FOIA Request & Response Letter · June 19, 2018 . I request pursuant to the Freedom of Information...

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Transcript of FOIA Request & Response Letter · June 19, 2018 . I request pursuant to the Freedom of Information...

  • •••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • • •••••••• •••••••••• •••••• ••••••••

    Sec tilis

    FOIA / PA Officer John Livornese U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission FOIA Office 100 F Street NE, Mail Stop 5100 Washington, DC 20549

    Dear Mr. Livornese:

    \ ~ - ol\ '6 (o s-£ Rc:CW:: \'Je ~

    JUN 1,9 'i.018

    Office oi A r"t · r • • ••

    June 19, 2018

    I request pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 5 U.S.C. § 552. As Amended by Public Law No. 104-231, 110 Stat. 3048, copies of the following agreements.

    Exhibit 10.8 to Form SB-2 filed on 02/16/2000 by Ultimate Sports Entertainment Inc

    Exhibit Title: Publishing Agreement

    CIK: 1101888

    Sectilis will pay up to $61 for research, copies and review fees for all of the abovementioned agreements. Please forward all releasable material for copying . My daytime telephone number is 202-798-8809. Please call me or e-mail at to discuss the total cost or estimated cost of this research/copies should the amount exceed the price indicated in this request.


    Stella Vasconcellos Research Assistant Sectilis LLC 6931 Arlington Rd. # 580 Bethesda, MD 20814




    WASHINGTON, DC 20549-2465

    Office of FOIA Services June 25, 2018

    Ms. Stella Vasconcellos Sectilis LLC 6931 Arlington Rd., # 580Bethesda, MD 20814

    RE: Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. § 552Request No. 18-04865-E

    Dear Ms. Vasconcellos:

    This letter is in response to your request, dated andreceived in this office on June 19, 2018, for access to Exhibit10.8 to Form SB-2 filed by Ultimate Sports Entertainment, Inc.on February 16, 2000.

    The search for responsive records has resulted in theretrieval of 11 pages of records that may be responsive to yourrequest. They are being provided to you with this letter.

    No fees have been assessed for the processing of thisrequest. If you have any questions, please contact me or (202) 551-8349. You may also contact me at or (202) 551-7900. You also have the right toseek assistance from Dave Henshall as a FOIA Public Liaison or contact the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) fordispute resolution services. OGIS can be reached at 1-877-684-6448 or or via e-mail at


    Felecia TaylorFOIA Lead Research Specialist



  • ---------------------------

    Nadonal Football Lc3.KUc Prop4!rtie!I, Inc. 280 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017 Area Code (212) 450-2000 FAX (212) 681-7599 ,

    i 16. 4-t:, hrr ,o. • PUBLISHING AGREEMENT TERM SHEET I

    l.icensee: ULTIMATE SPORTS !ENTERTAINMENT. ING. Liar.: JUiy 19, 1999 Addresa: 5410 WiJ.shil'e Boulevard, Svi/u '311 ~S),; JOO, 440220 568

    Len Ange~, CA 90036

    nie folluwing /A11n1. ur& made part of Md ore subject to all dt,fmit/()l>S, /a,m..'I nnd conditions sot forth m Ucense Nt·s). .. 31107 IIARKETrf«J PROGRAM; NFI. QuM1«Dl!Ck Club

    TliR/11: Sep/Blf'Jbsr 1, 191Xi-Augusl 31, 2001

    TERRITORY: rite, u,,11ee1 $f/llM Md SUCfl 0th«' counrriH •hat NFLP may doaigr,oll: ill wn1il11J. \



    ====""'"'-~:.\II.~•. "~=.:=================c:=· ·- . El!CAL YEAB LICENSED PRODUCT ~~

    YEAR 911199 • &13 //00 ~8.108 COMIC ltOOK ADVENTURE STORIES :6Y Yf:AR II 91111?0 8131I01 !iBJDlJ COMIC BOOK ADVENTURE STORIES I ~

    00205 SUPE:R BOWL SPECIALS ~ ::t::'11:l:"Jl,'J' ' P~,,--• -·


    ~ Due no later rllan JI 1/00 notwi1hsranriir,g ~ ()(~' (IUOfl O~OCCltfOfl}anyllilng'to tho contrary GOllluir,c,J ill IM I l1:"11i,., /


    YEAR II ~11/00 - li/31/01 ~ Due ,10 4)/el' rh11n 311AJ1 notw1/h!!llanding 'Dtlll Wl/00 notwilhslmldir,g ,i,1y/llllltJ /(l file r;on/nr,y conlarn«/ in the License.) lo l/10 crmfrary co"tui11od in Clio Lic~"11SC.)

