FIRMLY IT STANDS - · FIRMLY IT STANDS Revitalizing Austria ... keeping GM 1507 maize...

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Titel der Masterarbeit

FIRMLY IT STANDS Revitalizing Austria’s anti-GMO culture in the midst of the EU’s

struggle to authorize the cultivation of GM 1507 maize


Xingfei Zhong

angestrebter akademischer Grad

Master of Arts (M.A.)

Wien, 2014

Studienkennzahl lt.Studienblatt: A 066906

Studienrichtung lt. Studienblatt: Masterstudium Science-Technology-Society

Betreuerin: Univ. Prof. Dr. Ulrike Felt


I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to those who

supported and encouraged me to complete this Master’s thesis as well as the

Science-Technology-Society (STS) Master’s programme. My biggest gratitude goes to my

family in China, who unconditionally supports me to chase my dreams. Their never-ending

encouragement and love is invaluable for my studying and living abroad.

I of course owe many thanks to my supervisor Prof. Ulrike Felt, a teacher with great

personality and knowledgeability. She led me into the interesting STS field, and her sharp

insight and tireless guidance made this piece of work possible.

I am also indebted to people who kindly spared their precious time to do face-to-face

interviews with me and provided subsequent support in terms of exchanging correspondence

and pointing me to relevant documents. I have in mind Dr. Helge Torgersen from the Institute

for Technology Assessment (ITA), Dr. Michael Eckerstorfer from the Austrian Environment

Agency (UBA), and Dagmar Urban from Greenpeace Austria. Without their generous support

and professional insight, I would not have been able to present the discussions in such great

detail. I am also greatly indebted to Nadien St. Godard, who kindly helped proofread this

piece and significantly enhanced the readability of my work. Her selfless investment and

strong attention to detail deserves great appreciation.

Last but by no means least, I would like to thank those who shared a joyful and

unforgettable time during my stay in this country. I will always remember the lovely STS

group who shared an energetic and lively learning experience with me, the colleagues in my

workplace who enrich my life beyond studying, and my Austrian family who offers me a

place to go after work and study.

All in all, my life in Austria so far has been such a blessed one. Without these people and

many more, I would not be where I am today. And I know with them, I can go further.

This piece of work is dedicated to them.

Stay hungry. Stay foolish.

(Steve Jobs)


Following the on-going disputes over the cultivation proposal of GM 1507 maize in

the European Union, this paper aims to investigate how a small EU Member State,

Austria, succeeded in unequivocally announcing the decision to firmly keep the maize

out of its territory. Combining interviews and document analysis as main research

methods, the focus of this research is to explore how the precautionary principle,

Austria’s guiding policy in dealing with GM matters, is understood by Austria’s major

stakeholders in this case; and how their different understandings, namely, scientific

understanding, economic-political understanding and normative social-critical

understanding of the precautionary principle are flexibly mobilized by the

stakeholders so as to form valid arguments that buttress their anti-1507 maize stance.

Besides the precautionary tool, I argue that a set of sociotechnical imaginaries and a

national technopolitical identity in Austria, which have been established collectively

through the making of a remarkable anti-GMO culture, may have profound influence

on the nation’s position in the 1507 maize case. In a word, a national decision of

keeping GM 1507 maize out of Austria is not only justified by scientific rationales,

but also arises from the nation’s “anti-GMO” culture and its “GREEN” identity. In

this view, I would argue that Austria expands the scope of risk in the GM regulation,

thus blurring the boundaries between science, politics and values. This “blurring of

boundaries” pleads for a move from “risk governance” to “innovation governance”

in societies’ handlings of risk technologies.


Aufgrund des bestehenden Disputes über den Antrag zur Kultivierung von GM 1507

Mais in der EU, zielt dieses Papier darauf ab, zu untersuchen wie ein kleiner EU

Mitgliedsstaat, Österreich, es erreicht hat eine einheitliche Meinung laut und klar zu

vertreten und den gentechnisch veränderten Mais außerhalb seiner Grenzen zu halten.

Mit Interviews und Dokumentanalyse kombiniert als Hauptrecherchemethode

eingesetzt, liegt der Fokus dieser Arbeit auf dem Untersuchen des „precautionary

principles“, welches Österreichs führende Richtlinie in Genmais Fragen ist, wie

diese von Österreichs wichtigsten Stakeholdern in diesem Fall verstanden wird und

wie deren verschiedenen Verständnisse davon, namentlich: wissenschaftliches

Verständnis, ökonomisch-politisches Verständnis und normativ sozial-kritisches

Verständnis flexibel mobilisiert werden um valide Argumente in deren Antihaltung

zum Genmais 1507 zu untermauern.

Neben dem precautionary tool, behaupte ich das ein Set von „sociotechnical

imaginaries“ und eine “nationale technopolitische Identität” in Österreich, welche

durch das Schaffen einer beeindruckender kollektiven Anti-GMO Haltung etabliert

wurde, möglicherweise einen tiefgreifenden Einfluss auf die nationale Haltung

gegenüber dem 1507 Genmais Falles haben.

In einem Wort, eine nationale Entscheidung den GM 1507 aus Österreich fernzuhalten

wird nicht nur mit dem wissenschaftlichen Grundprinzip gerechtfertigt, sondern

erwächst auch aus der Nationalen Antigenmaiskultur und seiner „grünen“ Idendität.

Aus diesem Blickpunkt würde Ich argumentieren das Österreich den Rahmen des

Risikos in der Genmaisregulierung erweitert und daher die Grenzen zwischen

Wissenschaft, Politik und Werten verwischt. Diese „Grenzverwischung“ verlangt nach

einer Bewegung weg vom „risk governance“ und hin zum „innovation governance“ in

der gesellschaftlichen Behandlung von Risikothemen.


0. Introduction ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

1. State of the Art ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5

1.1. Scientific uncertainty in risk assessment -----------------------------------------------------------7

1.2. Normative risk assessment --------------------------------------------------------------------------12

1.3. Precautionary principle: a means to manage uncertainty & risk ---------------------------18

2. Theoretical Framework & Sensitizing Concepts -----------------------------------------------------25

2.1. Collective expertise & relevant expertise --------------------------------------------------------25

2.2. Sociotechnical imaginaries& national technopolitical identity------------------------------28

3. Case Background: GM 1507 maize and its difficult entry into the EU --------------------------31

4. Research Questions, Materials & Methods ----------------------------------------------------------39

5. On the genesis of an anti-GMO “tradition” ----------------------------------------------------------46

5.1. Austria as a forerunner -------------------------------------------------------------------------------46

5.2. Co-evolving with the European context------- ---------------------------------------------------50

6. Empirical Investigations -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------54

6.1. Assessing scientific risk assessment---------------------------------------------------------------56

6.1.1. Environmental NGOs: EFSA fails to conduct convincing risk assessment------------56

6.1.2. Environment Agency: biological science v.s. ecological science -----------------------62 A zoom-in investigation -------------------------------------------------------------------64 A zoom-out examination ------------------------------------------------------------------66

6.2. Scientific uncertainty gives rise to other criteria ---------------------------------------------71

6.2.1. Socio-economic criteria: conform to Austrian specifics ---------------------------------71 Taking into account the uniqueness of Austria --------------------------------------72 UBA tentatively forms Austria-specific socio-economic criteria ----------------76

6.3. GMO on the radar of a GREEN Austria -----------------------------------------------------------80

6.3.1. Don’t mess with Austrian Nature! ------------------------------------------------------------82

6.3.2. A preferred agricultural model is intolerant of GM intervention----------------------86

7. Discussions & Conclusions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------94

8. Bibliography -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------104



A piece of news in early November 2013 reopened a round of hot debates on

genetically modified organisms (hereinafter referred to as GMOs) in the European

Union (EU), where most of the consumers and national governments are exceedingly

sensitive to this topic. On November 6, 2013, the General Court of the EU

pronounced that the European Commission had failed to act on Pioneer’s (an

American biotech company) 2001 request to cultivate the insect-resistant “GM 1507

maize” in the EU, and it urged the Commission to deal with this request in a timely

manner. In response to the General Court’s requirement, the European Commission

submitted a draft decision of authorization to the Council of Ministers and asked the

Member States to agree on the cultivation of 1507 maize in the EU. However, during

the meeting in early 2014, the Council of Ministers failed to garner a qualified

majority to reach a decision in this regard, and according to EU regulation, the

Commission was therefore now obliged to authorize this GM cultivation proposal.

In the midst of the fierce debate about whether to cultivate GM 1507 maize

inside the EU or not, all eyes are now on the Commission’s final decision: will it be

“threatened” by the flood of anti-GMO voices and turn down the company’s proposal,

or will it go on to authorize the cultivation of the maize based on scientific risk

assessment results and legal requirements? While authorities at the EU level and in

many Member States are still struggling to draw an official conclusion on this matter,

Austria, a small EU member almost immediately and unequivocally assured that it

would exercise a national ban if the cultivation of GM 1507 maize were to be

authorized by the Commission (Wienerzeitung, 11 Feb 2014).

It was Austria’s amazing determination in this regard that impelled me to set

about this research project in the first place. Wishing to understand how Austria

formed such a strong stance to prohibit the potential entry of 1507 maize into its

territory in the midst of the EU’s struggle to authorize its cultivation, this piece will

focus on the major stakeholders’ anti-GMO “performance” in this case. Overall, I aim

to present a vivid discussion in which the precautionary principle serves as the


guiding framework and “scientific uncertainty & risk”, “collective expertise &

relevant expertise”, “sociotechnical imaginaries” (Jasanoff & Kim, 2009) and

“national technopolitical identity” (Felt, 2013) become the key perspectives in the

empirical examination.

Keeping in mind the main research question, I will structure this thesis in the

following manner:

To begin, Chapter 1 will draw on insightful STS literature concerning GMO

debates in Europe and beyond, to locate the major concerns in this GM case. From

various discussions, I will pin down three key aspects, namely, scientific uncertainty,

risk assessment, and the precautionary principle.

To supplement the aspects discussed in the previous chapter, in Chapter 2 I will

bring in two groups of concepts, namely - “collective expertise” & “relevant

expertise”, and “sociotechnical imaginaries” &“national technopolitical identity”.

These notions will serve as conceptual leitmotifs underpinning the analysis of

Austria’s performance in this case.

Chapter 3 will lay out the background, in which I will introduce the

characteristics of the main “actor” – GM 1507 maize – and chronologically present a

decade-long attempt to cultivate this maize in the EU. In so doing, I intend not only to

provide relevant information regarding the origin of the controversy, but also to set

the overall EU backdrop against which Austria stages itself.

In order to allow myself to answer the main research question in a practical way,

the following chapter will dissect this overarching research question into four

sub-questions, which in turn will also keep the investigation in focus. In this chapter, I

will also introduce in detail the methods employed in this research. Mainly, the

empirical deliberations will draw on accounts interwoven by data generated via two

qualitative methods, namely, document analysis and semi-structured interviews, and

analyzed by the grounded theory approach.

Before turning to the actual empirical investigation, Chapter 5 will present a

vivid historical account, which reveals how Austria came to construct a national

anti-GMO position in the first place and how this position has been solidified through


several relevant exercises. A glance at this history will explain how an anti-GMO

tradition can influence Austria’s performance in the case of GM 1507 maize, and what

an important role tradition plays in Austria - to the extent of reaching consensus

among all the stakeholders in rejecting the idea of cultivating GM 1507 maize. I will

argue that the revival of the tradition reminds people of their “Austrianess” in terms of

dealing with GM matters, and of the importance of keeping the tradition alive in the

face of threats brought by the various applications to grow GM foods.

Based on this seemingly ineradicable tradition, Chapter 6 will continue to follow

the empirical investigation of this specific case by analysing relevant documents and

interviewing representatives from the most active stakeholder groups, namely,

environmental NGOs in Austria, the Environment Agency in Austria, the Ministry of

Health and the Ministry of Agriculture. I will argue that the various defences revolve

around the precautionary principle. Various accounts unanimously state that the

precautionary principle is the guiding policy in the case of 1507 maize in Austria -

that is, as long as there is uncertainty left in the scientific assessment of 1507 maize,

the precautionary principle shall be applied to avoid potential hazards, which mostly

leads to the rejection of this application. But as the first chapter will reveal, the

definition of the precautionary principle is very ambiguous, thus it is in our great

interest to examine what the precautionary principle will mean for the major

stakeholders in the 1507 case, and how their arguments can embody different

understandings of the precautionary principle. In short, I devote the empirical chapter

to a detailed account of how the precautionary principle is understood and how it

guides each stakeholder to defend an anti-1507 maize position.

After presenting how the major stakeholders “perform” in this case with the prop

of the precautionary principle, the last chapter will highlight the main arguments

drawn in this project, in particular, I will analyze how collective expertise and

relevant expertise are at play, in a sense how Austria’s stakeholders collectively form

a set of relevant expertise that is different from the EU’s relevant expertise, and how

these stakeholders mobilize and make use of their own relevant expertise in order to

build valid justifications for their position. Meanwhile, building upon a set of


pre-existing sociotechnical imaginaries (Jasanoff & Kim, 2009), I will argue that the

cultivation of GM 1507 poses a risk to Austria’s national technopolitical identity (Felt,

2013), which Austria has collectively established through various technological

exercises in history. In such a view, Austria’s approach to the GM 1507 maize

cultivation proposal not only builds on scientific rationales, but also considers

national political and cultural specifics. This “holistic” approach of risk assessment

expands the scope of conventional “risk” which only concerns human/animal health

and the environment and is identified by science. That is to say, the matter of GMOs

has gone beyond scientific risk assessment. In the Austrian context, it brings in a set

of broadened risk assessments pertaining to the economic structure, the landscape, the

relationship between nature and agriculture, what is considered to be “public good” in

society, etc. With this note, the piece ends by echoing the new take on risk

technologies in modern society, that is, to move from risk governance to innovation

governance (Felt, et al.,2007)



Since the outset, the application of GMOs in the food sector has been particularly

controversial. Within a country, actors such as scholars, politicians, entrepreneurs,

scientists, environmental NGOs, consumers, farmers and so forth have expressed

different opinions towards it. Meanwhile, a horizontal look at the different parts of the

world shows how the issue is being taken up differently: Figure 1 shows the official

status of GM food labelling laws in all countries in 2013. Interestingly, while there is

no GM food labelling law in North America, all countries in the EU require the

mandatory labelling of nearly all GM food with a very low threshold of 0.9-1% GM

content. The difference between these two strongest economies is striking, leading to

continuous inter-continental trade disputes. Also, focusing on the EU, figure 2 shows

a number of sub-regions, among them the nine municipalities in Austria, have

declared themselves to be “GMO-free” and expressed their commitment to ban the

use of GMOs on their territory. Although a “GMO-free” position as such is decided at

the local government level and thus does not stand for a country’s official GM status,

these strong anti-GMO voices are nevertheless always taken into consideration in

official decision-making processes. All in all, the divergent management of GM food

in the world manifests the extreme complexity of this topic.

Figure 1: A map showing the different status of labelling laws on GM food in the world.

Retrieved on September 1, 2014 from Center for Food Safety:



Opinions concerning the entry of GMOs into the food chain vary over time and

space, and reams of documents with variegated storylines have been written and

disseminated to defend the different stances. The field of Science, Technology and

Society (STS) is also extremely rich in literature regarding this topic. Rounds of

discussions lead to one conclusion, that is, the matter of GMOs is a hybrid consisting

of scientific, economic, social, political, environmental and ideological concerns. This

complexity thus blocks a definite way out of general GM disputes.

During the course of reading and self-reflection, I found the concept of “risk

society” (Beck, 1992), which implicates that modern society organizes in response to

risk, to be especially relevant. In this “risk society” context, the issue of GMOs for

STS scholars is first and foremost related to scientific uncertainty - and the concurrent

risks. Facing the escalating uncertainties and risks inherent in modern technologies,

scholars of “reflexive modernization” such as Beck (1992) and Giddens (1999)

suggest that the safest approach is to take preventative measures so as to decrease

levels of risk. This precautionary approach applies to our handling of many risk

technologies in today’s modernized world. In this sense, GMOs are by no means a

Figure 2: A map shows the GM-free

areas in the European Union. A

“GM-free” claim only represents local

government’s position, but is

nevertheless taken into account in

official decision-making.

Retrieved on September 1, 2014 from


special case.

Contemplating this “risk society”, in which the issue of GMOs is becoming

increasingly contentious, three key concepts, namely, “scientific uncertainty”,

“risk”, and the “precautionary principle”, have emerged as the kernels of this

discussion. These key concepts not only form the three major strands of STS literature

that I will present in this section, but also form the gist of this research project. In

particular, the discussion opened up by previous scholars on the theme of the

“precautionary principle” will serve as the guiding framework for the whole empirical

investigation of this project. Before divulging too much information here, let me first

turn to the three strands of discussion extracted from the current body of literature,

which gives rise to the major concerns expressed against the introduction of GM 1507

maize in Austria.

1.1. Scientific uncertainty in risk assessment

The primary reasons contributing to the controversies over GMOs boil down to

the term “uncertainty” – “uncertainty” about GMOs’ harm on human/animal health

and the environment, about whether or not such innovations should be embraced, and

about whether the right questions on GMOs are being asked. Within the EU’s current

regulatory system on science and technology, the most direct concern is the

uncertainty about the impact of GMOs, which ought to be assessed by science.

However, science is always called into question for it itself is often uncertain in the

assessment process. Indeed, policymakers often blame “scientific uncertainty” in risk

assessment for deferring regulatory measures on GMOs, and by requiring additional

scientific knowledge, they attempt to overcome that “uncertainty” and thus put an end

to the risk disputes. Requiring more scientific research due to the residual

“uncertainty” in scientific assessment renders a scientific understanding of the

“precautionary principle”, which will be presented in detail in the third section of this


Such a concern about science’s capacity to assess is rooted in the shifting trends


of society, in which the role or image of science is on the down grade. The sheer trust

once attributed to “science” has turned into widespread uneasiness with “science” as

well as science-based technologies. The European Commission has well

acknowledged this shift:

“Today, science is no longer viewed unquestioningly as the harbinger of better times.

Society’s view of scientific inquiry has become more sophisticated and nuanced...People are not

willing just to sit by and let the scientific community and the politicians set the agenda”. (EC

2005b, cited in Felt, et al., 2007, p.13)

At issue is science’s role in assessing the benefits and harms of certain science and

technologies. What is called into question at first in the GM debate is science’s

“incapacity” to assess the risk GMOs may entail once they are out of the laboratory.

Doubts as such about science’s status in the GM debate can primarily be reflected in

the methodological disagreement among experts about the appropriate criteria for

evidence. Substantial STS criticisms follow this stream.

For instance, Brian Wynne, an expert who has long taken interest in technology

and risk assessment, in his 1999 article for the Guardian newspaper clearly rebuked

science’s inadequacy in terms of fully addressing the labyrinth of GMOs. Arguing that

the matter of GMOs is “too important to leave to science alone” (Wynne, 1999), he

particularly puts into question the accountability of scientific farm-scale tests

conducted to observe the risks of GM agriculture. In this article, he straightforwardly

lists some of the most critical problems in the current scientific tests on GM crops,

including: 1) the genetic specimens used in the tests are not necessarily identical with

those produced industrially; 2) the duration of the tests is not long enough to allow

possible cumulative changes to occur, which might happen over the long course of

GM agriculture; 3) the “laboratory” like, single-farm test condition is highly artificial,

which excludes other independent creatures in the environment and isolates GMOs’

interaction with them. (Wynne, 1999) These key problems are of particular concern

when we rely fully on these kinds of scientific tests to assess GMOs. Given the

limitations of scientific methods as well as real-world variations, the “safety” claims

concluded from such scientific tests thus cannot be completely extrapolated to GMOs’


behavior outside the “laboratory”, resulting in the character of GMOs in real-world

scenarios uncertain. Consequently, Wynne puts science’s sense of responsibility in

serious doubt: “If unforeseen consequences are likely, who will be in charge of the

responses to those nasty surprises? And can we trust them (scientists) to act in the

public interest?” (Wynne, 1999) In a word, by emphasizing the uncertainties about

scientific methods, Wynne warns that releasing GMOs into the society and the

environment based on current scientific justifications can be full of risks, for it

involves further unknowns and uncontrolled effects, and once begun, could never

return to the “starting condition like laboratory experiments”.

Besides reflected in the discrepancies of the technicality of research methods,

scientific uncertainty is also theorized as “value-laden” in social studies of science.

Wynne holds that scientific uncertainty “cannot be properly described as objective

shortfalls of knowledge” (1992, p.20). In his earlier account, he argues that the degree

of uncertainty in scientific knowledge can also be influenced by social and cultural

factors. In his own words, scientific uncertainty “can be enlarged by social

uncertainties in the context of practical interpretation, and it can be reduced by

opposite social forces” (Wynne, 1992, p.20). Consequently, “facts” claimed by science

can be reframed by social values. This analysis echoes with Jasanoff’s (1993)

statement that “fact and values frequently merge when we deal with issues of high


Similarly, Beck (1992) argues that scientific uncertainty may become politicized.

In his claim that scientific facts “are nothing but answers to question that could have

been asked differently” (p.166), he implies that scientific “facts” are merely choices

of presenting certain aspects of reality, and regulators’ decisions on certain risk

disputes are a “mobilization of belief” which has become “a central source for the

social enforcement of validity claims about science” (p.168).

In his work with Wehling concerning the “politicization of non-knowledge”

(2012), Beck continues to cast doubt on science’s knowledge to provide “sufficient

guarantees to show that the search for unknown effects is complete or that the spatial

and temporal horizons of observation chosen in the process are appropriate” (p.39).


In cases like GMOs, they argue that since we do not even know what we are supposed

to be looking for or whether something unknown exists, disputing over “what is

known and not known” after releasing GMOs into the environment is ultimately a

political question, which invokes the knowledge gaps between those pro- and

anti-GMOs. On the one hand, progressive scientists and biotech companies always

stress that the usage of GMOs is “risk-free” according to scientific evidence and even

the few “uncertain” aspects can be rapidly eliminated later through systematic

research; on the other hand, critics from environmental NGOs, conservative

politicians and in part from science, would permanently unsettle the case by

emphasizing the “unknown unknowns” into the debate, which goes beyond the

established scientific horizons of “knowns”. So far, in the European context, the

politics of science’s “non-knowledge” has by far excelled the politics of science’s

“knowledge”, for the conviction that knowledge concerning the use of GMOs and

their risks is insufficient and the “unknown unknowns” extends beyond the domain of

“knowns”, has taken deep root among the majority of the European public.

Scott et al. (1999) in their special briefing on the “politics of GM food” for the

British Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) also clearly state that “science

cannot answer all the questions”(p.1), emphasizing that science alone cannot identify

the uncertainties and risks invoked by new technologies such as the one used to create

GMOs. Despite science’s attempt to be purely evidential, they stress that “the way

that scientific advice is used is heavily influenced by the way the official advisory

system is put together” (p.5). In this context, scientific judgments on risks and

uncertainties of GMOs can be deliberately framed by “unavoidably subjective

assumptions about the nature, magnitude and relative importance of these

uncertainties”(p.7). Science thus cannot undertake the justification of such “framing

assumptions” of uncertainties alone, rather, factors such as the “legitimacy of the

institution” which makes justification, the “degree of democratic accountability” and

the “ethical acceptability” of the assumptions must be taken into account equally.

Levidow (2001) follows the same line and agrees that the so-called “uncertainty”

is constructed by a social context rather than simply given by the technical context.


