Final Thesis

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Transcript of Final Thesis

Effectiveness of Ganda ng Bahay Ko program to the cleanliness ofBagong Nayon II National High School Annex for the SY 2014-2015

A research work submitted to English Department of Bagong Nayon II National High School In partial fulfillment of the requirement of English IV

Submitted by:Azuela, John RobertBenito, CharlotteCardenas, Joanna MarieFernandez, John LowelGranadillos, SteffaniePamat, April AngelaSambuena, RobertoTimonera, Charlotte AnneVillanueva, AngelaUy, Kenneth


A. INTRODUCTIONThe " Ganda ng Bahay Ko program is a project under the Supreme Student Government in which all of the students and teachers should be cooperate. It is inherited to the former SSG officers of the old batch and still existing every year. The said activity is required to all sections inside the two campuses, the Bagong Nayon II National High School main and annex.Neat and comfortable surroundings, apple of the eye and of course an ideal place defines cleanliness. It helps us in many ways especially in our health condition. Clean surroundings maintain an individual capability to live long. Free from disease, viruses that transfer along the wind from an organism to an organism. Clean you make a better you in the future.Room with a right place for recycling materials, dust bin, no small dirt in the floor, a good in the eye color of the walls, displayed chart that can enhance your analytical ability would describe a good classroom. The researchers can analyze well about the discussion if we are not focusing on the irritation because of uncomfortable area. It was been a big deal for the students to concentrate more on the discussion. Or maybe they can, but no learning taken.Usually, the adviser assigns cleaners of the day by group or sometimes from their chronological arrangement in the class record. But then, the researchers experienced during elementary days whereas every Friday all of the students were responsible to clean the classroom before they left. The groups are frequently composed of 10-12 students, 6 girls and 6 boys depending to the ratio of boys to girls in a class.A clean room needs student that are responsible and will be able to maintain the rooms cleanliness. A room is clean when you feel comfortable inside it. Being comfortable does not mean that only your body feel comfortable but also your eyes, means a room must be pleasant for the eye. A room that is comfortable for the eye need a cool color inside it.With regards to this, Bagong Nayon II Supreme Students Government body created and lead Ganda ng Bahay Ko" Program that started perhaps by the year 2010 where its purpose for the students to take care of their area and make it ravishing.It was not that quite effective for they did not maintain it for year but for just a couple of months at first but later on, improved. For GNBKP that was performed now is effective based on what the researchers have seen and felt because even the teachers are pressuring the students to make the room clean to claim the prize and recognition given.

B. SETTING OF THE STUDYThe study takes place at Bagong Nayon II National High School (ANNEX) compose of 17 rooms with 15 sections of seniors and 17 sections of grade 9 students.

C. THEORETICAL BACKGROUNDThere are so many factors that can help and can make a lot of changes in ones school and these factors are the essential assets that need a full cooperation to accomplish the common goal.One of the variables that must be observed is the cleanliness and orderliness which may lead to improvement and also lead every student to be responsible and to provide concerns to their school.School Student Government (SSG) of Bagong Nayon II National High School (BNIINHS) established Ganda ng Bahay Ko program. This program shows how essential the cleanliness and orderliness is not only for the students but also for every teacher, principal and even for other school staffs.In connection to this, there are some theoretical effects draws. First, student may understand how to recover and preserve the beauty of their rooms and facilities. There is a possibility that someday BNIINHS improves more because of its beautiful surroundings. Second, if the school is presentable, more students may be inspired in their studies.These effects mean that focusing to this kind of program can have a positive result and can produce well-educated and responsible students. Furthermore, the school can be used in different activities without anything that can hinder.GNBKP may encounter some problems. First, observers assigned teachers or students might not be able to observe over twenty two classrooms in BNIINHS specifically in BNIINHS Annex. Second is the deficiency of the students who are part of this program especially the SSG officers which are also busy in doing lots of activities.However, despite of the problems that could be encountered, the program can help all the students and the school for improvements and in order to overcome these kinds of problems, SSG officers and other school staffs who are involve in this program must have their full and open communication to everyone so that GNBKP will work effectively.

D. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMThe researchers aim to answer the following questions:1. Do students, teachers and school personnel are in favor for implementing GNBKP?2. Is GNBKP only effective to the classrooms itself?3. Do students and advisers are 100% actively participating in this program?

E. HYPOTHESISThe researchers believe that Ganda ng Bahay Ko program is effective in maintain the cleanliness of the school.

F. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDYStudents will know when did the "Ganda ng Bahay Ko" Program begins. It's also for them to find out why did the former and current Supreme Student Government officers still conducting this kind of program. It shows the purpose of the project for the students and teachers of Bagong Nayon II National High School. It gives the importance of the cleanliness and the efforts of every students and teachers for the improvement of the project and also for the progress of the school. Students will be informed if the project under the Supreme Student Government is effective or not in the school year 2014-2015. The study also serves as a basis and guidelines for the next researchers.

G. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONthe study focus only at BNIINHS Annex campus with the participation of grade 9 and 4th year students excluding the 4 sections of grade 8 students.The purpose of this study is to know that this kind of project is indeed an effective one in maintaining the cleanliness of the school premises of Bagong Nayon II National High School .Within this program, every student held their selves in throwing their garbage in the proper trash bins.The people that are involved in this study are the students of the school and also their assigned advisers. Every classroom should uphold its cleanliness and orderliness. The classroom that is chosen by the judges will be considered as the winner and the winner will be awarded by means of certificate and recognition.

H. DEFINITION OF TERMSThe following words that can be encountered in the study:Analytical- The ability to visualize, articulate and solve both complex and uncomplicated problems and concepts and make decisions that are sensible and based on available information.Chronological - Starting with the earliest and following the order in which they occurred.Essential- Absolutely necessary, extremely important.Variable- An element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary.Hinder- Create difficulties for (someone or something), resulting in delay or obstruction.Perception- A way of regarding, understanding, or interpreting something.Deficiency- A lack or shortage. a failing or shortcoming.Premises- A house or building, together with its land and outbuildings, occupied by a business or considered in an official context.Critic- A person who expresses an unfavorable opinion of something.Orderliness- Associated with other qualities such as cleanliness and diligence and the desire for order and symmetry, and is generally considered to be a desirable quality.CHAPTER IIREVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE

A Clean and Organized ClassroomWhen your preschool students walk into your classroom what do they see? Try standing on your knees at the door of your classroom and see if your classroom looks inviting, warm, clean, fun, and organized or does your classroom look cluttered, dirty, and chaotic?

Here are some important reasons for keeping your classroom clean:Health: A clean classroom helps children stay healthy and fights against the spread of germs. A dirty classroom leads to illness and fussy children.Care: A clean classroom tells your students that you care about their classroom and teaches them to care too. A dirty classroom leads to laziness and a lack of concern for the classroom environment, toys, and equipment.Mood: A clean classroom simply makes everyone feel better which leads to more positive experience. A dirty classroom leaves everyone feeling frustrated and unhappy.Impression: A clean classroom makes a good impression about you as a professional. A dirty classroom gives the impression that you may be nice but not very professional.Here are some important reasons for keeping your classroom organized:Independence: An organized environment helps children to be more independent. When they know where things belong, they are more able to do things all by themselves.Behavior: An organized environment helps keep expectations about where to play, rest, put papers away, eat, and so forth which leads to more positive student behavior.Attention: An organized environment helps teachers spend more time on their students rather than worrying over where things are and where things belong.Education: An organized environment creates greater opportunities for student learning.

