,. Agan, .at; zilah, *Iii.-., · mu~1.~ff:t1:: i:~ ·i~:.:ra:Ja':r~::rit.t:"'e-;eu: Dqa~ . Jozaet, 86, .... \01'•11l•law Pezst SY,; g"'1•ebtl4• •1 !Jl4a,.8\

Revay utoa li, iJl!Jgltl'J · · · · · .·

Pane\ sanaael, 46 J'ta:i-•,- w~te ~. 4f t -~~H• *\i 1"1.•1 t!:. a-8t;ob. David.- 111 -• 2 otheJ:t ctit.l.dffn 9 & ll 1t'•Fold,

Pollak .um:tn, 46 year.t; wife J'•t.ka• 481 JC.Uaa,, K'Qina1y utca 4~1 H\UlgfiPJ

PoMfl'di&'1'tsfl8Adl• •'fr•fflr'~j-~«JJ~lllflt 14 ~.,~~rut-. Reitz 141lalt.; '(O J•ll'a,i_;wit• UH71 jiit• #OJ\ ·fo.saet:; 4.01 l'•it~ S&enl

Lo:r1ng1, Ullo:l u\ 1• • ll\U'tguy ·· . • I-., . !

i -----..--.---+--·.1 . I' ..

.. , .. 1az Bela, 4e ~NI, •i,te .,.rgyl, -40 8c oll.11~, .,.. ..... ~i'.·~"1) .. ' ·.· ·

Re3t~ Amin, 8a years, w1te, 48,. 1on .bt'7•n<ff; da1lgh~t".-4~1a.ii1aw ltf*'ft .. ,~~ Istvan 261 &ada.P4t_&t varoama30~ -.. 47, li.tnSalT . · .. ·.. ·<< . ·: '<

R:Lba.'f'Y El'l'l. o nz.. f 60 ye•N1 Wife ROM$' 53; ·•:r tAO~ 5'7t,11·.·.·~~·.··r--:···~ .• ·. '.·•.····.·.·.);•.·.·.···· .. Kaldol" Ida, so, n•Ph•• Dldol' JanOI, ~••,pea ... na.'1!~nll•.511 ~nga:ey .

Rontai Bela, 48 ••an, wite, 48, BU.dapest Za>;tda U:toa 68, JlWl$~1'7'

Romai Janos, 38 years, wife & l son, b•otller-in-le.w Lob~ N'~n(iot1 5~.i •1•t.'r , ~bl Mrs., ntece LObl Ven, 17, bttot.her•tnlaw .sonnell.•r ~c;>l\• s,:c, e1ate:r Schneller Mrs., 88, BU<lapeet Bimtio 14; Jiu1'ge17 · .

Rosen Mose•, 49 7eare, •ite T•1"l'J', '2, •on Josaet, 18, ta'1lel' Ma:r"'ltl1

'f8, Al.a ovet'eOll:e, BU.rJ« 917

. "' Sagi Jenny i.u-a., 66 Yfa:rs, daUgbte:r El18abe\h 42, oou•J.n Balaa1a. .Leona ~a., 56, oOtlain Phf.1Upp Ilona, 311 Du.chpeat. 'fokoly ut 25; mtnga.l'T

Seheel' G801'S&, 36 79ara, Wife M'ISde., daught.e:r .U:U11lra; l, aon &obe•l", 3, Bud~pest semmelwe1e1 ~tee 1t1 ••nsQllJ ·

Sohiet Edntmd Dr., 50 1ee.n, Budapest. Vaoi u.t 16, l:D4nga17

Sob.Ule:r J_ enoe, 75 yoe.:rs! wit• Kathel'ina, 70, son Mor, 351

aon. 1'9~no1 ... 251 daughter NoU Marg t, 48, eon-in• Not.1 .Karol7 51, gl'edi•dallght.el' No~1 Susanne, 24, SUdapeet S.aletromutoa 10

1 lillllgaJ.'V . · ·

s ohnd.dt .&Uhal7, 59 vea:re, Wife tp1der1kal 57, aon GJIJfa 1

~S, &?.l•ti•.,..1n•law Ron1a Ir•• Ulkaa Bella 66, Btldtp1Ht> Be eo Js.szbertftJ" ur. 9, Httnga~

Schwartz LaJoa _, 1?9 !'.ee,l's 1 u!!l'Ot.nel'-tn ... law '73Ul_ q .ivM ~tne11hGw lod•. zosa•r 1e, nuoe ll'Odor .-'"•• 2s, a&dl.pHt. 1nwenei Ko~ l~l-Ii\l1'28a;i"I'

s ohWal'tS Herman I 6a. years, •. 1.f'Q, eo' d.a Ugb .. •er ~aegetl1 Kl·&·"·· 1= 261 d.• •. UA. .··. \er Schwanz Marg1t. aa.l aoQ 1U.k101 a1,_. dauah-•i-•a .. iaw s~wa .. • 11 kto. Jt&oa., H, gl"andeon smlll"t• ~dra1, 2, aa.akoloa saecllen7i ut.oa . , H~nsu . .,

Schwart.a lloP, 41, dte Millie 401 •on Sandop. 111 $aala4 ~ap •31e t H HUllgal"y . . •

Sohwa.1'\a Kalmaa 54. yea:rs, wtte Erzsebet, 46, &\depest Szig•t. ut..O!t 40,lii\ngarq

Bab.wan SQU., 48 ;veava,•tatei- r.ui.rgtt, 37 rears, 'Qx>o~er s•dwv~~, b>!o\ber-.roaae.r, 261 BudapHt Weeaele11j1 ut.-oa 30

1 11\tngQ!'y . · · . ·

Singer> Rarmau, 58, nephew .Baje.n Ivan Laazlo, fU, Baja La111.Pa utca,lt 1:AAnga17

S'e1n Dea•o 1 68 yea vs'. . wife Elnill .. e.1 60 t &tdttpe. •. t Lang.· L.e.Hlo ut on 61

Runga:ey, • atatal' Klei. n B\tl'al'lcae,. '70. Nagyva:ra(l a,_n,a 1&1 1Nrtga)'1, 81si;er l3c:t,Ot . Miuane, Nagvoa4 Gil.•1111'•• ut· 28; Wl'lgEU'y · · ·.. .

. , .

f i .

~~:;''tf jj: • 4~ .. , /},· 4"'"' .·•. . :' ' ' . ' .' ' '' ' - ~( .. ·•'

' . '.·' ; . ' ' ' ·~~~:::<:eisi;e~!~t:~: .. ~=~~,.~0:1!i~~~A~rlf ;:tat:r~;f r.~;:t .. ··.•····.·••i~····>• No~ztao megye, ~ng1117 ·,. y .. .. · .. ·.·.:··.·· .. · . ste1nberger Mtu:•git, 47, son ImN., 151 Ei"sel#i$v~ ?f~-~~ci;m,0£7•1 ~rts•W stelnel" GUi, 58 rears, dallght.ett. Mal'ia~ ~9, gX"and•dr.t\ e,~~11. v~"1. ·. 16, da\lghtfl" .. 1n-la1f steitlllid' .ama, 32, 8'58.badka Belll v.•ca, l'{, JlUngttW': -stem Ja3oane Mrs. 82; 41iluab.te1". G. izella Spit•, 56; •® ... il'l•l•W ~·•• Spit.a, 65, KUB Fo ut.oa IS; mtngaey susar Jeno, 02, wit• Jenone; eon lit.van, 27, da.ugh\•1' ~•ia., 26; Budapest Dohan1 utca 691 HUJlge.ry Szandel Moll~e, 50 years, eon Jeno a•, son Armin 321 auda~st l1Tot•'9l utoe 9, IDlng<>17

Szidon Sandor Alexande~t 34 7eare, wi£e IJ,ona, b~Othe~ Simon, 59 1 ~tatel"• in-law Mrs. Simon sztcon, 23, Btltiapest. Akaota \l• •• B.U.O&&l'J -Sz1don Isidor, 56 yea:rs, wire Zelma. 52, son W1lliam ~2, deughtt:r•tn~law, 29, Budapest T1azn utoa 9 1 HUnga17 szobel Hennen, 47 years, wite Arneka, 41, aon sander, se, azekel7h14 Bihnr meg7e, HU.nge.17

rrauazq Dezao, 50 years 1 wife Olga, 46, daughter Kathenne, 2,, aon 01'01'87, 12, mother Re1a• JU.l.ia, 70, BUdapest Wt9tt:r \ltce 121 uunga17 Tu.Pi Laszlo 33 yea:rs, mothei- Aoei 581 gnn~el' Ple81 .Job.alUla, &•, Budapest Mex1oo1 ut ~. Hllngal':'T Mernad ~ioa '3 · VadHB Ferenos, 50 7ea!'s, wife El'Hebet & 2 sons, .Phonle utoa 6 I HUnge.:r.y

Vel'tes Iatvan, 39 yen:rs, wife Ilona, 361 Siotok; HUnsat7 VidoJt, Jano!I.! 46 ·.,-eal's1 wite Sidon1e1 44 daugh. tel' tl\lU.a.1 20, dAUgh'9Jt Susanne, .ut1 BUdapes• Olaaz FaaOl' 43, IDlngQW

· Virag Kal"ol;v, 60 years, wife Hemm, 50• &:u,ght4)r JUci121;? 1 4Ei"sl\~ti-M&ntla, 23, BUdapest fhokoly u 27, B.\ll1gel'y _ · -We1ngerger Salamon, 46 years, daughter Ilona• li, daugh\$~ Solan, i•, son Abl'.._ 131 & 3 othe?" cldltlt•al, N'U1Pbeltek1 s~abol.cs•, IDmgnry

welezberge~ 66 years, wife Kle~a, 52, sen u.roel 991 131.lda~est £aul•1 Ede 10, Hu.ns e.riy W•i•z Giaella, 64 year$, son Paul, 38, Ble11ke, BQ.ngary

- ·-:


w·~~~P!!i~:.:" u "1~s At:~~~~~':t.1,'::tt.•,.. n-..~· ae' d•"'8b'•~. ,~cK / we111 .• Jozaet, Go yea~a! wU.e .Paula, 60 11 •• J:itt•.• l(t• 2., da.\ ... ·

Maney, 22, & gi-snd.ehi d, :gge:r Hevea, megye1


Wildman Leopold, 7() • wife n.narlotte, i'fo, BU:de.ptet. ;Jokal u\oa . 20, Hu.ngary ·

W.fah. Henrik, ft years 1 daughter Muig1\, 181 aon .. tn ... law Werkne~ iandOl't 43, daughter Vl&rkner Olga, 41, gl'and•daughter .verkrter Veronika, a, Budapest. &aemelJnok 9 1 HUngazty . · ·

Zedoe Jenoe, 60 7eel'e, wife Bert;ha, 5&, nephewsobea Arpnd,.. '4$, Budepest Szomere ut.oa 211 Hungal9J

.- r . .t·


TELEPHONE ~ M_U. 2·3205




Hon. Vice·President








Chairman, Nat'/ Admin. Council



SIMON SHETZER Executive Director














war llt:lfugee Board Treasury Building Washington, DO.

