Filming & Editing Updates

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Transcript of Filming & Editing Updates


The Ruin’s Mist Seyi Odusoga

FILMING – DAY 1 3rd December 2015 We had taken shots of the classroom scene on this day. We had filmed the close up shots of Rayne on this day, and the mid shot of the classroom, where the children were running around with Rayne in the background.

We thought we would have needed extra lighting to make it high key, however the lighting was already quite bright in that classroom so there was no need for extra equipment, with the assistance of Movie Studio Platinum, I was able to make it even brighter.

A problem while filming this was consistency. We had taken the establishing shot of the classroom, however it got deleted, so we had to create room for a second time to film.

Some of the shots taken and used in the film on Day 1

FILMING – DAY 2 10th December 2015 We filmed two different scenes on the second day of filming, this was the bedroom scene and the retaken shots of the classroom scene. We split the day into two and gave a scene to each time of the day. In the afternoon, we shot the classroom scene, while in the evening, we shot the bedroom scene.

Even though the concept of the bedroom scene is meant to be set in the morning to signify a school morning, we did it in the evening because as long as the blinds for the windows are closed, no one can see the time of day. Some of the shots are meant to be dark because of the emotion of the characters anyways. The use of extra lighting assisted us in the establishment of the time of day, however it also came to our disadvantage because in some areas, the lighting equipment was in the shot, or there would be unattractive shadows. So we scrapped the footage and rescheduled for another day.

One of the problems being consistency occurred a lot when filming, but were easily dealt with. there was an issue in brining in the same actors from the first shooting; there were no male actors on the second day so I fixed it by filming from certain angles and using editing to create a lagging effect to show that with time they moved away from the girls, and by fixing the sounds to seem as if they were there. We also had to make Rayne look the same as the first day of filming, which was quite difficult. Luckily, on the second day of filming, the classroom looked the same.

We also added a new shot of the gossiping girls, however forgot the extreme close up shot and establishing shot for the bedroom scene, so we had to schedule for a new day to film them.

Added classroom shot taken on day 2.

The light was in the shot and the location of the source of light was obvious, so this shot was scrapped.

FILMING – DAY 3 11th December 2015 On this day, we had shot the woods scene. We were unable to go to the woods in Lincolnshire because of safety issues and parental consent for our younger actress, so we filmed it in the garden (just like how ‘Titanic’ was shot in a swimming pool, rather than a real ocean).

This was difficult because even though we started filming it at 4pm it was already getting dark that time of day, so we had to rush filming so that the video is clear and still makes it clear to the audience that the time of day we had in mind was early evening/late afternoon. Another problem we came across was trying to get the view of the school, greenhouse, cars and nearby house.

Filming that day was very difficult according to safety, the ground was a bit muddy and slippery and twigs were obstructing the path most of the time. We also wanted to bring extra lighting outside, until we noticed there was no outlet to plug in the lights.

Some frames remained unused because of irregular obstructions which do not usually belong in forests.

It got dark very quickly

FILMING – DAY 4 15th December 2015 This day we reshot the bedroom scene. This was because the shots taken in Day 2 had too many mistakes which could not be covered up.

Too avoid repetition of the same errors, we changed the lighting equipment and placed it in a different area. Doing this, we created more tasteful looking shadows on the wall as they laughed. However we had too rush the scene because the light we used started to create a burning scent, and to be safe we had to quickly finish filming. The room was also getting rather hot because of the light, so the actresses were getting uncomfortable.

While filming, I noticed I had a dustbin in the shot. Normally, I would have filmed the shot again in order to avoid the dustbin being in the shot, but it later occurred to me that I can use it to my advantage in a way that it can help me establish Rayne’s social class.

We encountered a new problem when filming, we noticed the characters do not look the same as before, so in order to keep consistency I had to scrap the old footage and create a new one that day, so unfortunately, filming went longer than expected. For example: the actress playing Rayne had a cold during the retakes of the bedroom scene and the actress playing her grandmother was wearing a completely different outfit during the retakes. Rayne was wearing leggings under her school uniform which was not appropriate for her role, and we didn’t have time for her to change, so when shooting the mid/two-shot I avoided the legs, but before we shot the establishing shot (where her legs had to show) I filmed her putting her school blazer over her knees to cover the leggings. This way we kept consistency.

Footage taken on Day 2

Footage taken on Day 4

EDITING – FOOTAGE We had arranged the frames in Movie Studio Platinum and used different transitions to piece them together. We had added effects and filters/brightness to the footage to edit mistakes and create the atmosphere in mind. This took 3 weeks to perfect.

From the raw footage into an edited production. I had added brightness and trimmed the frame.

EDITING – TITLING The first bit of editing we had done was use Photoshop to create the production studio logo, film title, and the titling – this took 2 days to finalise and complete.

How all the titles were made with Photoshop.

EDITING – MUSIC & SOUNDThe sounds were edited in areas where it was either too loud, or something was said when not meant to be said, or where sounds did not blend in with each other, or extraneous noises interfered. The frames where the non-diegetic sounds were muted were overpowered by the diegetic music I edited in. I put in 4 different tracks of diegetic music; one for the production studio music, one for bedroom and classroom scene, the sound of the school bell, and the last being the music after Rayne put on the ring.

Contolling the diegetic and non-digetic sounds, with ‘fade in and out’,’ ‘gain,’ and increase and reductions in volume. The non diegetic music are the last 3 rows while the others are diegetic.