Final Script

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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3 INT. JAKE’s BAR – EVENING 3 BRIAN I’ll take a Miller on draft please. Automated ANSWERING MACHINE You have reached the voice mailbox of Jason Monroe. He cannot answer your call at this time. Please leave a message after the beep- (beeping sound) UNIDENTIFIED MAN in all black sits at a desk in a darkened room with the only light coming from a computer screen. BRIAN sits at the bar by himself as TONY, Jakes’ owner approaches him with a menu. 1

Transcript of Final Script


UNIDENTIFIED MAN in all black sits at a desk in a darkened room with the only light coming from a computer screen. AUTOMATED VOICE Upload now UNIDENTIFIED MAN Hahahaha


BRIAN walks down Kirkwood to meet his best friend JASON for their weekend celebration beer. He stands in front of the entrance to call Jason to see if he has already arrived. Automated ANSWERING MACHINE

You have reached the voice mailbox of Jason Monroe. He cannot answer your call at this time. Please leave a message after the beep- (beeping sound) BRIAN Hey man, it’s Brian. I’m just calling to see where you’re at. I’m already at Jakes. You better not be Amanda dude. You know we have plans. Give me a call when you get this. Remember, big party tonight!!

BRIAN hangs up the phone and enters the bar, not thinking anything of his friend’s absence.


BRIAN sits at the bar by himself as TONY, Jakes’ owner approaches him with a menu. TONY What can I get for you today Brian? BRIAN I’ll take a Miller on draft please.

TONY You got it - Hey - where’s that buddy of yours? BRIAN

Actually, I don’t know. He never met me on Kirkwood. He’s probably ditching me for this new girl he’s been hanging out with. He’s so whipped.


Haha that’s never a good thing. You have a lady in your life? BRIAN Ha I don’t have time for that stuff. I try to avoid all that drama and just chill with my friends. TONY I see I see – Well I hope your buddy is with that chick and nothing happened to him. Bloomington can be a sketchy place at night.


I’m sure he’s fine – He’s really wrapped up in this chick. I’m sure he just forgot.

BRIAN takes the last sip of his beer. BRIAN

Alright man it looks like he’s not gonna show. I gotta head back to my place and get some things done before tonight. TONY Okay man sounds good. See you later and say hi to Jason for me. BRIAN I will.

TONY cleans up BRIAN’S table as he watches him exit the door.


BRIAN walks up Kirkwood, which is flooded with college kids getting ready to begin their night. As he approaches the top of the street, he recognizes a friend of his leaving another bar. JOE Brian, is that you? BRIAN

Yeah, hey Joe, what’s up - are you headed back to the dorms for the night?


Yeah man, the night wasn’t very exciting. But hey, I haven’t seen you or Jason in a while; what’ve you guys been up to? BRIAN Nothing really, I haven’t seen him at all today; he was supposed to meet me at Jakes for a drink ealier but never showed up. JOE Oh really? That’s strange, but here’s my dorm - if I talk to him I’ll let him know you’re looking for him. BRIAN Great, thanks a lot, I’ll see you tomorrow. JOE Later man.


When BRIAN gets home, he remembers that he is expecting an email from his Mom about when she is coming to visit. He logs onto the IU website as he does everyday when he checks his email. Instantly, a look of complete disgust and confusion spreads across his face. We see the IU website, which usually illustrates its beautiful campus, instead displaying a heinous picture of JASON, hanging from the monumental clock in the arboretum. At first BRIAN is frozen in his chair, unable to catch his breath. After realizing what he just witnessed, he grabs his phone to call 911.

911 RECIEVER 911 what’s your emergency? BRIAN He’s dead!! He’s gone!! 911 RECIEVER Sir, who’s dead? Where are you? BRIAN

Jason!! He’s hanging from a tree in the arboretum!!! 911 RECIEVER Okay sir, and what is your name? BRIAN Brian Green, I am – was – his best friend. 911 RECIEVER Okay Brian, I will send the police there right away. Please try to stay calm.