Dear Miss Odell

A.ttention Mhe Od'll

.... · ·· .. ·':-

. .. · ... :(\-PALESTINE· OE;f'ARTMENT.

DR. S~· BJ:eRNSTE;IN •. D1ftE~T~fi

August 11, 1944.

I take the liberty in sending you attached a numbered list consisting of three sheets and containing names of Jde in Hun­gary, submitted to us by their relatives residing in this country. Kindly forward this list to Mr. Chaim :SaJ"lass in Istambul,Turkey, whom we have requested to secure for the people· listed Palestine Immigration Certificates and 'l' transit Visas.

For the trouble you talce in thi_s matter, have our sincerest. thanks.


Very truly yours

.... ~., :fl\.lestine :Bureau

P .S. I am sending you the list w1 th a copy of each sheet in · case you desire to keep them for your files. ,\.'

,i --';l

Braun Robertne 62 daughter Eva 37 Budapest Szaboky u.35

Rosenthal Gyulane 60 daughter Klara 39 Buda:;.est Wekerle Sandor u.22

~ Torzs .Jeno 57

daughter Eva 30 brother Torzs Sandor 53 Budapest Szemelynok u.9/ll.

Laszlo 55 sister Piroska 45 brother Pal 50

wife Laszlo Palne 40 Budapest Eotvos u.28

Seligman Gaza 42 wife Iran 39 son Janos 16 Budapest .Aranykez u.3

Ransohburg Gyorgy 43 wife Kato 40 Kaja.rine mother in law 59 father Ransohburg Gusztav 76 mother iiiarie 68 Budapest Kmetity u.17

Bogardi Ive.nne 42 Boga.rdi Fal 22 Budapest ViLmos osasza.r ut 37

Reich Robert 38 wife Rekka 30 son Pista 6 l\liskolo

Weisz Imre 34 wife Piri 30 Budapest Kiraly ucca

Stern ~ Erno 35 wife Manoi 30 son Tibi 6 1 GaJ8.nta

Wollner N2.ndor 40 wife Adel 36 daughj>er Alice 10

" Edith 8 11 Marta 7 " Piri 6 Vegsellye

PA-.£8ffN£ 9'JA6AU Zionist Orgoani!atlort o; A rilw, -:

"'41 f.~&.; N. Y. • -r;

·1·_•_-_._-_-# ;_-~


!' __ -----

,.. j ·,

Gereb Armin 48 • wife Charlotte 42 motherinlaw Feldman Fanny 70 daughter Judith 20 son Tibor 19 Budapest,Benczur u.9

. Wernel,' Moritz 57 wife Rosa 48 Budapest Csengery Ue6l

Feldman Friedrich 53 wife Margit 43 son Andras 22 daughter Agnes 20 Budapest Csengert tU

Dr Se.ndor 30 wife Iren 27 daughter Vera 7 Somorja

Binet Bela 58 wife Ilona 54 daughter Agnes 22 son Szenes Tamas 18 Budapest Tisza Istvan utca 22

Havas Jeno 58 daughter Agnes 1.5 Budapest Regi Posta u.5

Hajnal Jeno 51 wife 45 Pozsonyi ut 23 Budapest

Schulteis& Miksa 53 £± wife 44 Lonyai uel4 Budapest

Weininger Bela 53 wife Etta 40 sons Peter 6

Pal 4 Szilagyi u.3-5 Budapest

Spitz Gabor 19 brother Pal 12 Budapest Erzsebe~ korut 34

Hegedus Istvan 51. wife 43 dau~hter, Gabriella 26 Anker koz 2 Budapest

D~o~e~~N!t1tan 38 wife 32 Vilmos Csaszar ut "

S]riZX~¥~gµ~z Spitz Dezso 62 wife Margit a& 59 son Gyorgy 29 Erzsebet korut 28 "

Fruchter Lajosne 59 daug~ters Magda 29

Eva 25 Tigris u.51 Budapest

Relle P!U 47 daughter Maria 20 Tatra u.2otb Budapest

.·:.:·. ·: _ .. \ -

··.·---.-~:~.:-:.-~;:;;_'.'.~·~.: ._,.-_·::~---. ·._- -·

. : .. ','"!;;·:_-:-~-~:-":-, ~:: ::~.?7t~--. ;:~~---

> :.n.


s~ . ·- ..

. '

--~-z~-. ·. '

. ;


.fiie s s inge-r J ehkO 34 ~· wife Jitty 32 daughters Piri 7•

Mary 5,Udvard

Markstein Salamon 70 wife Etel 70 sons A..ridor 40

.reno 38 Galante

Markstein Naci 64 wife Johanna 64 Galanta

Markstein ida widow 70 son Hugo 50 daughters Olga 42

.::;rzsi 40 son Sandor 34 Gal8.nta

:.rarkstein Danine widow (Leontine )75 son Vili 50 Gal8.nta


Menczer Leo 52 wife .Arcmka 46 dauehters Gizi 23

ZelLa 20 Galifota "IDWIJ!1T~

Dr.Heller Berti 68 wife Etel 65 sons Vili 40

Odon 38 Laszlo 36 Obuda,Budapest


-. -:

··,-.r <[~c<

f--,'_-- :-··,

PAL.E.STINE.9UREAl/ Zionist Organizatlo~ ·of· Amerlca ·•··.

- 41 £;4.iD<l .st;,N;y, >' .-·

-~~---.·;-..· I

Berge:r Jd.noa 39 •1:t6 33 son Plata D Budapest Vil.nio11 oedsur ut.lfS/4

Tihanyi Ldszlo 30 Budapest ~drassy u~ 88

Szeg6 :cmr. 31 w1te 27 Budapeet DeaJc Fe reno. utoa 8

Pikler Endre 47 Budapest Arena ut 11/a

Braun Robertn& 62 daughter Eva 37 Budapest Szaboky u.35

Rosenthal Gyul~n6 60 daughter Klara 39 Budareet Wekerle s~.ndor u.22

~/bu TBrzs Jena 57

daughter $:va 30 brother T6rze s'ndor 53 Budapest Szem~lyn6k u.9/ll

Uszlo Imre 55 sister Piroska 45 brother PU 50

wite L~szlo P~ln~ 40 Budapest EBtv6s u.88

Seligman G~za 42 wife Ir~n 39 son JAnos 16 Budapest Aranykez u.3

Ransohburg Gy5rgy 43 wife Kato "O Kaj,rin' mother in law 59 father Ransohburs Guszt'T 76 moth~r Marie 68 Budapest Kmettty u.l'r

Bog~rdi Iv,nn• 42 Bogdrdi Pl11 22 Budapest Vilmoe oe,ez'r ut 37

Reioh Robert 36 wi:te Rekka 30 son Plata 6 Miskolo

· Weisz Imre 34 · wire Piri 30 Budapest Kiraly uoca

/ stern izld: Ern8 35 'Rite Manoi 30 son Tibi 6,Galanta

Wollner N'ndor 40 wite AdU 36 daughj;er Alioe 10

" Edith 8 " Mdrta 7 " P1r1 8 VegseJ.lye


+ .. I . '

' ,,

Ger' b fi.rmin 48 wire Charlotte 42 motherinlaw Fel<lllian Fanny 70 daughter Judith 20 . son Tibor 19 Budapest,Benozur u.o

·Werner-Moritz 57 wite Rosa 48 Budapest Osengery u.61

Feldman Friedrich 63 w1te Margit 43 son Andre.a 22 daughter Agnes 20 Budapest Csengert tll.

Dr.Feldman Sandor 30 wife lr~n 27 daughter Vera 7 Somorja

Binet Bela 58 wite Ilona 54: daughter Agnes 22 son Szenea Tam's 18 Budapest Tis,· a Istvan utoa 22

Havas J enl:I 58 daughter Agnes 15 Budapest Regi Posta u.5

Hajnal Jeni:! 51 wite 45 Pozsonyi ut 23 Budapest

Sohulteisa Mikea 53 ~ w1te 44 Lonyai u.14 Budapest

Weininger B~la 53 wite Etta 40 sons Nter 6

P~.1··4 Szilagyi u.3.,,5 Budapest

Spitz Gl.bor lg brother Pal 12 Budapest Er.zsebet kl:lru11 34

Hegedtte IstvNi 51 wite 43 daughter Gabriella 26 Anker koz 2 Budapest

Dr9Abony1 Zoltlin 38 wife 32 Vilmos Csaszar ut " S]li*•z&Jlht8JD:;liz Spitz Dezs6 62

" wit• Margit la 59 l'lmoBtir~a81sBtzi0bet ktirut 28 daugl!tera Magda 20

Eva 25 Tigris u.Bl Budapest

Relle PU 47 daUShter Md.ria BO Tiitra u.2o~b Budapest

.. :

... '"'"'~],: - "' '''._ - -':;' -~'-?':';~--~: _:::;:_-_~"---'-'-- -"'~~-..,~----- ... :-.:_·; . -~~,:;.,,: '. ·- .-'~i~r7~11;~;enko ·:4 it. -

wife J'itty 32 dauS}ltere P!d 7,

Mary 5,Vdvard

Markstein Salamon 70 wife Etel 70 sons Andor 40

Jen<J 38 Galtinta

Markstein Ndoi 64 wite Johanna 64 GalAnta

Marketain ida widow 70 son Hugo 50 . daughters Olga 42

Erzsi 40 eon s~ndor 34 Galanta

Markstein Danin4 widow (Leont1ne)75 son Vili 50 Gal~nta


Menczer Leo 52 wife Aranka 46 daugliters Gizj 83

Zelma 20 GaU.nta Il!¥Y!!CJUlilOOl.Un

Dr .Heller Bert 1 68 wite Etel 65 sons Vilt 40 ·

Od6n 38 Laszlo 35 Obuda,Budapest

.. ~'.





.. . ·- ~ -'

LONDON 55 New Cavendish St~ W l

GENEVA 37 Qnai Wilson

BUENOS AIRES Corrientes 1979

JERUSALEM Vend Leumi P. 0. B. 471

MONTREAL 1121 St. Catherine St. W

MEXICO CITY Sonora 1744

In reply refer to: JTo. ~.

Hon. John W. Pehle. Executive Director war Refut;ee :Board ~reasu17 Building Washington, D. c.

Dear Mr. Pehle:

CkLzS~ C~~j;B~ss5iE\'i :t~.&; >; .' c1ni:i.1L '6:•190·o


I am enclosing one original and three copies of List No. 12 of persons now residing in Hunga.17, whom we recOllllD8nd for the. granting of Pales­tine certificates.

~ I ask you to be kind enough to have the list forwarded to Mr. :Barlas through the facili­ties of the State DepartmeJ1t.

Sincerely yours,

.ALK:bn Enc.

