Final major project evaluation

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Final major project evaluation

Paige Ward IG4 Evaluation

Horror Alice In Wonderland Photography.

The first task I was given by my tutor (Iain) was

to produce a mind map which included different

media products such as music video, short film,

radio, advert and photography. From each media

product I thought of different ideas which I could

produce for my final major project. Then I chose

which media product I was going to produce for my

final major project which was Horror Alice in

Wonderland Photoshoot. I did some research on my

idea and looked at other photographers

photographs. For my research I produced a Power

Point which included setting, the characters, costumes, props and etc… I also made a pinterest account to

‘pin’ photographs I liked and wanted to relate my photographs to once I produced them. I also looked at

clips of the films off Youtube to see what scenes I liked best

and which scenes I wanted to relate my photographs to most, for

example ‘The Mad Hatters tea party.’ Once I had an exact idea

of what I was going to do and what techniques I was going to use

I had to produce a detailed proposal for my tutor to see, the

proposal included what media product I planning on producing,

synopsis of idea, target audience, target audience needs, How

will I meet their needs and what techniques I’m going to use.

Then I had to write a script on celtx which was no longer 3

minutes. The script included everything off

my proposal but in less detail, it was only

allowed to include the information needed,

once I finished completing my script I had to

pitch it to my tutor (Iain), next lesson he

told me the grade I achieved pitching my

idea and also if he approved which he did.

When I finished all the above tasks I knew

exactly what I was going to produce for my final major project, so I started to

complete detailed primary and secondary research. I produced the research using

PowerPoint, Mind genius and Prezi. I also analysed the book, film, photographers and

previous photographers work. Once I completed this I created a survey on survey

monkey to see what other people and my target audience thought of my ideas, creating

this survey gave me an insight of what my target audience would want to see in my

photographs and also how they’d like to see them presented. I finished all of my

research and planning so I had to start my pre-production. This included risk

assessments and location recognisance.

Time management and problem solving: I made a table which included exactly where and when my Photoshoots are, I had to think about when my

models will be free and when I can book a camera out. Before going on the day I also had to check the

weather and other things to make sure I could stick to my plans. I didn’t completely stick to this table

because I moved my Photoshoots around due to weather, models not being free. Also while I was producing

all of my work I had to keep up to date with my production diary, so I had to manage my time correctly and

remember to complete it after each task I completed.

My first Photoshoot was planned well and I managed my time correctly, the only problem I had was the

weather. Instead of sticking to the original time of the Photoshoot I told my models we’d go around 2

hours later if the rain stopped, which it did. I took around 100 photographs during my first Photoshoot, I

put a contact sheet of them into word and circled and analysed which photographs I was edit and why. I

Paige Ward IG4 Evaluation

Horror Alice In Wonderland Photography.

didn’t use all of my chosen photographs but I did use majority of them, I startedediting my photographs

using different techniques, I also shown my step-by-step editing on the PowerPoint I produced.

Production skills I have newly acquired and existing skills I have further developed:

During editing I developed on my Photoshop skills and I also looked at step-by-step edits online to follow

which helped me learn new skills. I also tried some new techniques while taking my photographs for

example ‘Depth of Field’, I think I achieved this and have taken some of my Photographs at professional

standards while using this Photography technique. The second Photoshoot I produced didn’t go aswell as my

first because I didn’t stick to my plan. I did get some photographs at professional standards though. The

longest I could book the photography studio for was 40 minutes, but because both of my models were

10/15 minutes late I only had around 20 minutes in the studio. I took around 60/70 photographs but I

didn’t like majority of them. I also tried retaking certain Photographs I’d taken in my first Photograph, for

some of my photographs this worked well and it also helped me see what setting the Photograph looked

better in. I did plan to do a third Photoshoot but I didn’t go forward and do it because I didn’t think I

needed to, I had around 200 Photographs at professional standards.

Technical quality of final product: From my edited Photographs I chose 7 Photographs for my Final Photographs, I edited each Photographs in

2/3 different ways to see how I liked them edited best. This helped me choose from certain photographs

because it was hard narrowing it down from 200 to 7 photographs. I also looked at which Photographs told

the story best and also shown that I kept to my original intentions for my Photoshoots. I made sure each

photograph was at professional standards and also made sure the photographs had good composition, I had

to crop some of the chosen photographs down to do this. The editing on all of my chosen photographs

wasn’t too complicated but I did try different things on each such as black and white edits, making my own

filters and slightly changing the colours for certain photographs, I had to make sure none of them were

over edited.

Paige Ward IG4 Evaluation

Horror Alice In Wonderland Photography.

Reaching your target audience:

Once I chose one of each edit from my final chosen Photographs and analysed them I uploaded them onto a

separate blog for when I’m sending out my next survey for my target audience to give me feedback on my

final photographs. This is my link to the blog I produced which only included my final photographs

I produced a questionnaire on to get my target audiences feedback here is the link to

my questionnaire: The first question I asked was ‘My target

audience is teens and young adults who like Photography, after looking at my blog do you think I’ve met the

needs of my target audiences?’ 14 people completed my questionnaire in total and all 14 of them said I did

meet my target audience’s needs. I also asked if they thought all of my Photographs are at professional

standards, I thought I achieved my Photographs at professional standards and all 14 of them also agreed.

Even though for some of my Photographs I used simple editing techniques 14 people out of my target

audience said I used good editing techniques. The fourth question I asked was ‘Do you think my

Photographs tell a story?’ all 14 said my Photographs did tell a story, I also added a comment box which

asking which Photographs they thought told a story, the main Photograph people have chosen is the one

where the Rabbit is Chasing Alice over the field. Two people also said that all of my Photographs tell a

story. This print screen shows some of their chosen Photographs.

The last question I asked was if I could have presented my photograph in a better way, this was the main

question I was going to take the feedback off because I wasn’t sure I liked how I presented the

Photographs and did think I could have done it in a better way. 11 people said there wasn’t a better way to

present my Photographs and the other 3 said I there is a better way and also commented their opinions in

the comment box. This print screen shows all 3 comments.

Creating this survey helped me get feedback on my photographs and also shown me that I achieved my

target audience’s needs. The questions also gave me an insight on which photograph they preferred and

also how they would like my Photographs to be presented. The only reason I didn’t change how they’re

presented is because majority of the people who completed my questionnaire said it couldn’t be presented

in a different way but the 3 comments did make me think about different ways to present it.

How closely your final product matches your original intentions:

I didn’t completely stick to the same idea I originally had on my final major project proposal, I stuck to it

as much as I could. Even though I was 100% sure on my idea and knew exactly what I wanted I change some

of my ideas from the feedback I got on my questionnaires and also the feedback from the tutor and other

students in my class. I am pleased with my overall result of photographs and I am glad I didn’t completely

stick to my original ideas.

Paige Ward IG4 Evaluation

Horror Alice In Wonderland Photography.

Summary conclusion: If I were to do this assignment again I would stick to the same idea’s but I’d think more about my time

management because all three planned Photoshoots didn’t go to plan because the first was 2/3 hours later

than planned, the second was around 1/2 weeks later than planned and the last didn’t even go ahead. I

spent majority of my time editing which was good but I think I should have spent some more time taking

Photographs. Also if I were to do it again I would do some surrealism editing, I did put it into my

techniques on my proposal but I didn’t edit any of my Photographs this way because it didn’t work with the

ones I tried. I like my final collection of Photographs and I think I completed this assignment at

professional standards and met all of my target audience’s needs.