Final Thesis -- 2003 Format

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  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans




    Chapter Particulars


    Chapter 2 Introduction

    2.1 Introduction about Bank

    2.2 Loans

    2.3 Personal Loans

    2.4 Project Objective

    2.5 Objectives

    Chapter 3. Industry Profile

    3.1 History & Introduction

    3.2 Nationalization of Banks in India

    3.3 Fact Files of Banks in India

    3.5 Current Scenario

    3.6 Banking Industry in India

    Chapter 4. Company Profile of DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd.

    4.1 Introduction

    4.2 Main Functions of DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd.

    4.3 Management and Organization

    4.4 Milestones

    4.5 Amalgamation of DEUTSCHE Bank into

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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd.,

    4.6 Facts and Figures

    4.7 Personal Loans

    4.8 Different Products of DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd.,

    Chapter Particulars

    Chapter 5. Company Profile of Kotak Mahindra Bank

    5.1 Introduction

    5.2 Kotak Mahindra Bank in India

    5.3 Network

    5.4 Achievement of Kotak Mahindra Bank

    5.5 Different Products of Kotak Mahindra Bank

    Chapter 6. DEUTSCHE BANK Personal Loan Product

    6.1 Targeted Customers, Eligibility &

    Documentation of DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd.,

    Chapter 7. Project Title

    7.1 Research Methodology

    7.3 Schedule

    Chapter 8. Survey analysis and interpretations

    Chapter 9. Findings










    Books, Websites

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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans







    On - The- Job Training

    13.1 Problem Definition

    13.2 Task and Targets

    13.3. Achievements


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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    This is to declare that the report entitled A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE

    Bank Ltd., and of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards to Personal Loans is prepared for the

    partial fulfillment for the award of post graduate programme in Planning & Entrepreneurship

    from IIPM, Bangalore. Of the course: Dissertation in Term VIII (Batch: Aug. 2007-2009) of

    the Post Graduate Program, is are cord of independent research carried out by me under the

    supervision of Mr.Rakesh Gajaria.

    I confirm that this dissertation truly represents my work. I also confirm that the contents of the

    report and the views contained therein have been discussed and deliberated with the Faculty


    Signature of the Student :

    Name of the Student (in Capital Letters) : KARTHIK.B

    Registration No : BF07F067

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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans


    Firstly of all I would like to thank the Indian Institute of Planning and Management for

    conducting the Dissertation/Thesis Programme that helps us get the practical knowledge about the

    work environment.

    I would also like to thank our Dean Jaya Chandran and Administrator Tareque Laskar. Welling

    for their valuable guidance.

    I would like to thank our faculty Mr. Dinesh Aggarwal who is mu dissertation Guide J.P.Nagar,

    for his support and guidance throughout the project.

    I would also like to thank our Company Guide Mr. Rakesh Gajaria A.V.P of CTAS (Corporate

    Trust & Agency Services) , my Unit Management Mr. Naveen for their valuable guidance

    through the project.

    At the end I would like to thank our all the faculties for their full co-operation and guidance in

    completion of my project by giving all required information for doing this project.

    I would like to place on record my sincere gratitude to everyone who has helped in brining me

    this project to a reality.


    Dear Student,

    Your thesis/alumni id is



    Dear Karthik

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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    I have received your synopsis and confirmation that Mr.Dinesh Agarwal will be your guide for the thesis. The

    topic is fine and you can go ahead with your thesis on "Do Interest Rates Make A Difference For Bank Loans

    ---- A Comparative Study Of Deutsche Bank With Kotak Mahindra Bank".

    Treat this mail as a formal approval of the same.

    Remember to get yourself registered at the IIPM Academics by showing a copy of this approval mail or

    forwarding this mail and get the ID No.

    You have to send me at least 6 Thesis Response Sheet before submitting the Final Thesis . The Response

    Sheet should contain the following Details. You can take a separate document in the same format. Make sure

    you mail the response sheet at regular intervals. Your thesiswill be evaluated on the basis of a viva voce,

    details of which will be intimated to you after you have been issued the Alumni ID. The last date for

    submission of the thesis is 30 Sep 2009. Remember that missing the deadline for submission could mean a

    penalty of Rs. 1000/- as well as the possibility of the thesis not being in time for processing your documents

    during the convocation.

    1) Your Name

    2) Your ID Number

    3) The Topic of the Study

    4) Questionnaire which you have made to collect Primary Data (in the first or the second Response sheet)

    5) Date when the Guide was consulted.

    6) The outcome of the discussion

    7) The Progress of the Thesis



    On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:15 PM, karthik b wrote:

    Hello Sir,

    Sorry for delay but go thru the word document

    With Regards


    Fin-3(MBA 07-09Batch)



    DEUTSCHE BANK is the tenth largest Bank in the world in the terms of development. It is

    vested with the responsibility of co-ordinating the working of institutions engages in financing,

    promoting and developing industries.

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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    The theme of the project is to understand the importance of Interest Rates and the other factors

    like services, processing fees, processing / approval time etc that are been provided by a bank to

    its customers.

    The topic of the study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of

    Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards to Personal Loans. The study is been conducted to compare

    the interest rate, the service provided by them and other charges that are been charged by both the


    With the help of this project we can come to know whether the Interest rate of the service

    provided by a bank plays an important role. It is to know whether the high rate of interest makes

    any difference to the customers of Personal Loans


    Banking was in existing even in ancient times. The writings of Manu (the marker of Old Hindu

    Law) and Kutilya (the minister or Chandragupta Maurya) and the teaching of Christ contained

    references to banking.

    However, modern banking is of recent origin. It come into existence only after the industrial

    revolution. After the industrial revolution, with the increase in the size of industrial and business

    units, joint stock company from of business organization came into existence. People were

    willing to part with their surplus money, if they were assured of the repayment of their money

    with some interest thereon. So there arose the need for the formation of financial institutions

    called Joint stock banks or modern banks.

    According to some, the English word bank is derived from the Italian world banco, the Latin

    word bancus and the French word banque, which means a bench. But according to others, the

    term bank is derived from the German word banck, which mean a joint stock fund or a

    common fund raised from a large number of members of the public.

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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    The Indian Banking Regulation Act of 1949 defines the term banking as accepting, for the

    purpose of lending or investment, of deposits of money from the public, repayable on demand or

    otherwise, ad withdrawable by cheque, draft, order or otherwise.


    A Loan is a type of debt. Like all debt instruments, a loan entails the redistribution of financial

    assets over time, between the lender and the borrower. The borrower initially receives an amount

    of money from the lender, which they pay back, usually but not always in regular installments, to

    the lender. This service is generally provided at a cost, referred to as interest on the debt. Bank

    loans and credit are one way to increase the money supply.

    A personal loan is a way of borrowing money from a bank, building society or other financial

    service provider.

    Interest on loans is the principal source of revenue for most banks, making their various lending

    departments critical to their success. The commercial lending department loans money to

    companies to start or expand a business or to purchase inventory and capital equipment. The

    consumer-lending department handles student loans, credit cards, and loans for home

    improvements, debt consolidation, and automobile purchases. Finally, the mortgage lending

    department loans money to individuals and businesses to purchase real estate.

    The money to lend comes primarily from deposits in checking and savings accounts, certificates

    of deposits, money market accounts, and other deposit accounts that consumers and business set

    up with the bank.

