Flotilla 86 Boat Crew Standard Training Class Session 1

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Flotilla 86 Boat Crew Standard Training Class Session 1. Task BCM-01-01-AUX General. The crew’s physiological well-being plays an important role in the safe and successful accomplishment of each Coast Guard mission You will be assisting people during the worst conditions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Flotilla 86 Boat Crew Standard Training Class Session 1

Flotilla 86 Boat Crew Standard Training Class

Session 1

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

General• The crew’s physiological well-being plays

an important role in the safe and successful accomplishment of each Coast Guard mission

• You will be assisting people during the worst conditions

• At times, you may feel like you have reached the limit of your physical and mental endurance.

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Crew Fatigue

• Mental and physical fatigue are among the greatest dangers during rough weather operations.

• Fatigue dramatically reduces the powers of observation, concentration and judgment

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Situations That Cause Fatigue

• Hot or cold weather conditions• Eye strain• The effort of holding on• Stress

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Situations That Cause Fatigue

• Exposure to noise• Exposure to the sun• Poor physical conditioning• Lack of sleep• Boredom

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Crew Fatigue-Coxn/Crew Responsibility

• The coxswain’s primary responsibility is the safety of the crew

• They must look for signs of fatigue• Crew members much watch each other

for signs of fatigue

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Crew Fatigue-Symptoms

• Inability to focus or concentrate• Narrowed attention span• Mental confusion• Judgment error

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Crew Fatigue-Symptoms

• Decreased coordination of motor skills and sensory ability (hearing, seeing)

• Increased irritability• Decreased performance• Decreased concern for safety

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Crew Fatigue-Consequences

• Mistakes in judgment• Shortcuts that threaten the safety of the

mission and crew

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Crew Fatigue-Prevention

• Adequate crew rest• Dress appropriately for the weather• Rotate crew duties• Provide food and refreshments suitable

for conditions• Watch others for signs of fatigue

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Crew Fatigue-Environmental

• Hot and cold• All crew members must dress or be

prepared for unexpected weather• Motion sickness• Glare from the sun

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Crew Fatigue-Environmental

• Wind and rough sea conditions• Rain or snow• Vibration – boat engine

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Motion Sickness

• Cause• An imbalance between visual images

and the portion of the middle ear which sense motion.

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Motion Sickness

• Symptoms• Nausea and vomiting• Increased salivation• Unusual paleness• Sweating

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Motion Sickness

• Symptoms• Drowsiness• Overall weakness• Stomach discomfort

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Motion Sickness• Prevention• Stay out of confined spaces• Stay above deck in the fresh air• Avoid concentrating on the movement

of the boat by looking out over the water toward the horizon or shoreline

• Avoid smoking

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Motion Sickness

• Anti-Motion Medication• Scopolamine Patches

• Prescription only• Over the counter remedies• Some cause drowsiness

• Get Doctor’s advice

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Motion Sickness

• Anti-Motion Medication• Crew members susceptible to motion

discomfort should take anti-motion medication throughout their watch since they never know when they will be dispatched on a mission

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Motion Sickness

• Anti-Motion Medication• Medication taken just before getting

underway may not have its maximum effect during the mission

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Motion Sickness

• Anti-Motion Medication cannot be taken:• Without medical supervision• Within 12 hours of alcohol consumption• To pregnant crew members

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Lethal Fumes

• Carbon Monoxide• Colorless and odorless gas• Most common gas danger• Lethal

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Lethal Fumes• Conditions Associated with Carbon

Monoxide gas• Fuel burning devices• Enclosed Areas• Being underway• Fires

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Lethal Fumes

• Fuel Burning Devices• Any fuel burning device can cause

carbon monoxide gas• Gasoline and diesel engines• Pumps, propane/alcohol stoves,

torches, kerosene heaters

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Lethal Fumes

• Enclosed Spaces• Closed cockpits or unventilated spaces

below decks can accumulate CO2 gas• Engine rooms• Defective exhaust systems can allow

fumes into confined spaces

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Lethal Fumes

• Underway• Winds can cause fumes to blow back

into cockpit or cabin

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Lethal Fumes

• Fires• Cause lethal fumes

• Cyanide gas from burning plastics, insulation, electronics

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Lethal Fumes• Symptoms• Throbbing temples• Dizziness• Ears ringing• Watering and itching eyes• Headache• Cherry Pink skin color

