Find Your Future Career Guide

Post on 08-Apr-2016

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A career-focused approach to finding the right path to a college education

Transcript of Find Your Future Career Guide

A career-focused approach to finding the right path to a college education

at Ivy Tech Community CollegeFIND YOUR FUTURE

So you’ve heard the speech countless times: Going to college prepares you for a brighter future. You may have heard it so frequently, in fact, you’ve become a bit of a skeptic. “Well, my brother’s friend’s cousin didn’t go to college, and he seems to be doing well for himself,” you reason.

And you may have a point. It is possible to have financial stability and find self-fulfillment in a career without a college education. But what you may not be taking into consideration are the odds of finding that bliss in a world with few guarantees.

More and more jobs today require knowledge and skills beyond a high school diploma. Studies have shown that individuals with a high school diploma or less are three to four times more likely to experience periods of long-term unemployment than their college-educated peers, and they are far more likely to have less disposable income, too. Talk about stumbling out of the starting gate.

That’s where Ivy Tech Northeast comes in. We have more than 40 associate degree programs and numerous certificate* options to help get you on the right path to a rewarding future. Many of the programs provide a seamless transfer of credits to Indiana’s top-tier four-year colleges and universities.





We also offer the most affordable tuition and fees in the state, and the teaching faculty work hard to make certain your education is a student-centered experience.

Ivy Tech provides Indiana’s highest return on its investment for colleges and universities. In addition to being the most affordable, we have the lowest percentage of students graduating with loan debt across the state. In addition, our graduates have higher earnings in their first year on the job after college than other institutions in Indiana.

Plus, special programs like American Honors (one of the most prestigious community college honors programs in the country) and ASAP (the Associate Accelerated Program that lets you earn an associate degree in one year) allow you to cater your education to your needs.

As you browse through this booklet, we’ve

made it easy to locate Indiana’s top jobs of the present and future.If the program is marked with , you know it’s one of the Hoosier Hot 50 Jobs, as designated by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development.

Find YOUR future.

Choose Ivy Tech Northeast to lead the way.

*Certificate programs are considered by the U. S. Department of Education to be “Gainful Employment” programs. Information about program length, cost, loan debt, graduates, and related occupations can be found at

Find YOUR future.Take this magazine-style quiz to take the temperature on your interests and what career or degree programs they might lead to at Ivy Tech Community College Northeast.

1. Which activity sounds the most fun?a. Fixing something or planting a

gardenb. Filing and keeping homework

organized c. Planning a Friday night with your

group of friends d. Tutoring the girl who sits next to

you in English class e. Painting a mural on the gym wallf. Participating in a murder mystery


2. My friends think it’s weird that Ia. Help my dad fix his car on the

weekendsb. Color coordinate my sock drawerc. Stay after school on Thursdays for

Debate Club d. Volunteer at a soup kitchen every

weekende. Love going to the art museum f. Take calculus

3. One of the best feelings in the world is a. Finishing a huge report or projectb. Having a neat and tidy bedroomc. Leading a youth group retreatd. Helping my mom take care of my

grandmothere. Writing poetry or short storiesf. Completing those really long word

problems in math class

4. I would seriously dislikea. Going to a party where I don’t know

anyone b. Waking up on a Saturday morning

and not knowing what I’m doing that day

c. Working in a summer job where I have to spend a lot of time filing

d. Building a mouse trap car for physics

e. Doing the exact same thing every day

f. Being a telemarketer

5. My favorite classes in school area. Shop and woodworking b. Typing and computers c. Speech and political scienced. Health and psychologye. English and theaterf. Algebra and chemistry

6. My friends tell me I’ma. Down-to-earthb. Kind of pickyc. Easy to talk to and outgoingd. Helpful and friendlye. Creative and a little sensitivef. Smart and thoughtful



YOUR results. And what they could mean for YOU.• Did you mostly answer A? You are likely Realistic. You like to work with animals, tools, or machines. You value

practicality and things you can see and touch: plants you can grow, animals you can feed, and items you can build and improve upon. You are practical, mechanical, and realistic. You may want to pursue a career in Food, STEM, or Skilled Trades.