    ......... ~i...--==~=,...a=·..a.~~===================,...,.,,..,.,~----- - ....~.....Mf"-'"- -·-·---- · i

    A/JTHONZED BftAHOS FOR I LICl!N$ED PROOUCT(S): Ullimal• Sports. Inc. iI.ICBNSBD lfARK(l'i} FOR LJCENSED PlfflOUC r(S): QB Club Msrb 1111ri tho 0£1 Mi:11101)1 /W()ric11

  • Nation~I Football League Properties, Inc. 280 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017 , Area Code (212) 450-2000 FAX (212) 681-7599 ·

    Publishing Agreement

    Llcen.see: ULTIMATE SPORTS ENTERTAtNMENi date: July 19, 1999 Address: ·51ffowiistiire AouievArd, Suite 611 ~O(S}.: 300-440220-08!1

    Lem Angeiot;, ~~-3;.;;6'------------------------National Football League 1-'ropmhP.S, Inc. ("NFLP"} has the exciusive right to license tor purp0$8$ lhQ trl

  • I x. "Style": A distinct prototype of a Licansed Product thal differs from any olt11:1r prolol)'l)f'I or lhat same license9 Product in :my form or manner with

    raspQct 10 des,gn, mat111ria1. pgt1Qm, s1zo, shape. Licensed Mar1earin9 Ille San f)iego CharHQtS logo would each b8 ,1 StylA of liCQnsgd Pme1uct}. ·

    y. ~: The lime period for which this License shall be effective. I z. "Territory": The geographic 3rea in which l.ioensee sh.Ill he1ve the riuht to ~II the LiQ1111;ed ?rooucts. l.icens~e ii; prohibited from selling Lioonsod

    Produc..1S F.O.A. oUi5iCll:t 11·,e Terrllory without the prior written approval of NFLP. '.j,[njf!: A sir19le Ucen~ed Product (e.g. one T-shirt and ono jackot would each be a Unit).

    i G{«olgfj.(Q.llrl1.~ i Subject to all of the terms and conditions of this License, NFLr grantll Licensee the non-exclusive right to use~c L1ccnsod Marks In oonnection with the mant•tacture. pubfle.:1tion, distributlo11. sale, ano advertisin9 of the Licensed Products under the Autho ed 8rand in tho Distribution C:hHnnels in the i"rril(ny in 11r.cotd1m~ with all f)Olictes, rule9 an(1 r&Qulallao!l of the Marketing Program, ii ~PP ical:lle, and NFLP, which ;ire deemed part of this License. Except as expressly provided on the Term Sheet, Licensee shall have no right to use .Jny of thCI QB Mark.,q in i:t,nner.tion wm, 11,e L~nMl!cJ Products or otherwise. Unlel\9 othet'Wi.~ ,n(li,:alHd on the Term Shet:tl, l.icemiee 11,111 have no right to distribute the Licensed Products directly 10 consumors as a Direct Retailer or otherwise. Liconsoe shall have no right to :sell , r(KJu,;L-, as f>ren'liums or permit me u!I& of Ille Li1:tt11l! f>r(lduc!$ rerniurn~ t.,y ~ny pprty whom Licensee knows or should reasonably know intends to use the Licensed Products as Premiums. :

    3. Terms of Payment a. Lic:ffr,:u,e .s~II pey NF~ P H111 Ro'(

    d. Licensee shall pay NfLP nn .iddition:il ctiargo of on~ and ono-half pgrc:l'lnt ( 1. ~%) ?Qr 11100th on ;,iny payrnEtnt va , 1nder this License tha.t remains unpaid ftfteen (15) days after such payment becomes due. I

    ~_pJJlY. Contf.4i i;Prior to mlilking ;my use cf ;ar1y StytQ of any L11»nsed Product, Lir..wnsaw $1l;ill ,;ubmit to NFLP for its approval a Licensee's sole cost and expenso c1t the roHowlng applicable stages: (i) finished artwork or final proofs: (ii) pre-production sampl8s or strlk"--Off& f Hur.ii propo11ed Style: (iii) a prgfiminary dr;ifl ,,t tt,a ,:umpltJIH text

  • d.

    5. a.









    9. 3.



    Licensee represents and w.:irrants that it shaU not use any design created ir1 connec!lon with the LicerlAAd PrOl!lt:I~: on any product which is of the ,;a~ grad~ ;inrl 111.1ality ~s the Uconsed Products but does not bear the Licensed M:irks.