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Lethal Fumes• Prevention• Ensure adequate circulation of fresh air

throughout the vessel• Change course, speed, open porthole,

etc.• Treatment• Get medical help asap

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Crew Fatigue – Other Factors• Noise• Drugs and Alcohol• Prescription• Alcohol

• Hangovers• Caffeine

Task BCM-01-01-AUX


• Is a loss of internal body temperature• The body is losing heat faster than it can

make it• It can be caused by exposure to cold air

or cold water

Task BCM-01-01-AUX


• Signs• Pale appearance• Skin cold to the touch• Pupils dilated and will not adjust• Poor coordination

Task BCM-01-01-AUX


• Signs• Slurred speech/appears intoxicated• Incoherent thinking• Unconsciousness• Muscle rigidity

Task BCM-01-01-AUX


• Signs• Weak pulse• Very slow and labored breathing• Irregular heart beat• Shivering – except in advanced cases

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Hypothermia• Prevention• Protective clothing to be worn when

water temperature is below 60 degrees F• Anti-Exposure coveralls• Proper clothing worn on deck• HELP or HUDDLE positions if in water

Task BCM-01-01-AUX


• Treatment• Covered in First Aid section

Task BCM-01-01-AUX


• Prevention• Thermal boots, woolen socks, woolen

watch caps, gloves, thermal underwear

Task BCM-01-01-AUX

Layering Clothing

• First Layer – Wicking• Second Layer – Insulation• Third Layer – Moisture Barrier

Task BCM-01-02-AUX

Sun and Heat Related Factors

• Sunburns• Continuous exposure to the sun can

cause sunburn and other complications such as heat stroke, dehydration, etc.

• Unprotected exposure to the sun can cause premature aging and an increased chance of skin cancer

Task BCM-01-02-AUX


• Redness, swelling, or blistering of the skin

• Fever• Gastrointestinal symptoms• Malaise• Pigment changes in the skin

Task BCM-01-02-AUX


• Stay in the shade where possible• Indirect rays can still effect you

• Use sun screen when possible• Even on hazy days• SPF 15 or higher

Task BCM-01-02-AUX


• Wear protective clothing and a hat with a brim

• Wear sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection• Even when it is hazy

Task BCM-01-02-AUX


• Apply cool, wet towels to the area effected• Keep the area wet• Be careful what type of products you apply

Task BCM-01-02-AUX

Dehydration• A loss of fluids and electrolytes through

kidneys, perspiration and respiration• 2-3 liters of fluid a day is required to

replace these losses• Stay away from tea, alcohol, coffee and

soft drinks• They speed up the loss

Task BCM-01-02-AUX


• Symptoms• Thirst• General discomfort• Slow physical movement• Loss of appetite• Sleepiness and a rise in body temperature

Task BCM-01-02-AUX


• Symptoms• Dry Mouth• Dizziness• Headache• Difficulty breathing

Task BCM-01-02-AUX


• Prevention• Drink water

• Treatment• Remove from heat/sun• Get medical help

Task BCM-01-02-AUX

Heat Rash

• Definition• Breakdown of the body’s ability to

perspire• Decreased evaporative cooling of the


Task BCM-01-02-AUX

Heat Rash

• Symptoms• Pink or red minute lesions• Skin irritation – prickling• Frequent, severe itching

Task BCM-01-02-AUX

Heat Rash

• Prevention• Rotate crew duties between heat related

and cool• Treatment• Remove from heat immediately• Apply cool wet towels

Task BCM-01-02-AUX

Heat Cramps• Painful contractions caused by excessive salt

and water depletion• Symptoms• Legs drawn up• Excessive sweating• Crying out in pain

