Finding reliable health information online

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Finding reliable health information online

Healthy Living in a Changing Society

Evaluating Health Information on the Internet


Before accepting any site as the gospel truth,

WHO runs the site?


• .gov, .edu, .org

Use caution

• .com, .net

WHAT is the purpose of the site

Spread information on health

Money or products

WHAT is the SOURCE of information on site

Medical and scientific journals

General magazines

HOW is information documented?

Uses references and citations

Opinions and general facts

HOW is information REVIEWED before posting?

Peer reviewed No peer review

HOW CURRENT is the information?

Current copyright dates and accreditation


Older copyright and/or no accreditation notes

HOW does site choose LINKS to other sites

Strict code Easy to link with site

WHAT information about VISITORS does site collect?

Little or none Must join to access site

HOW does site manage INTERACTIONS

Well defined policy for forums and chats

Vague policies and/or not moderated

CAN ACCURACY in e-mail be verified?

How can you check authenticity?

IS information in CHAT rooms accurate?

When in doubt, consult SNOPES or other FACT CHECKING site

Some reputable health websites

Or check authenticity on HON

Your Health is Important

Know your sources…Research the credentials…Decide with facts