Finding The Voice of A Virtual Community of Practice

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Critical components for a successful Community of Practice (CoP) are that: 1) the community members have a space where their voice can be heard and that, (2) the proper technology is given to them to aid in this effort. We describe a Dynamic Delphi system under development which interprets the group’s voice in the creation of information during the initial start up phases when cultivating a CoP. Community members’ alternatives are explored, justified and debated over periods of time, and best reflect the group’s opinion at any moment in time where collective intelligence will be created from the interactions amongst group members. The system could handle a wide variety of types of decisions reflecting the diversity of goals given a CoP including emergency response actions, prediction markets, lobbying efforts, any sort of problem solving, making investment suggestions, etc. Pilot studies indicate that the group creates a greater number of better ideas. Ongoing studies are described, including applications to emergency management planning and response. They demonstrate that implementing a Dynamic Delphi system will prove conducive for building the initial repertoire of ideas, rules, policies or any other aspect of the community’s ‘voice’ that should be heard, in such a way that the individual voices are juxtaposed in harmony to create a single song.

Transcript of Finding The Voice of A Virtual Community of Practice

Finding The Voice of A Virtual Community of Practice

Connie White Starr Roxanne Hiltz Murray Turoff IS Dept., NJIT IS Dept., NJIT IS Dept., NJIT University Heights University Heights University Heights Newark NJ USA Newark NJ USA Newark NJ USA 1 973-596-3368 1 973-596-3368 1 973-596-3368


Critical components for a successful Community of Practice (CoP) are that: 1) the community members have a space where their voice can be heard and that, (2) the proper technology is given to them to aid in this effort. We describe a Dynamic Delphi system under development which interprets the group’s voice in the creation of information during the initial start up phases when cultivating a CoP. Community members’ alternatives are explored, justified and debated over periods of time, and best reflect the group’s opinion at any moment in time where collective intelligence will be created from the interactions amongst group members. The system could handle a wide variety of types of decisions reflecting the diversity of goals given a CoP including emergency response actions, prediction markets, lobbying efforts, any sort of problem solving, making investment suggestions, etc. Pilot studies indicate that the group creates a greater number of better ideas. Ongoing studies are described, including applications to emergency management planning and response. They demonstrate that implementing a Dynamic Delphi system will prove conducive for building the initial repertoire of ideas, rules, policies or any other aspect of the community’s ‘voice’ that should be heard, in such a way that the individual voices are juxtaposed in harmony to create a single song.

Keywords: virtual, communities, practice, dynamic Delphi, CoP, VCoP

1. Introduction

As defined by Wenger, et al (2002), “Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern, a set of problems, or a passion about a topic, and who deepen their knowledge and expertise in this area by interacting on an ongoing basis.” Fontaine (2001) describes them as housing “the valuable knowledge and practice of how things really get done in an organization.” The professional association that meets face to face is a traditional community of practice; increasingly, communities of practice are moving online, instead of or in addition to using traditional means of communication such as meetings and newsletters. It is difficult building a voice for the members of a CoP, where each member feels as if their voice is heard and that they are a contributor. This is especially trying for the creation of a Virtual CoP (VCoP), where membership is voluntary, interaction is self-generated, and the system requirements should cater to the members more than the organization.

An online CoP is one type of virtual community. Successfully initiating a virtual community of practice requires encouraging probable participants to interact, which can be difficult; finding motivations strong enough to get them to join and a means to quickly coalesce different points of view about their goals and policies and actions, which can be even more difficult. Facilitators are required in the early stages and may also be needed later as moderators. Two questions concerning technology are crucial to a CoP’s success. First, who is going to sponsor the system (pay for and set it up) and second, what is the most appropriate software for the members? Bringing individuals’ opinions, beliefs, and culture and knowledge into a single voice during the onset may perhaps be the most difficult aspect to a VCoP. In the end, coordinating the knowledge gained can be an issue. “Even for local projects, coordination of the amount of knowledge generated is not an easy task. This coordination becomes even harder in global projects because of such issues as time zones differences, cultural differences across team members and eventually lack of trust” (Cristal, 2006, pg. 1). We will explore these problems further.