    The Banks had, in keeping with the RBI Guidelines, evolved and formulated a well-defined Loan

    Policy. The basic objectives of the Loan Policy of the Bank are:

    To channelize the flow of fund for productive use

    To properly explain and evaluate Loan Proposals.

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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    To ensure credit facilities are released in time.

    The borrowers requirements are determined on the basis of their Net Worth. The ratio of the net

    worth to the bank credit of the borrower shall not normally exceed 1:4. The limits of the various

    borrowers are assessed depending upon their requirements and their line of activity.

    While giving a loan to the borrow, the Bank recovers the following charges in borrowers


    Processing Charges

    Inspection Charges

    Supervision Charges

    Lead Bank Charges

    Commitment Charges

    Commission on guarantees and letter of credits

    Up Front Fee

    Personal Loans

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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    The Loans which are used for personal purpose by a customer for his/her wards higher

    education, wedding in a family, home improvement or maybe just an expensive purchase, for

    which includes an insurance cover; a monthly EMI to be paid, which is in reducing balance; given

    at without any security and at a convenient rate of interest as of the eligibility condition(s)

    satisfied by either a salaried, self-employed professional and self-employed businessperson. The

    documents requires are a salary slip; proof of personal identity and signature will just be fine.

    Other things necessary could be a passport sized photograph and credit card statements .


    Project Definition:

    Do Interest Rates Make A Difference for Bank Loans A Comparative Study of DEUTSCHE

    Bank with Kotak Mahindra Bank.


    The study will cover the various aspects in relation to the personal loans.

    To know the perception and the satisfaction level of the customers towards the product

    provided by DEUTSCHE Bank.

    To know whether the Interest Rates or the Service provided by the banks plays an

    important role.


    Though the present study aims to achieve the above-mentioned objectives in full earnest and

    accuracy, it may be hampered due to certain limitations. Some of the limitations of this study


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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    The banks may not provide the necessary information needed as the information may be

    used by its competitors.

    Any suggestions provide may not be always accepted by the organization.

    Customers may provide with misleading information through the questionnaire method.



    Banking was in existence in India from very early times. But modern banking started in India

    only from the beginning of the 19th century. The earliest commercial banks were started in India

    by the employees of the East India Company. These banks were known as Agency Houses.

    The Indian banking can be broadly categorized into nationalized (government owned), private

    banks and specialized banking institutions. The Reserve Bank of India acts a centralized body

    monitoring any discrepancies and shortcoming in the system.

    Banks have a long history, and have influenced economics and politics for centuries. Indian

    banking industry, today is in the midst of an IT revolution. The Indian Banking System has been

    operating successfully over the last two centuries. It was in 50s that the Government of India

    evolved the policy of using the Banking system as an instrument of economic development and

    social change.

    Government took major step in the 1969 to put the banking sector into systems and nationalized

    14 private banks in the mentioned year. In India the banks are being segregated in different

    groups. Each group has their own benefits and limitations in operating in India. Each has their

    own dedicated target market. Few of them only work in rural sector while others in both rural as

    well as urban.

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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    The first bank in India, though conservative, was established in 1786. from 1786 till today, the

    journey of Indian Banking System can be segregated into three distinct phases. They are as

    mentioned below:

    o Early phase form 1786 to 1969 of Indian Banks.

    o Nationalization of Indian Banks and up to 1991 prior to Indian banking Sector Reforms.

    o New phase of Indian Banking System with the advent of Indian Financial & Banking

    Sector Reforms after 1991.

    The banking system can be divided into three phases. They are Phase I, Phase II and Phase


    Phase I:

    The General Bank of India was set up in the year 1786. the next Bank that came into

    existence was Bank of Hindustan and Bengal Bank. The East India Company established Bank of

    Bengal (1809), Bank of Bombay (1840) and Bank of Madras (1843) as independent units and

    called it Presidency Banks. These three banks were amalgamated in 1920 and Imperial Bank of

    India was established which started as private shareholders banks, mostly Europeans


    In 1865 Allahabad Bank was established and first time exclusively by Indians, Punjab National

    Bank Ltd., was set up in 1894 with headquarters at Lahore. Between 1906 and 1913, Bank of

    India, Central Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank, Indian Bank, and Bank of Mysore

    were set up. Reserve Bank of India came in 1935. During the first phase the growth was very

    slow and banks also experienced periodic failures between 1913 and 1948. There were

    approximately 1100 banks, mostly small. To streamline the functioning and activities of

    commercial banks, the Government of India come up with The Banking Companies Act, 1949

    which was later changed to Bank Regulation Act 1949.

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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    Phase II (Nationalization):

    Government took major steps in this Indian Banking Sector Reform after independence. In 1955,

    it nationalized Imperial Bank of India with extensive banking facilities on a large scale especially

    in rural and semi-urban areas. It formed State Bank of India to act as the principal agent of RBI

    and to handle banking transactions of the Union and State Governments all over the country.

    Seven banks forming subsidiary of State Bank of India was nationalized in 1960 on 19th July,

    1969, major process of nationalization was carried out. It was the effort of the them prime

    Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi. 14 major commercial banks in the country were

    nationalized. Second phase of nationalization Indian Banking Sector Reform was carried out in

    1980 with seven more banks. This step brought 80% of the banking segment in India under

    Government ownership.

    The following area the steps taken by the Government of India to Regulate Banking Institutions

    in the Country.

    1949: Enactment of Banking Regulation Act.

    1955: Nationalization of State Bank of India.

    1959: Nationalization of SBI subsidiaries.

    1961 : Insurance cover extended to deposits.

    1969: Nationalization of 14 major banks.

    1971 : Creation of credit guarantee corporation.

    1975: Certain of regional rural banks.

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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    1980: Nationalization of seven banks with deposits over 200 crore.

    Phase III (Liberalization):

    This phase has introduced many more produces and facilities in banking sector in its reforms

    measure. In 1991, under the chairmanship of M.Narasimhan, as committee was set up by his

    name which worked for the liberalization of banking practices. His government embarked on a

    policy of liberalization and gave licences to a small number of private banks, which came to be

    known as New Generation tech-savvy banks, which included banks like ICICI Bank and HDFC

    Bank. The country was also flooded with foreign banks and their ATM stations. Efforts were

    being put to give a satisfactory service to customers. Phone banking and net banking was also

    introduced. The entire system became more convenient and swift.

    Nationalization of Banks in India:

    The nationalization n of banks in India took place in 1969 by Mrs. Indira Gandhi the then prime

    minister. It nationalized 14 banks then. These banks were mostly owned by businessmen and

    even managed by them.

    Central Bank of India

    Bank of Maharashtra

    Dena Bank

    Punjab National Bank

    Syndicate Bank

    Canara Bank

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    to Personal Loans

    Indian Bank

    Indian Overseas Bank

    Bank of Baroda

    Union Bank

    Allahabad Bank

    United Bank of India

    UCO Bank

    Bank of India

    Before the steps of nationalization of Indian banks, only State Bank of India (SBI) was

    nationalized. It took place in July 1955 under the SBI Act of 1955. The State Bank of India is

    Indias largest commercial bank and is ranked one of the top five banks worldwide.

