Post on 10-Nov-2021

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FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Shaw, O’Brien, LaPointe, Campbell, Haff, Hicks, Fedler, Skellie, Middleton, Clary FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Hogan SUPERVISORS: Henke, Ferguson, Idleman, Rozell Debra Prehoda, Clerk of the Board Al Nolette, County Treasurer Roger Wickes, County Attorney Chris DeBolt, County Administrator Media & Public AGENDA AS PRESENTED IN COMMITTEE NOTICE: 1. Call to Order 2. Accept Minutes – October 10, 2019

3. Department Requests/Reports: A. Treasurer 1) Monthly Reports 2) Auction Results B. County Administrator 1) Budget Amendments a) Public Health

1) Preparedness Grant - $49,625 2) EI Administration Grant - $24,911

b) Mental Health – 100% State Aid Pass Through to People USA, Inc. - $4,295 c) Capital Proj. 125 – Engineering Change Order RTU#2 & 4 - $1,900 4. 2020 Tentative Budget Discussion, 2020 Salary Schedules Exempt, Grade & Local Law 5. Discuss RFP for Multi-Jurisdictional Reval 6. Mortgage Tax Report 7. Other Business 8. Adjournment

Chairman Shaw called the meeting to order at 9:32 A.M. A motion to accept the minutes of the October 10, 2019 meeting was moved by Mr. O’Brien, seconded by Mr. LaPointe and adopted. DEPARTMENT REQUESTS/REPORTS:

COUNTY TREASURER – Al Nolette, County Treasurer, addressed the following items, handout attached:

• Monthly Reports – Sales tax totals $17,746,596.51; increase of $1,238,664.20 over prior year. Also included handouts on cash balances, AIM amounts to be withheld from sales tax, summary of auction parcels, River’s Casino gaming revenue and information released from Moody’s on our bond rating which remained unchanged at Aa3 rating.

• Auction Results – About $138,000 over budget but were it not for the first parcel sold then we would not have made budget.

BUDGET AMENDMENTS - Chris DeBolt, County Administrator, addressed the following budget amendments with the committee:

• For information, the packet includes resolutions to be considered at the November 15th Board meeting to relevy unpaid sewer and water rents for various towns.

• To Approve Sale of Land – A motion to approve sale of land from auction was moved by Mr. Hicks, seconded by Mr. O’Brien and adopted.

• Preparedness Grant – A motion to amend Public Health budget to recognize Preparedness Grant in the amount of $49,625 was moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. O’Brien and adopted.

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• EI Administration Grant – A motion to amend Public Health budget to recognize EI Administration grant in the amount of $24,911 was moved by Mr. O’Brien, seconded by Mr. Campbell and adopted.

• Mental Health – A motion to amend Mental Health budget to allow a pass-through of 100% state aid to People, USA in the amount of $4,295 was moved by Mr. LaPointe, seconded by Mr. Campbell and adopted.

• Capital Project #125 Engineering Change Order RTU #2 & 4 – A motion to amend Capital Project #125 in the amount of $1,900 for a change order for additional architectural services for roof top units #2 and #4 was moved by Mr. O’Brien, seconded by Mr. LaPointe and adopted.

• To Amend the 2019 General Fund Budget to Facilitate IT Purchases Necessary to Implement New York State Criminal Justice Reforms – A motion to amend budget transferring funds from contractual to equipment for purchase of equipment from Axon Taser to implement criminal justice reforms in the amount of $50,585 was moved by Mr. O’Brien, seconded by Mr. Campbell and adopted.

• Official Newspaper Designation – Democrat – A motion to designate the Whitehall Times the official Democrat newspaper for 2020 was moved by Mr. O’Brien and seconded by Mr. LaPointe. Discussion. Mr. Haff expressed his opposition. The motion to designate the Whitehall Times the official Democrat newspaper for 2020 was moved by Mr. O’Brien, seconded by Mr. LaPointe and adopted.

• Official Newspaper Designation – Republican – A motion to designate the Eagle as the official Republican newspaper for 2020 was moved by Mr. LaPointe, seconded by Mr. O’Brien and adopted. Mr. Haff opposed.

• 911 Service Contract – A motion to authorize Chairman to sign 911 equipment service and support contract with Motorola, no cost service provided through the end of 2019, was moved by Mr. LaPointe, seconded by Mr. Campbell and adopted.

• Brine Tanks – Wanted to make the committee aware of change in this project from what was originally discussed at Public Works committee. This project was originally estimated at around $20,000 and came in lower at around $16,000. The Budget Officer has to sign the equipment request for purchase of this equipment. A motion to approve award of brine tanks was moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. Skellie and adopted.


