First Sunday of Advent - TeamRCIAAdvent wreath or a candle in a heat-proof holder, matches manger,...

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Transcript of First Sunday of Advent - TeamRCIAAdvent wreath or a candle in a heat-proof holder, matches manger,...

By Janet Miller. Copyright © 2011, All rights reserved.


First Sunday of Advent Year B


Dismissal Session The Dismissal Session is for catechumens only who are dismissed from worship before the Creed (RCIA #75.3). The Dismissal Session group may gather for the Catechetical Session at another time during the week.

Catechetical Session When the Dismissal Session is immediately followed by the Catechetical Session, parents or other sponsors join the group after Eucharist. Baptized children preparing for confirmation and Eucharist may also join in the Catechetical Session (RCIA #254; Appendix III, #19). Select the session options that fit your time frame.

NOTES FOR THIS SUNDAY Sunday’s readings Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7 Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 1 Corinthians 1:3-9 Mark 13:33-37

Doctrine correlations The liturgical year is a celebration throughout the year of Christ’s

birth, life, death, and resurrection (CCC glossary). At the end of time, the righteous will reign forever with Christ,

gloried in body and soul (CCC #1042).

RCIA team notes Catechists should see that their instruction is adapted to the cycle of the church’s year (RCIA #16). Help the catechumens keep an Advent watch for the next four weeks and not prematurely begin Christmas celebrations.


Items to prepare

check-in sheet and violet paper, markers, scissors, cleaned recycled lanyards

poster paper or white board, erasers, erasable markers violet cloth on table or counter for prayer, percussion instrument Bibles, one set to Mark 13, and prayer on cards Advent wreath or a candle in a heat-proof holder, matches manger, soiled rags, withered leaves, clay pot salt clay, ruler, cutting boards, toothpicks, paper clips, baking

sheets and baking mitt or recycled lids liturgical calendar, Advent Watch, copies of “Faith at Home” newspaper, paints, brushes, cups with water, wax paper, black

permanent markers, craft beads, cleanup supplies, twine, tape

Gathering Prayer Ritual On a violet cloth place a Bible and candle or Advent wreath. Have an empty manger from a nativity set, soiled rags, withered leaves, and a clay pot. On separate numbered cards, print the prayer lines.

Singing option Use music from your faith community resources. Suggestion is available from Gather Comprehensive (GIA Publications, Inc.) or online at Bring songbooks and music player.

Snack option Send a reminder to the sponsor providing the snack this week.

Building Community To make salt clay: ½ C salt and 3 C sifted flour. Slowly add 8 oz or more of warm water to form soft dough. Knead smooth, scraping residue from the board. Store in plastic bag at least ½ hr or in a refrigerator overnight. Print baking instructions on paper slips. For baking, recruit an adult volunteer and arrange to use an oven. Have access to a sink.

Engaging the Word Bring a liturgical calendar (from the final session of Year A or other source). Plan to ask one member to prepare to proclaim Mark 13:33-37.

Sharing Faith groups Make an Advent Watch from Faith at Home page. Use during Advent.

Crossing the Ages Activity option: Advent Eye Necklace Gather recycled newspaper, fast-drying acrylic paints, brushes, cups with water, wax paper, black permanent markers, cleanup supplies, craft beads, 3-foot pieces of heavy twine, scissors, and tape.

Planning ahead For next week’s Crossing the Ages activity option, inform everyone of time and place for the Celebration of the Word. Recruit a music minister.


Friends on the Way - First Sunday of Advent, Year B 2



Catechumens, having heard the Sunday proclamation of the Word, are dismissed from the Mass. Greet the catechumens as they arrive. Have them make Advent nametags using markers, scissors, and violet paper. Distribute prayer cards to readers to prepare.


Chime a percussion instrument as a call to prayer. All stand around the prayer focal point.

Light one candle.

(†) Emmanuel, God with us, as we prepare to celebrate your birth we watch for your final coming in glory. We also prepare the way for you in the world.

