Fisher Road Resid ents Protest Wid ·...

Post on 19-Sep-2020

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Transcript of Fisher Road Resid ents Protest Wid ·...




Lake F..')nt PropeOwners Ask forTax Reduction

Fred A Behr, representmgshore hne reSIdents 1ll Grosse POIappeared before the Grosse Potovmsh p board of reVlew last wto ask for a reduction m the assments on these homes

The plan and study whichdrawn up "as received by the band Carl Schwelkart to'Wnsh~p serVlsor Act on 'WIllnot be taken\1r Schwelkar untIl townshIpclals study thIS thoroughly

The plan tf adopted would ththe burden of taxes on the remmg resldents of the townshIp to san extent that they would be paseven to 15 per cent .more taxesSchwelkart felt that If such a drasterp 15 to be taken much fthought should be gwen to proscons of the plan I

In the study which Mr Behrsented It states that a reasonagood job of assessIng Grosse Pc";propertle~ has been done but100 plr cent of ""he lake front p~erty Imp 0' ed and vacait a~sesRlbo,e 1&0per <::ent of ma"ket vaIt I.!> C\ ldent that these tt"11!l0

t;.-pes of propel ty are lllequltoverasse:'>sed and that mst.fflcconslderatlOn has been gIVen byassessors to obso1esccn-ce and toclines III value over the past 10 0

yearsFor t.1-J s rea~on the 80 taxpa

ask that ImmedIate attentIon heen thlS matter

Auto Use Stamps IAvailable at Pointe IPostoffice Here



Two Youngsters ReturnLost Billfold t"Police

Two youngsters, about SIX yearsold, appeared at the PaTk policestatlOn last Saturday mornmg andturned m a billfold they had foundm a DSR sand box

Exammmg the i!:>11Yfoldi1It waslearned that It belonged to PhlllSMacen of 1449 Lakepolte

In the eXCltement, the offIcer onduty forgot to ask the lads theIr

Air Medal Awardedto Another Pointer,Lieut. Trombley

Annual SchoolElection DrawsOnly 131 Voters

weeks by a group m res1<l.entshave found support 10 thelr «:1that the street need not be Wildethe entire group plans to orgalOto an organtzatlon soon

Although the entIre wt,{fth of Fer road IS wlth111 the boundaryof the Farms the Cay reSIdentspetltlOnl11g theIr coun-c I 1ll the ethat the boundary hne be changethe mIddle of the road or that ICIty dec des to accept any par~the financlal burden of the propr-0Ject

The res1dents are protestmg sa future move because It wouldFISIher road far less deSIrable areSidential street and would f

crease the value of the propertyother reason stated was thawould ental! a great loss to tile r

The smallest vote ever recorded 10 dentlal sectIon destrOYIng the ethe annuals of the Grosse POll1tcschool board ele'Ctlons was made last aeter of the property as a h1.gmlyM d J 12 h 131 s1rable re~ldenttal s1:reet and'

on ay ,wen vote"s would be done wltJhout an resulIn Grosse POinte cast thelr ballots I b fit d th Yat thell" respectIve pre-c nets ene f S an dWI out any oompe

Offlclals of the board said thiS I tI~h or an~ amage 1small vote was probably the result of b e reSI ~nts ar; a so pro1:


an election With no Opposltlon and ecausethsruc a WIbenmg woo

hcreas~ e space etween t e ijbecause the peOlple are very busv lk d b fWith war and volul!lteer work wa

tsl an hcurj mg r

f"", &PdPr

ma e y elg" teet to our anOf uhe seven preclUcts the Defer half feet They said th2s would

school precmct recoTded the mostt 28 Th 1 f h Icome a hazard to the school chllva es- e resu ts () t e SIX

th t f 11 T walklllIg to schol!il and to the so er preemc s are a<; 0 oW'S rombl 14 M 25 R h d 26 K of younger chJ1dren plaYJOg In j

¥. ,cl.lre Ie ar er of theIr homesby,4 Vermer 13 and Mason 21

Of the 131 votes cast Ralph M The petItIOns olrculated onClark secretary of the board recerV CIty 51de of FIsher eontalneded 127 while Charles A Parcells other protests m additIon to t~preSIdent receIved 124 Onl two above The CIty reSIdents beli

th d d y I that such action entaIls the reo er n<1Jmeswere reco e on t leball t d th d I ng of a trail of trees desb'oYlug Io an ey appeare on yonce

beauty or the street and necetates the removmg of fire hydraand street hghts and placmg thea less deSIrable posItIon

How the two governmg bod1es jact to these Circulated and s~petit ons WIll be dls'Covered Mone'Venmg at the ti'lO mUnICipal mlUgs

An Eighth AAF Bomber StatIonEngland - The AIr Medal has beenawarded to Second Lleut RaymondJ Trombley of Grosse Po nte plIoof a B 17 Flymg Fortress for merltOrlOUS achIevement on bombl1g

/ '"

PetItwus m.ll be presented to theboard of trustees of Grosse POinteFarms ann to the cou11'c~1of theCIty of Grosse POInte next Mondayevemng dIsapprOvlng of the proposed wIdenmg of Fisher road as apost war project to be sponsored bythe Farms smgly or by the Farms

..., and CIty JomtlyThese petltlOns bear the s gna

tures of appronmately every reSI-~ dent hvmg on Fisher Road ln both'" th-e City and the Farms They have

!been CIrculated wIthm the past fewMRS RICHARD H KHUEN

Children ConcludePaper Drive SeasonWith Huge Total

Vecnler School on Vermer road tn

Grosse Pomte Shores was awardedtlhe Cerlficate of Ment for an outstandmg endeavor m salvagmgwaste paper for the Victory WastePaper dnve The award was madeby the Wayne County Salvage ComilllSSIDnof the Wayne County Coun Icll of Defense

The school was awarded thiS oer-tlficate because lts students iJ.aveturned 10 the most paper per puptlthan any other sohool 1ll Gros ..ePomte that particIpated m themonthly drVIes

American Red CrossNeeds More BloodDonors N-O-W

Determ1ned to see Grosse Pomteget credIt for Grosse POinte s pur-chases In war bonds dUrIng the FIfthWar Loan Dr1Ve, Mrs R..tchard HK.huen recrUltmg chaIrman of theAWVS for Grosse Pomte IS.bUSIlyengaged 1U Slg'l1lng up V Women tohandle the general drive <::anvas oftrhe area A determmatlon to sell atleast a. thousand dollars worth ofbonds qua.hfies any volunteer for theV Women corps KltS and I'fu11 InformatIOn ar-e furmshed at theAWVS offIce 17027 Kercheval andMrs Khuen or any other member ofthe AWVS WIllbe glad to answer allquerIes

ts Protest Wid

Another Wave ofBike Thefts HitsGrosse Pointe

Leonard J. Brennan Recruiting V-Women P P --Dies of Heart Attack ~:' *". '. ,:' .",'t" resent etltlonsYesterday Morning P, '". , w, ,:,:\-. MdT C-t

A hngwng dlness chmaxcd by a \ " 0nay 0 I Y,heart attack proved fatal to Leonard F CJ Brennan 42 of 1099 Beaconsfield arms 0 -Iyesterday morntng at eleven o clock uncI s

1\ nahve cxf London Ont Len ashe was knQlWn to all In the Pomte,had been a re~ndent of Grosse POintePark for a.pproxImately 20 years Hewas employed <vt Tmy s Cafe 15117Kercheval avenue

The remams wIll he m state attihe GrtffIth & Wade funeral home,Beaconsfield and Jefferson all daytoday and tOOlg'ht

Funeral services at eleven 0 clocktomorrow mornlng from 5t Ambrosechurch

Agaan many reSIdents of GrossePomte have reported to thelir re~s<pective pollce departments the theftof their offsprmgs bIcycles ManybIcycles have been stolen from theresl<1ents garages

Mrs Ira Remdell of 1176 Berkshlfe was one of the first to reporta i1:ucyc1estolen from theIr garage,whIle Kenneth BrD'lNn 3601 GUllIfordtold pohce that hIS was taken from5t Clare school

The Farms polIce receIved stolenhIke reports from Peggy LabadIe128 Oak street. Teddy Hammond,158 Me{flweather, Mrs Mannmg239 Moran road and Judy Avery, 98M ernwea ther

Of the entue group Peggy La~badle s bIcycle was found

WASHINGTON _ Representatlve Lou s C Rabaut Democrat ofMIchIgan announced last FrIday thatthe FWA has awroved an apphcatIon by GratIot Townshilp for a sewer project

The g>rant lS $109,600,


Bishop Road Question Pops Up AgainBefore Park Commission Monday Night

No Further ActionTaken on GoetheAvenue Injunction

No further actIOn has been takenon the restrammg order Issued byJudge DeWItt II M.err~am, of theWayne county CIrCUlt court, restral'nmg the Park Village comml~SI011from takmg any further actlonon vacatmg Goethe avenue between The children or the Grosse POinteMaryland to the alley way between Four Men to Leave PUbJ,C and parochlal schools havcChadevOlx and Mack and turnmg It conduded their monthly schoolaver to the FJrSt OhnstJan Reform From Area June 23 waste p"per dnve wlth a final dnveed Clhurch to use a playground for last Fnday Bet\'len eIght school~the Grosse Po nte Christian Da) Selecttve SerVice Board 57 Grosse approxImately 421000 POll lds ofschool children Pomte Park has announced that waste paper was collected and pre

The Village offlclal,g were to an fOOT men Will leave from Its offlces pared for balmgswer fully theIr reasons for vacatmg on FrIday mornmg June 23 for the I Mason school In Grosse POinteGoethe at a court sessIOn on May 26 Teamt receptIon center at Fort Sher I Woods came out on top m thlS dnv"however the heanng was postponed Idan III wIth a ttal of 30400 pounds or apto a later date Those leavmg ae Charles F Rous proxImatel! 15 and one half tons

The mjUnctlOn was Issued at the seau 1046 Hampton road Grosse I The children of thiS school aite to bereqiUest of Leonard RlCha['ds of 1451 Pomte Woods Chfford R Goodner commended WIth thIS fine showmgLakepoln'te and Sebast1an Mocen of 15837 Evanston Ralph J WIeneke as their departmg gesture m the war1449 LakeiPomte Wlho are opposmg 19380 Elkhart, and James A Doot effort as school chtldren Many havethe closmg of Goethe 21727 Roslyn road. DetrOIt prormsed that throughout the sum

mer they WIll have paper and prepare to brmg It to s<::hoolwhen classes resume m the fall

St Paul's school the only paro-dh1a1 s<::hoolwhich took part In thedrIve was second 1Inthe total ng oipoundage the pupIls carned cartedor drove 2800 pounds to the schoolgmunds FollOWing closely behmd5t Paul was MaIre schooJ WIth atotal of 2 700 pounds The other pubhe schools totals are RIchard 1 300Vernier 2300 Kerby 1 500 P1erce1000 and Dofer 200

Defill1te steps shou.ld be taken uf I gomg to the foot of Bishop It wouldt1henOise and general nutsance at the ta~e the wagon away from thefoot of BIShop roan does not stop homes and place It where there aredecreed the Park comm SSlon Mon less homes and It wouJd be on aday n.lglht WIder part of Jefferson

Three recomrnendatlOns were No 2 Calls for two large pol1Cf'made by CommlsslOner Paul More sIgnS to be placed at BIshop andland whloh would help alleV'la.te the Jefferson and No 3 Police shouldcondItIOns 1 Removal of the])6p gIve special attention to th~s deadcorn wagon operated by TOIl1Ye~d stTeet and Issue tickets to VIOKomes at BIShOlp and Jefferson to latorsa new locatIOn preferably at Somer AfteT the recommendations dlsset and J efferSQn Mr Moreland sald CUSSlon arose regardmg movmg ofthiS should ehmmate any customers the popcorn wagon and relocatmg It

at Somerset and J efferson CommlS~sloner Cunnmgham said that he sopposed to allowll/.g It to remam tn

the Park wh le CommissIoner Damman saId he was m agreement tomovmg It closer to the cabbagepatch

It was lea1'ned at the meetmg thatC Henry Buhl who hves at the footof Bishop has requested Mr Kome.!>to move hiS busme~s and If it wasnot mm ed he would enter a complamt Mr Kames mformed MrBuh1 that he was attemptmg to renta plRJcebut IS unable to obtain storefixtures and for the prresent has noplans of mOVing

After thlS conversation Mr Buhl The casualties we l'llUst suffer all LIEUT. R J TROMBLEYthreatened to open a popcorn wag I the way fom the beaches of France attac1<s on enemy Eu'-opeon aoross the street In compet1tIO'1 the moun tams of Italy and the The CItatIOn accompanYlUg theWIth !hUll I Jungles of the South PaCIfic to the award read 1n part The courage,

The matter was tarbled until the capture of Berhn and TokIO d"'mand coomess and skill d splayed by thISneXtt meetmg when Mr KOlUes Willi bhat We keep flowmg to {he front offIcer upon these occaSIons reflectbe represented at the meetmg life saving blood from volunteer great <:redlt upon hImseLf and the

--------- donors here at home The record of armed forces of the U111ted StatesGratiot Township hves saved through tIllS volunteer Lieutenant Trombley, 22 who has

P. A blood IS one of the splendId Home taken part In Sf" combat mlsslons, ISrOJect pproved Front records of thlS war That rec the husband of Mrs June H Trombord must be hroken now by even ley, 1023 Nottmgham road and the Le~and F Lmdlow suopenm.tenmore donors to save the lives of even son of Mr and Mrrs Raymond of the FOlnte branch postoffIce,more wounded The Red Cross col Trombley 807 Hampton road A nounces that the federal use stalects thiS blood for ilhe men In the graduate of Grosse Pomte h gh for ~utomohl1t's are now on saleArmed For'Ces Call Cherry 1200 now school he was a student at the the post offIce 1hey wlll be Jl

and make your appomtment to en \11'ChIgan College of Mll1mg and until July 31 after which tIme

Iroll 10 tlfie great hfe-saV1ng blood Teohnology before entenng the ierv~ tOFlsts must p.u1""<:hasethem. marmy. Ke WOrt.

The VIllage c'O Il11m 1s s Ion (I fGrosse Pomte PaTk authOrIzed the-ohange 1n the VIllage s fire routes\1onday evmng when VlIlage Manager E B Lane proposed the cnangeafter a stlldy was made of the routellon the lower end of the vlllage

TJ1e new route allows the firetrucks to T'emaln on Maryland ayenue from the fire hall near J efferso'1to Mack avenue Formerly the routeturned from Mar)land at St Paulthen down Wayburn to Mack Vv1thbhe changed route, the dlffIcult turnwhIch Me fire trucks have alwaysmade IS ellmmated

Tl e No Parktng signs WIll beerected all the east s de of Maryland to ChalievOlx VYhere they WIllbe changed to the Opposlte SIde ofthe road because of an offset 10 thest1'eet

Mr Lane sald that In the veryneal!' future he would confer With oftiCla1S of the Lake Shore CoachLmes to determme a change m the r.routt'; for the buses after they leaveKeroheval and Gharlovmx avenuesand proceed to Jefferson.

Lieutenant McVlttle

Pointer's HusbandListed as German

To Enforce Waterfront ParkRegulations ImmedIately

former Anna Robertson daughterof Mr and Mrs Robert Robertson

LIeutenant M-eVuttIe 1'$ a naVlgatoron a Fly1tlg Fortress and was reported mISSing In a.ctJon over M UUlch onAprll 24 1944 He had returned tocomibat duty shortly before thIS afterbemg hospItalized for wounds ThemlSSlon was beheved to be hIS twen-tIeth

LIeutenant 1vfcVlttle is brothea.- mlaw, Pfc Peter Robertson IS statIOned somewhere tn the South Paclfic

The lIeutenant receIved the Al1'\1edal and Oak Lea.f dllsters aniforwarded ;hem home to blS wlfe Park Changes FireHIS parents Mrr and Mrs Kenneth •McVlllle of Waterford \!lcb were IRoute IO Lowernottfied of hIS custody through the P t f V'IIfed Cross ar 0 1 age

RegulatlOns for the waterfrontpark 111 the P.ark were made clear atthe commlsslon meetmg Monday111gh1: when COffill1USSlOnerSagepark committee chaIrman announeed thClitonly those who are reSIdentsor taXlpayers WIll be allo'\\ed parkpermlts and others who Wish entran<:e, w1l11be admitted on guestcards only

Owmg to the new regulations fourohurch and so-c al groups w lliJe notdied by the comIU1SSlOnocand thevl~lage manager that unless enongngue~t tIckets can be prov ded bymembers m theIr respectIVe groupsrthey wlll not be allowed to hold plCmcs or gatherIngs In the park



* * *


VOL 20-No 45

BULLETINMrs James H McNally

(MarIe Baker), wIfe of GrossePOInte S JustIce, Lleut JamesN McNally, USNR, passedaway at Charleston, S C, lastmght shortl) alter 11 The re-mainS will be brought to herbrother s resldencte, Joseph ABaker, 932 Lakepomte In ad-ditIon to the hUliiband,Mrlii Mc~Nally leaves another brother,John Baker, Detroit, and SIXchIldren, f 0 u r boys and twogIrls FrIends are asked towatch the daily papers for lu-ner~l1 notice

Fisher Road Resid

Only the REVIEW Gives 'yOU

Coverage of ALL Homes inGrosse Pointe & Gratiot Twps.


E1g1ht of Gro~se Pomte s burgla.Mes whIch have taken place sincethe begmnmg of the year weresolved Tuesnay mght wIth the confesslon of 23 year old Irv1ng Goldfarb of 2631 VIcksburg In the county Jail

Goldfarb who was questlOnedthroughout the day by Henry PlelPark pollee chlef and DetectIve LtA Louwers told of his parhClpa.10m In these breakIng and entermgs

after an accomphce on DetrOIt theftsArthur Goldman, was apprehendedand sentenced

The SIX burglanes In the ParkWhlCIh were cleared off the bookswere of the folkvwmg homes

Feb 13 E L Newltt 1310 Nottmgham small amount of jewelry

March 2 T J Vlllenewe 1346Bedford Goldfar'b was mterruptedIn ransackmg the home by the return of the famtly He escaped w~tha small amount of money,

Fred Reese 1364 Bedfocd thefamIly reported nothIng taken

D T Fmn 1159 Nott ngham Theburglar was fnghtened away whenFInn alone m the darkened househeard hIm at the door and ttlrncdon a hgJht,

March 17 W H KJidow J r 1248Bedford He was frIghtened awa/by the famIly returnIng and leftempty handed,

May 30 Albert Leclerc 688 Ba1~four The burglar made several attempts to get mto the house andfinally succeeded In gettIng lUtO abedroom, he left WIth a smaUamount of cash after passmg up Prisoner of WarjeweJry and a fur coat I

In the Farms, GolcLfarb admltted Mrs Anna McVIttle of 1379 Marythe theft of furs and jewelry from land was notlfied recently that her

Ly THE POINTER the home of George B Hefferan,109 husbann, LIeutenant Kenneth MLW~ are In rece1pt of a commU111 MerrIweather He said that a mmk VIttle, IS a pnsoner of the German

catton from a local boy overseas, the coat which he stole was sold for goveifnw,ent l\{r~ Jyt:e;:NHt1j! i.s theIdentity o! whom because of the text $1000 and a wnst watch for $500, ,f ~ "l-

ot hiS fetter, must remaln anony- the other pIeces l)f Jewelry weremcus We quote the leiter In part, passen on to fences, he saidbecause 1t does reveal how much re~ ThIS darIng robber also admItted Icewmg The ReVIew means to every stealmg Lleut Boyd Hill s automoboy on every beachhead now 10 the I blue from the garage at 610 Unlversworld Ity Plat:e on March 24 and abando1.

