Fitness Money Episode 18 - Eliminating, Automating and Outsourcing

Post on 08-May-2015

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Logan Christopher & Tyler Bramlett teach you how to outsource your certain tasks in your business, both offline and online, so you can focus on the most important aspects of your fitness business and build your own empire.

Transcript of Fitness Money Episode 18 - Eliminating, Automating and Outsourcing

Fitness Money Podcast Episode 18Eliminating, Automating and Outsourcing

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Welcome to the Fitness Money podcast, brought to you by FitnessMoney.Com. In this podcast Logan Christopher and Tyler Bramlett teach you the step-by-step ways to make more money in your fitness business. Let’s take it on over to this episode of the Fitness Money podcast.

Tyler: Hey, guys! Tyler and Logan here and this is the Fitness Money Podcast and How’s it going, Logan?

Logan: I have been better. It’s unusual for me but I’m not at 100% today.

Tyler: Not 100%? What’s going on with you?

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Logan: I have been doing a parasite detox as one of my experiments in health and different random things that I do and I think I’m having some symptoms as a result not of the parasites so much, which is why I originally did it, but from the detox. I seem to have some bloating and abdominal pain due to parasites dying. At least, I’m assuming that’s what it is. Luckily, it is better now than it is a couple of days ago but I’m getting better.

Tyler: Oh, man. Is it mostly pain or are we talking about visits to the bathroom, too?

Logan: No, it wasn’t so much but I actually went and so a colon hydrotherapist for the first time yesterday so that was an interesting learning experience and quite different. This may be in the realm of too much information but hey, you’re stuck listening to us.

Tyler: Yeah, I think that the lesson is already told today: Don’t do a parasite cleanse unless you’re prepared for the unknown and everybody go out and book a colonic. Episode over.

Logan: Talk about how to market your colonic business.

Tyler: Yeah, we can probably market a colonic business pretty fast. I can make some great sales copy out of that.

Logan: Regardless of what you’re business is, when you understand the marketing principles, it really is the same thing. But yeah, I’ve seen some fun things with cleanses. You just have lots of pictures of parasites and talk about statistics of how most people have them and before you know it, you really go with that fear aspect for it.

Tyler: Yeah. Well, we said we weren’t going to get off track but that seems to be just complete bullshit these days. We decided we were going to talk about systems, processes, outsourcing, and everything today because that’s something you guys have to absolutely learn if you want to maximize your time. I know both Logan and I have made this mistake in the past, probably more so myself, but just doing everything, just doing every single thing in your business and never letting go of the reins and letting other people do the work.

A simple experience for me from the personal trainer/boot camp side of things is when I had my boot camp, I would never let go of those 10 or 15 classes that I taught each week. If you think about that, the drive time to one of four different locations, 10 or 15 classes, you’re looking at probably more in the realm of like 20 hours of my week being occupied by doing that training stuff.

There’s nothing wrong if you’re just getting started and you have to do all the classes at first but at that point, my business was well established, there were already systems in place for sales and everything else, and for some reason I felt compelled to stay as a trainer. More important than that, I felt like if I left as a trainer, that the people would leave, not thinking about me teaching 60 to 80 classes a month when we had 250 a month. So I was teaching less than one-third of the classes and I thought that if I stop training, everyone would leave. There were people I didn’t even train! It was insane but that fear kind of kept me doing this.Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved

It wasn’t until I suffered from that devastatingly manly gymnastic accident—I say that because it was such a goofy move that injured me—that I was forced how to run a business without being in the business. It was one of the biggest blessings of my life. That’s what we’re going to talk about today, how you guys can pick the right things to outsource, the right things to systematize, and you really, really have to do this because it’s going to make a huge difference in your fitness business.

Logan: Let’s start with like a 40,000-foot view look of the situation. Here’s the thing, a lot of people that go into business for themselves are perfectionists—it might be a good word—a lot of people that are looking into it. Many people that will never get the business off the ground because they’re perfectionists. They’ll never get their product done. They’ll never actually go and launch a thing. They have this great idea for it but unless it’s perfect, it’s never going to happen.