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    to Personal Loans

    Fact Files of Banks in India:

    Information about the first he oldest the largest, the biggest banks in India.

    TABLE -- 1

    The fist bank in India to be given an ISO Certification

    Canara Bank

    The fist bank in Northern India to get ISO 9002

    certification for their selected branches

    Punjab and Sind Bank

    The first Indian bank to have been started solely with

    Indian capital

    Punjab National Bank

    The first among the private sector banks in Kerala to

    become a scheduled bank in 1946 under the RBI Act

    South Indian Bank

    Indias oldest, largest and most successful commercial

    bank, offering the widest possible range of domestic,

    international and NRI products and services, through

    its vast network in India and overseas

    State Bank of India

    Indias second largest private sector bank and is nor

    the largest scheduled commercial bank in India

    The Federal Bank


    Bank which started as private shareholders bank,

    mostly Europeans shareholders

    Imperial Bank of India

    The first Indian bank to open a branch outside India in

    London in 1946 and the first to open a branch in

    continental Europe at Paris in 1974

    Bank of India, founded

    in 1906 in Mumbai

    The oldest Public Sector Bank in India having

    branches all over India and serving the customers for

    the last 132 years

    Allahabad Bank

    The first Indian commercial bank which was whollyowned and managed by Indians

    Central Bank of India

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    to Personal Loans

    Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

    Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the central bank of our country. It was established in April 1935

    with a share capital of Rs.5 crores. Reserve Bank of India was nationalized in the year 1949. RBI

    closely monitors developments in the whole financial sector.

    The Bank was constituted for the need of following:

    To regulate the issue of bank notes.

    To maintain reserves with a view to securing monetary stability, and

    To operate the credit and currency system of the country to its advantage.

    Functions of Reserve Bank of India:

    The Reserve Bank of India Act of 1934 entrusted all the important functions of a central bank to

    The Reserve Bank of India. The distribution of one rupee notes and coins and small coins all over

    the country is undertaken by the Reserve Bank as agent of the Government. The Reserve Bank

    has a separate Issue Department which is entrusted with the issue of currency notes. The Reserve

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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    Bank of India acts as the bankers bank. The Reserve Bank of India, therefore, has the following


    It hold the cash reserves of all the scheduled banks.

    It controls the credit operations of banks through quantitative and qualitative controls.

    It controls the banking system through the system of licensing, inspection and calling for


    It acts as the lender of the last resort by providing rediscount facilities to scheduled banks.

    Banking Industry

    A bank is an institution that provides financial service, particularly taking deposits and extending

    credit. Banks safeguard money and valuable and provide loans, credit and payment services, such

    as checking accounts, money orders, and cashiers checks. Banks also may offer investment and

    insurance products. Banks continue to maintain and perform their primary role-accepting deposits

    and lending funds from these deposits. There are several types of banks, which differ in the

    number of services they provide and the clientele they serve.

    Commercial banks, which dominate this industry, offer a full range of services for individuals,

    business, and governments. These banks come in a wide range a of sizes, from, large global banks

    to regional and community banks. Global banks are involved in international leading and foreign

    currency trading, in addition to the more typical banking services. Regional banks have numerous

    branches and automated teller machine (ATM) locations throughout a multi-state area that

    provide banking services to individuals. Banks have become more oriented towards marketing

    and sales. As a result, employees need to know about all types of products and services offered by

    banks. Community banks are based locally and offer more personal attention, which may

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    to Personal Loans

    individuals and small business prefer. In recent years, online banks- which provide all services

    entirely over the Internet have entered the market.

    Current Scenario:

    Currently (2009), overall, banking in India is considered as fairly mature in term of supply,

    product range and reach. Even in terms of quality of assets and capital adequacy, Indian banks are

    considered to have clean, strong and transparent balance sheets as compared to other banks in

    comparable economies in its region. The Indian economy is expected to be strong especially in its

    services sector. Mergers and Acquisitions, takeovers, assets sales and much more action will

    happen in India.

    Currently, India has 88 scheduled commercial banks 28 public sector banks, 29 private banks

    and 31 foreign banks. They have a combined network of over 53,000 branches and 17,000 ATMs.

    According to a report by ICRA Limited, a rating agency, the public sector banks hold over 75%

    of total assets of the banking industry.

    Presently the total assets size of the Indian banking sector is US$ 270 billion while the total

    deposits amount to US$ 220 billion with a branch network exceeding 66,000 branches across the


    Banking services in India

    The Indian banking has come from a long way from being sleepy business institutions to a highly

    proactive and dynamic entity. This transformation has been largely brought about by a the large

    dose of liberalization and economic reforms that allowed banks to explore new business

    opportunities rather than generating revenues from conventional stream (i.e. borrowing and


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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    The Indian banking industry is passing through a phase of customers market. The customers have

    more choice in choosing their banks. A competition has been established within the banks

    operating in India. With stiff competition and advancement of technology, the services provide by

    banks have become more easy and convenient.

    Other fundamental changes are occurring in the industry as banks diversify their services to

    become more competitive. Many banks now offer their customers financial planning and asset

    management services, as well as brokerage and insurance services, often through a subsidiary or

    third party. Others are beginning to provide investment banking services that help companies and

    governments raise money through the issuance of stocks and bonds, also usually through a

    subsidiary. As banks respond to deregulation and as competition in this sector grows, the nature

    of the banking industry will continue to undergo significant change.

    Easy Banking

    A part from Mobile Banking, including of SMS Banking, Net Banking and ATMs are the major

    steps taken by the banks in India towards modernization.


    Technology is having a major impact of the banking industry. ATMs allow people to access their

    accounts 24 hours a day. Also, direct deposit allows companies and governments to electronically

    transfer payments into various accounts. Further, debit cards, which may also use as ATM cards,

    instantaneously debut money from an account when the card is swiped across a machine at a

    stores cash register. Electronic banking by phone or computer allow customers to pay bills and

    transfer money from one account to another. Through these channels, bank customers can also

    access information such as account balances and statement history.

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    to Personal Loans


    Other fundamental changes are occurring in the industry as banks diversify their services to

    become more competitive. Many banks now offer their customers financial planning and asset

    management services, as well as brokerage and insurance services, often through a subsidiary or

    third party. Others are beginning to provide investment-banking services that help companies and

    governments raise money through the issuance of stock and bounds, also usually through a


    Company Profile of DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd.,

    Industrial Development Bank of India (DEUTSCHE BANK) is the tenth largest bank in the world

    in terms of development. The National Stock Exchange (NSE), The National Securities

    Depository Services Ltd. (NSDL), Stock Holding Corporation of India (SHCIL) are some of the

    institutions which has been built by DEUTSCHE BANK. DEUTSCHE BANK is a strategic

    investor in a plethora of institutions which have revolutionized the Indian Financial Markets.

    DEUTSCHE Bank.

    Vision Statement:

    To be trusted partner in progress by leveraging quality human capital and setting global

    standards of excellence to build the most valued financial conglomerate.

    Main Functions of DEUTSCHE BANK

    DEUTSCHE BANK is vested with the responsibility of co-ordinating the working of institutions

    engaged in financing, promoting and developing industries. DEUTSCHE BANK also

    undertakes / supports wide-ranging promotions activities including entrepreneurship development

    programs of new entrepreneurs, provision of consultancy services for small and medium

    enterprises, up gradation of technology and programmes for economic up-liftment of the


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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    DEUTSCHE BANK role as a catalyst to industrial development encompasses a wide spectrum of

    activities. With over three decades of service to the Indian industry, DEUTSCHE BANK has

    grown substantially in terms of size of operations and portfolio.

