Final Classroom Management Plan

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Final Classroom Management Plan

7th and 8th Grade Science Classroom Management Plan


!Kirsten Dale!




–Edwin Powell Hubble

“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science” !

Statement of PurposeTogether we will collectively build a community of learners and

respect will be its foundation. Our classroom will be a welcoming, safe, and positive environment which promotes

learning and values individuality, collaboration, and creativity. We will strive for personal and academic success as individuals

and collectively as a group.

ExpectationsRespect one another, your teacher, and school materials

!Be at your desk and ready before class starts with your book,

writing material, and a pencil !

Follow teacher directions the first time they are given !

Keep your cell phones on silent and use them outside of class time

!Food and drink are to remain

outside of the lab area

ProceduresBefore Class: • I will write up assignments and other important items on the board !!• I will make sure all my materials are prepared before class starts -ex: videoclips preloaded on the computer or slideshows opened and ready to play with the projector plugged in !

Beginning of Class Before the Bell Rings: • I will greet each of you with a handshake at the door !•Put homework in an assignment tray !•Take a seat and have your books and writing material out

ProceduresDuring Class: • If you are late, place your tardy slip on my desk and quietly take a seat !•Raise your hand if you are answering a question or have something you would like to share or ask. !• I will incorporate at least one activity which is worked in groups !•Quietly grab the hall pass hanging by the door if you need to use the bathroom !!Wrapping up Class: •The last few minutes will be allotted for review and questions, though questions are always encouraged !• I will close the class with a daily “mind-blowing science fact” -ex: horned lizards shoot blood from their eyes as a defense mechanism

ProceduresDuring Tests: •Place your backpack in the back of the classroom with everything in it including your phone that is turned off !•Have only a pencil and eraser at your desk, unless additional items are allowed, such as a calculator !• If your phone is out during a test, then I will assume it is being used to cheat !•Cheating of any sort will earn you a suspension -Ex: Looking at your classmates answers

Negative Consequences

•Verbal reminders of rule they are breaking !•Recess or lunch detention !!•Call home to parents !•Send the student to the principals office

Positive Consequences

•Verbal praise to individuals and groups !•Tangible awards can be given, such as funny science pens or stickers -ex: “Geology Rocks” stickers !!•A large group award for a good test performance could be a class which they can watch a documentary that is still relevant to recent coursework

-ex: They can watch the Insects episode of BBC Life if they have just finished a segment in entomology

Action PlanDevelop a Toolkit: I will use a powerpoint presentation and printed version of my classroom management plan. There will also be three posters hung throughout the room; our class purpose statement, the classroom rules, and a reminder of the general consequences in their logical order. I will make phone calls home or send e-mails to the parents to inform them of their students behavior. !Teach the Plan to Students: I will deliver my classroom management plan powerpoint presentation on the first day of class and also hand out a printed version of it to each student. !Share the Plan: I will first review my classroom management plan with the principal. Once I have received my class roster, I will e-mail it to parents along with an introduction. !Review the Plan: the class will review the classroom management plan after large breaks and a new quarter and decide of any changes are necessary.

Crisis PlanA crisis plan is, “a set of strategies for obtaining immediate assistance in the

event of severe behavioral situations, such as when a student is out of control, potentially self-injurious, or possibly harmful to others”

(Classroom management, part 2) !!!!• I will send a student to the office to tell them we have a crisis !

•Everyone else will go to the class next door and I will remain with the student in crisis !

• I will get the rest of the students when the situation is over to return to the class and will contact their parents !• I plan on contacting their parents at the end of the day, but will first console with the principal on school guidelines


Classroom management (part 1): Learning the components of a comprehensive behavior management plan. The Iris Center. Retrieved from !Classroom management (part 2): Developing Your Own Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan. The Iris Center. Retrieved from !Classroom management and behavioral strategies for secondary teachers. Questar III. Retrieved from !Levin, J., & Nolan, J.F. (2014). Principles of classroom management: A professional decision-making model. (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. !Lenz, B. (2007). A Community of Learners: Building a Supportive Learning Environment. Edutopia. Retrieved from !