AnzIo Beachhead ed It In DetroItflI don t think that people at hom.e

realize how Important your paper IS POInte pohce were reasonably cerove'!" hece Somehow, I thmk men tam of the thIef s Identity, but wereover here have dlstorted views waItmg to catch hIm red handed

That IS why I thmk It s good to Goldfat'fb was aware of thIS and waslearn that babIes are stlll bemg born ~xtra cautlOUS when workmg In t"te InO'W and then that 11's as hard M mnteever to pay Income taxes and that ASSIsting hIm on hiS Jobs waslovely mnocent glrIs al1"estlll dug hIS wIfe who usually waIted for hImgmg movIe stars mto court 1U an automobIle HIS method of op

The whole thmg IS hke lookmg eratlon was to Jimmie a rear door orat the v.orId and home through one wmdow and proceeded to the bedlens of a stereoscocpe then openIng rooms where he thoroughly ransack Ithe other eye The home town paper ed drav. ~s and closetsIS the Other Eye Thanks foc send Goldfarit> admItted to DetrOIt poIng The ReVIew hce that he took part In 125 burgla

.. lit .. fles In that Clty IThlS was the total

V t d up to and mdudmg June 14o ers we want to remm youthat next Wednesday IS the last day ---------m whIch you can register m ordel1"to Lieut. Wm. Millsbe able 10 vote m the pnmary electlOn, TUesday July 11 Killed in Action

Thief Makes FullConfession ToPolice Officers


The followmg mCIdent comes to ustnlrd hand though rehably Itseems that tn a lme at the bakedgoods counter 111 an east SIde confechoneryand dehcatessen a certamuDldenhfied lady turned to the next",oman and saId, Oh how I hopethat thts war lasts for about fourmore years you see my husban'iand I axe workmg and we can getour house all pa d for by then

The next lady 111 hne a!ked theclerk mfshe had any custard pie anJrequested that the c1elk let her seeone She took 'It 10 her hand andplastered the war V.~Shlll1gwomansquarely m the face saymg I Idon t war thIS war to last one mmute longer I lost a boy at Salernoand I have another II!l the PaCificWe are told that the actlon wassoundly applauded by all present

* * *Did you need colored glasses when

you entered the Park munICipal Lleut Wdham J 11111s 27 thIS week? The reason for flier son of Mr and Mrs Vvllson \\AM" uk ng ~iS that the walls and 11l11s 7 .Woodland place Grosseeelhngs have been gIven a thorough Po nte has been killed m acwash111g I11creasmg bnghtness m tlon m the Southwest Paclfic hIS

aIls and rooms and mak ng the parent~ were not fied Saturdaybuddmg much more cheerful Mills was a.ttached to a navy born

* '" '" bal dment squadronLadles here s the latest new'! on He was marned to M1SS Slurlev

nylon'!! They 11start mal(l1g nylons Y.racbeVh of Torqnto 111 1940"lthm a "'eek (gulp I) wltilln a Ileutenant Mills was commlSSlOnweek after the last Army contract ed In January 1942 He was born 111

15 completed 1 Retailers 'Mil then Deb Olt and educated at GrossereceIve stocks withm three or four Pomte Country Day school Choate Confiscate B~B Guntr'onths says the text Ie Industry sohool ';Vall ngford Conn and the PatroLman Van DeGmste of the1nnounc ng It IS ready to gIve em VnlHI Slty of MIchlgan At \1:lchl Park pollee department confiscatedp 0;' ment qUh..kly to more people gan he was a member of the te"1. a BB gun ov.ned by a Park restt lan any other major mdustry ll1S team Ident who was the weap.on 111

"'hen the war ends And glamour LIeut DaVId N M111s of the AAF, the V.1Cmltyof Beaconsfield and Notto more legs I arrIved m Grosu Pomte. tIngham.








Dtstrtbutors s'mce1914 for BulowaLongtne~ BenrusErgtn and other weltknown wa.tches

In Industriesand Trades •••


Dr Paul F CrUlkshank headmaster.Henry D Bngham J1' of PIttsfield,V[as.s head mOUltor or! the school,gave the class

TIllS was Taft s second commencr; ..mellt program for the year 1944.There were 33 members of the classawarded diplomas and a group of 42a.cceleratmg se 1101'S received dlplo ..mas at the [Chi uary graduat on

Richard Soderberg son of VII' andMrs O>:.carA Soderberg of umvers ..lty pldce Grosse Pomte was reCipi-ent of the Bausch & Lomb honorarysuence award and In collabo-ratlo'Q,With John Ma 1'011 of Boston Mass.\\on thud prize tn the uprper schoolhistory essay contest

Elected to Cum Laude natlOnatsoholast c honorary society wereArthur D B155 \iVaJtertown Conn JHenry D Bngham J r PIttsfield,Mass John Lyman Jr MlddlefieJd,Conn John Marron Boston, \!ass Jand R chard W Soderberg Gross.Pomte

14224 East JeffersOll14331 Harper near Chal_

door so as to be the lIrst to see 0111QIOltIlD1eswhen they come for us.




espeCially need toguard their eyes againststrain and occupationalhazards To be sure your

eyes are pratected, have them perIOdically examinedby our registered optometrist You'll receive a thor-ough eye check up on the newest SCientifiCequipment.We are open friday and Saturday evenings.

RIchard Sode1 bel gReceives Honorsat Eastern School

Clemmson prmctpalThe final check up on the cand!

dates repoTts was summanzed byMrs Florence McGrath offlce clerkand checked by a faculty committeeon student honors

ElectlOll to the NatlOnal HonorSociety IS not only a recognltlOn ofpast achlevemenr It IS m addItIona challenge to those students whohave been elected to carryon thefine record whIch they (iave estabhshed here rmarkd Vll1cent Patter-son assistant pnncipal

YOU DON~~ED CASHTerms Auanged at No Extra Cost

14224 E. Jefferson, 14331 Horper at Chalmers _


OR ILSE WE CRYIWhat about us' The children of yourlIghtlDg men' Some of us have neverseeo our daddIes. Most of our mom.mles have to work So we don't see * * *them very much. Mormngs, they gtve They are not as happy os toddlmus our breakfost before they have to could be. There over 14 million oftake us to the i1aynursery or leave us them, too ••• ages one to five. Andin the care of a neIghbor or a nurse, these are their Important years. Yearsor, perhaps, our grandmothers. Nights, when their greatest need IS the specialthey're ttred. They don t have tune to and lOVIngcare of their own fathershold uS 111their arms os long os we'd snd mothers 111the security of theirreally lIke... own homes. If you keep on buymg

Oflen dur111gthe day we feel lonely. more and more War Bonds, you wulAnd scared. We don't exactly know make that pOSSiblefor them. You willwhy. Nor what to do about It. We SIt be sendmg their daddies home 10 themand rub our eyes. Or else we cry. At all the sooner. You owe that much tothe nursery, we bke to be facmg the them ••• these cIu1drenare your future.

tCARuy~n6NDS e.".,.w,. I!JpJIcoJ s;;u.-<f"", $t-GIVE YOUR DAD



Thirty one members of the classof June '44 16 g1rlS and 15 boys havebeen elected to the 1>Jat1onalHonorSac ety

They lOc1udeJane Armstrong Angenette Blancke Cather ne Co\\anJacquelme Ewmg Ruth HansenMar<.:la HIggS Carolyn HutsonFrances J111son Jean Lonng Dolores Massey Nancy Moesta Margaret Morse CynthIa Sanford MargoSonneman Jeanne Thorne and MarJone Wolfe

B>ruce Bugbee DavId FalrlessRobert Ireland Stanley J erv!sJames Marshall W41ham ModrackElliott Morr s George NlerynckRlchard PeaT John Seeber RobertSeeber Robert Skau Harry Spur-ner \Vllham Trask and Nathan VanOsdol are the boys who w111receIVP vVA1ERTOW'\T COl\,N - The

Taft school held Its 54th commencethe gold pm slgmfymg Na.t1onalHonor Soctety members~llp ment exer.clses here last Thursday In SFC Club Plcmc

Ehgvble semors were those who t<he Bmgham auditonum The Revhave attal11~d an honor pomt aver~ Halford E Luccock professor of The annual lllClllC and work dayage of at least 200 (B) ill all sub- Ohnstlan ethICS at Yale dIVinity of the SCF club W111be held June zaJects completed to date begmnmg Ischool dehvered the address The a.t the home of Mrs V C Feller,wlth grade lOB and who have at announcement o£ honors and pres- 1825 Hampton road New member.tended Grosse Pomte hvgh schoo entailon of dIplomas were made by ,ate welcomefor at least fcUd' semesters The en --tire faculty rated all of these semors I,

whom they know on character, lead~ershlp, and se!fVJce f\

After the students were marked on ~1

those traits a compoSIte ratmg of feach candidate was mathemahcally Itahulated Those haVIng the hlghesttotal soares for scholarsh p extra-cun1culatr actlvltles character, serv-Ice and leadersJl1p were the groupfinally elected to the sO'Clety

Because the Natronal Honor So-ciety speCIfies that the maX:1ffiUm

number of students from each grad~uatmg class to receIve membershipmust not exceed 15 per cent of thegraduatmg class, there are alwaysmany students who III spIte of thefa-ct they have receIved at least aB average, mISS the award be-causethey m1ght have failed to enter extra curpcular actn~tles or becausethey were net outstandmg In ohar-aeter servllce or leadershIp

Flfteen per cent of th-1S year'sgraduating class figures out to be 31students and there can be pOSltlvelyno more than 31 students who canreceive thIS honor It IS too bad thatwe have to stop where we do because there are always some stu-dents who are almost as h'l!gh assome who are taken mto the National Honor Soclet} , saId W R

'rhursday June 15 1944

Thirty-One Students Elected to NationalHonor Society for Studies and Activities

ldents of the Woods areJ attend thiS SOCIalaffaIrurg,c

The Grosse POInte Woods Com-mUnIty club WIll sponsor astra",berry festlVal at ~ts club bUlldmgMack avenue and Ridgemont nextSaturday afternoon at SlX 0 clockThe festival WIll conSist of straw-berry shortcake and coffee

Tihe proceeds of thIS affair wtll beadded to the bwldmg fund whIch hasbeen set up to prOVIde for a largerand more modern bUlldmg for thep esent bUlldmg IS much too small tomeet the rocreatlOnal needs of theboys and gIrlS who make use of theclub



1\ ell Blondell uty assessor and\VI1ham J Johnson Park controller,attended the confel ence of the M ull1clpal Fmance OffIcers associatIonheld 111 Cleveland 0 on Tuesdayand Wednesday of last week

Woods Community Club toSponsor Strawberry Festival

Announce BIrthLleut (Jg) an-d Mrs Herndon

Wagers announce the blrtl) of adaughter Anne Newnan on Thurs~day, June S-

Carp and Mrs Robert DeBackernee Martha DaVIS announce t~ebIrth of a baby girl Barbara Annlast Monday June 12

MR AND MRS WILLIAM R DeBAEKE of Nottingham road, an-nounce the engagement of theIr daughter, Mary Helen, to Lieu!RIchard A Covey, USMC, of Wellesley, Mass Mias DeBoeke 1. agraduate of Grosse POinte high school and Lieutenant Covey t. a grad~uate of Boston university law .chool The wedding Will take place InJuly

Fifth in Familvto Wm Schol;rshlp



Ronald Rohe 14 son o-f \1r andMrs Frank ROihe formerly ofGrosse Pomte has ben awarded <i

scholarshlp to enter Western Statehllgh school 111 September ThiS ISthe fifDh ohIld to enter WesternState With a scholaTShlp

Rona14 obtamed hIS early educatlon at Trombly school m the Park

The other Rohe ch1ldren who entered Western State are NorbertRIClhard Carol and Mary Ann ThesechIldren the gran-dchlldren ofMr and Mrs Helmers o! Barrmgton road

Frosted - cool MeXicangIngham sun - backdress WIth a fnUy edg-Ing of eyelet s topped WIth a cun-nIng b 0 I e r 0 You'Usummer In It and love ItaU season long Powderblue or red to choosefrom SIzes 9 to 17.

with matchingbolero . • • • •





14812 MACK, near Alter Road TUxedo 2-9595STORr HOUR,S MOll., :r..... ,lVed,IO A.M. to 6 P.M; ThUrB, Fri, Sat.. 10 AM to 9 P.M

Plan Histonc MemonalsSOCIetyAnnual MeetIll!}

T1he annual meetIng of the Hls~tonc MemorIals soclety WIll be heldat the Colony Town club Fridaymorn 109 June 16 The preSIdent,Mrs Alfred G WIlson, wIll preSIdeat a meetmg of the executwe boardat 10 0 do-ck followed by the regularmeetmg, the annual meetIng andelectIOn of officers

MISS Mane F Roe chaplam WIllconduct a memonal service aft.erwhIch luncheon Will be served

Reservations Sthould be made WIthMrs Richard Fyfe Barnum, ofYor~shlre road, Grosse POillte~ cor-respontimg se-cretary

Huguenot SocIety BIrthdayDmner June 22nd

Members 0.£ the Huguenot SOC1etyof Mt'ChIgan throughout the statewl1l gather at the home of the statedlrector, Mlss Dor'Obhy E Chandler,on LaSalle boulevard, DetrOIt, for amId day co aperatlve bIrthday dm.ner, Sunday June 18 celebratmg tneseventh annwersary of the orgaUl-zatlon of the SOCIety on June 221937, at Hasbrouck House, Mar-shall by Mrs George W Moran

Mrs SIdney C Probert of Ken-smgton road, DetfOlt the new prestdent w1l1greet members and guests

ReservatIOns are asked by the hos-tess, daughter of the late Mrs ClarMence J Chandler who at the tImeof her pass1llg, was chaplain of theSOCIety, and always an lOterestedmember

Dominican Mothers'Club Elects Officers

DomInICan hIgh school Mothers'club elected Mrs AloIS H Emheuser preSIdent of the organlzatlOn forthe new year and named MesdamesThomah Stodola Robert Convery,WIlham Quenby Reno Bruno A DePalo and M DIgby VH:epreSIdentsOther ofhcers elected were S JWalker, recordmg secretary MrsH Parker Munger, correspondIngsecretary I Mrs Andrew M Olm~stead, financlal secretary, and MrsWalter Melselback treasurer

A semor mother daughter tea hon-onng the graduatmg class wh chthlS year numbered 170 pupils washeld Sunday afternoon May 28

A musical p-rogram followed anaddress of welcome gIVen by FatherAndrew P McEntee Mrs ThomasStodola was hostess

The season s actIvIties of the clubwere ended With a dmner given June2, by the sisters III charge of theschool honormg the retlrmg officersas well as the newly elected OffI-cers ThIS was followed by a boardmeetmg at wInch the preSIdent pre-Sided



1~ALFITTING \\~\\\<;'

Take~ Only 10 I\\\\~\~'~"{~'\I~to:Mmutes l\l\l



ge Two


6~ N~TORIALIV m SSO~f.,ces lit 15121 .Kercheval betwecn Maryland and LakepolUte'The Only Weekly New,paper CoverlUg All the Homes IU

I Grosse POlUteand GratIot TownshIps"L 1\ OLDHAM PublISh"P J BLACKBURN Editor and AdiJerttsmg ManagerRITA WALBY SOCiaLand News EditorSUbScnptlQI1 Rates By Mall $200 pet year, 5c per copy

By Camet, 10 Cents a Month

~bllshed Every Thursday by The Grosse POlUte Prmtmg COLENOX 11621163


~VASHINGTON - At mformal A Jones a dIrector of the councllr,emonles held at the department 0'£ -commended Mr Ra.baut s effortsfte Rep LoUIS C Rabaut Demo- over many years In mamta..lllmg the~t of Mtchlgan last Thursday, re- strength of the American foreignved the International EconomIC serVIce, the men and women ofuncll s annual award fot' out whIch he deSCrIbed as among thendmg services In the advance- t'fue promoters of fnendly reClpront of the nabon s world trade cal relatlOns WIth other nahons Heong those attendIng were Edward andlcated,that Mr Hull s trade pollStetbmus, actlOg setretary of eles have helped mamtam peaceful

te and R J Lynch, aSSistant to relatIOns WIth those natIons Withe secretary wluch the Umted States has entered~memoratmg the tenth annl agreements, addmg of the 27 na~

tsary of the passage of the trade tlOns WJth WhICh reCIProcal tradereements a'\.t !by congress, the ag'feements have been concludedard 1S an ofIgmal Oil pamtlng of durmg the past 10 years not .one ISe 'S S Savannah,' fint -steamw at war agaInst the Umted States'liP to cross the AtlautI.c, and symw That these po.l1cles Will be an 1m..

Qa£ Attierl1Ca'stwo way trade With portant factor In world recovery,r world pea-ce and commer<.:e 15 the bebef of~Two way trade' declared Mr Mr Rabaut who declaTed I feel

leU1nIUS, betweef!: the United strongly that If the peace for whichates and other countrIes on a bas- we are fightmg IS to be a lashng oneof faIrness and III the greatest pes- the only poss1ble foundation must beIe volume IS both mdlcatIve ef 111- a sound economIc pobcy, and the

rnatlOnal good relations and a only sourtd economIC pollcy whmh IE~~;ttothose relatIOns and to In-l can enV'lsage 1S one. htUtt UpOfl theFn:a-tronat secunty Such trade 1S lowermg of trade barners after th~sentml ~o the Improvement and war along the same formulas as'h the mamtenance o£ American those Secretary Hull has been....nOO1locweHare at maxImum lev fightmg for ever smce the passage ofb the trade agreements act m 1934, What AmerI-can government OflI~ As cha1rman of the house sub-Fl.lsand other Amer~cans do to fos committee on appro.pnahons for the'I and encourage economiC co op- departments of state commerce andat10n and mutual benefit for all JustIce the representative also took~trons/, he .continued, 15 a c;ltrect a leadmg role last year ~n helpmg to~,ntr.lbut1onto the establishment of retam the field offlces of the bureauiJonomlc welfare here ;md a.broad of foreIgn and domestlc commerce~d,'Of tr'ue and last1ng securIty fors .and .for the rest of the world' What fau contain aMea soldiers[i;..mak1l1.gthe presentatIon, Joseph, pain'


,epresentative Rabaut, Backer of Strongloreign Service, Receives Award

erious Consideration WarrantedI The reSIdents of Grosse POInte and the people of Grossefmte Woods speCIfically are asked to turn elsewhere m thISue of The ReVIew and study the layout of the proposed newoppmg center whIch would be sItuated m the lower end ofosse Pomte Woods

You wIll see that thIS new project would not be ' Just then of the mIll' type of center but somethl11g that would be afimte asset to the character of the VIllage to future develop>nts m the mumclpahty and to the taxpayers themselves Thepe of archItecture would be second to none WIth only the lat-t Improvements 1n modern construction

For the chIldren of shoppers, there Will be a well planned,yground and for the shoppers themselves, there WIll beaclOUSsIdewalks, there wIll be no traffIC hazards

If such an Improvement m shoppmg faCIlitIes m thIS ter-ory IS to take place, the huge project would contnbute great-to the VIllage tax ,olls It IS saId by those who have studIedIS plan that approxImately twenty per cent of Village taxesould come from thIS busmess block

How can reSIdents of the Woods kIck such a gift horse me face t






Too Bad, Folks-but This Soldier'sNever Coming Home!