Cultivating a CoP is difficult enough, but when adding this structure to a virtual community, then an online system must be considered. An added benefit of a VCoP is that all interactions can be captured digitally and then further utilized by the group as a learning tool. “Through electronic communication, more persons can be involved, contribute more ideas and perspectives and come to a sustainable solution. Through the documentation, the process becomes more transparent, auditable, reproducible and transferable to new situations.” (Voss and Schafer, 2003, pg. 2)

Many online communities have great difficulty in the start up processes. Once a VCoP develops and the interactions between team members increase, then a stronger sense of community will form and the communications s will lessen ambiguity. (Cristal, 2006; White, et al, 2007b). In this paper, we present a methodology that can enhance existing technology and increase the probability of the successful cultivation of a CoP. It uses the Delphi method, which is a systematic interactive procedure for obtaining estimates, viewpoints or forecasts from a panel of experts about the topic. The participants must represent the various points of view or stakeholders; for instance, for disaster recovery, they should include victims, insurers, government agencies, not for profit agencies etc. They traditionally answer questionnaires in two or more rounds, and after each round, a summary of the voting results and of the reasons they provided is presented. Our system is a “dynamic” Delphi because voting and display of results are continuous rather than in fixed rounds. This system will aid in the collaborative process of bringing together multiple views from members and allowing the members to formulate one group opinion which can be subject to change.

First, we will review the existing literature findings indicating what the major problems are and what the major goals should be. Next we introduce and then apply a Dynamic Delphi system to the existing problem, showing how this helps a newly formed community to develop. An example is provided for emergency management and response tasks, which is the particular application area for which we are designing our system. Last we cover ongoing research in this area and describe future plans for this work.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Communities of Practice

Communities of Practice are groups who have a common interest, who share a common set of goals and enjoy learning from one another as well as together as a team. “Their involvement in their community is based on interest in the topic, not on formal affiliation. Their relationships are collegial rather than hierarchical” (Wenger, 2003, pg. 1). Communities can be composed of many interrelated sub-communities, but overall, they have a common tie which brings them together, be it work or pleasure related. CoP can be of any domain, but can be extremely useful when the groups are formed from knowledgeable teams of experts who have the desire to work together and learn from each other. CoP can leverage existing group members by formalizing what they know into explicit knowledge leveraging “weak ties that provide exposure to new ideas” (Voss and Schafer, et al, 2003) enhancing present knowledge and creating new knowledge.

2.2 Online Communities

There are many definitions of online communities, of which we present three. Hagel and Armstrong define a virtual community as a computer-mediated space where there is an integration of content and communication with an emphasis on member-generated content (Hagel & Armstrong 1997). Lin (2003) defines a virtual community as “the gathering of people with common interests to share information and coordinate their work via information technologies, specifically for transaction, interest, fantasy, and relationships.” Preece further specifies an online community as consisting of:

People, who interact socially as they strive to satisfy their own needs or perform special roles, such as leading or moderating.

A shared purpose, such as an interest, need, information exchange, or service that provides a reason for the community.

Policies, in the form of tacit assumptions, rituals, protocols, rules and laws that guide people’s interactions.

Computer systems, to support and mediate social interaction and facilitate a sense of togetherness.” (Preece 2000, p.10)

Not having the correct technology can ruin a community before it develops. If the users are uncomfortable with the system, they will not use the system and the community will crumble. What software to use and who’s going to pay for it are issues that must also be resolved. Like any structure, a robust foundation is required in order to exchange ideas and build knowledge.

2.3 Members and Technology

This research focuses software to build the initial foundation of ideas and knowledge in a VCoP from the member’s point of view. From the human point of view, primary characteristics related in this endeavor consist of member participation, their motivation, facilitation, trust, and knowledge generation. Also, from the technological perspective, good design, ease of use, and the need for potential growth are prerequisites. Other issues from the organizational side such as affordability and sponsorship must be taken into account.

