Final Project Design Journal

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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Final Project Design Journal from Ka Lok Hui

Transcript of Final Project Design Journal

Concept from Deep Sea Diver

Image of Anxiety


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Your cells, all 100 trillion of them, have up to one million cell receptors surrounding each cell, on the cell membrane. These cell receptors change, depending on which chemicals they are exposed to.When I say chemicals, I’m not talking about pharmaceutical drugs. I’m talking about the chemicals your own body produces, as part of an emotional response.Anxiety is an emotion of fear. So when you feel anxious, your body prepares for danger. It prepares you to stay alert to danger. It puts you into the fight or flight response so you can survive when the danger comes.It also alters your thinking, making you dwell on fearful thoughts. All of this is designed to help you survive.

Understanding of Anxiety