• The war won t suffer much-there are mil.lions more men to replace him But hiS familywill do the suffering I The only consolationthey can have IS that he sacr flced hiS lifeso that there might never be more wars likethiS That makes It look as though we athome aren t dOing half enough I How aboutbacking up samf,ce w th sacr f,ce how aboutbUYing $100 extra In War Bonds thiS monthso more soldiers WILL come home Our gov-ernment NEEDS your help


*Blake Korb lJ oS 'J IS spendmg a10 day leave VlShng fnends 111thePomte He was with the Stnttmatter serVIce statlOn formerly locatedat Kercheval and Lakepo nte He ISa reSIdent of DetrOIt He will returnto lamp Perry Va

*A :N nth Air 1 oree Sen C'e Commaud Ul11t England - Staff Se1gtDonald C Schroeder of GrossePo nte cll ef clerk m a sen Ice group IU11lt has been sel Vll1g 111the European theatre of operat 011S S1l1ceIearly 111 1943 StatIolled lU hnglandat a n111thair force serVIce Cbmma'1nadvanced depot he IS the son of Mrand Mrs 1< red J Sl.hroeder 1236YorkshIre road Grosse POll1te

Sergt Don Schroeder was gl aduated 111 1931 from Grosse Po lltehIgh school Prlor to h1s mductlOll nMarch 1942 he was employed as aspecificatIOn clerk by the Amsworth\ifanufactunng company DetrOIt After recelvmg army baSIC trammg atHarlingen Tex, he served at Wa1terboro S C Raymond a brother IS

an ordmance sergeant III CalifornIawhIle Corp Harold Schroeder another brother 1s "'Ith the med calcorps at Camp Grant III

The nmth aIr force serV1ce command acts as a g gantlc lllVISlbchand supportmg n1l1th a r force medlUm bombers and fighter planes ontheIr forays 0\ er enemy occupIedterra.tory It sup-pIles bombs gun~ammun1tlon spare parts tools oxygen, clothmg and sk lIed techn1callabor It mamtams eqUIpment at thehighest peak of operatiOnal efflCIency and repairs all battle damagefor Amef1ca s tactlcal component ofthe Allied Exped1tionary AIr Force

*Maxwell FIeld Ala - Threeyouths from Grosse Pomte have reported to the prefhght school atMaxwell FIeld Ala an 1l1stallatlOllof the AAF tramlllg command tobegm anothf'r pl1ase of t elf trammg III the U S army air forces

Here the aVIatton cadets are recelVmg nme weeks .of 1l1tensIve physlcal, military and academIC tramlng

These men are aV1at on cadebDonald E Bambelger 136..J.DevonshIre, John T Bell 912 Berhhlreroad and Howa'l'd A Lee, 103Mapleton road

Dunng tI1S per od a senes of aptitude tests Will be taken by the recrUlt to determme whether he "'Ill bea~s gned to a naval senlCe school orto Immediate act "e duty at sea

HIS recrUit tram ng completed theseaman "'111spend a penod of lea\ eat home

*Cbanute Field III - Cleland KNelson, son of Mr and Mrs C K'!\Jelson 1321 Somerset road GrossePomte, re'Cently was commIssIOnedas a second lIeutenant III the army of

b£i'H$; t~%"40

4-" •# " ,10.~00,p0»~4.,~ 1,,•"+

$1lP0%" %,'" " .k i a *

t t t ~


I BougaluvIlJe -Second Lleut JamesE Henderson med1cal admm stratIon corps army of the U S ofGrosse Pomte has been promoted tJthe rank of first heuteuant He ISassigned as mess officer 111 the medlcal sectlOn of t'le senlce commandon an advanced base

L1eutenant Henderson 1S a gradJate ()£ AlblOn college AlblOll MlcPand had completed one year of medlCllle at Wayne ulll~ersity DetrOltpnor to mductlOn mto the army H,."entered the service 1ll July 1941 anlwas comm1ssIOned Aug 15 1942

The heutenant IS marrIed to MrsTess Henderson of 713 Ulllversltyplace Grosse Pomte He has beenawarded the Amencan Defense se~VIce nbbon and the ASlatlc-Paclfi,..serV1ce nbbon With a bronze star

*Pvt Peter Pappas son of Mr andMrs Thomas Pappas IS spendmg a17 day furlough v1sltmg hIS parentsat theIr home on Beaconsfield andIllS fruends In the Pomte

*Rorbert Samm.olls WehmeIer sonof Mr and Mrs MIlton H Wehmeler of 780 UmversIty road hasenhsted 111the USN avy and wassworn In last Saturday He IS 17years 00 age and left Tuesday June13

*Martm Anthony LebtIc'l 25 hus-band of Zelma LeblIcb 19341 Ke-nosha street IS re'Ce1Vlllg hlS 1111tIalnaval mdoctrmatlOn at the U Snaval trammg (;enter, Great Lake ..111

HIS hoot' trammg conSIsts of tn-

struchon 111 seaman.shIp nllhtarydrIll and general naval procedure


Donald R Parsons 17 fireman lCson of MI and Mrs J R Parsons266 RIdgemont road Grosse PomtcFarms has completed baSIC tralnlllgat the submarme school submarInebase New London Conn for dutyWIth our groWlllg fleet of underseasfighters

FIreman Parsons wl1l be entItledto wear the tWll1 delph1l1 l11Slg111avfthe subrmarme serV1ce after furthereXlpenenCe a,.board a submarme durng Wh1Ch he must demonstrate tohIS command~ng offlcer that he ISfully quahfied to carry out the dUhesof hIS rate The mSLgllla 1Sregardedas a mark o:f dlSt nctlOn throughoutthe na,y

Parsons attended Grosse Po~n~ehl@h Jomed the navy last Novemberand went to Gl eat Lakes Ill, fifprehmmary tra1lll11g

*KIrtland FJeld Albuquett'que N M- AVlatlon Cadet Kenneth M Dewey son of Mrs Irene B Dewey 0.£16841 Cranford Lane, Grosse Pomte

the Untted States and has been as-Signed to duty as a weather officer atan AAF sotahon

He received hlS commISSIon at th sI post of the AAF trammg commandfollowlllg complehon of a course 111advanced weather Dbservmg andforecastmg m addIhon to t1'a111mg111<lUbes and resposliblhtles of commlSsloned offJcers

*Gr~at Lakes III - Among thosegraduatmg from an mtenswe courseof bas1c engmeermg trammg at recent serVIce school exercises hel ewas Wl1ham V Phelps 18 son of\1r and Mn W V Phelps 8 Radnor CIrcle Grosse Po nte

Thls Bluejacket ",as selected forhIS spec1ahzed tram ng .on the bak1sof hIS recrutt trammg aphtude test

CADET KENNETH DEWEY scores Graduates from the 20 spea recent graduate of the AAF born clahzed courses taught here at thehardler school here has been com serVIce school are sent to sea, tb111Il.ssloneda second lieutenant and shore stabons or to advanceda.warded the sl1ver 'wmgs of the schools, for actlve duty or furtheraena:l homlbardIer, supplementmg trammgpreVIously won aerIal gunne1 s m ISIgma

LIeutenant Dewey IS a graduate orGrosse POinte high school class of1941 and later attended the DetroItInstitute of Technology and theUlllvers1ty of Mcrdllgan In cIvihanhfe he was employed as a photographer s asslstant WIth Delgh NavmDetrOIt Has bTother, Frede'nck .J3Dewey 1S also servlllg Wlth thearmed forces, holdmg the rank ofheutenant

Pnor to hls successful compleltonof 18 weeks of flIght and combat1Jrammg 111hlglh level preC1S1onbombmg and naV1gatlOn at KIrtland FIeldLIeutenant Dewey was statlOned atLas Vegas Nev, where .he graduated from the army aIr forces flexIble gunnery ,school as an aenal gunner

Now ready for active Qut) hl~ de~t111aton IS not dIsclosed


... lb. 39c

Large Box 23c

offIce SUItland Md are helpmgmake maps from aenal photograp 13

A Wave III the research Untt of t 1C

navy bureau of aeronautIcs 15 comp hog a history of naval aVlatlOn nthe present war

Current Wave en1 stments mdlca cthere ",111be apprOXImately seventjfive thousand In sel vice to"\\ard thegoal of 100000 by next July 30 soand anlllversary of the women s rserve of the navy There were 27 000V.,Taves last July 30

*Lee R Hammer of 1247 Cadle.rxI roa.d was commissIOned a second11 eutenant and receIved the stiver IIwmgs of a pllot at the MarIanna advanced sIngle engme school of theAAF, at Mananna Fla May 23 Af~

Iter a short leave spent at home hereturned to the same base where heIw111 receIve additIonal trammg In

I nigh speed fighter planes He IS aglraduate of Grosse POInte hLg11

I school, June 42

I *I Homer W Lombus 25 husband ofj Betty Lombus 1073 \Vayburn

I Grosse POInte Park IS recelV1ng h slllitlal naval mdoctrlllahon at t 1eUSNTC Great Lakes III

HIS boot tram111g conSIsts of 111ttctlOn m seamansh1p, mIlitary

1 111 and general naval procedureJ)unng th1s penod a senes of tests WIlt be taken by the re

I crUlt to determme whether he WIllbe ass1g'11edto a naval serV1ce schoolor to Immediate active duty at sea

HIS re"rU1t traml11g completed, theseama"1 wIll spen,d a penod of leave

Iat bome

G & R McMillan 1848Coffee.

GROSSE POINTE PHONE NIAGARA 3200SFIRE'S Birmingham Store-Phone 3810


.Ib. 42c

.. lb. 45c

..... $1.15


29c Roasters - Fryers - FowlsBoneless Canned Hams


Fresh Dressed MichiganTURKEYS


SFIRE BROS. - Successors to



Premier Grapefruit

Juice 2 No.2 tins 29cNo Points

ql-lQO •• 9r~-----{:v,~<g~1>'. 0 '11~~~PS'd,IKP /)IAo~ PISM ~j;'o'Keep "'at Sct.lgirl Complex;'" :9&0. 0 o::~-<,Cf1P••oi(}.

3 bars for 20c

REMEMBER. HIM ".......-~WITH ONE OF OUR) ------. "

Fathers Oa4 :;;~9/11"GREET! no7 <

eRR OS-l

Turkey Pies With GravyChicken Pies With GravySteak PiesCorn Beef Hash

Plan Your Meals From G & R McMillan's Famous Kitchen -Fresh Daily in Our

DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENTCabbage SaladVegetable SaladMacaroni SaladBaked Beans

Cooked Spaghetti


"SWEET LIBERTY"II a novel with local character. and color

Jf you!' hook shop cannot supply you, phone the pubhsher, CA 8631

Bacon, SlicedBacon, Piece .Boneless Rolled Shoulder

Lamb Roast




Genuine Michigan

Calves Sweetbreads lb. 49c

Sugar Cured

Smoked Tongue

Our Dairy Department Features a Complete Line of Sharp, Medium and Mild CheesePhiladelphia Cream. Cottage • Lieder Kran tz • Camembert • Edam • Bondost • Blue •Gorgonzola.

THE PRESCRIPTION STORE15228 Eut Jeffenon LEnos 0800

a.CU.lon to !wIlt~SDyder

25 Pound Sack

Gold Medal Flour25 Pound Sack

Pillsbury Flour

IMn KERCHEVAL AVENUE880 West McNichols-Phone UN 1..6700

Ocr a total of 732 dIfferent Job I being performed by WavesclassIfications In the navy 246 are Waves 111the navy hydrographIc








We Are Pleasedto

Announce ThatWe Have an Excellent

Selection of Fine

Weekly story hours for GrossePomte duldren W111be resumed attwo o dock Tuesday afternoon June20. at the CIty branch of the GrossePomte pubhc bbraa-y, 700 CadIeuxroad

The story hours an annual event,WIn be held on the hbraTy lawn durMlUg the summer months and w~ll beopen to all

,",ursday, June 15, 1944

CIty Library BrarlchResumes Story Hours

July 11,1944

You Must Be Registered

which is the last day of registration for thePrimary Election.

To avoid delay, if you liave not regis-tered, call at the township office as soon aspossible, but not later than

To insure the right to vote ~t the Pri.mary Election to be held

Wed. June 21, 1944

as a voter in the Township of Grosse Pointe,Wayne County, Michigan. Kindly checkyour registration status, if you have movedsince last voting, or if you have failed tovote recently, or if you are not sure of prop-er registration, by calling the TownshipClerk's Office, Lenox 2177or calling at hisoffice at the Municipal Building, 15115 E.Jefferson avenue, Grosse Pointe Park,Michigan.

TUxedo 1-0320

-----~THE ---- __

Will Conduct A

f.DW. J. :PONCli2ACZ. J~'Wal~anJg~



17C08 Kercheval Avenue

HENRY LAVERS,Clerk, Grosse Pointe Township.

No FlOer Glft



Important NoticeTo Voters

Than Silver

At the Grosse Pointe Hunt Club for Boys and GirlsAges Two to 12 Years

Opening Date: June 26th, 1944ENR6LL NOW

June Is Wedding Month

Southern Roses Ball are Vera an\1Irene Cnchton TheIr comm1ttee m~eludes Barba1"a and Jean Schultz,LOUlse Nagel Vlrglllla Hoe1zle, JeanBradley and Ellen and MarjOrIeLIttle

Hostesses w1ll be on hand to entertam 125 boys m umform A waltzcontest 1Spart of the program of theevening of WhlCoha hIghlIght Will bethe readmg of the honor roll of hos.tesses who are now In the women saux1hary services of the country


I I I.


It Is Not Necessaryto Suffer With YourFeet.

Dr. MargaretVerbrugghe

Osteopathic Physicianand Surgeon

1843 LancasterOffice hour. Z to 4 ahd 7 to 9'

Except Thursday and Sunday.S-unday by ApPOintment OnlyGroase POinte Wood. 30, MIC:,h.

Bryan FootHealth Service

.• for RellefFRANK BRYAN

Foot Correctlonist

717 Gmwold BUlldlOgPhone CA 6214After 4 00 P M.


Straightened usuaRy 10 one office \'hit-safely, permanently. No evtfmg of

mus<:le'or cord,Interylew. 9 a. m. tin," 9 p. m.Ann Arbor, Decrborn, .rClcklon, 8cdfle CfeekI.Kolamazoo Lcan.,,,,,,.lJl'lutd Ropkh Mvslce:pn.',ort Huron, Saginaw, flln', Toledo 0

art Wayne Ind UmCi. 0 T Soutb B,»s6

Wnte for Free Booklet MW 38cmd IXtte Of NEXT CLINIC Nearest



eo.nuntty Not') Bank • Pont1ocr MIeh.


$Iltth Church Of ChristSci~ntlst, Detroit

1-4730tercbnsl AWit ••Sunda,. Semcel

IOJOam -500 pm.Sunday School

Fust SeSSIon 10 30 • m.Second SeSSIon 11 50 a !Do

Wednesday EYeD1ng 'testimonlaJ),{eet1ng 8 00 pin.

Readlnl Room open week day.11 00 am. 10 9 00 p m.-SundayZJOl0500pm.


The RedeemerMethodist ChurchOne Block South of Harper

at Base Line RoadREV. BEN J. HOLLIS, Pastor9:45 A. M. Sunday school

II:oo A. M. Morning worshipSpecial music.

A oordial invitation is extendedto All.


GroSse Pomte rose gardens v\ll1yueld their blossoms to make festIvethe gymnaS1U1nat the helghborhooddub to the formal party to be gn enSaturday nIght by the Grosse PomteHostess Corps for servicemen

ThIS will be the last party of theyear whlch has seen some twentyseml monthly affalrs staged m conJunctIOn 'W1th the usa Mrs FredMonro ht!.s be.en general chaIrmq.n

WorKIng unqer Mrs Monro as co-cham:nei1 III charg~ of Saturday s

Telephone Office TU 1.1800ReSidence NI 0557

Hostess Corps ClosesSeason With FormalParty Saturday Night


We must admit we're "snowed under"with the Summer rush. So ••• pleasehave patience if your garments are notfinIshed on time.


15029 Kercheval near Maryland


lAma Wac

Regal Cleaners

Quality Comes FirstAT REGAL'S


The repair of aenal cameras isone of the newest JOibs for whichWaves ue betng tramed.


12 corn off cob 13 mIxed sou1,)sandstews 14 peppers pltmento 15 anyother vanety

Group 9-Class 1 Best collectIOndned herbs for cuI nary purposes

The rules for entermg the showare,

1 All entries In these classes musthave been processed by exJubltor

2 Con tamers J elly glasses Jars,etc, may be of any capacIty

.3 EntrIes Must be labeled as tocontent

4 All etnes should be 1ll the handsof the secretary WllHam P Thomas,138 Grosse Pomte boulevard GrossePomte Farms 30 MICh, or c 0 theN elghoorhood clUJb one clear 4ryprevIous to the show

5 Exhibits should be In place forJudgmg by 12 (J dock noon on open~Itlg day Saturday S-ept 9

R,Jbbon awards wIll be made Ineach class Wilth speCIal r6togmhonof outstandIng exhtblts

Schedule commItte.e IS composedof Mesdames Veorge D Duddeo,chairman Roy Beny and ErnestBmnmg

The home canmng seotion IS opento anyone uHerested resldmg In orouts1de of Grosse POinte

Any fU'l"ther irtfOrtnatlOn regard~mg the exhIbit can be ohtalned bycontactmg Tom Pearson, publiCitydIrector 77 LakevIew avenue, GrossePoInte Farms 30 Mich Phone NI5157

alp thiS out and keep fOr furtherreference

Out at the army air show at theDet'l"01t CIty aIrport th~!1week Wacsare on duty to demonstrate tohe jobof Lmk tra~net' mstructor ThIS ISone of tohe 239 Jobs that Wacs doand seems to be one of the inostmterestmg In thIS work, Wacsteach Pllots to fly planes by lnsttrU~men"ts I have never tned to do theJOlb, but I have looked l11stde theLmk. and from the number of comphcated-lookmg 1i1strutntnti on th ..panel, I m1agtne 1t ta,.kes aeveralweeks to get the kna(:k Ol teaohlllgthe trade Most o.f the WapS assIgned to Lank tramer 1nstrudwn ail"f'tauglht work fight on the Job, andall bhose that I have talked to arc

I" ery fond of their work I guess It

I takes no httle bIt of concentratIon

I and mtelhgenee, as well as techmcIal

Iknowledge to gIve the pIlot loher~ght<l.lgnal and to keep hIm from flYingseveral mdes under &,round, whleh

i seems to be the standmg joke of the

Itt ado

Another of the fascmatmg lobs aIr\\ a(:s do IS control tower operatIon1"\0 Wac cOC'porals who were !Ill

radlO school wIth me are workmg III Itrhe control tower now at HondoFIeld, Tex, and from the reports I Ihear they wouldn t trade places wlthColonel Hobby, dlrector of the WacIt 1S somethtng oi a thrIll to speakthrough the mIcrophone to an alrcorps ptlot up In the sky, and say Isomethmg hke I Hondo tower to .army 62. okeh to land on the Q1rass ' ~=====:-::c-::====l<or there 18 a great satisfactIon 1n ------------

knOWIng that your efforts helped thepllot to land safely, and that 111altttle whIle you wlll give another 518'.1nal for stIll another pllot to take offIn a giant bomber, poSSIbly on amiSSIOn overseas It 1S one of themost glort-O'Us of gloT1fied Jobs mtae army aIr forces, and It carriesWItchIt a great deal of respons'Bbtllty'Jo control tower operato1" wants theblame of an 8ilf1Plane crash on hlSshoulders hecause the consequencescan be qUIte ser10US So these trafflcC01J!S of the aIr are seriOUs aboutthelT work and glory In theIr opportunlty to have an unportantpart In wmtlmg thlS war


Home Canning Classes to BecameImportant Part of Victory Harvest Show



John E. Lewis Co.Contractor

Osteopathic PhysicianDetroit

13145 E. Jefferson Avenueat Drexel

Telephone Lenox 5990for Appointment

SpecializesResurfacing-Factory FloorsDriveways • Parking Lots

All Types of JobsPhone Townsend 9.0323

Or Temple 1.326022119 Shady Lane

St. Clair Shores, Michigan

Dr. Bertha L.Hapke

Backing urpthelr slogan For Foodand Morale the Grosse Pomte andEastern Michigan Horttcultural soclety aim to make their 28th annualflower and vegetable exhlblt (th1rdVIctory show) one of tJ1e most ou"standmg of the whole senes

The show dates are Saturday andSunday .sept 9 and 10 and as usualw1l1 be held at the NeIghborhoodclub 17145 Waterloo at 5t ClaIrGrosse Pomte

An Important feature of the 1944show wIll be the home cannmg classes for which a sch/clule has Just beenannounced by Mrs George D Dud

DR. WALTER G. CONNOR den chaIrman, and her assocIateso.teopatbic PhyaiclaD Mesdames Roy G Berry and Ernest

and Surgeon Bmnmg11319 East Jefferson

Near St. Jean Followmg are the <:lassesLE. 4776 Res. PL. 3838 Group 1- Jelly-Class 1 apple,

• green 2 apple, crab 3 blackiberry4 currant I 5 gooseberry, 6 grape,7 plum 8 qumce 9 red raspberry10 black raspberry, 11 any othervanety

Group 8-Jams Class 1 black-berry 2, peach, 3. blue plum, 4,green gage plum 5 strawberry 6-rasrptberry 7, any other varIety

Group 3 - Marmalade Class 1,orange I 2 qU1Uce, 3, grapefrU1t 4,peaeh, 5 peaX'I 6 any other varIety

Gmup 4-Preserves Class 1 cher-ry, 2, peach, 3, pear I 4, plum, S,watermelon rmd, 6, any other va-____________ nety

Group 5-Butters Class 11 apple I

2, peach 3, plum, 4 pear, 5 tomato61 any other varlety

Group 6-Frults Class 11 apr1~cots. 2 blackbernes 3 sweet cher~fles. 4, soux' chernes 5 currants 6goosebernes 7, grapes, 8. peaches9, pears, 10 plums, 11, raspbernes,12 strawberrIes, 13, any other va~rlety

Group 7-P~ckles Qass 1. sweet,2, sour, 3 crabapple, 4 dill 5 breadand butter 6, assorted mIxtures 7,beets, 8 onIons, 9 pIccahlh j 10 musMta:rd. 11, whole, 12, any otherV'anety

Group g......Vegetables Class 1, asp.aragus 2, green beans, 3, waxbeans 4. lima beans S greens, 6peas. 71sweet potatoes I 8 tomatoes,9 beets, 10 carrots, 11, corn on cob,

o A J Forster Jeweler and patometnst 14400 CharlevoiX IS so 1U~

terested in sellmg war bonds dunngthe FIfth War Loan Drive that heIS gomg to gIve two turke}s to bedehvered next ThanksgwlOg to t"Jelucky holders of tIckets gIven forthe purchase of war bonds at hI:>store

Mr Forster personally 15 gomg toraIse the bIrds whIch he will give totwo holders of t ckets A ticket IS

glVen wIth the purchase of each $25worth of war bonds

'Birds for Bonds'at Forster Jewelry

Different ...