• Resolution adopting the budget for fiscal year 2020 making appropriations for the conduct of County government was moved by Mr. LaPointe and seconded by Mr. Shaw. Discussion. More discussion needed on the tentative budget and Messrs. LaPointe and Shaw withdrew their motions.

Mr. Campbell thought it was a great idea to bring all the salary changes at the end of year, budget time, was good. The idea of bringing them at the end is not to say no but some are upgrades and some are new; no choice on upgrades only with hiring new employees. He recommends clearly separating the upgrades and new hires when considering these requests. Mr. O’Brien stated the upgrades still need to be reviewed to determine whether or not they are doing the additional duties to advance. Mr. Hicks stated what he took away from the budget workshops were three objectives he felt some Supervisors wanted to make happen: include personnel changes – most were included but not all, did

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not feel comfortable paving only 7.5 miles of road, and stay within the tax cap. He presented and explained the attached handouts. Proposing to add $1.1M to County Road to be able to pave around 20 miles, propose $130,000 in additional personnel costs not included in the tentative budget but agreed to during budget workshops, and $270,000 in bridge funding for 59A, red flagged in May 19 and did some work to make it yellow but will be inspected annually and probably will be red flagged again. The State did this to us but the County still needs to move forward and proposing $9200 in personnel upgrades, $57.000 for Pre-school Coordinator, and $61,000 DA reform/discovery. Personnel requests: Civil Service Technician requested at Grade 15 but placed on Grade 14 and an Account Clerk to Senior Account Clerk, $9200 for these upgrades. The Public Health Director explained the need for an additional Preschool Service Coordinator that was not included in the tentative budget. They are seeing an increase in children in the 0-3 and 3-5 programs and corresponding caseloads of 45 – 50 and the State recommendation is 35. The actionable lead level decreased from 10 to 5 increasing cases. Once you do not pass the metrics established by the State then you become a focus group. Currently have three employees in that title. Projecting $10,000 in reimbursement on the new position. Mr. Campbell distributed the attached Washington County Attorneys base salaries handout, attached. He has buy-in from all the Attorneys. The personnel changes requesting to add to tentative budget total around $130,000. Adjustment to Real Property Tax Services Director, a $3000 stipend to do the reval grant which would be paid by the towns for this two-year project and then sunset; $500 per town with six towns participating. County Road – Under fund balance, last year appropriated $500,000 and proposing for 2020 only $100,000. Anticipate at the end of 2019, $1M in fund balance in County Road fund. Proposing to change from $100,000 to $200,000. Currently $1,050,000 for equipment in County Road Machinery for four trucks and a loader and DPW needs a paver and three trucks to allow the department to move forward. Recommending increasing interfund revenues by $100,000. The DPW Superintendent stated this year they spent around $68,000 in repairs to the paver and additional repairs needed if they plan to use it to pave in 2020. She stated there is no extra money in the rental line to rent a paver next year and also, they would not get revenue for rental. The Superintendent has looked at getting out of the business and stated that the DPW Engineer has looked into this and it will cost more to contract out paving. Proposing to change from a five-year truck rotation to a seven-year replacement plan. The proposal to change the tentative budget total around $1.5M and proposed to fund this by increasing the appropriated fund balance from $2M to $2.6M, noting it is the usage of the fund balance that is important not the appropriated amount, increase sales tax revenue by $625,000 to $21,252,724, and hold back on the interest transfer of $275,000 to the Capital Plan and only transfer the BOCES rent – not fund the Burgoyne roof replace in 19 - $800,000 and remove truck purchase $220,000. This is not solving the problems but a one-year fix. Mr. Hicks believes we need to change the structure of what we do based on where we are and what is going on. The Board should start discussing: cut expenses – go through every department – programs might have to go and start this process in January, raise the levy – start in June/July talking about breaking the tax cap and third raise the sales tax – five legislative representatives need to fight for this and it needs State approval. The last sheet of the handout is a summary of the changes, $1,592,509; no change to the tax levy. The County Administrator stated you are keeping your appropriations flat and offsetting them with a revenue that is our savings account so yes there is a fiscal impact to the decision to appropriate more fund balance. The more you appropriate of that fund balance the greater percentage of that appropriated fund balance you are likely to use. He is not advocating for or against anything that has been said but wanted to offer that clarification. The Treasurer stated that Messrs. Hicks and Campbell have stated that this is a bandaid and not sustainable, a plan to get to next year not the future, and

