First unban the ANC, · Inf tin ir opposition to ,ip.«riln id l>«'i him guarantee lr«*«...

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Transcript of First unban the ANC, · Inf tin ir opposition to ,ip.«riln id l>«'i him guarantee lr«*«...

F w b r w ary I I I V b i

—yp , 'w Vi I_ _ _ ________M 4m , nM t t d r 0 m . during th e U n ilnd D . m . o o t i c *•«*'• m lly In S # ~ a t e nl th e w H k w i I

D - m .« d Tu.v h rid . .h . P - c . M N * » « » " » * • — - W •’

H » y*w»» ' «*9 h' I ' 0 * 1 Moo*1* 1* dnv»hl«* of N«l»on. brtaf m N my WrtK<i*M, »»•» »h« •4 th« |Mopl« I* b* !»*•

u n . n*o#i ---- ------

First unban the ANC, MThis i* the full (ext of Nehon M andela* resj>onse to the conditional offer of fm*dom nude in Parliam ent by the S u ie President. Mr I* W Botha It w u read tiy his daughter Zmn

on Friday inv mother and our attorney law my father at Polls- moor Prison lo obtain his answ fr to Uoihj s offer of conditional release

The prison authorities attempted to stop this statement being made but he would have none of thi* and made it that htwould make the >talement to you. the |*-vi|>le

Strangers like Bothell from England and Professor Dash from the United Stales have in recent w w k s been authorised by Pretoria to ace my father without restriction yet Pretoria cannot allow you, the people, to hear what he has to say directly He should be here

Rejection hits UK headlinesT V Star Rurcnn

LONDON — Nelson Mandela * rrjection ol President Horn's olfrr a* conditional release la prominently reported la mon Fleet Mre*lnewspapers today.

Ik , l**ilv I flrx rtfA , make*, it front page news under the head line. “Mandela reject* lure of freedom", (fc1 1im<* publishes « frontpage phntofrapfc of Bbbnp Desmond Tutu »nh Maodrla» daughter. Zlndtl, and Tkt (•nmrJimm plnrea ike tame pfcotograpk on an inside page.the people, to hear what he has to say directly lie anuuio oc nvrc — — - r - » i .- t- re d im radio and le lev it wn

him ipif m tell vim u/h <i he think* of ihi* statement bv Botha •* • . . . . « • » > ---------- • — u . » . . —

li w,i ••iiU ilion »•> longer <>(*< n iiv tlMi " •

I At Itoih i » lfw that Worrd Imii rei»*'»inrt viol I,et t>1111 ihat he » Let tr.m unt'.in Dm* |

i \injjre* lur<> I * »•« all »l>*

Im Iheu umi to I'imi p.n.n antev ll

Oecid< who will govern I ch» 11 h my own lr»

fi«vd*’ ir T— manv hav• I * * *

___________ __ v . __ _____________ ____ —-------_________ ^ + m m m dv«»«« the U nit** O .m acrntk Want's " » • • • m *Y In Saw ala at tha

II'. y m m . " tight: Zinii Mankato. d ao*H i.. •» W*1* * " * ,n» ‘ h#f m N my MnhrigHt,' nar »♦*• tMrthfifhf •< ih . **•**• »• h*

unbanThia is the lull te it of Nelson Mandela s response to the conditional o4 fer oI frandom made in Parliam ent by the State President. Mr P W Botha It « u read by his daughter Zmzi, -Ob F rid ay my mother and our attorney saw my father at Polls- moor Prison to obtain his answer to Hotha s offer of conditional

• prison sulhontit-s attempted 10 Mop this statement beingim d f ijut ive would have none of this and made it clear that he would make the statement u> you. the people\ **$trartgen like Bethell from England and Professor Dash from

iD l# United Slates have in recent weeks been authorised by Pretoria .U> am my lather without restriction yet Pretoria cannot allow you the people, to hear what he has to s.iv directly He should be here him self to tell vou what he thinks ol this statement by Botha He is not allowed to do so My mother who also heard his words is alsomm allowed to speak to you today

"M v father and his com rades ai Pollsmoor Prison send their ■reeun as to you. the freedom loving people ol this, our tragic land in the lull confidence that you * i l l carry on the struggle for free-

Rejection hits UK headlinesThe Star Bureau

LONDON - Nelson Mandela s rejection of President "fconditional release is prominently reported in must Haet Mrettnewspapers today. . w ,.a .

