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Finding Optimal Views for3D Face Shape Modeling

Jinho LeeBaback Moghaddam

Hanspeter PfisterRaghu Machiraju

TR2004-024 April 2004


A fundamental problem in multi-view 3D face modeling is the determination ofthe set of optimal views (poses) required for accurate 3D shape estimation of a genericface. There is no analytical solution to this problem, instead (partial) solutions require(near) exhaustive combinatorial search, hence the inherent computational difficultyof this task. We build on our previous modeling framework which uses an efficientcontour-based silhouette matching method and extend it by aggressive pruning of theview-sphere with view clustering and imposing various imaging constraints. A multi-view optimization search is performed using both model-based (eigenhead) and data-driven (visual hull) methods, yielding comparable best views. These constitute thefirst reported set of optimal views for 3D face shape capture and should provide usefulempirical guidelines for the design of 3D face recognition systems.

Published in: IEEE Int’l Conf. on Automatic Face & Gesutre Recognition (FG’04)

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Copyright c©Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc., 2004201 Broadway, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

Publication History:–

1. First printing, TR2004-024, April 2004

Finding Optimal Views for 3D Face Shape Modeling

Jinho Lee†‡ Baback Moghaddam† Hanspeter Pfister† Raghu Machiraju‡

† Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories ‡ The Ohio State University201 Broadway, Cambridge MA 02139 USA 395 Dreese Lab. 2015 Neil Ave. Columbus OH 43210 USA

{leejh,baback,pfister} {leeji,raghu}


A fundamental problem in multi-view 3D face model-ing is the determination of the set of optimal views (poses)required for accurate 3D shape estimation of a genericface. There is no analytical solution to this problem, instead(partial) solutions require (near) exhaustive combinatorialsearch, hence the inherent computational difficulty of thistask. We build on our previous modeling framework [6, 8]which uses an efficient contour-based silhouette method andextend it by aggressive pruning of the view-sphere with viewclustering and various imaging constraints. A multi-viewoptimization search is performed using both model-based(eigenheads) and data-driven (visual hull) methods, yield-ing comparable best views. These constitute the first re-ported set of optimal views for 3D face shape capture andprovide useful empirical guidelines for the design of 3D facerecognition systems.

1. Introduction

Active sensing for 3D face model acquisition still re-quires costly devices thus many proposed methods recover3D face shape from 2D images or projections. Some ofthese are based on a direct approach which obtains 3D lo-cation of points on the face through dense 2D correspon-dence on the images [9, 5, 10]. Other methods leverage offparameterized 3D face models and search for optimal pa-rameters which best describe the input images [8, 6, 3].In either case, the number and viewpoint of input imagesis an important parameter for high quality 3D reconstruc-tion. Intuitively, the more input images taken from differentviewpoints the higher the quality of model fitting and sub-sequent reconstructions. But this also requires more compu-tation as well as increased equipment costs. With therightviewpoints, however, it is possible to use smaller numberof images and obtain better results. Furthermore, it appearsthat beyond a critical number of salient viewpoints, addi-tional ones do not significantly improve model quality. Al-

though these questions are quite natural in every kind ofmulti-view reconstruction problem, there have been no re-ports in the open literature regarding the number and loca-tion (configuration) of multiple cameras for acquiring 3Dface models.

Different objects will have different prototype oraspectviews[4]. However, we can envision a canonical set of opti-mal views for specific object classes with notably high intra-class similarity such as the human face. For example, deal-ing with illumination, Leeet al. [7] empirically determinedan optimal configuration of 9 point sources of light whichspan the generic subspace of faces under variable illumina-tion. In this paper we tackle a similar problem but now forpose: finding an optimal set of views that can best describea 3D human face by way of its projections (shape silhou-ettes) – by analogy, “K points-of-view.”

Since no analytical formulation is possible, we adopt anempirical approach. We discretely sample the view-sphereand generate a finite set of view configurations. Each ofthese is evaluated by way of its resulting ensemble erroron a representative dataset of individual faces. We use realCyberware-scanned 3D faces to simulate the multi-viewimaging of live subjects. The advantages of this (simulated)approach are automated multi-view data generation (withno physical costs/limitations) and the use of high-resolution3D face scans as ground truth in subsequent evaluations.

There are different reconstruction methods that could beused in this investigative framework. Our goal is to find theoptimal view configurations for generic faces given that thesilhouettes (projections) of an object provide the simplestand most informative clues for the shape recovery. We com-pare two silhouette-based methods in our (near) exhaustiveoptimization search. One is a model-based approach using aboundary-weighted silhouette contour technique [8, 6]. Theother is a data-driven visual hull construction method basedon a volume carving algorithm [11].