He believes “uncertainty” also unintentionally embodies “strategies” of those making

decisions, for instance, it can serve as “a strategic argument among experts, not

simply as a source of disagreement” (p. 846). In his case studies about various GM

disputes, different stakeholders, representing different social interests, spontaneously

claimed different types of “uncertainties” when making choices about what

uncertainties to emphasize and what potential risks to prevent. Thus, “scientific

uncertainty” in this regard can be considered as highly “value-laden”.

If the “scientific uncertainty ” mentioned so far - be it “technical loophole” or

“value-laden” - derived from somewhat inevitable and innocent subjectivity, Elliott

(2012) then invites us to examine some of the imperatives of scientific uncertainty,

one of which he terms as science’s “selective ignorance”. “Scientific ignorance”

emerges when we become “selectively ignorant about different ways of understanding

a single, complex research topic or phenomenon” (p.329). This sort of ignorance can

stem from a wide variety of subtle research choices and specific interests. In other

words, science sometimes tends to selectively emphasize certain aspects of “results”

and ignore others, for instance, industry groups may “purposely study the beneficial

effects of their products while avoiding research that might yield negative information”

(p.331). This is sometimes the case in GMO research, especially in corporate-funded

risk assessment studies, where the claims are deliberately chosen to be “ignorant”.

A case in point is Monsanto’s 2005 study which showed the new type of GM Bt

maize MON863 had significant harm (kidney abnormalities and unusually high levels

of white blood cells) on rats fed on that variety, thus stirring up serious concerns about

the impacts of GM food on human health. However, Monsanto tried to be ignorant of

its result and suppressed its own study. When the European regulatory bodies obliged

the company to present this study when considering the approval of the maize,

Monsanto claimed that the study was “confidential business information”

(Greenpeace, 2005) and attempted to hide it from the public. When it was finally

made public, Monsanto then reasoned that the results were irrelevant and the negative

effect of GM maize was at worst uncertain. In so doing, Monsanto’s scientific study

was taken advantage of by commercial interests, and science was forced to play the


“ignorant” card when it clashed with the company’s sought-after interest. Such

deliberate choice of “scientific uncertainty” in GM research greatly adds fuel to the

anti-GMO voices, who consequently demand more independent scientific

investigations on GM matters.

To conclude, “scientific uncertainty” has always been in the forefront of various

GM debates, albeit the “uncertainty” can embody different forms. As the above STS

literature has discussed, “scientific certainty” can be reflected in - but not limited to -

the form of technical inadequacy, the “value-laden” feature, and the selective

ignorance of scientific research. In the case of GM maize 1507, these manifestations

of “uncertainty” are all at play: technically, the “risk-free” claims concluded by the

company, the EFSA and the Competent Authorities in some Member States, are being

widely disputed by the public, some governments and scientific bodies, who argue

that the real character of this maize identified by current scientific research is not

certain and thus request further research; socially and politically, different

stakeholders with various values and interests have voiced concerns on different

uncertainties of this maize; and some actors have also implied that research conducted

on 1507 maize was intricately influenced by industrial interests. Overall, the above

literature has provided a great insight into the discussion on the “scientific uncertainty”

involved in this case, which will be sketched in detail in the empirical chapter.

1.2. Normative risk assessment

The overriding argumentation of the anti-GMOs follows the reasoning that first,

science cannot know or is not able to know yet; second, if the nature of GMOs cannot

be fully known by science, then once claimed to be safe and released into the

environment, their effects are impossible to foresee because the operation of these

GMOs will be literally unlimited both in space and in time - this “unpredictability”

poses a great risk on mankind, animals and the environment. Indeed, once “scientific

uncertainty” is successfully introduced into the GM debate, the term “risk”

automatically comes to the fore, which in turn highlights science’s inability and


aggravates the public’s doubts over scientific authorities.

Contemporary society’s shrinking confidence in science resonates with the

concept of “risk society” (Beck, 1992; Giddens, 1999), which is closely associated

with reflexive modernity. In Giddens’ words, a risky society is “a society increasingly

preoccupied with the future, which generates the notion of risk,” (p. 3), while for

Beck (1992), it is “a systematic way of dealing with hazards and insecurities induced

and introduced by modernisation itself” (p. 21). Both of them hold that modern

societies are exposed to risks resulting from the modernization process itself. In

Giddens’ definition, the risks mainly caused by human activities are called

“manufactured risks”, and in reflexive modernity, societies should be able to assess

the level of risk that is being produced or is about to be produced and then alter the

planned activities accordingly. Cases in point are nuclear energy, GMOs and other

environmentally sensitive modern technologies, which entail risks invoked by human

activities and need to be assessed and managed with extreme caution.

The current risk practice in the EU distinguishes “risk assessment” and “risk

management” as “fact” and “value”. As Felt et al. (2007) documented, “risk

assessment” was, and “continues to be envisaged as an exclusively scientific process

of objective factual discovery, always conducted prior to risk management”; “risk

management” then “introduces more normative questions about economic costs,

ethical issues, and subjective social values and interests as well as the practical

exigencies of implementation”(p.32). At issue is whether these two processes can be

clearly separated, in particular, whether “risk assessment” can be taken as an

“exclusively scientific process” which stands free from “normative” elements. STS

scholars would argue that this clear demarcation between the “fact-based risk

assessment” and the “value/interest-influenced risk management” is too simplistic in

reality. Rather, similar with “uncertainty”, the term “risk assessment” is composed of

a complex hybrid of facts and values as well. At the forefront of the discussion, the

notion of “framing assumptions” (Scott et al., 1999; Stirling 1999) achieves a

significant position when dealing with the issue of “risk assessment”. An array of STS

literature has focused on the “framing” of risks in GM debates.


For instance, Levidow et al. (1997) examine the role of “framing” in the risk

assessment of one herbicide-tolerant oilseed rape (canola) in Europe. In their

argument, “assessing” risk is not purely hard-fact-based, rather, “in seeking and

organizing facts about risk, we make sociopolitical choices about what potential

harms to prevent and what opportunities to forego” (p.474); in other words, we

“frame” risk assessment. In their case study, through anatomizing the disagreements

between EU Member States when deciding the market approval of this contentious

GM crop, they carefully map out how the “framing” of risk assessment (took the form

of “setting boundaries” in this case) helped the regulatory authorities reach a

conclusion over this dispute. It is worth mentioning that they identified four contested

boundaries the authorities drew to “define the relevance of technical expertise and

scientific knowledge for risk assessment” (p.496) of this crop. They are: bounds of

administrative responsibility, of causality, of acceptable effects and controls and of

expertise and adequate evidence. The setting of boundaries reveals divergent framings

of risk - different framings contain different emphasis, and each emphasis “derived

from the institutional basis of GMO regulation, its framing of biotechnological risk,

and its model of the socionatural order.”(p.496)

In the same vein, Levidow and his colleagues (2007) re-examined the “socially

constructed” character of risk assessment in the field of GMOs, albeit this time

focusing on how a “science-based” risk assessment approach - “substantial

equivalence” - changed over time in order to accommodate criticisms. “Substantial

equivalence”, a guideline of risk assessment framed by OEAD in 1993, says that

“If a new food or food component is found to be substantially equivalent to an existing food

or food component, it can be treated in the same manner with respect to safety. No additional

safety concerns would be expected.” (cited in Levidow, et al, 2007, p.33)

By unfolding some key processes in which the “substantial equivalence” was

implemented, challenged, recast and then reinterpreted in EU practice over time, they

argue that the concept of “substantial equivalence” has always accompanied the body

of risk assessment to govern the social conflict and address legitimacy problems over

GMOs. In particular, Levidow and colleagues analyze how different policy agendas


frame risks of GMOs with the “substantial equivalence” principle. According to them,

risk in this GM debate is framed by three major policy agendas: the pro-agbiotech

group who holds that risk over GMOs is readily testable and can be standardized

across countries; the anti-agbiotech group who considers GM technology as

inherently risky for it generates unknown hazards; and the mainstream consumer

group who fears the uncertain risks GM carries and thus demands more rigorous

methods. Accordingly, risk assessment in these frames is respectively tied to concerns

over “regulatory efficiency”, “wider industrial hazards” and “consumer rights”, and as

they argue, different policy agendas based their perception of “risk assessment” on

their understanding of the “substantial equivalence” concept, and only “together,

these frames constituted the uncertainties (of GM food) to be debated and

clarified”(p.54). In this sense, the idea of risk is socially constructed, or framed, by

different actors at different times.

Bonneuil et al. (2008) then carry the lens of the Actor-network theory (see Callon,

1986; Latour,1987; & Law, 1999) when approaching the risk assessment of GMOs.

Taking the case of how GM-crop field trials was constructed to be a controversial

social problem in France, they stress the significance of taking into consideration the

“movement of actors, objects, and discourses between various arenas of a structured

mosaic public space”(p.227) when examining this issue. In their paper, they present a

detailed account in which different actors from diverse social arenas interact,

negotiate and compete with each other in a heterogeneous public space to put forward

alternative framings of problems. For instance, actors from policy, scientific, media,

activist and legal arenas performed different framings over the issue, respectively

focusing on keywords such as “ecological risk”, “contamination of weeds or other

crops”, “right to information”, “alterglobalist” and so on - these are what the authors

call “social evaluation of the risky character of the GMOs as technical

artifacts”(p.225). However, this contest goes beyond the technical aspect of GMOs: it

also brings more hidden elements relevant to this issue to the fore, e.g.: “the scope of

the precautionary principle, the legitimacy of civil disobedience, the governance of

public research, and about the kind of world GMOs lead us to inhabit.”(p.225). In the


end, as the framing of this debate shifted and the boundaries between science and

society are continuously redrawn, different heroes and victims were made visible,

heterogeneous networks were constructed and hybrids were produced. Through that,

as they argue, “not only has the framing of the GM debate been transformed as it

erupted into a greater range of arenas, but those arenas themselves have sometimes

been transformed, as new orders of justification replaced old ones as legitimate bases

for credibility and action”(p.227).

Other STS literature also sheds light on the importance of “actors” in risk

framing in GMOs. For instance, Yamaguchi & Suda (2010) use an analytic framework

known as “regimes of justification” to understand how GMOs have come to be

viewed as problematic and risky in Japan. Guided by the concept that “the social

appropriateness of acts can be observed through the ways in which actors justify their

interpretation” (Boltanski, 1990; Boltanski & Thevenot, 2006, cited in Yamaguchi &

Suda, p. 384), they show how identified actor groups, i.e., scientists, officials,

commercial operators, civil society including environmentalists, farmers, consumers’

unions, etc. each used different languages and multiple evaluative criteria to justify

their opinions on the risk of GMOs. In practice, actors from different social

backgrounds, holding divergent interpretations and epistemologies, are usually drawn

together by public policies to foster an environment in which they can interact and

negotiate. For instance, GM food-labeling policies have brought heterogeneous actors

to public arenas such as government-organized consultation meetings and public

hearings, during which actors consolidated their different interpretations of risk.

Moreover, by examining the changes in the collective sense of what is perceived as

rational, they argue social order is an emergent, interpretive, and constantly changing

structure built on multiple layers of criteria whose legitimacy is collectively decided”

(396). This changing interpretation of rational social order, plus the subjectivity found

in “the interpretation of scientific data” (p.383), reinforces the “socially framed”

character of risk assessment.

Among all the players in the GMO disputes, one actor’s role is particularly

influential, that is the World Trade Organization (WTO), whose dispute settlement


procedure is considered as a key arena for establishing global legal norms. Halfen

(2009) uses a recent GMO dispute case, in which the U.S. and two other countries

filed a complaint against the EC for operating a de facto “illegal moratorium”, to

examine the WTO’s risk framework and adjudication process. By reinterpreting

existing WTO documents, Halfen presents how the WTO engages technical standards

and constructs regimes in order to put in place a decision-making framework. For

instance, the WTO does its risk framing by allowing only arguments that are narrowly

concerned with the health/safety of humans/ environment, while limiting the sets of

arguments that might restrict trade. Halfen thus refers to this framework as risk-based

“policy-making” and argues that it is “most appropriately viewed as a heterogeneous

package of concepts and practices, rather than a logical category, regulation”


If the WTO can construct its own framework over GMO risk assessment, it is

largely attributed to its ability to mobilize and re-stage scientific expertise. Bonneuil

& Levidow (2012) refer to the same case to illustrate how the WTO settlement

process constructs the kinds of scientific expertise and knowledge that are counted as

reliable and relevant in its judgment through mobilizing them in particular ways. In

the new global trade, science tends to be used by ruling institutions with multiple

interests and values to “provide a disinterested, objective ‘view from nowhere’ that

lends epistemic authority to norm-making” (p.78). In their analysis, the WTO uses

various strategies to “manipulate” science for its own use, for instance, in its

SPS(Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement) framework, science was imported to a

legal arena: by setting up how experts were questioned, the answers they would give

and the way their statements would complement the Panel’s findings, the WTO

successfully inscribed its “legal epistemology”(p.80) into science’s functioning in this

regard, which illuminated how scientific and legal expertise were co-produced within

the Panel’s framework. As such, in disagreement settlement procedure, the WTO

treats science as a source of credibility to reinforce “the standard narrative of a

‘science-based’ trade discipline” (p.94). In so doing, it constructs a new scientific

expertise for its own purpose. In a word, STS has taught us that science cannot stand


free from historical, political and cultural contents. The WTO’s risk assessment over

GMOs, which is to be adopted as an international standard for trade, is meticulously

framed in accordance with its own political value and economic interest.

Overall, as Felt et al. (2007) emphasized, scientific risk is a “normative issue” for

even the “sound scientific” questions of risk can be recognized as “intrinsically

shaped and framed by social values, sometimes embodied in routinized habitual ways

of institutional thinking, and political interests”(p.34). Thus, the understanding of risk

about GMOs, be it at the assessment or management stage, cannot stand free from

normative values and/or social interests.

1.3. Precautionary principle: a means to manage uncertainty&risk

In the face of science’s generic uncertainty in examining the character of GMOs

and their impact on human/animal health and the environment, the EU is known for

handling risk technologies with great precaution. When it comes to policy making

regarding GMOs, the precautionary principle emphasizes uncertainty, broadens the

scope of risk assessment, and in a way provides a means to tackle risk.

The intricate intertwinement of precaution and scientific uncertainty should be

traced back to a declaration from the 1992 United Nations Conference on

Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio, which sowed the seed for today’s

widely-applied precautionary principle across the EU. The declaration stated that

“where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific

certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to

prevent environmental degradation” (UN, 1993) - that is to say, a precautionary

strategy should be advised when there is visible risk emerging, regardless whether

that risk is confirmed by science or not. On those grounds, in 1999, triggered by a

wave of public protests against GMOs, EU Member States declared they would not

authorize any further commercial GM requests in the EU until science could preclude

the possibility of harm. Subsequently, Member States blocked a series of regulatory

procedures, demanding a de facto moratorium in the EU. In response, EU institutions


developed a new policy framework called the “precautionary principle”, aiming to

incorporate scientific uncertainty as well as more diverse accounts of expertise.

In 2000, in an attempt to deflect international criticisms that the precautionary

approach hindered fair trade, the European Commission issued a communication on

how the precautionary principle should be interpreted and implemented. (Levidow, et

al. 2005) The circumstance in which to apply the precautionary principle, according to

the Commission, is “when there are reasonable grounds for concern that potential

hazards may affect the environment or human, animal or plant health, and when at

the same time the available data preclude a detailed risk evaluation...” (EC: The

Precautionary Principles, p. 8). In other words, the definition of the precautionary

principle operationalized under EU law is: during the decision-making process, when

there are reasonable grounds for concern of the possibility of adverse effects on the

environment or human health, which the available scientific information is not able to

fully assess, then the provisional risk management measures, i.e., the precautionary

principle, may be adopted, without having to wait until the reality and seriousness of

those adverse effects become fully apparent. (von Schomberg, 2012)

A widely referenced report called “Late lessons from early warnings” is worth

mentioning at this point. Compiled by staff from the European Environmental Agency

(EEA) and some scientific advisers such as Brian Wynne, this 2001 report includes

various case studies of historical instances ranging from issues like BSE to biological

agents. Aiming to see what lessons can be extracted to benefit existing or future

European policies with the help of hindsight, these cases are all in a sense negatives,

in which authorities involved ignored warnings from scientific research and did not

act in time to control the damages which occurred subsequently. Based on these

alarming “lessons” from history, which show confident claims such as “no apparent

harm” have had deadly consequences, the EEA report urges governmental bodies to

be more cautious during the decision-making process concerning risk technologies.

The GMO cases were not included in this EEA report due to their brief history at

that time, but the cases listed naturally raised the alarm for risk managers who are

dealing with GMOs, whose evolution is highly similar to that of past negative events.


In view of this, the precautionary principle becomes a persuasive tool when handling

GMOs. Although the official definitions leave considerable flexibility to interpret the

concept, the precautionary principle is a normative reference for regulators when

making practical decisions. The principle is easy to apply because it does not require

establishing a direct causal link to potential harm, especially when “harm” also

depends on “the chosen level of protection” (e,g. Christoforou, 2003) , that is, a norm

of unacceptable effects. In a nutshell, precaution is defended with reference to

science’s limitation or inability to predict risks, thus its employment “entails the

identification of risk, scientific uncertainty and ignorance, and it involves transparent

and inclusive decision making processes” (Raffensperger &Tickner 1999, cited in

Myhr, 2007, p.457).

Meanwhile, precaution can justify uncertainty, not simply vice versa. Levidow

(2001) in his case study on the European GM disputes illustrates that precaution can

change the criteria for evidence, and by so doing, it reframes uncertainty. Looking

back at the trajectory of GM disputes in Europe, he argues that precaution offers a

stronger means to raise new questions and thus to identify unknowns. Therefore, the

uncertainty arisen from the GMO controversies cannot be simply explained by

incomplete scientific information, rather, it was “social conflict (that) increased and

reframed uncertainty” (p.868). Similarly, Stirling (1999) argues that precaution can

highlight various unknowns in risk assessment. Exploring the notion of “framing

assumptions”, he argues that during the deliberative process in which assessors make

value choices about how to frame unknowns and indeterminacies, the employment of

precautionary principle can in turn highlight ambiguity and ignorance: “In

acknowledging that the problems of scope, incommensurability and ignorance in risk

assessment are otherwise intractable, active stakeholder engagement in the appraisal

process becomes a matter of analytical rigor.” (p. 20)

Von Schomberg (2012) identifies the interplay between predictive and normative

uncertainties in the precautionary principle: “the uncertainty of the science is related

to the uncertainty of what still could count as acceptable in terms of health and

environmental effects” (p.149). In his opinion, the precautionary principle is by nature


a provisional means, and needs to be regularly reviewed when new scientific

information emerges. In this sense, applying the precautionary principle is seen as a

normative risk management exercise which builds upon scientific risk assessments.

Meanwhile, the precautionary principle is a deliberative principle, whose application

“involves deliberation on a range of normative dimensions which need to be taken

into account while making the principle operational in the public policy context”,

therefore, this framework “facilitates in particular deliberation at the

science/policy/society interfaces to which risk management is fully


Indeed, the implementation of the precautionary principle involves a complex

consideration of scientific, political and social concerns, resulting in the divergent

interpretations of the precautionary principle. Different accounts can readily be found

in key EU documents and expert practices other than the operational definition

mentioned above. Levidow et, al. (2005) in their article describe how expert advice

and regulatory practices correspond to different accounts of “precaution”. According

to the two accounts provided in their analysis, a narrower account, often advocated by

biotechnology companies and the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA), often

sharply defines the risk problem and evidential criteria, thus can more readily justify a

regulatory decision. However, a broader account, interpreted by opponents of GMOs,

always emphasizes a wider range of risk problems as well as the limits of available

scientific knowledge. Therefore, they argue that it is through conflicts, rather than

through an explicit interpretation or application of a prior principle, that “precaution”

is given “working meanings” by different actors.

Not surprisingly, lacking a static definition, and often used to justify blockages of

agbiotech, the precautionary principle has received particular criticisms from arenas

that are economy- and trade-driven, among them being pro-GMO countries, the WTO

and the agbiotech companies. On top of often being criticized as merely rhetorical or

“as a pretext for political agendas” (Levidow, et. al, 2005), the precautionary

principle is accused of impeding technological development and social interest, for it

places “additional regulatory burdens on GMO utilization, and thereby reduces


returns from innovation, limits utilisation of GMOs worldwide and provides

disincentives for research,”(Myhr, 2007, p.457). Critics also argue that it places a

great burden on science and causes intractable legitimacy problems in the EU when

deciding about the fate of GMOs.

In the STS arena, the precautionary principle has been prominently criticized for

blurring the boundaries between science and politics (Torgersen & Bogner, 2005).

Those who advocate a “sound science” approach in risk regulations criticize the

precautionary principle as a “politicization of decision-making where only scientific

risk arguments should count” (Miller & Conko, 2001, p.303), whereas for scholars

such as Beck who contemplates on “reflexive modernization”, “a boundary blurring

is an indication of a deep skepticism towards science”, and accordingly, the

precautionary principle indicates that “the assumption in favor of the innocence of

scientific-technical progress increasingly becomes problematic” (Beck et al, 2001,

p.73, in Torgersen & Bogner, 2005, p.279). These two divergent opinions stress the

ambiguity in applying the precautionary principle.

However, despite the wide range of criticisms and ambivalence, the

precautionary principle remains the most lethal weapon for EU regulators who are

most concerned with science’s role as a basis of decision-making in events such as

GMO cultivation. When EU-level scientific expertise failed to reconcile national

regulatory differences or to overcome the wide conflicts concerning the certainty of

GMOs, the precautionary principle has offered a flexible means to cope with such

conflicts and scientific uncertainty.

Austria is doubtlessly one of the most eminent supporters in terms of invoking

the precautionary principle, regardless of its disputed character. Indeed, Austria

advocates a precautionary approach during risk assessment, decision-making and risk

management of GMOs (UBA, 2010). Although they unanimously share the

understanding that the precautionary principle is a guiding tool in routine

administration of GMOs in Austria, stakeholders from different institutions hold

divergent interpretations of this tool. In their investigation, Torgersen & Bogner (2005)

found that the precautionary principle even within the Austrian landscape is a


“political contingency”. They discovered three understandings of “precaution” in the

policy process vis-à-vis GM crops in Austria: A “scientific” understanding espoused

by scientists and the Ministries of Research and of Trade, which implies that

uncertainty must be reduced by means of new knowledge and the application of the

precautionary principle means more research performed by those scientific disciplines

that fulfill the criteria of (natural) science. A “political-economic” understanding that

suggests criteria are not only scientific but can also derive from value judgments that

are predominantly economic, political or ethical in character. This perception is

advocated by the Austrian Competent Authorities as well as the Federal Environment

Agency (UBA) and is the dominant understanding in their analysis. Another

understanding is termed as “normative systems-critical” which is based on the

normative concept of “nature” and “modernization”. Expressed by NGOs and

politicians from the Social Democrats and the Greens, this understanding compels the

precautionary principle to make space for “holistic” decisions by taking into account

non-quantifiable risks and long-term consequences, as well as slowing down the

decision-making process. (Torgessen & Bogner, 2005)

Overall, the precautionary principle is a complex product of debates over risk

technologies in modern society. In a way it provides a means for regulators to tackle

scientific uncertainty and the risks within the assigned time, but, by doing so, it in turn

puts uncertainty and risk in the limelight. Therefore, although best justified by

uncertainty and risk, the invocation of the precautionary principle is always

considered suspicious, for it is unavoidably associated with particular political

motives. In a word, the above literature not only informs the intertwining relationship

between scientific uncertainty, risk and the application of the precautionary principle,

but also points out the ambiguity in definition and the controversial character of the

precautionary principle as a preventive tool.