    Development Activities of DEUTSCHE BANK

    1. Promotional Activities:

    The Bank continues to perform a wide range of promotional activities relating to developmental

    programmes for new entrepreneurs, consultancy services for small and medium enterprises and

    programmes designed for accredited voluntary agencies for the economic upliftment of the

    underprivileged. These include entrepreneurship development, self-employment and wage

    employment in the industrial sector for the weaker sections of society through voluntary agencies,

    support to Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Parks, Energy Conservation, Common Quality

    Testing Centers for small industries.

    2. Entrepreneurship Development Institute:

    DEUTSCHE BANK played a prime role in setting up of the Entrepreneurship Development

    Institute of India for fostering entrepreneurship in the country. It has also established similar

    institutes in Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. DEUTSCHE BANK also extends

    financial supports to various organizations in conducting studies or surveys of relevance to

    industrial development.

    3. Information Technology:

    Technological developments would render flow of information and data faster leading to faster

    appraisal and decision making. To reduce investment costs in technology, banks are likely to

    resort more and more to sharing facilities such as ATM networks. The DEUTSCHE Bank is

    already at an advanced stage of implementing the Financial Core Banking Solution across all

    braches. In addition, all branches would have access to a centralized Customers Relationship

    Management (CRM) system. DEUTSCHE Bank has set up a Data Centre at Belapur and a

    Disaster Recovery Centre at Chennai to support such technology driven business model.

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    4. Management and Organization:

    DEUTSCHE BANK Ltd., is a Board managed institution. The responsibility of the day-to-day

    management of operations of Bank is vested with the Chairman, who draws upon the support and

    expertise of a Top Management Team, comprising Executive Directors and a Legal Advisor.

    DEUTSCHE BANK Ltd. has a pool of around 1400 competent and experienced professionals.

    The Bank, with its Head Office at Mumbai, operates through a network of 4 Zonal Offices

    (Chennai, Jaipur, Bangalore, Mumbai) and Branch Offices spread across the country.

    Presently, the Board comprises twelve directors including the Chairman and Managing Director,

    two whole time directors designed as Deputy Managing Directors, two officials of the Central

    Government and remaining seven Directors in the category of Independent Directors. Out of the

    seven independent Directors, two Directors have been nominated by Government of India in the

    professional category and the remaining five Directors have been elected by the shareholders.

    Branch Network:

    DEUTSCHE BANK has its head office at Mumbai and zonal offices in different regions of the

    country. As on March 31, 2006 it has a network of 552 delivery outlets comprising of 171

    branches, 4 extension counters and 337 ATMs to service its customers base across the country. It

    has also set a plan for expansion of the network during 2006 07 and besides the general

    category branches it has also set up two dedicated branches they are large Corporate Branch and

    Specialized Treasury Branch and both are located at Mumbai.

    Strategic Planning:

    In keeping with its vision of emerging as the most valued financial conglomerate DEUTSCHE

    BANK has consolidated all Corporate Strategy and Planning related functions under a unified

    umbrella. The function is carried out by providing business intelligence inputs to the top

    management and operational units by collating information on trends and development in the

    business environment and also planning for business strategies by dovetailing these inputs. These

    inputs also include scanning the regulatory environment, identifying the emerging opportunities

    for the bank and putting in place mitigation measures for actual and potential threats. Industry

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    research is a key component of DEUTSCHE BANKs credit appraisal process which provides

    critical inputs to assess the risk return profile of the proposals. Industry research focuses on global

    and domestic demand-supply scenario, cost structure, marketing strategies, comparative

    technologies and their impact on product cost, inter firm comparisons, etc.

    Retail Finance:

    The Indian retail finance market, led by housing, auto and personal loan segments has witnessed a

    major change in the last few years. These changing have been driven by rising income levels,

    change in the mindset of consumers in availing credit, availability of credit, at affordable rates

    and expansion of presence of financiers. Considering this robust growth and immense

    opportunities in this sector, DEUTSCHE BANK has given major thrust to these segments.

    DEUTSCHE BANK offers a wide spectrum of products; both secured (Housing loans, mortgage

    loans and loan against securities) and unsecured (personal loans, educational loans and overdrafts

    to merchant establishments.) During this year, DEUTSCHE BANK successfully undertook the

    homes 2005 campaign, a proprietary housing loan exhibition across eight locations and response

    received exceeded two lakh aspirants. DEUTSCHE BANK also started putting emphasis on

    educational loans. The Bank has now specialized Retail Asset Centers across 20 locations, which

    has enhanced the product acceptance, operational efficiency and credit expertise. DEUTSCHE

    BANK also distributes third party products such as insurance and mutual fund products to its

    retail customers.

    Environmental Protection Schemes:

    DEUTSCHE BANK is acting as financial agent for the World bank funded Ozone depleting

    Substances (ODS) phase out projects, and is responsible for appraising projects, administrating

    and disbursing grant out of Ozone Trust fund and overseeing implementation of the projects

    aimed at phasing out the use of ODS.

    DEUTSCHE BANK has also been acting since 1995, as a financial intermediary for the United

    States Agency for International Development funded Greenhouse Gas Pollution Prevention

    Project (GEP). The GEP project aimed at reducing emission of greenhouse gases and increasing

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    the system was low for some time after the redemption of the India Millennium Deposits in

    December 2005. Its treasury managed the liquidity situation effectively ensuring that liquidity

    needs of the Bank were met by timing the borrowing and investments appropriately apart from

    maintaining the required regulatory reserves. Its treasury fully used the opportunities existing

    both in the domestic and international markets to fund the resource requirements of DEUTSCHE


    DEUTSCHE BANK efficiently managed the surplus funds with a basket of investments in dated

    securities, discounted instruments and others consistent with the risk perception and risk appetite

    of your Bank. The investments have been made with the objective of maximizing returns without

    compromising on safety and liquidity.

    DEUTSCHE BANK also services the foreign exchange requirements of the customers by

    providing a range of products to meet the needs of clients in their import and export transactions

    apart form undertaking proprietary trading on its own account. Proactive interaction with the

    customers at major metros has helped it to increase the foreign exchange business volume.

    Customized risk management solutions to the clients were provided by DEUTSCHE BANK to

    enable the customers to manage the exchange risk and interest rate risks.

    Foreign Currency Borrowings:

    During the previous year under review the focus of DEUTSCHE BANK was on reducing the cost

    of foreign currency (FC) borrowings by replacement of earlier borrowings at lower rates. Three

    tranches of borrowings, aggregating USD 224.7 million, were sources at finer rates, resulting in

    significant lowering of cost of FC borrowings of DEUTSCHE BANK. In addition it also prepaid

    some of the high cost FC borrowings further reducing the overall cost of funds. During the year

    under the limit of 250 Cr unpaired Tier I capital DEUTSCHE BANK contracted a 364 day

    syndicate loan of JPY 11.778 billion (equivalent to USD 100 million) and also raised a sum of

    USD 105 million from overseas branches of Indian banks by way of inter-bank deals.