If you should be able to get past that step, then it’s a whole control thing. You think that if you’re not doing it then it’s not going to be done right. Yes, that is definitely true but you’ve really got to learn how to let things go and that can be a step by step process. It can be forced on you, like it was in Tyler’s case, but it is one of the most important things because I’d say you can run like a six-figure business by yourself. If you want to go beyond that, you need a lot of help.

Tyler: Yeah, multiple six figures, getting to that half-million mark, you’re really going to need a lot of people to help you out. I wanted to give you guys my personal formula. I don’t know who I learned this from. I just know that everybody pretty much regurgitates it over and over again so I’m going to do the same thing. Here’s a really simple system for you guys in your personal training business, your boot camp business, or your online business. It doesn’t matter. Follow these three steps in this exact order and this is how you guys will be able to systematize your business.

The first step is Eliminate. You have to look at your business and you have to consider what it is that is useless for generating more bottom line, generating more clients, generating more referrals, and more generating more traffic. You want to eliminate things that are worthless and you want to stick with the things that you know are working well.

The second step is Automate so anything that you could automate, anything you can systematize. If you can create an email flow that will make your life easier, if you can create a bunch of sales flows that will make your life easier, if you can create a way to train your trainers in a way that will make your life easier, then automate it. Make it so no one has to do it, that it’s already done. You do it once and you never have to do it again unless you just want to test, tweak and improve.

The last component is Delegate, which is anything which you can’t automate, you give to another person, teach them how to do it, and teach them how to continue doing it. that’s the system I want you guys to use at home: eliminate, automate and delegate. We’re going to talk about the things that you might be able to eliminate here today, the things that you might be able to automate, and the things you might be able to delegate. Then I think we’ll follow up with looking at the 5%. What is your 5%, which is what my mentor Bedros Keulian always says. Find your 5%, do that, and then pay the best to do the rest. So any thoughts on that, Logan?Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved

Logan: I want to tell you a story of my stupidity early on.

Tyler: I love it. Tell me.

Logan: I really wanted to do everything myself and I figured even at that time when I was starting my online business that I would eventually get to a point where I was outsourcing stuff but I wanted to start with hands on everything in the beginning. Actually, some of my first products, I went down to Kinko’s and photocopied pages to put in a binder myself. I did ten of these and later I actually realized that had I just uploaded the files online and had Kinko’s done them, not only would it have saved me hours of work because it could have been collated properly but it would have been cheaper because they give a volume discount. So I wasted time and I actually wasted money.

Sometimes, having other people do things can actually be cheaper than you doing them yourself. I’m not even just talking about the money per hour that you make and if you don’t devote it on this on task then you can be spending it on something that will make you more money. Sometimes, if you got to the systematic or automatic route, it can actually be a cheaper thing to get done.

Tyler: Absolutely. That's a great story, Logan. I love the time-wasting that will all do, right? But it’s all about that. It’s about trying things and learning what works and what doesn’t and adjusting accordingly. All right, let’s dig into elimination. I know we didn’t have this planned but I think we’re just going to roll with it.

Logan: We already talked about the colonic.

Tyler: Yeah, so if you’re going to eliminate, eliminate the parasites in your body, stuff a tube up your butt, and pump some water into your intestines. Okay, back on track. Eliminate, let’s talk about the personal trainer first. The personal trainer’s job is to do a few things: One, take care of your clients and make sure they consistently feel like they are getting to their desired results. It doesn’t necessarily mean they have to consistently be getting to their desired result—you’re going to have ups and downs with everybody, especially some clients are more challenging than others—but you need to make them feel like they’re getting towards their desired result. That’s your job as a personal trainer.

The other job is to get traffic, close those people, and do your personal training business. If that’s where you’re starting, that's great but one of the things that you might be doing, that you could eliminate really easily. The one thing I see a lot of trainers doing is charity work. There’s nothing wrong with doing a little bit of charity work at first as long as it’s strategic.

If you’re giving a hairdresser that you know who has a lot of clients a really good deal or maybe even free training at first, that could be a strategic partnership that will benefit your personal training business. But if your bro’s girlfriend or something like that is coming in there and they’re like, “Hey, I want you to train her for me. I’ll give you a six-pack of beer or whatever,” and you’re like okay, you’ve got to eliminate the charity.