In conclusion, the above STS literature presents a multilayered, yet by no means

complete picture of the intricate interplay between scientific uncertainty, the

concurrent risk and, consequently, the precautionary principle as a means to tackle


uncertainty and risk in the GM debate. Overall, the three interrelated keywords come

to form a complex landscape of disputes over GMOs, which inherently requires a

holistic consideration of scientific content, social values and economic and political

interests. In presenting the various social framings of uncertainty, risk and the

precautionary principle, this section reminds us that the factors contributing to the

current dispute over GM 1507 maize are simultaneously scientific, social and political,

in the sense that it is a hybrid of facts and values. The concerns and tensions identified

in the general GM disputes thus lead me to examine the issue at hand in an entangled

rather than a unitary manner.

This paper, building upon the above discussions, will feature the interaction

between scientific uncertainty, risk and the precautionary principle in the GM 1507

maize case. In particular, with the hindsight of the three understandings of the

precautionary principle observed by the previous researchers, it will focus on

examining how the perception of the precautionary principle is taken up by major

stakeholders. The empirical chapter is organized by reflecting how the three

understandings of the precautionary principle (i.e., “scientific”, “political-economic”

and “normative system-critical”) correspond to the arguments of the major

stakeholders. Contrary to what Torgersen & Bogner (2005) have done to clearly

allocate each understanding to specific representatives, my analysis will suggest that

stakeholders tend to have mixed, not unitary understandings of the precautionary

principle, depending on their specific expertise and political pursuits. Through this

analysis, I will also reveal the paradox of applying the precautionary principle: on the

one hand, due to its ambiguity and the imbedded political imperatives, it is difficult to

regard the precautionary principle as a universally legitimized instrument for risk

assessment and management; on the other hand, this very vagueness makes it a

reasonable, workable, and to some extent “cheap” tool that can be taken up anywhere

and at any time.



The literature outlined above has already revealed some major perspectives to be

examined in this case study, namely, “scientific uncertainty”, “risk framing”, and the

“precautionary principle”. In this section, I will give a brief preview of another two

groups of concepts corresponding to my empirical dissertation; they are: “collective

expertise & relevant expertise” and “sociotechnical imaginaries & national

technopolitical identity”. These concepts, together with the key perspectives, will

serve as the leitmotif of the empirical investigation and analysis.

2.1. Collective expertise & relevant expertise

The uppermost task of addressing GMO risk issues falls upon scientific

knowledge, therefore the opinions of scientific and technical experts are bestowed

with particular credibility and trust. However, there is a kaleidoscope of scientific

opinions in the GM debate. Held by experts from similar or different scientific arenas,

most often the various kinds of expertise appear equally convincing and valid. So the

question is: whose expertise is par excellence? One strand of arguments holds that

experts’ opinions tend to enjoy higher prestige when there is a consensus among

different individuals or groups (Thomas, 2009). Put differently, if an opinion voiced

by scientific personnel or an institution is echoed by more scientists or scientific

organizations, then this opinion tends to overshadow those with smaller clusters of

supporters. Thus, in order to outstrip other claims, expertise needs to be networked

and presented collectively.

This collective sense of expertise can be seen in the account of Limoges (1993),

who considers expertise is nothing more than a collective “social learning process”

which involves a lot of “associations” or “networking”. He states that all participating

groups in a scientific-social controversy are mature actors, and there is no prior

difference in terms of accountability of each kind of knowledge. What makes certain

expertise more credible in a controversial context than others is the strength of the


networks with which experts are associated. In his case studies, he presents

controversies as an arena where “a significant diversity of worlds of relevance” meets.

This controversial space creates the conditions for the deployment of an interaction

among different “worlds of relevance”. Through the translation of controversy

“managers”, who play the role of brokers between different “worlds of relevance”, the

mobilization and association of different “worlds of relevance” is fulfilled and the

ground for decision making is thus prepared. In this sense, the robustness of decisions

can be “predicted upon their ability to reflect associations, and upon the extension

and heterogeneity of the network created through these controversies” (p.424).

In echo, Nowotny (2003) also says that the persuasiveness of a specific kind of

expertise “lies in the nature and robustness of links it can build with other types of

knowledge, other kinds of experience and expertise” (p.154). In Allgaier’s (2013)

words then, “how powerful and credible experts become in a particular controversy

depends...on their ability to build networks and form associations with the other

actors involved in the controversy” (p.300). Therefore, the robustness and credibility

of expertise situated in a particular controversy context develops in the interaction

with other “worlds of relevance”. In this sense, the expertise that is acknowledged

more widely than other forms of knowledge is not an individual property but an

outcome of networking and collective contributions.

But the question on expertise is not only restricted to “which scientific expertise

is deemed credible”; it also expands to “what kind of expertise is relevant” in a

particular context. After all, the debates over GMOs concern more than just scientific

knowledge or technical details. The complexity of it lies in the fact that it is not

simply a scientific/technical issue; rather, it is a “monster” that stirs up scientific,

social and political controversies at the same time, thus making it particularly difficult

to determine who can be seen as the relevant experts as well as who should decide

what kinds of the expertise are relevant (Jasanoff, 2003).

Indeed, it is no longer the case that advice based on natural science is deemed as

the sole expertise in public controversies; rather, other forms of counter-expertise

emerge and are promoted by various well-equipped players (Massen & Weingart,


2005). For instance, STS scholars have showcased a range of studies which

demonstrated that “lay” people can possess situated expertise that may be as crucial as,

if not more than, applying abstract natural scientific knowledge to particular contexts

and cases (e.g. Wynne, 1989). The notion “relevant expertise” indicates that among

different kinds of seemingly convincing expertise, the one(s) that is deemed the most

relevant in a controversial context becomes the crucial criteria for risk assessment.

In general, the relevant expertise that is associated with the strongest network

then naturally acquires the dominant status when directing policy-making in public

controversies. In my case study which features the contrasting decision-making

concerning the cultivation of GM 1507 maize in the EU and in Austria, the concepts

of “collective expertise” and “relevant expertise” will help explain the controversial

situations in the two theaters. I will argue that the reason lies in the fact that there are

two sets of “collective expertise” excelling in the two contexts, and the two contexts

perceive different kinds of expertise as relevant: At the European level, since only

arguments concerning GMOs’ direct impacts on the environment and on human and

animal health can be taken into account in the risk assessment practice, natural

science then excels as the most robust, credible - and most importantly - relevant

expertise. In this context, the conclusion collectively drawn by the EFSA and some

influential national Competent Authorities, who mainly possess expertise of

laboratory natural science, became the basis of decision-making at the EU stage.

However, in the Austrian context, because more profound environmental concerns

and specific social values/images are deemed as particularly relevant for Austrians, a

broader set of “relevant expertise”, consisting of natural science, ecological science

and social science, is brought into the risk assessment process. On this basis, relevant

experts on the Austrian stage form a strong anti-1507 maize network, to compete with

the pro-1507 maize network built by the EFSA and other national regulatory bodies

on the EU stage. Meanwhile, the concept of “relevant expertise” will also be

discerned within the Austrian context, in which stakeholders from different areas

mobilize specific kinds of expertise to buttress their own argumentation. We will

witness in detail this performance of expertise in the empirical chapter.


2.2. Sociotechnical imaginaries & national technopolitical identity

In international controversies about scientific and technological (S&T) policies

such as the one concerning GMOs, an interesting question is why the GMO policy in

Austria takes the form that is radically different from some countries within the EU or

in other parts of the world. To make sense of the national policies supporting the

development of science and technology (in this case, the development of GM

technology in foods sector), the concepts of “sociotechnical imaginaries” (Jasanoff &

Kim, 2009) and “national technopolitical identity” (Felt, 2013) can be used to explain

this variation in Austria’s national S&T policies.

Introduced by Jasanoff and Kim (2009), the concept of “sociotechnical

imaginaries” embodies “collectively imagined forms of social life and social order

reflected in the design and fulfillment of nation-specific scientific and/or

technological projects”(p.120). This idea follows Anderson’s (2006/1983) statement

that a nation can be understood as an “imagined community”, “whose coherence is

created through specific sets of cultural, political but also techno-scientific practices”

(Anderson, 2006/1983, in Felt, 2013, p.2).

In their empirical study, Jasanoff and Kim argue that national S&T policies could

only be fully understood by looking at the “material and organizational resources”

nations deploy, as well as the “imaginative resources” throughout the development.

Through a historical comparison of different uptakes of nuclear power in the US and

South Korea, the two authors reveal that the two nations’ technological engagements

were deeply tied to “state-society relations” and the “evolving understanding of

democracy” (p.141) in the specific context. In reality, primarily due to different

imaginations of social life and order, the two nations diverged dramatically in

engagements including framing risks, defining policy focus, articulating social and

technical controversies, providing avenues and means of closure and so forth.

Therefore, the notion of “sociotechnical imaginaries” suggests that a nation’s

technological choice is closely related to a collective form of social life and order and

is co-produced “along with the goals, priorities, benefits and risks of science and


technology” (p.141).

Meanwhile, the “sociotechnical imaginaries” formed and stabilized in one

technological choice can form a sense of “tradition” which can have profound

influence on a nation’s further and broader S&T policy development. Felt (2013)

analyzes how pre-existing sociotechnical imaginaries can influence a country’s further

engagement of new technologies. Taking the concept of “sociotechnical imaginaries”

further, she proposes the notion of “national technopolitical identity”. Focusing on the

Austrian context, Felt investigates how the nation achieved in creating a unique

identity of technological engagement, or a “specific form of innovation governance”,

that is, “collectively keeping a set of technologies out” (p.3).

Overall, she argues that this identity cannot be simply explained by the

“technophobia” argument, rather, it stems from a “tradition”, or a historical context,

which makes “parts of social life unchanging and invariant” (p.8). For instance, in

the GM case, she ties Austria’s anti-GMO position to the anti-nuclear power

movement which took place a few decades earlier. She argues that it was the

“sociotechnical imaginaries” stabilized throughout the anti-nuclear power movement

that largely contributed to the GMO stance in Austria today. The elements featured in

the anti-nuclear power movement, in her words, “became important resources to feed

people’s imagination of potential relations between technological projects, preferred

ways of living and social order” (p.15). In turn, the imaginary elements involved in

the anti-GMO movement enriched the pre-existing “sociotechnical imaginaries” and

fed into the “tradition”, which appears extremely attractive when making future S&T

innovation choices such as on nanotechnology.

In a word, through assemblages of “sociotechnical imaginaries”, Austria came to

form a unique “national technopolitical identity” which highlights that, despite its size

and place in Europe, “Austria can manage to choose a different sociotechnical

trajectory than its more powerful neighbors” (p.16). Meanwhile, through continuous

rehearsals concerning S&T policies, Austria’s “national technopolitical identity”

becomes more solidified.

On the whole, this group of concepts introduced will allow me to examine the


GM case with dimensions beyond scientific and technological development. Both

“sociotechnical imaginaries” and “national technopolitical identity” suggest that

technologies cannot be separated from their social, including political context; rather,

these aspects are deeply intertwined. In particular, the notion of “sociotechnical

imaginaries” will call attention to the fact that Austria’s dealing with the cultivation of

1507 maize is inevitably connected to a wider vision of social order, of national

technopolitical cultures, of social risk and benefit, of collective good, and of

imaginaries about the future. And the concept of “national technopolitical identity”

will lead to examine how GM technology matter in forming Austria’s national identity

and how this national identity in turn can influence the framing of GMOs governance.

In this specific case, the notion will inform the importance of keeping up to “tradition”

and retaining Austria’s unique technopolitical identity in the midst of hot disputes

over the cultivation proposal on GM 1507 maize.

Through the empirical analysis, we will witness how “imaginaries” and “identity”

are vividly played out in this case. We’ will see how Austrians’ imaginations of social

life, order, future and public good, as well as the established national technopolitical

identity can influence and define major stakeholders’ risk-framing, argumentation,

and the overall policy-making concerning the cultivation of GM 1507 maize in

Austria. In a word, this group of concepts brings in a broad and rich social dimension

to assess scientific/technological innovations. Therefore, I will examine, on top of the

scientific rationales, how the nation’s pre-existing social imaginaries and

technopolitical identity becomes a stronghold of the anti-1507 stance.


3. CASE BACKGROUND: GM 1507 maize and its difficult entry into the EU

In July 2001, the American companies Pioneer Hi-Bred and Mycogen Seeds

(with the former taking the lead) submitted an application for cultivating GM 1507

maize in the EU to the Competent Authority of Spain - Comision Nacional de

Bioseguridad (CNB), in accordance with Directive 2001/18/EC of the European

Parliament and of the Council on the deliberate release of GMOs into the environment.

The next year, in compliance with the CNB’s requirement, Pioneer submitted

complementary information containing the environmental risk assessment, proposals

for a monitoring plan and other supportive materials. Alongside the cultivation

proposal submitted to Spain, a separate notification for food and feed was

simultaneously submitted to the Netherlands, and was authorized by the European

Commission in 2006 without facing much objection.

The maize product is described as B.t. Cry1F maize line 1507. Its genetic

modification has made it both herbicide-tolerant and pesticide-resistant: the inserted

gene Cry1F confers resistance to certain lepidopteran insect pests such as the

notorious European corn borer, and the gene PAT makes it tolerant to

glufosinate-ammonium herbicide. Given this character, the companies’ application

document suggests that 1507 maize is particularly suitable to be cultivated “in

environments where there is infestation from lepidopteran insect pests, such as

Southern and Central Europe” (Pionner/Dow AgroScience, Summary of application,

2001, term f).

In May 2003, CNB’s risk evaluation concluded that based on the current

knowledge, there was no scientific evidence to indicate that the imports, production,

processing and cultivation of 1507 maize would pose any risks to human or animal

health or the environment. Thus it approved that within the above scope of usage,

1507 maize could be used as the conventionally-bred maize, but under the unique

identifier DAS-O1507-1 and with clearly marked GM labels on the relevant

commodities. (Ministry of Environment of Spain, Assessment Report, 2003)

CNB’s assessment report was submitted to the European Commission and the


Competent Authorities of other Member States in 2003. Since then some of the

Member States raised and maintained objections to the cultivation of this GM product,

contributing to the very difficult path of this cultivation proposal inside the European

Union. The issued raised by Member States mainly featured concerns over the

molecular characterization of the maize, the inheritance and stability of the inserted

DNAs, the changeable level of Cry1F over time and space, environmental risks such

as gene transfer and effects on other non-target organisms, and so forth.

In response to these concerns, the Commission requested the GMO Panel of the

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), an agency in the European Union

responsible to provide independent scientific advice and communication on risks

associated with food, to carry out a further assessment and provide a scientific opinion

on whether placing 1507 maize on the market is likely to cause any adverse effects on

human and animal health and the environment.

Upon request, the EFSA conducted an assessment by re-examining the relevant

scientific data submitted by the applicant. After approximately two years’

investigation, in 2004, the Panel concluded in its “Opinion” report that the maize

“will not have an adverse effect on human and animal health or the environment in

the context of its proposed use” (EFSA Journal, 2004, p2). Although in its “Opinion”

it also indicated that “the only adverse effect identified was the possibility that

resistance to Bt toxin might evolve in corn borers exposed to 1507 maize following

cultivation for some years”(p.26). Nonetheless, the Panel stressed the potential

adverse effect would be sufficiently controlled by carrying out the monitoring plan

developed by the applicant, as well as the appropriate risk management strategies

accompanying the cultivation.

But certain Member States were not convinced by the EFSA’s opinion.

Especially clinching the potential adverse effects of 1507 maize, they raised concerns

relating to the risk assessment of the product and requested a better explanation of the

potential effects of the Bt toxin on non-target organisms and their monitoring.

Environmental groups also strongly opposed the crop’s introduction into the

environment, worrying that maize 1507 would “harm non-target species and lead to a


surge in the use of a toxic herbicide to which maize 1507 has been made

resistant”(ScienceInsider, 7 November 2013).

The Commission accordingly requested the EFSA again to complement its

opinion by providing more specific information concerning the above mentioned

concerns. In 2006, the EFSA complemented its opinion on non-target organisms and

remained its conclusion that the maize was safe to be cultivated in the EU. Up until

2012, the EFSA has given this maize variety a green light in six “Opinion” reports,

albeit with certain restrictions such as planting 20% of conventional maize as a

“buffer zone” around a GM maize field in order to prevent contamination of non-GM

crops with GM pollen (ScienceInsider, 7 November 2013). Thus it is clear that

scientific evidence, at least that concluded by the EFSA, supports the approval of the

cultivation of GM 1507 maize inside the EU.

In the light of Directive 2001/18/EC, the information submitted in the

notification and the scientific opinion of the EFSA, the European Commission in its

draft 2008 proposal drew the conclusion that there is “no evidence to indicate that the

placing on the market of line 1507 is likely to cause adverse effects on human and

animal health or the environment in the context of its proposed use” (Draft

Commission Decision, 2008, p. 3), and stipulated that 1507 maize is safe to be placed

on the market for imports, production, processing and cultivation purposes. However,

at the end of its draft proposal, the Commission also emphasized that placing 1507

maize on the market should be accompanies by some conditions, including regular

monitoring (especially on the resistance of the corn borer) by the consent holder as

part of risk management strategies for best possible handling and use of the maize,

and the maize shall not be used with glufosinate herbicides in order to minimize

exposure of both target and non-target insects to Bt toxins. (Draft Commission

Decision, 2008)

Standard decision-making in the EU involves various European institutions, in

particular, the European Commission (represents the interests of the EU as a whole),

the European Parliament (represents EU citizens) and the Council of the European

Union (represents the individual member countries). The procedure is known as


“codecision”, in which the European Commission proposes new legislation, and the

Council and Parliament (dis)approve its legislation. (European Union: How EU

decisions are made)

According to Article 5 of Resolution 1999/468/EG, the GMO regulation would

be processed in the following manner: The European Commission submits its draft for

a decision to the “Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health”. The

Committee may approve or reject the Commission’s draft with a qualified majority1.

If the Committee rejects the Commission’s draft, or if a decision cannot be reached by

a qualified majority, the Commission then must take its position to the Council of the

EU and inform the European Parliament. The Council has 90 days to approve or to

reject the draft with a decision made by a qualified majority. If the Council rejects the

Commission’s draft, the Commission must revise this draft. If the Council approves

the Commission’s draft, or if the Council’s vote cannot reach a qualified majority,

then the Commission’s draft for a decision comes into effect. (1999/468/EC, Article 5)

Under this system, in early 2009 the Commission submitted its draft to the

Standing Committee, consisting of experts from each Member State, to decide on the

cultivation proposal of 1507 maize in the EU. However, with no qualified majority

voting for or against the proposal, the Committee could not sign off this proposal.

According to the regulation, the Commission then should have referred the matter to

the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament. However, in this case, instead

of putting it to the Council, the Commission sat on the file for a decade, ignoring the

regulative procedure and Pioneer’s 2010 action against the Commission for not

having referred the proposal to the Council. After being kept in limbo for 12 years, in

2013, Pioneer fought that inaction in the EU Court of Justice. In September 2013, the

court announced that the Commission failed to reach a timely decision in this regard.

In response, on November 6th, the European Commission finally made a step

1 Treaty of Nice defines the term “qualified majority”: Each Member State is allotted a certain

number of votes according to its population. In order to reach a qualified majority, 232 out of 321

votes are needed. Additionally, a qualified majority must represent at least 62 percent of the EU



further: it proposed to authorize the cultivation of 1507 maize, provided that the EFSA

had already submitted positive opinions on this request in all six reports. It submitted

this draft proposal to the Council of Ministers and left the issue for the member states

to decide. According to the regulation, the Council then had a 3-month period

(beginning 12 November 2013) to act on the Commission’s proposal. In parallel, the

Commission called in the Council of Ministers for a new debate of its so-called

“cultivation proposal”, which was initiated in 2010 by the Commission, approved by

the Parliament, but blocked in the Council. The cultivation proposal, based on the

subsidiarity principle, would grant individual Member States freedom to choose

whether to cultivate GMOs or not on their own territories. This means if the

Commission says “no” to a cultivation dossier, then this GMO cannot be cultivated

across the EU, but even if the Commission says “yes”, individual Member States still

have the right to refuse that cultivation on their own territories. In this sense, this

proposal would enable a double-barrier for any GMO cultivation inside the EU.

Therefore, a draft proposal on the cultivation of 1507 maize in the EU and the

2010 cultivation proposal were put to the Council of Ministers, who was requested to

initiate a discussion among Member States and take a decision on this matter at its

Environmental Council Meeting on 13 December 2013. However, a day before the

scheduled meeting, the Lithuanian presidency of the Council of Ministers declined to

put this contentious issue on the agenda regardless of the request from the

Commission - quoting from an EU diplomatic source, because “there is no

willingness among member states to re-open the GM issue” (EuropeanVoice, 12

December 2013). With that “unwillingness”, the issue was deadlocked at the Council

of Ministers. But according to the Commission’s decision in November 2013, the

Council only had 3 months to make its position.

After a month’s silence, in January 2014, the European Parliament Environment

Committee first spoke out against the approval of 1507 maize. On 16 January, in a

resolution passed by 385 votes to 201 with 30 abstentions, the parliament echoed the

concerns of environmental groups that the 1507 maize could harm non-target insect

species; in particular, members denounced the Commission’s proposal in that it “fails


to specify any conditions for protection of particular ecosystems/environments and/or

geographical areas”(European Parliament, Motion for a resolution, 7 January, 2014,

p.3) as required by the legislation. The resolution clearly opposed the adoption of the

proposal and called on the Council to reject the Commission’s proposal in its later

meeting; meanwhile, it called on the Commission not to propose the authorization of

any new GM varieties and not to renew old ones “until the risk assessment methods

have been significantly improved” (European Parliament, Motion for a resolution, 7

January, 2014, p.5). But the European Parliament does not have the decision-making

power in this matter. The final decision was yet to be made by the Council of the EU,

who delayed its discussion in December 2013.

On February 11, 2014, a few days before the assigned deadline, the Council of

Ministers finally held a public debate on this issue. Voting among other issues, the

Council did not reach a consensus: 5 out of 28 Member States, Estonia, Finland,

Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, approved the cultivation of maize 1507 on

EU soil; while France, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands and Poland were among the 19

Governments who rejected the proposal; and 4 countries abstained, including weighty

Germany, who has the biggest voting weight in the ministerial Council. According to

the Council’s regulation system, in which “each country has a different number of

votes in the ballot, depending on their population size, among other

factors”(ScienceInsider, 11 February 2014), the 19 opponents did not reach the

required qualified majority against the Commission's proposal to approve the

cultivation of the GM maize 1507.

According to Article 5 of 1999/468/EC, as mentioned above, in the absence of a

qualified majority at the Council, the European Commission now is obliged to

authorize the proposal. The Health Commissioner Tonio Borg insisted that the

Commission now should respect the rules and take action. Speaking to the media,

Borg said that “no one can say we rushed or pushed this file,” while reminding

Ministers that the application “has been languishing for 13 years” and that EFSA had

ensured 6 times the safety of 1507 maize. Borg indeed went as far as to clarify that “it

did not make sense to block cultivation of Pioneer 1507”. (BBC News, 11 February



Thus, despite the fact that the majority of the Member States voted against the

proposal at the Parliament, the door is left open for the Commission to go ahead and

approve the very disputable cultivation proposal of GM 1507 maize. This seemingly

awkward practice has caused many to criticize the EU’s political system. However,

even though the indecisiveness at the Council of Ministers has paved the way for the

maize to be approved, the final decision cannot yet be affirmed. Since March 2014,

the Council has been convening a working party meeting to examine the “cultivation

proposal”, which would allow Member States to individually decide whether to

restrict or prohibit the authorized GM crop cultivation in all or part of their territories.

If this proposal were to be approved, authorization of maize 1507 cultivation might

have a more complex fate inside the EU.