-. ·:

·:. s

August 7,

It will be app:reclat-4 tf 7ou vtl1 ~ tor th• imaclate deapatab 'b7 oourlv of tll.9 aUaohed me1uge troa the War B•ftt&H Board to tu .Amwlcan Oonnlate General at lnaalnal, !ll*er.

1a BAkzin:ar 8/7/44


' --

USSAQS .mcll. na. ~tzQ, WOIW> ~ (JOBctai:SS,J'. l8J4 BROUJt'fA'f, brl Y• ~, ltw T., fOKQ41 JlABIM1 BmA PAlAOB; XHAliaJL; W:iatsl', LlBtfa

w. reo.Olllill8n4 for la. ltf~ CM~1it• tollosr1slg penau now l'UUIPg ~*

Abrahamovita Aclolib.e, 62 __ 1{111U•1 •on ... ?ml'e, '6, and. h1a WU.; son Zolilltn; 4Q, &i'8l'1d daughter ~. J1t, Kt.a...-, ~ Bertalan u.• 41 BmPIT A4lll Sall401"1 62 yn., wUe Arabella,~. aon 1-Wl'.t 17, lra'twaltolA• Xonin u.t• 121 limgaq

Altenatein IMO~, 66 ;yoN"a, wite .Anna, 60, tt.c!n limo, 1l4, bl'O'fllWr "'""'• 1).1 eia ..... in-la Ira, 6,, llldapeat, Pouo.ll11ut16, Hlmf'l7

Boinltser, Dr. a.1, W> yean, .U.1 J6, aul&Pfat, Fenno Jo.sift ~ J71 ~

O&Watr Jeno, M ~"' WU., !4, daughter Agnes, 12,. dt.ughtel', J,.O, Earoag, s~ fer, Bmgaq .. · _ ·

Davidovita Bather Bt.Uo, 54 Ytlll'•• daughter Be1tn, ~, dlugh.W ~., a,_. •cm Uor.-11, 1i son Wolt, 1,, Nagya;olGS1 .ltolmU1 utoa SO, llu!.~ .

Deltloh limo, wife Blank&, 47 year1,·eon, l9i W.dapoat, ..... u.1!06 61, ~ Deutaoh G oorge.t 52 years, wlte Aranlra, 50, daugh:. :t»t-~. . 1 •Oil •n, 20, •• llUtt• 19, SOil Robert, 15, auiape1t,, ~ \ltoa ~71 llu!.p..17

Deutaoh Jeno, ,a roara, 'ldto Borb&la, Wt, son ~oa_. 17~ a.i4apeat;, llaUiria Jos11t utoa 20, l!i.ngaey

Daltsoh Olga1 Kr•• Fereno, 62 yeara, 4-ughter Clara., 2!h aj)d biti" lit.l*nd, eon l3fla,. 3'1 daughte.-.m-law Agnea, lhdapeat, Brl"bot XoW.t1 :tf, llUJ.pq · ·. . Farlcu llrlh BWie, ~ ,_ra, son UUcloa, 21, •gb.w _..,btt, IS; 4aUghttl' Uon, 16, son hn&ior, 14, d.augbter Ibo~, u, llull'boltel;,, Saa'b91\JU megp, ~17 . ·

•• lnUrlo, 64 ~ ~ter A4oi-~an AU-._. J6~ •~in~l.alr 1.4•3""' ~r. 111 grand. Jfdol'jan aria, 8, a.iop •ff1 ~llnbt ut 10, ~i7 · . Futilffp, Dr. Del••• 6J 1•ra1 wit•--.. ;o, Hn Dr• lltvt., JO, brof;heJ'o"oln•1-" Ungvle14er a,ula,1 /.I;)* ~* ~ .


.. _ ~1


+ lJ&l't~:.~~'4~il:~~= t :*J~· 1~-.~··0;_..·'.~ ~ ...... . llo~~Bb6:::t.~ .. ~ .. •• ,... •• i ~j!'··~·· .. •. . ... mi.e""' ~laL ~ """' wtt. Jft.gta., 36, aon Ancltaa;, l4. •sn• •~/9• J1a.da»'atf, . Arca-ut 1tll, ~

-- .. ·. . / '· Ill..,... J ... 'b, 69 )'Wl'.,a, wli'e Xna, 66, Jllcll\poat, PoH.-Uit ., ~

lats a.a, 41 ;?1N1n, wito &ma. ;,9, a!Jn 1'~ .. 8 monthli1 &.ultAptat11 7c>l"Ok Veil& utiM l.2, Jlm&*17 .

Kati J....,~ 75 ~ .. 8otl Jakob, '°' so.ti. 40, dllughWr .A.ltle1 Ja, .Jlag llattOo .. · · Ugoou. merge. lkng&ry . ,

lats,, :;6 years,~ lfagda, 29, x..-~,•r-~1-; 60; :rs.&k Jral'f'.f.,n, mothor-in•lmv, 52, lhdllpast, Su.bolos ut•• 19, Rungar;y Kerteaa ·~ ~I U 1'&'1'11 1 wlte ..,.., ~' atn XS-mut, 18,, IOil fl1ot§1 ·14, nteot-t'otana,, .Ml-; l»4apen,, t'Oko~ u'b, wg., 11.mp17 /Y1.0.te · Xel'ttls taulo, J5 yean, wUe l'ataUn. J,2, llJQpeat .. DOlmly u• ae, lbtlgaq Kertel!• JfPJ.o,, 40 years. WU. !fagda, a6, brother Jaui, ,6, at.nor-~ Ml-., JJ, JhdapPt, Dohany utoa as,~

Klein, Kr4• MOJ.'loa, 1.Jalvin. 60 1'4'1'8.t ac Jbln, )J, 4*.ugl\~r il:~t ... 12• •• .. ftbor•.••. aan 11'Ul, aB, ct.ugb.w Bnt•bet1 l81 toftHk Joo aon.~laW, ~ .. 4a\.lgb,W ~' Borhlra, JJ.,, Ungerlol<ltr DeHo brother,, ;4., lger, Sa ... ut1 ~ry • Krana Ida, JJ y8'\l'a, slater Hemi.J:a, ;o, Ungvar, Mu.nkaoa1 ~ utoa. 54, JlmgaJ'1 · irauaa Ollon, 68 yean, ldte Od4oim.e, 67, aon Joa .. t, 40, •• '°. r; J!t •on.· 1A3oa, .Ja• IOn.ln-20 Pelg Antal, JO, ~es' Feig Antatn., i01 llld.$.pqtl, ~ utoa a1 ~q

Lebodta J••e.f1 41 ,.ara, nrc, ftnl.., J4, son Hea;nan, 10, da.ugbw llt.lvt.n. 12, cSaughter Peff1_, 8, Li.pea, JliuWIN'OI mog:re, ~'°1 .Letoht, lf1lhelm1 5'6 YQl'l'41, Wite, ;j, mother Mra.;J.u,dwig,,76, b~~~-~1 Jblro, ;1, pattw Uorono11, Mr&. al.lll'e, 46. ntJhta' ,. .... , JOhit.nn; ).7, ~»Mb. · lt.llia utoa u , ~

· Lillk, Dr., i;.3 ~l'4, w1te ~ .. La, aon~. 20, son. IM•11:»1 lf; ~, .. law Jlerklor Rel.en,. 72, Jralooea, Pot~. Dmgo.17 · · · :lland$1 Al..,.1", So JOUa·; wtte Helen, 47, claught.1'•ttf.t la, i11.dap0at, OlMa ia1or JJ, Jimgaq · Jl&1fV IOUob\91 SQ~·' Hn fibor, Jl.O, 1llc1Apest, IJar utoa 7, ~

-.... _.


. . . ~

:lf'1ller Joa•et;t 6la. r-~•· wlfe J011ttM1 ,,, •on Jen.Pi JO, ion. GJwQ"# .28t »iO.•r• a.g, ~- Jelr', utoa 17, ~1'7 . ·· · · ·.·.·. . ·

. 1-:.:r::o:4,r.--.--:.:.~r.x~ ~ ~ ClfOrct• i.,~ • .-..~ ••::l=·.t =:; :U:.TcJl~a:;~~~~'t7, ~

Philip Re1110, 381'1"'•• w1.te Pb'.-, ai.. ••.Pelt• LUot Jtoru.ti, amgiary

Ref.'tzalm. Jeno, 62 ~ .. 11111."e X.ltn. 60, Hll .J••d1 "2, dallg~•1-° .U.Hth; qpha' Sohnrta ldJcioa, qo, lllcla,..t; Strael.1fdaj u.toa 14.t ~ lU.ohW U.J'CIOS• 513 ,._rs, .Ue Frida, SB. J'olaOOllg-4, 8411Lf8r ._., am.rv as.oh• ~1, !14 years, wUe uoaa, J4, daughter Jlag.da, 15, IU.ohttr Moll, 401M"1 wife Ire,. 56. son walo, 18, ._ ... ._,., saaogr JUl19• ~ . llall1 JuUua, 65 1Mf•• Janla, do, lb19a, ta11lt,.J4Ur, 81.c1ap$11;, Damjantoh utoa 381 ~ ·

Sattler Jocs1at, 32 )'9&rs, and wua. Battler Fennol,. 'o .,.an, and. ..U.,,nA,. BCllllOlW 11180$, lluigary · .

~ Sandor, '4..JeaP1 wife Roee, SS, •on lll14oa1 81 11...-.~ U.-. r.r.11 24, DabloM, Scnog Jd&YO• 1'u:ga1'f

81.nger, Soeter lltmel', J9 ~·· mothtl' Mre. JoaHt ua., 65, lildtlgCJll, ~J CJ3amAl. Bmgar,y .

Spl~el Mor1-'fll, !JS ftl'i'8• -- Kal~ jO, ln"othv. SM.ii, 55, • 1-...m-~ ~ .. 54. ~. Pil.o l'tr 14. ~ · · . sws.n.r Albei-t, 46 ~n, .u. Amm,. 42~ acm lh'~, aa, ~- LUJ¥, '47.t. ~,..-., JleJ,W1lnM& utoa .aa, Dmga..q . · · ·

S1•1$a11 landor., ~.,_ .. ·.·".·•WU.~ .. ··., '• .. 0'1a· ·~47• 4f4Y.gk.·· ~.· .. r .. ~.~!.·.U!1\lJ'll Mor br~~,,_, 401 ~ •n ~. -.w, , _,.,.._, ~· 4•••» v, ~ law Ot.W. Kn. , ........ ,. at•--.. ~ u < 24,. ~· <

mignJ.•lfn, JCn. " 0.,bOJ' .t 6S 1'Q8a. IOll J.WdM.t ~I •• ~ JS, .... lj ».IQJ f ~u~J.~ . . - ~1

• ... 1 '


- - _-:: -· ._ ·. ;- ':

Woia~:• ~=.!•:tt.~£::= :l;:J!·.,~=--~~~2!: t•r.J·~~ .· .... Wat.or, Mr•• ~n, ~ohor, 42 ~; •'11 '•~• ;.6, cS.uth~r Plrt., 1j• ·

aan S&llllel1 lJ, S•:tmN>, Joa.t ~111 SJ.,~. · ··•· '

WU-1, Dr. J>ut.Qr, '11.1eare, o..,_ Ilona, JO, lltObit.ti- linlt MC>li.11f, 5'1. ai•)ilt; Ciak u. ''· Bmpry . . . .