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    Cross- Border Branches:

    With a view to catering to the cross-broader financing needs of the Banks customers and

    leverage the domestic banking strengths to offer products internationally, DEUTSCHE BANK

    has decided to make a foray into the overseas markets. To begin with, it is proposed to open

    offshore / representative offices in West Asia, Europe and South East Asia regions. Necessary

    steps are being taken in this regard.

    New Business Initiatives:

    DEUTSCHE BANK has decided to enter into the life insurance business to complement the range

    of financial products and services being offered to its clientele in consonance with its Vision

    Statement to build the most valued financial conglomerate. DEUTSCHE Bank and Fortis

    Insurance International N.V (Fortis), one of the largest players in the insurance business in

    Europe, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with a view to setting up a joint

    venture (JV) in the filed of life insurance business. Fortis will bring to the joint venture its unique

    experience in developing and operating the banc assurance model, which will augment the

    activities of DEUTSCHE BANK. DEUTSCHE BANK also proposes to approach the regulators,

    thereafter for obtaining necessary statutory and regulatory approvals for setting up the insurance


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    Distribution of Shareholding:

    The details of shareholding in DEUTSCHE Bank by major categories of shareholders as at end

    march 2006, is presented in the table below.

    Table -2

    Shareholding pattern as at end March 2006

    Category of


    No. of Shares Held % to total

    Government of India 38,17,78,000 52.75

    Employees 21,23,094 0.29

    Public 9,80,35,059 13.54

    Hindu Undivided


    12,31,002 0.17

    Bodies corporate 2,43,68,200 3.37

    Institutions 15,05,40,918 20,80

    Societies 28,960 0.01

    Trusts 3,60,611 0.05

    Insurance Companies 5,59,59,196 7.73

    NRIs 45,00,068 0.62

    NSDL (Transit) 48,69,495 0.67

    Grand Total 72,37,94,603 100.00

    Personal Loans:

    A Personal loan is an unsecured loan. Normally, the lender does not ask for guarantors either.

    More advantages: minimum documentation and speedy clearance (within three to seven days of

    applying). And there is no monitoring of end use you can use the loan for any purpose you


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    to Personal Loans

    Personal Loans are often referred to as all purpose loans, they are ideal when you have to buy

    Flexibility of duration and availability of various schemes make personal loans an attractive

    option. Besides, you may use them for any purpose you choose to with no questions asked.

    Personal loans are also known as consumer loans. With a personal loan you can use the money

    for just about anything. Personal loans are a great way to acquire some quick cash without going

    through a lot of hassles. The amount of personal loan that can be borrowed depends on which

    type of loan you get. It also depends on your credit status and possibly if you have any collateral.

    Personal Loan form DEUTSCHE BANK comes with an insurance cover. This means when times

    are tough, youll have an insurance cover to take care of the EMIs.

    In case of death or disability due to an accident, the principle outstanding will be paid by

    the insurance company.

    In case of loss of job, the insurance company will pay the EMIs for up to 3 months.

    There are two types of personal loans. They are:-

    Unsecured Personal Loans are loans that do not require any type of collateral to quality.

    These loans may have higher loan rates associated with them, and usually the amount of the

    loan is less than a secured loan. This types of loan is great when a person is in need of cash.

    An unsecured personal loan can be used for any purpose you like, although it is worth

    remembering that most lenders will have special loans for specific purposes, like car loans orhome improvement loans, so it might be advisable to see if the repayment terms and interest

    rates on these tailor made loans are more suitable.

    The other type of personal loan is a secured loan. With a secured loan the lender usually

    require some type of collateral. This helps in protecting the lender in case a customer should

    fault on the loan. The secured loan normally provides a lower interest rate than the unsecured

    loan and the borrowed amount is usually larger than the unsecured loan. A secure loan can beused for any legitimate purpose.

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    Different Products of DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd:

    Retail Banking

    1. Deposits

    Savings Account

    Current account

    Fixed deposits

    Pension account

    2. Loans

    Loans against home

    Home loans




    Purchase or improvement property

    Medical treatment or any other personal need

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    Personal Loan

    3. Payments

    Tax payments

    Stamp duty payment

    Easy fill

    Bill payment

    Card to card money transfer

    Online payments

    4. Investments

    Demat Account

    Investment services

    5. Insurance

    Family Insurance

    Life Insurance

    6. Preferred Banking

    (Give a new meaning to exclusivity, convenience and privilege)

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    7. NRI Service

    8. Institutional Banking

    Institutional savings account

    Corporate payroll account

    CitizenDeutsche bankbank

    9. Corporate Products

    Deposits products

    Loans & advances

    Trade finance

    Capital market

    Capital market

    Internet banking

    Cash management services

    10. Treasury products

    Foreign market

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    Money market

    11. 24 Hours Banking

    Phone Banking

    SMS Banking

    Account Banking

    Internet Banking

    12. Cards

    Gold Debit card

    International debit cum ATM card

    Gift card

    World currency card

    13. Other products


    India post

    Corporate Banking:

    1. Project Finance

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    2. Film Financing

    3. Corporate Loan

    4. Direct Discounting

    5. TUFS (Technology up-gradation fund scheme)

    6. Bills Rediscounting

    7. Rehabilitation finance

    8. Commercial products

    9. Treasury products

    IPO finance

    Loans against security


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    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    Established in 1985, The Kotak Mahindra group has long been one of Indias most reputed

    financial organizations. In February 2003, Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd, the groups flagship

    company was given the license to carry on banking business by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

    This approval creates banking history since Kotak Mahindra Finance Ltd. is the first company in

    India to convert to a bank.

    Established in 1985 as Kotak Capital Management Finance promoted by Uday Kotak the

    company has come a long way since its entry into corporate finance. It has dabbled in leasing,

    auto finance, hire purchase, investment banking, consumer finance, broking etc. The company got

    its name Kotak Mahindra as industrialists Harish Mahindra and Anand Mahindra picked a stake

    in the company. Kotak Mahindra is today one of Indias leading Financial Institutions

    Mission: Its mission is to create maximum economic values for shareholders through a constant

    relationship. They are operating in three principal customers segments. The Banks corporate

    values play an integral role in the fulfillment of its mission.

    Kotak Mahindra Bank in India:

    In India Kotak Mahindra Bank has right decade long experience of the Indian business scenario.

    Traditionally it was known as a strong Diamond Financing Bank. Now the bank is providing a

    comprehensive range of services.

    In India Kotak have branches in Bangalore, Baroda, Chennai, Delhi, Gurgaon, Hyderabad,

    Kolkata, Luknow, Mangalore, Moradabad, Mumbai, Nioda, Panipat, Pune, Surat and Tirupur.

    Each of these branches provides multi-product relationships. Kotak Mahindra Bank in India

    enjoys a strong image as a corporate bank with comprehensive Global Transaction Services.

    Kotak Mahindra Bank has launched its Private Banking Services in India offering a

    comprehensive range of high quality Portfolio Advisory Services. It has also launches its

    microfinance program in India. The Program is aimed at delivering credit to the poor women of

    India, especially in the rural areas, through Microfinance Institution (MFIs). The services of

    Kotak Mahindra Bank are organized globally in three business lines:

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    Wholesale Clients

    Consumer and Commercial Clients

    Private Clients and Asset Management

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    to Personal Loans

    In India:

    KOTAK MAHINDRA has a long standing presence in India since 1920, in Kolkata and Mumbai.

