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Transcript of FIRST PARISH CHURCH, CONGREGATIONALOFFERTORY ANTHEM: “Ride the Chariot”Spiritual Arranged by...

First Parish Church, Congregational On the Village Green

Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts

Rev. Dr. Marlayna Schmidt, Interim Pastor

Donald R. Dunn, Director of Music-Organist

Jessica Skidmore, Christian Ministry Coordinator

Tori Potter, Sexton

Nancy Klebart, Office Manager



Sunday, June 10, 2018, 10:00 a.m.

PRELUDE: Charlotte and Richard Chane, pipers


CALL TO WORSHIP: (adapted from Touch Holiness)

Leader: The Holy Spirit has given us life and pours on us the power to

become new people!

People: The winds of the Spirit have given us breath and the fire of

the Spirit has enkindled in us a love for God and each other.

Leader: Come here in faithfulness and be ready for the surprises that

Gods’ Sprit brings.

People: We open our lives to the presence of God and trust God’s

promise to us that we can live new lives of freedom and grace.

All: May God help us to be true people of Spirit, letting holy

surprises fill our days!

*HYMN: “It’s the Old Ship of Zion” insert

PRAYER OF INVOCATION: (adapted from Touch Holiness):

God of all life and grace, we thank you for the seasons of this earth, for

the seasons of planting and sowing, for the seasons of harvest and

reaping. So also you give us seasons of heart. Grant that in a drought of

grace we may find your oasis of prayer. Grant that in a storm of grief

we may find your shelter of Easter faith. Grant that in the seasons of our

days we may find your rich soil for your seeds of hope. God of all life

and grace—stay with us! Be our strength and hope in all times! In

Christ’s name, we pray...

*THE LORD'S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on

earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we

forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever. Amen.

*GLORIA PATRI: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is

now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen


Joys and Concerns Pastoral Prayer Silent Prayer If/when you decide to share joys/concerns, please be mindful of people’s privacy when

mentioning personal details.

ANTHEM: “Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal”

Early 19th century American Folk Hymn

Arranged by Alice Parker (b. 1925)

Rebecca Shrimpton and Paul Knox, soloists

Hark I Hear the harps eternal ringing on the farther shore

As I near those swollen waters with their deep and solemn roar.

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, praise the Lamb!

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Glory to the great I AM!

And my soul tho’ stain’d with sorrow, fading as the light of day,

Passes swiftly o'er those waters, to the city far away

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, praise the Lamb!

Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Glory to the great I AM!

Souls have cross’d before me, saintly, to that land of perfect rest;

And I hear them singing faintly, in the mansions of the blest.



Psalm 138 (A Psalm of David)

1 I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart;

before the gods I sing your praise; 2 I bow down towards your holy temple

and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your


for you have exalted your name and your word

above everything. 3 On the day I called, you answered me,

you increased my strength of soul. 4 All the kings of the earth shall praise you, O Lord,

for they have heard the words of your mouth. 5 They shall sing of the ways of the Lord,

for great is the glory of the Lord. 6 For though the Lord is high, he regards the lowly;

but the haughty he perceives from far away. 7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble,

you preserve me against the wrath of my enemies;

you stretch out your hand,

and your right hand delivers me.

8 The Lord will fulfil his purpose for me;

your steadfast love, O Lord, endures for ever.

Do not forsake the work of your hands.

REFLECTION QUESTIONS based on Psalm 138 (led by the Pastor):

1. How does God “increase the strength of your soul”?

2. How have you seen God “regard the lowly”?

3. How have you experienced—or witnessed—God’s “deliverance” in

ways big or small?

*HYMN: “I’ve Got Peace Like a River” insert

DRAMATIC READING: “The Starfish”, by John L. Bell, based on a

story by Lauren Eiseley

REFLECTION (led by the Pastor)



OFFERTORY ANTHEM: “Ride the Chariot”Spiritual

Arranged by William Henry Smith (1908-1944)

Rebecca Shrimpton, soprano

I’m gonna ride in the chariot in the morning, Lord, I’m gonna ride in the chariot in the

morning, Lord, I’m getting’ ready for the judgement day, My Lord, my Lord. Are you ready

my brother/sister? Are you ready for the journey? Do you want to see your Jesus? I’m waitin’

for the chariot ‘cause I’m ready to go. I never can forget that day, ride! When all my sins

were taken away, ride! My feet were snatched from the miry clay, ride! I’ll serve my Lord till

judgement day, ride!

*DOXOLOGY: Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below, Praise God

above ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*HYMN: “Amazing Grace” insert

*[The “Removal of the Flame”, which symbolizes the Spirit of God accompanying

us out into the world]



POSTLUDE: Charlotte and Richard Chane, pipers * * * * *

The greeters and lay readers are Paul and Wendy Clark.

The Deacons are Ann and Mark Heslop.

Readers and greeters are always needed, to volunteer speak to the

Deacons, or you can also sign up online.