All: Amen.

During the reading, volunteers hold and then place on the prayer space the empty manger, soiled rags, dry leaves, and clay pot.

Reader 1: (as empty manger is placed) We are watching for Jesus whose birth we soon will celebrate.

Reader 2: (as soiled rags are placed) We have work we need to do as we watch for Jesus.

Reader3: (as dry leaves are placed) We turn away from temptations that blow us in a wrong direction.

Reader 4: (as clay pot is placed) As a potter works clay, we are the work of God’s hands.

Invite everyone when you lift a hand to respond, “O shepherd of Israel, hearken.” Prayerfully say the following verses inspired by Psalm 80, calling for the response by lifting a hand.

From your throne upon the cherubim, shine forth. Rouse your power; come and save. (response)

Look from heaven, and see. Protect what your right hand has planted. (response)

We will withdraw from you no more. Give us new life. (response)

Song Suggestion: “O Come, Divine Messiah.”

Extinguish the candle flame.

Friends on the Way - First Sunday of Advent, Year B 3


Invite everyone to sit in a circle. Introduce anyone new. Invite sharing about their experiences with the “Faith at Home” pages from the previous session.


Advent Eye Necklace Preparation: Mention:

The gospel message calls us to be watchful for the coming of Jesus. Also, the prophet Isaiah mentions that God is like a potter, and we are the clay. To help us reflect on these messages we will make clay “eyes” to wear throughout Advent.

Gather around cutting boards, rulers, toothpicks, and paper clips. Give each child 1/2 tablespoon of clay. Instruct them to pat the clay lightly to form a ¼-inch thick eye shape. With a toothpick, they loosen clay from the board and etch an eye design on top and their initials on the backside. They push a paper clip into the center top to form a hoop.

To do the Crossing the Ages Activity during the catechetical session: The catechumens make extra clay eyes for sponsors and other members who attend the catechetical session. Have an adult helper bake the shapes on a baking sheet according to the directions below.

If not doing the Crossing the Ages Activity: Give each child a recycled lid to carry the shape home. Distribute instructions for an adult to bake at 340 degrees for 45 minutes or stop if it begins to darken. Encourage them to paint the clay eye, string it on heavy twine, and wear it as an Advent reminder to watch for Jesus.


Have everyone sit with Bibles in a circle. Use the following as a guide. For information, refer to “Insight for the Catechist” and the reflections on the “Faith at Home” page. Always affirm the catechumens’ responses and comment to add to their understandings.

Help everyone find Isaiah 63, verse 7. Mention:

This prayer of Isaiah begins at chapter 63, verse 7, and continues through chapter 64.

Have someone read the title of the prayer, if the Bible translation you are using has one. Explain:

The writer praises God for wonderful works and also points out that the sinfulness of the people prevents the enjoyment of all God offers.

In verse 17, what is the prophet asking God?

According to verse 19, who have the people been acting like?

Hold up the dirty rags and dry leaves.

Why does the prophet say the people are like these polluted rags and withered leaves?

Friends on the Way - First Sunday of Advent, Year B 4

Friends on the Way - First Sunday of Advent, Year B 5

Hold up the clay pot. Talk about how a potter forms clay into something useful.

Why does the prophet say we are the clay and God is the potter?

Have the catechumens find 1 Corinthians 1:3-9. Ask:

What words or phrases would you like me to explain? (Talk together about possible meanings.)

Have everyone find Mark 13:33-37.

How are you watching for Jesus in new ways as you grow in faith?

Affirm the members’ comments. Conclude:

The evangelist Mark tells us to keep on watch. We can watch as in a mirror to see how we reflect Jesus. We, also, can watch as with binoculars and find Jesus in exciting places.


As we stand watch we offer prayers for everyone. When I lift my hand please respond, “We pray to you, O God.”