• Prevention – Rotate crew

Task BCM-01-02-AUX

Heat Exhaustion• Symptoms• Collapse• Sweats profusely• Pale skin, pounding heart, nausea,

headache, restless• Treatment – First aid and medivac• Prevention – Rotate Crew

Task BCM-01-02-AUX

Heat Stroke

• A major medical emergency• A complete breakdown of the body’s

sweating and heat regulation• Symptoms• Skin is red, hot and dry to the touch• Sweating has stopped

Task BCM-01-02-AUX

Heat Stroke

• Symptoms• Headache, weak and rapid pulse,

confusion, violence, lack of coordination, delirium, unconsciousness

• Immediate threat to life and brain damage will occur if immediate medical treatment is not given

Task BCM-01-02-AUX

Heat Stroke

• Prevention – Rotate Crew• Treatment• Medical Emergency

• High mortality rate• Remove from heat and Medivac

Task BCM-03-01-AUX


• General• Knots secure lines to themselves• Bends secure lines to another line• Hitches secure lines to objects

Task BCM-03-01-AUX

Marlinspike• Definitions• Bitter End – the running end or the free

end of the line• It is the end being worked with

• Standing Part – the long unused or belayed end – the remaining part of the line including the part not worked

Task BCM-03-01-AUX


• Overhand Loop – a loop made in a line by crossing the bitter end over the standing part

• Underhand Loop – a loop made in the line by crossing the bitter end under the standing part

Task BCM-03-01-AUX


Task BCM-03-01-AUX


• Bight – a half loop formed by turning the line back on itself

• Turn – a single wind or bight of a rope laid around a post, bollard, etc.

• Round Turn – A complete turn or encircling of a line about an object

Task BCM-03-01-AUX


Task BCM-03-02-AUX


• Bowline• King of Knots• Won’t jam• Temporary eye• Can tie 2 lines together


Task BCM-03-02-AUX


• Half Hitches• Used for securing a line of objects such

as a ring, eye, pole, or spar

Two Half Hitches

Task BCM-03-02-AUX


• Clove Hitch• The best all round knot for securing a

line to a ring or spar

Clove Hitch

Task BCM-03-02-AUX


• Single Becket Bend• To connect 1 line to another• To connect a line to an eye splice

• Double Becket Bend• To connect lines of unequal size

Sheet Bend/Beckett Bend

Sheet Bend/Double/Slippery

Task BCM-03-02-AUX


• Reef Knot• They jam badly• Only use on canvas covering, awnings,


Reef/Square Knot

Task BCM-03-02-AUX


• Anchor/Fisherman’s Bend• To secure a line to a ring in an anchor or

mooring buoy• Also to tie to a spar

Fisherman’s/Anchor Bend

Task BCM-03-02-AUX

Marlinspike• Practice

• Bowline• 2 Half Hitches• Clove Hitch• Becket Bend (Sheet Bend)/Double• Reef Knot• Anchor Bend

Task BCM-03-03-AUX

Securing to Cleats, Bits, and Posts

Securing to a Cleat

Task BCM-03-03-AUX

Securing to Cleats, Bits, and Posts

Task BCM-03-03-AUX

Securing to Cleats, Bits, and Posts

Task BCM-03-03-AUX

Securing to Cleats, Bits, and Posts


Task BCM-03-03-AUX

Securing to Cleats, Bits, and Posts

Sampson Post

Task BCM-03-04-AUX

Pre-Underway Checklist

• It is similar in concept to an aircraft pre-flight checklist

• It must be completed before casting off for a mission

• The checklist is different by boat• The Crew helps do the checklist

Task BCM-03-04-AUX

Pre-Underway Checklist - ExamplePre-Trip Checklist

1 Visual Check of Exterior of Boat

Check for fuel in water, near hull, or smell of fuelCheck hull at waterline for damage, 360 degreesCheck security of mooring linesWalk all decks to note conditionCheck for list

