Film Poster Research

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Film Poster Research

Film Poster Research

We decided to research some other film posters from various genres so that we could see what sort of details were included.

This is the film poster for the film Titanic.

It includes the two main actors as well as a symbolic image from the film – the Titanic ship itself. It also includes the title of the film.

The poster is very basic and this emphasizes the seriousness of the film.

This film poster has all of the main actors on the front as well as their names. All of the actors are holding something that is relevant and significant to their character and their involvement in the film.

Also included in this poster is the title of the film and a slogan. At the bottom of the poster there are also some credits.

This film poster also includes a character on the front but rather than being the main protagonist, it is the evil character instead. She is the main focus of the poster and the only colour seen is her coat. Overall, the poster is very dark and reflects the genre.

The film title is included on the poster as well as a slogan and some credits.

This poster includes both of the main characters but has them in different colours to highlight the differences between them. The poster, overall, is very basic and does not include much imagery. Both of the characters are smoking but one cigarette is facing up and one is facing downwards. This further emphasises the differences between the characters.

The poster also includes the main title of the film and some of the actor’s names.

This poster is very basic and includes only the actors’ names, the film title and a photograph of the main actors together.

In the poster you can see the differences between the two characters because of their costumes.