Finding the Best Speakers for Your Tech Conference

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Finding the Best Speakers For Your Tech Conference

Putting on a fun but informative tech conference is a delicate balance; the key to making your tech conference a hit is having

engaging and knowledgeable speakers to present.

With the right speakers, you can draw in new attendees, bring back past guests, and deliver valuable information that will help increase your event’s reputation for being on the cutting edge

of your industry.

Finding the right speakers doesn’t come easy, though…and to help, we’ve put together a brief list of some tips to get you


Make a List

Write down a list of all the characteristics you want your ideal speakers to have. Charisma? Influence? Is popularity important to you, or are you willing to take a chance on someone lesser known but with a lot of expertise?

Write down any names of people who you’d consider asking to speak at your event.

Tech is Your Friend

Leverage it! Using an app like BlueNod can help you determine who is using hashtags for certain subjects or topics within the technology world, (#instatech #technology, etc.) which can make it easier for you to narrow down who you want to speak and on what topic they are best qualified to speak on.

PeerIndex and Klout can also help you to find people with expertise, social credibility and influence in their respective field.

Ask Your Audience

If you have an existing fan base built up, use it to your advantage. Simplify your speaker search by asking previous and future attendees who they’d be interested in hearing from at your next conference.

This way you can get a clear idea of exactly what your audience wants, and maybe discover some potential speakers that you wouldn’t have come across otherwise.

There are multiple ways to do this; you can hold a survey (with a write-in option), a vote online, or even post on your social media pages and monitor the responses.

Be Clear About the Details

Once you’ve narrowed down your list and approach your dream speakers for your conference, you don’t want to be unprepared. To sign the best speaker, you’ll need a solid offer.

Start with a clear proposition: prepare a fact sheet with pertinent conference details. This sheet should include, your proposed conference date, a list of potential topics you’d like them to speak on, details on the audience, and of course, why your technology conference is a good fit for them.

It’s also a good idea to think through other details, such as compensation, and when and how it will be delivered to them.

Hopefully, with these four tips, you’ll be on your way to finding the best speakers for your next tech conference.