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their commitment to start early next year to define a way not to do this for 2021. He stated this model would not be sustainable long term. The Economic Development Director suggested thinking about the possibility of public/private partnerships in utilizing grant funding to get done what you want. A consensus of the Supervisors in the room supported the use of fund balance/potential fund balance, $1,592,509. Tentative Budget Amendments: handout attached. #1 – To Amend 2020 Tentative Budget for Personnel Adjustments – A motion to amend 2020 Tentative Budget for Personnel adjustments as follows: three adjustments in Civil Service, add one (1) Preschool Service Coordinator position in Public Health, and new compensation structures for the District Attorney, Public Defender and County Attorney Offices in the amount of $138,566 and decrease the Interfund Transfer to Capital Projects in the amount of $138,566 was moved by Mr. Hicks, seconded by Mr. Campbell and adopted. Messrs. LaPointe, Shaw and Middleton opposed. #2 – To Amend 2020 Tentative Budget for Real Property Director Stipend – A motion to amend 2020 Tentative budget for Real Property Director creating a $3,000 stipend to be funded by the six towns participating in the re-valuation services, contingent upon towns paying and it will sunset, was moved by Mr. Hicks, seconded by Mr. Campbell and adopted. #3 – To Amend 2020 Tentative Budget for Paving and Bridge Projects – A motion to amend County Road Fund increasing appropriations in Road and Bridge Projects for additional paving (about 20 miles) and one additional bridge in the amount of $1,362,343, increase County Road Appropriated Fund balance $100,000, increase revenue Interfund Revenues $1,262,343 and in the General Fund increase appropriation – Interfund Transfer to County Road in the amount of $1,262,343, increase revenue Sales Tax $625,000, increase Appropriated Fund Balance $600,000 and decrease appropriation Interfund Transfer to Capital Projects $37,343 was moved by Mr. Hicks, seconded by Mr. Campbell and adopted. Messrs. Middleton, Shaw and LaPointe opposed. #4 – To Amend 2020 Tentative Budget for Road Machinery Equipment Purchases – A motion to amend County Road Machinery Fund increasing interfund revenues $100,000 and increase appropriation equipment – vehicles to allow the purchase of three plow trucks and a paver and amend General Fund increasing appropriation Interfund to Road Machinery $100,000 and decrease appropriations Interfund Transfer Capital Projects $100,000 was moved by Mrs. Fedler and seconded by Mr. Campbell. Discussion on purchasing a $500,000 paver. Questioned the DPW Superintendent about the payloader they previously had requested. The payloader is in service and it is cheaper to rent a payloader if needed verses renting a paver. A motion to amend County Road Machinery Fund increasing interfund revenues $100,000 and increase appropriation equipment – vehicles to allow the purchase of three plow trucks and a paver and amend General Fund increasing appropriation Interfund to Road Machinery $100,000 and decrease appropriations Interfund Transfer Capital Projects $100,000 was moved by Mrs. Fedler, seconded by Mr. Campbell and adopted. Messrs. Haff, Middleton, LaPointe and Shaw opposed. Resolution Adopting the Budget for Fiscal Year 2020 Making Appropriations for the Conduct of County Government – A motion to adopt Budget for Fiscal Year 2020 Making Appropriations for the conduct of County Government was moved by Mr. O’Brien, seconded by Mr. Campbell and adopted.

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The amount to be raised by taxes in 2020 is $34,260,150, an increase of $916,938 compared to 2019 or 2.75%. Set Time and Place for a Public Hearing on Introductory Local Law D of 2019 – A motion to set time and place for a public hearing on Introductory Local Law D of 2019 – establishing salaries of certain positions was moved by Mr. Hicks, seconded by Messrs. O’Brien and Campbell and adopted. Establish Salary Schedule for Exempt, Stipend, Seasonal & Per Diem Employees – A motion to adopt exempt salary schedule was moved by Mr. O’Brien, seconded by Mr. Campbell and adopted. To Adopt Non-Union Grade Schedule for 2020 – A motion to adopt non-union grade schedule for 2020 was moved by Mr. O’Brien, seconded by Mr. Campbell and adopted. RFP FOR MULTI-JURISDICTIONAL REVAL – The County Attorney will prepare the MOA’s for the towns with the stipend included. The Economic Development Director stated still waiting for waiver prior to signature of contract. Hopefully an answer by the end of next week. MORTGAGE TAX REPORT – A motion to approve mortgage tax report totaling $452,875.23 to be distributed to the towns and villages was moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr. LaPointe and adopted. OTHER BUSINESS: None. The meeting adjourned at 12:10 P.M. Debra Prehoda, Clerk Washington County Board of Supervisors