Do not let us wander from your ways. (Lift a hand for the response.) We give thanks for all who have been graced by faith. (Lift a hand for the response.) Strengthen all believers to be watchful and alert. (Lift a hand for the response.)

Invite the members to contribute intercessions. Conclude:

God who is all faithful, you have enriched us in many ways. Hear the prayers we speak and those we hold in our hearts. May your Holy Spirit guide us as we await Christ’s second coming, for he lives and reigns for ever and ever.

All: Amen.

Option: Break for a snack or social time. If the group disperses now and meets for catechesis later in the week, collect nametags.

By Janet Miller. Illustration by Jim Burrows. Copyright © 2011, All rights reserved.

The Catechetical Session follows the Dismissal Session either immediately or at another time during the week. The catechetical session is designed for catechumens and parents or sponsors to grow in faith together. The status of the catechumens never is to be confused with that of baptized children preparing for confirmation or Eucharist, who may join in this catechesis as supportive companions (RCIA, Appendix III, #19).


Welcome the catechumens, parents, sponsors, and any baptized children arriving from liturgy. If this Catechetical Session is not following the Dismissal Session, allow an additional ten minutes and begin with the Gathering segment in the Dismissal Session. Have those arriving check in and put on or make nametags. Ask one member to prepare to proclaim Mark 13:33-37. If the group will be doing the Crossing the Ages activity, you may want them to paint the eyes as they arrive.

PRAYING Invite everyone to stand around the prayer focal point. Use the (†) prayer from the Gathering Prayer Ritual in the Dismissal Session, another prayer, or sing a gathering song from liturgy.


Distribute Bibles. Ask the members to listen for one word that seems the most important. Have the prepared member proclaim Mark 13:33-37. Invite volunteers to tell the important word. Probably most members will say “watch.” Encourage everyone to tell their reasons and affirm all insights.

Refer to a liturgical calendar to present the following information:

Sunday of this week begins the liturgical year, a celebration throughout the year of Christ’s birth, life, death, and resurrection.

The first four weeks up until Christmas Eve form the season of Advent.

The Scripture readings during this time of year help us focus on the coming of Jesus Christ.

We get ready to celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus at Bethlehem.

In doing so, we become aware of Jesus coming to us in our daily lives.

We stay on watch for Jesus to return and reign with the righteous in glory.

We never know when this time will come, so we always get ready.



Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7

Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 1 Corinthians 1:3-9

Mark 13:33-37

Insight for the Catechist

The people of Israel awaited a messiah, a liberator who would free them from foreign domination. This descendant of David would establish a throne to which all knees would bend.

Most of Israel did not recognize Jesus as the fulfillment of their hopes. Born into the family-line of David, Jesus also was the Son of the Most High. The Messiah did not overcome Roman authority but triumphed over Satan and death.

Against Isaiah’s warnings, the people placed their hope in their limited imaginations and so failed to see God among us. This Advent season, as always, we work to keep watch. God comes to us in many disguises, as a panhandler, as someone needing a visit, as the person in the next desk with annoying mannerisms, or as someone in need of a smile.

Keep your eyes open.




What work do you suppose Jesus wants you to be doing?

What helps you to stay on watch and to do what Jesus expects?

Show an assembled Advent Watch. Say:

With your families, make an Advent Watch showing the four weeks of Advent. Every day during family prayer turn the hand one notch. (Move the hand for the current day of the week.) We watch for Jesus when we see ways to help anyone in need.

How can we watch for Jesus by helping others? (Affirm responses, possibly the following. Give outgrown clothing to a thrift store. Buy gifts from organizations that sell crafts made by needy people. Find good causes on the internet. Pray for Jesus to help us see.)



Invite everyone to stand around the prayer focal point. Encourage them to offer insights from this week’s session. Summarize:

As we look forward to celebrating Christmas, we keep watch for Jesus by caring for those in need and by doing what is right and good.