Due to the large number of potential views, an aggres-sive pruning of the view-sphere is needed. Here we makeuse of aspect views as proposed by Cyr & Kimia [4] forgeneral 3D object recognition. An aspect view is the silhou-

Figure 1. Estimated 3D model from multi-views.From L-to-R: one view, estimated shape, esti-mated texture-map, reconstruction.

ette projection of the object from a viewpoint which repre-sents a range of similar nearby views in the space of uni-formly sampled view-sphere. We use a similar technique toreduce the size of the view space except we only have oneobject class. After uniformly sampling the view-sphere andapplying high-level model-specific constraints such as fa-cial symmetry, we generate view clusters by merging nearbyview cells using a silhouette similarity metric and pick theprototypical “centroids” of each cluster as our aspect views.Any combinatorial subset of these aspect views constitutesa candidate multi-view configuration.

2. Multi-View 3D Face Modeling

In previous work [8, 6], we introduced a model-basedshape-from-silhouette method for capturing 3D face mod-els using multiple calibrated cameras.1 Figure 1 shows onesuch 3D model obtained from a novel subject inside a spe-cial multi-view rig (dome). In this case, the “right” cameraconfiguration was found after some trial and error and usingour “intuition” as to which views are informative for shapecapture. In this paper, our goal is to essentially remove theguess-work from the view selection process and determinethe optimal geometry (view configuration) for a given num-ber of cameras (here we focus on estimation of 3D shapeonly). Our optimization framework allows the user to eas-ily incorporate existing physical constraints into the optimalview selection process. In this section we briefly review our3D modeling methodology (for further details the reader isreferred to [8]).

For model building we used the USF “HumanID” dataset[1] of 3D Cyberware scans of 97 male and 41 female adultfaces of various races and ages. The number of pointsin each face mesh varies from approximately 50,000 to100,000. All faces in the database were first resampled toobtain point-to-point correspondence and then aligned to areference face to remove any pose variation and/or any mis-alignment (during the scan). We then perform PCA on thedatabase of aligned 3D faces to obtain the eigenvectors of

1 Unlike “morphable models” [3], our 3D modeling technique treatsshape and texture independently and is hence robust w.r.t. lighting andtexture variations. Furthermore, our silhouette-matching optimizationis simpler, has fewer free parameters and is considerably faster (x20).

our shape model and their associated eigenvalues (the vari-ances of their implicit Gaussian distribution). This decom-position can be used to reconstruct a new or existing facethrough the linear combination of “eigenhead” basis func-tions [2].

An inspection of the PCA eigenvalue spectrum and theresulting shape reconstructions indicated that the first 60eigenheads were quite sufficient for capturing most of thesalient facial features of the subjects in our database. Thecorrespondingαi shape coefficients were therefore our opti-mization parameters. Specifically, letM(α) be any arbitraryface model which produces a polygon mesh given a param-eter vectorα = {α1,α2, · · · ,αn}. Let Sk

input,k = 1..K bekth

input silhouette image. Also, letT be a similarity transfor-mation that aligns a reference model face to the real 3D face.Then,Sk

model(α) is a silhouette image rendered by project-ing T(M(α)) onto an image plane using the pose informa-tion in thekth silhouette image.

The parameter vectorα is estimated by minimizing thetotal penalty

E(α) =K


f (Skinput,S

kmodel(α)) (1)

where the cost functionf measures the difference betweentwo binary silhouettes. For the cost functionf in Eq.(1) thesimplest difference metric between two (binary) silhouettesis the number of ‘on’ pixels when a pixel-wise XOR opera-tion is applied. But in order to prioritize matching the rightpixels (on the occluding contours) and to promote unique-ness sof has a global minimum, we must impose ahigherpenalty for any mismatch near theboundarypixels of the in-put silhouette. Specifically,

f (Skinput,S

kmodel(α)) =





c(i, j) (2)

c(i, j) ={

0 if Skinput(i, j) = Sk

model(α)(i, j)d(i, j)−2 otherwise.

d(i, j) = D(Sk)(i, j)+D(S̃k)(i, j),

whereD(S) is the Euclidean distance transform of binaryimageS and S̃ is the inverse image ofS. Note thatd rep-resents a distance map from the silhouette contour and canbe computed once in a preprocessing step. We call this costfunctionboundary-weightedXOR, which provides a simpleand effective alternative to precise contour matching. Con-sequently, there is no need for expensive correspondenceswith edge-linking, curve-fitting and distance computationsbetween contours. Furthermore, the (weighted) XOR oper-ations can be performed in hardware. Given the inherentcomplexity (and nonlinearity) of the cost function (and noanalytic gradients) we used a probabilisticdownhill simplexmethod to minimize Eq.(1).