The primary causes of procrastination and how to overcome itBy SecondsofEternityFor many individuals, procrastination is a long term habit and seemingly inescapable personality trait. Procrastination is not limited or attributed to any specific personality type and is a widespread social problem, with an estimated 15-20% of the American adult population and an estimated 80-90% of College students being self-confessed problematic procrastinators. Procrastination is often overlooked as a psychological disorder and simplistically attributed to laziness. However, extensive research over the past few decades has revealed procrastination as a far more psychologically significant condition with complex causes and serious implications. Procrastination has also been identified as a common symptom of a more significant underlying psychological disorder.Procrastination is the tendency to avoid or delay acting upon a task or activity under ones immediate control. Procrastinators persistently postpone and avoid undertaking or completing a task or making a decision. Most importantly, procrastination involves the intentional delay of action without any foreseeable reason or likely benefit. Procrastination is a highly irrational behavioral form of self-handicapping, as most self aware procrastinators realize and accept that delay will not contribute to their goals. Procrastinators not only act with the understanding that delay could have a detrimental impact on the outcome of their task, but with the expectation that it will result in an unfavorable situational outcome.The primary manifestations of self-handicapping through procrastination include excessive sleeping, watching television, playing computer games, social activities and disruptions, alcohol and other drug use, environmental handicaps, music, noise distraction and having a cluttered and disorganized living space.Although common, these forms of procrastination can have a profound impact on more than ones grades. People engage in procrastination to significant degrees of discomfort and distress, often leading to or compounding existing physical, psychological and emotional complications. Procrastination commonly results in exceptionally high levels of stress, anxiety, guilt, profound depression, low self-esteem and general poor health.So with most procrastinators aware of their tendency and conscious of the consequences of their behavior, why do they continually procrastinate?Procrastination is not simply an illustration of laziness, indifference or poor time management, but a complex self-defeating behavior attributed to several primary causes. Procrastination must be understood within the context of various interrelated emotions, cognitions, behaviors, personality traits and psychological and social determinants.There are numerous identifiable personality traits, psychological conditions and social determinants that make some predisposed or susceptible to procrastination while others are not. While it has been hypothesized that there is a genetic predisposition towards procrastination, the specific causes of procrastination are believed to be rebelliousness, non-competitiveness, indifference, oppositional personality, neurotic extraversion, blocking-impulsivity, mindlessness, pessimism, depression, anxiety, passivity, perfectionism, fear of failure, low self-esteem, low self-efficacy and poor impulse control and maladaptive self-regulation.It is estimated that 95% of procrastinators dislike their habit and wish to overcome it. Fortunately, there are methods of treating and overcoming procrastination through identifying the etiology (causes) of procrastination and addressing it through developing effective self-regulatory techniques and the active reinforcement of ones self-efficacy.One common cause of procrastination is related to its perception as a positive study tool. Adaptive techniques of academic procrastination include cognitive maximization or feeling the flow and peak experience, both induced by the heightened stress and time constraints that procrastination creates. Those who engage in procrastination for this reason believe that it benefits the outcome of their task.A similar cause of procrastination that is seen as beneficial by those who engage in it is beneficial deliberation. This form of procrastination is seen as a functional delay, with potential benefits arising from a refusal to over commit, rush and stress over the task at hand. However, it has been shown through extensive research that procrastination rarely results in a positive outcome and usually has a significantly detrimental impact on ones task and long term goals, as procrastinators continually perform poorly under the conditions of heightened pressure they intentionally create.People who do not view procrastination as an adaptive technique and who identify no tangible reason to delay action are much less likely to procrastinate. Therefore, for procrastination to be avoided or overcome, one must first recognize procrastination as a negative personality trait that offers little chance of a beneficial outcome and jeopardizes ones goals.Another form of procrastination arises from self-regulatory failure attributed to the correlated personality traits of indecision and perfectionism. This self regulatory failure involves the tendency of perfectionists to wait for all the possible evidence to be available to them to develop a perfect response, product or action. Through indecision and perfectionism, one waits to commit to a task and hopes for more and better information that would provide a better product and outcome. This perfectionism is caused by the elevated evidence requirements that perfectionists exhibit. Perfectionists are driven to procrastinate because they are highly critical of their behavior and are unable to act unless they are certain that they satisfy their own exceedingly high expectations. Perfectionists display high concern over mistakes, self doubt, excessively high expectations of self and avoidance of social criticism and disappointment, all of which cause them to habitually procrastinate.The presence of indecision and perfectionism as personality traits are further explanations of why some people procrastinate, while others do not. To overcome procrastination caused by indecision and perfectionism, one must overcome the tendency to worry and delay, both of which are caused by excessively high standards, in effective self-regulation and concern over criticism.Another personality trait that causes procrastination is having a low action identity. This means that despite their often highly specific intentions, procrastinators consistently defer the actualization of their intentions. This is caused by a maladaptive action personality and the absence of a broad perspective on their actions. Having a low action identity provides an important explanation as to why some people do procrastinate, and others do not. To overcome chronic procrastination, one must develop a high action identity through effective self-regulation, more specifically through the development of effective time management and cognitive coping mechanism that would allow procrastinators to actualize their intentions.Another significant cause of procrastination is ones level of intrinsic motivation and the absence of a genuine desire to pursue an outcome. People with innate enthusiasm and a sense of purpose are less likely to procrastinate. The absence of innate genuine motivation identifies why some people procrastinate, while others do not. This also highlights procrastination as a complex motivational problem and provides an explanation for procrastination through self-determination and self-regulation theories. To overcome a lack of motivation, one must treat the closely correlated causes of anxiety and depression to boost ones self-efficacy and develop enthusiasm, a sense of purpose and long term goals that one wished to achieve.Another cause of procrastination is role conflict that often exists between ones studies and interpersonal relationships. The conflict arises from the clash of ones separate self-identities and the mismanagement of ones professional, academic, social and personal life. The lack of intrinsic motivation and efficient self-regulation in these differing roles is a significantly relevant cause of procrastination and indicates that the multiple roles are often incompatible. Procrastinators often succumb to guilt and ambivalence arising from neglecting friends, causing them to devote an inordinate amount of time to social activities and personal relationships and ignore their academic or professional responsibilities. Role conflict results from low levels of self-determined motivation across academic and social roles. People who are self-determined in their professional, academic and social roles procrastinate less, while people who lack intrinsic self-determination are more likely to procrastinate. Effective self-determination and self-regulation in professional, academic and personal roles will avoid internal conflict between ones differing roles and self-identities and avoid or overcome procrastination.Decades of academic and clinical research have identified the predominant conditions under which people procrastinate as any threat to self-integrity. Therefore, the most relatively significant and complex cause of procrastination is a fear of failure, which is heavily correlated with anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. This cause highlights how procrastination fulfils a psychological purpose as a defense mechanism that functions to protect vulnerable self and social-esteem and not exacerbate high social anxiety and self-consciousness.The fundamental cause of an aversion to a task is largely dependent on the evaluative nature of that task. Procrastination arises from a fear of failure and the possibility of any reflection or assessment of ones abilities. Here, it is evident that procrastination arises from a perceived threat to ones ego, as a procrastinators sense of self worth is fundamentally related to his or her assessed ability. Procrastinators therefore actively pursue and engage in self-handicapping and sabotage that inhibits accurate performance assessments.Procrastinators also exhibit the tendency of blame external elements and voice situational excuses instead of accepting responsibility for failure. Conveniently, the act of procrastination is itself attributed as their source of failure. Procrastinators believe that they did not perform poorly because of a lack of intelligence or ability, but because of an insufficient amount of time in which to complete the task. By inhibiting accurate performance assessments, ones true ability is never revealed and ones vulnerable self-esteem is not threatened.Procrastination can therefore be reduced to a tool of denial and self-deception designed to protect ones fragile self image. Procrastination most is commonly used as a mechanism of task avoidance by people with low self-esteem and high social anxiety to mitigate the significance of performance judgments. This complex cause of procrastination can be treated by engaging in active positive reinforcement, which serves to reinforce ones self-efficacy and boost self-esteem, thus diminishing the need to self-sabotage in order to protect ones fragile self-esteem.There is various social, personality and psychological causes of procrastination, all of which can be individually identified, assessed, treated and overcome through the development of a high action identity, a positive mentality, a genuine desire to pursue goals high, effective self-regulation and through active self-affirmation that increases self-efficacy. It is crucial for ones physical and psychological health to treat and overcome this irrational self-sabotaging behavior. While there are numerous causes of and treatments for procrastination not mentioned in this article, the most important step to overcoming procrastination is to become self aware of any procrastinatory tendencies.