Service for milady's beauty needs and whimsthat is incomparably different. Coiffure stylingfor the most exacting.

In the Punch and Judy Building

$3.00 gallon

NIagara 3753

15 Kercheval .•.. Grosse Pointe Farms



Unique ..•Easily Grosse Pointe's most unique Salon •••done oompletaly in a Tropical mode ••• so cooland restful ••• You'll love its pleasant atmos.phere.


Anthony ..formerly of Saks Fifth Avenue

Takes Pleasure in

Calcium Chloride


Removes Moisture From Basements

Containers $3.50 eachComplete With Drip Pan

Calcium Chloride

100 Pound Bags, each $2.253c a Pound in Bulk

Review Liners Bring Results!


,eouble Duty Dollars


~.L.Damman~mber Hardware Floor Covering

~ 9941 Hayes Blvd.~inute Drive From Grosse Pointe or Gratiot Township•


pranteeel Outalde HOUle Paint~":j;: Free Use of Gun With Purchase of Caulking

f $1.85 gallon,~ Pound Butt Shingles, square

l~ Four

Insurance-While it insures financial freedom forrself and your loved ones, also helps to insure freedomyour country, because through purchase of govern-t bonds, it provides funds to keep the wheels of pro-ion rolling.

I HOWARD R. ULCHl Repre.enlati ..lpeTRE BGREAT R~dWEST LiFEI' Mlch


Iy "--" -->.--1

, .Thursday, June 15, 1944 TH~ GROSSE POINTE REVIEW



-- ........,

What have I done today, my fr'end?I prayed that soon thIS war mIght endThat God, Our Lord m Heaven above,MIght keep you ever m H,s love;From ills of"soul and body, free,Return you safe and sound to meAnd, tho It may be Just a mIte,I gave a pmt of blood tomghtI bought a bond, as I bought bread,Refused to rIde and walked insteadI salvaged paper, rags and tm,Some metal scrap, I too sent mI'm grateful for the thmgs you've done,The bItter, bloody battles won,The !tme you fought and fought in vain,Your sorrows, suffermgs, all the pam,The hardshIps, tnals you endured,Are keenly felt, please be assured.I know your fight for Itberty,It, too, a sacnfice for me,Your wounded gunner's anguished cry,As he fell m your arms to dIe,The stench of burmng flesh, the pyre,The mud and water, Jungle fire,I try to feel as you have knelt,You fought, as I m prayer kneltI'm Just a plam clVlban Joe,Who tnes to understand, to know,To know, these thmgs must sere your soulAnd wonder. IS It worth the toll.It IS; and tho at tImes you're blue,Take courage, soldIer, see It through.For sweetheart, SIster, mother kind,For dad aud brother left behmdThe rank and file at home are true,W,ll do and gIve theIr all for youSo buck up, soldIer, fight agam,We'll pray at home, It'S not m vam.






What dId you do today, my friend,From mornmg tIll the mght)How many tImes dId you complainThat rationing is too ttghtWhen are you gomg to start to doAll the thmgs you say?A soldIer would Itke to know, my friend,What dId you do today)We met the enemy todayAnd took the town by storm.Happy readmg it WIll makeFor you tomorrow mornYou'll read WIth satIsfactionThe brIef commumque,We fought, but are you fightln&?What dId you do today?My gunner dIed in my arms todayI feel hIS warm blood yet:Your neIghbor's dymg boy gave outA scream I'll never forget.On my rIght a tank was hit,A flash and then a fire,The stench of burnmg fleshStill mes from the pyre.What dId you do toliay, my friend,To help ns WIth the task?DId you work harder and longer for less,Or is that too much to ask)What rIght have I to ask you this,You probably WIll say,Maybe now you'll understand,You see •• , I dIed today.

NOTE, The following poem, "What Did You Do Today?" was written by Lieutenant Dean Shatlain, a tank commander In the United States Army InAfrica, wbo was wounded in battle and forced to amputate his own foot. While, so far as he knew, he was dying, the lieutenant wrote the poem whichfound its way to America. Shatlain did not die, but is recuperating in a hospital in England. His thoughts in poetry stand as a livmg challenge to everyman, woman and child on the Home Front.



NOTE, A reply to the lieutenant's poem has been writtenby the Rev. H. C. Stehling, a Catholic priest of Hartford,Wis. Both poems were read over the air by Kate Smith lastmonth. The reply is reproduced at the right.



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{ _ -'-'~ ..."J~~ L---<-> ~~ ~ ~ # ~~~_<::'~~~i --,---"__ ~_~--"-,,,,~---=...J.~~. ~_~_ ' ---------------- - -

I•1I -

/ :I








Women's Republican Club of Groase Pointe

Time Expires June 21st

• Leaded CIa.. R~rlng• ReplaCing' Broken Gla..• Reallvenng Mu:'rorl


Register NOW!


Henry Lavers, ClerkGrosse Pointe Township.

TO: The Qualified Electors of the Township of GrossePointe, Wayne County, Michigan

NOTICE is hereby given that the general primaryelection will be held in the Township of Grosse Pointe,Wayne County, Michigan, on Tuesday the 11th day ofJul~ 1944, for the purpose of nominating candidates forthe following offices:

GovernorLieutenant ..GovernorOne (1) Circuit Judge (to fill vacancy)Representative in CongressState SenatorState RepresentativesTwo (2) Judges of ProbateProsecuting AttorneySheriffCounty ClerkCounty TreasurerCounty AuditorRegister of DeedsDrain CommissionerTwo (2) Coroners

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Polls forsaid election will be open from 7:00 o'clock in the fore-noon to 8:00 o'clock in the evening, Eastem Wartime.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the Town-ship Clerk will be at hi. office in the Municipal Building inthe Village of Grosse Pointe Park, Wayne County, Mich-igan, on June 21, 1944, between 8:00 o'clock in the fore.noon and 8:00 o'clock in the evening, Eastent Wartime,for the purpose of accepting registrations.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that you mayregister with the Township Clerk or the Village Clerksrespectively of the Villages of Grosse Pointe Park, GrossePointe Farms, Grosse Pointe Shores and Grosse PointeWoods on any day up to and including June 21, 1944.Dated: June 8. 1944.

Always An Appropriate GiftMantle Mirrors - Frame Mirrors

Notice of PrimaryElection and Registration

Therefor in the Township ofGrosse Pointe, Wayne County, Michigan




._"- -"--"-"-- _(1 0__ 0_".1 \You Always Get the,

Highest Dollar

Our 61 years of conbnuou. ,el'Vlce to home owners in DetrOit IS

I your e.ssurance of competent, frIendly adVIce Let us estimatethe price your home Will bring In today', favorable marketI N.~";;:;;;LESTATE



.~1b .. 2S!!. EXTIlA~_51b BOl7S!!LinoleulJl - Window Shades

Window GlassBest Floor Varnish, gal. $195

Un,cote Flat (0,1 Base)Wallpaper Remover

Open Friday and SaturdaY7:30 a m. to 9.00 p.m.Monday and Thursday7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.rn.

Gloria Rose Sehbtter., daughter ofMr and Mri Michael J. Schhtteraof 1357 York.hIre road, graduatedfrom Liggett school, Friday, June9, an,d WaJ awarded a unlvenl~Y.cholar.hlp for t944~'4S. Glone,who plans to enter college in Sep.tember, hat eho.en Hm.dale col-lege. Mr.. Schhtter. and Gloriawere hoste.... at a tea at theirhom.e on Friday, June 2, forGloria'. clanmatea and teacher. ofLiggett.

One 9unce of S9ifgx dlaolved In agallon of water b l;fIVQUyenough forany deontng purpose en yOl.lf tIomelTha', bvt a fradian more than a centper goUon for the finest deaning $Glu-tton money can boy! Try It!


15522E. Warren TU. 1.2310

Come in for a Free Sample

-,- "-/' "


Wuham J Rodd. 79, of 922 Not-tIngham., Grosse POinte Park, wasburled Saturday afternoon, June 10frOO1 the R G and G R Harnsfuneral home Lakepomte and Rarp~er Interment was In White ChapelMerntOr1a1 cemetery ..

Survwmg are the WIdow, Lula,daughter, Mrs LUrIa Ege, brother,Dr FredeT!1ck of Mmneapohs,Mmn, two 81sters Mn.. GeorgeT.hompson and Mrs Obver Erb,three grandchildren

William J. RoddaServices Saturday

WIlen the C Henry Buill lall>1ly ofEllta1il"place requested permlss10n (l.fthe Park commISSIOn to move publIcuhllty lines from the center of thelrp-roperty to a. hne adJacent to theSIdewalk on EllaIr, an H1vesttgatlonfollowed

COO1mlssloner Paul Moreland re-ported Monday nlght that afterstudymg the proposed relocatlon, 1twas found that there IS no p.r(»V1Sl0n

made for an easement for Ellalf plareIS a pr1Vate road j "1(;h action 15 notprowded for In the plat

Mr Buha Bald that the request wasmade lbec8Juse of their tntentwn toput a CMt-er dnveway on the prop.erty.

It was found that mewmg the lmeswould not cost a great deal less tihaninstallatIon of an undeorgrou!l1d con.dUlt Further study.u In order.


Request for Movingof Utility Poles LaidAside for Study

Mrs A G Nutter w111be a.t theAWVS workshop, 17027 Kerohevalto serve as a household repalts consulta-nt Tuesday afternoons from2 30 untll 4 30 If ~u have troublewIth onWlng faucets or your elec~tnc Iron cord needs the end re-placed, stop 10 an<11earn 'how to fixnhem yourself BeSIdes savmg a callto a professlOnal who IS needed formajor repaIrs, you WIll get a greatburst of prlde from the head of thehouse 1'£ you can fix.. Jt yourself.

'Fix It Yourself'Is Motto of AWVSRepairs Consultant

Ticketed for Reckless DrivingFrank E Unde"h<11, 25, of 428

Lothrop, was ttcketed lor recklessdnv'1llg after havmg crashed mto altght pole last S;1turday mornmg

Vvthen Dems Custer of 1953~orwood Grosse Pomte Woods, re~fused to pay hlS cab fare Sundaymornmg pollce were called Invest!gabon showed that Mr Custer wasable to pay the fee however It lS »

a..lleged that he was drunk and dIS t, ~orderly and was given a tIcket for &t:same

After the pollee V1S1tMorns Solo~way 3797 Laurence drove away WithhiS fare who had a date In, courtfor next Tuesday Th~s 15 h1S secondoffense

Refuses to Pay Cab Fare;Ticketed for Disorderliness

One police car will be a t\\O doorsedan whIle the others W11lbe four~doors The new pollee cars \\111costthe taxpayers $2 610 25, $1250 wasallowed by the dealer for three carswhloh will be turned m

ThiS tern was pray ded for m th'"budget with an appmpr atlO11 of$3000

The purchase \\111mc1ude heatersseat co, ers and special panels forthe rear doors m the four door se-dans


TU. 2-6720

We specialize in prepar wedding boquets, cor-

sages and carry a com"plete assortment of fresh,

cut flowers.


Just imagine sinking your teeth into a deliciousmilk.fed young turkey at your Thanksgiving din-ner table. We're starting to raise two now and willgive them to the lucky purchasers of War Bondsbought here during the Fifth War Loan Drive.

Come in and get your ticket.

For Your

Ticket Given With Each $25 Worth of Bonds


'rHll: GROSSE POINTE REVIEW -------------------


Charlotte StahlNI. 1529

17516 Harper at Morang

June Brides !

Massage - Park to PurchaseIn the prIVacy of your own Three Police Carshome Hours to SUit your -. -

Although nev. cars are at prem umconvemence By a licensed these days wIth the orclmary restmas s e use usmg- Swed1sh dent Grosse Pomte Park will he able

method Years of expenence ~;o~Ut~c:~eew~h~ereo:::ges~::tH~~~sever before this decIsion was madLse'veral mqUtrles were made fromvar DUS automohde dealers, but theBrClwn company was the only agenC\

------ who had cars on hand





Give You "The Bird"

\ ,


Jeweler and Optometrist14400 Charlevoix at Chalmers

Ve Want to


, by Telephoning the Village AssessarLEO J. ATHMAN, LEnox 5600 or NIagara 4730

LEO J. ATHMAN, Assessor,Village of Grosse Pointe Woods.

Attention!Owner's Homestead


osse Pointe Review Liners Get Results



",v;ded by law, are hereby requested to make their claim, soon as poss,ble. Claims may be made by husband orife at theROSSE POINTE WOODS MUNICIPAL BUILDINGr

• SIx

Owners of property (on which members of their fam-, reside) in the V,lIage of Grosse Pointe Woods whoe in the armed services of the United States are entitledI the

Thursday, June 15, 1944"""


Better be ration pOintedour boys disapPointed

Cash and pomb, too, we'U) au I Save used fats I



(In Canada and the United states)

No Appointmen I

Necessary_._._--.- .... -



Old fuel pumps do not feed gasolmeproperly to the carburetor Improvemotor performance now


Don t waste gas Get a new C81 buretorWith adJustable jet for fuel economy

Ned's Announce a NewDepartment for Your


To F,t All Models from 1932.1944

Men'. and Ladle. SUits tailored to ord.-Alterab.on.,

GARDEN INSECTICIDESGet the Bugs Before They Get Your Garden

~~S~~k~g~E. OF LEAD _" 35cPARIS GREEN 2.0cOne Quarter Pound


ROTENONE DUST OR SPRAY 98cFour Pound Package


relining, cleaning and preulng

14931East Jefferson at CIty Limite IFred M Schuman Estabhahed 19%5 ()pen evenings tlll 8 P.~

ahurches are Grace Evange cal Jeff&SOI1 A\ enue \fethodlst J dfcrso 1A ...enue Bapt st St Columba bp 5

copal Falth Lutheran Kel Ic\alEvangel cal and Eastm nstcr Presbytenan Sc"s10ns da ly 9 00 a m



If you have trIed withoutsuccess to find relief andcomfort for those tiredaching feet don t be dbcouraged It WIll costyou nothing to isit theARCH AID and learn

how you too can havegood feet and good healthIf you do not come WithinthIS scope you will befrankly told so


10 A. M. to5 P. M. I



Open Monday Tuesday, Wednesday EVenlUgsT111 7; Thursday FrIday, Saturday evp" till 9

Washington Blvd I John R. I E Jefferson I Grotiot Waadword M,chigon IGrotlotCor Cor Cor At Cor I Cor Mt.

Miehigan Ave Nevada Ave I Manistique 'Z MIle Rd Calvert Schaefer Rd Clerne••RA 7615 TO 9.4400 LE 4400 I All 4000 10 6 4400 OR 4400 I &751

• If you havea tire problemor questionbring It toNed. 0 P AtIre inspectors




._.pARCH.AI DI FOOT CULTURE SERVICEIIII Corner Woodward Avenue, Over CunnIngham's....._-------------

Chnst Gives to LaSaturday June 17 we vdll ha\e

the annual P1CnlC to Bob Lo ThIS15 the Sundav s-chool and church pICn c

Wednesday June 21 serles Questlons Ohns t Answered ThIS evenlng What DId Chnst Teach As toHealmg?

'Ve Wlll Untte WIth the otherchurches 11'1 a dally vacat on B bleschool at Eastm nster Presbyter anchurch The schDol WIll start \.fonday June 19 at 9 00 a m and con~tmue to July 14 The partlclpatmg


Day, Give DadTOOLS

S1x Fool llule

Half Hatchet,Sleel

Nme Inch Tor ..pedo Level

Steel Head ClawHammer

Stanley Four InSel ew Dtlver

CombmatIonLevel & Square

A.C. SPARK PLUGSFor All Ca" 5n c each

In Sets "7• Replace your present spark plugsWIth the famous AC and you WIlladd many mIles to your ration book

Also AvaIlable In Championor Firestone Makes

For Father'sHAND

• If you are ehglble for a tire cerhncate getthe best by bUyIng a Firestone from the world sla"gest FIrestone dealel


'famstlque Near JeffersonCARL E KIRCHER Pastor

9 45 am Sunday school Paul Hirrsupermtendent Classes for a,ll ages

11 00 a m Communion senlce630 pm Youth groups730 pm We ,\,,111 agalll observe

Communion as there Will be manywho cannot come 1U the mOrfnlngDr Klroher wdl speak on What

day 15 the first m a short senes ofsermons that the pastor WIll preachon forthcommg Sundays on TheBook of Jonarh The Sunday schoolwhich WIll continue to meet throughout the summer months begms at9 45 a m The congregatlOn ownsproperty and plans to ere<:t a churchas soon as cond t ens permit

People In the communltj wIthouta church of the r 0'" n are cordIallymVlted to worshIp at St James andsend their children to the Sundayschool


Kercheval at LakepomteHUBER F KLE\lME Mmtster


Short Sleeves



Jonah HdS Fhght and Folly ISthe sermon subJect of the RevGeorge E Kurz pastor of St JamesLut[)eran church of Grosse Pomteat t!.re serVIce next Sunday June 18beglOnmg at 11 00 a m In the Punchand Judy theatre Kercheval at McKmley road The message on Sun

Mr McDonald served In WorldWar I and after 18 months In

France was mustered out 1n 1919He remembers the hardships encountered vhen In trymg to get estabhshed III C \ han Ide and promIsesto fight to make It posslble for thereturnmg sold ers to tmmedlatelystep mto employment after their dI5charge

Size 28 to 48

IliI ••••••••••••••••

Long Sleeves


$350 $500 to $10°0 IManhattan Shirts

Beautiful Whites and Patterns

$2.50. $3.50 - $3.95

Manhattan SpurtShirts

Long and Short Sleeve Styles

$2.95 - $3.95 to $8.50

Men) 5 Slacks

$5.95 to $20.00 $5.95 to $15.00 ISol's Men's Wear i

14205 EAST JEFFERSONOpen Every Evenii1g Until 9 :30

Nice for Father's Day Gift - All sizes, large or small

$2.95 . $3.45 - $4.95 to $16.50

Sport CoatsHandsome New Styles and Colors. All sizes, 32 to 48

$14.95 - $17.95 to $30.00

Leisure CoatsHighly Stylish, yet so comfortable. Sizes 30 to 52

$9.95. $14.95 - $20.00

Wembly Ties $1.00Manhattan Ties

$1.00 to $5:00Slack Suits

• More busmess In government andless government III busmess IS theneed of the day says Claude G McDonald candIdate for nommatIOn tocongress In the 14th dlstnct

We need men 1UWashIngton whoby proven a-blhty personal expertence and moral courage are especlally qualified to matenally aSSIstIn the reconverSIon of mdustry andbusmess back mto peacetnue purSUlts when the war ends

He has been a resident of thedIstrict all hiS hfe HIS father wasborn on DetroIt s east Side

Claude G. McDonaldTells of Aims If,Elected to Congress

fl. • I I I I , I ••• I I

* McGregor* Gantner Wickies$3.95 to $7.50

• I I I I •

Time Expires June 21st

Hi! F. Best for Congressman

I •••

Largest SelectIon on the East SideSizes 26 to 52

14205 East J.fEersoD.SOL'S MEN'S WEAR

'811 Don't Wanta Set tke World 8n Fire?