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If you’re going to make your time effective, you have to eliminate the charity work and that goes not just for the personal training, it goes for the boot camps, the online, and everything. You have to start looking at making sure that you’re making good decisions, good business decisions, and not just decisions to kind of scratch the back of your buddies and things like that. Does that make sense, Logan?

Logan: Yeah, absolutely. Elimination is hugely important. We talked about some of the time wasting things you could just be doing. If you’re a personal trainer and you’re spending time just on Facebook, I’ll say Facebook can definitely be used effectively like running ads and building things up so you have a fan page and people liking you but it can also be a massive waste of time that doesn’t actually generate you anything. So you have to be very careful with that thing. in many cases, you might want to eliminate it and go stick with something that can only bring results.

Tyler: That’s a great note, Logan, because that can suck anybody’s time, like television. We’re looking at elimination. It’s anything that’s not helping to build your business. I have a baby on the way so more and more I’m looking at what it is that I can do to be the most effective in my business because I ultimately realized I’m going to have a baby. My wife’s not going to let me go downstairs, 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, and then another 5 or 6 hours on a Sunday. I’m not going to be able to sit in front of my computer that long because I have an infant and she’s going to need help with that. We’re going to need time for ourselves. We’re going to need time with each other. So I have to consistently look at how I will optimize my business. More of time recently has been spent eliminating the things that I know aren’t working and then doing my best to create a perfect system of the things I know I should be doing to further my business.

So eliminate the wasted time, the wasted noise. If you’re not getting more clients, helping your clients more, generating more traffic, closing more people, bringing more attention to your personal training business, then it’s probably not something you should be doing in your work day. If you want to go fuck around after work, that’s fine. Go fuck off all you want but during the work day, stay focused, be consistent, and eliminate the shit that doesn’t matter. That’s for boot camps, for personal training, and for online. Anything you want to add to elimination, Logan?

Logan: I think that’s pretty good. Let’s move on to automation. Automation and outsourcing are really different ways of eliminating but elimination refers to things you can get rid of completely. They don’t even need to be done as opposed to automation and outsourcing, it needs to be done but it just doesn’t need to be done by you and by hand.

Tyler: Absolutely. Automation, I guess we’ll really segment this because elimination is really easy across the board. It’s to eliminate the time wasters. Automation we can kind of dig into. I’ll dig into personal training and boot camp and maybe you can dig into the online world.

So some of the things that I’ve done to successfully automate my boot camp business—this can be applied to personal training business—is to come up with a series of promotions that work. If you’re a personal trainer or a boot camp, you’re going to want a new promotion at minimum—I’m going to repeat that—at minimum every two months. So you’re going to need six quality promotions that you Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved

can use, that are going to be either a three-email sequence that you can send to partners of your business, hair salons that have an email list, your own email list if you’ve been building your own email list which you should have been because we’re on Episode 18 by now. If you guys don’t have an email list go back to Episode 1 because you haven’t learned anything yet.

You need those simple things that you’re going to repeat again and again. If you’re a personal trainer it can be, “Free abdominal training session this month. Meet every Saturday at 10 AM.” They come into this 10 AM thing, and then you say, “Hey, I want to give you guys a $29 offer for five boot camp classes,” or for “one personal training session” or something like that, that low end offer we’ve talked about. Have those things that work in place and then alternate through them.

You need one minimum for every two months but you don’t need an entire year’s worth of different things. Let’s say you came up with three or four good promotions and then you tie certain ones around holidays, then you cycle those promotions. Month 1 might be a free ab class. Month 2 might be a free nutrition seminar, a fat loss seminar or Something like that. Month 3 might be bodyweight fat loss seminar or some sort of movement-based seminar. You want to pick the things that people really enjoy, that you know are really easy to sell like abs, fat loss, bodyweight training, things like that. You want to make sure that you have these things really consistent. That way, you’re able to repeat them and consistently get your results.

Now I’ve been doing this for several years so I’ve had some promotions that have just bombed, where I’ve put it out there, “This is going to be the shit,” I’ve put this huge $100-poster on the wall, I’ve put flyers everywhere and there people signed up. Three people end up signing up. I’ve spent probably $200 just on the print promotional material within these facilities and I probably made $300 so I was still on the positive but $100 for my time is not ideal.