How Comfortable Classrooms Lead to a Better Student CommunityIts easy to accept the idea that children who attend clean, well-maintained school have an easier time succeeding than those who dont. But do the environments teachers create in their classrooms have an impact on their students ability to learn?The research says they can. According to Dr. Sheryl Reinisch, director of Early Childhood Education Programs at Concordia University Portland, studiesindicate that high-quality classroom environments help children feel safe, secure, and valued. As a result, self-esteem increases and students are motivated to engage in the learning process.The living room effect: When Im relaxed, Im more ready to learn Dr. Reinisch cites a study of 25 first-graders whose classroom was revamped over a period of four months to include appealing elements such as comfortable reading spaces, fish, plants and displays of student artwork. The childrens reactions were recorded through interviews, student journals and observations.The first-graders expressed ownership and pride at their artwork being included in the classroom decor, and their journals, comments and drawings expressed appreciation for the aesthetic additions to their environment.Students in the study said that being comfortable helped them feel at home in their classroom, which in turn helped them learn. Quotes included:I feel relaxed. When Im relaxed Im more ready to learn.Its like a little living room when the plants are here.Up here [in the reading loft] makes me learn because I read and its comfortable reading here.

How important is a comfortable classroom?Of the elements teachers might consider adding to their classrooms, which ones are the most important to student success? Reinisch notes another study in which 775 students identified comfort as most necessary in their classroom. The students, who ranged from fourth to eighth grade, also correlated the following elements to a good learning environment:A clean classroomArtwork and wall decorationsA classroom petLets look at each of these in a bit more detail:Clean classroomsBecause children have an almost infinite capacity for making messes and spreading germs, its incumbent on teachers to tackle cleanliness issues head-on. A few things to keep in mind: Spills should be reported to the maintenance staff immediately to prevent mold and bacteria from taking on a life of their own.Kids should be schooled in sanitation, washing their hands after potty breaks, using hand sanitizer and avoiding hand-to-hand contact when they have colds and the flu. Never let your own work pile up and clutter your desk or any areas of the classroom. Clutter makes it that much harder to get through your lessons efficiently. Always tidy up before you leave for the day.Artwork and wall decorationsDecorating school walls with childrens artwork is as old as school itself. Suggestions for classroom art:With an eye toward keeping the room clean, save the glue, scissors and glitter for special occasions and make sure you account for the time required to get the room back in order before the end of the school day. Kids can work wonders with a few crayons and pencils.The Internet has become a vast trove of ideas for classroom art projects. The image-sharing site Pinterest is a particularly rich resource. Because there are no limits on what you can do with art in your classroom, its easier on your brain to keep it simple: connect artwork to lessons, current events, holidays and such.A classroom petHamsters, bunnies and aquarium fish have much to teach us about behavior, diet and socialization. Pets also fuel childrens natural fascination with animals, so they naturally enhance the classroom environment. Of course, animals also can carry diseases and spread allergens, so you have to keep a few things in mind before bringing critters to class:Does your school have plan for pets in place? If not, a handy brochure from the department of public health in Columbus, Ohio, offers excellent guidance on having pets in the classroom. Do you have a way to inform parents of any pets that will be in a classroom, in case your students have allergies or phobias? As the teacher, are you comfortable with being responsible for the keeping the pets fed, preventing students from harming the animals and preventing the animals from harming students? Note that pets should not be in the class for fun; they should be brought in only to advance the learning objectives of your class.Keys to making school comfortableTeachers arent the only ones who can improve the classroom environment. Administrators and school boards can do their part by investing in more aesthetically supportive schools.Prakash Nair, author of The Language of School Design: Design Patterns for 21st Century Schools, has developed a host of ways that schools can make their classrooms more comfortable. The noted school designer and educational aesthetics expert suggests:Clearing the air: Cleaner, fresher air improves the lives of children with asthma and allergies, and improves livability for the whole class.Reducing the racket: Noisy bells, buzzers and even loud air conditioners can make life miserable in a classroom.Minding their emotions: Kids learn more effectively in an environment that provides emotional support and avoids emotional upset.A commenter on Nairs post noted: I was surprised by responses to a survey I gave to middle-schoolers two years ago. I just assumed that they would want fewer punishments, no homework, more respect etc., but what they wanted most were comfy chairs. The students even suggested that they be allowed to make or decorate seat cushions.Doing your part to make classrooms more welcoming. The evidence appears to show that small changes can make a big difference in classroom environments. Teachers who include cleanup time in their classroom management or create something as simple as a space to display students art can help students feel empowered to learn.

Cleaning Up the EnvironmentByLaura M., Auburn, NY"Yeah I want to clean up the environment, but what can I do? One person can't make a difference."It is hard for one person to make a change, but when all of us "one persons" get together we can make a notable impact on our society. First, start by getting all the "one persons" together in your school. Better yet, get all those people together and start your school's very own Environmental Club! That's what we did at Auburn High School. Our club started because kids wanted to clean up our earth. They realized the impetus has to begin with cleaning up the environment closest to you.One program we started was a clean-up of our school's outdoor campus. We were disgusted with the amounts of pollution we found scattered around our school. So we decided to do something about it and make our efforts noticeable to the rest of the student body. We arranged to pick up trash during lunch and after school. At both times the outdoor campus is used and visible to the school population. We put the trash on display so the whole school could enjoy the garbage collage they created.To earn money we held a canvas bag sale. We were hoping that people would replace their paper lunch bags with our economically and environmentally sound bags. We bought bulk canvas and sewed the bags ourselves. This enabled us to sell the bags for only four dollars. Not only were the bags cheaper than their store bought cousins, but the club was able to make a three dollar profit from each bag, which added up when we sold over 60 bags in only three days.Another project we started was recycling old Christmas trees. We advertised this new program in local Christmas tree outlets. After Christmas we also asked our neighbors if we could replant their still-living trees. We intend to plant these otherwise wasted trees in local parks and behind our school.In the months to come we have a number of projects planned. We hope to re-establish our paper recycling program which was postponed due to limited storage space. We have planned another outdoor campus clean-up this spring. We will also make reusable laminated hall passes to replace the wasteful paper ones. So now that you have some ideas for your school's environmental club, get started. Let's show the world what a difference kids can make.