* Jantzen* BoV.D.$2.95 .

Register NOW!

Here's the answer to all Summercomfort -Jarman s new ventIlatedstyles tlet allow cool breezes tosWISh in and out wlth every stepyou take! Take a fIBreezalong"

Choice Selection ofSTRAW HATS - $2.85 - $3.95 - $7.50


• 1 I

9 30 a m Church school Classesfor aU ages under quahfied leaderSh1~

11 00 a m MornIng worshtp ThISservice WIll be a serVIce of pen tenceand of prayeT for the men m thearmed S&VICeS for tJhe V1Ctms of

t -----" - - - " - _ _ M -_ __ M _ _ , war, and for the commg of peaceMr Klemme WIll take as the theme

Buy Bonds First- S)' ~~1ii:~r{~its~:!i',t:,OWh~lC6::;:~~

O S 6 00 pm Meetmg O! the YouthFellowsh p Donald Book pretheoThen see lOgicalstudent at :ElmhurstcollegeElmhurst III wl1l speak on The

• • • • Marks of a Chnstlan Young peaple of the FI<1"StHungarian Evange

For Father's Day i~~i:~[~;;~f;ro::::::g~:~~h:commuUlty vacation church schoolwhich opens at Jefferson AvenueMethodIst church Jeff&son atMarlborough Monday mornmg at

B h · S. nme 0 c1oc1< We appeal to all par~a t In9 U Its ents of ch'ldren between 4 and 12years of age to make use of thISconstructive leIsure time opportunlty WIth Its valuable lte1Jglous trammg



Sunday30c tll Noon

40c after 12 00Children 14c

LAD IES Only a few more weeksto complete your dIsh set ~and Thursday are DishNIghts

Coming Sunday, June %S, 26, 27-jjRIdlng HIgh" and uJane Eyre"


Thursday, June IS-Last TImesTonight Jane Withers, Jun.m.yLydon In "My Best Gal" plu.DenniS O'Keefe, Ruth Terry In"AffaIrs of Jimmy ValentIne It

Cartoon, News

Fri, Sa~ June 16, 17MIchael Shea Susan Hayward


PlusLUlse RaIner Paul Lukas


Our Gang Comedy5enal - Phantom"

Sunday, Monday, TuesdayJune 18, 19, 20

Alice Faye PhIl Baker Carm.enMtranda m

"THE GANG'S ALL HERE-m techmcolor

PlusRay MIddleton Jane Wyatt


Disney Color Cartoon

Wed, Thur June 21, 22Wednesday Bargain Mattnee at 3

20c Unttl6 00 P. MTom Neal Ann Savage


PlusJohn Wayne Joan Blondell


Cartoon - News

There will be open bowl-ing at the Vogue everyday and night.

Starting Sunday

JUNE 18th

Wuutt1er crashed mto a car operatedby Davld Gorden, o.f Wmdsor, Ont,who was dnvmg on CharlevoIX Thecab dnver was tIcketed for cuttmgmto mO'VIng trafftc and caustng 1ftaCCident




North of Harper





Friday - Saturday Sun. - Mon. - Tue. Wed. - Thur.s.Judy Canova Michael O'Shea Altce Faye

Jerry Colonna Susan Hayward Benny GoodmanBob Crolby "-J k L d" "The Gang's

"S' H k'" ac on on AllH ..IS op IDS erePlus Plus In Technlcolor

Richard DIX In Johnny Downs In Plus'GHOST SHIP" "TROCADERO" "HOSTAGES"


Monday tnm FrIda'] S~turday30c ttl 600 pm 3De tit 500 pm.

40c after 6 00 40e after 5 00 p mChIldren 12c ChIldren 12e


Two Accidents in GrossePointe Park Saturday Night

Full EIght-CourseSunday Dinners

* * *Steaks - Chops - FIshBarbecues - ChickenSandWIches - SaladsWe Cater to Parties

18740 Mack Avenue at KerbyTUxedo 1.9775

_ .. _'I II I.

The rooms whIch had the mostpaper were M Schmidt s 6A, EMeldrum s 6B and V H1Cks SA

Two aCCIdents took place m Gross!Pomte Park last Saturday ntght al-most SImultaneously wtthm a blockof each other

The first aCCIdent took place atAudubon and CharleVOIx when CaptJoseph Rodgers of 5503 Yorksh~rewhlle drIvmg on Audubon crashedmto a car travelmg west on Charlev01x and dnven by Donald J Segner, of 1386 Harvard road

Raymond Papsun, of 11728 Broar1~street, whtle dnvmg a taxtcab on


Back the Invasion - STAY on the Job* BUY MORE WAR BONDS *P~ESENTING





The Commando of the Piano


* SINCLAIR MILLS *King of Swing and Boogie Woogie


Vogue Cocktail Lounge

Blue Belles


CadIeux at Evanston


Between times relax at the Vogue to the scintilat-ing rhythm of these two great stars.


An All-Girl Band

Presenting -

The enthUSIasm of the puplls andthe co operatIOn of the parents 01Mason school m thIS last paper drIveof the year IS worthy of note ThesplendId collectlon which the smallest elementary school III GrossePomte had last month was a chatlenge to Mason sohool WhICh IS thelargest of the elementary schoolsand to further sttmulate the drlV"among the children gaily coloredbrooms were awarded to roomswhen they had broom high piles ofpaper Esther Meldrum teaoher, andtwo Slxt!h grade puplls Mary EmmaJackson: and Leon Gauthier, tookcare of the PUbl1Clty and arrangements for the drive

PupIls who brought the largestamounfs ate Alys Mae Clark 2AAnd1"ew Rauth 2A Wdson Bryce3B Gerald Garman 3A Htlda Bnstol 4A, Dick Eckel SB Donald VanTlbb'11rg SB Rlchard Gallagherl SA,Marlene Stntzmger, SA, MarvInJackson, 6B, Ja-ck DeW~tt. 6AThomas Snyder 6A and DonaldGordon 6A

* * *

Mason SchoolN-E-W-S

Thursday, June 15, 1944I



The management of the Shorestheatre "lack avenue at Nme Mileroad m keepmg \\Ith their policy ofoffermg only first class pictures tothe pubhc have planned a week endof gala shows

Tomorrow and Saturday, Michaelo Shea a popular newcomer to world, IS starred WIth SusanHayward m Jack London a storypacked With dynamite and thnllsW1th thlS IS a mystery drama tltledHostages In whIch LUlse Ramf'r

and Paul Lukas are co starred LUlseIS the popular foreIgn actress whoIS returmng to pictures The filmdepicts the unrest of the Europeanpeople under NaZI dommatIon Itshould be a 'must see' on theatregoers hsts

Sunday, Monday and Tuesdcl.YAlice Faye, PhIl Baket". and CarmenMIranda are featured 10 TheGang s All Here a pl-eture filmedm tecihll1color HurrIcane SmIth'WIth Ray Mlddleton and Jane WyattIS the compa01on plOture

Shores TheatrePlans Gala Bills


Defer SchoolN-E-W-S


Quality Counts"'nil StRotf PEWlRY co oml.OlT MICM

The 3B s are practicing a play enmtled Uncle Sam s Juntor PatrolSmce there were not enough partsfor everyone they have made up addlttonal paT'ts Everyone:1O the room1S III lt They are gomg to lllVtte thelower grades to see It

We have been gomg to the hbraryon Mondays We read our books mour spare ttme durmg the 'VI eek OnFndays we give book reports Wekeep all of our book retports tn folders whlCh we made In art class

The 3A group has pur-ehased a JeepthlS year With war stamps and bonds

The 3A group Just completed aunit on desert hfe They studtedfood, cloth111g, shelter and trans-portation As we developed thiS unitthe chlldren engaged In a very In

teresttng study of the camelDunng thlS umt of study the sand

table became a center of great 10

terest and acttvl'ty An oaSlS whtchconsisted of palm trees, a wellhouse.s people and camels wasplaced at one end 00 the same tableThere was also a camel caravancrossmg the desert toward the oaS1SA nver was made by placlllg bluepaper under glass All these were putIII appropnate places on the sandtable 1\ early all the cl1l1dren In theroom took some part 10 the actIvity

Through thiS umt of work thepupl1s have developed many valuableha'blts skIlls attltudes and havelearned to contrast theIr way of hv~mg w~th a culture far from theIrown

The 2B grade at Defer sohoolmade a veget~ble garden usmg asand table for theIr garden plot Oneend of the table was dIVIded off bya white pIcket fence In th1s area thechildren plaeed a cardboard houseTh~s house was qU1te weather beat~en so Cralg Husband and DannyLea-eh gave It a coat of whIte pamt

The children saw the need forsome landscapmg so grass seed wassown around the house and now theyhave a nIce lawn A branch wasbrought 10 ",hlch served as a treeand With the use orf pmk crepe paoer, It was made to look bke a frU1ttree m full bloom Crushed bnck wasused to make the dnveway

In tthe gar<ien spaee the ohildrenplanted beans radlshes onionsbeets and carrots A record was ke'Otof the bme 1t took each vanety -ofseed to come up The children expectto see strmg beans on their vmes before school is out and they hope totake an onlOn home from theIr gar~den

As a chmax to their prOject thechildren saw a mOYie The Green

I I Ian

SANDWICHESServed from 6 P M to 1A M

MIxed Drmks our SpeCialty With a full1meof Beers, ChOlCeWmes and Liquors


ALOMA'CharlevOiX at Way'bum

Phone TU. 2.2&15

cap't Shumway'sCocktail Lounge Marine Room Grille

Sun, Mon June 18, 19Mdtael 0 Shea Susan Hayward



Rosemary Lane Johnny DownsIn


Frl, Sat JUlle 16, 17AlIce Faye Carmen MIranda

Phl1 BakerIn


LUlse RanIer Paul LukasIn


Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursdayJune 20..21, 22

Bet<tJ Grable VI~tor Maturetn


unoa Darnell, Dorothy LamourHenry Fonda




* FREE *T. the Lacbes

DINNERWARE... E'N!'7 TaHday, WednesdaJ

.... n ... day.

•14948 E JEFFERSON, Grosse Pomte ParkMUrray 9289

C A. BRUNTON, Proprietor LOUIS GIRARD, Manaaer

----,------The C S S Wave, SOfoot con

verted motor launoh, .e:ach mOfOlugtakes a group of 'A aves from thelrquarters m Coronado Cal f to the11th naval dlstnct headquarters anrtnaval aIr stahon 10 San Diego Callf


MICHAEL O'SHEA appears WithSusan Hayward In .'Jaek Londan"to be .hown at the Lakewood The.atre Sunday, Monday and



Many major colleges have mdlcated they W111 give school credIts tomen who successfully complete thenavy s 10 month course 1ll radIOelectronIcs

ThIS' mformat1on was receJ.ved byLleut Corodr Byron E Flechtner,officer In charge of lower MlchJ.gannavy recfUlt1ng and mductlOn fromCorudr W C Eddy who has chargeof the navy radIO 1echmclan programfor the natIon

Men 17 through 50 years old canquatlfy for thIS valuable trainIng bypassmg the Eddy radIO technICIantest gtv-en at all navy recrultmg stahons Draft age men must be In

Class 1 A to take the testCommander Eddy pomted out that

the course IS especIally valuable tomen who have had a somewhat complete edw;.attonal background, butlack technical training The firstpart of the course !S devoted totheory while the last SIXmonths a~espent In actual work, he saId

There are no s1.Jec1ficeducattonalreqUirement'S for men to take thetest Most Important IS a soun 1knowledge of mathemattcs and phySIC'S


Colleges to GiveSchool Credits forNavy Radio Course

Annual PhotographicSalon to Be Held byPointe Camera Club

-BIlly Wulff, age 13


Fri, Sat. June 16, 17"GIRL CRAZY"

WIthJ'Udy Garland, M~ckey Rooney

Tommy DorseyPlus


Ma.rsha Hunt, Alexander KnoxMerrte Melody Cartoon

Continuous Saturday from 12 45

Sun, Mon " June 18, 19'WOMAN OF THE TOWN'

WithOaire Trevor Albert Dekker


WIthLeon Errol, Grace McDonald

Cartoon - NewsContmuous Sunc\ay from 12 45

Tuesday, Wednesday, ThursdayJune 20. 21, 22


George Sanders Brenda MarshallPlus


WIthHarold Peary, BIUle Burke

Free Dish" to the Ladies EveryWednesday and Thursday

Starting Friday, June 23: flOldAcquaintance" and uHuJ Butler'sSiller"

In medICine or glycerine - Fatshelp UI win!

The InvaSIon has come let us prayFor oU1"boys protection nIght and

dayMany Will be lolled or senously hurtDOing theu" fightmg 1ft a shelter of


Our many enemIes ara very toughWe'll show them how to really get

rough!For we know not Wlhen thIS war WIll

endWl'bh the hatred kI1hng and fightmg

of men

Many thousands WIll die for thtScountry of ourrs

Who loved America WIth peace, hap-pmess and flowers

Some have famd1Ies who need theIrcue

W~o'l1 firg1htfor Om' country ull It s"aU over' there

So, on the home front let's do whatWe can

To brmg freedom 10 sea, In alr, andon land

And hope thIS dreadful WM" WIllsoem cease

When there will be an everlastmgpeace

Tuesday evenmg the Grosse PomteCamera club Will hold Ib annualphotograp.hlc salon In their clubrooms at the NeIghborhood club

Don Thomas, preSIdent of the clubsaId tha.t arrangements had beenmade for an I11te-restmg SOCIalevenmglOcludmg motIon p1ctures and refreshments The eXlhlt>1t1onWIll In

elude 50 of the club 5 most outstand~mg pictures made by Its membersdurmg the past year They have beens~le-eted by a commIttee of compe-tent Judges and from a preVIew It15 the opmIon that the members ofthe club are capable of meetmg <illphoto~raphH~ competItton

Becctuse of the large attedance ofmembe't's the1r ..famthes and frIends,the meetlg WIll not be open to thepublic

Buy Bonds in the FIfth War LoanDrIve -Back the InvaSion I

The Invasion


Cuh and points, too, we'll repayyou' Save used fats I

Pick Award Winnersin Wayne Art Show

Twenty-three Wayn<f Un<1Ver5Ityarttsts, one a student from GrossePomte, whose work appeared m theschool's eIghth annual art exJ-14bItWhICh closed at the DetrOIt Instttu~eof Arts June 4, have been awardedment iflibbons, accof<img to ".,rayneL. Claxtoo, profesror of art

Jan DeMarco, of 387 Edgemontplace, who with three other Detr01tstudents, Jane KIlgour, LorettaLoughney and Helen Pnce, wasawarded a nbbon for an 011pam,tlng

WI11lhher songs, Carmen WIth daneesand talkatl'V"e' hands, and Phll WIthhIs top notch comedy, all eall for awIde patronage for the Aloma

Returning to the screen after anabsence of many, many months, 15

LUlse Ramler In Hostages ThiS ISan mtrIgUIng story of an oppressedpeoples who struggJe for their veryhie WIth Lmse IS Paul Lukas theexceptLonal actor who won the Acad-emy award last year The two ofthem make thIS pleture one or! theoutstandmg f war dramas" of theyear Thas pIcture IS full of actlOnand suspense from start to fimsh It15 a "must on your mOVIe list


~ * *

CLOSED SUNDAYCooled by Refrigeration


I The K-B BARIOwned and Operated by Philip, formerly of Courville Cafe

Formerly Located at Mack and Newport




15241 East Warren at Barham

Courville Cafe18340 Harper ro.I-9849

.ANCINGI To Don Ramon and HIS Lahn~Amerlcan OrchestraI.NIghtly Wednesday Through Sunday, Includu:lg Sun-

day MahneeI • Choice Liquors and M;ixed Drink.Back the Attack - BUY BONDS


Continuing a Reputation for

It tile Piano and Solovox Thursday, Friday, and SaturdaY

SAM'S BAR ~:il:D

Fine Food!I





nlinue6 :J)al'Jfor Home Debvery by

Phoning CHerry 8800


RESERVATIONS PHONE IVANHOE 9088Still Presenting the Biggest, Most Entertaining Show on the East Side


New and famous chef-improved fast food ~cecomplete full course dinners

From $1.75 to $3.00 (Half Price for Children)Serv;,c) from 5,00 1'.m. daily and from 4:Ql) p.m. Sunday - Danein,. and entertainment

starts at 9:00 p.m. nightly.AIR.CONDITIONED

..9nActure Storg :J.orm

t obert Sherrod, war correspond ..nt, br-mgs you an eye WItness ae ..

nt of the U S Matmes andt.Il1" fig!h.t-to-the <1ea.thbattle fora<rQwa Adarpltat10n of best sell-

l!'li011v'ficbon boak bnlhantly 11-trated by Wdllam Rewswlg


'age Xigh"f

'ine Double Bill:cheduled for Aloma'heatre June 16,17



A double bIll of fine features wIllshown at the Aloma theatre Fn

y and Saturday Ahce Faye, Car~!nen MIranda a.nd Plu! Baker arearred m j The Gang 5 AU Here,' a'1'Y W11:lh loads of songs, dances,ythl1l;1s,humor, color, laughs and'OVe a11 an enchantIng plot Alice




\\ I1llam G Stamman,Vl1lage Clerk



Ayes Damman Sage MorelattCunn ngham

IAbsent Parshall and FfltschAdopted June 12 1944


We take pleasure in annourrcillgthe opening of • new Detroit Ed!-son office In Fromm's, 17037 Ker-chevol Avenue, to sem> fl.e needsof our customers in thk: areae

At • speCl.1 counter in iIllsstore, you can transact ALL DetroitEcI1son business - inclu'*"9 lampe~changes, btl' payments, small ap-pliance repairs, iron cord exchanqes,turn on .nd turn off orders, btllinqvirt.eS, ete --exactly fite same il$

at any other Detroit Edison office.

Fromm s handles a complete [meof tools, hardware, sporttng goods,and housewares. Fromm's storeshave served Detroit for more than20 years.




To assure the nght to vote at the Pnmar)Electlon to be held July 11 1944


Announcing a New


as a voter In the C ty of Grosse Po nte \VayneCounty MIchIganKmdly check your Regl::.tratlOn status 1£ youhave moved smce last vot ng or If )ou ha~e havefaded to ~ote recently or If you are not sure ofproper reg strahon call the C ty Clerk s office _NIagara 5800 or call In at hIS off ce at the \1:unlclpa1 Bulldmg 17150 \Lwmee A~enue CAty ofGrosse P01l1te Vf oh ganAs an accommodat on my office w111accept regIstratlOns from 700 to 9 00 P M on \Vednesday June 7 14 and 21 1944To aVOId delay If you ha;,.e not reg stered call atthe CItv Clerk s off1ce as soon as pO'isllle butNOT Later Than June 21, 1944 ,\h ch s the lastday of regIstratIOn for the Pr nar} Elect on

17150 Maumee



where you~all Detroit


Stop in at thiS new location al'td use the EdIson counter.It m.y sove yau • trip downtown .nd you wi" f,.d it mostconyenient.