Woia• An•l, 50 1'1Ll"B1 WU. Lo:ab.,. ~'", ~ '•• u~ J~, ~' mother Weld, Kra. Belane, (iS, aMlapeet. Li.pOt Row.~ trf 1 lluipJ'1

we1111 1a1aw1, 60 ,.. .... , Un. -..., 58, d.lugbwr Jb'~l»n, ,a, aQ4 Ni' llllband and a.ughter, aulapeat, ,_,_.Sflq Ut 471 Bangai1'1'•

.. '



• <lj!.c ·~,._.

July 29, 1944 MR88AGE FROM DR • .KOBOWl'l'ZitI, \f()ZU,l) .mw•n 0.0tf~mw-. 183• &Rtll\113/~'JL_~~-"W Y_ Orut 23, N.Y., 1 ff) lift.< 8J1)'tLti.$;. ·. PERI, PAI,AOJ~, m'l"•\NB11L

1 Tl1RKBY •

LIST #i~ W• NOC'Jiumelld t• panting ff!.·lesttne ce~U1'1cf~tee

tollo•1ns Pfl••ona now .t-••1d1ng 1n li'ungPl7'•

Adler Edwa~d, 76 7ea~a, M1skoo Woeeelenyi utca 9, Hung~~1

Ballny aeea:-ge, 64 yee.t"s, wife HeJtttt 48, motbei- Al•nnd•l' 791

llJtt••kU•n nea:r O&l•te., lfung!'Aity

Bet>nfild Mike,,A, 68 yeal'a, wife Gi ttt; , 53,, dei.ughte:r Anna, 32, a l)ll KaJ.'oly 25, Bl'aekujva;, il'unpl'Y -

Blnet lfela, 68 Ytl\l's, w:t.fe Ilona, 54, daughte:r i~gnee • 2~(. eon S~enea '!anms Binet, la, Tium Intvan utcu 2a, lfunaf;t'y

l:lonyl1ady Samitel, 62 yoal's, wtre & children, Scu10, Ht1i:ig8J.7

Danl3s JUUua, 46 yea:ra, wife Lillian 32, dn~hiun,1 AgM$• :u;, d~\ughtts­Suaie, 12,, step-..aon Bohvuirc lltOJ!iee 12, st•r>•clttughh~ Bohwtttt() JSva• 8; Miskt'Jl• Ssemere u 19, tfung*-ry

Delej Ili>Pe, 53 J'G&1"8, .son Louts 1 so,, Bude put; Posa onyl u.~ 41 lfuna11~

Deutsch Karoly, 69 79111rs, i'fife, 67, son so.mutt i(); ('fauallt(lv:-l1t .. l(iw 38, evund-d•ushte• Agnes, a, sop ~~1tsene., 33,.,,,--4,(o Mo~ttz- We~~ Jfo191flY'•i' M1kes Kelen1en utc:m 6, Uun~tiy , · __ -·_ .. ,

Eteanberg Mrs,. Alex, 36 y~mrs,, deugbtei- Denlee, 14, lf1•te~ ltl'.llb AnlVA & her son, bJtothoP lt(')lb Alex, 30, llagy~!\J'q Vaauti ttfica,;r .

Fl'eund 8amue1, 65 Y•~~s, wj,te Rone9 63, eon l'm~.e,, 33.t d~\lghh-l' t.Ui7, $0; Budapest llnmjantoh u 32;' HUng:t<;..;r, o/() Rottke1 . · · · · .

FriebGl't Sandor, 46 yeara, wire I~oga1, 42, tl•ughtel" Evu, 12, Bu,qap~et Wesaeleny1 uto •h Uungatt1' · :~c

·~~~~ ~·~.-

\'.. I

-. .,:

-··-'--'--~--.~:,,~~-·-...:.:. .. ,,_;_;~,~-,.;~ - -- - - - , - --- -_ - - F:c-

·--·--·:--~_;:~·, __ ·~---····!;~ .. :-:.~/~;~{.-,~~~- -:;:r_--·--·- ---:~·rr, .. ::'2C~~~-5!}s~··-···--.. - _ >11L~;: · --- ·-' ' '.': - ,, --···~'-:-•.:c;:--::-·· ·_ - ----:,-,._; ,' "' - _-:'._- ·-- :_':-_- _/_t ' < .. ----.;2~-.-·- -- --··---- , -r-- - -,.----- '._ L - - -·- > · '. : L .-•':; ,_'·)~:::; c; _ __'c--J ; '.

Go~ne• EaPl, 46 ,..,. • Wife 3ud1.:, '8.• ~Olg~~~;;~.;;~.;~·f,\~~t~;;; ,~) ;~t f;W' Go~=~:!d H:::..::t• Y•<'••, w1te ""'11<> 32, & ll Ol!lld ... "~ ~ .. ·;·~~\'! °?'di ..• t ······ · r·r ::::~ =: :~ ::::: :::T::::·~:&~::::·~=~11~~~~~'1":} ;\ r•

Hu:ngtll'Y - - , - ' ;\ } . j - .

Rava• Jeno, 58 yeurs, d&ughtel" Agnes, l.5, Du<tapest R41g1· 'f oeta ut~i\ -~• 1 l- · lftlDgfiJ'Y -· _,__ 1--

Her~feld Margit, 58, Budflpeat Kosauiib Lnjo• ter 18• Jtunga17 -

Hoffman Alexander, 63 years, wife 46, daugbter Eva, 20, Koloz•var 141.Jtee Kelemen utoa 6 1 Hungary

htitzer SandOP, 68 ;ret1l's, ~1te Mr·lvin, '49, Budapest Paulat u 21, lfunsa~:'

IasJ111.11 Fereno, 40 yo::<re, wife Mal'gl1!, 33, aon Cly-ol'gy~ 11, Bt1de.pest X.1'ol1 KOl"ttl 5, Hunaary -- _ -

Iaaman VioiJor Gyozo, 76 yes.l's / wife 8zol'ena, 79_1 a on Vi'l:nt•, 4$1 .de..ughter ... 1n-lnw Ren(le 45, grandeon T1bor, 17, son-tn-l«W Blum Alade.,, ~' -de.uahter Blum Janka, 50, grandson Blum M1kloe, lB, Bu4apest !Ulrol7 Korut 7 , Hungary -

Issak Eco. 58 '1fl'11'8 , wife l°l'E<n, 50, bl"othel'-in .. l8W B_P.ok Jeno Di'.,, 491 s1ster•1n-law Beck Ilonka, 45 1 nephew Deck Pehl', ~m, rtteoe Bctok J<V. 1 25, Budapest JoHt Korut 3, Hunsar7

Kalish Ignaoz, 68 years, wife Roza, 65, son Salomon, 43, daushter-in•law ·- Ilonka,33, son Jeno, 32, so,n Hugo, 27, daiJabtel' lirntllfl, 2~;, grhrtdobildran,

Philip, 11, E:rnst,9, M:nrt1n, a, Galantra, fbi•nt Iatvan utoa 56.

Kal1eoh Zaigmond, 60 years, •11.'e Bertha, 56, son David, 39, son Oehl, 35, & 2 othel" oh1ldl'en, Galante, Hung~py

KaU.soh, 62 yeal's. wife Bella, 60, son Dav14, 391 1utl Mib.aly, 41, dnughter•in-law, 36, bl'ottierinlllw Su11t1man ls1doit; 55, a1atel' Suulftan _

. Sari~ 58, nephew Sunman Simon, 24, ~1.C• Susiinl8n Fanny; f?O, Oalanta, Hunga17 ' - -

Kal1aoh Mwtta, 58t •1te Le-., 51)1 'on Jeno, 3~,. daUght'-l' Su•l, ;38, __ daughter Fanny I 29, da.Ughter ROI!•' I(), eon Shlon, llh' & a t>tblr oblld:ren trom 10 to 8 years old, Oalanta, liunga~y - - .

l'.aUsoh ill'm1n, 61 yeari.t w1te, 58, 1->rothelf lgJ\ftH Jr. 57, .atder-.1~ ... law Leah, 55, mother «ose, 70, & 7 Qbildtten, Galilnta, Hungarr-


,. ...


Klain Sandor' 37 yeal'S' W1f'e Sando:l'Jth a~#. m~t:~.,,. )f:i•if~ ~·~~ X).eln~ eo;, ·~ brothel' George,. 23, siate:r !i!lir;abeth, 351 •!tlte:tt Ii'e,_,·~2:;M~k~l,O.> , 8zentpeter1 Kapu 3, Hurig&ry - ·· · . · ·l

Klein S!figmoncl, 60 yesl"e,. wife Rezain1 58 1. ao11 .. 1n~ia1f ·Kellne,r.Lt\tJ&lo~ 46_, daughter Kellner Magda, 30,it Sl'~nclson Kttlneti: ly-fln, ll-··~t1ll~'b1J•1t· Kellner Agnes, 24 • onod Bol'snd megye• Hunger,· ·· · · " • ·· · ·· .·· ... · · · Lengyel MmrtJon, 49 '91'&.l'e, wit'e cTnnke., •o, & one son '1 year.•'~ an• dnught•r 5 ;tea.I'S, s1shl' LIJQndein Frida, 46, Bude.peat'·fiiP ,.,~~ 11 .. Huna•l'Y

· · Link R10hll1'd, 43 ,_e.1•a, wt:t'e :tbolya, ,1, ~a"Uahter P&nnl, 121 son FeHl\OZ, ·••· 10, .Budapest Oaak! utJoa, Huns111'Y . · ' Mosee Mrs. Manon, di1ughter Eva, 20 79ars, son Alex, 19, bi-other.;.1nlola1J Rado Dezao, 7o, sister, 64, sister Mrs. Jolan Dezao,, 39 & her 'tniel>•n«* grandson Weisz Tiboi-, 19, grandson Weills \tallRa, 9, *SJbanj• V:&flU' utoa , Hunse.11y