BRIAN slams down the phone and storms out of his room. 6 EXT. 10th STREET – NIGHT 6

We see BRIAN running out of the doors of his dorm and down 10th street. There are numerous people around him but he sees no one. He finally enters the arboretum and as he approaches the big red clock, he sees nothing. It looks the same way it does every day when BRIAN walks past it on his way to go to class. We again see a look of confusion on his face. About thirty seconds later, Bloomington PD arrive at the scene and begin an investigation. One of the officers approaches BRIAN, who is sitting on a bench. POLICE OFFICER #1

Excuse me sir, are you the one who made the emergency call? BRIAN

Yeah, that was me. I don’t know what happened. I don’t know where Jason is. POLICE OFFICER It looks like the killer cleaned up pretty nicely. I’ll tell you what, we will stay here all night and assess the perimeters. You go on home and get some rest and I will contact you as soon as we hear anything.

BRIAN nods his head and turns around to go back to his dorm. He hopes this is all a dream.


The next morning BRIAN wakes up and we see him walk over to his computer to check his email as he does every morning. He looks at the screen and is even more shocked to see another dead body plastered on the IU website. He cannot believe his eyes; the killer is at it again. He begins pacing around his room. BRIAN’S ROOMMATE What’s wrong man?

BRIAN does not answer. BRIAN’S ROOMMATE Dude, are you okay? BRIAN realizes that there is someone else in the room. BRIAN Uh, yeah, I’m cool. Don’t worry about it. BRIAN’S ROOMMATE Okay, whatever dude.

BRIAN sits back at his computer and thinks to himself that he needs to make it his own personal mission to find this killer and take him down! As BRIAN stares at the awful image in front of him, he sees that the slaying took place on the big hand architecture on Kirkwood Avenue. Immediately he abandons his dorm room to assess the crime scene.


We see BRIAN walking down Kirkwood and approaching the large hand. Consistent with his last encounter, it looks as if no crime has been committed. Almost everything is completely normal until Brian notices something familiar. He walks over to a wallet that he recognizes as Jason’s. Brian realizes that the killer must have dropped it when he was killing the other victim. BRIAN knows that the killer must be in the works of his next crime so he has to move quickly.


Brian sits at Jake’s sorting through all of his thoughts while looking at the crime scene pictures and contemplates his next plan of action. TONY Back for another? BRIAN No thanks Tony, I’m all set. TONY

Come on, have a beer – you look like hell – have a beer and relax. BRIAN Okay, I guess I could use a break. TONY Thatta boy – what’ll it be? BRIAN How have you not memorized my drink by now – we come here every week – Miller on draft TONY That’s right, how could I forget?

Tony reaches for the fountain. (crashhh!!)

BRIAN looks up from the photos. BRIAN What was that?

TONY Oh, nothing, just my stupid camera. Don’t worry about it. It’s no big deal.

BRIAN goes back to looking at the crime scene photos until he sees something odd. Under the counter where TONY swept up the camera pieces lay a bloody flannel shirt sticking out of the cabinet. TONY follows BRIAN’S gaze to the shirt and realizes BRIAN has seen what he has tried to hard to keep hidden. Instead of questioning what he has seen, BRIAN leaves his full beer on the bar and leaves.


BRIAN returns to his dorm room and lies in his attempting to put the pieces together. He realizes that the occurrences at the bar could not just be a coincidence. He quickly throws on a jacket and heads back to the bar. TONY works the late shift so he should be getting off work anytime now. He figures that he has no other leads so why not investigate the recent events at Jake’s bar.


BRIAN sits on boxes as he watches TONY close up Jakes Bar.


(thoughts) I wonder when Tony will be done locking up. It’s already been over an hour since they were supposed to be closed, should be any minute now.

TONY, whose putting the last bit away, says goodbye to his last two customers JOSH and RYAN.


Hey Tony were going to get out of here. We’ll see you tomorrow night for sure.


Okay, sounds good to me, I’m going to lock up and head home. It’s been a long night for me, I’ll see you guys tomorrow.

TONY locks up and leaves to head to his car. BRIAN watches his every movement to see what he is up to and if he is doing anything suspicious.

TONY (Thoughts) It’s about time those kids left. All they do is bother me. I hope to never see them again for some time. I can’t wait to get rid of this body.

TONY turns around in every direction to see if anyone is watching him or in the surrounding area. TONY doesn’t see anyone but BRIAN is still hidden watching his every move. He goes around to the back of his car and pulls out a big bag.