I k T b v h M e p . * « •» * • tt front p y e n ^ s - A rrlute “MandeU rejects lure ol freedom th*frooi-paae phoingraph ol Bishop Desmond Tutu withdaughter, Zindti, so* Tkt iirnmdim, places the same photographon an inside page.

The statement was also featured on radio and television Several correspondents note that Mandela appeared to leave opes

ibe possibility of negotiations with the Oovemmrnt

puppets who have claim ed to speak for you Tl.ev have mad. M his ! la.m both here and abroad They are of oo consequence My lather

• j-world that the Nobel Peace Prize belongs to you. who are the p e^ ^ ^ ( ^ Q h w T#mbQ u miKh more than a b r o l ly ^

****M y*lathe*and*his com rades at Pollsmoor Prison are grateful to the United Dem ocratic Kront who without hesitation made this

mu* available to them so that they could speak to you today^“ M v father and his com rades wish to make this statement to >o .

i J S o p l ^ taAt They are clear that they are accountable to you ' and tT you alone And that you should hear the(r views directly and

^ • l l l T u u l . T ^ a k s not only for himself and for his com rades atPoilsmoor Prison but he hopes he also speaks for all those in jail lortheir opposition to apartheid lor all those who are banished for all

‘those who are in esile lor all those who suffer under apartheid, fora ll thoae who are opponents of apartheid and for all those who are a u IBUVT w,~ KV ____' ......... Llr,lUUu ih^rr have beenaU thoae who «re opponents of apartne.a ana ,or . . . w#s in vgl„ oppmaaed and eip lo .tedT hroughou t our struggle there^Jiave been iuture_in^ .----------------------

™ I f t f T h « . . . ~> d ,n ,,« o c o b « « « .h his .Mv father says I am surprised at the condition* that the Ik»v

crnmonl « i j u JO ^ J . ^ J u n M o r / r o g ^ U b 1'

W-Whenn StJild om was In power, we made the same offer Again it * , r ^ ih ^ n Verwoerd was In power we asked for a national

“ Z r S * £ * M n r. .0 oh ih„r

li was onlv then when .ill othar lornulongei o(H'n to us lh;il w .m i ned to arm ed » Hot ha '■how that r>< i ' .lifferent to M wuefd

l^-t him renoun< e violenceI n hin\ ■ia\ ihai he will oivmuntle ap artI ,d him unban the |«>o|'le s ocganisatu

( 01.^1 CMlx*v h»m lie e . 1) win* ha\» been impris

Inf tin ir opposition to ,ip.«riln idl>«'i him guarantee lr«*« p"litical acuvit

«»«*tidc who will govern tlieiuI ( l*»ii»h m> own lrev«t"in dearly but I

11 «'**doiii Too man) have -In .1 >inre I went Miller, d lor I lie love of fn -d o in I owe it oi phans to their nw th.'is and to their fath ^ rp i foi them Not oo l' I h.ive sufferedwaMi'd vears

I am not les* lile loving ihan you ar birthright, nor am I prep .n .d to sell the 1 li# ire* | am in prison i ' tlw* rppreaenu sour org.niNaiion the M in a * Nation banned freedom .im I N*ing i he people remains banned ’ * h a i freedor I m»\ b*- arrested on .> I*.*""4 offence o lle ied t" li ' * 1 " i ' lib •' ‘ t-'H»'> rin li.tnishment in ItraiHlloii 'Miat froedoi | mtiti a>k lor |» imisM. n I " live in an i .m I being o lfired when I need a stamp What fre»-<t"iit am I being olfvr»*d whe Citizenship i" rvii re%pe. l« <l