Listening devices are available for those in need; they are at the back of

the Sanctuary. Feel free to address a Deacon should you need help using


Welcome to all who are new to our worship. To join our mailing list fill

out a “Welcome Card” to place in the collection plate or contact, 978-526-7661 ext 1.

Cut flowers from your garden would be most welcome

this summer for the church altar on Sunday

mornings. The arrangement does not need to be large -

just being fresh from the garden would be

wonderful. Please call Penny Lapham (978-526-7128) or

email ( to sign up.

FPCC CARE TEAM Have you shared the experience?

We support FPC families with meals, rides, & visits through

times of illness and loss. Please contact Sue Pick

( or 978-548-0145) if you would like to

share your ideas, time, and talents with the FPC Care Team.

SEASIDE PARISH KNITTERS We would love to have

you join us on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays (June 21) of the

month in the Conference Room of the Chapel, 3-5 PM.

MY STORY We each have unique journeys of faith. One

way to deepen our understanding of them is to share our

stories with each other.

Once per month, the Vitality Committee welcomes one of

you to share your faith journey during Sunday service in brief 2 to 3

minute remarks. We hope you will consider sharing yours. A simple

way to organize your thoughts is to answer these 3 questions:

1. What is your early faith history? (1 minute)

2. How did you come to First Parish Church? What is meaningful to

you about your participation? (1 minute)

3. Can you share a specific moment of faith, an experience of divine

intervention or God's or Jesus' presence in your life? (1 minute)

We are eager to hear your faith stories! Please talk with Mary Ellen

Cook 978-526-7178 or Allison Moir-Smith 978-526-1904 to learn more.


END OF THE SUMMER Do you feel called to serve? First Parish

will soon begin the process of searching for a new pastor. According to

our church bylaws, the Church Council is responsible for

appointing church members to serve on the search committee – two

from the Diaconate, one each from the Trustees, CE, Stewardship,

Music, Missions and Youth Group, and 5 members-at-large. Council

agreed that ideal criteria for serving on the committee include: regular

church attendance, positive outlook, good listening and synthesizing of

information skills, not being shy about speaking up in meetings, and

looking to God for guidance. Further, the chair of the

committee should have strong organization, motivation, and computer


Our hope is to create a cohesive committee that is representative of our

faith community with a balanced mix of ages, gender, family contexts,

and theological perspectives, and with a shared commitment to the

future of our church. Once the search starts, it will likely take six to nine

months. The main components of the work include developing

interview questions that help us assess whether a candidate would be a

good match for our values, purpose, and vision; reading through

candidates’ profiles; deciding who to interview; conducting interviews;

and then recommending a candidate to the congregation. The committee

will meet once or twice a month to prayerfully work through their tasks,

and individuals will be expected to read candidates’ profiles in between

meetings. There may also be a few visits to other churches to hear

candidates preach. Our UCC Area Minister, Rev. Wendy Vander Hart,

will help guide the committee through the search process, and Rev.

Marlayna can be a guide as well—but only on the process itself, not in

the choosing of candidates.

If you feel that serving God in this capacity might be a natural fit for

your talents and interests, or if there is someone you would like to

nominate who would also be a good fit, then please feel welcome to

speak with, or to email church moderator, Nancy Peterson (Note: As a balanced mix of various

components is required, not all people who volunteer for the committee

may be appointed to serve.)


Building on our four congregational meetings in the Vision Process, we

(the Transition Team) have drafted a Vision Statement, which is

available in the narthex and on the church’s website. The congregation

will have the opportunity to discuss the Vision Statement at our church’s

Annual Meeting on June 24th, and, with the congregation’s blessing, the

Vision Statement will then be used to form the basis of a strategic plan,

which the Executive Committee and Council will put together in the fall

of 2018. Once a strategic plan (with goals and objectives) has taken

shape, it will be presented to a “special meeting” of the congregation for


We (the Transition Team) are also using the information we have

gathered from the Vision Process to help form our “Church Profile,”

which is the document used in the search for a new settled

pastor. We plan to have the Church Profile done by mid June.

Please continue to keep our church’s Vision Process in your prayers!

Your Transition Team (Paul Driscoll, Lauren Gudonis, Mary Lumsden,

Jeff Parker, Jason Smith, Lelly Smith)

Church Council minutes, Congregational Meeting minutes and

documents can be found online.

BIBLE STUDY Bible Study Thursdays 4-5:30 PM (for adults) at 37

Beach St (home of Vin Terrill). Join us for a weekly study of our

scriptures led by Rev. Marlayna, continues through June 14th.

First Parish Church Congregational uses candid photos of church

activities on its website and in its publicity from time to time. Any photos

of children used will not contain personally identifiable information.

Members of the community not wanting their photos depicted (or those

of their children) should inform the church office. MISSIONS

Weekly Food Donations When you go to church Sunday mornings

remember to take one item that can be donated to Open Door through

the food basket placed in the Narthex. It is easy to forget, but you can

think ahead and bring one food item that will be much appreciated by

folks who really need our help.