Since the Commission has yet to make its final decision, many Member States

and environmental groups have vehemently admonished the Commission not to act

against the will of the majority of the EU citizens, as the 2010 Eurobarometer survey

showed that 61 per cent of Europeans were wary of GMOs. The European Parliament

is among the strongest critical voices. It warned that if the Commission were to

authorize the cultivation of 1507 maize, it would be “disregarding its own

conclusions regarding the potential adverse impact on the environment

(acknowledged by the EFSA) and in effect is authorizing the cultivation of a GMO on

the basis of partial risk assessment” (EP, Parliamentary questions, 8 November 2013).

It also brought the precautionary principle to the fore, pointing out that the

Commission would be flying in the face of this principle if it gives the green light to

the cultivation of this GM crop.

The GM 1507 maize cultivation proposal has faced enormous obstacles in the

past 13 years. Based on the storyline narrated above, I extract some key moments

below for the sake of lucidity.

Key moments:

2001: Pioneer and Mycogen Seeds submitted the application for placing 1507 maize on the


2001- 2003: Green light given by Spanish Competent Authority CNB;


2003- 2008: EC assured the crop’s safety based on several EFSA assessments, but some Member

States have remained hostile since then;

2009: EC drafted a proposal to authorize cultivation, but the Committee failed to reach a

consensus internally with no qualified majority voting for or against;

2009-2013: EC shelved the file without referring the matter to the Council of Ministers according

to the approved system;

2013, September: The EU Court of Justice slammed the Commission’s irresponsiveness;

2013, November 6: EC submitted a draft proposal to the Council of Ministers which would allow

the cultivation of 1507 maize; meanwhile it called for action on its “cultivation proposal”;

2014, January 16: The European Parliament Environment Committee voted against the approval

of 1507 maize in a resolution passed by 385 votes to 201 with 30 abstentions;

2014, February 11: The Council of Ministers held a public debate, in which the votes did not

reach a required “qualified majority” with Germany’s abstention. With the Council’s indecisiveness,

the final decision is again left to the EC;

2014, March 3: The Council held a fresh debate on the “cultivation proposal”, aiming to bring this

legislation to a close before the end of 2014;

To date, the cultivation of GM Maize 1507 is upheld in the European Commission while the

“cultivation proposal” is being decided in the Council of the European Union.

In the midst of a wave of criticism, all eyes are now on the Commission’s final

decision. Will it be “threatened” by the flood of anti-GMO voices and refuse to

authorize the cultivation, or will it go on to authorize 1507 maize based on the EFSA’

scientific evidence and the legal requirements? Whichever decision the Commission

ultimately announces, Austria, the focus of this thesis, has made up its mind: several

of its ministers have loudly assured that they will exercise a national ban if the

cultivation proposal of GM 1507 maize were to be authorized by the EC

(Wienerzeitung, 11 Feb 2014). The stark contrast between the decision-making in the

EU and in Austria reflected in this case forms the intriguing question of this research

project, which is to be laid out in the next chapter.



The difficult path of the cultivation proposal of GM 1507 maize demonstrates

that decision-making at the EU level in this regard has been struggling for more than a

decade. Until now, although all the necessary legal procedures have taken place, the

European Commission continues to procrastinate in announcing the final decision,

although it is legally bound to authorize the proposal. Against this staggering EU

backdrop, interestingly, Austria, as a member of the EU, has unequivocally

proclaimed a national ban on the cultivation of the maize if it were to be authorized by

the EU. It is this determined, against-all-odds stance that intrigues me in the first place:

How, such a small Member State, managed to achieved a unified voice over the

cultivation of 1507 maize among divergent stakeholders including political parties,

NGOs, the public, scientific researchers, farmers, etc.?

To feed this curiosity, this research project aspires to examine this rehearsal

moment in which the nation constructs and solidifies its anti-GMO position. The

overarching research question for this project comes to the fore naturally: Facing the

threat of the EU approval of GM 1507 maize cultivation proposal, how did Austria as

an EU member form a strong stance to prohibit the potential entry of this maize into

its territory and thus solidify its anti-GMO position? With the “precautionary principle”

as a guiding framework, “scientific uncertainty” and “risk framing” as major

perspectives, and “collective expertise & relevant expertise” and “sociotechnical

imaginaries & national technopolitical identity” as key concepts, I examine this

special moment of tenaciously holding the anti-GMO fort from the following


1. Who contributed to the birth of Austria’s national stance to prohibit the

cultivation of GM 1507 maize?

2. How is the precautionary principle understood and practiced by different


3. What kinds of expertise are taken into account? And how is “risk” portrayed

based on different expertise?


4. How do Austria’s ready-made sociotechnical imaginaries (e.g.,imaginaries

about risk technology, about Nature and culture, etc.) and national technopolitical

identity (e.g., the identity of a green nation) influence the decision-making in this


In order to approach these research questions, the empirical deliberations draw

on data generated via two qualitative methods, i.e. document analysis and

semi-structured interviews. To note, these two methods are interwoven in my

narration, and they are complementary and equally contributing in the empirical

analysis. I shall now discuss in greater detail how these two approaches were applied

intermittently to generate data:

Conducting formal, but semi-structured interviews is the ideal method to acquire

necessary and substantive data in order to address the above issues. By “talking

through” the above aspects of this matter with major stakeholders, I managed to get

very insightful and well-rounded answers to some of the questions. However, via

document analysis, the data was extensively enriched. In this empirical study,

documents released by those stakeholders whom I could not contact due to various

reasons, have provided equally sound answers. Meanwhile, for issues or aspects I did

not touch upon during the interviews, complementary documents have enriched the

accounts. Therefore, in combining data drawn from interviews and documents, I was

able to get a substantive account so as to diligently address the research questions.

In practice, two categories of documents were put into use specifically. The first

category includes documents mainly serving to narrate the trajectory of the cultivation

proposal of GM 1507 maize in the EU (which has been provided in the earlier chapter)

and the historical “making” of Austria’s anti-GMO “tradition”. The second category

consists of major stakeholders’ arguments and opinions which are complementary to

data drawn from face-to-face interviews.

In parallel, I conducted three semi-structured interviews with actors representing

major active groups in this case. These interviews were conducted throughout the


months of April and May in 2014, and lasted approximately one hour and a half. The

conversations were recorded by audio recording device and were later transcribed for

further analysis.

The identification of major stakeholders in Austria in terms of GM matters was

made clear through the historical account below. In particular, due to the scope of this

project and the accessibility of the actors, I only examined the significant stakeholders

who were either easily reachable or had robust materials that were already available to

the public. Although groups such as mass media, political parties like the Greens and

farmers associations are intimately concerned with this issue and have played major

roles in the general anti-GMO movement in Austria, they nevertheless have not been

especially active in practice, except issuing press releases rebuking the cultivation

proposal, thus I have only chosen those obviously engaged stakeholders, although by

no means do I intend to downplay other actors’ influence in this case. I may well have

missed some part of the picture, but since my aim was not to present how each

stakeholder has contributed to this matter, it is therefore reasonable not to include all

of them in my case study. It should be also noted the interviewees have all agreed to

be mentioned with their full names in this thesis, and to the use of direct quotes in the

empirical analysis.

I started my journey by talking to Dr. Helge Torgersen from the Institute of

Technology Assessment (ITA) in Austria. He is a researcher who was closely involved

in the “making” of Austria’s national GM position in the early days, thus has precious

insights into the complex and largely veiled picture in this landscape. He has also

done a substantial amount of academic work on the issue of GMOs in Austria, which

has been extremely instructional in terms of discerning Austria’s strategy in this

matter, and forming the leitmotif and the investigative angles of this thesis. Moreover,

the historical accounts provided by him not only enriched my understanding of the

GMO situation in this country, but also revealed the major stakeholders who are still

active in this matter, among them are environmental NGOs, the Competent Authorities

in Austria, and the Environment Agency in Austria(UBA). Overall, the face-to-face

talk and reading his previous work have offered a comprehensive picture of GMOs in


Austria, both in vertical and horizontal perspectives.

Following this, I approached one of the most influential environmental NGOs

which is particularly attentive to GM matters in Austria, that is, Greenpeace. I had the

chance to talk to Dagmar Urban, an expert on GMOs and Sustainable Agriculture

from Greenpeace Austria. Greenpeace’s stance and argument in this case are

extremely crucial, for indeed when discussing the issue of GMOs, one could hardly

circumvent this non-governmental organization, which is an outstanding stakeholder

in this matter and is extremely passionate and active in fighting against GMO’s entry

into food and feed sectors in all countries. In Austria, many scholars (e.g. Seifert,

Torgersen, Levidow, etc.) have emphasized that since the late 1990s, through

delivering various campaigns and protests which defended the “natural” environment,

Greenpeace has played a significant role in forming a nationwide anti-GMO public

opinion and in influencing the political decision-making process toward GMOs. Thus,

it is doubtless that when facing the threat from the cultivation of GM 1507 maize

inside the EU or in Austria, Greenpeace has been a vital and vigorous

non-governmental actor in solidifying this anti-GMO position which it helped

construct in the first place. Via interviewing Dagmar Urban, I grasped firsthand

information about how this influential NGO frames risk in this particular case and

how it perceives the concept of the precautionary principle to keep GM 1507 maize

out of the Austrian, as well as the European territory. All in all, it has been

extraordinarily fruitful and essential to hear what Greenpeace Austria had to say in

this case.

I then turned to the Environment Agency in Austria (UBA), formerly a

governmental agency but now an independent company which provides scientific and

technical expertise for the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Agriculture, the

latter two being the Competent Authorities in Austria concerning GM matters. In the

case of 1507, the Environment Agency was entrusted by Austria’s Competent

Authorities to conduct a complete analysis and investigation on dossiers submitted by

the companies and documents released by the EFSA and other EU bodies. The

Environment Agency, incorporating the latest scientific literature reviews and its


expertise in this regard, has provided scientific and technical evidence for precluding

the possibility of cultivating this maize in Austria, thus has greatly informed Austria’s

official position in this regard. Therefore, it is of vital importance to talk to this actor

who is behind the decision-making bodies. I had a chance to conduct a face-to-face

interview with Dr. Michael Eckerstrofer (abbreviated as M.E.) from the Land Use &

Biosafety unit, who was directly involved in the assessment of 1507 maize. He

provided a great insight into the interplay of science (including laboratory natural

science, ecological science and social science), politics and normative values on

Austria’s GM stage.

For various reasons, I did not manage to interview representatives from the

Ministries of Health and of Agriculture, who are the official voices in this matter.

Nonetheless they have provided me with instrumental documents, from which I have

extracted sufficient, relevant and valid accounts that represent their stance and

arguments. I therefore believe that I have collected sufficient information from these

Ministries even though no interview was held. These documents, along with the

interview accounts, indicated the major stakeholders’ opinions and arguments in this

regard and, thus became the essential source for the empirical analysis.

In addition, in order to provide an exhaustive account of what is GM 1507 maize,

how this cultivation proposal has been tossed back and forth inside the EU, how the

dispute has evolved and what are the major concerns in this case, I have carefully

looked into numerous technical, political and discursive documents in this regard.

First of all, to understand this GM variety and the situation of the cultivation proposal,

I reviewed documents, including the application dossier submitted by the companies

in 2001, the Spanish Competent Authority’s assessment report in 2003, subsequently

EFSA’s six reports from 2004 to 2012, the European Commission’s draft proposal in

2008 and 2013, the corresponding press releases of the Commission, the European

Parliament and the Council of Ministers, as well as supporting legal documents such

as Directive 90/220/EEC, Directive 2001/18/EC and other relevant regulations. To

grasp the major counterarguments in this debate, I kept a close eye on the live debate

of the Council’s crucial vote on February 11, 2014 and various media reports in this


regard. To trace the “making” of Austria’s anti-GMO “tradition”, I have combined

several literature reviews and some “talking” accounts drawn from the interview with

Dr. Helge Torgersen.

On the whole, reading between the lines of these documents, and interweaving

these accounts with the valuable information extracted from interviews, my narration

tries to present a comprehensive, in-depth view of what major stakeholders in Austria

hold against GM 1507 maize as well as other GM varieties, how they articulate their

arguments and frame risks according to their expertise, how the precautionary

principle is interpreted and used, and how science, normative values and politics are

simultaneously brought into use to defend the anti-1507 position in this country.

Data collected from interviews and documents was coded and analyzed

primarily by using the grounded theory method. A qualitative research methodology

initiated by sociologists Glaser and Strauss (1965), the grounded theory method

attempts to discover theory through the analysis of data. Thus, rather than beginning

with a hypothesis in the traditional social science studies, the working process is more

‘bottom-up’. Since there is no prior “hypothesis” or “theory” to start with in this

empirical examination, this data analysis method appears suitable for this project.

Moreover, as Glaser (2001) revealed that “all is data”, grounded theory allows for a

combination of different kinds of data, thus this approach of data analysis fits my

research which drew data from interviews, documents, press releases, web content,

etc., i.e. multiple data sources.

In practice, as listed by Charmaz (2006), the most important stages in grounded

theory are the following:

• Simultaneous involvement in data collection and analysis

• Constructing analytic codes and categories from data, not from hypotheses

• Constant comparative method, which involves making comparisons during

each stage of analysis (Charmaz 2006)

These stages involve a three-step process consisting of initial coding, focused

coding, and axial coding in my research. First, data from interview transcripts


concerning stakeholders’ opinions and arguments was coded paragraph by paragraph

in order to generate a provisional set of notes and self-reflections. These primary

notes formed initial codes. With the analytic guidance of these initial codes, I

continued to develop core conceptual categories during the focused coding stage,

which consisted of identifying the most frequent codes. In this case, the most

significant codes identified included risk, scientific evidence, uncertainty, the

precautionary principle, environmental concerns, agricultural model, organic farming,

Nature, Green Austria, etc. These key concepts, arising from the initial stage were

then used to segregate themes. Together with the themes already identified in

documents, I then categorized them into boxes of three understandings of the

precautionary principle. When everything was reviewed and a complete set of data

acquired, I reached the axial coding phase in which I explored the relationship of

categories and tried to make a connection between them. At this stage, I identified the

interactive properties of the focused categories, from which the discussion concerning

the interplay between scientific knowledge, economic-political arguments and

normative values in risk technology assessment derived. Overall, this process of

coding and analysis has been very beneficial in answering the questions posed in the




This chapter starts to answer the question on how Austria reached such a rapid

and clear consensus to prohibit the cultivation of GM 1507 maize on its territory.

Before presenting actual field examination, I argue that today, Austria’s performance

in the GMO setting is first and foremost influenced by its strong anti-GMO tradition

constructed through several exercises in history. Thus it is worthwhile to trace the

“making” of this anti-GMO tradition first. In the following, I turn to narrating the

historical backdrop in which an anti-GMO position came to the fore in Austria,

through which the work of identifying major stakeholders in this matter is done as

well. This narration, woven together by existing literatures and data drawn from the

interview with Helge Torgersen (who was a participant as well as a witness in the

“making” of the GM history in Austria; abbreviated as H.T.), reveals vividly the ups

and downs the nation experienced during the process of forming a national position,

and sheds light on how major stakeholders were involved at the outset.

5.1. Austria as a forerunner

Austria stands out among European GMO-opponents. Historically, the country

was the first, along with Luxembourg, to issue a ban on the EU-approved maize Bt

176 in 1997 (the ban was lifted in July 2008). Since then, in accordance with Article

16 of Directive 90/220/EEC and the later Article 23 of Directive 2001/18/EC, and

justified by new scientific evidence, Austria has issued six ordinances to introduce

safeguard measures, i.e., “import bans”, for placing on the market of three lines of

GM maize, including MON810, T25 and MON863, one GM potato line EH92-527-1,

and of several GM oilseed rape lines. (Biosafety Clearing-House Austria, Safeguard

Measures) Indeed, the country has issued more bans on GM varieties than any other

European country. Although the “safeguard clause” specified in Article 16 of

Directive 90/220/EEC does guarantee the right of a Member State to restrict or even

prohibit individual GM variety authorized by the EU, it is only legitimate when it has


“justifiable reasons to consider that a product...constitutes a risk to human health or

the environment”. The Austrian Government submitted additional investigation

materials to support its import bans, but the Commission did not acknowledge the

validation of these new “evidences”.

Although missing “justifiable reasons” for these bans, Austria uncompromisingly

refuses to lift any of them. Besides being extremely cautious about importing GM

products into its market, Austria vigorously pursues a policy of zero-tolerance of GM

crop cultivation on its territory. This anti-GMO attitude, which is “consensual across

virtually all political parties, social interest groups and stakeholders” (Seifert, 2007,

p.8), leads to a quick and firm political decision in this case, that is, ready to place a

national ban on the cultivation of GM 1507 maize regardless of the predictable

criticism from the EU and the wider international community.

Today, Austria’s wide and robust consensus regarding a GMO position might

have well developed into, as Torgersen suggests, a “remarkable cultural identity”

(H.T., 1). Although an anti-GMO position is very much solidified in Austria, it is

important to bear in mind that this identity did not exist priorly, rather, it was

collectively established over a decade through a series of uncertainties and


As modern biotechnology caught up during the 1980s in Europe, there were

political struggles and public uneasiness about the industrial applications of medical

biotechnologies, such as the insulin production in Germany. However, many

progressive scientists advocated the application of biotechnology in agriculture:

“They were saying that, well, irrespective whether these technologies might be dangerous or

not, but the aim should be to improve agriculture, because that is more sought after, and it could be

an opportunity for third world farmers as well, to improve productivity under difficult circumstances

and conditions.”(H.T., 1)

After the medical application became main stream, the agricultural application

got a foothold in the US and other places, but it had little significance in Austria, a

small European country with limited economic and political importance. Due to the

lack of large domestic seed companies, the seed industry was reluctant to invest in

biotechnology in Austria. Meanwhile, public awareness of biotechnology in general


was very low.

In the early 90s, debates were being held on how tight the regulation in the

European Union should be. When the European Council came up with Directive

90/220/EEC of 23 April 1990 on the deliberate release into the environment of

genetically modified organisms, no one was certain about it due to the lack of

real-world experience. Austria also struggled to find a position that would fit into

EU’s regulation and its national condition since it was not an EU member at that time:

“It was clear that Austria needed a GMO regulation, the easiest thing would be taking the EU

regulation, but from the legal point of view, this was not so easy because you would have to amend

it in a certain way to make compatible to what was in place already in Austria. They (the official

regulation-makers in this regard) didn't have an opinion but they were trying to accommodate to EU.”


To this end, the Ministry of Health, who was in charge of GMO regulation at the time,

started some working groups along with the 1992 Austrian Parliamentary Inquiry

Commission (which ran almost a year), to take up the issue of genetic engineering in a

broad sense.

Domestically, serious negotiations for a law on genetic engineering began in

1991, when the Ministry of Health prepared a draft that was initially criticized by

different ministries, industry and environmental groups. Followed by several

subsequent negotiations, the revised draft resulted in the 1994 Gene Technology Act

(Gentechnikgesetz), which came into force in January 1995. Based on five principles,

namely, the precautionary principle, the principle of providing for the future, the

step-by-step principle, the democratic principle and the ethical principle, the Gene

Technology Act was designated to regulate the main aspects of biotechnology and

genetic engineering in Austria. (Mikl &Torgersen, 1996)

Meanwhile, an official stance was sought after by the Competent Authorities,

which included the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Science. During this

process, the Federal Environment Agency, which at the time was a subsidiary

scientific body of the Ministry of Agriculture and had far-reaching impact on the

decision-making of the Ministry of Health, had the right to comment. While

advocating a broader interpretation of Directive 90/220 by taking more account of


ecological impact, UBA’s conservative attitude toward GMOs was obviously in

collision with the progressive Ministry of Science. Thus, the Competent Authorities in

Austria were not in an agreement; as a consequence, there was no official position on

this matter (Mikl &Torgersen, 1996, p.199). During the process of establishing an

official position as well as testing the EU regulation, the Ministry of Health, trying to

mediate the conflicting pressures, staged three successive applications. Two were

“designed” to fail (in the sense that they had clearly visible risks), but the Ministry

hoped that the third, a potato with a modified starch content deemed as low risk,

would succeed, since similar plants had been released previously elsewhere. However,

in 1996, shortly before authorization of the GM potato application, an anonymous

letter sent to the Ministry of Health alleged that the applicant had released 8,000

transgenic tubers without permission. This scandalous allegation was soon

substantiated by NGOs represented by Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth who went

to the press and indicated that there was illegal GMO cultivation occurring in Austria.

Despite the company’s defense, the proposal was ultimately turned down.

Meanwhile, NGOs “threatened” to occupy retailers’ outlets if they found

anything made from GMOs on the shelves. By controlling the small cluster of retailer

chains in Austria, the NGOs successfully blocked the potential entry of GM foods into

the market. Also, in light of the NGOs’ notable success in various public activities,

especially in the anti-nuclear movement, the Austrian Government did not dare to take

an official stance that favored GMOs. In this way, the NGOs successfully recruited

the Government as its ally. In fact, two days after turning down the GM potato

proposal, the Minister of Health announced a two-year moratorium on all GMO

releases in order to allow a public debate.

The investigation of Austria’s public opinion on genetic engineering technology

had already started in the early 1990s. Although the 1994 Eurobarometer survey had

shown that gene technology was ranked by the public as the least-favored modern

technology among solar energy, computer technology and others, the public’s

aversion toward GMOs was vague and their knowledge on this subject was in general

very poor (Seifert & Torgersen, 1996). However, this tuber scandal disclosed by the


NGOs soon gave rise to fear and indignation and the Austrian public’s aversion,

which had heretofore been vague now, experienced a sharp increase. Following the

protests against gene-technology invoked by the birth of the first cloned sheep Dolly

in 1996, the NGOs, spearheaded by Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth and, heavily

supported by the Green Party and the most famous tabloid press “Kronen Zeitung”,

launched a campaign in the 1997 referendum, demanding “no food from genelabs in

Austria; no release of genetically modified organisms in Austria; no patent on life”

(Austrian Parliament, in Felt, 2013, p. 13). More than 1.2 million Austrian citizens

were recruited to sign the petition that demanded a prohibition of GMO culture in

Austria, making it “the second highest score of all such initiatives since this

instrument was installed in the sixties” (Seifert & Torgersen, 1997, p. 310). Public

awareness and Austria’s seemingly clear position on GMOs demonstrated

environmental NGOs’ huge success in this regard. As confirmed by Dr. Torgersen:

“The public opinion in the beginning was vague. It was not an issue at all…So what the NGOs

really succeeded in was making it popular, with certain taste attached to it... Bring it to the notice of

many people through the channel of tabloid press, as something to be opposed to.” (H.T.,3)

5.2. Co-evolving with the European context

Aside from the painstaking effort to shield against the introduction of GMO

domestically, the position-making process in Austria evolved closely with the general

European atmosphere. At the European level, large environmental NGOs were not

enthusiastic about embarking on the GMO issue in the beginning. In late 1995,

however, after the pending import of non-labeled GM maize and soy from the United

States, environmentalists in Europe started to tackle this issue. Among the influential

voices was Florianne Koechlin, a Swiss environmentalist who traveled around,

alerting the world that genetic engineering was like “a jumbo jet with bicycle brakes”,

and she helped organize the campaign for the famous Gene Protection Initiative in

1998, which proposed outlawing genetic research on plants and animals (BBC News,

October 2002). This initiative was eventually rejected in that year’s referendum which

was taken over by biotech companies (e.g. Novartis) and progressive scientists.


Nevertheless, environmentalists as such became the “hallmark of an anti-GMO

movement at the European level” (H.T., 2).

