FO1 PB_Unit5

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Transcript of FO1 PB_Unit5



t! 1 Pup

il’s Book Prima

ry 1st cycleI SBN 978-1-4050-6936-6

9 7 8 1 4 0 5 0 6 9 3 6 6

Donna Shawwith Mark Ormerod

INCLUDESStories and Songs CD

andCD-ROMPrimary 1st cycle

Pupil’s Book

Pupil’s Book

Activity Book

Find Out about Science and Art Activity Book

Teacher’s Resource File

Photocopiable Resources


Word cards

Story cards

Audio CDs

Stories and Songs CD



DVD Resources



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My name is__________________

1 2

3 4

5 6

Classroomobjectspage 4

Familiespage 12

Foodpage 20

The bodypage 28

Petspage 36

Housespage 44

Christmas page 52Easter page 53Big Cheese Picture Dictionary page 54Cut-outs page 57

Donna Shaw with Mark Ormerod

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Lesson 1

Listen. Sing and point.

• Listen to The pets song. Sing the song and point to the pictures.

• Trace and colour the pets. Say the words: dog, cat, parrot, hamster, tortoise, rabbit.

• Find and count the hidden pawprints.Write the number in the pawprint.



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Lesson 3Make the cards on page 73 and sing the song. Play the game.

Lesson 2

Find and colour.

Listen and tick (✓).

• Listen and tick the pets that Peter and Sally’s friend has got.

• Find and colour the pets. Say the words.

• Make the cards and sing The pets song.

• Play the game with the cards and say Have you got a (dog)? Yes. / No.





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Listen and point.

Lesson 4CD2CD2


1 2 3

4 5 6

• Find out what pets eat. Listen and point to the animals.

• Match the pets to their food. Say (cats and dogs) eat (meat).


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Lesson 5Colour. Sing and point.




• Colour the hamster and the parrot’s food. Say the chant I’ve got a rabbit and point to the pictures.

• Draw your pet. Say I’ve got a (cat). (Cats) eat meat.


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Listen to the story.

Lesson 6





5 6

• Tell the story with the story cards.

• Tell the story again and ask the questions.

• Listen to the story again and follow in the Pupil’s Book.



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Look and colour.

Find and match.





• Look and colour the bowl of rabbit food in the story. Say rabbits eat fruit and vegetables.

• Find and match the pets. Say the words.

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Lesson 7

Make the cut-out on page 75 and put the stickers on.

Listen and say.

• Listen and say the chant Tortoise eats ten tomatoes.

• Make the cut-out and put the stickers on. Sing The pets song. Lift the flaps and say I’ve got a (hamster).



1 2


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Lesson 8

1 2 3 4






Listen and number.Trace.

Match and listen.





• Listen and number the pictures in order.Trace the words.

• Match the pets to their food then listen and check your answers.

• Think about your work and colour a face.

• Put the stickers on the Big Cheese Picture Dictionary (page 56).

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Hello! Unit HelloGoodbyeFlowersNumbers 1-10

What’s your name?I’m … (name).Let’s be friends!Let’s count!

1 Classroom objects Pen, pencil, pencil sharpener, ruler, rubber,crayonRed, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple,brown

Where’s my (pen)?Here!Where’s my (red) crayon?(Red) and (yellow) make (orange).

2 Families Mummy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, (baby) brother, sister, family, mePresentBig, small

Who’s this?Tell me, please!This is my (sister).This is me.We’re a happy family.This is a big family.

3 Food Apples, pears, tomatoes, cheese, ham, eggsChicken, milk, oranges, bananasFood, animals, plantsSandwich, fridge

Can I have some (cheese), please?Here you are!Thank you!No, (sorry).(Tomatoes) come from (plants).I’m hungry!

4 The body Head, body, arms, legs, hands, feetRun, swim, play football, ride a bike

Can you (clap your hands)?Can you (touch your feet)?Can you (ride a bike)?Let’s (play football)!Exercise is good for you!Exercise is fun!

5 Pets Dog, cat, rabbit, tortoise, hamster, parrotBoxMeat, fruit, vegetables, seeds

Have you got a (cat)?I’ve got a (rabbit) in my box.Here’s the (cat).(Tortoises) eat (fruit and vegetables).