Polsar Henl'y, 58 yea:re! wife Rossa, 58 1 eon•1n•l•w Richter Kazmer; 89, daughter Eliza.beth, 28, Budapest Pe11erf7 Sandol' utoa 15, tfunga.17 . Pollak Hugo., 47 years, wife Esthe:r, 39,_do..ughte~ L•a)l, 12, eon.Rol;>eztt;. 9, son Bela, 7, brothel'•in-law Pal Link, 44., moth•Jt-1n-lAwL1nkMra.o. Herman, '13, Galanti) Uj utca 95, Hunga17 · · · ·. Rappaport Ji.renka, 40,. eon Herbel't, 14, brother Helzer Keu~~1:r~ 451 mot;ber Heizer Giza, 69, o/o Mrs • G. Retzer, D\lna1 SzerdahelJ'.; lrungary .t ReU Roth Mihaly, 4& ,_ara, wU• M&J'so, fO, sen Zetw~,. ~. fatheI". Roth Sztpond, 72, m()tber Roth PtJp:I., 66 1 brother R9ih Fe:tteno, 50, sister Roth Ference, 2"1 1 Oava Sznbolos megye, Hunga~y Rona 11dolt, 84 ytaaps, w1te 3san1, 54, daughter Vel'S;o 24, llon FJ.t#.t~, 20, Budapest Za~da uuaa 34 1 Hun~l'y

Roth Reno, 39 yeal's, wife Rozn1, ~n:~ daugh1:el" Sue,-J.e1 ~,,~~the~ .. 1n-lJiw G11oea Ls.Joa, 60, s1a~ei· Gl'OSJ Margaret,, 41)1 nleH imna, 21. nephew Grose M!kl«>B,, 9, Mil'lkolo Zttoloal kpu, 1Iung1117 · Roeenbl'ml JoHo:l', 68, wife, 64,!iter Valeri. & her huebt1nd, ll'.oloszva~ ,. Mikes Kelemen u:f!_o• 6 1 Rungt11"1 Sa lnmon Jose et! 42 -year•,. •. 1fe , 36 1 a qn Ivttr\_, 5, broth~.l' ~-~-.A:;;:~ ()Ji m"tb:•r Bernd, 68, .Hilda.pest Veaselenyi utoa 60, HUnge.17 ,,, . ,, . Sehulf1•1e• JUkaa,, 53 Jears, wife J.t:iksarine, «, Buda.peat Lony~f'~toe. 14, Hunge.1'7 ·

_ _______;..;-_-.

-- - - ~· -· - --.-. ~-·

-, ·:

'. - "

..,._. sobwan ~vJ.d. 36 7••1'9, wue Marslt, •s• daUlht•••v~l'•~:~~c~J ~~!'t.i •·

Istvan uti :sa. RungaJI)" _· ··. . . •....... ·. . · .. ·· .·

S..iohe;man Jeno, 68 t•are, •11'«t 60, de11gbhr x..l~. 3&'•· f.1&~1*~~ i~JM.l'lf 24, 9()tt Lae11 28, eon JozHt, ma, d•'U8't1'•l' IC,SU.1 3~ >diltJg)li;•)i!;J!eW'e;~"~ 3' & hel' •on, Buclttpest Jtll'al,. u'c• 82• lfung~l'f ... _·· ···•·. . >_·; ._

8p19o Fr1da, 59 ye&r1, eon S..ndol',, 35; eon Vtlmo•, ~it :Btid~~-~t:#.;11:·>·, u. 30, Hungury · .·.. ·· · ·· · ···

&pUH1' Bela, 56 yenro, wife nona, •o, !'ltphew l!l'JROZoQO\tl:$ chfltJl'S. ., Budapest &tno11ur uto&. l, Runga17 ·· • · ·

6tlra U.H Miklos t ae'B ,, w!te :m.' 88. d•Ushti•l' S•bo s. n<lm- l>.t"i­ErzsebetJ, 30, g1'nnd•d11.ushter Sandw 8ua1.e1 8 1 tath•it•in-law 8-einer AttthUl', 74,, H111ko1ol'I Bzechenyl U 103 1 llunga.17

Tul'k Mor., 46 yeLrs , wite 'l'l1Ql'o11a, 42., mothett-t.n ... ln• Bnran,-1 Juliue MttiJ • '10, d.ate11-in-law He.ran.yl Roze!, •s, n1eoe tt~1;h 'l•ra, lo,. n•p)iew Roth lv11n, 19, St:i1kHo Bwt1~, m•sye, Jiunge1'1

Vilmoe Ele111er, 49 yeaira,, wife lh.•Hebot 1 4'1, eon Lttulo, 23, bitOt:her ... tn­law Fried Lajne I 60, dete:r-in-bw Pr1•4 Jol•n 38, nepht• F'l'1e4 Xst"Jlln; 9, nephe-w Fi-led linru, 10, Mikola Kont utca 4 1 Rllnpl'J'

Waesel'ma n i<l'm1n, 43 }'elll.'S, w1:fe l~l1e&\be11'h 1 eon E,_wtn 161 i'•ilh•l' M•x, 75 • Budu pe 17t Nome t ut c~ 39, Hungi-tl'J

We1ningel' Bela, 53 years, wife Ett&, 40, &C';!n r;eter 6, aon Pal, ·4,. Bad11.pe1 sz Uaa1 u. tea 2, mmpry

Weiez Marton, 65, wife, 62, 1on•1n-law Gpunteld Alex, 1'2, &tush••r, 40; de.ughi:er \Velez Margit, 38 1 .toandoh~'lld Waiez Evf.l, 11, 8aabE,dtHllH, Hungal'7

Weisz :Mlta. Snlomon, 65 7ea:rs, son Jczeef, 43, •011 Arpt\d, 42,, dllug!lt:er-1n•1&.w Krs. AJtpad Welts, 31, pancl•daupter Weta& i:.S~tis; 13, aon We18Jll M1)Jlea, 4.01 aon Wets 'l4•D1hert :sa, & wl.fe a ah1ld, Bu.clapttt l11nbellfi Ter 3, Hu•lll'Y

Welez Morit11, 64 years, wife 60, •on T1bOJl' 1 38, d•uabter-1n-la,w, 38, son Zoltlill, 3'7, daughtel"-1n•law, 38, Kol.-cvar, Diket Kelt.tmen uua 6, RunfPJ.17

Welaz Jozee:t, 6'7 yeara, wlte 66, u on Alex. •21 da1JShtorll\l•w; •s, grand• daugt'l'ter - Kolaaswr, Mins Kelemen utoa 6, HUJ98tl17

Weiaz David lira. 66, di.::ushter Rose, 38, da.UShhl" J'ol•wi .. 37 ~ d•ugh'"•l' Bella, 32, son K•l,uan, 39, &ten Aladar, 33, KolCHtsvar, Mike• Kelemen utoa 6, :fhmp1'JI' ..

We18s Mrs. Paul, 68 1 aon Alex, 45, de.ughtar1nlaw,, 43, daughter 2lisabeth 43, daugh1lei1 Edt.,b, 38, eon nrno, ''" KolowBYJ\1'_, J.t1kea hhMn, u•o• 6, Hllns-PJ' .

. i0rld Jewisl-' C·ongress

,c, L. I\11.b <WI it zk i

:_ · ... ., ~. \ ~ )


. '.:. ~ :·



NEW YORK, 23, N. 'Y·

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GENEVA 37 Qnai Wilson

BUENOS AIRES Corrientes 1979


.July 31, 19 44 .

Vaad Leumi P. 0. B. 471

MONTREAL II21 St. Catherine St. W In reply re fer MEXICO CITY Souora 1744

to: £To. 190

;1:011, John Y'f. ?ehle, Executive Director 'ifar Refugee Boa.rd Treasury Building 'Jashin3ton, D, C,

Dear lir. ?ehle:

I am enclosing one original and three copies of List i;·o. 10 of persons now residing in Hungary, whom we recommend for the granting of Palestine certificates.

May I ask you to be kind enough to have the list forwarded to Mr, Bar las through the facilities of the State Derartment.


ALK: ef Enc.

Sincerely yours

owitzki, Head rtment

LONDON 55 New Cavendish St., W l

GENEVA 37 Quai Wilson

BUENOS AIRES Corrientes 1979

JERUSALEM Vaad Leumi P. 0. B. 471

MONTREAL ll21 St. Catherine St. W

MEXICO CITY Sonora 1744

NEW YORK;. 23, 1{ Y.

CA1!LE5: CoNcnEss; Nsw Ymi~> ~.·.· · Thii!PiioN~:, CbcLE 6 • i900 : · •

July 27, 1944

In reply · refer to letter no. 189

Hon, John W, ~ahle, Executive Director 1.'.'ar R "fu>rne Bo~.rd Trec:csury "' r·.:,shington, D. C,

En:Jlosed yo-u '.-:il+ fin'.i a su9~?lementary of ~ac·cle ··:ho '.% .. YJ.t Palestine certificates. I r:~uL1 be very ac~-'.•rsc' ,tive if you wculd send thes 3 nam?s 7-.o "r. 8;;.rJ.E:.S.

Th.:Jl'" you for your kine:. cooperot ion.


---- ------- ---· ---------- -- ----- ----- -- ---- --. ~. _._

ue.roel, 51 Y•us ot •• bo . .rn tn ltildoi>e••'; Budapest It, RJ"ba:ry utoa. S ·

POLGAR, U:r$. Muoel (n•e llEMq\Jatal1a, born tn *'2.d.ap••'· . Ma.roh 10, 1908, s~e natct..-oe. · ·

P<Of.aGAR Judith, born in Budapest, J'ebNU'f 1, 1935

' - .

- - -- ----~~------------------ _ _:..:_..__,____:_:_ _ _:._ _____ ____c._:--___~-"--'----'--~~~_;,_,~~-~--~ \

-~ :

LONDON 55 New Cavendish St., W I

GENEVA 37 Quai Wilson

BUENOS AIRES Corrientes 1979

JERUSALEM Vaad Leumi P. 0. B. 471

MONTREAL 1121 St. Catherine St. W

MEXICO CITY Sonora 1744



NEW YORK, 23, N. Y.

CABLBs: CoNca~s: N~ Yoeir. · TELEPHONE; CIRCLE 6' l9o~'.

July 26, l9!.t4

In i·eply refer to Ho. 188

Hon. John ;·r. Pehle ,-1a.r Hefugee Boar_d Tree.sury Building Washington, D. C,

Dear I.Ir. Pehle:

I am enclosing one original and three copies of List No. 9 of persons now residing in Hungary, whom we recommend for the granting of Palestine certificates.