Triggered by a series of incidents which took place in countries such as Austria

and Switzerland, and coincided with the eruption of the BSE crisis in Europe, the

anti-GMO movement quickly spread to many European countries including France,

the UK, Italy, Greece and so on. Public pressure prompted these governments to adopt

restrictive policies on GMOs and even pushed them to place bans on GM varieties

that had been previously approved by the EU. (Seifert, 2007)

In 1999, in the Council of Ministers, France and Greece, backed by Denmark,

Italy and Luxembourg, later joined by Belgium and Austria, called for a de facto

moratorium on new GMO approval. During the moratorium, the EU refused the

experimental or commercial growth of new gene crops as well as imports of new

GMO-based food products. Although the moratorium was supposed to last until 2004,

in fact, Member States like Austria upheld it much longer. The moratorium ultimately

brought about the EU’s official adoption of the precautionary principle and drove the

Commission to adopt tighter regulations in risk assessment and approval procedures,

as well as traceability and labeling provisions (Torgersen & Bogner, 2005). The direct

consequence of all these regulations is that, to date, introducing GMOs into European

markets is a much more complex business than on the transatlantic continent.

In conclusion, initiated by a group of environmentalists and later encouraged by

certain political parties, Austria’s aversive attitude toward GMOs not only succeeded

in raising a European-wide anti-GMO movement, but also brought about a resounding

victory which solidified Austria’s initially rather vague anti-GMO stance. While in the

1990s most political parties were still somewhat ambivalent about a straightforward

anti-GMO policy and the agricultural interest groups were still uncertain as to whether

to keep the option of resorting to gene-technology open, after the EU enacted the de

facto moratorium, a prohibitionist stance appeared clear to them. The Austrian

Government soon adopted an extremely precautionary policy on GMOs, and

agricultural policy makers started to stress the economic advantage of adopting an

organic farming model in Austria. (Seifert, 2007) Today, all its nine Bundesländer are


very determined to remain GMO-free municipalities (GMO-free regions, 2012) and,

although organic farmers are still somewhat of a minority group among Austrian

farmers, the organic farming model has gradually risen to become the favorite of the

Austrian agricultural policy makers.

Above, in retrospect I have traced some historical episodes that vividly reveal

how Austria came to construct a national anti-GMO position throughout a short period

in history. Besides resonating to the European-wide anti-GMO movement, the

emergence of an anti-GMO position in Austria may see its roots in its domestic

environment, which has come to nourish a “national technopolitical identity” (Felt,

2013). Standing upon its “Austrianess” which acquired its symbolic status through the

collective memory practices of historical events and several rehearsals concerning a

techno-scientific future in Austria, the anti-GMO movement inherited its spirit to a

large extent from the earlier events. In particular the anti-nuclear movement in the

1970s, whose tactics and elements “became important resources to feed people’s

imagination of potential relations between technological projects, preferred ways of

living and social order” (Felt, 2013, p.15).

Therefore, the historical account of the “making” of an anti-GMO position serves

as a rich backdrop for Austria’s performance in the case of 1507 maize, which offers

the chance for the nation to revitalize its anti-GMO “tradition”. Revisiting “tradition”

reminds people of their “Austrianess” in terms of dealing with GM matters and of the

importance of keeping this “tradition” alive throughout time and threats. Inheriting the

anti-GMO “tradition”, it is doubtless that Austria would firmly preclude the

possibility of 1507 maize cultivation on its own territory, thus a national ban does not

sound at all surprising. In this context, I argue that living up to the nation’s “tradition”

was one of the “HOWS” which helped Austria achieve consensus among all the

stakeholders in making the cultivation of GM 1507 maize in Austria impossible.

Meanwhile, from a glance of the history, we have also identified several

influential stakeholders who made “anti-GMO” as the official Austrian stance and are

still active in the GM landscape in Austria. I hereby list those who are the most active

and relevant in this case: First and foremost, the environmental NGOs represented by


Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth - they usually serve as a primer for an aversive

attitude toward certain GM varieties and further disseminate their position with the

help of mass media. At governmental level the Ministry of Health (Bundesministerium

für Gesundheit), and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water

Management (Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und

Wasserwirtschaft; hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Agriculture ) - the

Ministries are political forces who make national choices while taking into account

different voices. The Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt, abbreviated as

UBA) - formerly affiliated with the Ministry of Agriculture, it scientifically informed

the Ministries’ decisions in this case.

Today, the Ministry of Health is responsible both for contained use and deliberate

release applications submitted by industry and research institutions with the exception

of universities (the Ministry of Science and Research is responsible for applications

from universities and federal research institutions), as well as for GM food and feed

applications. The Ministry of Agriculture is involved as an additional Competent

Authority concerned with the environmental aspects of deliberate release and for

placing GMO-products on the market. It is supported in its function by the

Environment Agency. (Biosafety Clearing-House Austria, CA in Austria)

Building upon this identification, the intriguing question is, what precisely are

the arguments this time, the arguments that not only stand up to the European/

international regulations but also live up to the Austrian anti-GMO identity? To this

specific end, I immersed myself in volumes of documents and materials retrieved

from respective stakeholders and, in parallel, I tried to meet representatives of each

decisive stakeholder group when possible. I then synthesized these accounts into a

multidimensional picture that serves as the leitmotif of this thesis, which reflects the

intricate kinship between science and risk, politics and culture. The detailed analysis

follows in the next chapter.



In the previous chapter, I argued that Austria’s profound anti-GMO “tradition”

has laid a strong foundation to prevent the entry of GM 1507 maize into its territory.

Following this seemingly ineradicable “tradition”, in this chapter, I will focus on the

empirical investigation of this specific case and continue to answer the question “how

did Austria achieve a consensus among its stakeholders to keep GM 1507 maize out”.

As mentioned, the analysis will be based on data drawn from relevant documents and

interviews with representatives from key stakeholder groups.

Focusing on analyzing different stakeholders’ arguments that support their

anti-1507 maize stance, I found that various defences arrived at the same end, that is,

the precautionary principle approach. This is surely not a coincidence. Compared

with its American counterparts, the more cautious EU embraces the precautionary

principle as a general policy on GM matters, and Austria has indeed spearheaded this

principle in its various national bans on GM varieties which had been assessed

positively by the EU. As a matter of fact, as reams of documents have revealed, and

as all the members I interviewed have unanimously stated, the precautionary principle

is the guiding policy of GM matters in Austria; that is, as long as uncertainty is

revealed in scientific GMO assessments, the precautionary principle will be applied to

avoid potential hazards, which of course normally leads to the rejection of certain GM

applications. For instance, in Greenpeace’s report in 2005, it is clearly stated that

since there are many irregularities in the 1507 genome caused by the genetic

engineering process itself, “these (irregularities)by themselves, on the basis of the

Precautionary Principle, should be ground for rejection of 1507 as they can give rise

to unintended and unexpected effects”. (Greenpeace 2005 report, p.2)

Indeed, the invocation of the precautionary principle first of all serves to reverse

the burden of having to obtain scientific evidence, but its actual functionality goes far

beyond scientific concerns. In the following analysis, I will show how the

precautionary principle remains as the backbone of each strand of argument, be it

scientific, normative, economic or political. Specifically, with the guidance of three


understandings - scientific, economic-political and normative social-critical -

observed by previous researchers (Torgersen & Bogner, 2005), I will categorize the

major stakeholders’ arguments into three themes.

The first section will feature a scientific understanding of the precautionary

principle, in which I will present in detail how Austria’s stakeholders use scientific

arguments to suggest that cultivating GM 1507 maize in Austria is not advisable. In

particular, their arguments revolve around the “flaws” of the EFSA’s risk assessment

or the loophole in the current scientific risk assessment process, thus requiring more

rigorous scientific studies to be undertaken in this regard. This approach of being

cautious about the role of scientific knowledge in the current risk assessment of

scientific/technological innovations renders a scientific understanding of the

precautionary principle.

The second section will consider an economic-political understanding of the

precautionary principle. In this case, I will draw particular attention to socio-economic

criteria in assessing the appropriateness of scientific/technological innovations. This

dimension of criteria, initially practiced in Norway, is strongly advocated by Austria’s

stakeholders, who strive to bring the country’s economic, social and political specifics

into the risk assessment scope. Although these criteria are not specifically prepared

for this case, they are nevertheless crucial aspects in stakeholders’ formulation. Thus I

will first present how the socio-economic criteria are used by different stakeholders to

support their anti-1507 maize stance, and then I will narrate in detail what

socio-economic criteria could specifically mean for Austria in the GM cases.

The third section then reflects the stakeholders’ normative social-critical

understanding of the precautionary principle. Focusing on Austria’s endeavor to

become the “greenest nation” inside the EU, I will present stakeholders’ statements

which indicate that the cultivation of GM 1507 maize is clearly an obstacle to

Austria’s pursuit of that identity, because it collides with the image of Austrian Nature,

as well as Austria’s preferred model of agricultural development. These arguments

derive from major stakeholders’ normative orientation about nature, national image,

agricultural model, etc., thus corresponding to a “normative systems-critical”


understanding of the precautionary principle.

Through the above analysis, I will also reveal that the precautionary principle in

the case of 1507 maize has seen an interesting interplay of different understandings by

the major stakeholders. Based on informative materials retrieved from interviews and

documents provided by powerful stakeholder groups who initially contributed to the

construction of Austria’s anti-GMO position and continuous contribute to the

maintenance of this national identity, we are able to gain a clear picture of how

Austria came to form a strong opinion in this case and how it succeeded in solidifying

its anti-GMO culture through this exercise, which aimed to collectively keep 1507

maize out of its territory. Overall, I devote this chapter to an in-depth account on how

the precautionary principle is understood and how it guides each stakeholder to

defend an anti-1507 decision.

6. 1. Assessing scientific risk assessment

6. 1.1. Environmental NGOs: EFSA fails to conduct convincing risk assessment

The role of environmental NGOs has been highly esteemed with respect to the

making of Austria’s national anti-GMO position. Indeed, when the nation-wide GM

position was still in debate within the Government, international NGOs came into

play as a strong and determined actor. Ansell et al. (2006) have underlined their


“The NGOs that comprise the anti-GMO movement have taken center stage in the European

contestation over genetic engineering and the politics of food. Their influence has been pervasive.

They have cut down GM crops on test sites, pressured major food retailers to go GM free,

demanded the application of the precautionary principle in approving new GM crops, monitored

nations and companies for compliance with the moratorium, staged media-savvy symbolic protests

against the genetic patents, lobbied all levels of government in favor of a GM ban, and challenged

the scientific claims of private industry and government agencies.”(p.98)

In the Austrian context, as Seifert and Torgersen (1996) commented, these NGOs

exaggerated fears and imposed aversion on a scientifically illiterate public. However,

as mentioned previously, the 1994 Eurobarometer survey suggested that public


opinion had shown negative attitudes even before NGOs took interest in this whole

issue, so this argument does not really hold up when one keeps the historical

sequences in mind. Thus, although the NGOs’ role in the construction of an anti-GMO

tradition in Austria has been remarkable, they “didn’t seem to invent or impose such

attitudes on the public; rather, they brought them to light” ( Torgersen ,2002, p.176).

NGOs also exerted great influence to make the cultivation of 1507 maize case

unfavorable in Austria. Based on accounts drawn from my personal encounter with

the Greenpeace GM expert Dagmar Urban (abbreviated as D.U.), and my reading

of three NGOs’ documents, i.e., “Greenpeace report 2005: EFSA fails again”;

“Greenpeace briefing: environmental and health impacts of GM crops - the science”;

“Friends of the Earth 2013 report: why GM maize 1507 should be banned”, the

following deliberation hopes to present the scientific understanding of the

precautionary principle perceived by the environmental NGOs.

“Science is used to justify the existence and deployment of environmental threats, such as

nuclear power and genetically modified organisms. Our opposition to these technologies has led to

accusations that Greenpeace is 'anti-science'. This is far from the case. We depend on science and

technology to provide solutions to environmental threats.” (Greenpeace Science Unit: About Us)

To defend against criticisms such as “anti-science” and to facilitate the specific

requirements of campaigns, Greenpeace founded a science laboratory at Exeter

University in the UK (initially at London’s Queen Mary College) in 1987, which

enables the organization to carry out scientific research and analysis in-house. At a

time when scientific evidence is considered the cornerstone for risk assessment in the

EU and across the world, turning science into discursive equipment is certainly an

advisable move for Greenpeace. In its various reports aiming to convince the EC to

ban the cultivation of GM 1507 maize, Greenpeace’s major arguments have indeed

relied on “scientific evidence”.

Closely following the EFSA’s first assessment report in 2004 regarding the safety

of 1507maize, Greenpeace released a rather comprehensive report in 2005 to counter

EFSA’s assessment based on the literature reviews done by the Science Unit. Entitled


“EFSA fails again”, Greenpeace accuses that EFSA’s risk assessment as “woefully

inadequate” and “disregarding scientific evidence” in the light of the existing

literature reviews and Greenpeace scientists’ own expertise. It focuses on criticizing

the EFSA for not taking seriously the scientific uncertainties and unknowns regarding

the impact of GM maize on the environment, human and animal health. In a very

professional manner, this technical report analyzes in total eight aspects that indicate

the various scientific unknowns, and thus the potential hazards 1507 maize contains.

To begin, it brings in the argument that the inserted Cry1F and PAT genes in

1507 maize may cause additional unintended gene fragments, which is a known fact

in genetic engineering. What is unknown is where these unintended gene fragments

would end up within the maize’s genome. The concern is that this could interrupt the

plant’s own genes or regulatory elements, which can result in two substantial open

reading frames (ORF - in molecular genetics, it contains no stop codons), thus

producing unintended RNA or alter proteins. According to new scientific research,

Greenpeace says that minor changes to protein structure could cause a significant

effect on the toxicity of an organism, which is a dangerous modification to the plant.

The FESA in its 2004 risk assessment acknowledges that it is possible that ORF could

alter protein but, it denies the possibility of relevant adverse effects on the plant if this

were to occur. In this view, Greenpeace perceives that it is an EFSA “failure” not to

give prominence to the unknown implications of these genome irregularities in 1507.

In the same vein, Greenpeace exposes a number of other “failures” in the EFSA’s

risk assessment: Inter alia, Greenpeace scientists bring to the fore the compositional

difference between 1507 and non-GM maize, which is in clear contradiction to the

EFSA report. Other significant concerns focus on the unknown toxicity of 1507 to

non-target European lepidoptera (e.g. butterflies), the unknown adverse effects on

non-target soil organisms due to the accumulation of Cry1F in the soil; the genetic

contamination of neighboring crops; and the inadequacy of the proposed monitoring

plan which lacks a recommendation to test the adverse effects on Lepidoptera and the

wider environmental effects of the Bt toxin in 1507 maize.

In response to such complaints from NGOs as well as Member States about the


inadequacy of the EFSA’s 2004 risk assessment, the European Commission requested

the EFSA to complement its opinion by providing more specific information

concerning the above points. However, as mentioned in the case background, in 2008

EFSA stressed that further investigations did not provide evidence that would suffice

to change its previous risk assessments conducted on maize 1507.

In 2011 the Science Unit issued another report to brief on the environmental and

health risks of GM maize based on scientific research. In this report, it argues that

scientific evidence is mounting that GM crops kill specific pests by secreting Bt

toxins, e.g. “long-term exposure to pollen from GM insect-resistant maize can cause

adverse effects on the behavior and survival of the butterflies…and beneficial insects”

(p.1). Consequently, the potential adverse effect of 1507 maize on the environment is

thus very high, provided that it is both herbicide-tolerant and pesticide-resistant.

Meanwhile, on the human and animal health side, it reflects the ongoing scientific

controversy surrounding the assessment of GM crops for consumption, arguing that

“we simply do not know if GM crops are safe for human or animal consumption”


In echo, Friends of the Earth (FOE) in its 2013 report that explains why 1507

should be banned, also focuses on the “failings” of the EFSA’s test. It argues that the

EFSA does not sufficiently assess the risk impact of the 1507 maize on the

environment. On the one hand, the FOE report conveys great anxiety about the

environmental impacts of the herbicide-tolerant character of1507 maize and its

adverse effects on soil organisms, on which the EFSA has not undertaken any studies.

On the other hand, when it comes to the adverse effects on non-target organisms such

as butterflies, bees and aquatic organisms, the FOE report argues that the EFSA’s

assessment does not present sufficient evidence to assess the impacts, because the

information it relies on is either outdated or merely based on results derived from lab

tests instead of real-world field tests.

In view of the above scientific inadequacy noted in the EFSA’s risk assessment,

in November 2013, Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, along with the International

Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), the European Community


of Consumer Co-operatives, and some other 50 European, national or regional

organizations, wrote a joint letter to the EC Commissioner, Tonio Borg, urging the

Commission to decide against the authorization of GM maize 1507 for cultivation. (A

joint letter by Greenpeace and other organizations to the EC, 2013)

In addition to pointing out the omissions in the EFSA risk assessment,

Greenpeace, in a 2011 report, also criticizes the EFSA’s response towards

uncertainties which emerged from the data, which often features vocabulary such as

“unlikely” or “not of biological relevance”. Such phrases not only raise doubts about

the EFSA’s capability to offer trustworthy scientific advice on GM matters, but also

underline the scientific uncertainties inherent in risk assessment. Meanwhile, it

criticizes the affiliations several scientific researchers have with the GM industry,

indicating that scientific evidence in this matter could have been skewed by industrial

interest and as such was not entirely reliable. (Greenpeace report concerning the

cultivation of maize 1507, 2005)

The 2013 FOE report then accuses the EFSA of confusing the roles of risk

assessment and risk management: As a scientific risk assessment body, the EFSA in

the 2012 assessment report states that Cry1F toxin in 1507 maize may present a risk

to lepidopteran species, but “due to a lack of knowledge” it is not certain about which

kinds exactly, thus it suggests collecting such data as part of the post-market

monitoring (EFSA 2012 report, p.32). This suggestion, in FOE’s opinion, falls into

the purpose of risk management rather than risk assessment, while the latter should be

conducted before the cultivation even starts. Therefore, the report warns the EFSA to

limit itself to assessing risks, and not to meddle in the risk management process,

which involves more than scientific concerns.

More generally, NGOs are uneasy about the fact that, even within the scientific

community, there is no agreement on how to conduct reasonable long-term risk

assessment. The scientific uncertainty and inadequacy in this regard poses a great

disadvantage to scientific risk assessment bodies, leaving the door wide open for

NGOs to organize legitimate anti-GMO statements such as:

“If the scientific community hasn't agreed on how to do that kind of studies (long-term risk


assessment studies on GMOs), and they are not being done, and even industrial people accept this,

then we will see uncontrollable problems if we have dozens of GMOs authorized for food uses

before we even have their risks tested out adequately!” (D.U., 8)

As the above three reports have shown, the NGO’s anti-1507 maize arguments

lean heavily on science: either scientific evidence has proved the existence of certain

risks in this maize, or current scientific knowledge is unable to prove that certain risks

do not exist. The NGOs argue so assertively that it seems that scientific perspective

dominates their view of risk assessment. Their whole reasoning has been based on

anatomizing the EFSA’s assessment. They not only cross-examine the “failures” in

one specific report, but through comparison of the EFSA’s different reports, they

argue that the very fact that the EFSA has changed its opinion six times by adding

new information and suggesting more refrained cultivation conditions, signifies its

inconsistency and lack of thoroughness. The EFSA’s seemingly evolving opinion also

emphasizes the possibility that given an expanded investigation timeline, it might one

day find fundamental and concrete problems in the cultivation of this maize.

In various accounts, the EFSA indeed looks embarrassing for, as a scientific

expert on risk assessment it, on the one hand, seems unable to deliver sufficient

evidence required by opponents and Member States and, on the other hand, it still

concludes the maize is safe for cultivation while acknowledging that information is

lacking and that the maize poses potential risks. In this view, the EFSA’s

self-contradiction is simply unacceptable for NGOs.

However, the NGOs’ self-contradiction adds to this paradox. On the one hand,

they are particularly unconvinced by the EFSA’s “safety” conclusion on the maize,

arguing that EFSA’s assessment data is mainly based on lab-environment tests, which

cannot be synchronized to Europe’s real-world environment. On the other hand, their

persistent refusal to allow the maize to be cultivated in Europe precisely precludes the

chance for it to be tested in real-world scenarios! Therefore, to some extent, the NGOs’

“obstinacy” has left the EFSA in limbo, as well as 1507 maize. Nonetheless, the

responsibility for addressing this deadlock does not fall on the NGOs’ shoulders;

rather, the blame is on science. Although many had high hopes on scientific evidence,

science failed to offer convincing and sufficient evidence to address this “catch-22”


situation. In bringing science’s “disappointing” outcome to light, the NGOs quickly

validate their recommendation to apply the precautionary principle in this case, which

sounds like a more reasonable approach, but would keep maize 1507 in “research”

longer or perhaps even permanently.

6.1.2. Environment Agency: biological science vs ecological science

The Federal Environment Agency (UBA) was founded in 1985 by the then

Ministry of Environment and Agriculture amidst Austria’s endeavor to establish a

national GM position. In 1995, due to budget reforms in the Federal Government, the

UBA became an independent agency, albeit its major task is still to provide

supportive service to the government. It mainly offers expertise on the condition of

the environment and environmental changes as well as on measures to avoid or reduce

environmental pollution in Austria. It plays a key role in the implementation of

federal environmental laws, EU directives and regulations, and provides expert advice

to federal and other institutions. (Circle 2, EAA)

A specialist institution assigned with the task of carrying out research in support

of the Ministries, including the environmental impact of GMOs, the UBA was the

first to gain expertise and to establish contact with the Competent Authorities in other

countries. Thus its actual role in determining the fact of GMOs in Austria went far

beyond its designated task which was only to comment. As Seifert and Torgersen

(1996) indicated: “UBA’s ‘in-house experts’ elaborated the backbone of the Austrian

paradigm and its type of precaution early on” (p.7). This type of precaution always

kept an eye on the protection of the environment. Mainly holding expertise in

ecological science, the UBA has its own framework for acceptability in terms of

environmental impact. Under this risk framework, it constantly expresses doubts over

predictability claims based on molecular biology, analogies, and complexity reduction.

(Seifert and Torgersen,1996)

Despite being an independent agency now, the UBA plays an authoritative

scientific role in Austria in terms of GM risk assessment. When evaluating the risk


assessment of commercial applications of GM varieties that are to be released into the

environment, the Ministries of Health (as the core CA) and of Agriculture mainly

resort to the UBA for consultation. Indeed, the UBA’s expertise has become a major

justification for the Ministries’ decisions. In the case of 1507, the UBA also greatly

contributed to defend Austria’s anti-1507 stance. What are the various framings of

“scientific evidence” the UBA presents in this case then?

According to Article 23 of Directive 2001/18/EC, a Member State may

provisionally restrict or prohibit the use and/or sale of a consented GMO on its

territory, on the basis of additional scientific knowledge which gives detailed grounds

that this GMO constitutes a risk to human health or the environment. This loosely

defined Article renders one of UBA’s functions, that is, to look for reasons to justify

an objection:

“If a country wants to use a safeguard clause according to Directive 2001/18/EC, it has to

indicate that new scientific evidence is supporting its concern against the conclusions of the risk

assessment conducted for the specific application. A full risk assessment is not required. In this

context, Austria only needs to submit the reasons for concerns, including the scientific evidence

underpinning these concerns.”(M.E., 3)

With this understanding, the UBA’s main task is thus to identify the flaws in the

risk assessment conducted by the EFSA. Consisting of both trained molecular

biologists and ecologists, the UBA’s Land Use & Biosafety Unit is adept at

employing scientific expertise and evidence to evaluate risk assessment made at the

EU level. It often combines molecular analysis on a micro scale and the environment

risk assessment at a macro level. Accounts concerning the UBA’s scientific

investigations and general considerations regarding the EFSA’s reports have been

drawn from two sources: firstly, I read the EFSA 2004-2 Newsletter, which listed

Member States’ official comments under Directive 2001/18/EC on the 1507 maize.