• Did you mostly answer B? You are likely Conventional. You enjoy order and like to work with numbers, records, and/or machines. You value success in business and are good with written records. You are orderly and good at following a plan. You may want to pursue a career in Supporting Others or Managing and Leading.

• Did you mostly answer C? You are likely Enterprising. You enjoy leading and persuading others. You like to sell things and ideas, and you value success in politics, leadership, and/or business. You are energetic, ambitious, and sociable. You may want to pursue a career in Managing and Leading or Teaching.

• Did you mostly answer D? You are likely Social. You enjoy helping people and are interested in teaching, counseling, nursing, and/or providing information. You value helping people and solving problems. You are helpful, friendly, and trustworthy. You may want to pursue a career in the Healthcare or Public & Social Services.

• Did you mostly answer E? You are likely Artistic. You enjoy creative activities like art, drama, crafts, dance, music, and/or creative writing. You are expressive, original, and independent. You may want to pursue a career in The Arts or Teaching.

• Did you mostly answer F? You are likely Investigative. You enjoy studying and solving math or science problems. You understand and value science. You are precise, scientific, and intellectual. You may want to pursue a career in Engineering, Public & Social Services, or STEM.



ARTs & TRANsFERGeneral StudieS • liberal artS • ViSual CommuniCationS

Most general studies and liberal arts graduates transfer to four-year schools after earning their Ivy Tech associate degree in one of these areas. Many students choose Ivy Tech first for its affordability, but they soon learn there are high-quality instructors in these programs: Faculty have at least a master’s degree in their field, and several have their doctorates. Several faculty members in these programs are published authors.

Visual communications graduates can focus on graphic design, web design, photography, animation, and more. Most graphic design jobs require at least a bachelor’s degree, and graduates can transfer seamlessly to the four-year programs at the University of Saint Francis or IPFW. This is a fun, creative, and rewarding field.

Annual Five-Year employmentdegree* The Low-down Salary** Outlook***

General Studies Complete the broad general education core required with most college degrees $31–$40K Average

Liberal Arts Design a more individualized program of study for transfer to a four-year institution $31–$40K Average

Visual Apply creativity through print Communications communication and websites $31–$40K Average



*Several of Ivy Tech Northeast’s associate degree programs also encompass numerous certificate and technical certificate programs. Visit for more details.

**Salary range may reflect the earnings potential in a given career field following the completion of a bachelor’s degree or higher.

***Employment outlook data sources: Ivy Tech Community College, Indiana Department of Workforce Development, U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, Economic Modeling Specialists International, Occupational Employment Statistics, and American Community Survey.


Ivy Tech’s Hospitality Administration program has the same American Culinary Federation accreditation as large food schools like the Culinary Institute of

America in New York and Johnson & Wales University in New England. This means the program maintains the same rigorous standards but at one-fifth of the cost.

Annual Five-Year degree* The Low-down Salary** employment Outlook***

Hospitality Focus on culinary arts, baking and pastry arts, Administration event management, hotel management, or restaurant management $31–$40K Average




HEAlTHcAREHealtH Care Support • nurSinG (aSSoCiate of SCienCe) • HealtH information teCHnoloGy • mediCal aSSiStinG • paramediC SCienCe • praCtiCal nurSinG • reSpiratory Care • THeRAPeUTIc MASSAGe

Health care support constitutes a number of direct patient-care possibilities at Ivy Tech.

Hate the sight of blood but want to work in the medial field? Then health information technology is a perfect career choice, as students will work with clinical information but won’t have direct patient contact. Ivy Tech’s program has a selective admissions process: Applicants are accepted into the Health Care Support program with a health information technology concentration. Once the prerequisites are completed, a student can apply for the program.

Medical assisting is one of the nation’s fastest-growing careers. Medical assistants often work alongside doctors in outpatient facilities or on ambulances. They perform a variety of duties from answering phones and greeting patients to drawing blood or assisting a doctor during an exam.