    At the time, the bank mainly worked for diamond clients.. The Delhi branch was functional in the

    very same year. KOTAK MAHINDRA was launched in other cities throughout India between

    1994 and 1999. They were Chennai in 1994, Pune in1997 and Baroda in 1999, while the

    Hyderabad and Bangalore braches were opened in 2001. The branch of Noida was opened in the

    year 2002.

    Kotak Mahindra Bank has launched its Private Banking Services in the country offering a

    comprehensive range of high quality Portfolio Advisory Services along with a comprehensive

    transaction execution platform, complemented by personalized Banking and custodial services. It

    has also launched its microfinance program. The program is aimed at delivering credit to the poor

    women of India, especially in the rural areas, through microfinance Institutions (MFIs).

    Network of Kotak Mahindra Bank in India:

    Kotak Mahindra Bank has more than 3,500 branches in over 70 nations across the globe. In India,

    Kotak Mahindra Bank has a strong presence of more than 23 branches across 16 cities offering a

    comprehensive range of financial products and services.

    The Achievements of Kotak Mahindra Bank:

    Best at Cash Management Award in September 2001 The Banker.

    Corporate Finance India: Ranked Second in M & A in the Investment Banking arena in

    2001 Economic Times.

    KOTAK MAHINDRASecurities India: Best Foreign Bond House, No.1 Arranger in

    Private Sector : Euromoney 2000

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    Top Bank on Management Quality parameter: Business India Best Banks Survey


    7th Most Admired Commercial Bank in the World: Fortune Magazine, 2000.

    Top Foreign Bank in India: Economic Times CMIE survey 1999.

    Second overall in Banking Industry: Financial Express BRIS survey 1999.

    Different Products of Kotak Mahindra Bank:

    Consumer Banking

    1. Credit Card

    Freedom Credit Card

    Smart Card

    2. Loan Products

    Home Loans

    Car Loans

    Loan Against Securities

    Personal Loans

    3. Deposit Products

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    Savings Account

    Value + Current Accounts

    Easy Draw Fixed Deposits

    4. Van Gogh Preferred Banking

    5. NRI Services

    6. Investments

    Mutual Funds

    7. Services

    Mobile Banking

    Debit Cards

    Net Banking

    Express Cash

    ATM Services

    Bank by Phone

    Bill Payment

    Doorstep Banking

    Depository Banking

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    Target Customers of DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd.,

    DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd targets the following customers:-

    Salaried Customers of approved companies

    Regular Employees Group

    IT group


    Government & Social Employees


    Self-Employed Professional (B.E., C.A)

    Self-Employed Businessmen

    Business Entities

    Documents Required:

    1. Photograph (Signed across) & Application Form

    2. Age and ID Proof (any one)

    a. Passport

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    4. Employment Stability (anyone)

    a. Form 16

    b. Appointment Letter

    c. Increment / Promotion Letter

    d. Letter from employer for Cat A employees

    5. Income Proof

    a. Salary slips or certificate with Designation of the last 2 months.

    6. Telephone Bill

    a. Latest paid Telephone Bill required

    Self Employed Business Entity

    Documents Required:

    1. Photograph (Signed across) & Application Form

    2. Age and ID Proof (Any one)

    a. Passport

    b. Driving License

    c. LIC Policy

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    d. Birth Certificate

    e. School Leaving Certificate

    f. PAN Card

    g. BSV along with photograph

    3. Residence Proof (any one)

    a. Raton Card

    b. Driving License

    c. Passport

    d. Telephone Bill

    e. Electricity Bill

    f. Rent/Sale Agreement

    g. Address on Bank Statements

    h. Credit Card Statements

    4. Business Proof (any one)

    a. Telephone Bill

    b. Electricity Bill

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    c. Water Bill

    d. Society Charges Receipt

    e. Rent Receipt

    f. Ownership Proof

    g. Shop & Establishment Certificate

    5. Income Proof for the last 2 years

    a. Latest 2 years Income Tax Return (ITR) with Computation of Income, P & L A/c and

    Balance Sheet

    6. Loan Repayment

    a. 8 EMI (Equated Monthly Installments) Clear Repayments required of Personal / Auto/

    Home / Two Wheeler / Consumer Durable.

    7. Banking Requirement

    a. Bank Statement for last 6 months

    b. Average bank balance be equal to 1 EMI

    c. 25% of the Annual Turnover to be reflected in 6 months banking

    d. Cheque returns not exceed 0.5% of total transactions with a maximum of 10

    8. Miscellaneous Documents

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    a. Memorandum of Association (MOA)

    b. Partnership Deed

    c. Board Resolution & Partnership Solution

    List of Negative Employee Category:-

    1. Employee receiving salary by mode other than direct credit or cheques.

    2. Employees receiving salary by periodicity other than one month.

    3. Applicants employed as consultants and Contractual Employees (except Employees of

    Multi National Companies)

    4. Security Personnel

    5. Applicants employed with collection agencies

    6. Agents or insurance companies (except Development Officers)

    7. Directors or promoters of the company receiving salary as part of remuneration.

    8. Foreign nationals

    9. Police

    10. Journalist and field staff of press

    11. Class 4 employees of any organization.

    12. Nurses / Ward boys

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    The objective of the present study can be accomplished by conducting a systematic Market

    Research. Market Research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data and

    findings that are relevant to the company. The marketing research process that will be adopted in

    the present study consists of the following stages:

    Defining the Problem and The Research Objective:

    The research objective states what information is needed to solve the problem.

    Developing the Research Plan

    Once the problem is identified, the next step is to prepare a plan for getting the information

    needed for the research.

    Sampling Plan:

    The sampling plan adopted is Cluster sampling

    Sampling units: The customers will be segmented into different groups such as salaried

    and self-employed. They will be segregated on the basis of their take home salary and total turn


    Sampling size: The respondents or the population of the survey will be the customers of

    the DEUTSCHE Bank and Kotak Mahindra Bank. The sample size for this survey is 100

    customers of both the banks (50 each). The sampling unit refers to whom to be surveyed.

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    to Personal Loans

    Collection and Sources of Data:

    Market research requires two kinds of data i.e. primary data and secondary data.

    o Primary Data: Primary data is fresh data, which enables to collect necessary information

    regarding the survey. It is the raw data which is collected by making survey, interviews etc. The

    data was obtained through survey of different sector viz. Salaried, Self-employed, Professionals.

    The data collection instrument used for the survey was questionnaires, telephonic interviews

    discussions with the company officials.

    o Secondary Data: Secondary data is with reference to the available in the organization in

    the form of files and past records, (the customer database available in the organization). The data

    was obtained through company documents, trade journals, business magazines etc.

    Analyze The Collected Information:

    This involves converting raw data into useful information. It involved tabulation of data usingstatistical measures on them for developing frequency distributions and calculating the average

    and dispersions.

    Report Research Findings:

    This phase will mark the culmination of the marketing research effort. The report with the

    research findings is a formal written document.