From this document, I retrieved the comments submitted by the Austrian Competent

Authority - the Ministry of Health, whose technical reasoning was by and large

supported by the UBA. As a side note, I had wished to analyze more recent comments

from the Ministry, but unfortunately the latest “reasoned objection” report will only

be available to the public after the final decision on the maize is made. Nevertheless,


reading into the 2004 comments, we are able to get a glimpse of what constituted

Austria’s concerns and how these concerns were officially argued. Secondly, I

gathered information from a face-to-face interview with Dr. Michael Eckerstrofer

(M.E.) from the UBA, who has been directly involved in the assessment of 1507

maize. I have tentatively dissected these materials into macro- and micro- scopes,

from which I wish to present various framings of “evidence” which allow the UBA to

offer “scientifically reasoned objections” to 1507 maize for Austria. A zoom-in investigation

Between the years 2001 to 2003, the UBA, upon request from the Ministries,

conducted initial assessment of the basic information package on cultivating 1507

maize submitted by the applicant. According to Dr. Eckerstrofer, the UBA’s overall

critique was that the application dossier provided insufficient data concerning the

environmental risk assessment and that the conclusions of negligible effects of 1507

maize were based on assumptions rather than hard-facts (M.E., 2). Pioneer then

submitted complementary information accordingly. In May 2003, the CNB then

concluded that based on its risk assessment, there was no scientific evidence

indicating that the intended use of 1507 maize would pose any risks to human or

animal health or the environment. Member States were then given a three-month

period of consultation to decide for or against this decision.

In early 2004, opinions and comments were submitted to the EC. According to

the document “Competent Authority under Directive 2001/18/EC comments”, among

all other CAs, the Austrian Ministry of Health, supported by the UBA’s technical

evaluation, presented the strongest comments. From a molecular perspective, the

Ministry questioned several aspects concerning the cultivation of 1507 maize. Since

an additional copy of the Cry1F gene was inserted into the maize and its location and

size in the 1507 genome is unknown, the Ministry thus questioned the molecular

characterization of the maize. In its “Comments”, it argues that according to the data

submitted by the applicant, whether the additional copy would increase expression


levels of the plant and alter the tissue preference remains unclear. This argument

stands in contrast to the EFSA’s assessment that “the molecular characterization and

expression analysis of 1507 maize revealed that both intended genes are intact within

the transgenic event” (EFSA 2004 Report, p.4).

Furthermore, it judged the EFSA’s assessment on 1507 maize’s allergenic and

toxic effects to be “not convincing proof of potential harmlessness”. Firstly, the

EFSA’s allergenic assessment was carried out on isolated proteins produced from the

inserted genes; secondly, even the isolated proteins were not the ones expressed in

1507 maize but produced in micro-organisms. Thus, it argues that “no experimental

tests with the GMO itself have been conducted” and that the 1507 maize’s allergenic

potential cannot be accurately predicted according to the current scientific risk

assessment. The comment on the assessment of allergenic effects was equally applied

to the toxicological assessment, which demands that an in-vivo toxicological risk

assessment, using the genetically modified plant itself, be conducted. The Austrian

Ministry “en passant” promoted a “standardized and harmonized approach”

recommended by the UBA concerning the assessment of toxicology and allergenicity

of GM products.

These micro-scale “reasoned objections” expressed Austria’s dissatisfaction with

the CNB’s assessment of the characterization of the plant itself, namely, the molecular

uncertainty and the allergenic and toxic effects. With the very technical details

provided by the UBA, such scientific arguments well justify Austria’s concern over

the cultivation of this maize: if science is not even certain about the genetic character

of the maize, how can the maize be released into the environment without being fully

known? Apart from the molecular-scale technicalities, the Ministry of Health also

identifies issues concerning the environmental impact and EFSA’s changing opinions. A zoom-out examination

From a zoom-out perspective, the Ministry, based on the UBA’s investigation,

expressed its main concerns over the scope of the use, the environmental impact and


the fact that the EFSA updated its opinion in a constant fashion.

1) Scientifically unknown environmental impact

Firstly, with regard to the unique identifier DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 proposed by the

notifier for 1507 maize, the Ministry in its 2004 “Comments” indicates that the

notifier should be more precise on points such as who will be informed by the notifier

and how it can be assured that this information will reach all relevant stakeholders. It

also insists that this information must be provided before market introduction as

disseminating the information takes time. Also, with regard to the intended use of the

product, it questions the vague expression of “GM plants for food use”, which left

unclear whether raw consumption for animals and human beings is intended, despite

the CNB’s 2003 assessment report clearly says “use of this maize for human

consumption is considered out of scope of this Notification”(p.3).

On a more environmental aspect, the Ministry in the “Comments” criticizes the

notifier’s half-baked investigation on the environmental effects of 1507 maize,

particularly on non-target organisms. Firstly, since the ecotoxicity studies were

conducted on an isolated protein, not on the maize itself, it is difficult to draw the

conclusion that the whole plant is “harmless”. Moreover, the Ministry argues that

maize 1507 would most likely harm the survival of some larvae species because

recent scientific research has shown an increased mortality rate among the green

lacewing larvae which were fed on the CRY1Ab protein. Since none of these recent

controversial findings were mentioned or discussed in the dossier, it demands

additional investigation on the environmental risk of this herbicide-tolerant crop.

Another major point regarding the impact assessment on the non-target

organisms, according to Dr. Eckerstrofer, was that the consideration of local

environment was totally omitted in the assessments of both the notifier as well as the

EFSA. For example, the UBA argues that the testing species, including those

endangered species present in the Austrian ecosystem were not tested sufficiently in

the EFSA assessment.

Even with the species that were tested in the EFSA’s risk assessment, the UBA


argued that certain testing organisms were not sufficiently exposed to the Bt.

ingredient. It was thus difficult to draw a conclusion on whether or not the Bt. has a

negative effect on the non-target organism, for it could simply be that the test

organism had not consumed enough Bt to react.

2) The EFSA’s challengeable expert position

The critique is not only restrained to the detailed technical flaws in the dossier or

in the EFSA’s specific assessment reports; rather, the very fact that over the years the

EFSA has updated its assessment report six times makes the agency’s scientific

credibility doubtful. Although in six reports the EFSA always drew a general “safe”

conclusion, the recommended conditions for authorization have changed significantly,

from literally no concrete recommendations listed in the first assessment report - “no

data has emerged to indicate that maize line 1507 is any less safe than its non-GM

comparators”(EFSA 2004 report, p.15), to the most recent assessment, twice as long

as the first, which acknowledges a potential hazard to lepidopteran larvae when their

host-plants neighbor the maize 1507 field and thus recommends imposing a “buffer

zone” of 30 meters from the closest GM maize crop. In a word, the conditions for the

company’s use of this maize become more constrained as the investigation evolves,

and as a consequence, the recommendations for management and monitoring are also

more elaborate in the EFSA’s most recent report. This trend leads the UBA to

speculate that new evidence on this maize seems to be evolving all the time, thus it is

irresponsible to close this case before a complete set of evidence is examined, which

would require more scientific research over a longer period of time.

In particular, the UBA is wary of the uncertainty revealed in the EFSA’s latest

assessments. The fact that the EFSA announced that the cultivation of maize 1507

could have adverse effects on the environment suggests that it could not conclude

firmly on certain parts of the risk assessment due to insufficient data. If the EFSA is

aware of the potential discovery of more uncertainties in its risk assessment, why

would it still jump to the “safe” conclusion? This self-contradiction leaves much room

for reflection. Dr. Eckerstrofer attributed this shortcoming to the unspoken politics of


the EFSA:

“The politics of EFSA is complicated as well. If EFSA has concluded a positive evaluation

based on a prior state of scientific information and guidance, which was updated in the meantime, it

is very hard to overthrow such conclusions at a later step. So it is easier for EFSA to stay with an

overall positive evaluation, but supplement it by recommendations for specific conditions of use,

and that is what they did in this case.”(M.E., 2)

Against this backdrop, the EFSA’s final conclusion is not purely scientific after all.

Although the assessment reports were conducted on a scientific basis, its final claim

may well be influenced by its internal politics, if not also affected by EU political


Therefore, the UBA challenges the wisdom of the EFSA as the only scientific

expert body in terms of GM risk assessment. One of the critiques is that some of the

EFSA’s conclusions are not based on the most updated research data (e.g., neglecting

the recent research on green lacewing larvae fed by CRY1Ab protein), indicating the

tests done on maize 1507 might be insufficient or ineffective. Thus, the UBA casts

doubt on the EFSA as the only scientific expert in this regard, and the Austria

Government demands a new risk assessment on the cultivation of 1507 maize

incorporating the latest scientific data.

To take a step back, the UBA argues that even if the EFSA’s assessment is

credible, the European Commission’s proposal in 2013 to authorize this maize is still

not acceptable. The conditions for cultivation in this proposal, according to the UBA,

are not in full conformity with the recommendations in the latest EFSA opinion:

“You will find that it (the EC) is not implementing all of EFSA’s recommendations. The

conditions are in a way unworkable because some of them are contradictory in themselves, and it is

not sticking to the monitoring plan recommended by EFSA.” (M.E.,6)

With this reasoning, it appears perfectly legitimate not to grant the cultivation of

1507 maize on European soil, for even granting the EFSA with full credibility, the

Commission’s proposal still does not entirely live up to the EFSA’s standard, which,

based on the myriad of problems connected the assessment, is already deemed very

low. Therefore, if the cultivation condition of this maize cannot even meet EFSA’s

low standard, then let alone Austria’s national standard, although the latter is not

required in this particular evaluation:


“It is not even about national standard. If you find the conditions for use are contradictory, and

are not fulfilling the recommendation of EFSA, then you have the situation that after the

authorization is granted, the consent-holding company won’t be able to fully implement these

conditions appropriately. Thus, surely the Austrian Ministry won’t allow its cultivation here.”(M.E., 6)

Based on the above examination, I extracted several framings of scientific

evidence the UBA presented on behalf of the Competent Authorities in Austria: From

a micro-level scanning, the evidence includes the unknown molecular character of the

maize caused by the additional CRY1F gene, and the uncertain allergenicity and

toxicity of the maize itself. On a macro-level, evidence diversifies to encompass the

immeasurable environmental effect of the plant due to insufficiencies in the EFSA’s

risk assessment, the challengeable credibility and scientific position of the EFSA

resulting from its constant updates of the risk assessment report while continuing to

uphold a “safe” conclusion, and the unacceptable and unworkable cultivation

conditions proposed by the Commission due to discrepancies with the EFSA’s

standard. Overall, from molecular problems to the flaws in the general EU assessment,

these framings, scientifically and technically robust, was instrumental in equipping

Austria to forge a strong anti-1507 maize position. Requested by the Ministry of

Health and based on the technical findings, the UBA also prepared a report to justify a

national ban if necessary. This report is unfortunately not yet available to outsiders,

since a final EU decision on the 1507 maize has not been officially concluded.

Therefore, announcing a national ban is premature. Nonetheless, Austria is well

prepared to place a national ban on the cultivation of 1507 maize in terms of scientific

justifications, despite the fact that both Greenpeace and the UBA openly stated that

the decision on GMOs is ultimately political.

To conclude, first and foremost, due to the uncertainties and discrepancies

identified in the above scientific risk assessments, the precautionary principle brought

into play in the 1507 case is primarily borne of a “scientific” understanding, which

demands further scientific assessment. The “scientific” understanding of the

precautionary principle in this case is widely shared by the environmental NGOs, the

UBA and the Ministries. Moreover, since the counter-arguments concerning the


cultivation of 1507 maize have by and large derived from “scientific” arguments as

shown in the previous chapter, it seems a “scientific” understanding of the

precautionary principle is the most tenable one. Since there are so many uncertainties,

be it in the maize itself or the impact on the general environment, it virtually goes

without saying that maize 1507 should not be released into the environment, at least

not yet.

Simply put, the process of constantly asking for more scientific information to be

submitted while criticizing the present scientific research method& result, is in itself a

practice of a scientific understanding of the precautionary principles. For stakeholders

including the NGOs, the UBA and the CAs in Austria, the current scientific evidence

shown in the 1507 cultivation proposal is simply not convincing enough, thus, more

extensive research should be conducted, and “a reassessment should be done”(M.E.,4)

before closing the case. Overall, the above analysis has revealed that there is a

unanimous voice in Austria which calls for leaving the case open until more scientific

data is available in order to prove the nonexistence of risk associated with cultivating

GM 1507 maize. The Austrian stakeholders’ precautionary attitude is primarily

legitimatized by resorting to scientific evidence.


6. 2. Scientific uncertainty gives rise to other criteria

The above account has suggested that science in this case is either uncertain or

could be misused by authoritative bodies, therefore, risk assessment in this regard

cannot rely on scientific knowledge solely. Other measures apart from scientific wisdom

must be considered when studying the appropriateness of cultivating 1507 maize in

particular countries. Beyond requiring more scientific research, the precautionary

principle in the case of 1507 in Austria is also manifested in a “political-economic”

understanding that requires a consideration of the “socio-economic criteria”. The

following analysis is based on accounts drawn mainly from the two interviews with

Dagmar Urban from Greenpeace and Michael Eckerstrofer from the UBA, and

supplemented by two relevant documents including one report issued by the

Ministries of Health and of Agriculture on assessing socio-economic impacts for

policy development, and a catalog of socio-economic criteria specifically developed

for the Austrian context.

6.2.1. Socio-economic criteria: conform to Austrian specifics

GM authorization in the EU is mainly regulated by Directive 2001/18/EC and

Regulation (EC) 1829/2003. Both documents touch up the socio-economic aspects of

assessing GMOs. Preamble 32 of the Regulation stipulates that “it is recognized that,

in some cases, scientific risk assessment alone cannot provide all the information on

which a risk management decision should be based, and that other legitimate factors

relevant to the matter under consideration may be taken into account”. Although

there is no concrete definition for the term “other legitimate factors”, it can be

expected that any risk consideration that doesn’t directly refer to human health or

environmental aspects, which are perspicuously mentioned in the documents, could

theoretically fall into the category of “other legitimate factors” and be taken into

account by the Commission in the decision-making process.

Preamble 62 of Directive 2001/18/EC refers to the term more clearly. For each

category of GMOs authorized to be placed on the market, it requires the European


Commission to issue a report “taking into account the information provided by

Member States regarding the socioeconomic advantages and disadvantages...which

will take due account of the interest of farmers and consumers”. However, the

Directive does not provide a further definition of what is encompassed by

“socioeconomic” aspects; thus no specific methodology for assessing the

socioeconomic impact that is parallel to the environmental assessment is indicated.

Against this legal background and confronting science’s controversial role in risk

assessment, the socio-economic aspects of GMO assessment are getting increased

attention in discussions at the European level. This is of particular interest to Austria,

whose various stakeholders are not satisfied with the current EU risk assessment

system which enthrones the EFSA’s scientific opinions only. The trend seems to be

shifting toward introducing new criteria in the risk assessment of GMOs which

challenges the EFSA’s authoritative status with regard to risk assessment. Taking into account the uniqueness of Austria

For NGOs such as Greenpeace, the fundamental criticism is that the EFSA’s

scientific assessment is far from being complete in assessing the risk of GMOs. This

attitude is supported by the 2008 EU Council decision, where there was a unanimous

call from all agricultural ministers for a basic reform of the EU authorization process

on GM applications. During the conference in December 2008, the EU Environment

Council of Ministers agreed to improve GMO regulations, including the recognition

of the key role of Member States, to take into account specific national or regional

characteristics and to consider socio-economic criteria with a view to the application

of the precautionary principle (Council conclusions on GMOs, December 2008). The

NGOs are nonetheless disappointed by the EU since despite the unanimous call for

reform, very little has actually taken place. Consequently they strive to introduce the

socio-economic criteria in the risk assessment of GM 1507 maize.

Thus, in addition to scientific arguments, the economic aspect is the one of the

element to be included in the environmental NGOs’ persuasive discourse to prohibit


1507 maize. The cultivation of this maize, with the aim of decreasing the negative

effects of the corn borer and thus enhancing productivity, is ultimately born out

economic considerations; however, the NGOs rationally argue that the cultivation of

1507 maize, as with other GM crops, is not necessarily beneficial for Austria’s


“Because Austria is a small country with a lot of mountains. If you have co-existence of GM

crops and non-GM crops, would it even be theoretically possible to separate them without huge

economic losses?”(D.U.,7)

At issue is the “contamination” problem, which poses the concern that GM crop

will “contaminate” the neighboring non-GM crops. According to the EU regulation,

there should be a “buffer zone” between these two kinds of crops, but this “buffer

zone” is considered to be economically not viable for Austria, where most of the

agriculture farming is exercised on small mountainous plots of land, which cannot

afford any “waste”. Greenpeace argues that neglecting Austria’s unique landscape in

the general EU decision-making system could ultimately harm Austria’s agricultural

economy and is thus a major concern for Austrian stakeholders. Such negligence of

Austria’s economic situation to some extent also invites ridicule:

“You have a society that runs after economy in general, but when it comes to GMOs in specific

countries, economy doesn’t matter at all. Then you let this narrow definition of science which is not

based on long-term studies decides the whole GMO destiny. It is paradoxical.” (D.U.,7)

The UBA shares the same concern about the geographical uniqueness of Austria.

It conducted a study in which it calculated the potential economic losses if Austria

were to cultivate GM crops. Taking into account the average field sizes and the

required “co-existence distance” between GMOs and non-GMOs, it proposed

different scenarios for how much land would actually be “lost” because of the

distance, and concluded that it would indeed be economically “devastating” for

Austria to cultivate GM crops. Such a potential economic disaster could also be

brought about if Austria were to cultivate 1507 maize.

Besides the uniqueness of the landscape, the UBA further points out that the

cultivation of 1507 does not make much economic sense for Austria due to its

relatively cold climate, in which the target organisms of 1507 - the European corn


borer, does not cause a major damage to corn in Austria. In countries such as Spain,

where the climate is warmer and corn is planted more than once in a year, the corn

borer can multiply generation after generation, thus necessitating the use of pesticides.

Whereas in Austria, the situation is very different: farmers only plant corn on a yearly

basis due to the relatively cold climate. There can only be, therefore, maximum one

generation of corn borer, and the damage caused by this pest is not at the level of

forcing farmers to use pesticide. In this context, the UBA argues that economically

speaking, comparing conventional maize cultivation to 1507 maize cultivation in

Austria, “it won’t make sense (to plant 1507 maize) in a small scale farm system

unless you change your overall agriculture policy to support further intensification of

production, for instance, by planting corn after corn” (M.E.,5).

The economic aspect goes beyond the “geographical feature” argument. Even if

geography was not a problem for Austria, the question remains whose economic

interests are to be taken into account. The NGOs point out that the cultivation of GM

maize is detrimental to the economic interest of certain stakeholders, for instance, that

of the organic farmers, who have a remarkable reputation on the Austrian agricultural

landscape. Lessons learnt from Spain where MON810 maize is cultivated raised red

flags in Austria. According to Greenpeace’s field investigation in Spain, producers

had to abandon organic farming or even went bankrupt in areas where MON810 was

planted. They could no longer sell their maize as “organic” due to “contamination”.

Such lessons set off alarm bells on sensitive issues such as morality and inclusiveness

in this modern society. The argument is, when the economic interest of giant

enterprises becomes the yardstick for social development, precaution must be borne in

mind to prevent potential social unrest.

For environmental NGOs, the 2001 EEA report “Late lessons from early

warnings” also serves as a powerful weapon in all risk matters. The past events are

living lessons in which huge costs for the society and the environment were caused

because the precautionary principle was not properly or timely implemented. These

lessons apply perfectly in the case of 1507, where risk cannot be precluded, and “if

you choose to ignore the potential risks and not deal with them with precautionary


principle, then you will see really huge cost on society later”. (D.U.,6) In this view,

for the sake of society, the matter of 1507 maize should be handled with extreme


The UBA, who has a particular affiliation with government bodies, has more

insight into the political uniqueness in this regard. When reviewing the 1507 maize

application dossier, there was a special request from the Ministry of Health to the

UBA “to make sure a very high standard of safety is taken into account for risk

assessment and management” (M.E.,5). Although this so-called “high standard” is

incorporated in Directive 2001/18/EC together with the precautionary principle, this

“standard” is not explicitly defined in the law, thus leaving it flexible for individual

countries to define their own standards. This ambiguity leads to different national


“The existing EU Biosafety laws are not specifying ‘limits of concern’ for environmental harm,

therefore the environmental risk assessment is not based on quantifiable thresholds, which could

be applied similarly in all EU countries. Rather, the non-quantifiable criteria require to take into

account the different environmental conditions in the individual Member States. Thus different risk

assessment outcomes are not necessarily unscientific.” (M.E.,5)

That is to say, theoretically there could be variegated standards between Austria and

other EU members. Different standards require not a one-size-fits-all regulation, and

Austria’s “high safety standard” as a social character should be respected by the EU.

In 2010, the Ministry of Health, together with the Ministry of Agriculture,

presented a report on assessing socio-economic impacts in the EU’s policy

development concerning GMOs. Motivated by the conclusion of the 2008 EU Council

meeting which invited the Commission to explore the possibility of considering other

criteria such as socio-economic benefits and risks in GMO authorization, the two

Austrian Ministries drafted a 100-page report to identify and explore the relevant

issues. Arguing against the challenges identified in the current literature, legal

backdrop and international trade, it considers the possibility and necessity to include

socio-economic criteria in the EU’s GMO authorization. Speaking on behalf of the

Austrian context, the report incorporates the uniqueness of Austria’s landscape,

climate and agricultural structure and argues that the co-existence of GMOs and


non-GMOs in Austria would be very difficult. Moreover, taking into account the

demands of Austrian consumers, it suggests that cultivation of GMOs is in general

socially and economically not advisable for Austria.

Overall, besides scientific criteria in GMO risk assessment, Austria’s

stakeholders argue that the specifics of each country should be taken into account and

the responsibilities of individual Member States should be strengthened concerning

the evaluation and authorization of the cultivation of 1507 maize. Interestingly, the

call to take into account countries’ differences concurs with the “cultivation proposal”

which allows each country to decide GMO matters unilaterally. Based on the

subsidiarity principle, this “cultivation proposal” could directly give rise to other

criteria such as socio-economic considerations. The concern is that this proposal, if

approved by the Council, would legitimate most of the safeguard clauses issued by

individual Member States, which in turn would literally put a chokehold on the

majority - if not all - of the forthcoming GMO applications in the EU. UBA tentatively forms Austria-specific socio-economic criteria

The issue at hand then is how to calibrate such socio-economic aspects which are

by and large under-defined in each country in order to prevent abuse of such criteria.

Earnestly seeking to bring the socio-economic criteria into the EU regulatory picture,

Austria spearheaded the experiment to identify and classify the socio-economic

criteria of relevance to it. In 2011, the UBA, delegated by the Austrian Ministry of

Health, presented a catalog of socio-economic criteria that are of major relevance to

Austria, attempting to bring official recognition to aspects that are beyond

conventional scientific criteria.

It should be noted that Austria did not invent the socio-economic criteria in this

regard. Norway did. Back in 1993, Norway established a Gene Technology Act that

considers examining the socio-economic impact of the use and production of GMOs.