The first nursing diploma was awarded in the United States in 1873; today, nursing is one of the country’s fastest growing occupations. Registered nurses can find work in a variety of areas: hospitals, doctors’ offices, home healthcare services, nursing care facilities, correctional facilities, schools, military installations, and more.

Students receive in-class and hands-on learning in the Paramedic Science

program, which requires a field internship. It’s the perfect field for people who thrive in an uncontrolled environment. Individuals who already have their paramedic certification can earn an associate degree in just seven classes. Ivy Tech’s program has a selective admissions process: Applicants are accepted into the Health Care Support program with a paramedic science concentration. Once the prerequisites are completed, a student can apply for the program.

The first nursing school in history was found in India in 250 B.C. Licensed practical nurses are an important part of the healthcare team, and the in-demand profession will continue to grow for the foreseeable future. As baby boomers retire from their nursing positions—and as baby boomers age and require more



care—more practical nurses will be required than ever before.

Due to an aging population—and their abuse of tobacco products—respiratory care is a growing field. Respiratory therapists assess, evaluate, and treat patients of all ages.

Students who study therapeutic massage explore a wide variety of related topics including holistic approaches, acupressure, aroma therapy, yoga, and financial management for those who are interested in becoming entrepreneurs. More and more

often, consumers are turning to massage therapy for medical reasons, and the healthcare community is increasingly viewing therapeutic massage as a legitimate option to address healthcare concerns.

Annual Five-Year degree* The Low-down Salary** employment Outlook***

Health Care Support Focus on patient care as a certified nursing assistant, home health aide, dementia care provider, qualified medication aide, or as an EKG, pharmacy, or phlebotomy (blood draw) technician $30K or less Much faster than average

Health Information Oversee patient record content and monitor Technology compliance and regulatory standards $31–$40K Average

Medical Assisting Prepare insurance billing, medical assisting, or medical transcribing $30K or less Above average

Nursing Provide advanced care to individuals in (Associate of Science) medical and residential settings $41–$50K Much faster than average

Paramedic Science Function in the pre-hospital setting of emergency medicine $31–$40K Above average

Practical Nursing Offer basic care to individuals in medical and residential settings $31–$40K Much faster than average

Respiratory Care Treat a variety of individuals with breathing disorders $51–$60K Above average

Therapeutic Apply hands-on relaxation techniques to a Massage variety of clients $30K or less Much faster than average

indicates a Hoosier Hot 50 job.


MANAgINg & lEADINg OTHERsaCCountinG • buildinG ConStruCtion manaGement • buSineSS adminiStration • Supply CHain manaGement/loGiStiCS

Accountants are a necessity in every enterprise including businesses, schools, and nonprofits. This makes the profession easily combinable with other interests or hobbies. An accounting associate degree can lead to a variety of career choices: bookkeeping, tax return prep, payroll accounting, auditing, management, certified public accountant, and more.

Building construction management helps students learn about the managerial roll in building construction. In addition to construction classes, students learn how to operate and manage a successful business. Students in this program take classes in green construction, safety and risk management, project planning, and construction graphics and print reading.

The Business Administration program prides itself on entrepreneurship. Ivy Tech Northeast’s New Venture Competition has awarded more than $80,000 to students and alumni in start-up capital for their businesses. This program has also taken study abroad trips to France, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and China.

Indiana’s central location makes the region attractive to companies in supply chain management/logistics. Northeast Indiana has a concentration of employers in transportation and warehousing, and the area is cost-competitive for centers looking to serve customers coast-to-coast. Many companies depend on experts in supply chain management/logistics to move their goods locally and globally.



Annual Five-Year employmentdegree* The Low-down Salary** Outlook***

Accounting Work with numbers in the language of business $30K or less Much faster than average

Building Construction Oversee residential, commercial, or industrial Management construction projects $41–$50K Much faster than average

Business Administration Start a business or lead a nonprofit or government agency $31–$40K Average

Supply Chain Coordinate the shipping and distribution Management/Logistics of goods and materials $31–$40K Above average


indicates a Hoosier Hot 50 job.

*Several of Ivy Tech Northeast’s associate degree programs also encompass numerous certificate and technical certificate programs. Visit for more details.