    The Thesis commenced from 18th May 2009 and formally closes on 12 th August 2009. The

    duration of the present study is for 3 months. The company guide, Mr. Rakesh Gajaria and the

    Faculty Guide will be constantly guiding and monitoring the progress of the project work all

    through these 3 months

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    Note 1:As its a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., and Kotak Mahindra Bank

    the sample size for both the banks is 50 each (i.e. total 100). The interpretation of both the banks

    is based on the sample size of 50 respondents each.

    Note 2: As some of the respondents were not ready to disclose the information there is slight

    variation in the sample size.

    1. Who among Male and Female opt for Personal Loans?

    TABLE -1

    Sl No. Gender Male Female Total

    1. DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd. 47 3 50

    2. Kotak Mahindra Bank 47 3 50

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    From the survey conducted, the intern comes to know that 47 respondents (94%) of both the

    banks out of 100 are males and the remaining 3 respondents (6%) (of both the banks) are females.

    By this we come to know that the majority of the loan takers are Male.

    2. What is the Marital Status?

    TABLE -2

    Sl No. Gender Single Married Total

    1. DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd. 18 32 50

    2. Kotak Mahindra Bank 14 36 50

    Source: Telephonic Survey

    CHART 2

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    From the survey conducted, the intern comes to know that 32 respondents (64%) of DEUTSCHE

    Bank Ltd., are married and the remaining 18 respondents (36%) are single. Whereas 36

    respondents (72%) of Kotak Mahindra Bank are married and the remaining 14 respondents (28%)are single.

    3. What is the age group you lie in?

    TABLE -3

    Sl No.





    Deutsche Bank. Kotak Bank

    1. 23 30 38 17

    2. 31 40 8 17

    3, 41-50 2 10

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    4. 51 60 0 0

    Total 48 34

    Source: Telephonic Survey

    Note: As some of the respondents were not ready to disclose the information there

    is slight variation in t he sample size.

    CHART 3

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    to Personal Loans


    From the survey conducted, the in term came to know that 76% of the respondents i.e 38respondents of DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., in the age group of 23-30 hears avail personal loan, and

    only 16% i.e., 8, respondents are from the age group of 31 40 years.

    Whereas survey done for Kotak Mahindra Bank shows that 34% of respondents i.e., 17

    respondents each from the age group 23 30 years and 31 40 years go for personal loans. From

    the above chart we can make out the DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., mostly provides loan for the

    younger generation of the age group between 23 years to 30 years and Kotak Mahindra Bankprovides loan to almost all the age groups equally.

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 54

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    4. How do you rate your knowledge about banking sector?

    Sl No. Ratings Deutsche




    1. Very Good 4 10

    2. Good 21 11

    3, Average 16 19

    4. Bad 8 6

    5. Very Bad 1 4

    Total 50 50

    Source: Telephonic Survey

    CHART 4


    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 55

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    From the survey conducted we can see that almost all the respondent have Good and Average

    Knowledge of the banking sector. We can see that 42% respondents (21) of DEUTSCHE Bank

    Ltd., and 38% respondents (19) of Kotak Mahindra Bank rates their knowledge about banking

    sector as good and average.

    With the help of the above chart we can make out the customers now a days proper knowledge

    about the product they are going to deal with.

    5. What was the source through which you came to know about the bank?

    Sl No.


    e of




    Deutsche Bank. Kotak


    1. Friends / Colleagues 19 16

    2. TV Advertisements 3 3

    3, Newspapers 9 6

    4. Internet 5 1

    5. Magazines 0 0

    6. Tele/Field Executives 27 30

    7. Corporate A/c 3 1

    Total 66 57

    Source: Telephonic Survey

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 56

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    Note: Here the respondents were allowed to choose more than one options i.e. this question has

    multiple choice options, so the total response received many differ.

    CHART 5


    From the survey conducted the intern came to know that the most effective source of information

    for the respondents DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., and Kotak Mahindra Bank is the Tele calling

    department and the through the Field Executives (i.e through Cold Call). The respondents also got

    the information regarding the banks through the references of their friends and colleagues. We

    can see that the source of information for almost 54% & 60% of the respondents of both the

    banks was the Tele-calling and Cold Calls made by the executives.

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 57

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    6. What aspects do you consider important when you apply for personal Loans?

    TABLE -6

    Sl No. Important Aspects DEUTSCHE

    Bank Ltd.


    Mahindra Bank

    1. Interest Rates 29 39

    2. Bank Service 23 26

    3, EMI to be paid 8 20

    4. Easy Documentation 14 10

    5. Processing Fees and Other

    Hidden Charges

    9 7

    6. Loan Amount 3 0

    7. Tenure Period 4 1

    8. Tenure Period 4 1

    9. Pre-closure charges 3 3

    10. Reputation Bank 3 1

    11. Agreement Document 1 0

    Total 111 114

    Source: Telephonic Survey

    Note: Here the respondents were allowed to choose more than one options i.e. this

    question has multiple choice options, so the total response received many differ.

    CHART 6

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 58

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans


    From the survey we can see that the respondents are more concerned about the

    interest rates and the services provided by the bank. We can see that almost about

    58% of the respondents from DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., i.e., 29 respondents and 78% of

    Kotak Mahindra Bank i.e, 39 respondents out of 50 consider interest rates as the

    most important factor; similarly 46% and 52% respondents of both the banks

    consider the service provided by the bank as the most important factor. People are

    even concerned about the easy documentations and the EMI to be paid to the bank.

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 59

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    7. On what basis have you taken loan from the banks.

    TABLE -7


    Bank Ltd.


    Mahindra Bank

    1. Salary 48 27

    2. Credit Cards 0 7

    3, Track Record 1 13

    4. Balance Transfer 0 0

    Total 49 47

    Source: Telephonic Survey

    Note: As some of the respondents were not ready to disclose the information there

    is slight variation in the sample size.

    CHART 7

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 60


    0 1 0










    No. of


    Deutsche Bank. Kotak Mahindra


    On what basis the loan was taken


    Credit Cards

    Track Record

    Balance Transfer

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans


    From the survey conducted the intern comes to know that 96% of the respondents (48

    respondents) of DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd. And 54% of respondents of Kotak Mahindra Bank had

    availed personal loans on the basis of their salary and out of the remaining 2% and 26% of the

    respondents of both the banks have taken loan on the basis of the previous years track record

    whereas 14% of the respondents of Kotak Mahindra Bank had availed loan on the basis of their

    credit cards.

    8. What is the nature of work / job you perform?

    TABLE -8

    Sl No. Occupation DEUTSCHE

    Bank Ltd.


    Mahindra Bank

    1. Self employed 1 17

    2. Government Employee 0 1

    3, IT/BPO/Regular 49 24

    4. Professional (Dr. / C.A) 0 1

    Total 50 43

    Source: Telephonic Survey

    Note: As some of the respondents were not ready to disclose the information there

    is slight variation in the sample size


    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 61

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    CHART 8

    Interpretation of the above chart:

    From the survey conducted the intern came to know that 98% (49 respondents) and 48% (24

    respondents) of the respondents of both the banks are salaried people and they mostly work for IT

    and BPO companies. 34% of the respondents of Kotak Mahindra Bank (17 respondents) and 2%

    (1 respondents) of DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., are self employed. Also about 2% of the respondents

    of Kotak Mahindra Bank are government employee and also professionals like Doctors,

    Engineers and C.A

    9. (a) What is the Net Take Home Salary (Cost to the Company)

    TABLE -9(a)

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 62

    1 0












    No. of


    Deutsche Bank. Kotak MahindraBank

    Company / Occupation

    Self employed

    Government Employee


    Professional (Dr. / C.A)

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    Source: Telephonic Survey

    Note: As some of the respondents were not ready to disclose the information there

    is slight variation in the sample size.