May I ask you to be kind enough to have the list forwarded to Mr. Barlas through the facilities of the State Deparunent.


si.:cer·e~y y s J

(j;4 -rr>'} :z Kurt R. Gr ssman Assistant, Rescue Depa ent


July 26, 1944

MESS.hGE FRNA DR. KTffi0WITZKI, mm,D .rnWlSH c:ouomms, 1934 BHn,.DWA'l, NI;;1/ YOHK 23 1 ln\:W YORK ; 'l'O MRit B.<.RJ,AS, Pmu. F" OF. , If>T MH3UL , TURKEY •

L:U;'.P {,lg We recommend for g:rnnting Palestine oertif1Q~tos

following pel'&one now l'OS1d1ng in Hung11:ry.

iidler Mo:rne, ?4 yeere, 9on Miohtiel, 44 1 dt>ughter Mll8• F'OH .. T:lYI llo111e, 4'71 Peas :e' lm,:r utcr. 2~J, H'1ngul'y

.bpi BolEI., 65 :ranra, wife 'lcrmino., 52, Budupeet 'l'orockoi ut 6/a, Hung1'

Beesley 1lex&.nder (Sundor) 45 years, wife Holon, 40, daugllte:r Kato, 11, aon Thomt.a 1 5, !fogy KMpoe ung megye, Hungf<l'Y

Berokovits Bc:rthn, 6~-S y<tll!!'S /1 daught ar f.oph1e, 33, Bude pest Pete:rdy u 25, '{ungal'y, unolo f.i·ufer z.aign?Ond, 58, aunt r..-~uf'0:r, 5'7·, Budapest Verme2 ut 5, Il11ngu:ry

Bettclheim Leo, YT yeq•g, mothov tf&f~lia, 7~, Hudapent f)(lmjunioh W, •. 331 HungLl'Y

l'l:ri:<un .. rr:iin, wife Bela, Rt1koehegy Deitk Fel"eno 61, Hungul'y

Elbogen Gabor, 38, wife Helen, 33, son Ab!'Gh&m, 101

flaughtt:11' Gizelln, B, dvughtel' I:ren, 6, son Miklos, 5, Kemese S~abnloa megye, • 1unei. :ry

E.lbogen Is idol', ~6 yeb}:va, \Vife Il'en, 30, oon i>dolph~ 9·~ d~ughter Hdit}l, 7, son Liiazlo 5, di•ughteJ.O Mt1rgit, 3, Balknny Sr.abo).os mtigye, Hung1>ry

Elbogen I;~sak 1 . ~-50 years, w:t..fe 1 Tisznlok Sf.\abolcn megyo Knasuth La,jos u. l '7, Hullfl"' ry

10.bogen Solomon, 29 yav'.!:'a, Belk.tiny Sai•bolcs megye, !Iungariy

Foldnmn oazkB:r, 43yei>:re,, 38, son Tibott, 15 1 dt>.UQbter Judith, 17, S(ln•&, 11, Veszpl'em Hol'thy Miklos utoa 13, Rungf~l'Y

-.,~. . -

-- - •, -- - h_l1

__ iL ' ~· - • ' - - 0 -_ •• -o__-t,- .. ·,_,: :· ~~<-??.!_;;: ___ ;·_: - -- ".: _- -

- '.·-··_:~--: __ :·_,_ .. ·:::~:-~:-:.:~ ·-: - -"""., ·:. _-.·.i: 1 . ::·' -:::~/'!~ . .:-.;::. .-· -- .. - -,-- ·-- ,. .·.-. - --_ ,,.._ ~~-

Flqlsoluml~ Mo:r. D.t>. law Hel:'r&og Edwin, KOl'Ut 9, Hungt>l'y

>>; < '"' -· - .;,.f -- ' <;\~ -_-- -~Yl -·::· ~-: ::-:>: :·.-:/;;);~z~;)/:-~-,,-· · ;·--\~::_~----?\~_,x~~:---;~'-:"': · · _o_. ·:.--.<t if -- > - :~:::~-d -

-2.. - -·- >- - ;rr\X; 56 ye&I's,_ wife Doro.;_ i?O , __ -1' on :G'Yo~fiy.- ·.foi lj~()~h~~ih'-;C:l > 50, s tste:r._in-la1t' H(Ji,tz,og - ll"'ll1•1 :f>~j:'• ~~~~J)fil«_1; ··~J:O~"-tll)~tJ: ·

-__ -_- _··-- , -·-<:- t:r·<J Foldes Gabt>l', 70; wife lh111tha • so:. bl' other 81.mon; 6$-:a1£ft'r He!;tle-:r:i

Hegina, 56, nephew He 1tler Miklos, 21, I3udapest Petc'ftdy u~2;3 j 1Ju11gney ':J -· - _- - ·.-,· .. -- . -·.";· ---·. -: _. -.. ,- ' ·_\

Frttnkel El'nn de VtHJVaey, 46 ye1:1I's • Budapest Rothemare 11 $.?3 ,. -H~ri~tfvt{ l _ a1ateI'-in-lnw Goldhel'ger JEinpne, 57, Budepest Rothemere HoJlnn ii 22 1 brotheI'-ln-law Szego Zsigmond, 55, Budepeat Rothemel'e trollflnu 22 - -·~ ''.!

Fl'1edman BeI't1;1 lan, 32 yen:ps 1 wifo I~l'zrrnbet, 27, tlude.pest -• Hortih1 M1kl0$ utoa .'36, ffmgt•:ry

Fr1odm6n Hcn~mt-in, 67 ye11I's, wife Yott1, 69, non Cleza, 23, Siofok1

Sz~_ohen;,. y1 u. 4, Hung~·:ry, S(')n FI'1edman Dezao, 40, d~ughi10r-in-law Friedmfin Zelma, 36, gl'undeon Miklos, 14, grand-daughilol' EJ1zsebet, 12

1 grandson

ImI'e, 10, 13rund-d11ughtol' Kntoka, 8, B&taaaek Tl'lna inegye, Hungaity-

Ji'1•uchter Isreal, 32, wife l<'rimet, 28, mother Sul'c, 551

b:rothol' Fel'enoz Fischel, 30, sister B11me, 22, bl'other Murku, 21, e!Btel' Race 16; _ _ cousin .nppel ilechel, 14, brother-in-law Pollack Mnrku J-fol"SOh 33, sister' Pollack lfoz~ 26 I & ch1ld:ren, Mt.1r&msroa Sziget Till'.!/i\1' u'b' 17, nungary _

Uiuck Julie., 4fl y<H•rn, son Gyula., 19, son Iinre, 15,. S&:rospntnk, Hung&:ry mothot'-in-hv1 Gluck Ji1lin, 71, Ipolykalenyc Poste Ipnlynngyi't•lu, l!ung&ttJ:

Grunwnld Dezao, 58 ye&I's, wife Mt.•I'git, 50, son Irn:re 21, son 'fibor, 18, Budapest .Uob utcii 24, Hung1cry

H&uis De zoo wife Lenke, Bude pest H&rminchettesek, tar 4, Hung11ry

Hajnul 11laI'ton, 60 yahl"EJ, wife Lob, 53, non Miklos f~, son Llt13zlo, 20, Budapest Dob uto&. 24, HungE,ry

Hajoa Laszlo, 32 ye&ra, wife Laure, 28 & a ohild, Veszprem, Ru~gary

Heroeg Fe11 enc lJr.., 40, wife 1hil'g1t, 27, daughter Jud!t, 6, Bude.pea ti Pozsony1 ut 6/b, Hungary

Hol'owitz hUus, 62 years 1 wife Bl1me, 60, son Moj11he. Aaron, 35, Nyireg­haza, Dob utca 6, -Hungnl'y

Javor Fel'enoz, 37 ye&I'e, Ii wife,, Budtipeat 'l'eleky U 461


Keoekemet1 Hugo, 37 yeF..:ra, wife Anna, 32, dliughtev Judith, lO, bi"-othEir F;rw1n,, 36, mother Renea , 62, fHthev .M.ih<: ly, 75

1 Keoekemet Osanyi ut. 7, Runga:ry

Kelemen Jozsef, 47 years, wife 37, son Peter, 7, daughter Susane, 51

son Charles, 6 months, mother Mi's. Ohnt'les Keleman, ao,·nude.peet.Sze-nt Istvan Korut, 15, IIungar-y -

Kertesz M&I'k, 70 yei-.ra, wife Sbroltu, 68 1 Budfipesti Toko-lyi ut 86, HungaJ

Krausz Jaoob, 75 years, wife Bat> hara,_ 64, da\18hter Melinda "'45, Budapee Revay utoH 22, Hungary, son Krausz Jeno Ka.tons 41, daugh,el'!nlew Tepe OR n,.,~ ... neet Kttesz Geze. utoa 42, Hungary, s oninlaw Pinte:r w111'111m, 60 ,

- - ------------ -------~-


. -s• : ,.-:ye· daughter Elsa • 4 7 • gr• •d ·d•ughtor • 26 > "'id• p• st te.,,i•i.> ut~}20 i 'llui.!•"1 ', /\ d•ughb•• ""•. Menasd Jal•ni 42, •••nd·d•ushte• E~; 41·~0.,.,.4~.iJ',ll•J;it< ' utan 49/a. rtung•ry, aoninlaw P••••1 L.•J .. L.1}>at., d•ugh•~!' Klort, ·•q, gr•nd•an Pete .. 3, lludupeot l') ... szy hr a, Httnsal'T .. · • ' . · .. ,.,,, .. , •

Kupf6"o Chmi•d. 49 ... •• • Wife l!&pt •n P•Ula • 4.,. Buda P•<.11 a,,, .. Oii,yl. ut ·34, Hurtgal'y ·

r,. nyi Gyui. , 53 ye••., w1 fe , 46, daughter Erz• e bet , 10, We o •• 10ny1 'lt 53

Low ingo, Jolnn, fi 5 ,. a.a , d•ughte• Jll exa nder I• d 1th 25, ~nthe• r,<>w,l.hso r Ignaoz ne , 79, s 1e tor •e!az J ozeet, 68, M1sk nloz K""" u. 9, T!unl!"•y

Lowinger •rn old, 58 y •ore , • 1te , 64, •on ••nd or 29, daughter Ila lld•, 11'1; daughte'J:t AgMe, ~~1, M1skoloz Be.log l•dam utr. l~ Hungatty · .

Matya, Be •s••, 3 G yea re • wife V 11mo. 33 , ••ught er It>enko , 9, a on Paul , 7, Munknos Petogi Su ndo?' ut 11, Irungfl:ry

Ma ve• Iz• bo l i. , oo Y""" , •on T ib .. , 26, • on Oy nray, 22, !lud•po et Istvan, ut 45, Hunga:ry

Moyer I.,.e, 48, wife Rn•• i, 36, brother .r oo •et, 30, lludope at Dob utoa 24, Hungliry

Me,.inger Jnzoef, 53 Y••·r•, wife Cleo, 50, doughhr Eva, 20, •on Ivan, 17, Erselrujval' S.zecheny! utca 32, Hungary

l!u 11 er So nd w , 52 ,. •., , Me,,.• k o• •uth P oze ony lly 1 t,.. ,,. gye , Hung•ry broth•i in-law Deute oh Ferencz , 60, e iete •, 4 6, '• l• oa ze u P oz• ?DY megye , 11Ungari

••gel Jozaef, 48 Y•••re , wife F:mmo, 42, •on Fe reno•, 11, •inter in law Rona, 38, Buda peat Sz ond1 u. 66, ITungi. cy

Neulcendor J•oob, 74, wife Tora• BB, •oninlew Bium Bolo, 39, doughter BlUm 8~r •h, 36 , gra nde on Blmn "11, 7, B•• nde on Isroe 1, 6, •on Neul•ender EUj•hu, 37, daughtertnlaw IboJ.yo, 34, gr•ndaughtor Neulnender lillb Ruth, G , c / o Awr.., Sch lo 1f er, """ d ••••da Tr11ninal Dobre• 11, R ourttanta daµghter Neulaende:r Mi:r!e.m, 281 daughtel' Bohla1fel' Dmoa, 24, son!rtlaw Libnrman David, 39, dnught•• L•H-n >a, grend·d•UShh• L1ber,..n B•ruh, 6


c/o Aw:rsm Sohleifer Arad Stztqje. Tribunal Dob:raa 11, Hmll!lan!a ·

Ooz treto her ildolf , 4 2 yours , Wife r,.nke , 42, eon 11il<l08 , 11, son •i>noke , 10, d•ughter ''Sio• , 7, d•ughtor hr• nkn, 5, 14Unk•o• Eszto~h .. 1 Janoa ut ·g, TTungnry ·

Otvoa Jo•••f, 37, wits l!oze i, 36, d•ughter Evn, 12, Bzekes feherV.• Koe euth u 13, rrung~?'y

Pnlak Mendel, 37 yeare, wtre-s.,.., 3B, Borsa Me,..maros megye, HUng•ry

Polonyt Celastine, 65 '""""• d•ughtor >lagd•, 41, Bud•pent .nth••• And.,. utca 15, Hungary

:.·:~->>·::.. '• ·'\'.