2 Weather Forecast

Overall Conditions Rain Fair CloudyFoggySmall Craft Warnings? Yes NoTemperatureWind SpeedWind DirectionBarometric Pressure _______ Rising Falling

3 Sea Conditions

Next High Tide HeightNext Low Tide HeightWave Conditions Height FrequencySequim Bay Enterance Conditions: Slack Tide Tide flowing out Tide flowing outSequim Bay Enterance Water Depth currentlySequim Bay Enterance Water Depth on planned return

Task BCM-03-04-AUX

Pre-Underway Checklist-Example4 Course and Destination Planning

Float plan filed? Yes No With whom? ________________Waypoints set in plotter?Course plotted manual charts?ETD ________ETA ________

5 Equipment Inventory

Marine Charts Yes NoHandheld compass Yes NoOil/Water Separator Filters Yes NoFlash Light Batteries Yes NoEngine Oil ________ QuartsTransmission Oil ________ Quarts2 cycle oil for dingy ________ Quarts# of Life Jackets Adult ________ Child ________Throwable cushion Yes NoFlaregun and flares Yes NoBinoculars Yes NoSunglasses Yes NoSunscreen Yes NoSurvival Kit Yes NoFenders and Dock Lines Yes NoFire Extinguishers Yes NoVessel Documentation Yes NoDingly Documentation Yes NoFCC Licenses Yes NoHandheld VHF Radios (2) Battery Condition? Weak Charged

Working order?Yes NoFirst Aid Kit Yes NoFresh Water Tank Level Full Half EmptyBlack Water Tank Level Full Half EmptyStarboard Fuel Tank Level Full Half EmptyPort Fuel Tank Level Full Half Empty

Task BCM-03-04-AUX

Pre-Underway Checklist-Example6 Dingy

Davits secure? Yes NoGasoline level? Full Half EmptyOiler level? Full Half EmptyQuantity of spare oil? ________ QuartsSpare parts/Tool Kit present? Yes NoTube Inflation levels? ________Air Pump? Yes NoOars? Yes NoPainter? Yes NoRegistration? Yes NoKeys? Yes NoDrain Plug In? Yes NoNight Light Mast? Yes NoFire Extinguisher? Yes NoCompass Functions? Yes NoAnchor/Line/Rode? Yes NoThrowable Cushion? Yes No4 Life Jackets? Yes NoFirst Aid Kit? Yes No

Task BCM-03-04-AUX

Pre-Underway Checklist-Example7 Engine Checks Star Port Notes

Turn off all A.C. and D.C. electrical circuit breakers Panel in companionwayOpen enginer comparment doorCheck for smells in engine compartment xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

If yes, ventilate and evacuate the boatCheck Engines for leaksCheck Bilge for fuelCheck operation of bilge pump xxxxxx xxxxxPump bilge if necessary xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxTurn these switches on:

Both battery switches Panel in companionwayDC Electrical Panel main breaker switchHel Electronics breaker switchBoth engine control breakersHelm accessory breaker switch

Check Fire extinguisher system in engine compartment Make sure not dischargedCheck the fuel/water separators Drain any water that is presentCheck Oil levels in enginesCheck Oil level in transmissionsInspect cooling system hoses for cracks/loose clampsCheck engine coolent levelsCheck drive belt conditionRemove raw water strainer caps and check for debrisOpen both raw water intake valves Handle parallel to line is openOpen the fuel shut off valves Handle parallel to line is openCheck the oil level in the trim tab reservoir xxxxxx xxxxxxCheck the air cleaner service indicator Red zone=replace

Task BCM-03-04-AUX

Pre-Underway Checklist-Example8 Generator Checks

Make sure air cleaner element is cleanCheck hoses/clamps for leaksCheck Generator for leaksCheck the generator oil levelCheck Generator coolent levelCheck drive belt conditionRemove raw water strainer cap and check for debrisOpen the raw water intake valve Handle parallel to line is openOpen the fuel valve Handle parallel to line is open