Brian (Thoughts) I wonder what he’s doing, I’m in a good spot so the last thing I want is for him to see me, if he is the person I think he is, that could be bad. OH MY! Is that? I think that’s a body.

BRIAN is in shock of what he sees, he sits down for a minute to clear his head, that image really shook him up but he shakes it off and begins to get a closer look to see what TONY is up to.

BRIAN (thoughts) Ok, calm down Brian. Make sure it’s a body. OH MY GOD! That’s Jason.

BRIAN is in shock of him seeing TONY take Jason’s dead body out of his trunk going to dispose it. BRIAN begins to get teary eyed and is very scared to do anything. His emotions build so intensely that he runs after TONY.

BRIAN TONY! How could u do that, how could you do something like that to your good friend and something so evil and cold, you have sick problems.

BRIAN gets in TONY’S face and swings at him hitting him across the face a couple times. TONY than gets up and throws BRIAN against a dumpster and starts punching BRIAN in the face and holds him up against the dumpster by his neck.

TONY Get out of my way Brian, if you mention this to anyone ill come find you and kill you and your family. This has nothing to do with you, Jason owed me a lot of money and this is what he gets for trying to get away with it, STAY AWAY!

TONY holds BRIAN up against a dumpster by his neck, hits him one last time in the face as hard as he can and knocks him out cold. BRIAN lays there on the floor of the back ally bloody and knocked unconscious.


BRIAN finally waking up, confused as to why he is in a hospital bed next to his mother and two police officers. His mother rushes over to his bedside when she realizes his eyes are open. MOTHER

Brian you’re awake! How are you feeling honey?


My head’s killing me – wait - what happened? Did you get Tony??? He’s the killer!! I saw Jason’s body! MOTHER Oh Brian the police came just in time - he could’ve killed you too! POLICE OFFICER #1 Yes son, you were very lucky we came when we did. BRIAN But how’d you know I was there? I didn’t tell anyone.

POLICE OFFICER #1 We actually didn’t. We’ve been following Tony for quite some time now. BRIAN Following Tony? Why? I don’t understand? POLICE OFFICER #1 Brian, Tonys one of the biggest drug dealers in Bloomington. He’s been providing all kinds of drugs to students at IU for years now. The night you were there was the night we were finally going to bust him. BRIAN Drug dealer? I never would’ve guessed. MOM Yes and I’m sure you never would’ve guessed that Jason had been buying drugs from Tony. BRIAN Jason? No he doesn’t do drugs. He’s my best friend I think I would know if he was doing drugs. POLICE OFFICER #1 Actually Brian, we have been following Tony and Jason’s transactions for a while. We just had to wait for the right time to bust him. BRIAN But what reason would he have to kill Jason? I mean he’s been giving him money for drugs. POLICE OFFICER #1 Well after we took you to the hospital we sat down with Tony to do an investigation. He actually came clean pretty quickly. I think he knew there was nothing he could say. BRIAN So what happened then? POLICE OFFICER #2

Well Brian, it looks like Jason has been buying drugs from Tony for about a year- BRIAN A year? How could I possibly not have known? POLICE OFFICER #2 You know, some drug addicts are very good about hiding their addiction. They can make it seem like there is no addiction at all to someone who wouldn’t know better. BRIAN But I was his best friend. I should have noticed something was wrong. MOM Brian you can’t blame yourself! Jason made this decision for himself. He is a grown man- POLICE OFFICER #1 -A grown man that put himself in a very dangerous position. He had been failing to pay Tony for the drugs for about three months. Tony got pissed and decided to fix the problem by killing the problem. Unfortunately that took your friends life. BRIAN But what about the other kid he killed? POLICE OFFICER #1 His name is Jay Goldstein. He owed Tony about $400. We are guessing he wanted to make an example out of your friend and Jay to his other clients that owed him a great deal of money. BRIAN I just can’t believe he’s gone. I’m so angry at him! Why would he do this to himself? Why wouldn’t he ask me for help?

BRIAN’S heart rate rises and a monitor begins beeping loudly. A nurse rushes in to attend to him.

NURSE I need you all to please wait outside. Brian is too weak to handle this stressful conversation. MOM Sweetheart, I will be right outside. Please try and relax sweetie.

BRIAN lay on his hospital bed, looking up into the blinding hospital light, contemplating how his life turned completely upside down in only three days.