Film Poster Analysis

Post on 27-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Film Poster Analysis

The colour scheme of this poster is eye-catching to the audience. The green background conveys jealousy and the purple tinges could indicate the bruises inflicted from fighting.

The art style of the two main characters looks like they have been slightly cartoonised to give this poster a more sophisticated feel. The poster has a sheen to it reflecting its urban nature

The names of the actors are written in very small simplistic font. The fact they have only used the surnames shows that these actors are well known enough to be referred to by just their surnames. However, this is contrasted by the small font, meaning the emphasis is meant to be on the character’s faces.

The use of cigarette’s is typical of a film with an urban setting and is used to make the characters more intimidating.

The title ‘Fight Club’ looks like it has been written with paint fitting with the drawn art style of the poster

This is a fan made poster and shows the quality that can be produced from a third party. Therefore, as a group we must aim to create the best poster possible

The tagline that this film is part of a trilogy is used to attract the attention of those who may have been fans of the books. (Cross media convergence)

The poster chooses to use the faces of the two main characters in the film. Rooney Mara as Lisbeth is viewed from a side angle almost like she does not want to be seen looking at Daniel Craig.

The black and white filter on this poster gives it a traditional feel. This could match the genre of noir that we are trying to emulate ourselves.

The text is very simplistic and has not been coloured to try and attract attention. The font matches a fantasy or crime genre showing the importance of knowing your genre.

The text is very simplistic and has not been coloured to try and attract attention. The font matches a fantasy or crime genre showing the importance of knowing your genre.

This poster is very simple and with the plain background that sometimes less is more. Therefore, we could do something similar as a group using Mark and Rosette to symbolise their relationship. Although the black and white may not work as we are making a neo-noir and not classic noir potentially confusing the genre.