Page Nlni

City of

Grosse Pointe,Michigan


perpendicular to the water malO 111

the street and to the bUIlding whlC 1

It serves The mamtenance of waterserVIce hnes runnmg through alleysand conneded to water mams on s1destreets or streets not abuttIng thcproperty shall be termed pnvateservICe hnes and shall be mamtamed from the water mam to thestop box by the owner or owner:.whl-ch the hne serves

A \Vave recently sponsored a smanne at Its launch ng III the "" H navy yard The \Vav

57-ThIS ordmance shall take ef Ens Nancy Patterson fourth genfect July 2 1944 r,Won of her faml1y to hold a na

Supported by CommISSIoner Moreol commIssIon The sub U S S Scaland bardfish II


(a) Water rate chargeFirst 100000 CUbICfeet qutr~

ter at $1 15 per 1000 CU'1>1<:feetOver 100000 CUbICfeet per quar.

tel' at $1 00 pet" 1000 CUbICfeet(b) A mInimUm charge of $150

per quarter shall be made for eachmeter

(c) Ten cents per 1 000 cubc feetof wateT used will be charged 1fbills are not paid on due date

(d) Sewage dlsposal chargeThIrty five cents per 1000 cubIC

feet per quarter(e) Meter serVIce e.huges per

quarter% mch Meter~ mch Meter

1 mch Meter131 Inch Meter2 Inch Meter3 Inch Meter4 mch Meter

ers are Uistalled for the purpose ofifeadmg testlng removmg or In

spectmg same and no person, firmor corpqratlon shall hinder obstructor Interfere With such employee ofthe Village of Grosse Po~nte Park In

tJhe lawful dIscharge of hIS dutles mrelatIOn to the care and mallltenanceof such water meters

3 11-Any damage wh1ch a metermay sustam resulting from carelessness of the owner agent or tenantor from neglect or eIther of them toproperly secure and protect the me-ter as well as any damage wh1ch maybe wrought by f1'Ost hot water orsteam backmg from a boller sball bepaId by the owner of the property tothe Village on presentation of a b111the.refor .and tn cases where the billIS not paId the water shall be shut~ff and shall not be turned 011 unt IaU charges have been paId to theWater Depa.rtment

41-Water serVice charges ands'fwage dlsrpo::.alcharges shall be 10

accordance WIth the followmg schedule and based on the water consumpbon

4.4-The Department 1S herebyempowered to dIscontInue water ser •VIce lor non payment of any wateror sewage dIsposal rates assessments, 'Charges, costs, expenses orrentals due the VIllage Aliter theyhave become three months d-eI1fi~quent or for the V10latlQn of anyprov1s10n of 't11ISordmal'l,ce In allcaSes where a water servIce has beenda-contmued to any premIses orproperty because of non payment ofany WIater :rate 61' charges, the Watet Department shall oharge a tur'1elll fee of $100 at the bme the water1S turned on

45-(a) Every person firm or cor-poration usmg water ftom the pub-he water mams 111the VIllage ofGrosse Pomte Park or whose property m sa d V llage IS connectedwith saId pubhc water mams shallpay therefor to the Vlliage of GrossePomte Park at the hme prescnbedby Ordl:t1aliCe suoh water rates.charges for water and sewer serVIcepenaltIes, and Imposts fo'1"or 1h re-lation to such pubhc water SerylCeas may be now or hereafte:r fixed orestabbshed by resolutIon or ordmMance of the V111ageof Grosse PomtePark

(ib) UnpaId water rates or chargesmay be collected by SUlt brought nthe name of the VIllage of GrossePOlllte Park agamst any owner oroccupant of the p.rem1ses, or property. or both

(c) In addItIon to all other reme-dIes now possessed by the Vdlagefor the eollectlon Qf all charges. theVillage shall have as further secur1tyfar the collectwn of suCh charges, ahen upon such house or other !>tuld..109 and uqJon the land upon whu:hsuoh house or other buddmg shallbe sItuated to which such serVicewas ~endered Such hen sha.ll beMcome effectIve Immedtately upon theser\'1ce bemg supplIed as a.rforesaldThe hen oreated herem sball be enMforced 111 the manner presonbed byState Sta.tute ~f()renforCing tax hens

51-(a) No person shall tap oroonrnect any water mam or msertany eorporahon cock therelll, noropen or close any valves In the waMter mam or water connectIon normolest or 1111terfereWIth any valveor valve box cover eXiceptmg employees of the Department

('b) No person shall open any hy-dnnt or fire plug or dram waterfrom. any hydrant No member ofthe Flre Depatment. Water Depart-ment or any VIllage employee shalllet out or suffer or permIt any per~son to take any wrenches fU1"nlshedby the except only on oc-ca-SIOfisof fire Or condItIons of emergMeneles, or gIve any person permiSMSion to open or draw water fromany hydrant or mam WIthout firstsecurmg a. pemut from the: chiefclerk of the Water Department

(c) No persottl firm. ot corpora.tIon shall tear up or break mto anypubhc skeet, alley, pubhc place,s~dewalk, mtersecbon pavement, or-open such or hIghway U1 theVIllage of Grosse POliI1te Park withMout first havmg made apphcatloo fora pe~nllt so to do

$10 00120022002400



An Ordinance to Amend an Ordln~&nee Entitled "An. Ordanance toProVlde for the Furnlshln. of Wa~ter and SewageDI.poul and theEstabh.hrnent of Rate. for WaterSer'rice and Sewate DJ.po.atSernce," Paned June 9, 1941

The Village of GrOI~ Pomte ParkOrdain.

Section 1 SectIOns 26. 27, 29,2 10 2 11, 2 12 213, 216, 3 5. 310311, 41, H 4.5, 5 1, 53 and 57 arehereby amended to read as follows

26-All water plpes In streets a1leys avenues, or public propertyshall be laId not less than :five feetbelow the establIshed grade of sameThe service pIpe may at the dlscre-hon of the Inspector of the WaterDepartment be la1d In the sewerdItch shelved 1Oto the SIde bank .ttleast e ghteen Inches to a solId bot-tom All se'1"v'Icepipes mts t be laIdon a so11d foudatIon

Z 1-All extenSIon connechonsmust be extended mto the basementat least five feet below the estab~hshed grade before any branches ortees are taken off for any purpbse1£ there IS no basement the serv~celme must be extended unde1." thefootlllg beyond the bmldlng wall toa pomt to aY01d freeZing Metersshall be placed In a proper pIt Orvault, fret ftOO1 frost and water sothat same can easIly be eXianuned orread at any tIme The deSIgn of meter pIt or vault must <:omply WIth thedeSIgn furmshed by the Water De-partment

2.9-All bu~ldlllgs dIVIded mto separate bu,smess places must be sup~plied WIth a malllfoid 10b or separateconneCt1ons lor each buIldmg Allmanifold Jobs must have a masterstop and a &top for each serpa!l'atebranch therefroom All manl>fold hnesshall he Installed at least three fee~outSIde ()f the butldmg hne In allOOBeswhere the manIfold system ISmstal1ed the Water Departmentshall mamtalll only the servIce 11llesft'OI111the mam to the master stopbox

2 to-In all cases whe:re a newsetnce IS reqUIred the owner shallpay fo:r the entlre mstalhthOn fromthe mam to the meter, WIth thefootage figured from the mIddle ofthe street All new service hnes shallbe mstalled from the ml1m to thestop box at the propertY' hue Connectmg to old serV1ce hnes at anypomt from the ma1U to stop box ISstrIctly prohIiblted :Befote setVl'Cehnes are eovered entire InstallatIonmust be mspe-cted and a,Pp1'Ovedbythe Water Department

211- Where 1Yropert) IS served bytwo water conne-ctlons and the ownet deSIres to d1scontmue one meter,the expense of makmg the changemust be paId by the owner The 1meto be dtscontmued must be dacon ..nected at tihe mam and the meterremoved It IS reqUired that the Water Departme!H make an Inspectlonto determme the oomplete ehmmJ.tlOn of till'S serVIce

212-1n no ease shall there be anyconnectIon 'between water J'Ilpes reeelvmg theIr supply from the Vdlage'Water mams and pIpes recelvmgtheIr sup-ply from some other sourceBmlrungs usmg other sources of wa-t-er supply not furnIshed by the VII..age, such as wells private systems orcombInahon of sy.stems. shall be 1U

spetted every ux months by theWat~ Department

213-.Al! work performed hy anyperson firms or corporation perta.tnIng to any part of the mstal1atton ofwater serV1ce tiJpes, fittings, or extens10ns shall be 111s.pectedby a quallfied Inspector oS the Water De.partmetlt before saId pJpes. fittmgs, orextenSIons are .covered WIth earth orbaclofill The Water Departmentshall have authorIty to dIsapprovechange or dIscontInue any work notInspected or approved

2.16--The apphcant for a watereonnectlOn and water extenSIOn shallpay to the Department the follow-ang fees w,}uch shall lllclude the perMmlt fee the InspectIon fee the tappIng oharge and the lllstaHatlon ofthe corporat1on cock and the watermeter. to 'WIt

94 mch1 mchl}f mch2 Inch

The cost of tapp1Ilg m e:x.cess of 21nche shall be dettermmed by theWater Department from tame tohme

3.10-The Department g,hall havevhe rIght to shut off the supply ofwater to any premIses where the De-partment IS not a.ble to obtam access 53-The Water Department shanto the meter Any qualIfied employee matntaln the water serVl-ce from theof the Water Department shall at all water mam in the street to the stoprea~on-able hours. have the nght to box Of the lot hne, whI'Chever come;enter the premIses \1\1\beresuch m~t fint. wheh &aId servi~ hine runt

35-A pipe entenng a bu~ldIngthrough a coal bm shall run exposedto the meier and shall be prOVIdedWIth a valve where It enters thebUIldmg All serVlCe plpeS shall run!below all lootIngs and not throughany outSide butldmg wall


Summer School toOpen at High SchoolNext Monday

Next Monday morn ng at eIghto -clock the Grosse POinte summerschoo~ will open In the high schoolbUlldmg for 1944 From then untilAug 11 a large part of the bUl1dlllgwdl be filled WIth students~ some asyoung as the third grade whl1e oth-ers are preparmg to graduate fromhIgh school tn August as a result ofthIS summer school C!ass~s w111bequ~te s1mllar to those of the regularseSSlOn The ent re staff 19 .composedof reguJar Grosse POInte teachers ofproven ablhty

Reglstntlon w1l1 be In Room 114ort thl<SFnday from two to five 111

the afternoon and from mne totwelve 1Il11rtyon Saturday and onMonday kom 8 00 am to 4 00 pmThe best tIme for help In reglster~

mg w1l1be on either June 16 or 17,'saId H Leroy Selrneler the summers<:hool prmclpa! It w111also msur~Promptness 10 startmg classes whereeach day must see completed thework of two and a half days of theregular seSSIOn The regular fee 15

$6 per course for reSidents and $12per COUlrSefor non reSIdents IS re-qUired before the student can enterany dalSses

The IndicatIOns are that there WIllbe a contInued wartime emphaSIS 0'certam subjects In response to anIncreased demand Spanish ",~1l beoffeil"ed for the first tJme Shop andmechanIcal drawmg classes \\111 beopen PhYSICS and aeronautics areexpected to show an Increased enMrollment as are the mOre advancedmathemattcs classes

However the hIgh school subjectsare only one part of the summerschool MIsses VIolet Clemens andCathenne Stoltz, and Frank H~tttmelman. wIll have charge of thespecIal elementary school work In

arlthmettc, spe11mg, and readmg forthe thIrd, fourtih, fifth and SIxthgrades The thIrd grade ~s bemg offered In summer s<:hcol for the fir:,+tIme 1n 1944

Park to EstablishAdvisory PlanningCommission Soon

A plannIng CO:m1nlSs10nfor GrossePomte Park wIll soon he formed forplfehm1UalfYstudIes have been com ..p.leted. the VIllage comml~sIon waf)mformed Monday nIght by WardS Van Deusen, VIllage preSIdentThe pmnnmg commlSS<I011wIll bee'Starbhsrhed on an advISory ba-sIsonly

The new commlSS10n wIll be madeup of nme members from vaned professlonal and busmess fields, appOinted by the Village preSIdent thechairman v,111be selecte<i by the V1llage preSIdent whJ1e the vIce presldel1t and secretary are to be elected

The dUbes studIes and ~nvestlga-hons whIch are to be covered by theplannIng commISSIon w111cover mu-nlc~pal Improvements, pubhc worb,!fetIremel1t and penSIOn fund pa,rk~and re-creatIOn, streets and SidewalkImrp"O\cmer ~s, publIc buI1dmgs zonlUg and neIghborhood lmprOVeme'11tsand mamtenance

It was deCIded that the commISSionuse regular m\lJ1fctpal employees 1£such are needed to c:arory on theIrwork and If add1tIonal help 1Sneeded an apphcatlon mu"St be submutteuto the commISSIon for aprprcrval

New Detroit EdisonOffice Opened inFromm Hardware

I Followmg a broad polIcy of mak-mg EdIson off1Ces more a-ccessible tQcusromelTs, The DetrOIt EdIson company has :recently announced theopenmg of a speCIal ofh-ce 10

fromm s Hardware 17037 Kerchevala~en'Ue ThIS w1l1 prov1de ano~herne.tghborhood EdIson serVIce torpeople 10 thIS a1"ea The new locabon WIll !handle all Ed1son bu-smessmdudmg turn on orders. dlsconMnects lall1l? changes, blll payments,etc Just ltke any other EdIson offlce

ThlS dS made posHble through theco OperatIon of Erlc Fromm, who.for more than 20 years, bas beenbUIldmg a sernce whIch now roversthe entIre metropolItan DetrOIt areaA B Van Acker, local manager forfromm s. has allotted the necessaryspace III hIS store and customers MenVIted to make full use of the Edl-on c-ounter for any EdIson bUSInessfang people w111find It convell1ent

to pay the1r Edison bIll whlle shop~IpIng ltt the neJghho"hood.

Apprehend Hit-RunDriver in Park .

OfftceiT PM Conlon of the Park pohce department reported hIS car hadbeen bit In front of,15319 E J effer.son last Sunday fi1g-bt. but the carkePt on Its way

After the broadcast was Sent ou"'.Sgt S.nay patro-lIng 10 the VICl1lltyof the aCCIdent dIscovered the car afew blocks away and PatrolmanWa,Ish p1Jcked uiP the dflver

The h~t an<d run drIver was FrankA Wa<hter of 1780 HIbbard wbo

~ after being taken to the pohce staj tIon agreed to pay for the damagesI to Coulon scar

PLa:a::a 6622R '" G COllstructlon Co.


Republicans HoldOrganization MeetsThroughout Area


Headed by Mrs Dudley Hay Repubhcan Natlonal Chalrwoman an 1John R Dethmers. who 1S statechaluman the large gathermg wasgIVen tihe key message for all RepublIcan workers for the comingcampaIgn Lyons spoke from theWayne County angle Dethmersgave the state pIcture and Mrs Hayn her grac ous manner told of thenatlOnal picture and the tomlng natlOnal conventlon m Chltago

All thIS week RepublIcan Partyorgatilz-atJOI1 meetmgs of the Coun yCommIttee have been held In th"varlOUs CongressIonal DistrIcts Thefirst and one of the ';nost Importal1tmeetmgs was that"'fot the 14th DIStnct held Monday June 12th at thl.C Y 0 CommunIty Hal! at 8200Mack Avenue

James W Lyons Wayne Coun yChalTlnan Issued the caU for themeetmg 1n a JO nt bId WIth MIltonCarmichael country s-eeretary Th"ohalrman for the 14th DistrIct meetmg was Dr Rex P Cranson who IS

the cha rman of the 14th DlstnctRepubllcan Committee he was asslsted by \Valter Alles secretary andother active workers

A large group of cadldates headedby the two candIdates for Congresswho attended spoke to the gathenngbefore the c1o~e Hd F Best was thefirst candIdate mtroduced followedby Fred Plotts both spoke brIefly onthe CongressIOnal race and were wellrece1ved Several other candIdatesfor other offIces followed and themeetmg was adjourned WIth a feelmg that trhe campaign m the 14toIS off wllth a bang The bIg Issue ISan appeal to the voters first to reglster and then be sure to vote In thepnmary on July 11th



A small group of Waves 1Sstudy ..flllg Ja'Panese at the navy J<lipaneselanguage school Boulder Colo



P'er alld Cemellt WorkNO MONEY DOWN

We Do Electric Repairsand Gutter Work

Let us give you an estimate,expert workmanshIp, ImmeM

£ dlota servIceF.H A. Requirements


•• than

Sfring BauAL SIMON

Mack at Lochmoor Blvd.••• in the Woods

* Always a Cool Spot to BowlDaily From 7:00 A. M.

* HAMMOND ORGAN *It's a pleasure to Bowl or sip yOlll'fav-orite chink in a Cool Spot! '

You'U Like- ~S

~ S~~

of fhe Hovachord

DUANE PELTIERElecfrl..,1 Guif..,.

"Wedding Parties a Specialty"


MO'11:hyThrcul'h Thursday


NIagara 0861


NO 30% TAX!

Grosse PointeDay Camp


16354 Harper


Closed Wednesdays All Day-Qpen FrIdays Till 9 00 P M

Father's Day Greeting Cards


Fountain Pen$1.00

We will be pleased to meet our old * Bar Music Nightly Exceptfriends and to make new ones ! Wednesday* YOUR FAVORITE DRINKS *

Mixed to Your Taste


The New Owners of

2.0th Century Recreation14800 Mack, corner of Ashland Bar Nt 9566 Bowling NI. 9527

Genuine CowhIde COIn Pouches - PlastIc and Leather CigarettePack Holders - Sterling'. Leather B1l1folda_ Watch Straps,

Belts and Buckles - Zephyr Autodex Telephone DirectoriesindiVidualIzed Match Sets - Key Cases - Poker Chip

Sets - PlaYing Cards - Desk Pen and Pencd SetsPads - Ash Trays In Stand Up and Table SizeS

Wl"lsIey Shaving Soap and Talcum SetsGlasses for AU Kinds of Drinks _ Unusual

Bottles and Bar Accessones _ HandkerchIefs andNeckwear

Swimming in Safe Waters - Hiking - Arts and CraftsOutdoor Activities

Reservations Accepted Now

ALGER CAFE r r-. •

Presents I *z

Mel Thompson

Dad Deserves the Best ...~




Thursday, June 15, 1944


Buy Banqs In the Fifth War Loan, Better be ratlon~polntedDrIve -Back the Invasion I our boys disappointed.

"" "''' ~....,.,.....__ ._-~--,,- --""'-'1_1 _

Keep him smiling with a, sparkling cocktail, and an

old fashioned diinner at

___ ' 0 -.... I_""~~IO'



PRospect 3070

Thursday, June 15, 1944

The foI1owmg persons were re-ported to the board of health athavmg been bitten by dogs

Andres Yakhn 3926 GUilford;Fred Cushmg, 5575 Bedford road;

Buy Bond. In the FIfth War LoallDrive-Back the Invasion!


Kercheval at ChalmersA BUYER-Wants these ltems also

pnces paId Oak fintshed Ice box,$700 electnc fan $7 electnc tron,$3 small radiO $20 rollaway bed,$12 studIO couch $30 old sewmgmach ne $35 tabletop stove $60:other quahty furmture wanted FI5810

THREE WHEEL-Tncyde WIN> orwtthout cham drlve TV 2 6067 •

WANTED-Rug 9xl2 Call Arlmg.ton 6783 after 5 00 pm studiO couch fu.I 4329 Mrs Tomaville 20476Elk-


FOR SALE-Real Eltate

Dog BIte Victims

Additional Want Ad~on Page 12

CHerry 5100, extension 425

Bikes- Trikes- Wag-ons - Scooters - Mo-tor B i k e s - Motor •Scooters, Any Con-dition.AI's Bicycle Shop

LEnox 8042

HIghest prIces paid for men's smtsand shoes Telephone caIl wIll brmgus to you ImmedIately TelephoneTyler 4 3625





SMALL-Furmshed house two ()three bedroOl111s for summer or

longer three adults References CallMr Barthel TU 2 9714

rINE - CondItIon BrIck 111cometype Four bedrooms, SIde dnvt:'

two car garage furnIture o;;'~""'1~tTerms to SU1t owner Pmgree 0285

MANOR - Near W.b,ter 4Ox128Good restnct10ns sewer and wa

ter, $1100 404 Manor

The Music Store will a limited number of

USED RADIOS, fairly mod-em and in A.l condition.Phone for apprailaI.

