Five Ways to Deal with Rosacea

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Five Ways to Deal with Rosacea

Dealing with rosacea can be a tricky process. There is no cure for the skin condition so doctors judge it based on how well the symptoms are managed. But when symptoms range from red flushed cheeks to permanent abnormalities on the face, it can be difficult to know exactly what to do. That is why it is good to keep a journal and track each day and each flare up. This can help people find the cause which can help them limit the outbreaks.

Stay Out of the Sun

One of the ways to get a quick flare up is to stay out in the sun for too long. The sun’s UV rays are damaging to everyone but it is especially harmful to those suffering from rosacea. The redness of the face is only intensified leaving some people to feel a burning, itching sensation. With little relief for the pain available, it really comes down to preventive care. If a person has to stay out in the sun they should wear a high SPF, a hat, sunglasses, and use an umbrella where possible.

Avoid Spicy Foods

Spicy foods can be delicious but for people with rosacea it is like eating the sun. Instead of having a nice after dinner smile, they are in the bathroom washing their face with cold water trying to find a moment of relief. Then there are the red cheeks that remain. Cover them up with makeup and it could make the problem worse. So really it is just best to avoid spicy food all together.

Control Temperatures

Going from one temperature extreme to the next is going to cause problems for people with rosacea. This can be staying out in the sun or even going into a cold room with air conditioning. By maintaining steady temperatures, women and men can better manage a flare up and limit its severity.

Limit the Alcohol Intake

Alcohol is another item that a person with rosacea might just want to avoid to be on the safe side. While there is no limit of what a person can drink before they get a breakout there is a definite pattern in people drinking and having rosacea flare ups. Again this is where keeping a journal comes in handy. Because a person may be able to have three or four drinks with no problem; they may need to limit it to one or two.

Talk About Stress

Stress is another big trigger for rosacea sufferers. By talking about what is bothering you, either with someone or in the journal, it can release some of this stress and hopefully stave off a rosacea flare up. When you feel you are getting into a worked up situation take the mental time to talk yourself down and see if that won’t hold off a red flare up so you can control your rosacea.