Only Ires' men can negotiate tracts Herman Toivo Ji. Toivn, when I t taking, nor was he called u|»on 10 do so

My lather sa>> I . jnnot and will no tim e when I and you the people are n mine . anitoi be separated I *>H return

rally In Sew ata at th« * • * * • " * wp »• th« crowd, *•¥***: "Taka H

MM totfceLto S la t* P r

__conditionalPresident. Mr

u « n y (alter at Polls- h i after ot conditional

op fftte tutcm cflt being jl *m4» II clear tkat be<

Id P n la M r D u k from ■ MdMtrtMtf by Pretoria Marta canwel allow you. FCtly. He should be here aiement by Botha He is baard » « words u also

___ Pnaoo send theirof t t o oar tragic land

l i t t ir u ||l« for free-

the ANCRejection hits UK headlines

The Star Bureau , ,LONDON - N^lwo Mandela's reaction of P r e s e n t Bolhai offerer cundiUowl release is prominently reported m most Meet S in*

new.papeniuid»y u front-page n<** uh4«t the head1 k , /*-«/» I r l w r * . make. II W pabllsbrt a

Hoe. “MaodrU r r ^ U ^ ^ Tula w.ih Mandela.

Several correspondents not* lhat Mandel PP*"Itx possibility ot negotiations » tth Cw»M?n»mrai.


.______is very war*„ made it clear to the you, who are the peo-

„■ Prison are grateful to ut hesitation made this

»ak to you today ** IM statement to you.I are accountable to you I Ukatr n e w s diractly and

. j fa r Me comrades at i lar all Unae In >ail for

Mm» are banished, for all lifer under apartheid, for [nd for all thoae wbo are

i le there have been

s r ^ - s r «M. TuZami his continue* will not be likethem National C un-

My lather says I am a niem tar of ih« * 'NilUona, Con-*ress I have alw ays been a memfc-r of thi M ric-n ^Jr e s s and I will remain a member ol ^ than . touni,I the day I die Oliver T .m b o M vear, Ifm e He is my greatest ‘ rjend an my frMH)0m Oliverthere is any one amongs > would give his life toTam bo c herishes u more and 1 views and m in e '*ee me free There is no d‘ fl h conditions that the Gov-

My lather says I sm surprised at tne , ^ ^ My

ernmcnt wants to " npo? £ .^ o MaUn ^ k .n g lor a round-Ublo confcrenre Jo"',nd""E l u t i o n to the problem, of our country but that

•‘ir* ,*- - --r: “ X.'T, s ur r s r r s s . s ™ *>»« »fulure This. loo. was in vain _______ _ _______________________

M s n d c l s

r s S ' S s = ' “ - him renounce violence

£ r s r £ » * « .

C o Z ; Z „ Irec . 1. .h o have t e m .m p r .K .^ O - " ^ « « « -

' o' u r , : : , n T ^ r r « ; - ' ^ , c . i p~ p>« ™ >J ih ide who will govern them more for yWJf

•I ch e r ish m y ow n f re e d o m d e - r l y but ■ ^ m , ny h - v r

i 'n .« c » « • " » ! « ' " • “ « * ^

........................ > 7 • " « “ • 1

ers Had 0«-en jAiieii t Many of you yc

here have never he of Nelson M aadela. Iu <»r Oliver Tam te told thf crow d *n VDK rally or§aiu»e our

These are the p»tem savs have been storage But when ■Who are your lead t» absolutely oo dos

Applause and ci d e a l tin- suppurt i ek ileil African N grt men commai

I lie bishop sai£ lca l< is >>1 South A bl«- hit inr siy. and « •U* w here to the w