Then there have been times where I’ve just thrown shit together and it’s been super successful. The most important when you’re doing automation is to notice what works and then focus on that, and then notice what doesn’t work and don’t do that. Once you do a promotion, once, twice, three times, now you have something you can repeat without having to do a lot of work.

I’ll give you another example. I’m running a seven-week transformation challenge. This is the first time I’ve ever ran a seven-week transformational challenge but the content from the seven-week transformation challenge is the same as the 30-day transformation challenge. I just tweaked the series, tweaked the sequence a little bit, it’s a little bit of work but the seven-week transformation challenge was worth $6,000 upfront and is going to be worth however many people I can get to sign up afterwards, which is going to probably be a minimum of ten. It’s probably going to be worth $1,000 a month for the next year. So you’re looking at a project that took me maybe ten hours total and is going to be worth about $18,000. That's really, really powerful when you get those promotions that work really well.

Then I have the content that I’ve created one time and I repeat that over and over again. Currently, I’m actually trying to figure out how to take that content and drip it to people in an email sequence so that I Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved

literally have to do nothing. They come into the website, there’s a really cool video, “Try this out. Give me your email address” and then “Try this out for a $29 for a 14-day deal,” then the 14-day deal upsells to a 30-day deal, and that 30-day deal upsells to a regular program.

Partly I’m thinking of this because a) I don’t want to have to train anybody to do the sales position that I currently do, and b) I’m a baby so I need to free up as much time as I can and I have to be able to operate my business from the phone or the internet. I still have no problem getting on the phone, talking to somebody for 15 minutes if that means they’re going to sign up for a year at a hundred dollars a month. I’ll work for 15 minutes for $1,200 any day right now but I want to make sure in the boot camps and the personal training, you automate your business by setting up those initial funnels, those initial promotions. That will be the most important thing that you do with your personal training and boot camp business.

I've got one more thing before I turn it over to Logan and that is your experience. You want to do your damnedest, the best you frigging can to be Starbucks. Think about a coffee shop in your neighborhood that you go to and you’re like, “Oh, yeah. It’s cool but it’s not Starbucks,” You walk in there and one day the service is good and you’re like, “Wow, this place is great.” The next day, your drink tastes different and the next day, the service is terrible and the person is having a bad day upfront. That doesn’t happen at Starbucks, or at least not very often. It’s consistent. The experience is consistent.

So once somebody comes in via your systematized, automated offers, then you want to create the same customer experience for each one. You want them to know that they’re a part of your family. You want to have emails that go out periodically that make them feel like they’re a part of your community. You want to have a systematic process for taking them in so that they know that you care about who they are, not just their money. You really have to take that into account when you’re building automation around your personal training and boot camp business, how to get people in the door and then also how to treat them as soon as they get there.

There’s a million other things you can automate but if you guys just focused on that initial promotion, which is going to take that traffic and convert them into your low-end paying client and then the experience after they sign up, you’re going to be doing totally awesome. If I were to add anything to it, it would be just to automate the ways to get traffic, so trying to find the better ways to get traffic via Facebook ads, partnering with businesses in your community and having them mail out for you, doing videos and optimizing them through YouTube, Google AdWords, fucking door-to-door knocking, who the hell cares, right?

Logan: There are systems for all of that.

Tyler: There are systems for all of that. We can’t stay on the call all day long so Logan, why don’t you talk a little bit about automating online because that’s a huge thing you have to do in the online world.

Logan: That is why I am fully in the online world and you are making your way towards that direction. It’s because the internet allows for even more automation with a very large reach, the whole world

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wide. There is a lot of automation built into internet. Just think about a product. Once you create it and you have a sales page, what is that sales page? That is your salesperson that is there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you’re sending traffic, that sales page is selling that person. You have to put in the work at the front end but once you’ve done it, it’s going to continue to sell for you. It is a system that is in place for you to continue to generate revenue.

