Final Conference Salzburg, October 23, 2015 Final Conference Salzburg, October 23, 2015 Inclusive...

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Transcript of Final Conference Salzburg, October 23, 2015 Final Conference Salzburg, October 23, 2015 Inclusive...

Final Conference Salzburg, October 23, 2015

Inclusive Vocational Education and Specialized Tailor-made


A Leonardo Da Vinci-project EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for

Persons with Disabilities)


The background for the Investt project


Since the Salamanca Statement of 1994 and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2008), there has been a political aim within the EU countries that all children and adults with disabilities are given the same right to inclusive education as everyone else.

Investt focus on the vocational education system.


Four vocational schools in Europa, are collaborating on the development of new approaches in inclusive VET programmes, in collaboration with local/national service providers and researchers.



«How to come to a universal design in the learning environment in order to include

persons with disabilities in the mainstream vocational education system, helping them to

achieve the same qualifications as other students, and to improve their transition from

school to open labour market.»



The strategy; based on existing national policy documents and educational research, help professionals in their own VET context, to develop ...

Innovative teaching programmes; in project schools, reflecting inclusive education, universal design and reasonable accommodations, … (and to) …

Improve cooperation within Europe; different systems – common challenges.

Project structure

Partners: EASPD: lead partner (P1)Belgium: (P2, P3, P4)Austria/Germany: (P5, P6, P7, P14)Slovenia: (P8, P9, P10)Norway: (P11, P12, P13)



at the SOB in Salzburg (a Caritas school)

What does SOB mean?

• German: Schule für SOzialBetreuungsberufe (School for „jobs in social assistance)

• Dual system, implies– Education and training in school (50%), and – Education and training in workplaces (50%)

• Educational 9

INVESTT – Aims of the project in Salzburg

– Provide a training for disabled people in the field of social care, which enables them to work in the first (open) job-market

– Fulfil the task of Caritas (school owner): give every person a chance– Make our school more „inclusive“ in general– Build a network with potential employers 10 11

Education and training in school • Not all students can be included in the field

of social care!• Make a good selection-assessment before

you start the training.• It takes time to build a foundation of trust

between teachers and students; this foundation of trust is VERY important in order to face/to talk about the individual problems

• Team-teaching is an important factor of success!

• Deepening lessons are a ‘must’ in the curriculum.

• Shape your school-profile.

Major results from the projectEducation and training in work places• Internships are challenging! The students’

individual potentials to cope with stress and pressure are very different.

• Involve the mentors from the internships as soon as possible.

• Provide constant mentoring during the internship by a teacher and also special guidance/mentoring in the training place.

• Objectives of the internship must be well determined. Additionally, they need to be explained in advance and in easy language.


( D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 2 – N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 5 )

Annemie Jennes, VVKBuOMarleen Clissen, KU Leuven

Armand De Lepeleire, directeur ScheppersinstituutJurgen Willems, zorgcoördinator 3e graad Scheppersinstituut

Rik Van de Sompel, coördinator 1e graad Scheppersinstituut

KIND OF SCHOOL Technical 703 Vocational

477 Girls 48 Boys 1132

BRANCHES Industrial 922 Gardening 148 Scientific 110

Scheppers Wetteren Belgium

QUESTION: • How to include SEN-pupils maximally


National Project Belgium

Exams, tasks and/or tests Earlier• Text for exam reading for all pupils (RA only SEN-students)• Uniform lay-out (tasks, tests, exams) (RA only SEN students)• Uniform font Verdana (Good for dyslectics)• Questions read to all pupils of the first form (only first exam period) (RA only specific SEN-students)• More time for all pupils (RA only SEN-students)• Prototypical questions on the subject matter for all vocational pupils (RA only SEN-students)

Other• Visual step plans• Digital diary / school journal• Timetimer for all vocational 1st formers (to visualise time consciousness)• Visualising General Integrated Project = thesis• Correction keys + notes on digital learning platform• Using subtitles whenever possible …


Approach of teachers• Core group of 40 (involved in project)• The other 120 are to be involved in the next school years• Now they are looking into each other’s evaluation• PLC’s (professional learning community)


Inclusive vocational education and training at Gand Upper Secondary School

Main goal of the project

• Qualify as many students as possible for Training contract (apprenticeship at a lower level)

... or sometimes when possible …• Regular Apprenticeship contract

(same as for regular students)

Our most important question: How far can each student reach?

• Some students participate in ordinary classes in some subjects.

• Some student will earn grades in some subjects.

• Some students are transferred to ordinary classes as fulltime student

• Vocational Training Certificate to every students, documenting basic competence

Building and Construction programme

• The teachers know the local labour market and have important contacts

• The teachers works with the students «in the real life» where the students also are being socialised into the culture for building construction - «how to behave, what to expect….»

• Courses and activities together with regular students

• Competence goals are the same as for regular students – but at a lower level of achievement – variation within the group

• The teachers work very close with the students and the students receives feedback on regular basis – Apprenticeship! Positive focus

• Math is about measuring, counting and calculating at the work place when the students needs it – not in the classroom.

Results, Building and Construction

Results in the Building Construction section (14 students)

Regular work 5

Regular Apprentice or Training Contract (lower level) 1

Continue in school (Extended Work Practice) 6

No information 2

Healthcare, Childhood and Youth programme

Key qualifications for working as a care assistant or preschool-assistantRESPECT, TOLERANCE, ability to give care, empathy, ability to cooperate, responsibility for themselves and others and ability to provide security.

The students gets into the labour market and tries different jobs. The students learn the ability to give care at the job.

Results at the Healthcare, Childhood and Youth programme

Results in the Healthcare, Childhood and Youth section (7 students)

Regular work 2

Regular Apprenticeship or Training Contract (lower level) 1

Continue in school (Extended Work Practice)Transferred to regular classes


No information 0

Service provider: CUDV Draga, Ig

Researcher: IRSSV, Ljubljana School: Ekonomska šola Celje,


Slovenian partners:

Grammar and Secondary School: - Grammar School of Economics - Secondary Vocational and Technical School

Ekonomska šola Celje (Celje School of


to raise awareness regarding SEN students and their needs among teachers and other students

to turn as much reasonable accommodation as possible into universal design

to help SEN students in their transition to labour market

INVESTT project aims

a very successful awareness rising process

improved universal design transition of SEN students to labour

market in cooperation with Racio d.o.o. but without major progress due to legislation

INVESTT results