Th« bishop w sr nn |m|H- l«r peac until they Jtbc p talk i«» our leaden

I ain not le%s me.-iov.iik i n . . . . v . - j ■■ -■- o( ^ ,f l0hirthnghl nor am I prepare t»v , vc „ f ,he p e o p ta n d ofbe free I am In prison as he ^ “ * « •vour or^iinisalioiv t » ric }n vf~4 wh»U* organ»Mti«n ■banned What freedom am I U ng •;lb^red^^»h I, t ^the people remains b « - ' ^ h ^ d o m ^ n ^ ^ ^1 m ay be arrested on a pavs „ enre ^ ^ who rrin -in ,offered to live ms life .in a <a.. ' > ■ j|n { o ( t e r r 0 whenin baiiisliinent in llian .lb .il Wha( freedom1 must ask (or permission lo liv. in an ^ ^ work-am I being offeied when I nei d a ^ p So u i^ A lncaoWhal Iri^edom am I In-mi, o tkreu > »citizenship is n*«i p n s.»n<Ts cannot enteriinto run

taking, nor was he raUed u|K»n to do »° underUking at a

u ~ « m ~mine cannot be separated I wilUclurn ■ V*-------------- --------


rH* W M ktn4MtNM *»

H . y«w n " K .aM : Ztnti M o n d .lo d o u ^ '* * •< b“ " » * t' W " T » '*. Mil my b*rthr.9K», n - the b*1hr.9h» •« »h* (*♦•!>•• »• h# Pktw»*« h* Jw H*

ANC — Mandela‘on hits UK headlines

T V Stax Bureaue|Ma HasdrU's rejection of I’ rnmlrnl Boiha* oiler ol — to prominently reported in most H if l street i y .t l e n f f k , n u k n It front page ni'wi under the bead

rr)ena |«re of freedom” . I h i h m t - \ publishes .1 of Bkshop Desmond Tutu with Mandela s

T k f 0mMrdimm place* the same photograph

featured on radio und lelevHloa. m i# Ifctat Mandela aopeiirrd to leave open

St>AK- , ___It onlv ih .n when -II other form* of resistance were no

lunnei open In us we turned to armed struggle|.oi HoIIm show thai he i» different to Malan. Strijdom

wnen).Let him remmm c violenceLet him s jv that he will dismantle apartheid waimnall , i min unh id the c opie s organisation, the Afru an National

' " u i * Inn. free .ill who have been imprisoned, banuhrd or exiledfm 1 lieir oitiHisilion to apartheid

U t mm guarantee free political activity »o that the people may(|i-i id< who will govern them

I cherish my own freedom dearly h it I care even more for your I, eedom Too many have died since I * n t to prtaon Too many i n suffered lor the love of freedom I owe it to tbelr widowi. lo theiir

I’m a leader ,¥ by default, says Tutu

By Jo -A aat Coll tag*

Tw o men dominated the gather­ing of thou*anda in Soweto y«a- terd ay when tke Nobel Peac# I 'r i t * w as brought "hom e" to the people ol South Africa

They were Bishop Desmond T u tu , who stood b e fo re the crow d with (he prue medal in hit hand and Nelson Mandela, m ore than a thousand kilomet­res away in a prtaon call in Cap* Town

Bishop Tutu, Head of the An­glican Diocese of Johannesburg and patron of the United Demo­cratic Kront (I'D F). s«nd he and others like him were leaders by default because the true lead­e rs had been jailed or esiled

Many of you young people here have never heard the like* of Nelson Mandela. WaHar SUu- lu or Oliver Tambo speak.' be told the crowd in the m assive I 'U K rally organised in his hon our

“Theae are the people the sya-lem says have been put into cold storage Hut when I say 10 you Who are your leaders'*' - there is absolutely no doubt

Applause and chanting made clear the support the jailed and e s ile d A llic a n N ational < on gresa men command

The bishop said the popular leaders of South A lnva were not bloodthirsty and were honoured elsew heie in the world

The bishop warned T h e ie is no hope lor peace in this land uniil they (the present rulers) talk to our leaders

Collection Number: AK2117 DELMAS TREASON TRIAL 1985 - 1989 PUBLISHER: Publisher:-Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:-Johannesburg ©2012


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