COUPLE-DesIre furnIshed roomYIC1111tyKercheval and Maryland

Ann s Fned Ch1cken ~nack 1510lKercheval at Maryland

SINGLE-House or flat Three bedrooms Park reSidents nme years

Lenox 2542 after 5 30 p m




Harper-LakepointeLumber Co.

inVites you

to apply now for


Combination Doors, Screen Doors, Screen Sltock and


1$134 Harper Avenue



TATKO FLAGGING and FLOORING, TRELLISES, sixfoot hardwood garden stakes, wood lath and ~



REFINED - Young man deSIresroom WIth desk for study Room

and board preie.rred Grosse PomtePhone RIchard N1es Lenox 4000

FIVE-Ol" Stx room house or apartment for two adults 111 or around

Grosse POlUte",No pets ReferencesTU 2 5591

$100 War Bond -

WANTED-To RentRESPONSIBLE-Qn"t m.ddle age

couple No children or pets R".qUire five or SIX room flat lUcomeor bungalow References FI 4174FUR~ISHED-House Two or three

!bedrooms garage Phys1Ctan newcomer to Detr01t burt: permanentTwo adults no children or petsGood care guaranteed m return forreasonable rent Not to exceed $100to $125 a month References WIlllease University 4 2546

EAST SIDE-Two or three bedroom smgle house or flat Excel

lent rerferences Two chIldren, seven and n ne NI 6059

FIVE ROOM _ Color11al GrossePOlnte Woods Completely furn-

Ished ImmedIate possesslOn Refer~ences TV 2 9048

w,n be glven to person (orowner) furmshmg wformabon leadmg to re,utal of five-SIX room house m GrossePomte :MUrray 2509


Situations Wanted-FemaleWANTED-Part time estate or gen

eral c1encal Expenenced Will goto home or oft1ce Write Box Me;c 0 Gro~~e Po nte ReView 15121Ker.chel;al Gosse POlllte Park 30\1tch

Clellcal WorkSWltchroom Helper

Busmess OfftceBusmess Office Representatlve

Dmmg Servtce WorkAT

Employment OffICeOpen 9 00 a m to 5 00 p m.

every day but Sunday

do InterestIng' work In pleasant

surroundIngs ';l



Would you 11keto do yoU! partto help to end the war?



Apply Employment Office

MUlt Have USES ReferralALSO

Material Handlers

PRACTICAL _ Nur:.e h.l11d, 12hours mvahd lady Good nursmg

conditIons References NI 3186COOK-And downstairs maid ex

penenced Pnvate room Refer-ences Excellent wages CaIl between5 00 and 6 30 pm Grosse P01nteShores NI 0635

PART TI\ or dIctaphone operator Grosse Pomte

concern Beauty Counselors 17108Mack Ave TU 2 9300WA~TED-Good day worker, two

or three days per week NI 5833

ASSISTANT-To heJp 111 nurseQsahool Prefer3!bly one wtth cook

it1g-ext>e~:a.-e{! -Nl ..0861..- - ~

Continental MotorsCorporation

The 11lchlgan Bell TelephoneCompany has openmgs In Itsframe rooms for young wo-men to be

The fnendly mtervlewersthere WIll be glad to explamthe nature of the wOlk

Michigan BellTelephone Company

WE ARE---nestrous of employmgan experienced woman for part

time secretanal work Shorthand de-SIrable but not necessary Datlyhours can be arranged to S111ta qualdied aiPpllCant Kenneth L MooreC NI 9200 16840 Kerchyeal next toB-est & Co


Good opporttlhltles for advancement The \\ ark IS easy,.active and mter~stmg mclean pleasant surroundmg-'S

For more detaIled InfOrmatlOnon thIS Job call at the employ-ment offIce

1365 CASS

Must Observe WMPC Rules

GENERAL - Office some typmgdlc.t~hone permanent Beauty

Counselors, 17108 Mack Ave TV2 9300

EquipmentRoom Workers -

SwitchboardOperator andTypist-


Stenographers,Typists andComptometerOperators-

Must Have USES Referrald


12801 E. Jefferson Avenue

Girls Who AreGraduating -

MAID-General housework Goodhome, good pay References re

qUIred Grosse Pomte Phone "\lagara 2214

Michigan BellStrong Boy wanted Telephone Companyfor Cleaning Plant. 1365 Cass Avenue15029 Kercheval. lIfust be e11glbleunder W:MPC

,REWARD _ For return of boy ssmall red and whIte bIcycle andgIrl s small red and whIte bIcycleDisappeared Sunday TV 1 2521


12801 E. Jefferson AvenueNEEDS

Toolmakers, ToolRoom Thread andSurface Grinders,Tool and FixtureInspectors, CntterGrinders, JuniorEngineers andElectricians.

LOST-Juvemle gold Wrist watch,V1C1Ultyof Lakepomte and J effer

son Reward 1016 Lakepomte


Immedla te DeltveryTU 2-9079

AdJUJted by m.achtne.20665 Washtenaw



J8MI .. W_ rv IIat _ DrIw I.....~ .::t', • .&. p .... ...-:l1r........

..... ,... Aft .

15313 Mack AvenueOpen 1 00 PM to 8'00 PM.

Saturday 11 00 a m to 6 00 p m..

Plumbing and Heating

Ladiel' and Children'sClothing - EspeciallyLarge Women's Sizes

DAVE DUNNGrapho-Analyst

161 GenevaHighland Park 3 Mlch gan


Let us tell you how much we canget for your property today Youmay be pleasantly surprIsed NoQlbhgahon to sell For mformatIonca11-




OL 9100Memher of Eastern DetrOIt

Realty Ass(jclabon

Costume Jewelry, China,Antiques, Knick Knacks,Etc. BRING TO


Review Want Ads



No OneHas Handwntmg

LIke Yours

Because your handwntmgexpresses your own Indi-VIdual personaltty.

You May Havea 2 page professional anal-ySIs of your handwrltmgfor $1 00Cltp thIS ad to a page ofyour hand" ntmg and mallto


Black Dirt and Sod

The Park commiSSIon approvedtransfer of a hquor hcense from V1C-tor R Norwood 15224 Cha.rlevolx toOrner DeSchutter, 6103 Lemay

Transfer Monday Night

PLu\{BI'\G-Heatmg repairs Shopon wheels Expert serVIce No Job

too large, none too small NI 0831Joseph C Eger 15830 ChM'leVOlX


NI 4255


••• a different and better decOlatmgeerVIce IS yours for the askl11g Inter-

tor or extenor The fin~st workmanshIpin thIS field - whICh ISyet not too costly

E;,opert PamtlUg and Decorahng

Full Insurance

INTERIOR _ Decorahng Guaran-teed workmanship and materlal

(plus 30 years expenence) EStI-mates free Have your work donenow FHA hm-e payments If deSiredWllham Loader TU:ll..edo2 7143 0"Niagara 4407

JOH" EVA~S & CO-Interior andextenor pamters and decorators

EstImates furnIshed AR 9223

ALL _ Pamtmg, decoratmg, wallwashlOg, paper cleanmg guaran-

teed Stell.m remover MU 1471







NI. 7777

WINDOW CLEANING - Stormsash removed and screens Installed

P,rompt serVlce Phone LE 5052

WALL-And cethng washmg Papercleaned East Side Murray 8469

WALL-Washmg, expertly done byrelIable man Murray 3849

HIGHLY _ Rel>ommended rehablewall washmg servIce by refined

whIte men CaU Arlmgton 4192

Interior-ExteriorPamtmg - Decoratmg

We Mttst Be RightCall for EstImate



For 25 Years We HaveBeen SerVIng Grosse POInte

WHY PAINT?-Let us wa,h theoutSIde of your home Sparkhng

newness restored Clean effiCientwork For free estImate call MrLong IV 8088

Wall Washingand

Wallpapl'r CleanedWhite Workers

AR. 7185 OR PRo 2M4

Wall Washing -Wallpaper Cleaned. Work


Grosse PointeWindow Cleaning


Pi. 8337-AR. 1554

Oublde Work A Spec:lalty.

Wm.-dows cleaned Storm ,,"mdows-removed Streens washed and put upAWnings serVlced

Painting andDecorating -

NI. 6902


PIANO TUNING-Electric clean-Ing C L. Edwards, 1377 Phlhp

Ave MUrr~y 5236

Buy Bond. In th. Fifth War LoenDrJ.e.-Back the Invuion!

COM P LET E - Framing .e".tce avatlable on prmts, pictures,

paintIngs, etc. Prompt and eX'cellentserVIce Golden Basket Bookshop16820Kercheval NI 6553






AU Electrical

Washing Machine Repairing

SPENCER CORSETS-IndIvIduallydeSigned dress and surgIcal gar-

m(nts, over 12 yeus expenenceMaude Bannert NI 4027 or TO7-4312 368 McKmley


Gen, R. A. &: Col. F. M.

Alger Post 995 V. F. W.Meetl Second and Fourth MondaysEach Month at 17145Et Paul Ave~Due, Grolle Pointe, Michigan..

All VFW and Potential MemhenWelcome

New ConstructionCommercial and Shop

Mainten ....ce

Phone TU. 2-1254


WASHERS - Vacuums sew-mg machmes and fans re-

palred Work guaronteed pI ewar pnces

Murray & BellamyAR. 6153 - PRo 4442




and Vacuum leanersPHONE MR GRAVES

TUxedo 2-5044at 4174 Maryland




Fr-ee Esttmates 111Your HomePart, for All Makes

17 YEARS EXPERIENCEAll Work Guarant ...ed


LEnox 3775


Washing Machines-REPAIRED ImmedIateSerVIce

MILLER-Employment agency. FI2656 DomestIc help, women for

laundry and cleanmg Part-tIme orweekly Good laundresses and clean-ers

Brick RepairExpertly Done

NI. 8986

Brick Porch Repairs


MME EMBERSee Emh-e.r In phone directory

FItzroy 8966Reader, heahng, spIrItual consultat~ Call for appomtment 6408 Ea<:tJefferson at Meldrum, upstaIrs Detrolt 7, MICh

Brick and Cement Repairs



TOP SOIL - And all landscaplllgdoe AR 3160 PR 6(1)7

ALL CEMENT-Carpenter and cobmet work B & H Construcbon

Co 19677Avon Lane TU I 3768ANY-Repair work on homes stores

or apartments FIrst class workand prompt serVlce S E Barber20380Neshlt Nlaga,ra 6784

Lawn CuttingNiagara 1731

BASE PLUGS - ElecJrtcal repairslltiorescent light,. TU 2 8105.

Cracked porches, broken stepsIf It s wrecked we 11 fix It SatIs-

factton guaranteed Grosse Pomtedistrict Get estimate now Tuxedo2 3774


BRICK-Stone and cement Newand repaIr work B.r1ck work a

speCialty Tuxedo 1 2450

1CEMENT - Work Garage :floors

Side drIves wwlks Work guaranI leed MU 7304L H Leydet & Sons

A I CEMENT-Work Garage, SIdeI drIves and terazza floors EXipertI wockman,hlp TU 2 7009

BRICK-RepaU's All hnds SpeCIalmg m fireplaces NI 7932




MIxed Concrete-Just add wa..::.100 pound 75c

Yes!.. • • We r.der •.me. onall makes of cars.

urer of Wayne county for lts shareIn state land sales, $714106, 1t5

share fl1'"omthe MichIgan departmentof revenue $4 679 02 and Its sharefrom dehnquent taxes $493793




Walton's10711 WHITTIER


We Pick Upand

DeliverOpen 9 to 6



-,. .


10-£t Clothes Po.t.-Completew>th X arm, CIl'194ready to mltall tll'.


Size 8 x 8 Feat-Prices Reduced

e Ten


Ideal for chdclren', play room, chicken hou.e,tool .hed, .torage .pace, etc. Completely In-nlated. See one anytime.








r"::,a fib ~•.I-.:~ ~


Helps to keep children safe - and in theyard.

I iT.... tlte big service plant of the Filher.Record Com.Pany is ready to give you an eltimate on any work your

!ear may need. The workmanship is a1wayl highly depend./:abIel

Vigoro _ For Lawn., Carden.Now is th. tlm. CIl'370ftousel.&: '"' •

Clothes Props - a-foot; gQodE::ck, pointed. 30cRock Wool - A dandy insula-

bon. 35-1h. bag, easy 75cto In.tall, only

TUxedo 1-0683 - NIagara 2769_ .._".. .. • ....... .. ........... to. • ....



Grosse Pointe Appliance Service

k Receives Cheeks FromiYne County and Stateqsse Pomte Park was ill receipthree check' totahng $16758viweek They were from the treas-

Electrical Repairs - Motors - Washing MachinesIroners - Sewing Machines



yPioneer Rustic Flat PicketsWi 1w1t-up to. ei,ht 4-100t Ion., pointedlion.. 1ete, tOP'r in .tock Come-read,. to 1ft up. No 1n and take alo-ng_

Special - ~4x1~ nar-paint required. On rOWpicket., 48' hleh, at our yard. pointed. Each Se.

Zonolite Insulation Now Available - Per Bag $1.20

H.x.gon SMngJe. CIl'2475for 20x18 roof tIP 0


WE SPECIALIZE IN• Simonizing • Painting • Bumping

Radianize or Glitter Glaze FinishWe Are Open Evenings by Appointment



Thursday June 15, 1944 THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW Page Fleve1t




\\<1 r I a 1 PalfoUlI" '\0 ( Cl ~LSJ Pastor\f '\H.\ 1"\ \r \ Rl I~ VIcar I

01 '-:> 11. J ne 18 tl e Rr c pI 1 \\ e hold of h.ansas C1\r 0 ,,11 be t1 e guest preacherI C1C'e 1 1 Ii! ("ran church He w[speak at 10 1 ser'lce~ 8 and 10am \Jr \\ el11 0 d s past-or of t'h:1argc III nH ei I utI cran ohl1'rji\hthat c!tv an 1 1" on I S way to t~11 t1 era 1 co 1\ e 1t 01 1 Sag na\f ch ,,11e1c 1 e ,,11 SE'ne all thmpolta t 111s" on" comn ttee H;

,,111 lla, e ames <1&Cof 1 tere t an11npOl hIce lor tl (. dd.) 5 10 "l" 11eh w'"ire 1n u; S lOa} se1001 sesslO"for all d. ... es - I g ners 0 Blblcla ~ - at 9 10 a ll1

Ihe ree; 11. nOli ly "e~pcr servce of 10 dlt to,. the se 'Ice sta

I on es " 111 e cond cted b} the ReF no G- ell 1 S 1lldav aftel noonfi\C a clod, 11 ., \l<'to prd er serIce \\111 com "t of fam hdr h mnsn e 1 tat on from t1 e \'ord of Goa I p 1 er~ 1 n TIe for tl OSC 1t1 e am e 1 fa cc for the Iat on anfor peace I

Primaries July 11, 1944


Vote for

Dependable - Capable


}a"t ]eftersol at f\Iarlbo ou,..,hRJ GJ" ~LD R Fi LLJ L 11 1 te

10 00 am \IorIllng \\OrS111p " h"ermon by the pd.stor Sern on top cJesus Our ContempOlal}

10 00 11 ;,5 am C1 urch sd qal f01beg111uer prnnary and J nlor departments

11 15 11 55 am Cl u1(..h schoolclasses for 1t1termed ates .> oung peopIe and adults

A well equ pped nursery U Idecompetent leade sh p IS open from10 to 12 0 dock

7 00 pm Regular meetmg of t1 e"\ outh Fellowsh1p

If you do not attend any ot1 erchurch regularly you are corehall}nVlted to worsh p wlth usWednesday-

7 00 - 10 00 pm Recl eatlOl1 forteen age folks 111 tl ~ gym Youngfolks not attendl11g the church are11\ ted

Thursda} 10 00 a 111 Red Cro%se\\lng

"More business in government

Less government in business."


I~ s~?~,~ee?~g~ra~~~~EEverything for the Gardener

TUXEDO 2-8274










To The Residents of Grosse Pointe Woods:Above is a perspective view of the tentative plan of commercial de.

velopment for the large tract of unsubdivided property lying at the southerlylimits of your vt1lage.

This property is presently zoned to a depth of 300 feet from Mack Ave.nue for business purposes but such a depth would not permit us to provideadequate off-street parking facilities for such a project nor permit us toconstruct all buildings to the depth required under modern merchandisingpolicies.


A petition has been filed with the Village Commission of Grosse PointeWoods to amend the present zoning ordinance to enable us to carry out thisdevelopment in proper fashion and in a manner that will most completelyprotect neighboring residents from crowded street parking. A public on the matter will be held at the Mason School on Vernier Road at 8:00o'clock P.M., on Monday, June 26th, and it is hoped that all interested resi.dents will attend.

Following is the text of the petition that has been filed with the Com-mi"ion:


R.berb RadiO Shop has what It takes to I{lve you the Leat work-manshIp In radiO repalrmg-years of expenence plus a Jahol'ato1'J'With the finest testmg eqUIpment made Bring your sets here I [

ROBERTS RADIO SHOP16369 East Warren at Courville ..

Open 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. - TU. 2-4550 I

Broedell Plumbing and HeatingCOMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE

Petition for Amendment of Zoning Ordinance~11


Civil Service Commission forFire Department of the Villageof Grosse POInte Park.

Victor H Wehmeier, ChairmanKarl E. Graul, Secretary

L. A. Dunsworth, D C.

Ready for Next Wmter

Civil Service Examinations for



by Electric Sewer CleanerHave Your Sewers Cleaned by Electric Sewer Cleaner.

Toilets and Lavatories Now AvailableAlso Sump Pumps on Hand

TV. 2-3737 - TV. 2-3738Night CaUs Niagara 8601 or Roseville 2304.J

AppliC1111tsmust be residents of the Vdlage of GrossePointe Park for one year and c1hzens of the UnIted States. IThey shall not be less than 21 or more than 31 years of ageand shall have attaIned a tenth grade educabon

Apphcabons must be made m wrIting to the Secretary Iof the Civd Service CommiSSIon not later than 5 o'clockP.M" June 16, 1944, Blanks may be obtamed from the Vii.lage Manager at the MunIcipal Buildmg, 15115 East Jeff.erson Avenue.

Final examinations qualifying the appliC1111tswill beheld at the Municipal Budding, 15115 East Jefferson Ave.'lue at 1:30 o'clcx:k P.M., June 22, 1944


The VIllage of Grosse Pomte Park is applying forapphcal10ns for the employmg of firemen for the Fire De.partment.