Figure 2. Originals (top) and reconstructions(bottom) for minimum (left), median (middle) andmaximum L2 error (right).

To illustrate our 3D shape modeling accuracy, we chose50 real faces from the database and an additional 50 syn-thetic (novel) faces generated by randomly sampling the im-plicit Gaussian prior distribution of the PCA model. In thiscase, 11 virtual cameras were then positioned in the fronthemisphere around the subject. The input silhouette imageswere acquired by rendering each of the sample faces in theimage planes of the 11 virtual cameras. Figure 2 shows avisualization of the distribution of reconstruction errors ob-tained. The selected faces in the figure correspond to theminimum, median, and the maximumL2 error among all100 (real and virtual) samples. The important thing to noteis that our silhouette-based technique captures the most im-portant facial features with relatively high accuracy even intheworst-casescenario with a real subject (3rd column).

3. Methodology

We now present the experimental protocol used to findoptimal views for an arbitrary number of camerasK (upto 5). We illustrate how to prune the space of all possibleviews obtained by uniform tessellation of the view-spherebased on clustering adjacent view cells using silhouette sim-ilarity (from shape projections). The selected set ofaspectviewsis then investigated using both our model-based ap-proach and a data-driven visual hull method.

3.1. Silhouette Generation

The silhouettes of a resampled face in our database arequite different from the silhouettes captured from actualsubjects (due to the missing portion of the head/torso).To simulate silhouette images of actual subjects with ourdatabase, we use a fully scanned 3D head as our prototypehead/torso, shown in Figure 3. We align the facial region ofthe prototype head to a resampled face (by smooth defor-mations) and then “stitch” the two together to synthesize a“virtual” test subject complete with full head and shoulders.Therefore, we can generate complete silhouette images with

Figure 3. Building a (complete) subject using aprototype head.

Figure 4. Uniform tessellation of view-sphere(left). Remaining view cells left after imposingpractical imaging constraints (right).

the same exact face shapes as in the database while main-taining the proper geometry of complete subjects.

3.2. View-sphere Tessellation

We first tessellate a view sphere uniformly using a sub-division from a dodecahedron around the subject. This pro-cedure yields 120 triangles (we call them view cells) whosevertices are on the surface of the view sphere as shown inFigure 4. We discard all the view cells in the rear-half ofthe view-sphere since the face is occluded from their van-tage point. We further discard the view cells which are toohigh/low in elevation, since these are unlikely and/or im-practical physical locations for a real camera. Furthermore,from such oblique views it is hard to capture facial con-tour due to the occlusion (and resulting confusion) by thesubject’s hair and shoulder. In our case we restrict the el-evation of view cells to±45◦. Finally, assuming (approx-imate) bilateral symmetry of human faces, we discard theentire left-half of the remaining view cells, ending up withthe 44 view cells shown in Figure 4 (right).

3.3. Clustering Views

The remaining 44 view cells result in too many com-binations (subsets) of views. For example, to find 11 opti-mal views by an exhaustive search there are approximately7× 109 view combinations to evaluate which is quite in-tractable. Therefore, we need to reduce the search space

Figure 5. The 10 silhouette clusters and theircorresponding aspect views shown on the viewsphere surrounding a test subject.

even further. Our observation is that the silhouette images oftwo neighboring view cells can be quite similar. Therefore,we measure the silhouette difference and merge view cellswithin a certain distance and represent the merged viewcells with one view (centroid). We consider only the sil-houette difference around the critical facial area since faceshape recovery is not affected by the silhouette differencesin other areas (head/shoulders).

For clustering, we first build a lookup table (D) that con-tains the partial or face-restricted XOR distance between ev-ery two view cells in the search space. Initially, every viewcell is considered a cluster and the aspect view of the clus-ter is the view cell itself. We define the distance of two clus-ters by the distance of their aspect views and that informa-tion is pre-computed and stored inD. We find the two neigh-bor clusters that have the minimum distance among all theother neighbor clusters and merge them. After merging twoclusters, we compute a new aspect view for the new mergedcluster. The new aspect view is the view cell which has theminimum value for the maximum distance to all the otherview cells in the same cluster. We repeat this process un-til the desired number of clusters remain. Figure 5 shows 10clusters and their aspect views obtained using this cluster-ing procedure. Note that the resulting aspect views are notnecessarily geometric centroids of clusters, rather view cellswith minimum silhouette distance to other cluster members.To circumvent any subject-dependency and generalize thisclustering, all the entries in our lookup tableD were cre-ated by averaging the pair-wise view cell distances for 50different synthesized heads in our database. Table 1 givesthe coordinates of the aspect views wherein azimuths of{−90◦,0◦,+90◦} correspond to{left, front, right} direc-tions in a head-centered reference frame.