    AdYflti1;inQ and Pro11'oti,t;1!1~I. Materials : Licensee wt!J not uoo tho Liconsed Marks or any reproduction ol them, including without limitation. PhotographJ or Computer Art. as defined in r:uagraph 103, in any ~dvertisin9, promotion, p1,1blicity OI' tli&p~y rna!Qrials (eolloctlvoly ''Promot1on.;il M.itorl.;als'!) without 11u:1iivin9 NFLl-''s prior wntll)n approval oxeculoo on :i Promotional Approval Form sopplied to Licensee by NFLP, Licensee may use ft•ch approved Promotional Materials only in oonjunclir,n with ttw, Styles of Llceooorl ProrlttCIS lh.;at NFLP Ms .;ipprovod. UOllfl:IIQQ shall SOb!nil IC> NFLP ,1ll l-'ro111r,ur,nal Mat&rials at tllA tollowmg 11.pplicablo stages appropriate to the medium used: (i) conceptual stage. pre-producti4n ar1 or rough cuts; (ii) layout, storyboard and saipt; (iii) finished materials: and (iv) al any other til'T1e as reai;~'IN!bly requested by NFLP. Li ~" thall ensure that it submits all prop9s, sales $hAf!IS Ar"rd brocht.lros involving roprcscntativc merchandise from NFLP·s licensees ("Promotional Programs"). Licensee shall supply within ten (10) business days of any reQuest by NflP, al no dlarge lo NFLP. all or ciny portion(}{ 11111 quantily of Promolionat PnnJuc;ls $pffunLq fall within the Dlstrlbl1tlon Ch,mnels. NFLP shall determine, in ils sole dlscrP.tlor1, whelller SLJCh retail accounts fall y.,ithi11 tt1e Distribution Channels and shall provldo L1c;ensee with a list of tho awrovod retail accounts. Licensee shall manufacture. publish, dislfibuti. sell anrl maintain inventory of sufficient quantities of each Style of each Ucenred Product to meet the reasonable manret demand in the Distribution Channels. Licensee shall not sell Licansod Products to any third party that Uconsco knows or should reasonably know intonds to soil the U~rS(!(J Pr011tsld11 of 11111 autt1orlzed Distribution

  • c. Licensee shall not mal

  • f.

    12. a.


    13. a.



    14.. a,



    15_ a.



    Licensee shall .issist Nl=l P al NFLP's oxpense, in the procurement, protection. and rnaint0nanca of NFLP's ri9h1s 111 and to thA NFL Marks, QB M,uks and th& Proprietary M::ite,ials. NFLP may, ir1 ii.$ solo dl&erotion, commc,,ce or prosecute and control the disposition of any daims or suits rclati11e to the imitation , infrinuemer'II 3/'td/0< unauthorized use of the NFL Mar~s. QB Marks or lhtJ PropriQtary Mah,ra;ib; ain1,;r in its own n~me, or in the name of t.icen&ee, or 1oin Licensee as a party in the prot;ec1,1tirH1 of sue/1 dalms or suits. Licensee shall coopcr::ite fully with and pro11ide fun ~sistance to NFLP in connection with any s1,1c:I\ claims or suits. Licensee shall promptly notify NFLP in wriling ol any infringement, i111itc1tions, or unauthorized ur,e of IJie Nl-'L Marks, QB Mar1

  • however. it co1npellin11 d1C:1irnstances oxisl as determined !Jy NFLP in the exercise of its reasona!Jle business judgment, NFLP may conduct .:in Immediato inspoction, audit or ex3mination will, no prior notir.a to Lit::Gn>1Qw. liCQOSGQ represents th:;it It wlll fully c:oopim1te with the inspection, audit or examination and will not c:auSA or permit any interforence with NFLP or its representatives during :my iru:poclion, audit or axamination. Dunng an inspection, ~11u1t ur Axamination, NFLP shall have the right to make copies or extracts of Licensee's Records.

    c. Lioonsce shall pay NFLP for the cost ot any .iudit thal diselc!Sf!,i ;i p:.y111a111 Cle(1dency of more than two percent(:!%) between Iha !P.'$ rE!nP.wal r8Ql.18sl notice. 1his ucei,se autom.i1ically expires at the entJ

  • b.














    After expir.ition or termin:~hon of thls License for whatever reason, all rights granted undE!f' this Lic:QnAAQ will iAvfHt t() NFLP ::ind Lir.M~9'! shall refrain from further use of, simulation of or retarence to any :and all of lhQ NFL Marks .md QB Mariroduct~ ("t,efl-Off Period") that are on nand or in prooess al the Unw. uf such expiration. provided all statements and payments thei, due to NFLP arA firi:t llllilM, Lln:ldur::ls in '-ic:t!mma's inventory. If Lu:~nscc refuses to permit &.1ch phy:,h~;11 t,x8r11ina110n c>f the irwcntory or fails to provide NFLf> with the statement required in subparagr.lph a above. Licerr~e wlll fodell Its right to any Sell-Off Period. UJ,1nn Ille 1~111111all0r1 cit lllis L.conse or immediately after the Sell·Otf Period. I;een!.lee ~hall deliver to NFLP all Pro11rietary Materials and all related motorials. including software. created or used l>y Lic:ensee in connection with t11is License and shall. at NFLP's eptioo, destroy or sell to NFLP at Licensee's cost. My molLl:s, plates and other items used to reprodu(:e the Lh:t1ni111,e1 Marks.

