First impression final

Post on 21-Oct-2014

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Transcript of First impression final


Business communication Daniel Menezes 3133 Rohit Desai 3113 Aaron Abraham 3103 Lavina 3163 Akshita 31 Carmine 31

Introduction Impression can be defined as an idea, feeling, or

opinion about something or someone, especially one formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence.

It is a goal-directed conscious or unconscious attempt to influence the perceptions of other people about a person, object or event by regulating and controlling information in social interaction.

In the next hour... We will learn about

Importance of First Impression Looking presentable Sounding confident Positive attitude Calm Body Language Impact of Making great First


First Impression

social status politics

education religion

sexuality friendliness / approachability


Insert Figure 4.1 here

Facial Expressions A winning Smile

“It takes 15 muscles to smile and 37 to frown!” So save energy and Smile

Eye Contact

“Eyes are Windows of the soul, excellent indicators of feelings”

Steady and Relaxed Eye Contact

Greeting Cheerfully greet the person

Smile Energy Firm Handshake Greet based on time of the day Have a clear and friendly tone of voice Title of respect based on their gender and status Casual conversation

Voice What should we say?

Loud and clear Appropriate choice of words Proper voice modulation Talk at a moderate pace

Body language Body Posture

Be Open and Confident Be Positive Be calm Relax & breathe Stand & walk tall

Enthusiasm Be courteous

Use words like Thank you, Sorry and Please Answer the questions asked in a friendly manner. Think first and then talk which helps smooth

running of communication.

Listen carefully

“We have two ears and just one mouth,

so perhaps we should listen twice as

much as we talk!”

Two types of impression

Constructive -- helps in the formation of self identity

Strategic -- helps in the attainment of some interpersonal goal

Importance of First Impression “It takes less than a minute for someone to make

up their mind about whether they like you or not” Once seen, never forgotten! It sends out messages about you You are the company’s image

Before we start the improvement, you need to stop and think about what you would like your image to be.

Dress for Success

Looking good is good for you

•Hair – clean and neat•Uniform – clean, pressed and proper fit•Details – no missing buttons, lint or tags•Hands – clean, manicured fingernails•Breath – fresh, clean breath•Footwear – Clean Socks, Polished Shoes

First Impressions - Body language

Positive Signals: Negative Signals:

• Upright posture • Slouching

• Good eye contact • Avoiding eye contact

• Own Comfort Level • Fidgeting

• Proper gestures • Touching face/hair

• Stillness • Defensive gestures

• Active listening • Frowning

What we say? = 7%7% How we say it? = 38%38%

Non Verbal Behaviour? = 55%55%

“Learn to look happier, less depressed and smile more”

Summary Dress properly – Appearance matters!

Be mindful of your own Body Language

Listen well and show that you care!

Increase the amount of eye-contact !… and smile

Slow down! - when speaking in public

Think ‘Success”

Be positive

Practice it till you make it


Final Thought

“You only have one chance to make a first impression”