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Friends on the Way - First Sunday of Advent, Year B 8


Teach and sing the following song using the tune “Soon and Very Soon.” (Search the Internet to hear the song.)

1) Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King. (3x) Hallelujah! Hallelujah! We’re going to see the King.

2) Watch for Jesus Christ. We are going to see the King….

3) Care for those in need. We are going to see the King….

4) Do what’s right and good. We are going to see the King….

Go forth from this place, watching for Jesus in your daily lives. And may the ever-living God bless us,

(Make the Sign of the Cross on yourself as a model for everyone.) protect us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.

All: Amen.

Distribute the “Faith at Home” page. Collect the nametags.

Crossing the Ages Activity (Optional activity for children and adults together: 20 minutes)

Advent Eye Necklace (Activity accommodated to the liturgical year, RCIA #75.1)

Distribute baked clay eyes the children made during dismissal. They share extras with parents, sponsors, and other members. Cover tables with recycled newspaper. Have water in cups for cleaning brushes. Offer brushes, quick drying paints, and black permanent markers.


1. Paint the eye white with a colored iris. Dry on wax paper while cleaning brushes.

2. With permanent black marker, outline around eye and iris. Add lashes. If desired.

3. Wrap tape around one end of a 3-feet length of heavy twine. String several colorful beads, then the eye bead, then several more beads. Tie a knot at desired length to slip over a head. Snip off tape.

4. Wear as a sign that we watch for Jesus.

At a convenient time for the family, gather around a dining table or in the living room. Silence all electronics. Place a Bible opened to Mark 13 in the center. Begin with a moment of quiet.

REFLECTING ON ISAIAH 63:16B-17, 19B; 64 ;2-7

These verses are from a long prayer that begins at Isaiah 63:7 and continues through chapter 64. The prophet talks about God’s awesome deeds and begs for mercy regarding the sinfulness of the people. While addressing the people’s wrongdoing, the prophet offers hope that God, the great potter, will form the people anew.

What are some awesome deeds God has wrought?

In what new ways would we like God to form our family?

What changes can we make this Advent season to help this happen?

These weeks before Christmas are called “Advent.” During these weeks Sunday liturgies help us look forward to Jesus’ eventual final coming and to see Jesus who comes to the world in many ways.

Choose actions to do as a family this first week of Advent.

Together, write a prayer to say each day of Advent as the family keeps on watch. Include words that tell of God’s awesome deeds. Add repentance for sinfulness.

Place some soiled rags and crumbling leaves near the family Bible as a reminder to watch what you do. Clean up poor ways of behaving and seek a new ways to love others.

All human beings, formed in the image of God, gain dignity through work, so buy gifts from an organization that supports the needy. Try or Help avoid the Christmas rush by shopping now.

Look for items you can recycle to make gifts that are the work of your family’s hands.


Saint Paul continually gives thanks for the spiritual gifts God gives the faith community. God enriches the faithful with sacred knowledge and the ability to speak accordingly.

For what spiritual gifts in our family do we constantly giving thanks to God?

By Janet Miller. Illustrations by Jim Burrows. Copyright © 2011, All rights reserved. Permission is given to reproduce this handout for family home use.

Faith at Home First Sunday of Advent, Year B

Remember Sunday’s Word

Isaiah 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7

Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 1 Corinthians 1:3-9

Mark 13:33-37


The Evangelist Mark reminds us during this first week of Advent that Jesus Christ will return in glory. While staying watchful, we have been left in charge with work to do.

What type of work are we each doing as we watch for Jesus coming to us?

Advent Watch Prepare the Advent Watch, and display it in a prominent area to help the family stay focused on Jesus while preparing to celebrate his birth. Color and cut out the watch face. Glue it onto a recycle lightweight cardboard circle. Cut out the “long hand.” Attach it to the watch center using a craft brad. Each day during family prayer move the hand one notch to count down the days of Advent. Do activities according to each week’s theme.

First Sunday of Advent, Year B