Film poster annotation

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Film poster annotation

The masthead says the name of the movie that the poster is promoting. The font used for the masthead is simple, big and bold so that it stands out and its eye catching. The colours used are pink and red to co notate love. On the word “step” the letters change from red to pink. It co notates that the two step sisters are different from each other.

The full bleed shows the three main characters/actors. The full bleed shows that there are two girls in either side of one boy. The two girls are step sisters. It’s kind of like they’re doing tug of war but they are fighting to get the boy in the middle. The full bleed is in the middle of the movie poster and is big so that people can see who is involved in the movie.

Both the step sisters are wearing white. White co notates peace and because they are both wearing white, it co notates that they are both step sisters because they’re wearing the same colour. They both lived different lives before they became step sisters so the character on the left is wearing dungarees, cowboy boots and a hat. This co notates that she is from the country. The character on the left is wearing a dress, heels and sunglasses. This co notates that she is from the city. The character in the middle is wearing pink. Pink co notates love.

The facial expressions for the step sisters show that they look angry and determined because they are fighting over the boy in the middle. The character in the middle’s facial expressions show that he looks puzzled because two step sisters are fighting over him.

The body language of the characters show the two step sisters on either side of the character in the middle. They are both trying to full back. The character in the middle’s body language show that he is being pulled by the other two characters. The body language of the three characters show that it’s like a game of tug of war but instead of trying to get the rope, it’s a boy that the two characters are fighting over.

This movie stars three actors. The three actors are Vanessa Wanner, Sam Baker and Yusra Ali. All of their names are written on their section of the poster. The font used is very simple and bold. The first name is written in capital letters and the surnames are written in lower case so that their first names stands out more. The colours used for their names are different to show their personalities. Vanessa’s is green . Green co notates country. Sam’s is white which co notates peace; and Yusra’s is pink which co notates that she’s a girly girl.

The background is separated into 3 different sections. The first section is located in a farm because that is where Vanessa’s character is from. The second section is blank with a pink background. Pink co notates love so it shows that Sam’s character is in love. The last section is located in the city. It is located in the city because Yusra’s character is from there.

The main colour used is pink because pink co notates love. It is mostly used in the writing.

The target audience for this film poster is aimed at girls who are 12 or over. People looking at the film poster will know it is aimed for 12 or older because of the film certificate on the left of the film poster. It is aimed at girls because it is a romantic comedy and it is mostly girls who enjoy watching this type of genre.

The institutions is located underneath the tagline. It shows people who are involved in the movie like the director, producer ect. It shows that the film is from Haydon films. The font used is simple with drop shadow. It is white so that it stands out more.

The star rating is located in the middle of the film poster so that people can see it clearly. It shows that the movie is rated 5 stars. It has a review at the bottom of it from OK magazine to show people how good the movie is. OK magazine is popular so people will be more interested in it.

The tagline is located underneath the masthead. The font used is simple and pink. Pink co notates love. The tagline gives the audience an idea about what the movie is about. The language used is not too formal so it is easy to understand.

Sam plays the role as the love interest. People know this because he is in the middle and the two step sisters are fighting over him.

The release date is located underneath the tagline. It is released on valentines day because most couples would watch this movie on the day because it is a romance/comedy so guys wouldn’t mind watching it because it is funny. The font is simple and white so it stands out.