9 Esbar Heater

Check for leaks

10 Close engine room door and dog it down

11 Check Generator Fuel Selector Valve for Valve is located under TV cabinet inappropriate tank in master stateroom

Task BCM-03-04-AUX

Pre-Underway Checklist-Example

12 Engines Startup Procedure Star Port Notes

Turn ON D.C. circuit breakersTurn on bilge ventilation blowersPlace shift level controls in neutralSelect flybridge or pilothouseTurn ignitions switch to on, but do not start

Check that engine oil pressure alarm goes offCheck that Automatic Fire Extinguisher System light is "ON"Check that gauges function

Check to see if Air Inlet Heater indicator lamp is on If so, wait to start engineuntil it goes out

Check to make sure all electonics are offPush button market START and hold until engine starts If engine doesn't turn over,

check for neutral

Task BCM-03-04-AUX

Pre-Underway Checklist-Example

Oil Pressure Gauge Normal is 35-70 psi at tempMust have pressure in 15 secsor shutdown engines

Check to see that water is coming out of exhaust ports Exhaust ports are on each endof the swim platformIf not, shut engines downimmediately

TachometersWater Temperage Gauge Normal is 160-210 degrees FFuel Level in both tanksEngine Hour Meters Log hours on maint sheet

Maint scheduled at:50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300,350400, 450, 500, 750, 1000, 2000

Fuel Pressure Guages Normal is 29-58 psi at rated rpm7 psi at low idle rpm

Increase engine RPM's to 2000 to see that voltmeters read between 13-14.5 volts

Check that the steering system is responsiveCheck shift and throttle controls for functionality Engage each engine F-N-RCheck trim tab operation

Task BCM-05-01-AUX


• VHF-FM radio is carried by all Coast Guard and Auxiliary Facilities

• It is used for local, short range marine communications since it is “line of sight”

• VHF-FM radios automatically monitor channel 16 - It is the International Calling and distress frequency

• Everyone with a VHF radio is required to monitor Channel 16

Task BCM-05-01-AUX

Emergency Communication

• MAYDAY – is a distress call of the highest priority

• PAN-PAN – urgent message concerning the safety of a ship, aircraft, vehicle or person

• SECURITE – is a safety message

Task BCM-05-01-AUX


• The working channel for Group Port Angeles is 81A• It varies by Coast Guard Group

• Bridge to Bridge traffic is Channel 13A• VTS is channel 5A in this area• It varies by area

Task BCM-05-01-AUX


• The normal Coast Guard to Civilian working channel is 22A

Task BCM-05-01-AUX

Communication• Prowords• Turn to page 11-4 in your Seamanship book

• Phonetic Alphabet• Turn to page 11-5 in your Seamanship book

• Every transmission is ended with either “over” or “out” – not both!

Task BCM-05-01-AUX


• Speak slowly so people will understand you

• Unofficial conversation should not be transmitted

• Do not key the microphone until you are ready to speak

Task BCM-05-02-AUX

OPS Normal Report

• Give:• Current position• Operational status • Any significant changes in weather, wind and sea state

• First report of the day only, give POB

Task BCM-05-02-AUX

OPS Normal Report

After the first transmission, only use the last 3 numbers of the facility number• Ops reports are due every 30 minutes to Group Port Angeles• The requirement varies by group

Task BCM-05-02-AUX

OPS Normal Report

• OPS Normal Report – Example• Group Port Angeles, Auxiliary Facility 443682, Over.• 682, Group, Over.• Group, my position is 1 mile north of the New Dungeness Light,

Operations Normal. Wind has increased to 25 knots, over.• 682, Group, Roger. Out• 682 Out


• Do you have any questions about anything presented tonight?

Extra Knots

• Rolling Hitch• Figure 8/Sheet Stopper• Timber Hitch

Rolling Hitch

Figure 8/Sheet Stopper

Task BCM-03-02-AUX


• Timber Hitch• Are used to secure a line to logs, spars,

planks or other rough surfaced material• Do not use it on pipes or other metal


Timber Hitch