First Parish serves dinner at The Open Door on

Wednesday, June 20th. Prep & Servers needed: please

contact Jim Brennan after worship or at 978-879-4595 or

sign up online

Brown Bag Lunch on Friday, June 29, sign up to donate online or see

Lelly Smith or Muriel Parker.

As we swing into summer we appreciate our Creator's gifts to feed and

nourish us. Notice how you choose and care for food. Tell others why

you do these things for the sake of our phenomenal planet Earth.

Our Green Church on the Green Food Notes

Grow your own Buy local food Buy organic Eat less meat.

Thanks! Enjoy supporting our future!

from Your Mission Committee, Lelly Smith

BOOK GROUP We continue with a well-known

classic. Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott for the month

of June. "Little Women" is a novel by American author

Louisa May Alcott (1832–1888), which was originally

published in two volumes in 1868 and 1869. Alcott wrote the books

rapidly over several months at the request of her publisher. The novel

follows the lives of four sisters—Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy March—

detailing their passage from childhood to womanhood, and is loosely

based on the author and her three sisters. Little Women was an

immediate commercial and critical success, and readers demanded to

know more about the characters. Alcott quickly completed a second

volume, entitled Good Wives. It was also successful. The two volumes

were issued in 1880 in a single work entitled Little Women. Amazon

Marianne Round will be hosting the next book group, Monday, June

25, 6:30 pm at 3 Greenbrier Rd. Manchester. Please RSVP to Marianne

at 978-526-9460 so she can plan


Check out the most recent FPCC Photo Directory

**This directory will be updated this summer**

Do we have your correct contact information?

An updated photo? Take a photo this summer and

send it for inclusion. You can email us at

Women’s Fellowship invites all ladies of our church to a

potluck on Monday, June 11 at 6 PM. This will be held

at Lauren Gudonis’ home, 56 Masconomo St. Please

bring your favorite dish! Meet to carpool from the

Chapel parking lot at 5:45 PM. Come for talk, laughs,

fellowship and a fantastic view of the ocean!

Festival by the Sea will be Saturday, August 4th. This

is a great opportunity for our church to open its doors and

welcome all to FPC both inside and out. We need

volunteers for 2 hour blocks of time; 9-11 AM, 11 AM -

1 PM, 1-3 PM, 3-5 PM. We will have people inside to

greet visitors and chat and oversee sidewalk chalk art. Please see Allison

or Mary Ellen to sign up. This is a lot of fun and an easy mission to our

community of Manchester.



We have a good problem: our first basket of

prayer rocks and shells were nearly cleaned out

in just 10 days.

With this simple ministry, we are sending God's love out into the world.

It's heart warming to walk or drive by our church and see someone

searching for the inspiration they need.

To remedy this wonderful problem, throughout the summer Vitality will

be hosting pop-up prayer rock painting parties at Mary Ellen Cook's

picnic table. If you'd like to be included, send Allison an email

at to get on the list.

Beachcombers, we need you! In your summer forays, please keep this in

mind. Small smooth stones and smooth clam shells (not scallops, which

have ridges) of all sizes are needed. We're also looking for 3-foot-long

piece of driftwood on which to glue our Take What You Need large

clam shells.

If a spontaneous afternoon of painting sounds like fun, please join us!

All are welcome and wanted.

SAVE THE DATE “Thank You” Beach Party, Sunday, July 22 at 5

PM (rain date July 29) at Singing Beach

The Stewardship Committee invites all who pledged for 2018 to a beach

party at Singing Beach. Come for a simple supper, First Parish Fizzes,

fellowship, body surfing, sand-castle contest, bonfire and fun.

A pledge, for those that don't know, is a financial commitment that you

make to First Parish. These commitments help with our budgeting,

planning, paying salaries, supporting the Sunday School and the upkeep

of our beautiful buildings.

We want everyone to come to this party, so if you haven't pledged yet

for 2018, call the church office to make your pledge.

Come and let the Stewardship Committee say a fun, summery

Manchester-by-the-Sea “thank you” to you on July 22!

Upcoming events can be found on our website

( ) under “News” and “Calendar” and on our

Facebook page (First Parish Manchester-by-the-Sea) under “Events”



7:00 PM BOT


10:00 AM COA Yoga

6:30 PM Missions Committee

7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal


4:00 PM Bible Study


8:00 AM Yoga


10:00 AM Worship

First Parish Church

Vacation Bible School

June 25-29, 1 - 3 PM

Children K-6th

grade are invited to join us for a fun filled week of

stories, games, crafts, and learning about Jesus’ love.

First Parish Chapel

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED This is our biggest outreach to the greater

Manchester community, providing a free fun event to local families, and

we need volunteers to help run the program and donate snacks.

Please sign up to help today! High School students can earn community

service hours. To sign up speak to Jessica 978-526-7661 x 3 or email

You can also look at volunteer slots and sign up online.

CHILDREN K-6 GRADE WELCOME Sign up your children and invite

friends! Contact Jessica with questions 978-526-7661 x 3 or

You can also register online