We always talk about capturing the lead, a very important thing to do. What is that? You send people to your squeeze page, your blog, or whatever you have, your sort of email, newsletter, or signup. When you capture that, what you can do is set up with an autoresponder a sequence that they follow that will achieve whatever goals that you’re looking to achieve. The content you’re doing in your boot camp promotions, that can be set up in an autoresponder sequence. You can lead them through different sales processes, different funnels, all sorts of different things with an autoresponder. That can be, once again, set up the first time and then people automatically go through it after they sign up.

There are even more really comprehensive systems. I really like putting products on Amazon these days, both the Kindle version and putting my books on there. Why? Because Amazon has lots of very big systems in place. They have systems for traffic generation, they have systems for creating and delivering the product, they have systems for capturing the money and actually if you put products on there, you don’t have to touch it ever again except their system for depositing money into your bank. So I really love that system because it is really as hands off as it possibly can be. There are systems for so much else.

We can move on a little bit. This is a little bit of outsourcing but I want to talk about my process for YouTube videos. I gain a lot of my traffic to my website through the different YouTube videos and I’m working to increase that even more in the future. What I used to do is do everything by hand. Now all I have to really do is focus on the, like you were saying, the 5% activity. What is that? That is actually filming the video myself because my business is personality driven. It can’t be with other people but me.

Then instead of editing that video, uploading it myself, doing the different keywords and everything to make it search engine optimized, then posting it on different places, I now hand that off. I have a system in place to hand that off to someone else where he takes that video, uploads it, does the new, cool, awesome linking annotations, does the keyword research for it—I don’t even need to do that stuff anymore—optimizes everything in it, then also takes that video, throws it in a blog post for myself and writes some details which I then go back and write some more detail to fill in. It has taken what used to take I’d say an hour long process for a 3 to 5-minute video, if you really total everything in there to 15 minutes.

Tyler: Then what does he charge you, would you say, per thing?

Logan: That’d be hard to figure out because—

Tyler: Five bucks, though, or something like that?

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Logan: Yeah, because I have a VA that I’ve hired for a multitude of different tasks and this is just one of the many things that is a system in place for him to take care of.

Tyler: Before we go any further, I want to publicly declare that I hate Logan for finding that guy who’s so good. I literally asked Logan two weeks ago, “Hey, Logan, let me get some of that YouTube guy. I’ll employ him for like ten hours a week,” and he’s like, “Fuck off, he’s mine.” But you would be shocked at me, all the people that we meet. Once you find a virtual assistant—if you guys don’t know what a virtual assistant is, you can go on oDesk or Elance—

Logan: Do you need to give my process for finding this guy?

Tyler: Yeah. That's a great process. Let’s close out the automate real quick and then we’ll hit the delegate because it’s so powerful. It doesn’t even matter if you’re in an online business or not. There are people out there in other countries that will do things for fractions of the price that it would have cost to have a professional in the United States do it.

Automate in short: do anything you can to automate your processes. Then after you automate them, just tweak them. Just test them and tweak them and see if you can make the better. Logan mentioned that sales page being your salesman. That doesn’t mean you can’t have three sales pages for the same product, throw a traffic at all three of them, and find out which one is doing better.

Even WordPress nowadays has that Jet Pack feature that’s built into it so you can see how much traffic is going to each page and then you could see how much sales are being generated from each page. I’m not even a tech guy and the shit’s getting easier for me to understand. Just type in your username and password, then here you go. You got 10,000 hits a month. It just tells you what it is instead of the Google Analytics thing that I could never understand.

So automate anything you can and then the last step is to delegate, which means anything that you can’t do through a software program or a systems-based process, you have to find somebody else to do it. This is so powerful and I think it’s something that every entrepreneur could do even better. We could all take a step up. It doesn’t matter if you’re the personal trainer deciding to hire a new person or the boot camper who’s training too many classes and needs to get out of training the classes and into doing more of the marketing, the emails, and the sales generation. You could always step it up. You could always step up your delegation. So Logan, why don’t you take it away with your process of finding a virtual assistant for pennies on the US dollar?

Logan: Okay. I’ve actually done this a little bit before but—I forgot exactly when it was—I really needed someone that could take over a quantity of different tasks because it’s really easy to find someone that can do one thing, for instance a transcriber. It’s really simple to do and this process that I’m going to give you works really well for that. That’s what I’ve done and someone will be transcribing this podcast and has been doing that, which we then post to a couple of different places.