Figure 6 shows the silhouettes obtained from the 10 as-

Table 1. Aspect View CoordinatesView # Azimuth◦ Elevation◦

1 3.4 40.42 7.6 -15.53 28.2 -17.04 31.4 18.95 40.0 0.96 48.3 -16.57 52.2 16.88 55.1 39.49 63.1 -30.210 85.9 17.7

Figure 6. Silhouettes from the 10 aspect views.

pect views along with the model silhouette (in blue) and thecritical facial area used for error evaluation (in cyan). AllL2 reconstruction errors were confined to the critical facialarea only so as to ignore extraneous input from hair/head.We discard view #1 since from its downward angle the facesilhouette is completely hidden/confounded by the torso,as well as view #2 since frontal views offer very little oc-cluding contour as constraints for shape recovery (althoughfrontal views are preferred for capturing texture).

3.4. Finding Optimal Views

Given the remaining 8 aspect views, we must exhaus-tively search for the optimal subset ofK ≤ 8 views which (ineach caseK) yield the closest 3D shape reconstruction withrespect to the original face, using theK silhouettes for theshape recovery process. We have searched up toK = 5, al-though there is experimental evidence to suggest that goingbeyond this one may encounter diminishing returns. The de-fault reconstruction method is our model-based (eigenhead)3D face shape recovery method [8, 6]. By way of compar-ison, we also tested a purely data-driven method using vi-sual hull construction. It should be noted that visual hullsby themselves are not very capable of accurate reconstruc-tions (even with hundreds of views). Our goal was to showthat a greedy search based on adata-driventechnique willselect a similar set of optimal views.

Table 2. Optimal views based on model-basedreconstruction.

KBest Best Subject Error ErrorViews Error Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev

1 4 40.7 12.4 45.0 3.32 3, 10 31.9 8.6 37.6 4.33 3, 5, 10 28.2 6.1 33.9 3.74 3, 4, 9, 10 26.8 6.2 31.7 2.95 3, 4, 7, 8, 10 26.6 7.1 30.2 2.2

For the optimal views to be relevant for general purposeface modeling and recognition, they must apply forgenericfaces of all kinds (gender, ethnicity, age). Therefore opti-mality should be independent of the subject. To this end,we used a representative subset of 25 individuals from ourdatabase and based our optimal view selection on the con-figurations that minimized thetotal or averaged error for all25 subjects.

When we recover a 3D shape from silhouette images, werequire a metric that measures the error between the groundtruth and the reconstructed 3D geometry. Since our focus ison the facial area of the recovered shape, we need a metricthat measures the difference in the critical facial area of therecovered shape and the original face. The basic approachfor this error measurement is as follows: The first step isto find a dense point set on the facial area of the recoveredface geometry. With an eigenhead shape model we can eas-ily find those facial points for our model (via the mesh pa-rameterization). However, it is not trivial to find the samefacial points on a visual hull. We use a ray casting schemeto find the facial points on the visual hull. Since we have theoriginal 3D heads which we use to generate the input silhou-ette images, from facial points on the original head, we castrays toward the visual hull and get the corresponding sam-ples on the surface of visual hull. After we get the facialpoints we use the same ray casting scheme to get the corre-sponding samples on the surface of a ground truth mesh. Wemeasure theL2 distances of the facial points on the recov-ered face and the corresponding points on the ground truthand use them as the 3D error metric for the facial area.

3.4.1. Model-Based Reconstructions.We performed theexhaustive search on the 8 aspect views in Figure 6 to findthe optimal subset of views forK = {1,2,3,4,5} cameras.To remove the data dependency inherent in a single indi-vidual’s reconstruction error, we used the ensemble (aver-age) reconstruction error of 25 random subjects from thedatabase. Therefore, the total number of reconstructions is25·∑5

K=1CK8 = 5450. Based on an average reconstruction

time of 30 seconds, this search takes about 45 hours.The results are presented in Table 2 which shows the

optimal views forK = {1,2,3,4,5} and the correspond-ing minimum average reconstruction errors (refer to Table 1for exact coordinates). The standard deviation of the indi-

Figure 7. Reconstruction errors for all view con-figurations ( K = 4) ranked by magnitude of en-semble error. Error bars indicate the standarddeviation of error among the 25 subjects.

vidual errors for all 25 subjects under thebestconfigura-tion is also shown. The average error means and averageerror standard deviations (last two columns) are based onthe average reconstruction errors across allviewsand bothtend to decrease with increasingK (as expected since moreviews provide more constraints). Comparing the two dif-ferent standard deviations, we note that this method is lessview-dependent and more subject-dependent.