How Emotions Affect LearningRobert SylwesterNew developments in cognitive science are unraveling the mysteries of emotions; the findings have much to teach us about how students door do notlearn. John Dewey began this century with an eloquent plea for the education of thewhole child. If we get around to that kind of education by the end of the century, emotion research may well provide the catalyst we need.Our profession pays lip service to the whole student, but school activities tend to focus on measurable rational qualities. We measure spelling accuracy, not emotional well-being. And when the budget gets tight, we cut curricular areas like the arts, expressive subjects that are difficult to measure.We know emotion is important in educationit drives attention, which in turn drives learning and memory. But because we don't fully understand our emotional system, we don't know exactly how to regulate it in school, beyond defining too much or too little emotion as misbehavior. We have rarely incorporated emotion comfortably into the curriculum and classroom. Further, our profession hasn't fully addressed the important relationship between a stimulating and emotionally positive classroom experience and the overall health of both students and staff.Recent developments in the cognitive sciences are unlocking the mysteries of how and where our body/brain processes emotion. This unique melding of the biology and psychology of emotion promises to suggest powerful educational applications. Current emotion theory and research bring up more questions than answers. Still, educators should develop a basic understanding of the psychobiology of emotion to enable them to evaluate emerging educational applications.Following is a basic introduction to the role our emotional system plays in learning, and the potential classroom applications of this research.The living room effect: When Im relaxed, Im more ready to learn Dr.Reinisch cites a study of 25 first-graders whose classroom was revamped over a period of four months to include appealing elements such as comfortable reading spaces, fish, plants and displays of student artwork. The childrens reactions were recorded through interviews, student journals and observations. The first-graders expressed ownership and pride at their artwork being included in the classroom decor, and their journals, comments and drawings expressed appreciation for the aesthetic additions to their environment. Students in the study said that being comfortable helped them feel at home in their classroom, which in turn helped them learn. Quotes included:I feel relaxed. When Im relaxed Im more ready to learn.Its like a little living room when the plants are here.Up here [in the reading loft] makes me learn because I read and its comfortable reading here.Unfortunately, the high expectations of school health and hygiene education programmes have not always been fulfilled. In many countries, schools are not safe for children due to neglected of the operation and maintenance of facilities. In addition hygiene education given to children has not always been relevant or effective. Schools too often suffer from:As the children are the key source and the future parents what they learned is likely to be applied in the rest of their lives. Moreover, they already have important roles in the household (e.g. taking care of younger brothers and sisters and they may share concerns regarding existing practices in the household. If children are brought into the development process as active participants they can become change agents within their families and a stimulus to community development. They are eager to learn and help, and if they see environmental care and their role in this as important, they will take care of their own health and the health of others. Being tomorrows parents, children are also likely to ensure the sustainability of a programmes impact.Learn better and take back to their families concepts and practices on sanitation and hygiene . in this way , investment in education is more productive. Children perform better when they function in a hygienic and clean environment.Schools provide excellent opportunities to support sanitation and hygiene promotion programs. The curriculum naturally offers opportunities to teach about dirt and disease and what can practically be done to improve health through better sanitation and hygiene. Construction and use of appropriate child friendly sanitary facilities can be especially effective in reducing the incidence of diarrhea.Schools may be better locations in which to enforce certain behaviors in children than the home. Schools can also provide an arena where sanitation can be shown at its best, and certain positive hygienic behaviors can become an engrained habit at a young age.Nowadays this is the current topic of our country and it is very important for every citizen to keep the surrounding clean and it is our duty and responsibility to keep the surrounding clean. It is major concern of all citizens. Narendra Modi has taken very good steps towards cleanliness.As to stay healthy we keep ourselves clean similarly, if we want the nation to be healthy we must keep it clean. We can spread awareness in the society about the need of cleanliness. As individual we can take the initiative to spread awareness. We can also start it at the basis level we must keep our house clean. - Akshar Barad.If everyone maintains cleanliness in this attitude than the whole world will become a better place to live in. This should be the fundamental responsibility of every civilized human being. -Tenjentiba PongenerAnd in society it is the responsibility of each and every human being to maintain certain hygienic standards. A clean environment besides being a pleasure to live in, is a healthy environment.Cleanliness is a good habit which everyone should have to have a healthy life and standard lifestyle. Our Prime Minister, Narenda Modi has started a cleanliness campaign Clean India or Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. We should understand the cleanliness its not only responsibility of our Prime Minister however, it is the responsibility of each and every person living on this earth. We conjointly should actively participate in this campaign for the healthy life of all of us.Cleanliness is a greatest virtue which should be followed by everyone as a great responsibility to enhance the standard of life. We should take care of our personal cleanliness, environment cleanliness, surrounding cleanliness and work place cleanliness.As an emotion, disgust is designed as a protection, said Vikas Mital the J. Hugh Liedtke Professor of Marketing at Rices Jones Graduate School Business. When people feel disgusted, they tend to remove themselves from a situation. The instinct is to protect oneself. People become focused on self and theyre less likely to think about other people. Small cheating to start to occur: if Im disgusted and more focused on myself and I need to lie a little bit to gain more advantage Ill do that. Thats the underlying mechanism.

Class supplies can get expensiveAug. 26, 2007 Written byMandy M. Goodnight News EditorLashondra Jones walked into her sixth-grade classroom at Peabody Montessori Elementary School in Alexandria and was amazed. The 11-year-old had never before seen a room turned into a castle. "It was cool," she said. "I was surprised the teacher had worked so hard." Lashondra thought her teacher, Cari Ann Nicholson, had spent her summer as she did, relaxing and having fun. But for many teachers, in Rapides Parish and elsewhere, summer is a time to get work done. It also is when they buy supplies and decorations for their classrooms, usually out of their own pockets.There are paint, letters and borders for boards, wall decorations, rewards for student achievement -- just to name a few things teachers buy and for which in most cases are not reimbursed. Teachers say the effort can get expensive.At L.S. Rugg Elementary School, the first-grade teachers created an outdoor theme complete with moose characters hanging on the walls and a cabin feel in the entrance. Principal Vicki Smith said her teachers spent hundreds of dollars on the supplies and a lot of their time getting the school ready."A lot of teachers put in their time and money to bring their lessons and classrooms to life for the students," said Nancy Noles, the art teacher at J.I. Barron Elementary School in Pineville. "We do it just for the kids, and I wouldn't have it any other way."Teaching comes at a price for teachers. According to Quality Education Data's 2006-2007 Teacher Buying Behavior Report, teachers spent on average $475 of their own money for supplies and materials. Forty-four percent of those surveyed spent more than $500, and 20 percent said they spent more than $1,000."We do all this for the kids," Noles said. She and J.I. Barron Assistant Principal Debbie Whatley spent much of their summer at the school painting and creating a different atmosphere for the students. Noles painted name plates for each teacher. She did artwork for the school's lobby and is working after school and nights on a painting outside on the gym wall.Whatley painted designs on the school's walls, decorated new display boards in the hallways and painted awnings on the cafeteria windows to give it a caf feel. "I took one week off this summer," she said. The school's new look also inspired the teachers. Walking into Colinda Speer's fifth-grade classroom is like stepping onto Louisiana State University's main campus in Baton Rouge.The room is purple and gold -- even her media trays and accordion-style wall are painted. LSU memorabilia hangs on the walls. Speer said her husband helped with the painting, on which the family spent about $140. The Speers went to Baton Rouge for LSU decorations. "You live here, practically," she said of her classroom. "This is like my house." Teachers in the school's portable buildings also wanted to be a part of the transformation and painted their doors. The paint they bought, however, bubbled and came off in the heat, so they went and bought the correct paint to survive the weather."They didn't have to do that," Whatley said. "These teachers go beyond what is required from them. They put their own money, their own time and their hearts into making the school and classroom special for the students." Noles and Whatley said the children's faces on the first day made the expense and work worth it. "It is a small sacrifice when you see their eyes light up walking into the school and classroom," Whatley said. Nicholson agreed.She worked the month of June until the school's air conditioning was shut off for the summer to create her castle. "Seeing their faces on the first day was the reward," she said. Peabody Montessori Principal Rena Linzay said the classroom environment is a big part of education and helping students to be successful. Students want to come to a place where it is nice and there are things to grab their attention, she said. Nicholson's classroom does grab the eye. Her walls look like stones. Her windows have the appearance of stained-glass works of art. Horns hang on the wall, and she uses a wooden sword as a pointer."Every royal court needs a castle, and these sixth-graders are our school's royal court," she said. Tanner Lowe, 11, said the only thing missing was a dragon. "I appreciated her work," he said, "and this is more fun than a regular classroom."