Problems, as in any community, can be numerous. However in this paper, we focus on the initial issues of creating a CoP, from the human perspective and from the technological perspective. The human issues to overcome are best described by Wenger, (2002, pg. 128)

“As the community begins, the key domain issue it faces is defining the sCoPe of the domain in a way that elicits the heartfelt interest of members and aligns with important issues for the organization as a whole.’

The key community issue is finding people who already network on the topic and helping them to imagine how increased networking and knowledge sharing could be valuable.

The key practice issue is identifying common knowledge needs.”

One of the most important aspects of the policies and procedures that govern an online community is the set of roles and responsibilities that are used (Fontaine, 2001). In particular, leadership in the form of facilitators or moderators is crucial. Another crucial aspect is the norms and practices of interaction that support trust and build community spirit and cohesiveness. Problems can arise when group consensus is unattainable and a moderator may need to intervene. A facilitator can become a moderator as long as he or she is a 3 rd party non-biased person who is there to help navigate the group towards a satisfactory consensus. In addition, as Voss and Schafer (2003) state, it is important for the discourse to be documented at a shared place so that everyone can access the same version at any time from anywhere.

2.4 The Technology

“Good technology in itself will not a community make, but bad technology can sure make community life difficult enough to ruin it.“ (Wenger, 2005, pg. 9) This is a well documented fact (Venkatesh 2000, Hiltz and Turoff 1973, Rossen and Carroll, 2002). In the development of a system for a VCoP, certain functionalities must be met such that interactions can be performed by the group members. One requirement that is inherent in the virtual aspect, is that the community have somewhere to interact online which will give them visibility. There are other functionalities that are conducive for the success of a CoP as outlined by Wenger (2005, pg. 2-3)

1. “interacting: discuss issues, agree and disagree, brainstorm, work on tasks, ask and answer questions, members need to connect, in and across time and space.

2. publishing: to produce, share and collect artifacts that are relevant to their practice, members need to organize communal repositories as well as individual access to them.

3. tending: to nurture their togetherness, members need to find ways to participate personally as well as cultivate their community.”

The system that we are proposing to use is a modification of an existing open source system which satisfies all of the aforementioned requirements, with the addition of our voting methodology.

3. Background

3.1 Collaboration

Typically a group might cooperate on writing a book by assigning each chapter to a different person who works on the topic from an outline of chapter topics for the book. However, such a collection of individual chapters is not true collaboration. What one may hope for in a collaborative effort is to produce "collective intelligence" i.e. where the ideas of many are better than the view of any single person in the group.(Hiltz and Turoff, 1978). To accomplish this, the whole group must participate on all the concepts and views that go into the book. Clearly obtaining such an objective for a group of any size leads to information overload (Hiltz and Turoff, 1985). To minimize and hopefully overcome the limitations of information overload the introduction of the computer into human communications allows three specific technical approaches to increase true collaboration (Turoff, et al, 1991):

Roles: human roles designed into the communication process and allowing special privileges built into the software (e.g. author, editor, reviewer, modifier, indexer, briefer (Turoff, et al, 1991, (Turoff, et al, 2004)

Protocols: Processes for establishing results such as who can approve or incorporate a suggestive change to what item, voting to reach agreement or expose disagreements, etc.

Structure: knowledge structures such as in Delphi exercises (Linstone and Turoff, 1975) to organize and provide modeled relationships, sometimes non linear, to provide visualizations of information that promote understanding. This may include scaling methods to help reach a group understanding and perception of a group view or voice.

Aspects of these are appearing in the efforts to develop social systems such as CoPs and examples of social networking sites such as Facebook® and Myspace®. However, they have been a key component of Computer Mediated Communications (CMC) systems for many years (Hiltz and Turoff, 1978).