Tyler: Logan, he did share his transcriber so I’m going to give him a little pat on the back for that.

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Logan: And my graphics guy.

Tyler: Yeah, and they’re good. Give me your YouTube guy, dammit! All right. Sorry, I cut you off. Go on.

Logan: The funny thing is he’s probably going to be seeing this transcript because he does some SEO and stuff. That’s one system I have in place.

Tyler: Email Tyler from He’s got work for you, bro.

Logan: Well, if he emails you, we’ll know he went through detail on the transcript.

Tyler: Yeah, that’s true. That’s very true.

Logan: I like a website called What’s cool about oDesk as opposed to other places, which are fine, is oDesk makes the outsourcer install software on their computer where you can then check on them. It takes screenshots and tracks the number of clicks so they’re not billing you for hours while they’re spending time on Facebook. That’s what’s really cool about oDesk and why I like it. I’ve just become used to it since first using it so that’s what I use for my outsourcing jobs. Like I’ve said, I’ve done a number of different things and this is the basic outline of the process on what I do.

This will help you to ensure that you get a good person because the reason people don’t outsource is 1) it can be lack of funds. If you don’t have the money for it, that can trip you up, absolutely. It goes back to that control thing and perfection thing that you think that it’s not going to be good enough, that it’s going to take so much time to be able to do. Yes, it does take some time to post this job, to hire a person to get them up and running, but you have to realize that that front loading of that process will pay off in spades in the back end. The cool thing when you are working with outsourcers is you want to set up those systems in place so even if you have to transfer to a different person, all you have to do is hand them a system. It may be a little bit of a process to get them in but if the system’s in place it’s really easy to do. You have those screen capture videos or step-by-step instructions for them to follow.

This is my process for hiring. I’ll post a job on there, and I can go into more description on that, but from there what I like to do is because within 24 hours you’re going to get about 100 applicants, in the job process, you want to ask specific questions. It can be a number of them on why they’re right for the job. You’re going to delete every applicant that didn’t actually read through your listing and didn’t answer those questions because if they can’t do that little step then how good are they going to be at following processes?

Tyler: Let me pause you. So when you posting a job—this is really more for personal enrichment, not for the enrichment of the listeners because I just posted on oDesk literally yesterday and I got one gut. We’ll see if he works out—then you literally ask question #1, question #2, question #3, and you go through the job application to see if they literally answered each and every question?

Logan: Yeah.

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Tyler: That’s good.

Logan: I’m looking at the actual post and I can post this where the podcast will be. “If you think you are the right person for this position, please answer the following.” In this case, I had eight different questions. “What experience do you have with customer service? What experience do you have with posting blogs, articles, and emails?” because this was a complicated position. It wasn’t just for this step. You can just ask random questions to see if they’ll go through the whole post, which half the people won’t so this eliminates it right there. This was also a qualifier that then I could use by having them answer this question. That is step 1.

From that, you’re going to eliminate a number of the people and you’re going to have a bunch left. At this point, you’ll still have whole lot of applicants. From here, I like to do just a basic test of their skills. In this case, for the VA, I think I had him take a video, do a transcript—this was a short video—and then upload it as a blog post and put that all together. So I gave him log in information for a blog and had him all do that. Based on how long it took them to do that skill, they will bid for the job with their different pay scales so some people will be really cheap, some people will be more expensive. Generally, you’re probably not going to use the cheapest guy nor the most expensive, but somewhere in the middle.

Based on these different factors, how fast they did it, how well they did it, a bunch of their other experience, and how much it cost to hire them, I would then eliminate it down to a group of maybe six to eight people, something like that. From there, I actually scheduled interviews with them, which I did over Skype. You can talk to them face to face. You can also do texting on Skype. I did some of both of those. So that worked out really well.

From there, I was able to narrow it down. Here I was looking for a complex position, a VA with different things and different people had good skills over others. One guy had more SEO experience, which I thought would be useful. One guy had a lot of web design experience which would be useful. I decided at this point to narrow it down to just two people. What ends up happening in the interview process is some people don’t make it to their appointment. They’re eliminated right away. You’re not going to deal with that bullshit. You’re just looking for any reason to eliminate these people because you really do have a big group to work with from the start.

