Fmla and childbirth

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Fmla and childbirth

I’m having a baby. I have to make a choice.

1. Return to work 6 weeks right after my doctor says that I am healthy enough to work. This way I will not lose any pay or my insurance?

2. Return to work 12 weeks after I give birth. I will lose some pay, but not the district’s contribution to my health insurance?

3. Take the remainder of the school year as leave. Do I mind not getting paid and no longer receiving the district’s contribution to my health insurance?

I need more information about each option before I make a choice

Choice 1Return to work 6 weeks after I give birth. I will not lose pay (provided I have sick time), and I will not lose the district’s contribution to my

health insurance?

• You work up until Feb. 6th• You have a baby on Feb. 9th • Your doctors certifies that you are

temporarily disabled for the customary 6 weeks due to a vaginal birth (8 weeks is customary for C-section).

• You can use sick days during this time.

• You will not have to use sick time for Feb. 23rd – Feb.27th due to school vacation

• You will use 25 sick days.

February Vacation

• You will also use family medical leave while you are temporarily disabled

• Because February 23rd – Feb. 27th is a full week of school vacation, you will not use family medical leave for this week.

• You will use 5 weeks of family medical leave

February Vacation

The Recap• You have use 25 sick

days• You have taken 5

weeks of family medical leave

February Vacation

Choice 2Return to work 12 weeks after I give birth. I will

loose some pay, but not the district’s contribution to my insurance premium?

• Starting March 23th, you are no longer temporarily disabled.

• If you choose to take additional leave, you may not use sick time

• You are still eligible to use 7 weeks of family medical leave.

February Vacation

• If you remain home with your infant, you will continue to use family medical leave.

• You will not use family medical leave from April 27th to May 1st due to a full week of school vacation

• You will not be paid for 35 teaching days.

• Your insurance coverage will not lapse while you are on family medical leave

• Starting May 18th you will no longer be eligible for family medical leave.

April Vacation

Choice 3Take the remainder of the school year as leave.

• If you decide to stay home with your infant for the remainder of the school year, the district will not continue to contribute to your health care premium.

• The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) give right to choose to continue the district’s health benefits at your own cost.

April Vacation

No district insurance contribution from this point on