Financial institution improves customer … Software Case tuy Banking Financial institution ....

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IBM SoftwareCase Study


Financial institution improves customer experienceCompany strengthens customer relationships with IBM Unica solutions

OverviewBusiness challenges• Enhancetheoverallcustomer


• Reducemarketingcosts,boostROI• Increasemarketingvelocity• Improvecampaigneffectivenessby20



Benefits• SignificantlyenhancedROIinfirstyear• Boostedcustomerloyaltyandassets

undermanagement• Improvedmarketingvelocitybyover

40percent• Substantiallyincreasedproduct


As one of the largest banks in Southeast Asia, this financial services company is a premier organization, offering an extensive range of banking and financial services products, including investment banking, commercial banking, retail financing, leasing, stock broking, insurance, asset and fund management, futures and options trading as well as offshore banking. The company is committed to providing new and innovative products and services to its customers.

The challengesAs a company focused on building long-term profitable customer relationships, the institution wants to increase customer loyalty by establishing ongoing dialogues through highly targeted and timely communications. In order to precisely tailor each interaction, the institution needed a way to anticipate customer behaviors, segment customers, and manage individual preferences so that each communication the organization sent was so relevant it was perceived as a service.

The solutionAfter an extensive evaluation process, the financial institution selected the IBM® Unica® Enterprise Marketing Management (EMM) solution to manage its customer experience across several marketing, sales and service channels—direct mail, email, SMS, branch and call center. Specifically, the company chose the IBM Unica PredictiveInsight data mining and predictive modeling application.

IBM SoftwareCase Study


With greater insight into each of its customer’s past purchase history, product portfolio dynamics and demographics, the company could anticipate which products and services they were likely to invest in, in the future. The organization also selected IBM Unica Campaign to help design, implement and execute targeted cross-channel customer communications. With Unica Campaign, the company could further leverage the customer knowledge and insight from Unica PredictiveInsight, and also enable a consistent customer experience across channels.

The institution selected IBM Unica for the software’s ease-of-use and breadth of functionality, as well as IBM’s marketing expertise, clear vision for marketing in the future, and strong partnership with stakeholders in the application integration, technology architecture and infrastructure. Stakeholders provided the overall project management and systems integration services since the Unica solutions are integrated with the company’s existing data warehouse and multi-channel systems.

Today, IBM Unica EMM software is used for a variety of marketing initiatives, all focused on boosting customer loyalty, product ownership and usage by engaging a customer in an ongoing dialogue. These continuing initiatives include:

• Event-based product communications around activities such as activation, reward renewal and deposits

• Retention efforts focused around special company events• Acquisition efforts for credit card, loan, insurance, unit trust products

and services

With IBM Unica EMM software, the institution has accomplished many activities which were not possible previously, including the ability to: centrally define, manage and analyze strategic segments; reuse standard campaign templates; integrate predictive models with marketing efforts; run lights-out campaigns; and execute and monitor responses to cross-channel communications.

Solution ComponentsSoftware• IBM®Unica®Campaign

• IBM®Unica®PredictiveInsight

IBM SoftwareCase Study


Additionally, leveraging the IBM Unica Universal Data Interconnect™ (UDI) technology, this organization can access multiple data sources simultaneously to achieve a complete cross-channel, cross-product customer view. Each of these capabilities has directly increased the effectiveness, efficiency and measurability of the institution’s marketing activities. The company has improved its ability to target its customer communications, resulting in stronger customer relationships and higher ROI.

The resultsWith Unica Campaign and Unica PredictiveInsight, the financial institution has strengthened its customer relationships by presenting consistent and targeted communications across its channels with its customers. Through relevant cross-sell offers, the company has increased its response rates and decreased acquisition costs. It has also increased the customer product holding ratio—increasing the number of assets the company manages, and boosting loyalty.

Another significant benefit is that marketing has significantly increased its productivity. Following the implementation, the company reduced the time associated with marketing campaign design and execution by 25 percent, freeing up resources for other projects and activities. Additionally, it is now easier for the marketing team to track and monitor all marketing efforts, which has reduced its workload by 40 percent.

Through increased efficiencies and enhanced customer targeting, the institution anticipates it will achieve a payback on its total investment in IBM Unica EMM software and its data infrastructure in less than two years.

The futureThis financial institution is planning to use IBM Unica EMM software to design, execute and measure a variety of customer event-based communications, including special offers for an anniversary, birthday or holiday. The organization also plans to extend the IBM Unica software suite to integrate with its interactive voice response (IVR) and sales force automation (SFA) systems so that it may continue its customer dialogues across these channels.

For more informationTo learn more about IBM Unica products, please contact your IBM marketing representative or IBM Business Partner, or visit the following website:

Smarter Commerce: An integrated approachIBM Unica products are part of the IBM Smarter Commerce initiative. Smarter Commerce is a unique approach that increases the value companies generate for their customers, partners and shareholders in a rapidly changing digital world. To learn more about Smarter Commerce, visit

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