First Presbyterian Church, Moultrie, GA June 18, 2020 · First Presbyterian Church, Moultrie, GA...

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Transcript of First Presbyterian Church, Moultrie, GA June 18, 2020 · First Presbyterian Church, Moultrie, GA...

Stained Glass Gazette F i r s t P r e sby te r ian Chur ch , Mou l t r i e , GA June 18 , 2020

“Opening for Sunday Worship” My dear MFPC Family and friends, the Session has given its approval for us to come back to worship in our beau-

tiful sanctuary this coming Sunday, June 21st, at 11:00 a.m. Worship will be the only event at church on Sundays, at this time. I wish to give all of us a heads-up: There will be some changes and inconveniences in what has been our typical Sunday morning routine in the past. When it comes to this Coronavirus, no one truly knows what to expect as to how the virus behaves and is transmitted. That being said, our Session wants us to come back to worship, and no one wants anyone to get sick. Some among us are much more vulnerable than others. Some among us are much more careful than others, and well should be. The true mark of a Christian Community is that individual members under-stand and respect the concerns of others, and we honor those needs of one another. Below are the guidelines approved by the Session for coming back to worship:

Session-Approved Guidelines for Worship

1. All attendees will enter through the north and south doors to the sanctuary. An usher will be posted at each door to assist attendees in maintaining social distancing while waiting to be seated. 2. It is strongly recommended that all adults wear face masks during worship, and all are asked to respect the space of others. Attendees may bring their own or masks will be made available at entrances. 3. It is recommended that children over the age of 2 years wear face masks. 4. Adults who do decide to wear face masks during worship will be seated forward in the sanctuary. Attendees who cannot wear face masks for medical conditions are urged to sit in the balconies. If they are unable to climb the stairs, those without masks shall be seated in the back of the sanctuary. 5. Seats in the sanctuary will be marked to comply with recommended social distancing guidelines. 6. Family groups are expected to sit together. 7. Ushers will direct attendees where to sit in order to maintain prescribed social distancing. Please note that it is likely that attendees will not be seated in their usual seats. One usher will be assigned to each quadrant in the sanctuary to maintain distancing. 8. Nursery will not be provided during worship and there will be no Children’s church. The Time for Young Disciples will be omitted from the service. Children of all ages are welcome to sit with their parents in the sanctuary during worship. 9. Worship music will be provided by the Chancel Trio/Quartet and the organist. 10. Offering plates will be placed at the 2 entrances so that attendees can deposit their offerings upon entering or leaving the sanctuary. Please remember our Faithful Ones. 11. Friendship pads and passing of the peace are temporarily suspended. 12. Hand sanitizer will be available around the church campus and attendees will be encouraged to use hand sanitizer when entering and exiting the sanctuary and/or restrooms. 13. Any attendee who tests positive for COVID-19 after attending worship services should notify the church office so that appropriate responses can be made while striving to maintain the privacy of the individual. 14. As we re-open church activities piece-by-piece, communication with the congregation is vitally important. Activity schedules and notifications will be made through the Stained Glass Gazette, Facebook page, the church website, and through emails concerning evolving guideline changes approved by the Session.

Other guidelines for church gatherings will be reviewed by our MFPC COVID-19 Consultation Committee. This committee makes its recommendations to the Session. The committee will be reviewing matters of resuming congrega-tional singing, when and how to do this safely, as well as opening our Fellowship Hall before our time for worship. We all desire to be able to gather and worship as we have in the past. We must use caution and the Session supports the careful approach. So, I appeal to all to be patient and understanding as we move into this new threatening environment

together, an environment we simply do not understand and cannot predict. In closing, as we negotiate the waters and the rapids of this unknown river we are on, I offer to you the Apostle Paul’s admonition to the Church in Ephesus:

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” (Ephesians 4:2)

Dr. G.

Announcements Sunday, June 21, Worship at 11 a.m.

Church services will be held in the sanctuary this Sunday! Please pay attention to the guidelines.






Stained glass repairs will continue throughout June.