3.2 A Dynamic Delphi System

The Delphi method originated from RAND corporation, and was extended to non “forecasting” applications by Linstone and Turoff (1975). Later a social decision support system was created further changing Delphi to give it more flexibility in its decision making process (Turoff, et al, 2002). Prior research on this system demonstrated that this was conducive for groups interacting online and prompted groups to give not only more decisions, but better overall quality (Li, et al,

2001, White, et al 2007b). This method was studied for its potential in helping groups deal with information overload given complex collaborative problem solving.

Based on this prior research, a truly dynamic version of Delphi was created and has been tested in a few pilot studies demonstrating its strength and potential for larger groups to utilize. This system includes the following features:

Member identity is anonymous where pen names or handles are used. Anyone can vote or have their say on any topic Anyone can change their vote anytime or choose not to vote Anyone can participate on any part of the decision process anytime Interaction is asynchronous There is a visual feedback system that is real time

One way a Dynamic Delphi system decreases information overload is by breaking decisions down into their atomic parts, creating sets of unidimensional data which are compared in a strategic manner which best reflects the view of the experts. This was accomplished by using Thurstone’s Law of Comparative Judgment where each decision is broken down into a unidimensional set of items (Thurstone 1927). Each item is compared with one other until all comparisons in a set are made. Although this can be cumbersome given larger sets of data, many methods are available to reduce this number of comparisons (White, et al, 2007a). This makes it such that complex situations can be broken down into their atomic parts, simplifying the process, with the added benefit of having a more accurate reflection of what the member is thinking (Miranda, 2001). This system also takes into account the reflection of changes that occur given the changes in merit of a decision option over time. This is most beneficial as the environment may change in an evolving problem and the decisions need to change in real time.

3.3 Thurstone’s Law of Comparative Judgment

Along with aforementioned Delphi characteristics, Thurstone’s Law of Comparative Judgment is utilized for its ability to take in numerous individual opinions and formulate one group opinion (Thurstone, 1927a). Each item an individual offers to the community for consideration is paired with every other item and a vote on these pairs is conducted by the community members. These items are contained in their ‘issue’ area, creating unidimensional data from which to work. Thus, voting can be accomplished expeditiously while maintaining an accurate reflection of each member’s opinion, especially when given a complex task. Each unidimensional item being considered by the group is calculated into a single number showing the percentage of votes the item received over its alternative choice, then this number is looked up on a unit normal table. These numbers are summed for each item, ordered, then a visual scale is created. Visual presentation is an important feature for clarifying the overall group voice: easy to understand feedback on where the group stands at any given moment in time. This scale is unique in that it is only defined after these calculations have been made. Hence, there is no predetermined scale as all items are judged relative to one another; this is what determines the length as well as the numeric intervals.

This is a real time means of accomplishing a number of things: letting individual group members know what they think relative to the other members in

the community; informs members where the group stands on every item being considered; tells where each item stands in relation to the next item; and creating a scale that shows exactly where the group stands on an issue from one extreme

to the other and all points in-between.

The visual interpretation can show consensus or expose disagreements and the level of each. It’s the disagreements that stimulate further discussion on an issue, which increases understanding and lessens ambiguity related to the issue at hand, creating as an end result, a cohesive and unambiguous group voice.

Although the literature is replete with conceptual ideas and technology requirements, there appears to be a lack of models from which to practice and implement these functions and test these methodologies. Developing the private space that creates the knowledge building that is required for the success of a community is a difficult task. The contribution of this work is to promote the success in the initial stages of building a CoP which further aids in its overall cultivation. Providing a method to aid in the clarity of a member’s view will help develop a better group perspective that will hopefully satisfy the users in that they will feel as though their input matters and their voice is heard. Later, this method will also maintain the group’s view as the opinions change based on changes in merit of the information. Also, the system will provide a forum where new ideas can be presented and the community can self-actualize and reach its potential.