Aside from requirements stipulated in the EU regulation that the deliberate release of

GMOs should not have detrimental effects on human/animal health and the


environment, the Norwegian Act also emphasizes the ethical and social aspects of

GMOs prior to their cultivation, import and use as food or feed in Norway, suggesting

that the introduction of GMOs should “represent a benefit to the community” and

“enable sustainable development” (Factsheet of Norwegian Directorate for Nature

Management, 2011). Astonishingly, since 2005 when regulations pursuant to the Gene

Technology Act were established, not a single GMO application was approved by the

Norwegian Government (Hofverberg, 2014).

In this context, the UBA borrowed from Norway’s successful experience and

developed an Austria-specific catalog of socio-economic criteria based on the pillar of

sustainability. The focus was to identify possible risks of GMO cultivation, not only

regarding economic issues but also regarding potential societal influences as well as

ecological impact. The relevant criteria identified for Austria are thus assigned to

these three aspects with respective categories.

Regarding the economic aspect of GMO cultivation, three categories covering

potential negative impacts on productivity, the tourism economy as well as cost

development are deemed relevant for Austria. Under the category “productivity”, the

UBA points out that the cultivation of GMO could potentially harm profits in the

agricultural sector (e.g. reduce the price of products due to contamination problems

and the profit of special products such as organic food). Employment would also be

affected, especially in the rural areas, due to intensification of agriculture, for example,

which would also lead to reduced income.

Under the “costs” category, account is taken of potential increased costs which

could occur during the production chain, including costs on increased herbicide use,

resistance management, coexistence management or higher seed prices for producers,

specific costs for ensuring GMO-free cultivation, and costs resulting from

“de-contamination” measures. The UBA further includes the indirect costs which

would be generated by keeping a GMO-free image, and from changes in the welfare

system in rural areas due to higher unemployment resulting from GMO cultivation.

In the “tourism” section, the UBA argues that the cultivation of GMOs would

potentially harm Austria’s tourism economy for it could change the landscape in


which it takes pride, and the resultant monocultures would not be attractive to tourists

who expect to visit a typical GMO-free country. In addition, GMO cultivation poses

the risk of hindering the implementation of the “sustainability” concept in rural areas,

which might also give a bad image to tourists.

In a word, the UBA presents a very detailed, but seemingly realistic dimension to

measure the economic impact of GMO cultivation in an Austria-specific context.

Under these three categories, it sets up criteria including “profit”, “prosperity”, “costs

incurred during the whole production chain”, “indirect cost”, “tourism expectations”,

and “possibility to implement regional policy”, in order to provide the foundation for

introducing in a practical sense the economic criteria into the GMO cultivation

assessment procedure.

As for the social aspect, four categories concerning the potential negative

impacts on individual’s health and welfare, freedom of choice, social cohesion and

preservation of cultural heritage are elaborated. Under the “health and welfare”

category, the UBA raises the concern that GMO cultivation would affect the quality

of Austrians’ lives due to, for example, decreased income in rural areas as discussed

above and poorer health as result of wider pesticide usage; and it could influence food

sovereignty and availability since GMO-free products might cost more.

Within the “choice” category, the UBA argues that the cultivation of GMOs

could potentially harm consumers’ freedom of choice for GMO-free products if the

labeling is not clear, farmers’ freedom of choice to cultivate non-GM crops because of

higher cost and less availability of GMO-free seeds, and researchers’ freedom to work

on innovation due to patents on breeding techniques and genetic resources.

Under the “cultural aspects” category, the concern is that GMO cultivation

could damage the preservation of cultural heritage, for instance, traditional production

techniques or crop varieties might be squeezed out and the autonomy of local

population regarding decisions about GMO-free production would be negatively


Within the “social cohesion” category, the UBA raises the concern that GMO

cultivation would change conventional agricultural practice, which would cause a


negative impact on social structures - especially in rural areas, where the survival of

small enterprises and agricultural holdings would be at risk. This could further lead to

conflicts between people benefiting from GM technology and those who do not, and

even between neighboring farmers, which would not be beneficial for social stability

and inclusiveness.

All in all, these social criteria, including “quality of life”, “organic food

availability”, “freedom of choices for consumers, farmers and researchers”,

“preservation of cultural heritage” as well as “social cohesion” matter very much to

Austrians. Thus, the UBA, on behalf of Austria’s Competent Authorities, suggest that

these criteria concerning societal development should equally be taken into account

together with the scientific criteria and the economic concern in the 1507 maize case,

or in any other attempts to cultivate GM crops on Austrian soil.

To conclude, these economic-social-political aspects revealed in the NGOs’

arguments, Ministries’ recommendations and the UBA’s proposal concern social

benefits and value judgments rather than scientific evidence. These criteria,

predominantly economic or ethical in character and in need of political backing, can,

by and large, be evaluated by social science. Thus, the proposal to introduce

socio-economic aspects is trying to overthrow natural science’s dominance in GMO

risk assessment and to expand understanding of the precautionary principle. Beyond

scientific uncertainty, the social-economic criteria increase the underlying

uncertainties and nuances in each society with a unique economy, culture and natural

environment, and call for a more thorough and cautious examination of these

important properties when undertaking risk assessment on GMOs. This strategy, in

concert with a “political-economic” understanding of the precautionary principle, was

proposed prior to the 1507 case, but it is still effective and potent in opposing the

cultivation of this maize in Austria.

It should be noted that the UBA includes the ecological aspect in the

socio-economic criteria as well, but since ecology concerns nature, which embeds a

“normative system-critical” understanding of the precautionary principle. I will

therefore leave this aspect to the next chapter.


6. 3. GMO on the radar of a GREEN Austria

In the above two sections, I have made an exhaustive presentation of the

stakeholders’ major concerns over the risks that cultivating GM 1507 maize will pose

on health and on the general environment as well as on economic and social pursuits.

In this section, I will focus on the normative aspects of this topic, which concentrate

on the notion “monoculture” - “monoculture” of nature’s appearance, and

“monoculture” of national choices over an agricultural development model.

Mentioned particularly often during my interview with the Greenpeace representative,

this concern was primarily expressed by environmentalists, but it has gained a wide

range of supporters among various stakeholders across the globe.

Ultimately an outcome of globalization and modernization, “monoculture” has

become a popular counterargument for opponents targeting the production and use of

GMOs. One of the most prominent voices is represented by the influential

environmental activist Vandana Shiva, who deems that the entry of genetically

modified seeds changed the paradigm of agriculture - from holistic and ecological to

one which is fragmented and mechanistic. In the latter paradigm, corporate interests,

through patents, manage to get power and ownership over seed, “circumventing all

ecological and social responsibility of the impact of monopolies” (Shiva, 2013, p.3)

and threatening nature and people. Shiva attributes such a threat to the “Monoculture

of the Mind”, which tries to model all diversities into the privileged categories and

concepts of “one class, one race and on gender of a single species”, thus eliminating


For environmentalists, biodiversity, emphasizing that all life on earth is an equal

part of an interdependent system and has the right to survive, is crucial for the

sustainable development of the natural environment as well as human society. Shiva

defends the “rights” of nature and seeds, arguing that patents on seeds and insertion

of genes violate the law of the nature and seed, for “seeds are not invented by simply

putting a gene into them, and adding a toxic gene should in fact be counted as

‘pollution’, not as ‘creation’”(p. 6). Calling for a paradigm shift from uniformity to


diversity, Shiva holds that it is ecologically essential to respect the “rights” of all

species and, politically imperative to replace “centralization” with “decentered

control”. Diversity, for Shiva, is “a way of thought and a way of life”, is what is

needed to “go beyond the impoverished monocultures of the mind.” (Shiva, 1993)

Striving to combat “monoculture”, such an advocate of “diversity” corresponds

to a more recent buzzword which is “Green”. Although the word itself is vaguely

defined and always appears with suffixes, e.g. “green growth”, “green economy”,

“green development”, “green business”, etc., it nevertheless always carries one metric,

that is, the measurement of “environmental friendliness”, or in other words, “respect

for Nature”. An essential component of Austria’s anti-GMO stance derives from the

conservation of a “Green Austria”, which implicates meanings of both nature and

politics. In this context, the cultivation of 1507 maize particularly corrodes with, one,

the image of Austrian Nature, and two, the preferred model of the nation’s

agricultural development.

Specifically, the concern over Austria’s Nature is the result of “environmental

ethics” that are based on a normative concept of Nature, and the perception of a

preferred agriculture model stems from a “modernization-critical position”

(Torgersen & Bogner, 2005, p.280) which is against increasing economic disparities

in agriculture caused by GM technologies. Both lines of thought, resulting from the

major stakeholders’ normative orientation which promotes sustainability and

inclusiveness in Austria, lend themselves to a “normative systems-critical”

understanding of the precautionary principle. It should be noted that although an

agricultural model is also political, it inherently stems from a normative concept of

Nature and represents an attitude which is resistant toward large-scale industrialized

agriculture. Consequently, I categorize it under the “normative systems-critical”

understanding of the precautionary principle.

In this section, I will mainly analyze how the perceptions of Nature and

agriculture form a strong position that prevents the cultivation of 1507 maize - and

literally all GMOs alike, from entering Austrian territory. I will present how, in

addition to scientific and economic arguments against the current GMO risk


assessment system, normative imaginaries about Austrian Nature and agriculture

become a remarkably influential factor in the national GMO position. In this sense, in

contrast to what Torgersen and Bogner have concluded in their research that the

“economic-political” understanding of the precautionary principle is the dominant

one, I argue that the “normative systems-critical” understanding, which embodies the

sociotechnical imaginaries of Austria and is imbedded in Austria’s national

technopolitical identity, is equally significant to - if not more influential than - the

other two understandings in Austria’s national decision on the cultivation of GM 1507

maize and other GMOs. This analysis is mainly built upon accounts drawn from the

three interviews, information on official websites and several documents provided

by the major stakeholders on the themes of biodiversity and organic farming in


6.3.1. Don’t mess with Austrian Nature!

Austria takes pride in its natural environment. A landlocked country in Central

Europe, it has an exceptionally diversified landscape: with 47.2% of the land covered

by forests, 10% by the Alps, and 34% by agricultural areas, vineyards, and gardens, it

is one of the greenest countries in Europe. Along with approximately 45,000 animal

species and over 1,000 plant species, it stands out as a country rich in biodiversity.

(Ministry of Agriculture, 2004) Loosely stretching outwards, the landscape is famous

for its charming idyllic scenery which attracts tourists from Europe and across the

world, giving prominence to the undisputed recreational value of Austria’s nature,

among its economic, ecological and cultural values.

Possessing such a natural environment, Austria has developed a unique relation

to its Nature. Felt (2013) argues that Austria’s specific reference to the Nature

developed through positioning the country towards certain technologies, for instance,

the GM technology, and this reference to the Nature in turn can be used to defend its

future technological positions. In this sense, the concept of Nature and national

identity on GMOs are “coproduced”. In 2009, the country successfully made use of

the “Nature protection” argument to legitimize its national ban on the cultivation of


one GM crops - MON810 maize. In response to the European Commission’s

complaint about Austria’s national safeguard clauses prohibiting the cultivation of

MON810 maize, in 2009 the Council rejected the Commission’s proposal to lift the

ban, on the grounds that prohibition measures are possible in specific cases in order to

“ensure biodiversity protection in fragile ecosystems and/or in regions with specific

agronomical and environmental characteristics” (Council Press release, 2928th

Council Meeting, March 2, 2009).

With this victory in mind, it is doubtless that Austria will attempt to employ the

same argument concerning “nature preservation” to prohibit the cultivation of maize

1507 within the legal framework. Various stakeholders have mentioned the term

“nature” or “biodiversity”, but the most vigorous voices are from the environmental

NGOs and the Ministry of Agriculture, for the issue of Nature directly links with their

normative values and political motives. For NGOs, deliberately inserting genes into

organisms and releasing them into the environment is regarded as “messing with

nature” (D.U., 1). This line is identical to the defense held by the Catholic Church in

Austria: for both parties, a divine Nature exists (although NGOs do not mention the

origin of this Nature), and it is to be treated cautiously by the human race. Therefore,

environmental NGOs loudly proclaim that the release of GMOs into the environment

is “genetic pollution” and forms a major threat to nature, and in particular its diversity

due to the irreversible effect of GMOs once released into the environment.

In the case of maize 1507, one of the NGOs’ major concerns is the negative

effect that pesticide to be used on this maize would have on many species, including

harmless non-target species, beneficial insects, soil organisms, aquatic life and so on.

For instance, among the non-target organisms, European butterflies have become a

particular concern, because in America, where large scales of GM maize have been

planted, research has revealed that long-term exposure to pollen from GM

insect-resistant maize can cause adverse effects on the behavior and survival of the

Monarch butterfly. Although few studies have been conducted on European

butterflies, it could be reasonably analogized that 1507 maize could also harm them.

With regard to beneficial insects, the health and survival of bees are


predominantly relevant in the Austrian context. This concern concurs with the

“Bienenschutz” (Bee protection) campaign which environmental NGOs, including

Greenpeace, have been launching in full swing in recent years. Stressing the

significance of bees and other insects for pollination, which affects the food supply of

human beings as well as the whole ecological system, they argue that the decline in

bees has posed a great threat to global agriculture. Alarmingly, the number of bees has

been in great decline in the past decades, reaching as high as 85% in some

industrialized countries. Although it is widely acknowledged that such a drastic

decline of bees is a complex combination of causes and cannot be blamed on a single

factor, environmental NGOs nevertheless attribute the main reason to modern

agriculture, which they argue relies too much on chemical intervention and has turned

Nature into a more dangerous habitat for bees. For instance, in Greenpeace’s

campaigns, it loudly proclaims that “a destructive, chemical-intensive agricultural

system promoted by several multinational companies” is the major cause for the

situation. Also, the companies bringing biotech into agriculture are referred to as

“bee-killing companies”, not only threatening the bees but also putting food security

and diversity at risk (Greenpeace, May 2014).

The genetic modifying technique is perceived as one of the “contaminating” or

“killing” tools. With regard to GM maize, at the center of the debate is whether one

GM maize variant called “Bt corn”, a category 1507 maize falls into, has a negative

impact on the well-being of bees. So far several scientific investigations (e.g. Jena

research) have come to the conclusion that bees collect very small quantities of maize

pollen(less than 3%) and there is no scientific evidence that pollen from Bt corn has a

toxic effect on the bee population. However, the NGOs cling firmly to the

counterargument which states that some research has revealed that Bt corn can have a

negative impact on bees. For instance, Ramire-Romero et al. (2008) have shown that

toxin Cry1Ab in maize 1507 affects the learning performance of honeybees. Even the

Jena experiment which by and large denies Bt corn’s toxic effect on bees, suggests

that by sheer chance, when the bees were infested with a parasite, “a significantly

stronger decline in the number of bees” occurred among the insects that had been fed


with a highly concentrated Bt feed. This “sheer chance” simply cannot be overlooked.

Other concerns include the problem that maize 1507 poses a threat to the soil

system because Bt crops can secrete toxin from their roots into the soil, as well as a

risk for aquatic life because leaves and grain from the maize can enter water where

the “toxin can accumulate in organisms and exert a toxic effect”(Greenpeace report

2011, p.1). Overall, although not scientifically confirmed, these potential adverse

effects of GM 1507 maize on various organisms would form a significant threat to the

biodiversity or the Nature in Austria.

As a nation, Austria ratified the United Nations Convention on Biological

Diversity (CBD) in 1992 and is a party of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety which

entered into force in 2003. Its government has thereby committed itself to conserving

and sustainably utilizing nature’s resources and the environment. About 35% of

Austrian territory is currently classified as protected under various categories (CBD:

Austria). The CAs, including the Ministries of Health and of Agriculture, have

publicly acknowledged the significance of biodiversity, stating that “each species is

the guardian of an enormous amount of genetic information” (Ministry of Agriculture,

2004) and genetic intervention in plants is a threat to nature’s biodiversity.

In July 2014, the UBA, together with the German Federal Agency for Nature

Conservation and the Federal Office for the Environment of Switzerland, officially

published a joint report on the results of a study, which concludes that the existence of

herbicide-resistant, genetically modified crops accelerates biodiversity loss. The

report draws on cases in North and South America where the cultivation of

herbicide-resistant (e.g. Glyphosate resistant) GM crops has resulted in a more

intensive application of herbicides. As a result, the quantity of herbicide-resistant

farm weeds has increased while the biodiversity of arable land and adjacent areas has

declined considerably. Based on this field research, it could well be concluded that the

cultivation of herbicide-resistant GM crops such as 1507 maize, would directly cause

significant decline in biodiversity.

Meanwhile, as mentioned in the previous section, the socio-economic criteria

proposed by the UBA overlaps with the “normative” understanding of the


precautionary principle because it largely concerns Nature. In this “socio-economic

criteria” proposal, the UBA’s criteria for risk assessment on the environment focuses

on the potential negative impact GMO cultivation has on the general functioning of

the ecosystem (preservation of resources and environmental quality) as well as the

conservation of biodiversity in both uncultivated and cultivated areas. Within the

category “ecological limits and ecosystem functioning”, it lists several issues

concerning the negative effects of GMO cultivation on natural resources, on energy

use and on environmental quality including soil, water, and air. In terms of

biodiversity, the criteria also proposes an assessment of the risk on agro-biodiversity,

including seed diversity, habitat diversity associated with cultivated areas, and the

effects on biodiversity on various levels (genetic, species, habitats, ecosystems) in

uncultivated areas. In this context, the UBA, emphasizing that the release of GMOs

into the environment is ultimately a matter of intervention in Nature, brings the

precautionary principle to a “normative systems-critical” understanding in which

Nature itself is considered to have a say and deserves serious consideration.

6.3.2. A preferred agriculture model is intolerant of GM intervention

The viewpoint of Austria’s agriculture and environmental standards is a crucial

aspect in the debate. One thing that makes Austria stand out in the GMO debates is

that the country has always seen agricultural practices as an integral part of GMO risk

assessment since agricultural practices are “a major determinant of environmental

impacts” (Torgersen & Bogner, 2005). Despite the overriding EU regulation which

stipulates that only concerns over “human and animal health and environment impact”

(Directive 2001/18/EC) can be taken into consideration during the course of risk

assessment, this strong national position has doubtlessly made a major contribution to

the GMOs’ “mishaps” in Austria. In the rest of this section, I analyze how an

imaginary of the “right” agricultural model for Austria virtually precludes the

possibility of the co-existence of GMOs and non-GMOs on the same soil.

Simply put, the issue of GMOs is especially relevant for Austria because of its


small-structured agriculture and high percentage of organic production, although less

than 1/5 of the land is utilized agricultural area, out of which 19.5% is used for

organic farming (Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, 2013 Green Report). The 1998

Delphi foresight study stated that organic agriculture was among the promising

developments where “Austria may have the opportunity to achieve leadership over

the next 15 years” (ITA, 1998, In: Torgersen & Seifert, 1996). The predominant

understanding of “competitiveness” in this study is in striking contrast to the one

promoted by biotechnology, which implies that “to be competitive” means to catch up

with industrial development. Exacerbated by the BSE scandal and the controversy

over imports of GM soybean and maize, distrust in industrialized agriculture in the

EU has been growing. Meanwhile, the common perception is that GMO cultivation

will lead to intensified agriculture, which is better suited for countries with large

farms. Therefore, lacking the competitiveness in farm size due to unfavorable

geography, organic agriculture offers an ecologically sound solution as well as an

economically feasible market niche for the relatively uncompetitive Austrian

agricultural sector.

In this context, the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture has implemented a set of

agricultural policies to advocate a model of “sustainable agriculture”, in which

organic farming is given particular favor. Organic farming by definition, according to

the Austrian Ministry of Agriculture, is “the most environmentally compatible form of

agriculture”, yet it means more than just farming without chemicals. Rather, the

principles of organic farming are “a holistic philosophy and a farming cycle as

complete as possible, with a diverse structure”. Meanwhile, it requires an

environmentally sound usage of natural resources, which are to be preserved for future

generations (Ministry of Agriculture: Organic farming in Austria, 2009, p.3). In a

word, organic farming corresponds to a set of normative imaginaries about what is

best for Austrian Nature and agriculture.

Organic farming in Austria started in the early nineties. Since then, all arable

areas have experienced an organic boom. The number of organic farmers has been

stable for several years at a level of approximately 21,000, accounting for 16.5% of


all farmers in Austria (see Facts of Austria Organic Production in Graphic 3). In

relative terms, it ranks first among the European countries in this sector (Ministry of

Agriculture: Organic farming in Austria, 2009). Sales of organic food in retail trade

accounted for 6.7 million Euros in 2012 (Ministry of Agriculture: 2013 Green Report,

p.8). The remarkable position of organic farming among all agricultural practices is

mainly attributed to the policies implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Supported by heavy subsidies, Austrian farmers have been encouraged to turn to

organic production for it is simply more rewarding.

According to the statistics in the 2013 Green Report published by the Ministry of

Agriculture, in 2012, 2,132 million Euros of agricultural budget from the EU, the

federal government and provinces were spent on agriculture and forestry, out of which

approximately 74% was allocated to two measures: one is the “Compensatory

allowance for less-favored-areas”, the other the “Agri-environmental Programme

(ÖPUL)”. With 110,274 farm holdings (accounting for 76% of all Austrian farms)

participating in the programme, the ÖPUL, which intends to enhance the

environmentally benign management of agriculture, received 526.33 million Euros in

total. The Organic farming sector, which falls under the ÖPUL programme, used 26%

of the total ÖPUL funds (more than 100 million Euros). The justification for that

significant amount is “the production of organic products is more labor-intensive, the

costs of feeding and stables are higher, and yields are lower…all this makes the

production of organic products more expensive” (Ministry of Agriculture: Organic

farming in Austria, 2009, p.30). In addition, organic farming also receives subsidies

Figure 3: Data on

organic farming in


Retrieved on

August 1, 2014

from “Ministry of

Agriculture: 2013

Green Report”


granted from other sources, including the investment subsidy called “bio-bonus” for

stables particularly well-suited for animals.

Consumer preferences in Austria also support the organic option. A survey

conducted before 1996 already demonstrated that “freshness” and “naturalness” are

a priority for consumers, while genetic engineered food is viewed negatively (Dietrich

and Greimel, 1997, In: Torgersen & Seifet, 1997). In 2008 the share of organic

products in total Austrian food sales amounted to about 6%, worth approximately 900

million Euros (Ministry of Agriculture: Organic farming in Austria, 2009). To meet

the increasing demand for organic food, retail chains have created various organic

brands, among them are “Ja Natürlich”, “Natur Pur”, etc. These brands cater to the

consumers’ preference for “natural food” and their demand that the food industry

should guarantee products free from biotechnology. (Torgersen & Seifert, 1996)

On the other hand, environmental NGOs have also actively contributed their part.

Besides advocating organic farming over the years, recently, within their mandates,

Greenpeace, Friends of Earth/Global 2000, BIO Austria (one of the organic farming

associations) and other stakeholders in Austria have been working on the promotion

of an absolute GMO-free food production. One of the endeavors is to create a general

framework for a stricter and traceable labelling system. The Austrian label “Produced

without GMO”(Ohne Gentechnik hergestellt) is unique in Europe, for it offers a

comprehensive system of producing food without GM intervention from the

beginning to the end. The current EU labelling system only requires labeling of

products that contain directly modified organisms, which means it does not require

feed to be indicated on the end-products. For example, if the chickens sold on the

markets were fed by genetically modified soy beans, the information about the “GM

feed” does not have to appear on the label. This missing piece of information is

unsatisfactory to the NGOs, who argue that it violates the public’s right to know and

is undemocratic:

“I mean, if Austrians are against GMOs, they should also see that (feed information on the

label) and have the chance to say YES or NO…Not only the chance to buy the product or not, but

also the chance to bear the costs and take the responsibility to support absolute GMO-free



So far this label has been successfully implemented on milk production as well as

eggs on the Austrian market.