6 Houses Bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room,hall, garage, houseStraw, wood, brick, stoneBig, small

Are you in the (garage)?I’m in the (kitchen).It’s made of (wood).Look at this house!Go away!I’m hungry!

Festivals Christmas Easter

Macmillan EducationBetween Towns RoadOxford OX4 3PPA division of Macmillan Publishers LimitedCompanies and representatives throughout the world

ISBN 978 1 4050 6936 6

Text © Donna Shaw 2007Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2007

First published 2007

All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the permission of the publishers.

Designed by John Brown JuniorIllustrated by Beccy Blake, José Ignacio Gómez, Ángeles Peinador and Alan RoweCover design by Martin CoxCover illustration by José Ignacio GómezRecordings produced by James Richardson Songs arranged and produced by Tom, Dick and Debbie Productions

Author’s acknowledgementsI would like to thank everyone at Macmillan in Oxford and Spain for all their help and support during the development of this book.Thanks in particular are due to Kate Melliss and Sarah Meadows for their encouragement and conviction, and to Daniel Buisán for his hard work and editorial guidance. I’d also like to thank Philippa Dunning for her invaluable input and keen editorial eye, and Catherine Walsh,Angela Reckitt and Douglas Williamson for their professional commitment.Thanks also to Meryl Wilford, Fiona Miller and Rut Castilla. Special thanks go to all the readers and teachers who piloted this material for their invaluable comments and feedback. Finally, I’d like to express my gratitude to Mark Ormerod for his generosity and understanding, and Elisa,Teresa and Marina Juncosa for their enthusiasm and for always offering a very beneficial child’s point of view.

AcknowledgementsThe author and publishers would like to thank the following schools and teachers for piloting their materials: Rosa González, C.P. José Bergamín Gutiérrez, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid; Lucrecia NavarroFernández, C.P. Juan de Zaragueta, Madrid; Maripi Arriaga, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona; Carmen Ferreres, C.P. Joaquim Abril, Sant Fost de Campsentelles, Barcelona; Marta María Costa, CEIP Campomaior, Ordes, A Coruña; Eladia Menaya Fernández, C.P. Enrique Segura Covarsi, Badajoz; Mª Ángeles Trilla, Col·legi Mirasan, Lleida; Almudena Blanca Areas, CEIP Salustiano Rey Eiras, A Coruña;Paco Egea Ripa, C.P. Hermanos Marx, Zaragoza; Carlos Garrido, Colegio San Fernando, Avilés; Olivia González Padilla, Colegio Sansueña Stma.Trinidad, Córdoba; Marisa Pérez Tamayo, C.P. Juventud,Badajoz; Ángel Puerta Carrasco, C.P. Tartessos, Málaga; Mª Jesús Perales Cañete, C.P. Al Andalus,Córdoba; Belén Martín de Santa Olalla, Escuelas Pías, Albacete, Mª Victoria Van de Walle, CEIP Costa i Llobera, Barcelona.

The author and publishers would like to thank the following for permission to reproduce their photographic material: BannaStock and Corbis (top border family and food and pets, houses,Christmas), DK images pp (stationary border), Rubber ball (Children jumping border)Alamy pp14 (3), 30(1, 4), 31(1, 2, 4), 38(tm), BannaStock pp14 (1, 2, 4), 30(2), 38(tl, tr, bm), 39, 46 & 51(3);Corbis pp38 (br, bl), 46 & 51(1, 2, 4), 46 (b), Getty pp30 (3), 31(2).Commissioned Photography by Paul Bricknell pp3, David Tolley pp10, 18, 26, 34, 42, 50.

Printed and bound in Spain by Cayfosa-Quebecor

2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 200710 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Find Out! 1 Syllabus

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t! 1 Pup

il’s Book Prima

ry 1st cycle

I SBN 978-1-4050-6936-6

9 7 8 1 4 0 5 0 6 9 3 6 6

Donna Shawwith Mark Ormerod

INCLUDESStories and Songs CD

andCD-ROMPrimary 1st cycle

Pupil’s Book

Pupil’s Book

Activity Book

Find Out about Science and Art Activity Book

Teacher’s Resource File

Photocopiable Resources


Word cards

Story cards

Audio CDs

Stories and Songs CD



DVD Resources



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