4. Methodology

We are concerned with the roles of users and the technologies to support these members and the actual building of ideas and knowledge. We do make use of prior research in order to meet the requirements in our methodology. In order to build and maintain a VCoP, we implemented a Dynamic Delphi system to actually work with users to facilitate the process. Although many roles are described, we use the networking approach where the members are collegial and not in any managerial hierarchy structure. Of course we do recognize that as organizations grow, so too do the needs for more structure to support the organization in the form of roles (Fontaine, 2001).

Any group can enforce Dynamic Delphi characteristics or may modify these for organizational reasons. For example, due to security reasons, a community may prefer a closed forum for discussion. However, even though only certain members may be allowed to participate, it is crucial that anonymity is enforced within this closed group. This allows the users to each have an equal ‘voice’ in the overall creation of the information being discussed, lessening bias and creating a more even playing field for members.

4.1 Decision Making Model and Discussion Facilitation Figure 1

We use a decision-model where all steps are connected in such a way that anyone can participate in any stage at any time, allowing for flexibility in decision making and catering to specific task types (See Figure 1). A model has been developed to automate the remaining processes once an issue has been facilitated (White, et al 2007b) whereby the group selects a final list and implementation based on voting.

Another crucial part of the methodology is the list generation of ideas, solutions, opinions or whatever the problem is that the group may be working on. Anyone can facilitate the discussion simply by posing their question then allowing all members to offer solutions. Since there is no leader or formal organization in the creation of discussions, the individual members must formulate and pose problems to the group so the facilitation can be initialized. The group can debate their points in a forum, offer arguments, or upload documents to support their efforts and all the while, members can vote, not vote or change their vote to reflect their views on the issue. However, once posed, there’s no more intervention and all members give their input individually so that it’s the group that eventually is represented as one voice.

Figure 2 is a model showing how ideas are managed. The process is as follows: any idea can be submitted by any group member anytime on a list there is an initial and nonstop vote on the proposed item it is either accepted or rejected by a certain percentage of acceptance by the group and

maintained on a secondary list. Voting is a continuous process. Anyone can vote, change their vote, choose not to vote,

or can choose to hold their vote until more information comes in.

Figure 2

If the suggested idea gets a predetermined percentage of votes, then the idea is placed on a primary list of alternatives for the group to consider for implementation.

The group can vote the item in adding it directly to the primary list or the group can fine tune item by changing out by modifying it until the group accepts it.

This cycle can be repeated until a solution is implemented.

Even after a decision has been implemented, the problem may be revisited. A solution may not have worked out or the problem environment may have changed so much so that the solutions may change, or it could simply be an evolving situation in which all of the problems remain, but the solutions change over time. (Note that Figure 1 shows the flow between the phases of the stages in the decision process being utilized). Next, we give an example of such a situation.

During an emergency situation, time is of the essence and the best decisions must be made with the given information at hand. Groups of experts can utilize a system such as this to reflect their collective intelligence and conduct decision making based on their collaborative expertise. For example, during Hurricane Katrina, a VCoP could have been utilized to indicate a voice of reason behind the decision making efforts. Given the complexity of the situation and the changes in the requirements due to the changes in the environment, a system such as the one proposed can break down the complex components into their atomic parts. Also, decision making can be as expeditious as needed for the system, reflecting ongoing interactions amongst community members.

4.2 Complexity and Information Overload

Figure 3.0Decisions and their selections can be nested, complementing the complexity to the decisions that are engaged by the group. For example, in the example diagram (Figure 3.0) we show where a group of first responders may be collaborating in order to prioritize where to put their efforts and resources responding to an emergency during the aftermath of an event such as Hurricane Katrina. On the top level, the group must decide which tasks are given priority. Then, within each task, there is a unidimensional set upon which to further ‘vote’ and speak as a group. Multiple collaborators can give individual perspectives, producing a group decision where all are held accountable versus having one top official, or a small group of top officials, who normally are not part of the scene, making the decisions. For it’s the first responders who are in the midst of the event, and have the greatest direct information from which to make the most appropriate decisions. This is a reflection of why everyone collaborating in an organization

is conducive to better decision making. It’s the people working directly with the situation who have the experience that should be a direct input into a decision concerning their area.