**Salary range may reflect the earnings potential in a given career field following the completion of a bachelor’s degree or higher.

***Employment outlook data sources: Ivy Tech Community College, Indiana Department of Workforce Development, U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, Economic Modeling Specialists International, Occupational Employment Statistics, and American Community Survey.


PUblIc & sOcIAl sERvIcEsCriminal JuStiCe • Homeland SeCurity/publiC Safety • Human SerViCeS

Graduates from the Criminal Justice program can find careers in a variety of areas, including with the FBI.

Homeland security/public safety is often called a career for life. Firefighters, for example, rarely move to another profession, often continuing in the department where they were hired until retirement. Students take classes in topics including Hazmat awareness, transportation and border security, computers, first responding, and law.

Students who intern while studying human services often find employment through their internships in organizations that work with battered women and children, the homeless, and at-risk children and adolescents. All students take the Human Services Board Certification Exam to become nationally recognized certified professionals during their final semester at Ivy Tech Northeast.



Annual Five-Year degree* The Low-down Salary** employment Outlook***

Criminal Justice Work in corrections, forensics (investigations), law enforcement, or youth services $41–$50K Much faster than average

Homeland Security/ Serve in emergency management, environmental Public Safety health, or fire science $41–$50K Average

Human Services Assist a variety of clients with their psychosocial goals $31–$40K Much faster than average


indicates a Hoosier Hot 50 job.

*Several of Ivy Tech Northeast’s associate degree programs also encompass numerous certificate and technical certificate programs. Visit for more details.

**Salary range may reflect the earnings potential in a given career field following the completion of a bachelor’s degree or higher.

***Employment outlook data sources: Ivy Tech Community College, Indiana Department of Workforce Development, U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, Economic Modeling Specialists International, Occupational Employment Statistics, and American Community Survey.


skIllED TRADEsadVanCed automation and robotiCS teCHnoloGy • automotiVe teCHnoloGy • ConStruCtion teCHnoloGy • deSiGn teCHnoloGy • HeatinG, Ventilation, and air ConditioninG teCHnoloGy • induStrial teCHnoloGy • maCHine tool teCHnoloGy • manufaCturinG produCtion and operationS

Ever dream of building a robot? Advanced automation and robotics technology teaches how to do it, in addition to the construction of, and troubleshooting on, other necessary and useful machines. American manufacturers are increasingly dependent on high-tech equipment, and they’re looking to employ graduates who know how to operate, troubleshoot, and maintain these pieces of equipment.

Automotive technology students have their own auto body shop for classwork, and they take courses on various parts of vehicles including steering and suspension, engines, axles, electrical and electronics, and climate control systems. These graduates are in demand nationwide.

Construction technology is ideal for those looking for their contractor’s license. By the end of the program, graduates will

have the skills necessary to flip their own house. Classes include cabinetry, interior and exterior trim, home inspection, wiring, plumbing, woodworking, and more.

Design technology students have the choice to focus on architectural drafting or mechanical drafting. Graduates from the program don’t have to leave northeast Indiana for jobs, and entry-level positions start out at higher-than-average salaries.

Employees are so interested in hiring interns from heating, ventilation, and air conditioning technology, or HVAC, that there aren’t enough to go around. Want to get started early? The program offers dual-credit classes for high school students, so by high school graduation, you could already have some of the HVAC curriculum completed.

Industrial technology is a growing field as more manufacturing companies are looking for highly skilled employees to keep their equipment running. Installation, maintenance, and repair jobs are expected to increase by 10 percent during the next decade, with an average wage of $20 an hour.

A number of local companies have said they will guarantee a job interview to Ivy Tech’s machine tool technology graduates. Students take classes in areas such as computer-aided design (CAD), machinery, milling, tool and die making, and mold making.

A degree in manufacturing production and operations can be completed 100 percent online. This program is an especially good fit for anyone currently working in the manufacturing field, including supervisors looking to learn more about technology.