The Art of Dadliness: How to Get Your Kids to Do Their Chores (And Why Its So Important They Do Them)By: Brett Mckay & Kate Mckay September 19, 2012Allowance for chores? Theres a lot of debate as to whether you should or should not give your kids an allowance for completing chores. One of the benefits of giving your children money in exchange for doing chores is that it teaches them the connection between work and money. They learn that if they want something in life, they have to work for it.But there are some possible downsides of trying to entice chore-completion with money, and they relate to the roots of human motivation. Psychologists break down motivation into two types: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation comes from within you want to do something because you enjoy it, it interests you, or its in line with your values. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside the person either someone is making you do something, or youre motivated by a reward like stickers or money. The problem with extrinsic motivation is that the satisfaction gained from a task moves from the task itself to the reward for the task. Thus, if the reward is taken away, the behavior ceases. Studies have shown that once children are offered a reward for an activity, their interest in that activity declines.

Alice Ferguson Foundation (Accokeek, Maryland, United States)Trash Free SchoolsWhat does it mean to be Trash Free? Trash Free does not necessarily mean that no trash is produced. Being a Trash Free School means you have signed the Pledge and are actively working on reducing school waste in a long-lasting sustainable manner.The Trash Free Schools Project works to educate and empower students, faculty, and staff to reduce their schools waste footprint by providing education and resources, including a comprehensive Guidebook, to aid in rethinking, reducing, reusing, and recycling. As part of the project, students and staff at K-12 schools will have the resources needed to investigate an environmental issue while implementing a strong waste reduction and litter prevention strategy.According to the EPA, the average American throws away 4.43 pounds of trash each day, wasting valuable resources that could have been reused, recycled, or conserved. Disposable items, such as plastic bottles and food wrappers, are commonly littered, finding their way into our streets then into our waterways, where they threaten the health of our communities and our environment (read more here). Make a commitment to reducing waste through our Trash Free Schools project and begin addressing this important issue, one that everyone can play a role in solving.How Can Your School Benefit?Create an active and environmentally-aware school culture by increasing participation and engagement among the school body. Foster environmental stewardship through student action by teaching the process of how to recognize, investigate, and take action on an environmental issue.Gain recognition as an environmental leader among schools and establish a starting point for other green certification programs. Integrate waste reduction and environmental themesinto lessons andcurricular. Provide a great service learning opportunity for students.

By Kara Pennino,October 3rd, 2014AFF Community Outreach LiaisonThere has been a lot of talk recently about how to grab the attention of people in their teens and twenties, also known as millennials. The Trash Team has been particularly interested in how to target this young generation, influence them to generate less waste, and keep their communities litter free. We were inspired to target this audience because of the results of our 2013 pilot evaluation of our Regional Litter Prevention Campaign. This pilot showed a 45% reduction in the number of people littering after campaign material was posted nearby. While we were ecstatic about the results, we wanted to do better. We wanted to know who was still littering after the Litter Campaign was posted and how we could better target them. We found that a large majority of those who were still littering were millennials, specifically those between the ages of 15 and 29. We decided to work with the social research firm, Opinion Works, to do more research into why this segment of the population was less impacted by our Campaign.In June we held two focus groups in Prince Georges County with self-proclaimed litterers between the ages of 18 and 30. Our goal was to find distinct ways to supplement our current Litter Campaign with new material that is more impactful for our target audience. We decided to target millennials in Prince Georges County between the towns of Capitol Heights and Forest Heights, where we have been doing community outreach for the last two years (this is part of our strategy, called community based social marketing).So what grabs the attention of millennials who litter? Authentic, realistic and personal images. The millennials we interviewed were literal-minded and locally oriented. They want campaigns that are relatable to their everyday experience. For instance, instead of a photo of a park that is clearly not in their neighborhood, they want to be able to picture themselves in a littered park in their neighborhood. Being able to imagine theirselves as part of the scene opens them to feeling its impact viscerally. Test images that were taken in D.C. or Virginia were dismissed because the participants did not view the location as part of their communities, and therefore they were not emotionally invested.



Students are doing their task of cleaning everyday

The table reveals that the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for the school year 2014-2015 are doing their part as a cleaner of the day.The above result is supported by Rynn Yusuf, a Blog spot user, who said that it is very important for a school to be clean and beautiful. That student need to be sure that their room is clean for them to be relaxed, to feel comfortable and to enjoy the activities carried out in school. Everyone must participate in maintaining a clean classroom. By providing some duty roster can make you sure that everyone will participate and the job will be divided equally. Based on the answer of the students, cleaners always do their job, maybe because they are following the task that is given to them on a given day. They are being responsible enough as a cleaner in maintaining their classroom clean without even told by their teacher. And we can see some classroom in BNIINHS that is really clean and beautiful. It is because of the decorations that was made by the students who has the initiative as one of the cleaner in decorating and maintaining a clean classroom.Other 63 students disagree that the cleaner of the day do their task. It is supported by the essay The Environment And How We Can Improve It where we, students or cleaners, are the people living here on earth and our school is our environment. And those pieces of paper that is seen inside the classroom are the garbage that is just thrown anywhere. We, as the people here on earth, are not doing our responsibility on protecting our environment to the pollution that might occur. On the other hand, the assigned cleaners are not doing their tasks to maintain and to have a beautiful classroom. Instead, they are making a way for the school to be dirty and uncomfortable place to study.The rest 21 students answered Does not say. Redhead08, a yahoo user supported this idea who said that the students are not responsible for the cleanliness of another building or the classroom. It doesnt seems right for him or her that the students are being forced to clean their classroom and maybe this is the reason why students do not care about the cleanliness of the room. They think that it is not their responsibility in cleaning a classroom because Redhead08 said that it is like a child labor or something that the students shouldnt be obliged or forced to work as a cleaner but rather be responsible enough for their own trashes. For them, clean or dirty classroom is just fine and not a big deal. That is the reason why BNIINHS students dont care about it and maybe, those students who answered Does not say shares the same perspective like Redhead08.