Then this is the key part. After this testing and interviewing, I hire two different people for one position. I told them this is going to be on a trial basis. I told them there are two people competing for this one spot and I gave them different jobs and work to do. After maybe two weeks, less than a month for sure, I was like, “I’m sorry” to this one guy. “I’m going to go with the other person. Thank you,” but I did pay this guy for his work while the other one I hired, I’ve continued to work with since then. He’s just continued to get better and better. I’ve outsourced more and more to him and will continue to do so in the future.

Tyler: So you basically took these two guys and said, “Here’s a shank,” like battle to the death.

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Logan: It’s understandable if someone didn’t want to do this but I’m paying them through the process so I don’t pay them for that first little test. I use that just to see how badly they want it because if a person is already doing really well and everything, they may be really good at their job but I kind of want someone that is really going to bust their butt even before they get paid. It’s a small task but it shouldn’t take more than half an hour of time. You do that and you’re able to then narrow it down based on that and then go into it.

So there are several steps. You have the weeding process and asking questions in your description. I would also advise you to probably not go with—I forgot what they’re called. You go with the questions to weed people then you do a test to weed people out. Then you do an interview process to weed people out then you test higher between two people. From there, you pick one to go with in the long term.

Tyler: I’ve got one more tip because I know Logan’s got another call coming up here in just a sec. That was mostly online stuff. If you guys are doing a lot of video for your offline business and you’re trying to optimize those through YouTube, absolutely use that process as well. If you need customer service, there’s online customer service that you can teach people how to do. You can even hire phone services if you don’t want to deal with that customer service side. Me personally, I can’t do customer service. It puts me in a negative feng shui and I just start screaming fuck like crazy. It drives me insane.

Logan: Agency, what was I was talking about. I’ve heard this from other people. You can go with an independent contractor or work through an agency. I would avoid an agency. Just find an individual person to work with.

Tyler: Okay. With finding someone to help you with your boot camp or personal training business, here is one of the best ways to do it. If you guys have been building an email list, email your list and say, “Seeking someone for the following task.” You can use the exact same process that Logan talked about with the questions. You can hire two people, give them a knife, and have them fight it out. Literally, you can find people in your boot camp, housewives or people like that who are in the gym, who wanted to do your personal training but couldn’t do it.

You have to think about it like a monthly boot camp is going to be like $100, $200, maybe even $300 a month and private training, if you guys have been listening to these podcasts, should be $700, $800, $900, or $1,000 a month. That's a lot of money to train for somebody. But if you spend 30 minutes of your time with somebody three days week and then they trade for you something of less perceived value, they trade 20 hours of their time a week when you’re trading an hour and a half because you’ve given them a higher perceived value, then you have somebody working four times as much as you on a project and they’re probably better than you at it.

So if you’re having literally somebody you’re personally training and their job is to go partner with businesses that have email addresses, leave town, sell at people’s doors, network, make photocopies, and do anything that you don’t want to do, it’s going to free you up to do what you do best. I know we’re going to talk about the 5% you guys should be doing but let’s leave that concept till next time. Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved

Let’s explore that starting in April. I know we’re going to bank a few podcasts because I’m going to have baby time coming up there in the middle of April but maybe we’ll get some killer guests on the show and we’ll see if we can keep this train rolling strong.

Logan: All right. Sounds great.

Tyler: Awesome. Well, okay, you guys obviously like the podcast if you’ve been listening to this dynamic duo for this long.

Logan: Did we title this one Colonics and Outsourcing?

Tyler: Colonics and Outsourcing. It would probably get the most hits if we titled it that. Leave us a review on iTunes. Share us with your friends. Like us on Facebook. Email us your questions. Logan, do you remember the email address?


Tyler:, I hope you guys enjoyed the show. Get a colonic.

Thank you guys so much for listening to the Fitness Money podcast. For more information on how you can make more money in your fitness business today, go to FitnessMoney.Com or go to Facebook.Com/FitnessMoneyPodcast. Thanks so much for listening. We’ll see you next time.

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