Annual Five-Year employmentdegree* The Low-down Salary** Outlook***

Advanced Automation Apply technical and automation skills in and Robotics Technology manufacturing environments $51–$60K Much faster than average

Automotive Learn how to diagnose and repair today’s Technology high-tech vehicles $51–$60K Above average

Construction Acquire the skills for new construction, remodeling, Technology renovation, and repair work $31–$40K Above average

Design Technology Use software to render computer-aided design and graphics projects $41–$50K Average

Heating, Ventilation, Design, service, or install equipment in residential and Air Conditioning and commercial settings $31–$40K Much faster than average Technology (HVAC)

Industrial Technology Program and repair technologies that create industrial and consumer products $41–$50K Much faster than average

Machine Tool Learn metal cutting operations to create specialized Technology molds, dies, and prototypes $31–$40K Much faster than average

Manufacturing Production and Serve as a skilled machine operator or manager $51–$60K Above average Operations

indicates a Hoosier Hot 50 job.

*Several of Ivy Tech Northeast’s associate degree programs also encompass numerous certificate and technical certificate programs. Visit for more details.

**Salary range may reflect the earnings potential in a given career field following the completion of a bachelor’s degree or higher.

***Employment outlook data sources: Ivy Tech Community College, Indiana Department of Workforce Development, U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, Economic Modeling Specialists International, Occupational Employment Statistics, and American Community Survey.


sTEM (scIENcE, TEcHNOlOgY, ENgINEERINg, AND MATH)aGriCulture • aViation maintenanCe teCHnoloGy • aViation manufaCturinG • ComputinG & informatiCS • enerGy teCHnoloGy • enGineerinG

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is predicting a shortage of well-prepared agriculture graduates during the next five years, which means there are more jobs available. While the College’s program prepares students for careers in agriculture, graduates can also find work in other areas including at a lending facility, in a sales position, at a marketing firm, and in advertising.

The Aviation Maintenance Technology program is certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Graduates will enter a career field with a great opportunity for advancement. Employees get to travel often and can live anywhere in the world.

Aviation manufacturing is a blended offering that is part online coursework and part instructor-led material. By graduation,

you will have earned certificates in one of the more in-demand occupations in the country given increases in the number of baby boomers retiring.

Ivy Tech Northeast offers eight computer-related degrees. Careers in the computing and informatics industry are in high-demand, and the College is committed to offering courses that meet current industry demands. Programs include computer science, cyber security/information assurance, database management and administration, informatics, information technology, network infrastructure, server administration, and software development.

Graduates from Ivy Tech’s Energy Technology program have been guaranteed a job interview by companies in the Indiana

Energy Consortium, which is made of utility companies across the state. Students in the program learn about renewable energy resources—like wind, solar, and geothermal—and complete the Energy Auditing Certification on their way to an associate degree.

Ivy Tech Northeast offers three different engineering-related degrees. Electrical engineering technology prepares students to be skilled technologists who work with engineers and technicians.

Engineering technology is designed to be a transfer degree and allow you to continue on to a bachelor's degree. If your goal is to be an engineer, pre-engineering is meant to be a stepping stone on your way to a four-year engineering degree.



Annual Five-Year employmentdegree* The Low-down Salary** Outlook***

Agriculture Pursue farming, research, technician, or sales positions $51–60K Above averageAviation Maintenance Perform maintenance, inspection, and repair on Technology civilian aircraft $51–60K Slower than averageAviation Manufacturing Work as an assembly mechanic technician, electrical assembly technician, or quality and safety technician in the aviation and aerospace industries $31-40K Above averageComputer Science Combine math, science, and problem solving to advance the work computers do $70K + AverageCyber Security/ Focus on network security to prevent online data theft Information Assurance and other malicious activity $61-70K Above averageDatabase Management Design, build, manage, and troubleshoot computer and Administration databases $70K + Above averageElectrical Engineering Implement electronic designs and perform maintenance $51–60K Average Technology and troubleshooting in electronic systems Energy Technology Study renewable and sustainable energy source technologies $51–60K Above averageEngineering Technology Work with engineers to design, implement, and support new technologies $70K + AverageInformatics Study how people interact with computers, data, and related technologies in order to enhance communication $41-50K Above averageInformation Technology Deploy, troubleshoot, and support stand-alone and Support networked computing systems $41-50K Above averageNetwork Infrastructure Work on enterprise-level computer network configurations and security outcomes $41-50K AveragePre-Engineering Begin studies toward electrical, mechanical, civil, or computer engineering careers $70K + AverageServer Administration Apply current and relevant network security best practices $61-70K AverageSoftware Development Develop, test, implement, and maintain common software applications $61-70K Above average