Table 2:Students point of view regarding ones initiative of cleaning their roomYes%No%Does not say%


The result reveals that the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for the school year 2014-2015 have the initiative cleaning their respective rooms.It is supported by the source ( clean-and-organized-classroom.html) as it stated that there are some important reasons for keeping the classroom clean and these are health, care mood and impression. A clean classroom helps the students to stay healthy and to fight against the spread of germs. It also tells the students to care about their area that can affect to their moods, if their classroom is unclean, they feel frustration and sadness but classrooms can make everyone feel better if only it is presentable and organized. Also, it makes a good impression about you as a professional. As a connection to the result of the poll, 101 students who answered Yes have their initiative to clean their classroom because of the reason stated in the source. Since they are the one being benefited to this.The result also reveals that 26 respondents answered No whereas they do not have the initiative to clean their area. The source (http://secondsofeternity.hubpages .com/hub/The-primary-causes-of-procrastination-and-how-to-overcome-it) said that some people have their procrastination. It is often overlooked as a psychological disorder and simplistically attributed to laziness. Procrastination is the tendency to avoid or delay acting upon a task or activity under ones immediate control. Those so called procrastinators persistently postpone and avoid undertaking or compelling a task or making decisions. They are not accepting or dealing with their obligations. The source also stated the different factors caused by procrastination including excessive sleeping, watching television, playing computer games, social activities and disruptions, noise distraction and having a cluttered and disorganized living spaces. Those respondents who answered No perhaps have the same behavior with the said procrastinators. They are not doing their tasks assigned to them and they can concentrate well to their studies even their room is unclean.23 students replied Does not say. According to Dr. Sheryl Reinisch, director of Early Childhood Education Programs at Concordia University Portland, studies indicate that high-quality classroom environments help the children feel safe, secure, and valued. As a result, self-esteem increases and students are motivated to engage in the learning process. It can be inferred to this that those who answered Does not say maybe they do not have their full concern about how the cleanliness is being implemented in the school premises.

Table 3:Maintaining sanitation and neatness is a basis of students being responsibleYes%No%Does not say%


The table reveals that the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for 2014-2015 agreed that how responsible they are can be determined through the means of maintaining sanitation and neatness of their classroom.The above result is supported by Temjentiba Pongener, working in All India Radio Kohima as Announcer, who said that if everyone maintains cleanliness, in this attitude then the world will become a better place to live in. This should be the fundamental responsibility of every civilized being. Cleanliness is also the greatest virtue which should be followed by everyone as a great responsibility to enhance the standard of life. In addition, Akshar Barad, a consulting Physician in X-6/101, Earth Complex, Akshar Chowk, Old Padra Road, Akshar Chowk, Vadodara, Gujarat 390020, India, also stated that in order for us to stay healthy we must keep it clean. We can spread awareness in the society about the need of cleanliness. As individual, we can make the initiative to spread awareness. We can also start it with the basic level; we must keep our house clean.On the other hand, no one answered No. It is because based on Kathryn Rateliff Barr, a Pastor family Counselor and taught birth, parenting, vaccinations and alternative medicine classes since 1994, the classroom is the student work place for the entire school year and as being where they spend their hour most of the day. Also, to maintain a safe and effective learning environment that will enhance academic achievement and protect their overall health and because of that no one answered No for it is really the responsibility of the students to maintain neatness and sanitation inside the classroom.And the other 12 students choose to answer Does not say. It can be implied with what Vikas Mittal, the J.Hugh Liedtke Professor of Marketing at Rices Jones Graduate School of Business have said that when the people feel disgusted, they tend to remove themselves from a situation. The instinct is to protect oneself. People become focused on self and theyre less likely think about other people and maybe thats the reason why some people didnt know what to say in regards to cleanliness when they are disgusted.

Table 4:Rates of Students concentration if the room is unclean and a bit messyYes%No%Does not say%


The result reveals that the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for 2014-2015 cannot completely concentrate on studying if their classroom is unclean and a bit messy.The table shows that 24 respondents agreed they can completely concentrate on studying even the room is unclean. Dr. Reinisch, a teacher did a study of 25 first-graders whose classroom was revamped over a period of four months to include appealing elements such as comfortable reading spaces, fish, plants, and displays of students artwork. The childrens reactions were recorded through interviews, student journals and observations. The first-graders expressed ownership and pride at their artwork being included in the classroom decor, and their journals, comments and drawings expressed appreciation for the aesthetic addition to their environment. Students in the study said that being comfortable helped them feel at home in their classroom for the reason that clean room helps your brain to work more productive, which in turn helped them learn. Some of the students stated that when they are feeling relaxed; they are more ready to learn.Other 108 dont agree by answering No. It is because according to Erin Roland, Researchers at the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute published the result of a study they conducted in the January issue of The Journal of Neuroscience that relates directly to uncluttered and organized living. From their report Interactions of top-down and bottom-up mechanisms in human visual cortex. Multiple stimuli present in the visual field at the same complete for neural representation by mutually suppressing their evoked activity throughout visual cortex, providing a neural correlate for the limited processing capacity of the visual system. Or, to paraphrase in non-neuroscience jargon: when your environment is cluttered, the chaos restricts your ability to focus. The clutter also limits your brains ability to process information. Clutter makes you distracted and unable to process information as wall as you do in an uncluttered, organized and serene environment. The clutter competes for your attention in the same way a toddler might stand next to you annoyingly repeating, candy, candy, candy, I want candy, candy, candy, candy, candy, candy, candy Even though you might be able to focus a little, youre still aware that a screaming toddler is also vying for your attention. The annoyance also wears down your mental resources and you are more likely to become frustrated. The researchers used Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) and other physiological measurement tools to map the brains responses to organized and disorganized stimuli and to monitor task performance. The conclusion were strong - if you want to focus to best of your ability and process information as effectively as possible, you need to clear the clutter from your home and work environment this research shows that you will be less irritable, more productive, distracted less often, and able to process information better with an uncluttered and organized home and office.The rest 18 respondents cant answer whether Yes or No it is because according to Robert Sylwester, a Psychologist, emotions do more responsibilities in ones learning. John Dewey, a psychologist also began this century with an eloquent plea for the education of the whole child. If we get around to that kind of education by the end of the century, emotion research may well provide the catalyst we need. Our profession pays lip service to the whole student, but school activities tend to focus on measurable rational qualities. We measure spelling accuracy, not emotional well-being. And when the budget gets tight, we cut curricular areas like the arts, expressive subjects that are difficult to measure. We know emotion is important in education-it drives attention, which in turn drives learning and memory. But because we dont fully understand our emotional system, we dont know exactly how to regulate it in school, beyond defining too much or too little emotion as misbehavior. We have rarely incorporated emotion comfortably into the curriculum and classroom. Further, our profession hasnt fully addressed the important relationship between a stimulating and emotionally positive classroom experience and the overall health of both students and staffs. Following is a basic introduction to the role our emotional system plays in learning, and the potential classroom applications of this research.