Meanwhile, organic farmers have their organizational representatives, who are

responsible for representing the farmers’ voices and interests. Two thirds of the

approximately 21,000 organic farmers in Austria are members of one of the organic

farming associations, which are usually the first point of contact for farmers wanting

to switch to organic farming. Among the various organic farming associations, the

largest one in Austria, as well as in Europe, is BIO Austria. Uniting more than 13,000

member farms in Austria, BIO Austria offers expertise in organic farming practices as

well as product marketing to member farmers, and plays an important role in

networking among “consumers, processors, retailers, politics and media on federal

and provincial levels”.(EcoFarming Austria, 2010)

Overall, heavily subsidized by the Ministry, supported by the general consumers,

and endorsed by environmental NGOs and active organic farming associations,

organic farming enjoys a great esteem in Austria. To date, there are more organic

farmers in Austria than in other EU Member States altogether, and organic farms

comprise a large proportion of agriculture in Austria. Indeed, as the former Minister

of Agriculture and the Environment Niki Berlakovich said, organic production has

become the “top rider of the Austrian way towards further ‘greening’ of agriculture”

(Ministry of Agriculture: Organic farming in Austria, 2009), and is a means to

reconcile divergent demands including niche-market strategy and protecting the

natural environment as well as rural structure.

Another issue has to do with the ownership of farms in Austria. Although by and

large Austrian agriculture is dominated by big producers, there is a significant share

of small farmers who usually run family farms on a part-time basis. Interestingly,

Austrians are very fond of a certain image in terms of agriculture, as the Austrian

saying goes, “everybody has a relative in the countryside and a great uncle as a

farmer”, thus everything that has to do with agriculture is “a sensitive issue”(H.T.,3).

Small farm owners stay in the countryside and become the symbol of Austrian

agriculture. Such an imaginary of how agriculture should be practiced is very


important for the conservative party, namely, the Austrian People’s Party(ÖVP),

which is one of the two major political parties in Austria and runs on a platform of

traditions and stability of social order (Wikipedia: ÖVP). Thus a picture of family-run

farms fits into the party’s political pursuits:

“It (the conservative party) always tries to keep their foothold in the countryside, which means

they try to keep people in the countryside, and they also try to establish what they call

'Flächendeckende Landwirtschaft', which means agriculture should be everywhere. They do not like

family farms to be abandoned.”(H.T.,3)

This political preference partly renders the composition of farmlands as well as

the structure of agriculture in Austria. At a time when many countries have given up

farming conducted on a small-scale and/or in geographically unfavorable areas due to

low productivity, Austria allocates a large amount of its budget to subsidize these

farming practices in disadvantaged areas such as high-mountain farms, so as to keep

up the unique image of “Austrian agriculture”.

Another strategy in Austrian agriculture is to combine organic production with

regional origin. The Ministry of Agriculture, in cooperation with the initiative

“Genuss Region Österreich” (Austria Region of Delight), successfully promoted a

picture of regionalized agriculture. A widely-known advertisement for the organic

brand “Ja! Natürlich”, in which a little pig speaks in the Carinthian dialect, says a lot

about the Austrians’ imaginary of its own culture of agriculture. The Austrian public

seems to particularly favor the naturalness and the locality of their food. Although it

might be hard to trace who planted or initiated this imagination in the first place,

public opinion today is reciprocal with arguments held by other stakeholders,

including the NGOs, media, food producers and political parties. The quote below

from Greenpeace illuminates the amazing mindset of the public perceived by other


“It is very clear what kind of agriculture the public wants. When I talk to them, they want

something produced by small-scale family farms...In some countries people see agriculture and

nature as divided, whereas in Austria this is very much combined. Austrian people want agriculture

that produces food in harmony with nature, you know, if you go for a walk in the farmland, it

shouldn’t be a monocultural picture, but should be this beautiful land, cows drinking from the

creek…So GMOs really don’t fit in this overall picture.” (D.U.,10)

Austrian people’s mindset concerning what kind of agriculture they prefer, and


where nature and agriculture should stand, seems to be amazingly clear and advanced.

Although it would be hard to prove statistically to what extent such understandings

about public perception hold, they are generally held by both official and non-official

bodies, and this in turn feeds into other stakeholders’ agendas and pursuits. “If

consumers want it in this way, then let them have it” (H.T.,4). Based on such an

understanding of “democracy”, the NGOs, political parties, the food industry and

other relevant actors are all on the path to push these concepts and practices further,

but GMOs, along with the ideology they bring, are clearly in the way. In this sense,

GMOs are seen as obstacles that need to be eliminated.

In conclusion, as Austria strives to become the “greenest” country, or the “NO.1

eco-country” (Minister of Agriculture, 2009) in Europe, there is a consensus that

cultivation of GM 1507 maize does not fit into the larger picture, where the

importance of preserving the natural environment is a priority and the agricultural

policy favors an “organic”, family-run model over the industrialized, large-scale

farming model. The latter is ultimately what GMO farming will bring. Moreover, the

agricultural policy has an eye on eco-tourism, and this objective might be hindered by

the negative effect on the landscape due to increased monoculture resulting from the

cultivation of GM 1507 maize. In this normative and political context, the cultivation

of 1507 maize is regarded as an intervention, a threat to the “organic farming” method

and the overall pursuit of the “green country” image. The GREEN attempt is a strong

argument for Austria, and, to some degree, it even overrides any other justification.

This is indicated by Greenpeace’s final remark on the fate of 1507 maize:

“Besides all the scientific evidence, Austria wants to be GREEN. I think this overall image that

we want to be a GREEN Austria says that everything that doesn't fit into has to be kept out…So I

think it's not even so much about whether the technology is safe or not in this case, it is about how

GREEN it is.” (D.U.,10)

Since maize 1507, like all other GMOs, does not fit into this general imaginary

of Austria, namely, the “GREEN” blueprint, it is therefore not tolerated in this

country. “Being GREEN” is a cultural identity of Austria, to which the industry and

science has to correspond accordingly. Therefore, it is not hard to imagine that the

Competent Authorities in Austria, in response to the NGOs’ campaigns and the


imagined consumers’ choices, do not welcome the entry of 1507 maize into the

Austrian market, much less into Austrian soil. In this sense, regardless of all the legal,

scientific, and commercial justifications, the cultivation of 1507 maize is doomed to

be a “no-go” in this country.



Coming back to the curiosity that initially drove this research project: while the

EU and many Member States are still pending on the final fate of GM 1507 maize,

what made Austria the only country that has openly and unequivocally claimed to

place a national ban on the cultivation of this maize on its territory if it were to be

authorized by the EU? To this end, this research aspired to conduct an in-depth

analysis based on data obtained from semi-structured interviews and documents and

analyzed by the grounded theory approach. In this concluding section, I wish to

emphasize the key points revealed in this empirical analysis.

To begin, by historically tracing how Austria managed to establish a national

anti-GMO position in the 90s and continued to solidify this technological position

through several events, I argue that Austria’s decision on the cultivation of 1507

maize is largely influenced by this well-established anti-GMO “tradition”. To a

degree, allowing 1507 maize to be cultivated in Austria would mean overthrowing

this “tradition”. And “overthrowing tradition” would not be well-received and might

be disturbing for many in Austrian society. Thus, standing against this rich cultural

heritage and solid foundation, I argue that the endeavor to keep the anti-GMO

tradition alive has impelled the nation to take a united stand in keeping 1507 maize

out of its territory.

Meanwhile, the 1507 maize case can be seen as yet another opportunity for

Austria to rehearse the nation’s anti-GMO “tradition” - in the sense that, through the

collective performance regarding 1507 maize, this “tradition” is revitalized and the

“Austrianess” in terms of dealing with GMO matters cannot be ignored. Therefore,

this specific case is seen as a moment of “identity work”, which states that a “tradition”

has to be rehearsed again and again in the face of threats and difficulties. In a word,

this anti-GMO “tradition” drove Austria to find another justification to keep 1507

maize out; and in turn, through the anti-1507 performance, the anti-GMO “tradition”

is kept alive and the national technopolitical culture was once again solidified.

Impelled by this anti-GMO tradition, Austria has employed the precautionary


principle as a legitimate and concrete tool in guiding its policy in this case. Although

as revealed in the “State of the Art” chapter, mainly due to its ambiguity, the

precautionary principle has been widely criticized, e.g., agri-biotech companies

criticize it as anti-progress; the WTO criticizes it for blocking free trade; regulatory

bodies criticize it for placing an additional burden on GMO regulation; those who

believe in “sound science” criticize it for blurring the boundary between science and

politics; etc., it nevertheless has served as the directional strategy in Austria. Whether

reflected in scientific evidence, in economic-political framings, or in socio-normative

arguments, the precautionary principle is the backbone in justifying Austria’s adverse

stance in this case. Guided by the categorization proposed by Torgersen & Seifert

(1996), I have presented in great detail how the precautionary principle was perceived

by different stakeholders:

Firstly, my analysis revealed that all the stakeholders reached a scientific

understanding of the precautionary principle, including environmental NGOs, the

UBA and the Ministries of Health and of Agriculture. Indeed, “scientific uncertainty”

has been in the forefront of this GMO debate in the EU as well as in Austria. This

“uncertainty” is manifested in several forms: one, uncertainty about the characteristics

of 1507 maize; two, uncertainty about its negative impacts on human/animal health

and the environment; three, uncertainty about whether or not current scientific

knowledge is able to fully assess the characteristics and impact of cultivating 1507

maize. In the accounts of all the stakeholders, the various scientific and technical

inadequacies spotted in the applicant’s dossier and in the CNB’s and EFSA’s scientific

risk assessments on the cultivation of 1507 maize, form the main arguments. Their

criticisms towards the risk assessments conducted in this case mainly cover the

following aspects: the behavior of the genes inserted into the maize is uncertain due to

inappropriate testing; the scientific investigation was conducted over a very short

period in a laboratorial instead of in a real-world scenario; the EFSA’s assessment did

not take into account the latest scientific research results; many tests (e.g. concerning

the maize’s allergenicity and toxiocity) were not done on the maize itself; the

assessment did not examine thoroughly, or not at all, the impact on many non-target


organisms; the EFSA’s dominant role in the current risk regulatory system and, its

unspoken internal policy reflected in the fashion of constantly updating its risk

assessment reports...

In a word, the stakeholders argue that scientific research in this case has not been

done thoroughly, properly or in a trustworthy manner, with the consequence that the

real character of this maize and the risk of its cultivation are uncertain or unknown.

The exposure of “scientific uncertainty” then validates the stakeholders’ position that

the cultivation proposal ought not to be agreed unless it can be proven that there are

no substantial risks involved. This epistemology indicates that the stakeholders

remain predominantly in a classical risk assessment paradigm, where science is seen

as the major criteria. All in all, through exposing the lack of thoroughness, the failure

to use the most recent data and the inappropriateness of the scientific assessment

conducted in this case, and through demanding more scientific research and more

convincing scientific evidence precluding the existence of risks, Austrian stakeholders

aim to block the cultivation of 1507 maize in the country on a scientifically “rational”

ground. Therefore, this approach vividly reflects the stakeholders’ scientific

understanding of the precautionary principle.

Following a scientific understanding, an economic-political understanding of the

precautionary principle comes to the fore. Since science fails to assess risk

convincingly, the stakeholders argue that other aspects such as economic, social and

political rationales should be considered. The NGOs, the UBA and the Ministry of

Health have clearly proposed evaluating socio-economic criteria in the GMO risk

assessment process. In this framework, the uniqueness of Austria’s geographical

features (e.g. mountainous farms and relatively cold climate), economic structure (e.g.

organic products and ecotourism), national standards, social values (e.g. preservation

of tradition and social cohesion), etc., should all be respected and cautiously taken

into account in the general policy-making on GMOs. To put these criteria into

practice, following Norway’s lead, Austria spearheaded on a national-specific catalog

on how to employ the socio-economic criteria in the process of assessing and

regulating GMOs.


By emphasizing the uniqueness of Austria, and the importance of taking into

account Austrian specifics in the risk assessment scope, the socio-economic criteria

invite regulators to examine those aspects stemming from value judgments that are

inherently economic, political and social. Next to a scientific understanding of the

precautionary principle which demands more scientific research, the socio-economic

criteria proposes to make GMO regulation not only on a case-specific basis, but also

on nation-specific grounds. This would most likely mean refusal of any GMO

applications in Austria, as it has been the case in Norway. In this sense, the

socio-economic criteria carefully set up an extra barrier to block GM1507 maize, as

well as any GM crops, from entering Austria. While allowing each stakeholder to

vigorously proclaim that the cultivation of the maize is economically, socially and

politically unadvisable for Austria, the socio-economic criteria manifest an

economic-political understanding of the precautionary principle.

The normative systems-critical understanding of the precautionary principle in

this case was mainly embodied in the image of a “GREEN Austria”, which precludes

cultivation of GM 1507 maize. This concept concerns Austria’s perception of Nature

and agriculture. Firstly, all the stakeholders expressed their concerns over the impact

of the cultivation of 1507 maize on Austria’s biodiversity, in which the nation takes

great pride and strives to preserve. I argued that the concern over biodiversity resulted

from “environmental ethics” that are based on normative concepts about what is

Nature and how it should be preserved. In seeking to maintain green landscape and

the diversity of everything in it, this understanding is also in line with an

anti-monoculture mindset.

Secondly, driven by the unique landscape and niche-market considerations, the

NGOs, the Ministry of Agriculture and the perceived public opinion all endorsed an

organic farming model, which aims to keep Nature and agriculture in harmony.

Although not economically advantageous, as the Ministry of Agriculture has stated

above that “...the production of organic products is more expensive” (Ministry of

Agriculture: Organic farming in Austria, 2009, p.30), this agricultural model has

flourished and gained remarkable status both in terms of funds and the market. This


preferred agricultural model stems from normative values such as the relation

between Nature and agriculture and to whom farms should belong, and it also

insinuates Austria’s critical position towards a GM-technology-led, industrialized

agricultural system that increases economic disparities in the modernized world. All

in all, the major stakeholders’ “GREEN Austria” argument builds on their normative

orientation which promotes sustainability and inclusiveness in Austria, thus

concurring with a normative systems-critical understanding of the precautionary


The above detailed account also reveals that different stakeholders in this case

have a mixture of understandings of the precautionary principle. In contrast to

Torgersen & Bogner’s (2005) assertion that the three understandings were clearly

assigned to particular stakeholders, e.g., a scientific understanding to the Environment

Agency, an economic-political understanding to the Ministries, and the normative

systems-critical understanding to the environmental NGOs, there seems to be no such

clear demarcation in this case. Rather, different stakeholders, with specific expertise,

concerns and political motives, mobilize a blend of understandings of the

precautionary principle for their own use.

Specifically, the environmental NGOs, eager to present scientific evidence, to

emphasize Austrian specifics, and to protect biodiversity and organic farming, have

demonstrated all three understandings simultaneously; the UBA, serving as the

technical expert body in Austria and proposing the socio-economic criteria, has

presented a scientific and economic-political understanding of the precautionary

principle; whereas the Ministry of Health and of Agriculture, “outsourcing” the

scientific expertise to the UBA and keeping a keen eye on what GM maize could

bring to Austria’s economy, politics and Nature, have also perceived the three

understandings of the precautionary principle simultaneously.

Meanwhile, in contrast to what Torgersen and Bogner have identified that the

“economic-political” understanding of the precautionary principle was the dominant

one, my empirical analysis above suggested that the three understandings have been

equally significant in contributing to the anti-1507 maize stance. In fact, it is only


through mobilizing a combination of understandings which are supportive to various

arguments, that the stakeholders could at utmost justify their position to forbid the

cultivation of GM 1507 maize on Austrian territory.

Also, it should be noted that although I have clearly categorized the three

understandings of the precautionary principle and tried to fit various accounts into

these boxes, we have to be aware that these understandings sometimes overlap due to

the social-ness embedded in all of them. Firstly, although science is seen as detached

from social interest or values, STS scholars (e.g. Latour & Woolgar, 1986; Shapin,

1995, 1998; Jasanoff, 2006; Bijker & Law, 1994…the list is long) have reminded us

that scientific evidence is “socially constructed” and scientific views, political will

and normative values are always intertwined in practice. In terms of Austria’s stance

on GMOs, as some have argued, it is “determined by the selection of scientific views

that fit its norm of un/acceptability for potential effects” (Torgersen & Bogner, 2005,

p.5). My interviews and document analysis also suggested that the “scientific risk” of

1507 maize is framed and socially constructed by major stakeholders who mobilize

their expertise and motives to form solid and legitimate arguments.

Meanwhile, the link between economic-political understanding and the normative

systems-critical understanding is even harder to sever, for the former inherently stems

from the latter, and the latter is manifested in the former. For instance, the concern

regarding agricultural practice results from a certain imagination of Austrian Nature,

but it is at the same time associated with political planning; also, an eye on tourism

concerns both the economy and Nature. This overlapping character further indicates

the vagueness of the precautionary principle. However, this vagueness also enables

stakeholders to mobilize these understandings flexibly, allowing different values to

enter into the assessment of what is regarded as “public good”. This in turn suggests

that in order for the precautionary principle to be workable in different contexts, a

universal and tangible framework may hardly be feasible.

Following the analysis of the precautionary principle, I also drew attention to the

collective expertise and relevant expertise at play in this exercise. The contrasting

decision-making concerning the cultivation of GM maize 1507 in the EU and in


Austria suggests two sets of collective expertise stood out in different contexts: At the

European level, the EFSA and the national Competent Authorities in some Member

States, who mainly possess knowledge of laboratory natural science, form an

association of expertise that claims maize 1507 is safe to be cultivated inside the EU.

This “safe” claim collectively drawn by the EFSA and some CAs stands out as the

most robust and credible criterion in EU decision-making. However, in the Austrian

context, relevant experts, including the environmental NGOs and scientific bodies (in

particular the Austria Environment Agency), form a strong network that is resistant to

the EU network. Relying on a different kind of expertise which mainly derives from

ecological science and social science, this set of collective expertise claims that GM

1507 is a risk to the environment, to human/animal health and to social values in

Austria. It not only stands out in this case, but also greatly contributes to the

anti-GMO stronghold in this country. Clearly, these two networks of expertise are in

stark opposition in this debate, thus highlighting Austria against the EU backdrop.

The two sets of collective expertise excelled at the two stages are closely

affiliated to the concept of relevant expertise, which can be analyzed at two levels in

this case. Firstly, relevant expertise is at play between the EU and Austria: In the EU,

because the current EU regulatory system only allows consideration of foreseeable

impact of GMOs on human and animal health as well as the environment, which can

be addressed primarily by natural science, the EU considers natural science as the sole

relevant expertise in the risk assessment of this case. On the other hand, the relevant

expertise in the Austrian context is not restricted to natural science; rather, it goes

further to include ecological science and social science in the risk assessment of GM

1507 maize. While acknowledging the vital role of natural science in the risk

assessment process, Austrian decision-makers also consider environmental issues and

social concerns to be of particular relevance for Austria. In this view, Austrian

stakeholders broadened the scope of relevant expertise in the GMO risk assessment.

Meanwhile, relevant expertise can also be discerned within the Austrian context.

Although the ultimate aim is the same, that is, to keep GM 1507 maize out, different

stakeholders nevertheless show different kinds of expertise given their specific roles:


·Greenpeace perceives itself as an organization with expertise in natural science

thanks to the establishment of the Science Unit. It also has expertise in ecological

science for its political pursuits ultimately concern the environment/nature. In

addition, based on knowledge mainly drawn from case studies, it claims to hold

expertise in social science and thus evaluates the GM matter in social and economic


·The UBA, as an entrusted technical body, holds relevant expertise in ecological

science (mainly) and natural science, thus it is able to provide scientific evidence from

these two aspects for the Competent Authorities. Its expertise in social science should

not be taken into consideration since it is solely a technical body. Nonetheless,

entrusted by the Ministries, it “spills over” its expertise into the social science field

which enables it to examine the socio-economic criteria of GM risk assessment on

behalf of the CAs.

·The Ministries have their in-house experts responsible for various issues concerning

GMOs, although sometimes they delegate certain expertise to external agencies such

as the UBA and the Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES). However,

when it comes to expertise in political science, they are the authorities who set the

political agenda and make the decisions in terms of risk conclusion and an agriculture

model, for example.

In a word, as the empirical analysis has revealed that with the aim of establishing

valid justifications for their anti-1507 maize position, four major stakeholders have

presented and made use of different kinds of relevant expertise, namely, expertise in

natural science, social science, ecological science and political science, to frame

different or similar arguments in uncertainties and risks, as well as to express different

or similar concerns toward the cultivation of GM 1507 maize in Austria.

Besides expertise, we also discern the significance of sociotechnical imaginaries

and national technopolitical identity in this case. To some extent, the primary reason

for Austria’s anti-1507 stance can be boiled down to the nation’s pre-existing

sociotechnical imaginaries and national technopolitical identity, which are

intrinsically built upon “tradition”. Austria’s approach to the 1507 maize case suggests


that a nation’s scientific and technological choices are deeply intertwined with the

economic, cultural and political context, which concurs with what sociotechnical

imaginaries and national techopolitical identity are trying to ultimately convey.

Specifically, the notion sociotechnical imaginaries called attention to the fact that

Austria’s handling with the cultivation of 1507 maize is inevitably connected to the

nation’s wider imaginaries regarding social order, Nature and agriculture, risk,

collective good, the future, etc. The concept of national technopolitical identity

signifies the importance of keeping “tradition” alive and cultivating Austria’s unique

nationhood regarding GMOs when facing threats and disputes.

Indeed, imaginaries and the pursuit to maintain a national technopolitical identity

have greatly influenced and, to some extent defined, the major stakeholders’

risk-framing and argumentation, as well as overall policy-making in this case. As

Greenpeace suggested:

“I honestly think you don't have to know many technical details about GMOs, there is just this

consensus that it doesn't really work here. I think it is verified to say that Austrians are against

GMOs because it doesn't fit into the larger picture. Same with the nuclear-energy, we really don't

need it. It's in the culture. We are cautious about the risk technologies…”(D.U.,10)

Therefore, the issue of GMOs has gone beyond the scope of scientific examination

and has been entrenched in culture. Clearly, for Austria, the cultivation of 1507 maize

poses a risk to the “anti-GMO” (even “anti-risk-technologies”) culture and a chosen

“GREEN” future, and thus it has to be kept out.

In a word, supported by scientific rationales, Austria’s precautionary approach to

the cultivation proposal of GM 1507 maize keeps a close eye on the preservation of

culture and identity. In this view, Austria broadens the scope of risk in the GM risk

assessment process, in the sense that the cultivation of GM 1507 maize may be

harmful to the health of humans and animals, to the landscape and biodiversity, to the

economy and political planning, but it would definitely pose a risk to the “anti-GMO”

culture and the identity of a “GREEN” nation. This definite risk to culture and

identity greatly encourages Austrian stakeholders to vigorously defend their anti-1507

maize position.

In this context, questions concerning GMOs are no longer merely on whether


science can identify and address potential risks, but are now more on whether this

technological innovation makes sense for society as a whole. Thus, the boundaries

between science, politics and normative values seem to blur in this view of risk

assessment, making the present narrow understanding of scientific/technological

innovation, in which science is the only “judge”, obsolete. With the “expanded

understanding of risks” and the “blurring of boundaries”, it is time, as many scholars

on Innovation Studies have pleaded, for the EU to transform from “risk governance”

to “innovation governance”, in which scientific/technological innovations are

governed by more “socially distributed, autonomous and diverse collective forms of

enterprise”(Felt, et al, 2007, p.10), and in which variant rationales, references and

values are taken into account.




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