Have Your

for Grosse Pointe Park Fire Department I


If there are any obJectlOnable features to thISprogram and we do not forsee such, the locatIOn tnquestIOn IS calculated to mInImIZe the dIsadvan-tages, If any

The parcel IS located at the extreme I1mlts ofthe VIllage on a tract" hlch has never been de-veloped m auy way On the one SIde IS the CIty ofDetrOIt and the Detlolt EdIson Company power sta-tIon on the other IS land owned by petItlOner andacross the street IS another mUnICIpalIty

Whlle as observed above much of the MackAvenue frontage 1S projected for reSIdence use,there are lots on Mack Avenue In close VIC1l1ItytopetItIOner s land whIch are not so restncted, and ItIS to be observed that nearly all of the lots on MackAvenue for the next half mIle North have revertedto the State of MIchIgan for non payment of taxes

The advantage to accrue to the VIllage lU

greater assessed values WIll be conSIderable Notonly w111the land Itself be made productIve and realestate value mcreased by the addItIOn of bUIldmg"but a large amount of personal property wlll be-come the subject of local taxatIOn In addItIon to 111-ventones whIch wIll necessanly be large there WInbe store fixtUl es and 111C1dental property whIch In

the case of a "mgle large department store may runas hIgh as $100 000 00

It may appear that the project IS uncertam ofdevelopment due to present restnctlOns on the useof constructIOn materIals The tIme factor IS ad~mlttedly uncertam but It should be borne m mmdthat a development so extenSIve reqUIres a greatdeal of prelImmary preparatwl1 and as much as ayear and a half In normal course between the m~ceptlOn of the plan and the commencement of con-structIon

Cont>tructlOn wIll be commenced as soon asma tenals are avaIlable and we belIeve the CommIs~S1011 '" III readIly recognIze the value to the commun-Ity of such a post war project Large amounts ofmaterIal WIll be reqUIred and a great deal of laborand superVISIon much of whIch can be local

Your petItIOner IS wIllIng to conform to anyrea'lonable restllctlOnc; or regulatIOns wl,1lch maybe establIshed by the CommIsslon In connectIon",th tlm development and petItlOner respectfullyrequests fa' or able actlOn to the end that tlm projectmay be commenced at the eal best po",ble date

Respcetfully submIttedPARI<c\',OOD LAND COMPANY,

A MIchIgan CorporatIOnEDWARD H YOST,Attorney at Law,3466 Penobscot BU1ldmg,DetrOlt, MIchIgan

C L KENDRICK,Reahor,600 GrIswold Street,DetrOIt, Ml'Chlganj

It IS common obsel vatlOn, of course, that mark~ets, department stores and SImIlar merchandISIng-estabhshments are tenchng more and more to larg~er ground floor areas In the DetrOIt d,stnct Thattrend IS even more pronounced In other secilons ofthe country and thIS project IS planned as above InconformIty WIth the trend and popular demand

In addItlOn to an outstandmg depal tment store,the project WIll mc1ude an ultra modern teleVISIOntheatre WIth upwards of 3500 seatIng capacIty andseveral lesser merchandISIng' establIshments as tn~

dlcated on the project plan as prepared by Mr C L.Kendnck •

Of equal Importance to store owners IS pro~VlSlOn for adequate off-street parkIng WhIle thezonmg ordmance dIrects that adequate parkIng fa-cIlItIes be prOVIded there IS no formal deSIgnatIonof parkmg areas and petItlOner requests that theproposed zomng amendment prOVIde for a palkmglot area to embrace the entIre rear port1On of theparcel In thIS connectIOn we WIsh to pomt out thatthe proposed parkIng area WIll be graded surfacedand" ell I1ghted

The playground area IS proposed to be enclosedand to be superVIsed The plan of course IS to pro~VIde a place for the entertamment of chIldren whl1eparents are shoppmg, but the facllItIes would beaval1able also to chl1dl en of the vlcmlt}.

It IS recognIzed, of course, that Grosse Pomte"Voods IS predomlllantly a reSIdence commumty andthat by and large even the Mack Avenue frontageIS projected for reSIdence constructIOn That bemgthe case we belIeve It IS most deSIrable that reSI~dents have proper and convenIent shoppmg faclll-tIes and the project m contemplatlOn IS calculated toprOVIde the best

A survey of the al ea demonstrates that thereis no complete merchandIsmg center for a dlstanceof several mIles and It IS WIth thIS m'mmd of course,that the development 15 deemed feaSIble

Another factor glVmg n'f to the soundness ofthe 10catlOn IS the prop0'fd 'It Joseph's hospItal tobe con<tructed on the North stde of Seven MIleRoad, )U,t West of the Mack mtef'ectIOn T"olarge parcels of land have been acqUIred for tlmpurpo,e at the foot of Chandler Park (Outer DrIve)and these conveyances are now a matter of publIcrecord We are adVIsed that thIS sIte wlll be the 10-eatIon for one of the largest and most modern hos-pItals m the state.

To The Village Commission,Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan

Your pelltIOner IS the Park"ood Land Com-pany, a MIchIgan corporatIon, owner of the parcelof land conslstmg of approxImately Hurty two (32)acres sItuated at the extreme Southerly I1mlts of theVlllage of Grosse POInte Woods WIth a frontage ofapproxImately 639 feet bn the Westerly SIde ofMack Avenue ThIS property formerly belonged tothe Trombly Estate Hall Estate Company andEdward C Roney, and IS unplatted

The Southerly boundary of the parcel IS theboundary Ime between the CIty of DetrOIt andGrosse Pomte Woods and extends back a dIstanceof approxImately 2500 feet so that the rear portIOnIS located m GlatIOt TownshIp

The Northerly Ime of the land m questIOn abutsGrosse Pomte Woods Country Club SubdlVlsIOn.and pelltIOner owns all of the adJommg lots of the lots platted for reSIdence m the twoblocks, as well as the lots platted for busmess front-mg on Mack Avenue

It IS proposed WIth the approval of the Com-l!.',ssIOn, to develop thIS land M a hlgh-g ... de mod-ern shoppmg and theatr" center to be tenanted llythe leadmg firms operatIng ln thIS terrItory

To thIS end petItIOner seeks amendment of tbepresent zonmg ordmance v.lth particular referenceto thIS parcel of land such amendment to prOVIdefor the desIgnatIOn for busmess purposes of thefront 702 feet at nght angles to the North bound-ary The pUl pose of thIS request IS to prOVIde amlmmum structure depth of 600 feet from the Westlme of Mack Avenue 204 feet WIde, as proposed

If the proposed plan 15 acceptable, petItIOnerwould be agreeable to voluntary dedlcatlOn of thenece>sary land for the wldemng of Mack and mCI-dental sewer easements

It WIll appear offhand that a structure depth of600 feet IS In .,.cess of the usual requIrement 'vVeWIsh to pomt out however that thIS development 15to be In conformIty WIth the modern trend towardstructures of greater floor area and less heIght andto prOVIde for large scale merchandl"mg WIth ex~tenslve and vaned lInes of merchandIse

The anghng l111eof Mack Avenue makes a con-SIderable portIon of the front area ImpractIcal foruse other than for entrance colonnade and, allowlllR:for dehvery lamps at the reF and dIsplay wmdowsboth front and rear the structure area" 111not ex-ceed the space reqUlrement for thIS typerof de-velopment

II ........,;..,.--...-'l'<..- ""-<~_--'-""""::;~_~






Clean stoker worm andpack same with oilsoaked sawdllst

P,ck up a bag of SAW-DUST - FREE


DraIn od

Just 4 Thmgs to DoHave your furnace, orb 0 i I e r, chimney andpIpes cleaned

Thursdav June 15 194~

2619 Conner Avenue


Lewis Stoker Co.


13434 Gratiot AvenuePRospect 5650

Night Calls: MUrray 7703




Protectyour Stoker

Clean and check all worklnlparts, put In fresh oil, and cleanEn'naco Ih. $8 505-polnt way •

Vacuumed CleanedS-POlnt Cleaningl--Clean out bonnet.2-Clean out Intenor of furnace3-Remove smoke pipe and clean

out flue4-Remove water pan and cleanout bottom of furnace

S-Check draft and clean dualwarm all' pipes



Radio A,WasherSERVICE









We SpecIalize In

LEnox 5654

Largest East SideFORD DEAL~'R

Saves Up to40 per cent

Victory Sign


EASY-MAYTAGNI.6872Nutto Elec. Ser. Co.


W,th Every Purchase

Kercheval at Chalmers

Parts for All MakesPickup And Delivery


East Jefferson


Cleaning CarpetsOn Your FloorWork GuaranteedPrompt Se!"VIceFor Free Eabmates

Phone Tuxedo 1.1260

AI's Bicycle ShopLltnox 8042


On Fuel BillsInsulate Now No paymentuntil Nov. 1. Free Estimate.Guaranteed Workmanship

Rock Wool blown in atticand Side walls for summerand winter comfort.






1939'sS300 to $700

Sell It to Us!

We Need 25

Our Buyer Will Call


Sell Your Car

14615 E Jefferson Avenue

Before Selling Your Car toAnybody

Station Wagon


WANTED-Used Car.

FOR SALE Used Cars


If You Aren't Using Your


I am a good prospect for any* Clean Alltomobile~ PlUCE"NO OBJEl:1'

And MORE to Men EnterIng theService

6430 E Jeffrson, corner Meldrum

ReSidence1339 Balfour Phone NI 9292

For Better Results

GOOD-Automoblle 36 to 41 NI6248

VACATION -Accommodations forone or two women at beautiful

Canadian country home \fU 0370

LELAND - On Lake MichiganQuarter m Ie north of Village

Elght rooms furnlshed $500 estatesouth of v111age five bedrooms threebatns $800 C B Grawn CH 32,,0'II 4634

PO"'\,JTIAC I93S-Four door goodrunnmg cOndttlOn good ttres NI

1271 20604 Elkhart Gratlot Townsrup

PLYMOUTH 1941-T"IO door seclan by onglnal owner Can be

seen Saturday afternoon 1456 LakepOlllte

FORD 1936-Coupe With 1940 mOtor radlO and heater Practically

new tlres $385 c~sh 1150 \1arylandGrosse Pomte Park



1 ........ 1


LE 1185





Or See Me at1SOOOKerche.,al


We Pay More - Cash Waiting




NOrthlawn 9200

You Do Not Care to Sell, Let U. Repair Yow CarTry Our £-Z Time Payment Plan



1936'.$75 to $300


$25 to$125 •




Oak and Fir Beds



Review Want AdsLenox U63

Chevrolet Sales It Sel'Vlce

WANTED-Used Cars


Rebuilt and RepaintedNo Priority

Lenox 1162




•8811 E. Jefferson

Used Cars1938 - 1939 - 1940



Grosse PointeBicycle Co.

Operated by "Bill" Farberro.2.4230 15301-05Mack

Highest prices paid for Gen-eral Motors, Ford and Chry-sler products. and Chain Drive

BIcycle T,resPedals, pairOak Baskets


Steel BottomWagons $14:95





LENOX 8400

Ford Mercury Lincoln-Zephyr Sales & Semc.• 15901 MACK AVENUE at Grayton Niagara 4000 I





Saturday, June 17 - 6 30 PIP\[embers and familIes of the Fnendslip Gmld of the Womens AssoclatiOn WIll ha' e a plcn c suppel!' on theVerlller school grounds

Sunday June 18 - 10 30 am\1ornlllg "orshlp sermon theme

"-n Honest ConfesslOn ' Psalm 511030 am Church school .---Mond.y, June 19 - 7 30 pm De- , _

HOLLYWOOD-Sprmg and mattress prachcally new AR 2622

Dr~ING-Room sUite mahoganvnme p eces Credenn buffet drop

leaf tahle corner cabmet $250 NT4825 after SlX p m

DOLLS-Of a generatIOn ago b1sque heads Jomted bodies 5910


A '\TTIQUE - Sun burst genUlllepearl sllk dress lengths misses

ndlllg !habit SIze 14 mcludmg brO\\nndmg boo1~ 677 'Lmvenlty PlaceTU 1 1192

ELbCTRIC _ Stove Electrochdhke new $150 plano go(').d sound

$50 occasional chatf $10 oll pamt Ilngs BrunswIck 7 tube radiO $35good condItlon 404 \fanor

BOY S-Blcycle 26 lOch bkenew baJloon tubes $35 912


BABY GRAND-Brambacrh planohvmg room SUIte electriC sew

mg machme coffee table floorlamp bedroom su te console tableand mlrror antiques set of dtshesdesk foldmg cot chIld s cnb hlg~chatr rocker hose and -spnnkler,snow sho'Ve1 bird cage m scelIan-eous 436 FIsher Road Grosse PomteFQ:r:ms

PI'\K - Crepe formal size 12 14,W1th cape $S AR 7061

BEDS-Three 'Wlth mattresses espe~clally SUited for -summer home

vru 1492 evenmgs seven to eighto clock

PIA~O-A B Chase upright casoplus movmg cost $50 MU 1492

e" enmgs seven to eight

BED - Sprmg $20 Call Niagara1669

BEDROO\f - Furmture radIOlamps lIbrary table TU 2 2736

or "I 3548

BEAUTIFUL- Davenport custommade lounge cha1r occasiOnal

chair two tabJe lamps blonde cocktad table all 1n excellent condIt onTU 27918

FOR SALE-Seed potatoes Ntagara 2866

BEDROOM-SUlte four piece hnedoak lIke new $150 Sturdy stel'l

stud a cOllich Wtth new slip covers'j;2? Sunday mornmg only 9 ttll 122110 PIp corner Kercheval Apartment 302

LADY S-AJI wool black and whlteohce ed coat SI7e 14, $6 square

trunk $3 Niagara 7269

G;1EE'r\-Velour davenrport $2000Lenox 0179

BLACK-Seal coat Size 36 38 abouts x years old, very good condltIO"1

'\ agar a 8948

SECRETARY - Desk "Imgbackcha r lounge chatT lamps boy s

leMhef Jacket, sheep hned Tuxedo2 2685

BED-Dresser wth plate glass topFrench Ivory cost $2,,0 sell $55

four poster walnut bed \\lth practlcally new prewar box spnng and mnerspnng mattress $65 sohd oak$55 occaslOnal table $15 1003 Balfour Road

BABY-Buggy collapsible $8 pmgpong table full size 5 ply $15

whtte coat gold coa.-t both Size 12$4 each 283 Mount Vernon Gro<;se IPomte Farms TU 2 0944

B E AUT I F U L-Engilsh hand Iwrought Iron and brass andIrons

$75 dog house $10 Grosse PomteLenox 8958

BICYCLE 28 IN - '!an s goodcond1tlon Call TU 2 1012 after SiX


DINETTE-Set desk chaIrs dish-es bed With spnng mattress,

rugs mIrror electnc sewmg machme cannmg equpment 18,,0 HuntClub

FOR SALE-Miscellaneous troit Presbytery will meet at Cove~- nant Presbytenan church Reports

CITY _ Gas stove $20 555 "eff of commissioners to the general assembly 10 Chlcago Will be heard

PEACH - Celanese curtams Traverse curtam rods ch1frerobe

double COlIspnng NI 2799 Ir AWNMOWER-And odd chalf'849 Lorame Ave, Grosse Pomte

_ Sundays

CHEAP-Second hand dismantledPocahontas bm feed ash removal

stoker 1012 Lakepomte Ave

.... .


All of our mechanics arecovered by compen.a~hOD Insurance for yourprotectl0n as wen asDura'


POINTER - Female pups threemontths old With papers Chester

fiel~ blood Imes $25 18016 EastlandRoseville

SPRI1>JGER-Chlckens 20 to threepounds, ducks, 5~ pounds NI


BROWN-Leather engmeer s boot",size 9 $5 Starrett speed mdlca-

tor 25 -cahbre Colt automatiC pIS-tol wadnut finIshed metal bedtaUlPe mohaIr davenport beauttfulchIna supper set for SIX $25 TU

\ 2 4902

...... ", \ PORCH-Ghder, very good condI-tIOn $25 785 St Clair

-# BICYCLE--Boy s full sIze balloon

.... ~ Lenox 0815

GATELEG-Table and two kitchenohalrs AR 7673

*Th AN-Unu~ually fine davenport ltke

ere are no bWItlportant new $125 dresses and coats Sl7epresenptJOns. Each)s a com 14 snO\\ ~t lt~ <;17e 1 Call TU 2 48,8mand from a PhysIcIan Andeaclt receIVes our concentratedcare. SkllI, experumce, lntegrIty are mIxed In the mortarYet you pay no premIUm fora speclahzed serVICe For care~Iul compoundmg, hnng yourDoctor's prescrlptlon here

I\INE PIECE-Walnut dmmg roomfurniture and figured rug 8xlO

Call NI 2996 2200 Sf Clair DetrOit

EIGHTEENTH - Century hvmgdm ng radIO vaUlty pamted piC

ture unusual beveled mirror Leavng CIty 12289 Wade 'r\orth HarperPmgree 5147

ELECTRIC-Sewing machme hv~mg room and dmmg room set

9x15 rug davenport rad 0 twochests of drawers ptano !tmcel1aneous MU 0096 1050 Maryland

VERY-Large 10 piece dmmg roomset hand carved and pamted Also

hand carved hVlll~ room chest 9137'Jorang M 1416

-- -- --FURNITURE-For cottage Rug

radIO odds and ends NI 127120604 Ell<Jhart

BUY _ CombmatlOn screens andstorm sash now Pay after Nov 1

l.JI .3665 \!fIller Screen and SashC<l 17801 Mack Ave

B A.BY _ FurnIture Two burnerlaundry stove bookcase flattlron

ma 1 box NI 1271

BLACK-D rt fill III dirt and c 11

ders Prompt del very East Side'\1 4121 or 1748 Anita Grosse POlllteWoods

JU1\TIOR-S1ze canvas covered kyack llke new $25 Everhot auto

matte electr c cooker, complete Wtthstand $25 !II 8210

FIVE-Rooms of household fU1'nlsihmgs ML 0095

RADIO-Treadle sewmg machmeVictrola hand vacuum m1scel

laneous Lenox 2012

CHILD S-Outdoor playground setand child s rocker WIth shp cover

All prewar constru'Ctlon NI 0411

GREEN-->.Ru~ 6x9 excellent condltlon MU 0095

COMBINATIO~ - Porches screenporches combm-atton basement

<;creens and storm sash l.JI 3665\flller Screen and Sash Co 17801Mack Avenue

HYBRID-Delphm1Ums hardy hltesperenmals 139 Oak Street Gro<;se

Pomte Farms NI 0768

BLIND~MADE-Household articlesIronmg board pads an-d covers

mattress p.:l.ds hand loomed throwrugs table pads etc Helen Kutner1352 Wayb lrn DR 5479 DIstrlbutor for the Independent Blmd Worken of MIchIgan

FOR SALE Miscellaneous16 FOOT - Inboard chnker bUIlt

boat nme p ece dlnmg room setbreakfast set 1804 AnIta TV 1 06&3PREWAR-Rolls Royce buggy de

luxe mbbenzed bathmette bahjcob and rubbenzed matt'l"ess blondewood play pen With rubber pad TU2 9048

TUxedo 2-4800

r; , ,(-' ; I





4' x 8' Insulation Board


Q.eview Liners Bring Results!

Everything for the Repair Man


WASHER ServiceNiagara 0995

CalI Momings or E.,eningsFloor Lsmpa

MiDOr ElectricalR-n

New Roofs, Asphalt Shingles AppliedFlat roofs repaired, recoated or renewed usmg hot asphalt or

tar and gravel. Estimating free!

Grady Roofing Co.15132 Mack Ave. TU. 2-5830 Grosse Pointe

Upholstering WithPRE-WAR SPRING



Powers Lumber &Supplies

~e Twelve

We Repair and ReplaceCanvas and Metal Decks

19743 Harper Avenue

.~IIlIlll!!h'l!!llIll~IIlIllIllIllIllIllIlICALVE RTIS10

'''"' ~;::";:~"~~::~~"~;:aning . . • I( TOO" "."~ ,. (AR MEEDS IT, ss ;~~ "'" it!l Make it " ~i' ,-ml ;roPS - ,« I;;; "".&, >:; ==I f."'\:. t, ••

1'"'.' ~"'I'1\~ I Ir for Victory's sake ! ~~ m.-!i It takes a lot of care ~t !<J be sure you re safe If .rLl#IlR1CATE CAR See U. iliI • CHANGE TRAl-lSMIS510N and BEFORE ml~!' REAR AXLE GREASE : :B You ••• • PACK SPRINGS ",;~ • CHANGE TO SUMMER.OIL Sell Your ~~: • FILL SHOCK ABSORBERS Pontiac ~,. 'e PACK FRONT WHEELS Or Any Other !!!~ /.l.U9RICATE CLUTCH RELEASE Make of Car =• , BE.&RING -- i¥..' We Pay Mor. ~~ ~'" ...... !f!

For Appointment 1';;. I I' A '1 hiCall TU"edo 2.0220 • e Iii nsu III VIU a e

: t poutta, ~~in All Quantities,j Ca,-,rer ser~iee_ ~~\sates& fBOB'S~ 15210 Mack Ave. itr - at Lakepomt. F DR U G S~~!1.!~..lm!.lHOO!!l!l!!.l!..,HLIIJ!'~~~!J!Jm!' !t' ' 1!!.!'-¥.,!lOJ, ". 1,lj!'J', ~~iIij1iTiiTi'!iiTiTim1iiliTil 51 IT rl '" iTiTiiFf'

21034Mack TU.l.2420

tAL JARCHOW......-.




F~urnier Upholstering Co.11805 HARPER, Ne... CONNER OL. 8480