Table 5:Cleanliness is what students are after in participating Ganda ng Bahay Ko program



The table reveals that the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for 2014-2015 are after with the cleanliness of their classroom in participating the Gander ng Bahay Ko program.The above result shows that 95 respondents are after with the cleanliness. A clean, well-ordered school environment in many countries helped the students to develop good habits of cleanliness. According to Darren, a janitor in an Australian High School, now we see filth in the classroom as well, some students take the instruction Pick it up or Clean it up to mean that they are being punished. The problem is that some teachers do use cleaning as a mean of punishment. It is because cleanliness means different things to different people.The other 28 students say that they are participating for them to recognize having the best of the all the classroom. Based on a site from an organization in Australia, the students are encouraged to be philanthropic within their classroom, school and family. The students recognize that their classroom is a community because the students are brought together for a common purpose. They analyze how philanthropy and affect the common good of the community.On the other hand, 11 respondents stated that they are waiting for additional grade by their adviser. According to a newspaper issued on August 10 last year in US, the importance of cleanliness must be spread not only in the classroom but also in our community. American teachers also reported that cleaning their classroom has become their own responsibility and challenge. It is well known that regular hand washing is the first line of defense in preventing the transfer of germs that may cause illness and therefore it is regularly practiced in schools. Said Dr. Paul S. Horowitz M.D. the teachers let the students to know the different aspects of cleanliness and apply it to themselves by the use of different activities like reporting and presentation that correspond grades.The other 8 students chose the consideration of their health in a well-organized classroom. According to a site, the purpose of cleanliness includes health, beauty, avoidance of shame, and avoidance of spreading of dirt and contaminants to oneself and others. When the floor was with waste strewn all over, the students looks distressed about the condition of their working environment. On the other hand, when you see a bright and clean classroom with the children happy and content, we can feel the difference within ourselves. Therefore it proves that they are happier in a cleaner surroundings and it makes them healthier not only physically but also mentally.And the last 8 respondents answered that they are after the prize. According to the latest circular on the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Website, the campaign called Expression Series will be conducted from October 2 to 15 where students will get a reward ranging from Rs 2,500 to Rs 25,000 on a daily basis and more rewards if they continue the campaign beyond the last date given. It was only held in Middle East countries. Just like on other countries, students should receive maybe just a simple reward for them to continue their responsibilities and for giving an appreciation of giving the importance of cleanliness inside the classroom.

Table 6:Students perception in a clean and well-decorated roomComfortable%Uncomfortable%Does not say%


The result reveals that the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for 2014-2015 are comfortable enough inside a clean and well-decorated classroom.The above result is supported by Malik Faisal Moonzajer, an Afghan writer who said that we may not have a choice to be rich or uncomfortable, but whatever happens, we do always have the choice to be so educated person. This can be interpreted that if someone is in a room filled with eye-candy designs and a room that is well-cleaned, it cant be helped but to feel at ease and comfortable. It inspires people to study thoroughly and make things in a lively way. But still, whatever the environment is, it is laid in the people to have their choice in becoming an educated person, it is up to themselves what to do, if they will just slack off or get a book and read.In the survey, some respondents say that in spite of being inside well-decorated room, they still feel uncomfortable. In the quote said by Catherine Ryan Hyde that even though it was beautiful and comfortable, and even though it is the world, it was also a little bit boring. No lonely, thats it. It was a little bit lonely. People feel uncomfortable not because of the room itself, but because of the people that surrounds them. There are people that feel lonely even though they are with lots of people physically, but they still feel alone because they dont have someone to lean on inside that room. Being inside a beautiful and comfortable room doesnt mean people will feel enthusiast and joyful. It depends to the people that hang around them.Confucius said that wherever you go, go with all your heart. We can say that the respondents who answered Does not say are ok wherever they stay, they dont have an opinion on their surroundings, theyre just living their life, not giving a care in the room their stepping.

Table 7:Class fund and contribution are where students get their finance for cleaning materialsClass fund%Contribution%


The table reveals that the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for 2014-2015 get theirs by means of class fund and contribution.

The above result is supported by Mrs. Rosemarie Encinas (Grade 9 teacher) who said that it is not only the money they get from their class fund that they used because they also conducted contribution, for the real purpose of the class fund is the students savings fund for their Christmas party and if they spend it all just for Ganda ng Bahay Ko program, they will no longer have enough fund to suffice the afore mentioned purpose of it. This statement dwells too Mrs. Aileen Palu-ay (4th year teacher) based on the held interview. As well as what Ms. Honeylet Topasi (Grade 9 teacher) response that supports the other two teachers point of view in this. This can be interpreted that students do the same just like what these teachers said.On the other hand, same number and percent of the former answered that they get their fund for decorating stuffs and cleaning materials through contribution. In connection to this is what Mrs. Marsha Peculados, Mrs. Joan Balbin (Grade 9 teachers) and Ms. Fritzie Seido (4th year teacher) stated. According to them, it will be hard for the students to contribute one buck at a time since most of students are in marginalized sector where in it is the reason why they study in such public school thats why they include contribution but together and the other half of it from the class fund of theirs. That same goes for the respondent thats why they end up with this say.

Table 8:Viewpoint of students with regards to the implementation of GNBKPYes%No%Does not say%


The result reveals that the Grade 9 and 4th year students like how the program is implemented in BNIINHS.133 answered Yes. In accordance in a 2008 national study titled Cleanliness and learning in higher education A professor at Brigham young university found that classroom cleanliness affects a students learning ability. Nearly 90 percent of the almost 1,500 students surveyed said the lack of of cleanliness becomes a distraction when learning. Classroom conditions are not just a matter of providing a good place to learn. Frequent cleaning helps eliminate some of the factors that contribute to poor indoor air quality and the spread of communicable diseases. Clutter in the school and classroom contributes to the accumulation of dirt and dust which can compromise air quality. It also provides breeding grounds and hiding spots for insects and rodents.Other 11 said No It can be related to the statement of Shobha Sharma, a business woman in Chandni that the women voters in North and Central areas of Delhi are demanding a clean city. Even though the region is in the heart of the national capital, heaps of garbage can be seen lying everywhere and the condition is same in both commercial as well as residential areas. But nothing happened. Cleanliness is their major issue here but nothing happened. There has been no difference that can be concluded where it same goes to the implementation of GNBKP.Lastly, six answered Does not say It is because based on Nicholas Sparks (The last song) Emotions come and go and cant be controlled so theres no reason to worry about them that in the end, people should be judged by their action since in the end it was actions that defined everyone. Wherein in this, students doesnt care about their surroundings, they are being impulsive. Doing what they want to do for what they like, for what they believe is true.

Table 9:The Effectiveness of Ganda ng Bahay Ko programA%B%C%


The table shows that the Ganda ng Bahay Ko program Is effective for the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for 2014-2015.79 respondents answered (A) It encourage students and teachers to be aware of their room sanitation. That being said that the respondents are now aware that their area might not be clean. More than half of students answered it which means that the respondents are encourage by the program to clean. Cleaning their room makes them feel comfortable according to the essay that Amanda Olivia blog. According to the essay, many schools in every country in the world struggle to keep their area clean and comfortable. The most common reason for this incapability is the size of the school and the number of the students. The respondents clean too because they do not feel comfortable in their school that has many students.According to Tian Jin (2010), he agrees that the students who keep their rooms clean and organize may be more successful than those who do not. 34 students answered (B) It keeps everything around the school premises clean and organized. Means that the respondents may also believe what Tian Jin believes in too.36 respondents answered (C) Because health should be considered in this matter allowing students to have a better performance in school. According to the factsheet that Marielle Snel (an author) She said that in schools hygiene education promotes practices that will help for the sanitation of facilities that will be the first step in learning physically that will allow the respondents to have a better performance in school.