    CHART 9 (a)

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 63

    Sl No. Cost of the Company DEUTSCHE

    Bank Ltd.


    Mahindra Bank

    1. Rs.8000 18000 4 6

    2. Rs. 18001 28000 11 13

    3, Rs. 28001 38000 15 3

    4. Rs.38001 48000 4 3

    5. Rs.48001 & above 9 3

    Total 43 28

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans


    From the survey conducted the intern comes to know that that the net take home salary of 30%

    (15) respondents of DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., lies between the salary group of Rs.28001 38000

    whereas 22% and 18% of the respondents lies between the salary group of Rs.18001 28000 and

    Rs.48001 & above.

    Whereas for the Kotak Mahindra Bank 26% (13) and 12% (6) of the respondents belongs to the

    salary group of Rs.18001 28000 and Rs.8000- 18000.

    9 (b) What is the total work experience till date?

    TABLE -9(b)

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 64








    3 3 3










    No. of


    Deutsche Bank. Kotak Bank


    Cost of the Company

    Rs.8000 18000

    Rs. 18001 28000

    Rs. 28001 38000

    Rs.38001 48000

    Rs.48001 & above

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    Sl No. Total Work Experience DEUTSCHE

    Bank Ltd.


    Mahindra Bank

    1. 2 -4 yrs 18 6

    2. 5 7 yrs 16 9

    3, 8 10 yrs 4 7

    4. 11 13 yrs 3 4

    5. 13 yrs & above 4 1

    Total 45 27

    Source: Telephonic Survey

    Note: As some of the respondents were not ready to disclose the information there

    is slight variation in the sample size.

    CHART 9 (b)


    From the survey done the intern comes to know that 36% and 12% of the respondents

    (DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., and Kotak Mahindra Bank) of both the banks are having the total workexperience of 2- 4 years and 32% and 18% of the respondents have the experience of 5- 7 years.

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 65












    No. of


    Deutsche Bank. Kotak Mahindra Bank

    Total Work Experience

    2 -4 yrs

    5 7 yrs

    8 10 yrs

    11 13 yrs

    13 yrs & above

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans


    From the survey done the intern comes to know that only one of the respondents of DEUTSCHE

    Bank Lt., is an self employed and is having total turnover between Rs.30,00,001 45,00,000.

    Whereas Kotak Mahindra Bank is having more self-employed customers having total turn over of

    Rs.50,000 15,00,000

    10. (b). What is your total IT Returns that you file.

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 67

    0 0


    0 0



    1 1









    No. of


    Deutsche Bank


    Kotak Mahindra


    Total Turnover

    Rs. 50,000


    Rs. 15,00,001


    Rs. 30,00,001

    45,00,000Rs. 45,00,001 60,


    Rs.60,00,001 & above

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    TABLE -10(b)

    Sl No. IT Returns DEUTSCHE

    Bank Ltd.


    Mahindra Bank

    1. Rs. 0 2,00,000 1 7

    2. Rs.2,00,001 4,00,000 0 3

    3, Rs.4,00,001 8,00,000 0 1

    4. Rs.8,00,001 & above 0 1

    Total 1 12

    Source: Telephonic Survey

    Note: As some of the respondents were not ready to disclose the information there

    is slight variation in the sample size.

    CHART 10 (b)


    From the survey done the intern comes to know that only one of the respondents of DEUTSCHE

    Bank Ltd., is a self-employed and is having IT Returns between Rs.0 2,00,000.

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 68


    0 0 0



    1 1








    No. of


    Deutsche Bank. Kotak Mahindra


    IT Returns

    Rs. 0 2,00,000

    Rs.2,00,001 4,00,000

    Rs.4,00,001 8,00,000Rs.8,00,001 & above

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    Whereas 14% of the respondents of Kotak Mahindra Bank are having more IT Returns customers

    between Rs.0 - 2,00,000.

    11. What was the loan amount you have availed?

    TABLE -11

    Sl No. Loan Amount DEUTSCHE

    Bank Ltd.


    Mahindra Bank

    1. Rs50,000 4 0

    2. Rs.50,001 2,00,000 29 33

    3, Rs.2,00,001 5,00,000 4 9

    4. More than Rs.5,00,001 4 1

    Total 41 43

    Source: Telephonic Survey

    Note: As some of the respondents were not ready to disclose the information there

    is slight variation in the sample size.

    CHART 11

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 69

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans


    From the survey conducted the intern comes to know that 58% (29 respondents) and 66% (33

    respondents) of the respondents of both the DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., and Kotak Mahindra Bank is

    between Rs.50,000 Ra. 2,00,000.

    12. What was the tenure period?

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 70



    4 40











    No. of


    Deutsche Bank . Kotak Mahindra


    Loan Amount Availed


    Rs.50,001 2,00,000

    Rs.2,00,001 5,00,000

    More than Rs.5,00,001

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    TABLE -12

    Sl No. No. of Years (Tenure) DEUTSCHE

    Bank Ltd.


    Mahindra Bank

    1. 1 Year 5 4

    2. 2 Years 4 4

    3, 3 Years 21 27

    4. 4 Years 10 6

    5. 5 Years 2 0

    Total 42 41

    Source: Telephonic Survey

    Note: As some of the respondents were not ready to disclose the information there

    is slight variation in the sample size.

    CHART 12


    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 71

    5 4



    2 4 4










    No. of


    Deutsche Bank. Kotak Mahindra Bank

    Tenure Period

    1 Year

    2 Years

    3 Years

    4 Years

    5 Years

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans

    From the survey conducted the intern comes to know that 42% of the respondents i.e 21

    respondents of DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., and 54% of the respondents i.e 27 respondents of Kotak

    Mahindra Bank has availed the personal loan for the tenure period of 3 years.

    13. What was the Interest Rate Charges?

    TABLE -13

    Sl No. Interest Rate Charged DEUTSCHE

    Bank Ltd.


    Mahindra Bank

    1. Less then 11% 5 02. 12 14 % 22 26

    3, 15 17 % 16 7

    4. 18 20% 2 9

    5. More than 20% 0 1

    Total 45 43

    Source: Telephonic Survey

    Note: As some of the respondents were not ready to disclose the information there

    is slight variation in the sample size.

    CHART 13

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 72

  • 8/8/2019 Final Thesis -- 2003 Format


    A study is a comparative study between DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd., with than of Kotak Mahindra Bank with regards

    to Personal Loans


    From the survey conducted the intern comes to know that the interest rate charges for 44%

    respondents i.e 22 respondents of DEUTSCHE Bank Ltd and 52% respondents i.e 26

    respondents of Kotak Mahindra Bank was between 12% - 14% and the rest 32% & 14% of the

    respondents of both the banks were charges 15% - 17% of interest rates.

    Indian Institute Of Planning and Management Page 73




    20 0










    No. of


    Deutsche Bank. Kotak Mahindra Bank

    Interest Rate Charged

    Less then 11%

    12 14 %