. : · ') ··· ····· · · · • ;,,i ,x 't:l:a· ·.•.·,,, .. '><:.· ... (t?:: .. ·. }{. " ·1-.

;c:_,,, .. -;._. ··:::·-~:- .. .. . .·.· . . . < .. ·.· ..... : ... ']--···.··

:~::~:::~: i:;o ::~:::::~~::J~::~:!:.~~::;i~~\~~!!~!~i·":j·~ •:l"t Matildn, 71, Budttpast Damjanioe ut:oa 32, llung"rJ' c

Ruttner Yudeth, 53 yea:r11, dnughtel' Reg!na, 32, dnugb_t(Jl' ;Jla!l~/~i., . Buetyahuia, Hungary

Sttmmler Mal:' git, 32, mother Josephine, 65, sister Ehe., is, Buclftpest OeantaveI' u. 10, Hungary i; · ·

·' Sandor Jeno. 64, wifeffirol*a, 55, daughter Edith, 18, da:ugh:hr M:rs~ Kohn Miklos Emma, 24, aoninlnw Kohn Miklos 1 30 gr~nd-d~ugh,i;e~ J<:()}ln EI'zsebet .• 4, dis tar inla.w Mra. 'le iner Jeno Zs oi'i 54

1 b}'otnerinla\'f.

Vfe iner Jeno 56, Budapest Hegedus Sando?' utoa 30; Hungary

Sohwal."oz Zrlh n, 39 ye&1•a, wi.fci Icta, 38, son 4, BQdapest Nefelejts u 51,. Hungq•y

Sohwcrcz Mrs. Jozsef, 68, deughter Eva, 18, Budapest Peterdy u 5, Hungary son Gyula, 41, daughterinlaw Ilonku 35, grandson Gyorgy 4

1 Budap~st

Naflelejts u 51, Hun&>ry, son Lnszlo 36, grandson Pete!' 7, Budapest 8Pet a l"fy So.nd o:r 11 7, Hunguey

Sinir-nm'litz Suolomon 33, br0thal" :-1..,jso hlius, 21, Borse ?iT<..ramaI'os megye1 JI1;ngr111y

:-;··mlo Si:mdor, 60 ye1·rs, wife Ilonkll, 55, son ttndraa 36, son Pete.1• 32 & his wife, son Istvan30, & his wife, Bu,dapest Tuimjctnioh utoa 54, Hungn:ry

Sussman Fe1•anoz Dr., 45, wife Fany, 40, son Raph&el, 13, 'l'l"nava Czeoho t\lovakia ·

Szabo Byub, 51 yet-.raa, wife .t•nne., 43, dnughte1• Klnri, 19, son Jozse.1'1 11, brothe1•1nlaw Saabo In1x•c, 40 1 a iB'te1• Sze. bo & ha, 30, nephew Szabo

Denes, 12, Budapest Bimt o ut 58, HungEiry

Szul"Hz Mrs. Ls josna, 49 yenra, dH1ghter Ms.gda, +a, •h·ushto:r Szusi; 1$, l3udni:lest Andrnsay- ut 41, Hunge.17

Szego S1:1ndol', 41 years, wife Itta, son Tamas, 13, Bt~dapst Kisternplomut 4, Hungary ..

Szerenyi Helle., 68 yeare, daughter ilr. Mv.gda, 37, Budapest Booskn;yutde. 60, Hung&ry, brother Weisz Alfeed, 63, sis,terinlaw, nep}:1ew, 26, nephew WnlteP, 24; Buaapest K<.ipaa utoa 45/a Hungal'y

Ungar Ede, 57 years, wife Ded, 50, soninlaw Hon:l.g Nicholas, 30, daughter Honig Martha, 22, BUda.pest Bzondy u 22, Hungary . .

Wagne:r Bela, 44 years, wife Fritz! 39, daughter Zeuzei, 6, Budapest Dob uton 24, Hungary . . ·v

'· . L. ·r·


Weinberger Lnjos, 43 yen'!'s, wife, Budapest Tina Kalman 'l'f!l:l'

Weiaz Abraham .IJJ:o., 42 years, brother gugene, 25, m(lthe:r Fetnny; 58) Pallo ung megye , Hungaey

Weisz Morie, 49 years, wife J<nna, 36, eon N. 2, Pallouhg megy-e, Hunga).Oy:

Wiesner Jozsef Dr. 48 years, wife 39, Budapest Doheny, utoa 46, Rungal'y

Wol'H Jewish Congress

A. L. KUbl)Wibki "-0

».. ·- ..... W.ence la 1114• to .., 19\t• to ,.. el "-'- ao.

l ... mnt., .... , ....... to be lll.PloJll. tn 1'4'00.....a... _t•. ''*=._ ot PelHtlM ... uneat .. vUhta .._ tent._, .,.,. ................


Ye17 '"17 Jnl'••

!(9Zt1~ I. lf. l'

..... u ...... , ••


. •. -

TO: ;.1r. \llnr:ren

A:::'-0/ BAklil1:~ ~ LSLeseeraals· 7/8/44

July lo, 1944 .

·• '

j ·1

Propp el' ,Rt\nc'1Pl'. 'l'X' .lJn .l0Rd0r,, y fHS113114AIH9Bt

Nas1.Fereno daputy, y 68,Buuap~si

.. . -~-~---·~----~~--


i .. ! •

' ' •..

' . ;. ---'~



Dr.szentgyargy1,.Albert Un.Prat• 501Rseged



"'-· ---·---·- ,_

f!Qulpt: , 62,n e nk .. Mr a,~u~l\P~lt1i

Kmetty,Jl.n• patnter,sa,n..~-ttl:r 3,BUCtftJ'l•"f

P4tzRy,Pdl BOUlptor,fil,BudApeat

'.l'ersanazky, Jozai-Jen.6 1 autbC1:r, 55 ,J.autenaue:r•u ,9,BudApeat

I.aJoe, Ivdn a.uthor,49,P4os

Erdei,Yereno autho:r,45,Maklf.6

Horv,th, Jan(i Jourmub t,54,Bttdfl.paat

Gogo lftk, I. e Joa au tho.r 1 48, Hu<\apeat

Mflkay,Miklos authoJ:>,46,szemt'lre•ut 61.tiudapest

Vaa, IstvAn poe _t, 37, BudapHt


Benedek,Ma:roall author ,60,~dftJIHt ·

somlay,arthur Rotor,50,Hudarast

MlirA1,: .d,ndor author, 51,Miko J.mrff•u.Hudapettt

S?.ek:t'U,Gyula, hbtorian, 64,Hudnpttet

Kaddr,I<~ndre author,55 ,.Rud9.pe111t

Vedre~,Mdrk aculptor,68,Budapeat

Baok,·'.1.FU.16p aoulptor, 68, HudElpEtflt

SoMptlin, Aladl:S.:r author, 60 ,DudapEtl'~

Mlirtfy, (i d6n painter, 51, Budapt'at

Radnoti, Miklos poet, 41, Httdap•et

Mohdos1,Jan6 author 54,Budap~at

Nagy, iolM.n author 52, futde.pest

N.Smeth,I.Aazlo author 46, 8Udape11t ,.. ~



> :

Gaol,G~bor p\\blieher, 4G, UM Kol.MlflVRJ'

Jt"EI Jtl\, ~·ereno author, 49, Knl.ov.•v'r

s~ndor, P~l author, 38, Kolog~vlu-

szentiml'ei, ,Ten6 author,42 1 Kt'llov.E'vh\r

SM, Andor f\Uthor,57, Mwtlu\as

Wldae 1 Fereno author, 46, Du® post

" .

... ·1 ..•. • -~

Vaes,Gyul.a phyaia.h.n,author, 40, f'tzenten41'tl

Horner,Miklos author, 35, nu~ap~at

Sda,Ala«U.r arohiteot, 52, Keleti K~rolr•ut 29,Budapeat

UDll Ador Jt\n , J6.nos eoonnmist, 48, BudRpttRt

Mikol{\ ,E:l'\n<tor director, t\9,, kil'Alyn6-ut 19.

I.en3yaJ.,Oeza economist, eo, Rud.apast

Dr,Bersel' (Bog~J."t\l > Ivdn ~0 di~aotor ot laboratories ot Bp~at.~ity, Budaptll4t •

baro Ma4ara~sy-aeok,zr.uzen 501 author Budapest

BAnooz1,IA.Rzlo 60, author BU4-P•Rt

Ungar.B,la 45 lawyer, Zionist lEuuler 7.enta u.l.

Sas,.Andor 55• author,Munkaos

Vt\rnai,Mniel 60, T.rt\de Union l.ttft(\er

Ozobel 1 BUa 61, pftJ.nter Budapnt

Ddnel'I, J,aj as 65,

FUst,M1ltln 56, author RUdRJ'Ht .Rudt\61'd u,J.a

Rel ta:1. Jen6 73, rtuthor Bn4'apest BJ.mb(') u,4..



I f .1

. !• '1

-~~ . i

. : ·'I

'W -- - - . ~-:1


Weiner, 1.eo 54, compose:r llude.:raat

. .:,..,:

... -:_ ,_. -

MoJ'ioz,Mlklo• 6~, eoonom111 t au<lapi!Rt

Illy6a,Oyula 48, author Rudepe•t

KovAo•,IDU.'9 401 author,fludapeat

i;iarvna,Jozaat, 41, author, Budapaet

Elak,P~ter 43, author Budap~et

Ki~s,LaJos 60, author Budap~at

SohHnherge:r, Al'mtlnd 59, paintflr .B\\dRpcu1t

Ra\rdos,Arthur 60, theatre dJ.r-.otor HUdRpeat


Posdny,Mor1o 64, .arah1te<1t Bl\da:rieat

sz,kely,AJ'tur 66, aeoratar;y,ohuher ot oommet"ae ,audapeat lil\Jv1vo \

·,. ~- ~--

. . .