Table 10:Ineffectiveness of Ganda ng Bahay Ko programA%B%C%


The result reveals that the Grade 9 and 4th year students of BNIINHS for 2014-2015 declared that there are still rooms filled with trash and improper garbage disposal thats why the program is not effective for them.As a connection to the result, Alice Ferguson Foundation (AFF) in Accokeek, Maryland, United States, trash free does not necessarily mean that no trash is produced. Being a Trash Free school means you have sign the pledge and are actively working on reducing school wastes in a long-lasting, sustainable manner. The Trash Free School Project works to educate and empower students, faculty, and staffs to reduce their schools waste footprint by providing education and resources, including a comprehensive guidebook, to aid in rethinking, reducing, reusing and recycling. As part of the project, students and staffs at K-12 schools will have the resources needed to investigate an environmental issue while implementing a strong waste reduction and litter prevention strategy. And also, according to Karra Pennino (2014) AFF Community outreach Liaison, there has been a lot of talk recently about how to grab the attention of people in their teens and twenties, also known as millennial. The trash team has been particularly interested in how to target this young generation, influence them to generate less waste, and keep their communities litter free. They were inspired to target this audience because of the result of the 2013 pilot evaluation of Regional Litter Prevention Campaign. This Pilot showed a 45% reduction in the number of people littering after campaign material was posted nearby. While they were ecstatic about the results, they wanted to do better. They wanted to know who was still littering after the litter campaign was posted and how they could better target them. Wherein students of BNIINHS have to do it in avoidance of improper garbage disposal and trash in their rooms.The other 48 students answered (B) It only proves that most of students dont have initiative cleaning their own room unless there will be a reward given. Associated to the article of Brett and Kate Mckay (2012), one of the benefits of giving your children money in exchange for doing chores is that it teaches them the connection between work and money. They learn that if they want something in life, they have to work for it. But there are some possible downside sof trying to entice chore-completion with money, and they relate to the roots of human motivation. Psychologist breakdown motivation into two types: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation comes from within you want to do something because you enjoy it, it interests you, or its in line with your values. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside the person either someone is making you do something or youre motivated by a reward. The problem with extrinsic motivation is that the satisfaction gained from a task moves from a task itself to the reward. Thus, if the reward is taken away, the behavior ceases studies have shown that once children are offered a reward for an activity, their interest in that activity declines.Lastly, 43 respondents answered (C) Cleaning materials and decorations for classroom is too expensive. It is because according to Mandy Goodnight, a supplies and decorations for their classrooms are usually out of their own pockets. There are paint, letters and borders for boards, wall decorations, rewards for students achievements just to name a few things teachers buy and for which in most cases are not reimbursed.


FINDINGSThe following findings were revealed on the study:1. Cleaners of the day are doing their obligation in maintaining their classroom clean.2. Students have the initiative cleaning their area.3. One being responsible can be determine through maintaining sanitation and neatness.4. Students cannot completely concentrate on studying when their area is uncleanedand a little bit of messy.5. Cleanliness is what students are after in participating Ganda ng Bahay Ko program.6. Students feel comfortable studying inside a clean and well decorated classroom.7. By means of both class fund and contribution get their money for decorating stuffs and cleaning materials.8. Student's like how GNBKP is being implemented in our school.9. Ganda ng Bahay Ko program is effective because it encourage students and teachers to be aware of their room sanitation.10. There are still rooms filled with trash and improper garbage disposal in spite of the implementation of the GNBKP that's why it's not effective.

CONCLUSIONThe group concluded that Ganda ng Bahay Ko program is effective. Due to keeping everything around the school premises clean and organize. It could be also the health that is being considered in this matter allowing students to have a better performance in school. And most especially, it encourages students and teachers to be aware of their room sanitation.

RECOMMENDATION BASED ON FINDINGS1. Having a clean and beautiful classroom is very important for them to be relaxed and feel cozy during their classes. So as a student not just because of being the cleaners of the day, they need to help each other in keeping their respective area clean for all of them are being benefited from it.2. Even without the command of your teachers, whether there are persons looking or not, although there are no rewards given, one must have the initiative cleaning his own room for a neat area provides a finer activity in school.3. Everyone has responsibilities. If your parents taught you how to maintain cleanliness at your very young age then you should perform that in your own classrooms. Keeping neatness is a responsibility that disregards distraction from learning. Through this, it allows a better health condition as well as a good impression from others.4. You're the one using your areas that's why it's a must to clean it whether you like it or not. It's not only your duty but also your responsibility. Take a deep breath and don't waste time. Classrooms is a vehicle for getting students from where they are when they enter the school house door to where they need to be an academic year later. Ideally, we all would like to see at least one year of progress for one year of seat time.5. Exerting efforts and spending enough time just to produce decorations for the classrooms maybe simple but meaningful in a way of step that change the perspective of several. It is not all about the prize, recognition, health or grades they are concern but the cleanliness that allow them to have a better performance in school.6. Having an allotted time for cleaning won't hurt and putting eye candy decorations will benefit students inside the area. Keeping cleanliness inside and outside the classroom will be a great help in a way of it fascinates the eyes of students but just make sure that ornaments are simple and not over decorated because instead of making the students enthusiast, it'll serve as distraction and confusion.7. Students and teachers have to continue what they've started as their source for cleaning materials and decorating stuffs which are in both means of class fund and contribution for it will only be such a hard time for them to give money in just a snap.8. Even though for the perception of participating rooms, cleaning materials and decorations is too expensive and it only proves that most students won't work hard cleaning their own areas unless there will be a reward given but still above all this, they liked how the program is being implemented that's why the next SSG's should continue this and improve it more.9. GNBKP is very successful that the generation of Supreme student's government always include it as their system for helping the school premises in terms of cleanliness that's why just like the afore mentioned suggestion, next SSG's should keep it moving and reach progress.10. Classroom officers must act as a leader and lead their classmates to obey the competition for good. The competition is not only a contest per se but it also reflects to the appearance of the teachers and students of Bagong Nayon II National High School. It shows the discipline and the cleanliness of all the persons inside the campus. Classroom presidents must monitor who are the one that disobey the rule to segregate the trash properly to its designated area.


Internet- Deborah J. Stewart: JUNE 8, 200, A Clean and Organized Classroom, SecondsofEternity: May 18, 2009, the primary causes of procrastination and how to overcome it, October 19, 2012, How Comfortable Classrooms Lead to a Better Student Community, M., Auburn, NY: 1989, Cleaning up the environment, Robert Sylwester: Oct 1994, How emotion affects learning, Healthizen, Importance-of-cleanliness, Rice University: November 13, 2014, Disgust leads people to lie and cheat; Cleanliness promotes ethical behavior,


Note: The group wants to know the effectiveness of "Ganda ng classroom ko program" as implemented in Bagong Nayon II Annex and through this, they'll be able to seek answers for their research.Directions: Put a check that suits your choice of answer for each question. Please answer honestly all the questions and the information will be treated confidential. There are no wrong answers.1. Do you think cleaners of the day always do their obligation?__Yes __No __Does not say2. Do you have the initiative to clean your room?__Yes __No __Does not say3. Do you think that through maintaining sanitation and neatness determines how responsible the students are?__Yes __No __Does not say4. If the room is unclean and a bit of messy, can you completely concentrate on studying?__Yes __No __Does not say5. In participating "Ganda ng Bahay Ko program", you are after the..__Prize__Health__Recognition__Grades__Cleanliness6. Inside a clean and well decorated classroom, what does it feel like studying? Is it..__Comfortable__Uncomfortable__Does not say

7. For decorating stuffs and cleaning materials, you get your fund through..__Class fund__Contribution8. Do you like how "Ganda ng Bahay Ko program" is being implemented in our school?__Yes__No__Does not say9. "Ganda ng Bahay Ko program" is effective because..__It encourage students and teachers to be aware of their room sanitation.__It keeps everything around the school premises clean and organize.__Because health should be consider in this matter allowing students to have a better performance in school.10. "Ganda ng Bahay Ko program" is not effective because..__Cleaning materials and decorations for classroom is too expensive.__It only proves that most students don't have the initiative cleaning their own room unless there will be a reward given.__In spite of this, there are still rooms filled with trash and improper garbage disposal.







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