What this table does not show, however, is the distribu-tion of reconstruction errors across various view configura-tions (and their individual subject variation). Figure 7 showsthe errors of all combinatorial view configurations for thecaseK = 4, ranked in ascending order of error. Each er-ror bar represents the subjects standard deviation for thatconfiguration (the first error bar corresponds to the optimalconfiguration and is the subject standard deviation listed inTable 2). Other plots forK = 1,2,3 and 5 are quite sim-ilar in nature, all showing a well-defined minimum withthe subject variation (error-bars) being lowest for the bestconfiguration (left most) and highest for the worst (rightmost). In the next section, we will compare this graph tothe corresponding ones obtained from visual hull construc-tion, where the global minimum is not so well-defined (dueto lack of constraints in a purely data-driven approach).

3.4.2. Visual Hull Reconstructions.Using the samesearch strategy, we now evaluate the visual hull construc-tions obtained from the given subset of silhouette im-ages and compare them to the ground truth. Table 3 showsthe optimal views forK = {2,3,4,5} and the correspond-ing error values (same format as in Table 2 except thatthe visual hull from a single silhouette (K = 1) has no fi-nite volume and is omitted). Note that a visual hull recon-struction (especially one from few images) is not a veryaccurate representation and we are only focusing on the op-

Table 3. Optimal views based on visual hull re-construction.

KBest Best Subject Error ErrorViews Error Std. Dev. Mean Std. Dev

2 3, 10 418.7 26.1 847.7 400.43 3, 9, 10 406.0 24.7 643.5 246.94 3, 8, 9, 10 399.9 25.8 541.0 163.35 3, 4, 8, 9, 10 398.3 25.5 481.2 108.9

Figure 8. Reconstruction errors for all view con-figurations using visual hulls.

timal views selected (regardless of their high error). Unlikethe model-based results, here the reconstruction quality ismuch more view-dependent than subject-dependent. How-ever the view dependency decreases significantly as thenumber of views (K) increases (see the error standard devi-ations). The graphs in Figure 8 show the errors of all viewconfigurations atK = {2,3,4,5}. In all 4 graphs, we notethe presence of “plateaus” where the error is nearly con-stant for a large number of configurations. Interestingly, thefirst plateau corresponding to the top “group” is all the sub-sets which include the profile view #10 (one of the mostsalient). We can see marked similarities in the opti-mal views in Table 2 and Table 3. For example, bothmethods indicate views #3 and #10 to be the most infor-mative. There are a few differences but these are some-what misleading. The best view configurations in Table 2are marked in Figure 8 with arrows. Note that the op-timal views chosen by the model-based selection havenearly the same error as the best views chosen by the vi-sual hull method and that they are always in the firstplateauor top quartile which includes the most salient (pro-file) view #10.

4. Conclusion

Our work presents the first systematic investigation ofoptimal views for 3D face modeling (in particular usingshape-from-silhouettes). These findings should provide use-

ful guidelines for designing future 3D face recognition sys-tems and are in agreement with existing practice and in-tuition. For example, the two most salient views (#3 and#10) correspond very closely with the established (biomet-ric) standards of “3/4 view” (INS photos) and profile view(“mugshot” photos). We have not yet searched forK > 5mainly due to the computational costs, but it appears thatreconstructions do not improve significantly beyond 4-5views (see the best errors listed in Table 2). One can easilyincorporate additional physical and operational constraintsinto our framework. For example, although a frontal view isnot very salient for shape, it is the preferred view for cap-turing texture-maps (hence its prevalence in nearly all 2Dface recognition systems) and it can be simply pre-selectedbefore the search. Finally, video-based capture – wheresubject motion (pose variation) provides multiple (virtual)views – is essentially equivalent to the static multi-viewcase and we have previously used our technique (Figure 1)with monocular sequences [8] but with heuristic pose se-lection (silhouette-clustering with k-means). Based on thesenew findings, we can now track a moving subject and auto-matically select the optimal poses (video frames) that arebest for 3D modeling and recognition.


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