Vacation Bible School is postponed until next year.

First Presbyterian Church 501 First Street, S.E., Moultrie, Georgia 31768

To all who are weary and need rest, to all who mourn and need comfort, to all who are lonely and need friendship,

to all who are glad and would serve others, to all who are complacent and need disturbing,

to all who sin and need a Savior, this Church opens wide its door in the name of Christ, and bids you welcome.

Have you updated your member profile? Yes, even if your address, phone number, and family

have not changed, we need you to complete the Fam-

ily and Personal Information forms. Susan is entering

the information in Nick Rebbe’s church computer. It is

easier and less time consuming to enter the infor-

mation from your form than to chase it through sever-

al different locations. The Personal Information form

will give the additional information of which pro-

grams in the church that you are active or interested

in serving.

We now have received and updated 62 families

and 125 individuals. Call 229-985-3158 or use this web link to access & print member information forms to fill out and return to the church office:

Flint River Presbytery Retreat Center

Dogwood Acres, located in Chipley, FL, is a 457 acre camp

developed and supported by the Presbytery of Florida. The

property includes pristine forests,freshwater streams, abun-

dant wildlife, 7 miles of hiking trails, a swimming and ca-

noeing lake, low-ropes challenge course, basketball court,

beach-style volleyball court, and 10 comfortable climate-

controlled retreat cabins.

New! 2020 Family Camping

Flint River Presbytery is hosting “Family Camp” July 19th –

24th. Josh and Sommer Bower will serve as chaplains! Rent

half of a cabin (4 beds plus bathroom) for $250. Join your

FRP friends for a casual week of fun and adventure. Cabins

will be rented on a first come first serve basis, so register


GO TO then scroll to

“Family Camp Registration”

ATTENTION: Our facebook page needs help! We need help with our facebook page! Will you volunteer for a

3 month period of time? Also, if you ever have snapshots you

would like us to consider for the church facebook page, please

send them along to

Adult Sunday School Books You can get your Sunday School Book for

June-August by stopping by the church and

picking it up,

OR Give us a call ask us to mail one to you.

They come in 2 sizes regular & large print so

let us know which kind you

want. This summer you will

be studying the “Many Faces

of Wisdom”.

You will find wisdom in Prov-

erbs, The Gospels, & James.

Repair Update For The

Stained Glass Windows

James and Josh from the Minnesota

architectural glass repair firm Willet

Hauser are halfway finished with repairs

to the interior and exterior of our beauti-

ful stained glass windows.

Here’s a view of the 5th Avenue side

while they have the protective coverings

off. We’re trying to remember to docu-

ment the progress of the repairs. They

expect to be working on the windows

throughout the month of June.

Meet Nick Rebbe Nick Rebbe joined the staff this week as the Director of

Christian Education. He is originally from St. Augustine

and has spent the last ten or so years working with children

and youth. He has a Master's degree in Theology and is

currently pursuing a Master's degree in Catechesis and

Evangelism. Make sure to stop by, meet Nick and wel-

come him to Moultrie First Presbyterian Church.

MFPC Treasurer’s Report

Month of May: 2020 2019

Receipts $84,800 $49,149

Expenses ($59,834) ($33,073)

Net Income $24,966 $16,076

Year to Date:

Receipts $261,834 $258,808

Expenses ($229,911) ($193,738)

Net Income $31,923 $65,070

STAY IN TOUCH ONLINE Look for our service this week to be posted on our Facebook page. It is also a good way to keep up with announcements and stay in touch with our homebound congregation. Also, look for updates on our homepage at



#1) Wear a face covering of some kind. It does help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

#2) Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer, especially after visiting the restroom.

#3) Practice social distancing. It’s tempting to hug and shake hands, but let’s continue to be

vigilant and protect each other from the spread of the virus.

#4) Follow the guidance of the ushers this Sunday. They are thinking of wellbeing of our

entire congregation.

#5) If you feel feverish or unwell, please stay home. And please let the church office know if

you are exposed or diagnosed with the virus. (Staff will strive to maintain privacy.)