Film similar to ours

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Film similar to ours

Blind Dating film

This film is called ‘Blind Dating’ which is about a man who goes on a number of dates to try and find

his ideal girl but his problem is that he is blind, this causes his dates to go wrong and harder for him

to find a nice loving woman.

This film is very different to our film due to the fact that this man is blind and he can’t see his actual

dates or what is going on around him. In some aspects this film is very similar to our film though as

he is looking for the perfect girl to go on a date with, which will hopefully, go further and turn into

an actual relationship. This is exactly what Mia is looking for when she is trying different dates too.

Also, in ‘Blind Dating’ it shows the disaster dates that the main character has and shows the different

stereotypes and personalities that the dates have, just like in our film where we show the flashbacks

of the dates gone wrong with Mia.