4.3 Visual Feedback

There is a real time visual interpretation of the group’s outcome at all times. This offers the stimulus that may prompt discussions or negotiations in the forum. This method for argumentation helps to sway individual views, based on the merit of the case/situation being experienced. Thurstone’s scaling technique is non-specific with respect to a prior starting and finishing position, there is no fixed predetermined distance. This is because the data being compared are a direct reflection of each choice to be made or weighted, one against the other, where all of the set is what defines the scale and where each item is rated in relation to the next, from the lowest to the highest. This visual feedback can tell the group many things such as first, it can indicate two strong areas of agreement or disagreement; second, it can show clusters of items indicating perceived equivalences based on some dimension; or third, it can give a rank order of selected items on any semantic differential.

Figure 4One example of how Thurstone’s visual feedback works is shown in Figure 4. A first pilot study was conducted asking subjects to rank dimensions according to their perceived importance when effects from a catastrophic event may occur. This was an attempt to create a unified alert system for public and professional response. Figure 4.0 demonstrates how the clusters were perceived as equally threatening. (Figure 4 is adapted from Plotnick, et al, 2007) The information from Thurstone’s scale is a reflection of the decision being discussed. A second pilot study was conducted where individuals were asked to rate their perceptions given a set of statements on matters concerning the Iraq War. The statements were originally made by Hill (1953) for an earlier war in which the United States was involved and were altered for this situation. Respondents are presented with the following seven statements in all possible pair combinations and asked, from each pair of statements, to select the statement which is more favorable towards United States participation in Iraq.

A. I suppose the United States has no choice but to continue the Iraq conflict.B. We should be willing to give our allies in Iraq more money if they need it.C. Withdrawing our troops from Iraq at this time would only make matters worse.D. The Iraq conflict might not be the best way to stop Terrorism but it is the only thing we could do.E. Winning in Iraq is absolutely necessary whatever the cost.F. We are protecting the United States by fighting in Iraq.G. The reason we are in Iraq is to defend freedom.

Results provided a rank of most to least favorable of D>A>F>G>C>E>B. This demonstrates that, as a group on the high end of the scale, the views were that the war was the only choice the United States had given the attack of 9/11 and indicates on the low end, that they believe that the statement about the United States giving “our allies” (unspecified) more money is the weakest support statement presented. Policy statements involving organizations could be rated in the same manner. Any decision where there is list generation of solutions can work in the Dynamic Delphi system which makes it conducive for building and maintaining the information of a VCoP.

5. Discussion

In terms of our own efforts our system is one that concentrates on a group being able to suggest, discuss, and evaluate the atomic elements that make up a single list of items which could be goals, decisions, actions, criteria, problems, solutions, future events, etc. This is the foundation for many complex problems in different areas and is the first step in dealing with a specific complex problem. It is the creation step for building a structural model of the original objective and would ultimately be integrated with other subjective modeling tools to allow a group to pool all their contributions into a viewable and understandable model. Examples of this are interpretive structural modeling, cross impact, relationship models, etc. The potential use of a Dynamic Delphi system such as we have described is increasing as “community members are increasingly likely to be sophisticated users of technology themselves. In their jobs, they may have extensive experience working with colleagues online. They are likely to have computers at home and to have developed their own opinions about technology.” (Wenger, 2005, pg. 14) As the web changes, emerging technologies are supporting the likelihood of VCoP and enable them in a more pervasive manner. We have demonstrated that a Dynamic Delphi model can be implemented to help build a voice for a VCoP. Further we have demonstrated by example how this can be utilized given different decision making needs.

6. Future Research

Presently, we are developing an open source Dynamic Delphi system utilizing PHP and MySQL. The focus of a dissertation is dedicated to building and testing this system with a team of emergency responders. However, this could be used in a number of domains as it is non-specific and can work for any given organization, interest group, or other group forming a VCoP. For example, we have created an open wiki ( for academics and practitioners of the emergency domain and are using this as one of our CoP test sites.

7. References

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