\ \

Leopold,I.ajo11 65, author

DolU\t,GyBrgy 49, lawyer szaged

nr.Miskoloz1,neze6 53 1 phya1o1tm P4011

RRusohburg,P~l 61, phya1~1an Hudep~at

VA~lok,Sdndor 461 author GaramvG.lgy

Tolna1,0t1bar 44.,autho:r R~egeid,.P4tar 43, author m~esed


::; /

RaJnal,.Anna (Keaz1 Paln4) 38, poeteuu1 Rudapl'lst

Zovdny!,Jen6 50, historian Rudapest

Salgo,Otto 45, economist Rudnpeat

Gy6rk~,Irnre 58, daputy ttudapeat

I>r.Klnr,ZolM.n S\\thor,:physio1M BudapeiRt 8ZtelfitV4n kBrut 7

Kesathelyi,Nandor 41, lawyer Budapeet flv.abacls4g tt:r 15

stark, ,T6.nos 39, author Iludnpaat

.. Mrucay,Marg_1t 45, actress Budapest

Szemera,samu 63, D1reator Jurist ~-·

Zolt~n,IAszlo 49 1 pianist Buda~e~t ~ AndrtisAy u.av

P4os1,Rlanka 45, aotrasa nudftp~~t T~t1'6\ u.P.o/a

Dr.Rakonit~ 1 .renl\ 46, phya1aian Budapest Kir~ly n,86

Lesrmer,Mano 551 arohiteat Hltdt\pMit I~so u,t\,

Avar,Jozeef 50 1 Trade Union l~ader S~ombathely

szimonideaz,I,njoe 63, Calvinbt ~ minhter HUdE\IWst M•s~~roa u.16

Vt\@h1d1 1 Fereno 45 1 r-.ootai J'lt\moo:rat oolumnlst Budap~st

Kompdthy1 Alad4r 531 poet

Dr.Balga,Ernl\ 69, phy~1oian ttudapeet

Further r:e!'erenou it lftadil to your letter (yo\# No. 'Ill) ·)f June 7 I 194/*I to Whi.Cb reply lt!l.fl !!!D.UO uru\er date of JU\16 21.

<e are notr iuf;):t''il\Od tlat tlv• P~1l.estine atovernment in collabor~~ion with the JawiBh Agenoy for Palont1ne ~o,ialuatoe ~;er11onia holding ?;;. cert.ificm.tos 1•ho:n 1t 11ould bo willing t,; 0:i:chango r • ..,r i-;er;;wm h0ld in P~11ostine, and t.11&n t.ho M.llttil'l 0f 1.moh il(1l'nm8 are C<>mmunieahtl to the Ger"3!'..n gowl'Olllent till"ql;gh Saitzerl.-,nd. H01'141'Ver, in practice, the Ger-~n f!OV''lrJlaGnt, ft'e l.\l'~ advimea, oi'ttm N>;orts thut it c~nnot. tl'ace the per:'lona ~u~.ined ».no aubatitut.e., othel' Jewish pert{-Onl!i. rifl \11'.ldel"Dttmd thtit tern 0omp111.rativ'llly «mall e:iu:hangoe of t.tlii' kintl be.ft taken ,;'.L:lce.

Th6 Bl' l"oreJ.c,n Office $U&J>$1lt;$ that ore,anhatitli\s 1.1.t'id i.wlivid-.alc dosirins to have r~reon~ in wbo;a tbe,- are interested considor(ld f"Jr: i!!UCh ex<.1b1m&•t QOllll!IUnicatt) tbe nmne11 of fll.lcb persona t.<i the Colonial Office in L'Jndt1n for trtrnihlll.&1111.on to the High Coniaeione.r at J&l"U$a.lq and the J ~wish Agency J>.lr their dechion ae 'to tbe suitab1Uty of their beins ;ih.ced tin the exchaf18e list.

LSLeseer1als 6/23/44

J. w. Pehl.e Executive Dll'eetot-



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JUN 21 t944

Do8l' Dr. Wises

This 11111 ackno\'lledge receipt of your letter (your No. 78) Qf June 7, 1941 ••

Since Palel'Jtino certificates o.utborbe the aclndeilioll of holderE> thel'llof tn territol"y under the control of the Brittah ~o•ernment, we have alwa.j«~ oonsidered that tbo exuh~ge or ?al.eettno eer.tifio11te holders for eneli\y nationals was a -.tter that can be banaled by tho Brltieh gravernlll&nt. 111ore ooiono~, and ther0fore with uv:m;. probability of succeee, thiln by tM United l:'htes. l''rom time to timll', WG been advised th&\ uuch :;:1>·r11oni: han bean ftXCh.."1.t1tled, and we bave 8.&lci.d AlilJa$8adol' ~inant to explore this matter for ub.

Aa to perl!lons holding Latin berican. paospor\si th!J• . Govern'lttlnt hae, a5 you kn9w, taken the position that ttt491 !111\lt\ be treated by the enemy as n& of suoh count.neattfi•l't .;."Ut'.flOSes. In thts we have received the agreemeat of llliJ&\ of tho Lu.tin Ameriean countriH concerned. We •:itP'ot .. tbe a~~'l' of tho remli.!.ning to momentlll'ily. ife he.Ye .-.queis~d tl!eSwtli government to advifle the Gerinan gove~tt1$nt 1;ha~theUriit.~ StatEla conuide:rs a.ll poreons holding tu:tj.~ Am&ii~ pa~Spil);'t• as eligible for exehange. !n viow of ·the pro~edu:r-if~ilPtOl-4 in c:)nsU111nnting ian e:rnbange, whether $ctly Jt\lO~'l)!taoxtii &lit. aettuAlly ex~htutgecl dependtl t M it al~O ?J,tlfOl 1,ri ~he 9a~e of . United Stat(ts oitben1', on w~ether the Gtitl'li!U'ur>J.#.~J.Ud• th•1*, qn any axohauge liiit. Ft~r yowr further inforl!la~ton, tn~r• Jd ' ·· omcloaed a C{IPY vf a l'!lll~O.lut:l.on l'tH>ently iill'lo~tGd tif<tljf,t • . EmergGney MvithH'Y C.:oill1!lit.tlil~ tor Poli.t.ical D1,tf'•jiso, find. b:1 .it subruitted to the Gvve~ent.a of the berfon.n Replibllcs fo-r implementation. ·

~ou will, of cQu.r-se> ro.(}ottlite the coafi.d(lntul nature of the :tni'ormatiou herein contained.

di'~ Dr. Ste~nen s. Wiee ~1ol'lcl J ewiilih C0rtg~esa :no if Ht 42rtc1 . Hew York 181 N\* i'. L$Lea!'l,rJ.µ~ 6/14/M

• _c -_.- ·_ ,- - : _·::;;:-- -~~\'·.

vow t~ ;rovrtl, .... 811JJ.1.19111a

J. ff., Pebl.4t Execut1Ye Diretlt.Q~

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c 0

p y

In reJJlY refer to i~o. ?c.

iion. J. W. Pehle i\a.r f;_efu,;ee Boaru Treasury Buil,iinb ·s~snin5-Lvn, D. C.


jJO west 42nd street

New York 111, N. y,

June 7, 1944

On A;.;r·il "-), y~m ·11ere s0 i;.inu a.:; to forwaru Lo me a confi­nent.iu.l m8ssa,;e frum Dr. GerilarL-t Riee;ner and Dr. Richard Lichtheim, waici1 you had receivea from t;1e A111<01ican Legation in Bc;rn, uncier ;late of A;:>ril 19, 1944.

It ·::ill S:li"fi2e tl1at I quote tne last t.wo sentences ·of t,-,i<> messa"e to recc..ll its td"I"ible ur0 ency:

"It is .::c.t1· CJnsiae:·ci op.inion th8.t unless action is taken at orice t0 effect a group exchan6 e, neit..ner holders of ?alestine certL.'icates nor any othror ,;roups can be sav_ed. rl;.lS Vitil is nelJ by all ciiplomo.tic representatives in­clctaic,b t:1e Pa_t.Jal Nuncio at Bern v;ho nave o.p,_iroached us rece.-,tly. 11

In l,,ne o_t.Jinion of Dr. R.LegnET arni Dr. Llchtheim, tile Jewish cc:.~~o.ida tes for excimnge, in tl1e first instance, should be those who receivec:. Paicstine immi.;r'-'i:,ion Ctrtificates, and who are kept in speci:.i.l camps. They stres;;ed that t11e whole group (and '"e tiiink tne 110.iuers of Latin Ame:cican passports too} might be saved "if as a beginnine; an exchani;e of a few hundred at least could be made with ,_.rospects of further exchanges in the future."

I ·;;oulci be extremely obliged to you for informing me whether t:1u·e ls some nop.:: i:.i10. -i:. a beginninc; of exchange, as suggested by' Dr. :;::ie5rkr and Dr. Lichtheim, will mat8rialize in the near future, aud in E;enerH.l v111at are t11e intentions and the projects of the War nefugee Bo<il'ci in t..llis ,Jarticu.Lar field. ·

Sincerely yours,


Dr. St..ephen s. Wise Chair1aan, Executive Committee4c





-----. _.,_J_

I i

GENEVA 37 Quai Wilso•

BUENOS AIRES Corr!entes 2024-?c

JERUSALEM Vaad Leumi, P.O. B. 471

MONTREAL 1121 St. Catherine St. W

MEXICO CITY Sonora 174-4


In reply refer to No. 125

Dr. :Benjamin .Aktin War Refugee :Board Treasury Building Washington, D.C.

Dear Dr. Akzin:

il'ith reference to our today's telephone con­versation, I am enclosing herewith a duplicate copy of the list we sent you on June 21st, which begins with the name "Daniel Steiner".

As you will see from the covering slip, the copy in your possession indicated by mistake that the lists concerned Hungarian rabbis. · ~

KRG:bn Enc.

Very sinc~rely yours,

. :-.J l; ·::1

f .

f I

.. j ..

I . ! l

LONDON SS New Cavendish S.t., W I

GENEVA 37 Quai Wilsoa

BUENOS AIRES Corrlentcs 2024-9c

JERUSALEM Vaad Leumi, P. 0. B. 471

MONTREAL 1121 St. Catherine St. W

MEXICO CITY Sonora 174-4


In reply refer to No. 104

Hon. Jolm W. Pehle War Ref'Ugee Board Treasury Building Washington, D. o. Dear Mr. Pehle:

June 21, l9li4

I would be extremely obliged to you for forwarding, through the State Depar'bnent, to Mr. Chaim Barlas in Istanlnl the attaohed list of people reoam­mended for Palestine oertifioates.

Thanking yoi.i. in advanoe, I remain,


Sinoerel:=: _ .

Le n Kubowitzki o~DojJ&,.....ont