Final preso

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Final preso

Split!Team Panorama

Kejia Xu, Shuo Chen, Yilin GuoEECS441 Final Preso: MVP2 & Data Preso

Dec 7, 2016

Elevator PitchFor students

who frequently split bills unevenly with friends

Split! provides easy & quick splitting

in 3 steps: scan, select, summary

Unlike existing bill splitting apps

Our product has clean UI & user-friendly functionalities

User Case

User Case

User Case


5 college students

All live with 3-5 roommates

All MVP #1 testers as well

User TestingFeatures Importance (1-5) Satisfaction (1-5)

Scan and Recognition 4.7 3.2 -> 4.3

Edit receipt details and contacts 4.1 3.5 -> 4.6

Generate and send summary 4.6 4.2 -> 4.4

User Comments

the accuracy improves

assign/deassign the current item to all people

panorama would be nice to have

Learnings MVP #2

Positive: Users appreciate more flexibility as well as simplicity

Negative: There are still a lot to work on

Is the App ready?Yes... but in beta version

Most functionalities are implemented and ready, yet there are still a lot that could be improved.

We're working to release the app to the Apple App Store in two weeks.

Key Learning

Size of idea isn't size of project