    Ptavm and coaches Lir written consent

    S&11erabt1ttv If any paragraph or dause ot th15 Licanse is illegal o, Invalid or \/Clld for any reason, lhe remain ing paragraphs and clauses or the License will remain in full farc:o .:rnd QffCot.

    Release i'ricoiisiderat,on of the 11ghts granted under this Uc:anse, L.lcenseH relffHl;illl Ni::LP. the NFL. its Member Clubs. the OB Club, the QBC Members. and each ot their respar.tivP ..iflilialas, snar0holders, officers. directors. ::igents and employees 1mm ,my ctatms, ctemamJs, losses, exponsos or damages. whether known er unknown, arising out ot ur Ir\ connection with or in any manner related to the manu1.Jct1)re. publiel:ltion. distribution or sale of products bearing !he Licensed Maras. Nothing In this paragr;iph will relieve NFL? af Its oblioatlons under P.1ragr.iph 12 (C) of the License.

    e.ubllr;.91. P.!.llfll.CP..Q.fl'.qrim1, Licensee shall not refer to this License or NFLr. the NFL or its Members Club:1 ur affilialAS ir, any publir: or pri11a1e olfe,lng, or other securities or nnHnciny uucurmmt, wilhcmt NF!LP's prior written consent and then only on such c:ondition:, as NFLf" deems appropriate in it:, dlscreHon,

    l11Uf UI. IIMAlt: :,f'()Hfl;i li'l'llt-HIAINM~NT 7


  • 31. MMJttpte Term Shffta In tho event that this Licen!!i1:1 has rnulllple Tarm Sheets attached to it. the term~ and ~ndiliom; of this Liomse will

    32. Entire Aareement Thii. Llr-'!n&e con&tllutcs the entire agreement and understanding betwoan thQ pgrtlei: to this License with respect to Iha subject matter of this License and c.,noels, temtinate$, and suporsedes any prior or oontemporaneous agreement or undenitanding, whether oral or written, on lhis ~bject betwoon Licon~e and 1he NFL. its affiliates (II' Meniber Clubs, thA QB Club, th1 QBC Members or NFLP. Th!i headings in this LiconSG arc fer reference purposes °"'Y and Mve no legal affact.

    3S. Execution l.itensee will make an otrm Ii, onter Into this License by having a duly authorized offic::er r)r 1'8p1$111,in!aliVf:I $i9n t1l'IIOW



    Too following definitions shall awly to this Liceflse:

    1. ~irport/Hotol Shop: A separate retail store locatecl in an 3irpnrt or h(>tel.

    2. ~~~ Storo: A retail store that carries as its primary retail item!l a111001llllve suppllas.

    3. Book S!9.f.": A re~il $tore th;:at carrias as: its primary items books and periodicals. Examples include, without hmltalion, Walden Books, and Barnes and Nobl~.

    4. !~~: A retail store that carries as it,; pfimary t(ltail items c.:irds or party products. Examples include. without limiiatioo. Hallmark Store$.

    5. C.omputor1Efoctronic Store: A retail slo~ that cafriGs: gs its prin-r.iry retail items computers. software. and computer accessories or electrMic eQulpmoot and appliances. Examples include, without limit;;lion, CompUSA arr!:!t: A rP.tail store that carries as its primary retail items pharmaceuticals, health and be;;ivty aids, and convenience items. Examples indude, without limitation, OSCO, Wa1grnen, and E:ci

  • 21. Hobby Store: A reQil storo that canias as Its primary retail ilern collectible products.

    22. Home Specialty Store: A rcitail store lh::it cam,u: as ils 11ri11uiry retail items furniture and homo produclS. Exc1rnples il\ciUQe, without llmi1ation, Home Place, Home Depot, Linens 'N Things. and Bed Bath :md B•yond.

    23. ,l.t~l'l/,l:!Jr,,rit: A store that carries as its primary ret:Jil item jewelry. Examplos include, withoot limibtion, Adler .Jowolers.

    24. Membership Club/Warehouse Storo: A rata,I storr. tllAt m;irkAh; p,OIJucls to members only. Exompf