sUPPORTINg OTHERslibrary teCHniCal aSSiStant • offiCe adminiStration • PARALeGAL STUdIeS

While library technical assistant graduates can find jobs in schools, colleges, and public and private libraries, they can also work in special libraries associated with medical centers and the law. Students take this program entirely online, and many have commented about how student-friendly it is.

What sets the Office Administration program apart from similar options at other colleges is that Ivy Tech emphasizes the soft skills—communication and leadership—as much as the hard skills like computer software applications. Possible job titles include administrative assistant, first-line manager, legal secretary, software application specialist, executive assistant, and office assistant.

The paralegal studies degree is flexible for students. They can put it into practice immediately in a variety of businesses and governmental offices, or they can continue on to a four-year degree in other law-related occupations. Classes include torts, bankruptcy, family, and criminal law; ethics; law office technology; and wills, trusts, and estates.



Annual Five-Year employmentdegree* The Low-down Salary** Outlook***

Library Technical Assistant Develop skills in library operations services $30K or less Average

Office Administration Combine software and organizational skills to manage office environments $31–$40K Much faster than average

Paralegal Studies Assist attorneys and court staff in preparing cases for litigation $31–$40K Average


indicates a Hoosier Hot 50 job.

*Several of Ivy Tech Northeast’s associate degree programs also encompass numerous certificate and technical certificate programs. Visit for more details.

**Salary range may reflect the earnings potential in a given career field following the completion of a bachelor’s degree or higher.

***Employment outlook data sources: Ivy Tech Community College, Indiana Department of Workforce Development, U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, Economic Modeling Specialists International, Occupational Employment Statistics, and American Community Survey.



TEAcHINgearly CHildHood eduCation • eduCation

Early childhood education graduates have a diverse set of options: They can become teachers or directors in early childhood education programs, or they may choose to earn bachelor’s or master’s degrees to pursue an Indiana teacher’s license for pre-kindergarten to third grade. Students will take classes related to health, safety, and nutrition; infant/toddler growth and development; and family-teacher partnerships.

Job prospects are especially good for teachers—particularly those teaching in math, science, and bilingual education and those working in urban or rural school districts. Plus, a large number of teachers are expected to retire in the next five to 10 years, and schools will be looking to hire replacements. By completing education classes in addition to a core of General Education classes, graduates will be prepared to transfer to a four-year program and continue their preparation for becoming a teacher at junior-year status.

indicates a Hoosier Hot 50 job.

*Several of Ivy Tech Northeast’s associate degree programs also encompass numerous certificate and technical certificate programs. Visit for more details.

**Salary range may reflect the earnings potential in a given career field following the completion of a bachelor’s degree or higher.

***Employment outlook data sources: Ivy Tech Community College, Indiana Department of Workforce Development, U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, Economic Modeling Specialists International, Occupational Employment Statistics, and American Community Survey.


Annual Five-Year employmentdegree* The Low-down Salary** Outlook***

Early Childhood Focus on early education and best care practices Education for working with children pre-K through third grade $31–$40K Much faster than average

Education Develop teaching assistant or elementary school teacher credentials $41–$50K Much faster than average


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Find your future at Ivy Tech Northeast

Schedule an appointment with an Ivy Tech admissions counselor at 260-480-4268 to help you succeed with your college future.

Get twice as much out of life

Even if you are nowhere near graduation, save time and money now by taking dual-credit courses that earn college credits and satisfy your high school graduation requirements at the same time. Visit Ivy and speak with your guidance counselor to explore the dual-credit opportunities available to you online and at your high school.